Scheduling a Work Order

This chapter provides an overview of resource scheduling in Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Scheduling

Once you create a work order and at least one work order task, you have the option of specifying resource requirements and assigning and scheduling these resources for each work order task.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLabor Resource Scheduling

There are four different methods for scheduling labor resources.

In each of these methods, the system checks the resource calendar for conflict before making the actual assignment. If a conflict exists and the system allows overbooking of the resource, it creates the assignment and issues a warning message to the user. If you indicated that overbooking is not allowed, then the system issues an error message based on the conflict. Once the labor resources are assigned, a distribution row is created in the Labor distribution record in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. When the actual time spent on the work order task for this schedule row is entered through a timesheet, the Labor distribution row ChartField values will flow into the timesheet that will feed the shared tables with PeopleSoft Payables.

To manually control overbooking of resources at the work order task line, you must select the Overbooking Resources - Require Manual Override check box for the shop associated with the work order. If you select this check box, then an Overbook Flag check box displays in both the Labor Schedules and Tool Schedules grids in the work order. If you select the check box, then the system allows the overbooking of the resource. If the check box is cleared, then the system does not allow the overbooking of the resource. If you do not select the Require Manual Override check box for the shop, then the system automatically allows overbooking of the resource for all work order task lines associated with the shop.

There are two types of shifts that the system considers in the assignment process:

If overbooking is not allowed, the system checks the resource availability based on the availability cache record and the resource working hours in the shop. If there is no availability for the scheduled time frame and duration, an error issued. If overbooking is allowed, the system uses either the shift associated with the shop identified in the work order header or the resource shift in the assignment process, depending on one of these scenarios:

Schedulers can assign non-crew and crew resources one at a time using the Labor Schedules grid or the Labor Assignment Workbench. They can also assign non-crew and crew-scheduled resources to multiple work orders and tasks using the Labor Assignment Workbench. When you set up resources, you can associate them with one or more shops, shifts, and crafts using Manage Profiles. When you access the Shop component, the current shop resources are listed on the Resources page. All resources must be assigned to a shop before you can assign them to a work order task.

When you click the Search link in the Labor Schedules grid in the work order and access the Search for Labor Resources page, you can search by shop, crew, location, employee ID, craft, and availability. However, you can override the other values, but you cannot override the craft value on this search page. For example, if a crew has three electricians and two mechanics associated with it, and you need three electricians and two mechanics to do the job, then you perform the search based on the crew ID, which results in a list of the three electricians or two mechanics associated with the crew (depending on the craft specified on the search criteria) so that you can assign these resources to the task. If crew technicians are not available in the shop associated with the work order task, the scheduler can search for technicians in another shop or procure technicians using a purchase order or requisition.

The scheduling and assignment of crews to multiple work orders is described in detail in the Performing Crew Scheduling chapter.

See Performing Crew Scheduling.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTool Resource Scheduling

Scheduling a specific tool asset presumes that the asset is marked as a tool and associated to a shop, able to be scheduled based on its availability, and that the asset is formally reserved or checked out for the time period indicated in the work order task. Tool resource scheduling is basically handled like labor resource scheduling in that you can either have the system recommend a tool, specify criteria and search for tools manually, or select a specific tool on the row in the Tool Schedules grid in the work order.

To schedule a tool, you can:

The system can determine availability for tool resources by examining continuous or discontinuous blocks of time, just as it can for labor resources. Each tool is associated with a shop based on its asset classification parameters (asset type, subtype, manufacturer, model), which are originally defined in PeopleSoft Asset Management. Therefore, the availability of the tools is determined by the operating hours of its associated shop. Tool qualification is determined based on the specification of the asset type, subtype, manufacturer, model, and the Asset Management business unit. When a scheduler clicks the Recommend Tools button to run the Resource Match engine, the system compares the Tool Schedules row specifications to the tool assets that reside in PeopleSoft Asset Management and determines qualification fit score based on the following table:

User Specification of Asset Characteristics in Work Order Task Row

Qualification Fit Score based on Matching Asset Characteristics

Asset Type, Asset Subtype, AM Business Unit

  • Matches all characteristics: 100%

  • Matches only one of the characteristics: 33.33%

Asset Type, Asset Subtype, Manufacturer ID, AM Business Unit

  • Matches all four characteristics: 100%

  • Matches two characteristics: 50%

  • Matches one characteristic: 25%

Asset Type, Asset Subtype, Manufacturing ID, Model, and AM Business Unit

  • Matches all five characteristics: 100%

  • Matches three characteristics: 60%

  • Matches two characteristics: 40%

  • Matches one characteristic: 20%

If you cannot find a tool in the asset repository, you can procure the tool by creating a requisition or purchase order directly from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management by clicking the Move Selected to Purchase button or creating a purchase requisition or purchase order directly in the PeopleSoft Purchasing application.

