Reviewing PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Inquiries

This chapter presents an overview of Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management inquiries and discusses how to:

Important! The View Preventive Maintenance and View Projection Summary and Detail inquiries are described in “Setting Up and Generating Preventive Maintenance Work Orders”.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Inquiries

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management provides the following online inquiries:

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Asset Maintenance History Inquiry

This section discusses how to review asset maintenance history.

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Asset Search


Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Asset Management Maintenance History, Asset Search

Search for assets associated with work orders.

Asset Maintenance History - Summary


Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Asset Management Maintenance History, Summary

Review the maintenance history of assets associated with work orders.

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Access the Asset Maintenance History - Summary page.

Asset Search

Use the Asset Search page to search for a single asset using the Asset Search link or a group of assets based on the search criteria that you enter on this page.


The summary page displays the data associated with your search criteria. Whether you search for a single asset or a group of assets, the system displays a list consisting of a summary of the estimated total cost of repairs and maintenance associated with a work order ID and the total actual cost of maintenance and repairs associated with the asset. You can also view the replacement cost, insured value, and the net book value of that asset.

You can manually add maintenance entries in PeopleSoft Asset Management. The manual entries are not related to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management because a work order is not created for this maintenance. The overall cost includes all costs associated for both the entries that Maintenance manually entered in PeopleSoft Asset Management, and any work orders created for the asset in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Work Order History Inquiry

This section discusses how to review the work order history inquiry.

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Work Order Search


Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Work Order History, Work Order Search

Set up search criteria and search for work order history information.

Work Order History - Summary


Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Work Order History, Summary

Review the summary cost information for one or more work orders.

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Access the Work Order History - Summary page.

Work Order Search

You can identify a specific work order ID to search for or enter search criteria based on a work order business unit, which includes the capability to search for work orders associated with a specific project or a specific asset. You can also search for work orders based on the work order status and priority.


After you complete the search, the top of the page displays a sum total of the estimated costs, actual costs, and the percentage of variance between the two for all work orders listed on the page.

Following these totals, the page displays a breakdown of the total estimated and actual costs and the variance for each work order, and the total estimated and actual costs and variance for each work order task on the page. The start date and status also appear for each task. The page displays the work orders based on the shop with which they are associated.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Work Progress Tracking Inquiry

This chapter discusses how to track work progress.

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Work Progress Tracking


Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Work Progress Tracking

Review work order progress.

(Resource Name) Workbench


Click the Workbench link on the Work Progress Tracking page.

Search for and review work order tasks assigned to a specific technician.

Work Order Details


Click the Work Order ID link on the Work Progress Tracking page.

Displays the work order header and task details.



Click the Task number link on the Work Progress Tracking page.

Review the details of the selected task in the work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Work Progress

Access the Work Progress Tracking page.

Task Search View

Select a view that you previously created to narrow your search for work order tasks that are behind schedule.


Click this button to access the Task Search page where you specify the criteria used to search for certain work order tasks. On this page, you can also select the basis date to determine whether tasks are considered behind schedule for the inquiry based on the scheduled start date (the task started late), scheduled end date (the task ended late), both or either of those dates. When you save this search page and name the view, it becomes available for selection in the Task Search View drop-down list. This eliminates the need to specify the search criteria multiple times.

See Creating Work Order Task Search Views.


When you click the Search button, a summary of the results of the search appear in the Results group box.


Displays the total number of work order tasks that were considered based on the search.


Click this link to access the Work Order Workbench and view a list of all the tasks returned by the search.

Total Behind Schedule

Displays the total number of the work order tasks in the list and that are thus behind schedule. Only those tasks that are behind schedule are listed.

Percent behind

Displays the percentage of the considered tasks that are behind schedule for the given search.

Tasks Behind Schedule

Lists the tasks that are behind schedule based on your search.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Purchasing and Pegging Inquiry

This section discusses how to review the Pegging and Purchasing Inquiry.

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Purchase Orders


Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Purchasing and Pegging

Review any quantities pegged for the work order using purchase orders.



Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Purchasing and Pegging

Review any quantities pegged for the work order using requisitions.

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Access the Purchase Orders page.

The Purchasing and Pegging inquiry provides a view into any requisition and purchase order transactions that are either created using a work order or created in PeopleSoft Purchasing and tied back from the requisition or purchase order to a work order. You can select a specific work order and task on the Work Order Procurement Inquiry page. The work order header information and the work order task number and description appear on the Purchase Orders page and the Requisitions page. You can create a requisition for materials or resources needed in a work order task on the Purchase On/Hand grid, then these requisitions appear in the grid on the Requisitions page. A purchase order sourced from a requisition also appear on the Purchase Orders page. If you created one or more purchase orders for the task, each one is listed on the Purchase Orders page. This inquiry not only displays the pegging relationships, but also provides a view into any requisition or purchase orders transactions that a work order creates.

