Integrating With a Third-Party Surgical Resource Software Application

This chapter provides an overview of surgical resource software (SRS) applications and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding SRS Applications

SRS applications:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Assumptions of an SRS Application Integration

The SRS application integration is based on the following assumptions:

See Also

Replenishing Par Locations

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Items and Par Locations for an SRS Application Integration

All item and par location data is set up and maintained in the PeopleSoft system. However, a successful integration with an SRS application depends on understanding how the SRS application uses the fields that you define in the PeopleSoft system.

A charge code and usage tracking method (charge type) are required fields for every par location item that is used with an SRS application. Because the SRS application passes patient usage directly to a patient billing system, these two pieces of information are vital. Both of these fields are a part of the par location definition created in the Par Location Definition component, and they are included in the par location EIP transactions that PeopleSoft Inventory sends to the SRS application.

When you define a par location in PeopleSoft Inventory, the par location ID appears by default in the location field. For the SRS application integration, it is imperative that you do not overwrite this default value. When direct purchase requests are passed to PeopleSoft Purchasing through the Purchase Order Requisition EIP (PURCHASE_REQUISITION_LOAD service operation), the par location ID is used as the location.

See Also

Tracking Material Usage

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Chunking to Streamline SRS Application Integration Processes

You can use PeopleSoft chunking methodology to reduce the volume of outbound data sent by the EIP. Chunking enables you to segment the data by business unit and location or par location and to define which nodes receive the specific information. This functionality is useful if only some of the subscribing nodes need to receive the data published by all departments. For example, you can set up your processes so that business units and locations that exist as subscribers in third-party systems receive only the data that are specifically published for them according to the chunking rules and node maps that you implement.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Setting Up Chunking

Click to jump to parent topicCreating RTVs for Surgical Resource Par Location Items

A PeopleSoft Purchasing return to vendor (RTV) should be created if an incorrect item is delivered for replenishing a surgical resource par location. This mistake is usually discovered at the main loading dock of the healthcare facility. However, if the item has already been received into PeopleSoft Purchasing, a transaction will have already been published by the EIP to the SRS application. In this case, the surgical resource par location never receives the shipment and the system never fills the transaction from the PO Receipt Notification EIP issued for that item.

See Also

Managing Vendor Returns

Click to jump to parent topicImplementing an SRS Application Integration

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Par Location Data for the SRS Application and the PeopleSoft System

This section describes the procedures and application functions used to maintain par location data in PeopleSoft Inventory and the SRS application.

To maintain par location data in PeopleSoft and the SRS application:

  1. Create surgical resource par locations in PeopleSoft Inventory.

    Define the operating room resource locations as par locations in PeopleSoft Inventory using the Par Location Definition component. All item and par location data is set up and maintained in the PeopleSoft system.

  2. Run the Full Data Publish process to initially populate the SRS application with item data.

    Use the Full Data Publish process to publish a full-data replication of the par locations for the initial implementation using the PAR_LOCATION_FULL_SYNC service operation (EIP) in PeopleSoft Integration Broker. This process should be run once the par locations are defined. You use this service operation to initially populate the SRS application with par location item data.

  3. Save changes to the Par Location Definition component to update the SRS application.

    All subsequent changes saved to the Par Location Definition component for existing par locations are sent to the SRS application in partial-data replication EIP (PAR_LOCATION_SYNC service operation) using the Par Location Definition EIP. These partial-data replications are published when saving the Par Location Definition component to keep the SRS application current with ongoing PeopleSoft Inventory par location definition and item changes.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStocking Case Carts From a Surgical Resource Par Location

This section describes the tasks performed to stock a case cart in an integration of a PeopleSoft system and a third-party SRS application.

To stock a case cart for a procedure:

  1. Schedule the surgical procedure in the SRS application.

    Typically, the operating room (OR) nurse or assistant schedules a procedure in the SRS application and defines a case cart of the required supplies for the procedure by using the preference cards defined for a physician or surgeon.

  2. Run the material requisition process in the SRS application to source supplies required for upcoming procedures in PeopleSoft.

    Several days before the procedure, a materials requisition process in the SRS application identifies all of the items needed for the procedure. For the required items with on-hand quantity below par, the SRS application publishes data containing the required quantities needed for the procedure.