See Procurement of Material, Labor, and Tool Resources Using the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Grid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLabor and Tool Resource Matching

When you schedule either labor or tools for a work order task in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you can click:

Clicking either of these buttons invokes the Resource Matching engine for either labor or tools resources. The Resource Matching engine:

The Resource Matching engine evaluates various factors, such as crafts, accomplishments, competencies, experience, and availability to assess how various labor resources in the resource database match with the qualifications specified for a work order task resource. A fit score is calculated based on these factors, which is used to recommend resources for the task.

To use resource matching, you must:

  1. Follow the setup procedures for labor and tools.

  2. Define and schedule the cache administration processes that will refresh the eligible resources and resource schedules cache and update the search index that will be used in the calculation of the qualification and availability scores.

  3. Review and modify the Resource Search, Search Configuration.

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Search Types

Before you can use the Resource Match engine to search for and identify labor and tool resources that match your specifications for a technician or a tool in a work order task, your organization needs to decide on the importance of each of the factors used to compile the fit scores. You can do this by accessing the two search types defined specifically for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management in Common Definitions, Resource Search, Search Configuration component. Each search type specifies the Verity search settings and the factors that are used to determine the factor fit score.

The Resource Match engine uses the Verity search engine to quickly calculate the fit scores for labor and tool resources. Verity is a third-party search engine tool licensed by PeopleTools, which executes free-text data searches. The index process extracts information from the specified database and loads it into Verity formatted files on the Process Scheduler server. The Verity indexing application transforms the labor resource or the asset data files into an index that is used for searching.

When you select one of the two PeopleSoft Maintenance Management search types in the Resource Search - Search Configuration component, the two pages in the component include the:

There are two search types predefined for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, which include:

You can specify how important each of these factors is to your organization in terms of finding resources that meet the qualifications necessary to perform a work order task.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Verity Command Line Indexers Reference Guide V5.0 for PeopleSoft.

Resource Matching Fit Score Calculations

The Resource Match engine requires separate algorithms for each match factor. Fit score calculations for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management are based on the:

See Understanding Resource Matching.

Resource Availability

When the scheduler enters a resource group ID and clicks the Recommend Labor (or Recommend Tools) button, the match engine determines a resource's availability based on a precise calculation. The availability calculation uses the date range and duration of the resource request, the resource's calendar, and the shift associated with the resource. The match engine then determines the resource's availability based on these two calculation methods:

For example, if an organization needs to schedule twelve hours of work between Monday and Friday, the following table describes the how the availability of the resource is determined based on discontinuous versus continuous availability calculations:

Resource Schedules

Discontinuous Availability Calculation Results

Continuous Availability Calculation Results

Resource #1 works Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.

100% available given that this resource can be assigned Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

33% available given that the largest continuous block of time available for this resource is 4 hours out of the 12 hours required.

Resource #2 works Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. each day and already is assigned to work on Monday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is free the rest of the week.

100% available given that this resource can be assigned on Tuesday from 8 a.m. – 2p.m. and on Wednesday from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. .

50% available given that the largest continuous block of time available for this resource is 6 hours out of the 12 hours required, from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. on either Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.

If conflicts arise in the creation of an assignment and the resources can be overbooked, then PeopleSoft Maintenance Management allows the scheduler to create the assignment and changes the status to assigned. The scheduler receives a message indicating that conflicts exist and that the resource is overbooked. If overbooking is not automatically allowed, then PeopleSoft Maintenance Management issues an error and indicates that the resource does not have enough available hours to perform the assigned task. . The assignments are set to a status of pending approval if assignment workflow is enabled in the Work Order Options component. Once the assignment is approved, the status changes to assigned.

Note. Unless you indicate that overbooking requires manual override in the shop associated with the work order, the system automatically allows overbooking of a resource. Even if overbooking is allowed for a resource, you cannot assign a resource to a date past the work order task's scheduled end date and time.

An assignment status is changed to complete based on the date when the work order task is set to complete and the resource's calendar is updated based on the Update Resource Calendar option specified at the shop and business unit level. The labor resource's work history is updated only if the Update Work History check box on the resource schedule grid is selected in the row when the assignment is created. If an assignment is canceled as of a specified date, the system deletes the current and future entries on the resource's calendar and the removes the assignment from the resource's work history in the resource profile.

Example 1:

For example, a work order task (WO 2 /Task 1) is scheduled from 10:00 a.m., January 3, 2005, to 05:00 p.m., January 4, 2005, and the duration is 10 hours.