Resource Line Number

Identifies the line number of the selected resource in the work order task's schedule from which the purchase order was created.

PO Business Unit (purchase order business unit)

Identifies the business unit associated with the purchase order created for this work order resource.

Line Number

Identifies the purchase order line number.

Schedule Number

Identifies the purchase order schedule associated with the line number.

Distribution Line

Identifies the distribution line number for the purchase order.

Quantity Available

Indicates the quantity available that is requested for the work order.

Pegged Quantity

Indicates the quantity of the resource that is reserved based on this purchase order for this work order task line.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Chargeback Inquiry

This section describes how to review the chargeback inquiry.

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Chargeback Search


Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Chargeback, Chargeback Search

Search for chargebacks associated with work orders.

Chargeback - Summary


Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Chargeback, Summary

Review a summary of chargebacks associated with work orders.

Chargeback - Detail


Click the View Detail button on the Chargeback - Summary page.

Displays detail information for chargebacks.

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Access the Chargeback - Summary page.

Chargeback Search

Use the Chargeback Search page to view chargeback cost to other general ledger business units for completed work orders. You can filter your search or specify a criteria.


The Chargeback - Summary inquiry page displays the summarized chargeback debit and credit amounts by work order business unit, shop, and then totals for each respective general ledger business unit under each shop. The actual costs for labor, inventory, and non-inventory items are processed and sent to PeopleSoft Project Costing, which calculates the chargebacks based on the accounting rules. The Chargeback Search page for the inquiry enables criteria to be entered to view a specific population of data. The inquiry also provides the View Detail button to see the specific work orders that made up the debit and credit balances.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Capitalization Inquiry

This section discusses how to use the capitalization inquiry.

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Capitalization Search


Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Capitalization, Capitalization Search

Search for work orders with capitalization costs.

Capitalization - Summary


Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Capitalization, Summary

Review a summary of capitalization costs associated with work orders.

Capitalization - Detail


Click the View Details link on the Summary page.

Displays the detail associated with a specific work order.

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Access the Capitalization - Summary page.

Capitalization Search

You can identify a specific asset ID to search for or enter search criteria based on a work order business unit, which includes all assets on a work order related to the work order business unit. You can also search by shop, Asset Management business unit, asset type, asset subtype, manufacturer ID, model, location, asset area ID, and work order closure date.


Depending on your search criteria, you can view the total amount for all assets to be capitalized, the actual total cost, and the associated details for that search criteria. For example, if you search by the work order business unit, the system displays all assets associated with that business unit and the sum of all capitalization costs and the actual total cost. Following these totals is a grid displaying the breakdown of the total amount to be capitalized and actual total cost by the asset business unit, asset type, asset subtype, and so on.

If you filter your search criteria by selecting an Asset Management business unit and asset ID, the system displays the total amount capitalized and the actual total cost for that specific asset ID, broken down by work order IDs and costs for each work order ID. This inquiry helps to identify the amount of capital work performed and the actual expenses for each shop and business unit.

Important! Select Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order Processing and run the Cost Summarization process after you run the Capitalization process in order for the amount to be capitalized values to appear on this inquiry.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Crew Schedule Inquiry

This section discusses how to review the Crew Schedule Inquiry.

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Crew Schedule Work Inquiry


Maintenance Management, Inquiries and Reports, Crew Schedule Inquiry

Review the past, current, and future schedules for a selected crew.

Work Order


  • Click the Work Order ID link on the Crew Schedule Work Inquiry page - Crew Assignment tab.

  • Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order

Access and update the work order depending on user authorizations.

WO Task Description


Click the Task Description link on the Crew Schedule Work Inquiry page - Crew Assignment tab.

Review the work order ID, business unit, task number, and description associated with a selected task.



Click the Yes or No link associated with Labor, Tools, Inventory, or Purchase/On-Hand on the Crew Schedule Work Inquiry page - Resources tab.

Access the Labor Schedules grids, Tool Schedules grids, Inventory Schedules grids, or Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grids on the Schedules page in the Work Order and update if authorized to do so.

Asset Information


Click the Asset ID - Descriptions link on the Crew Schedule Work Inquiry page - Asset Information tab.

Review information about the asset selected for a task.

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Access the Crew Schedule Work Inquiry page.

You must select a work order business unit, shop, crew and period range start date to search for a crew schedule inquiry. Selecting a craft is optional. If you do not select an end date to the period range, the system displays all schedules with dates equal to or greater than the period range start date.

When you click the Search button, a list of work orders and their associated tasks, which are scheduled and approved for the selected crew displays based on the start date (and end date, if selected) that you entered. This inquiry enables you to view the work order task, its scheduled start/end date time, completed date, associated resources, and asset information if authorized.