    PeopleSoft Purchasing subscribes to this data using the Purchase Order Requisition EIP. This service operation provides the PeopleSoft system with the information to enable the direct purchase of miscellaneous items needed for a particular procedure. This information includes the item ID, requested quantity, unit of measure, location (that is, the SRS storage location and PeopleSoft par location), due date (the procedure date), and case ID. The case ID is for trace purposes, and it is stored in the Description field (DESCR254) in the Comments table (PO_RQLD_CMT_SEG) in the EIP.

    The data is inserted into the PeopleSoft Purchasing requisition staging tables (PO_REQLOAD_RQST and PO_REQLOAD_CMT). The Purchasing Requisition Loader process (PO_REQLOAD) picks up the staged requisitions and inserts those with no data errors into the PeopleSoft Purchasing requisition tables for sourcing.

    If the Purchasing Requisition Loader process discovers errors in the data (such as data type inconsistency), the entire transaction is rejected. If there are application errors, the data is inserted and you can use the error-correction page to correct the data.

    Requests for non-stock items that have been staged to the PeopleSoft system are designated as processed in the SRS application. If the material requisitioning process is run again before the procedure is performed, requisitions for items below par are not duplicated. However, if additional quantities of requested items are required or if new items are needed, a new requisition transaction is published and staged to PeopleSoft Purchasing.

    If the original requisition quantity is decreased or canceled in the SRS application, the OR nurse or assistant can produce a cancellation report using the SRS application. This report identifying the canceled stock quantities can be sent to the materials management director, who can manually update the PeopleSoft system with the required changes. This might include canceling a requisition or modifying the requested quantity. If the vendor has already shipped the order or if the order has been received, it might require a return-to-vendor transaction.

    To facilitate finding the purchase order associated with the procedure that was canceled, the case ID is passed on in the data exchanged in the Purchase Order Requisition EIP.

    Based on setID, vendor priority, and item attributes, PeopleSoft Purchasing sources the requested item using the PeopleSoft Purchasing distribution network, and it creates purchase orders for stockless items as well as material stock requests in PeopleSoft Inventory for stock items if the stock is available.

  3. Receive and deliver the requested stock quantities to the surgical resource location.

    Non-stock and stockless items are received using components in PeopleSoft Purchasing and delivered to the surgical resource location that generated the request for the item. Stock items are issued to the surgical resource par location from PeopleSoft Inventory.

  4. At the surgical resource location, pick materials required for the case cart.

    The day before the procedure, the OR nurse or assistant generates a pick list using the SRS application. The pick list is used at the surgical resource par location to retrieve the materials required to stock the case cart for the procedure.

    Depending on internal rules and regulations, material that is not consumed from the case cart can be returned to the surgical resource par location, where it can be picked for another procedure.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Changing, Canceling, and Holding Orders

Creating Online Orders Using Express Issue in PeopleSoft Inventory

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Item Replenishment Data in the SRS Application and the PeopleSoft System

Here’s how to manage item replenishment data in the SRS application and the PeopleSoft system:

  1. Use the SRS application to track material usage and on-hand quantity adjustments for the surgical resource par location.

    After a procedure, the OR nurse or assistant records consumer material usage in the SRS application and adjusts par on-hand quantities for applicable surgical resource par locations.

  2. Use the SRS application to publish on-hand par location count data to PeopleSoft Inventory using the Par Location Count EIP.

    This publish occurs at user-requested intervals from the SRS application to provide the PeopleSoft system with current on-hand quantities for each item in the surgical resource par locations.

  3. Use PeopleSoft Inventory to subscribe to the on-hand par location count data from the SRS application.

    PeopleSoft Inventory subscribes to this data using the Par Location Count EIP. Once the data is received, the PeopleSoft system updates the par location count tables and the par location count information is ready to be processed using the Create Par Replenishment Requests process.

    Note. Any existing SRS application-based replenishment processes are not used in this integration.

  4. Run the Create Par Replenishment Requests process in PeopleSoft Inventory.

    The Create Par Replenishment Requests process takes each par location count and replenishes those items that fall below the par level identified for the item on the Par Location Definition - Line page. A purchase order, requisition, or material stock request is created in the PeopleSoft system to replenish the stock to par levels.