John Doe works shift form 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 am and 1:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. with an hour off for lunch from noon to 1:00 p.m. John is free all day from 01/03/2005 - 01/04/2005. He is scheduled to other tasks for the rest of the week. The scheduler wants to schedule John to WO2, Task 1 and creates these assignments for John:





10 a.m. - 12 p.m. (2 hrs)

WO2/ Task 1


1 p.m. - 5 p.m. (4 hrs)

WO2/ Task 1


8 a.m. - 12 p.m. (4 hrs)

WO2/ Task 1

Example 2:

The scheduler wants to assign Jennifer Brown to WO2 – Task 2 for a duration of 16 hours on 1/3/2005 and 1/4/2005. Jennifer's shift is 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon , lunch from 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Jennifer has already been scheduled from 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon on 1/3/05 to another task. She also is scheduled to other tasks for all of 1/5/06, 1/6/06, 1/7/06. The scheduler assigns Jennifer to:





8 a.m. - 12 p.m. (4 hrs)

WO2/ Task 2


1 p.m. - 5 p.m. (4 hrs)

WO2/ Task 2


8 a.m. - 12 p.m. (4 hrs)

WO2/ Task 2


1 p.m. - 5 p.m. (4 hrs)

WO2/Task 2

Since Jennifer is already assigned to work on a different task on January 3, 2005, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. If overbooking is not allowed, the scheduler will receive an error message that Jennifer is already assigned to a task on 1/3/2005 from 10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and the assignment will not be created. If overbooking is allowed, the scheduler will receive a warning message stating that the assignment has been created with a conflict, but the assignments will be created.

Note. The system updates the resource scheduled start and end dates and times based on the work order task start and end dates listed for the previous scenario.

The system also creates an assignment exception based on Scenario 1 indicating: From Date: January 2, 2005 and To Date: January 2, 2005, Hours: 1, Start Time: 12:00 p.m.

The system updates John Doe's calendar with the task assignment.

In another example, a work order task requires a resource from September 16, 2004 09:00 a.m. – September 16, 2004 1:00 p.m. (Duration = 4 hours).

Whether the task is continuous or discontinuous, if overbooking is allowed, the system does not consider the available date ranges returned. Instead it creates the assignment provided that the resource works enough hours between the scheduled start date and time and the scheduled end date and time based on the resource's shift. If overbooking the resource is not allowed and the resource is not 100% available, the system issues an error and creates no assignments.

The Overall Fit Score

After the matching process calculates an overall fit score by taking into consideration each match factor, it calculates factor family fit scores by applying the relative factor importance settings in the Search Configuration's Factor Weights page. Finally, the process averages the family scores according to the relative factor family preferences that are selected during search time. This overall fit score is not visible to end users.

See Understanding Resource Matching.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLabor Resource Assignment Approval Workflow

Schedulers can assign technicians, who are associated with a shop (SHOP B), which is different from the shop (SHOP A) associated with the work order. However, the resource's supervisor must approve the assignment, if the assignment approval is turned on in the Work Order Options component. The technician's supervisor is identified in the technician's employee data file. You can set up email notifications on the Work Order Options page for both the supervisor and the resource, which are triggered based on a selected assignment status. The employee's supervisor (from SHOP B) can access the worklist from the Worklist link located on the top right-hand corner of the browser and approve or reject the assignment. The supervisor can click a link in the worklist to access the Assignment Approval page for a work order resource. If the supervisor approves the assignment of this technician, then the assignment status changes to assigned. If the supervisor rejects the assignment, then the assignment status changes to rejected. Once a technician from a different shop is assigned to a work order task, the cost and bill rates for the technician are based on the rates set up in the shop associated with the work order and not the shop to which the technician is associated.

Note. If assignment approval is required , the cross shop assignment approval applies to the cross shop assignment of resources assigned to crews (crew members) on the Labor Assignment Workbench.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Workflow Technology.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMove Labor or Tool Resources to Purchase/On Hand

The scheduler can click the Move Selected to Purchase button above the Labor Schedules grid and above the Tools Schedules grid to send a selected resource to the Purchase/On Hand grid. When the scheduler selects the resource that requires procurement, such as a special tool, and clicks the Move Selected to Purchase button, the tool row is no longer available for selection in the Tool Schedules grid and now appears in the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid. The scheduler then selects the tool in the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid and creates a requisition or PO to purchase the tool. Once the tool is procured, the status of the tool in the Tool Schedules row changes to procured. The Move Selected to Purchase button works the same way for a selected labor resource and is often used when contract labor is needed for a task.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInventory Resource Scheduling

After creating a work order and work order tasks, you can schedule Inventory materials for use in performing a work order task. You do this by accessing the Inventory Schedules grid on the work order's Schedules page. You can populate the Inventory Schedules grid with materials or parts by:

Once the inventory items (parts) are entered on the Inventory Schedules grid, the typical steps to obtain the items to complete a task are:

To schedule inventory, the Inventory Schedules page consists of:

See Setting Up Equipment Parts Lists.