  5. Deplete the material stock requests created to replenish a surgical resource par location.

    For material stock requests that have issued stock from inventory to the par location and have been depleted, the Internal Location Expected Receipt EIP publishes a transaction to the SRS application by using the IN_PUB_MSG Application Engine process.

  6. Receive direct-purchase items with the PeopleSoft Purchasing Receiving component.

    Receiving material against a purchase order in the PeopleSoft Purchasing Receiving component triggers the publication of a transaction to the SRS application using the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP. This service operation identifies all direct-purchase items and quantities that have been received and are delivered to specified locations. The Receipt Push process (RECVPUSH) loads the stage table (RECV_PUSH_NTFY). If a chunking rule for the service operation and publish rule exists in the publish rule definition table (EO_MSGPUBDEFN), then the system creates staging records for only those par location receipt transactions that have the par location defined in the Par Location Chunking table (IN_BU_PAR_EOC). If a chunking rule does not exist, then staging records are created for all par location receipt transactions. Once the stage table is loaded, it calls the program that in turn publishes the receipt notification data.

See Also

Replenishing Par Locations

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRestocking a Surgical Resource Par Location

This section describes the typical procedure used to physically restock a surgical resource par location.

To physically restock a surgical resource par location:

  1. Generate the appropriate reports for the material being restocked at the surgical resource par location.

    For item issues out of inventory, the IN Shipping Document (inventory shipping document) report (INC6503) can be requested to accompany the delivery of the stock items to the surgical resource par location. For purchased items, a Receiver Delivery report (POY5030) can be generated to accompany the stockless and non-stock items to the par location. This report, along with the service operation acknowledgment of the items sent, ensures that the par locations are updated with the correct quantities.

  2. Compare expected receipts against actual receipts and record discrepancies.

    When restocking a surgical resource location, verify that the quantity delivered to the location is the same as the quantity expected. If the actual quantity received is different from the expected quantity, record the variation on the report.

  3. Manually restock the surgical resource par location’s bin or compartment with the received stock.

    Refill the bins or compartments in the surgical resource location with the received stock.

  4. Complete the restocking event in the SRS application.

    The final step of the restocking event takes place in the third-party SRS application. Typically, the person restocking the surgical resource par location updates the SRS application with the actual received quantities that are used to restock the bins or compartments in the surgical resource par location.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing SRS Application EIPs

Five EIPs are used to exchange data between PeopleSoft Inventory and an SRS application. This section discusses the data flow and provides cross-references to information about the functional role and features of the following EIPs:

Data Flow Between the PeopleSoft System and the SRS Application

The following diagram illustrates the data flow in an SRS application integration:

SRS application integration with a PeopleSoft system

SRS Application EIPs

This table provides cross-references to information about the functional role and features of the SRS service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Enterprise Integration Point


Par Location EIP (Outbound)

See Implementing an SRS Application Integration.

Par Location Count EIP (Inbound)

See Implementing an SRS Application Integration.

Purchase Order Requisition EIP (Inbound)

See Implementing an SRS Application Integration.

Internal Location Expected Receipt EIP (Outbound)

See Implementing an SRS Application Integration.

Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP (Outbound)

See Implementing an SRS Application Integration.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Errors for SRS EIPs

Error management is an integral part of the effectiveness of the PeopleSoft system of inbound EIPs. In the process of uploading data, the PeopleSoft subscription process detects any data errors and stores them in queues or staging tables for manual correction in the PeopleSoft system before updating any core PeopleSoft application tables.

Each inbound EIP that handles subscription of data from third-party applications has a respective transaction code that must be entered on an assigned data management page. The data management page allows access to the EIP’s specific error correction page.

The Par Location Count EIP, which is used in both the SRS and point-of-use (POU) supplier system integrations, uses the transaction code Par Loc, which is entered on the Transaction Maintenance page. The Transaction Maintenance page is used to access error-correction pages for transactional data.

The Purchase Order Requisition EIP, which is used in the SRS integration, uses the transaction code REQLOAD, which is entered on the Data Definition Maintenance page. The Data Definition Maintenance page is used to access error-correction pages for definitional data.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points