See Confirming Quantity Data with Inventory Balance Audit Reports.

Inventory Commitment and Reservation

To reserve items in PeopleSoft Inventory, they must be committed prior to or at the same time they are reserved. When the system commits an item specified in a work order task in PeopleSoft Inventory, the item is placed in the IN_DEMAND table based on the work order task's commit rule. This means that PeopleSoft Inventory recognizes the work order task demand.

Only soft reserved items can be reserved for work orders. When the system reserves (soft reserves) an item in PeopleSoft Inventory, part of the Inventory business unit's total available quantity for the item is reserved for the demand line and cannot be consumed by other demand lines, which are staged for fulfillment processing in the PeopleSoft Inventory system. There are two primary locations for setting soft reserve in PeopleSoft Inventory:

You can reserve items associated with a work order task in PeopleSoft Inventory by:

Details about committing items to PeopleSoft Inventory and the methods listed above for reserving work order items in PeopleSoft Inventory are noted in the following this section.


Inventory Commitment

The Commit field on the Inventory Scheduling - Details tab indicates whether the selected item is committed, which means that PeopleSoft Inventory recognizes the work order task demand. The work order demand appears in the Item Availability Inquiry and can be optionally included when running the Create Replenishment Requests for items that are below their reorder point. You specify the point at which items are committed to PeopleSoft Inventory on the Integration page of the work order business unit, on the Shop Definition page, and on the Type page of the shop. You select a commit rule, which indicates that you want to commit the inventory items based on:

Work order commit statuses are:

When Inventory items are committed to Inventory, a row is created in the Inventory primary table (IN_DEMAND) with the DEMAND_SOURCE value set to WM, which means that the committed rows in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management are recognized by PeopleSoft Inventory as demand. The uncommitted rows in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management are not visible to PeopleSoft Inventory.

See Using the Fulfillment Workbench to Reserve or Promise Orders.

See Understanding Integrated and Shared Products Setup Considerations, Understanding Overall System Setup Parameters for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Reserving Inventory Using the Work Order's Inventory Schedules Grid

You can reserve work order task items in Inventory from the Schedules page - Inventory Schedules in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You set up a combination of commit and reservation rules on the Integration page of the work order business unit, on the Shop Definition page, or on the Type page of the shop where the rules are set up based on the work order type. Standard PeopleSoft Maintenance Management default hierarchies apply to these rules, with the business unit at the top of the hierarchy and the work order type at the bottom. The system uses these rules to automatically commit and reserve the inventory item specified at the task line.

To reserve inventory items, the items must be committed either before they are reserved or at the same time they are reserved. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management performs combination edits to ensure that invalid combinations of the commit and reservation rules do not occur. For example, if the commit rule is pick plan and the reservation rule is parts list, the rules in this combination conflict with each other because the attempt to reserve items precedes the attempt to commit the items.

Once you save the work order, the system executes the reservation rule in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management if the reserve rule is parts list or status change, which triggers the reservation process in PeopleSoft Inventory. If PeopleSoft Inventory cannot fully reserve task rows from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, it sends a message back to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management explaining why the full reserve cannot take place.

The work order reservation rules are:


Selecting the Reserve Button on the Work Order Schedules Page

You can authorize specific users to override the commit and reserve rules specified in the business unit, shop, or Type page of the shop, and reserve inventory items immediately by selecting the Authorized to Reserve Inventory check box on User Preferences - Maintenance Management page.

If the user is authorized, the Reserve button displays on the Inventory Schedules page, which the user can click to reserve the items. When you select this button it will commit any items that are not committed and reserve those items, ignoring any established commit and reserve rules.

Running the Inventory Reserve Materials Process

This process will attempt to reserve or re-reserve work order task items based on their respective reserve rule. This process may also commit work order task items to PeopleSoft Inventory if the commit rule is the same as the reserve rule. Work order task item rows, which are associated with a commit rule other than Commit at Reserve are picked up only if they were previously committed. If the work order task item rows are associated with the reserve rule Parts List or Status Change (where the task status is greater than or equal to the status selected for the reserve rule), the Reserve Materials process will reserve these items. The Reserve Materials process enables you to reserve multiple work orders at a time. It also can apportion the limited supply to the various demands based on the priority rules.

See Understanding Work Orders.

The Shortage Workbench

Use the Shortage Workbench to reserve and unreserve stock to work order demand lines. You can click the Shortage Workbench link to access Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shortage Workbench in PeopleSoft Inventory. Based on the search criteria that you enter, you can use the Shortage Workbench to view just the work order demand lines that have attempted reservations and have reserved no stock or only partially reserved stock. This enables you to focus on shortages and determine how to reserve the stock.

You can use the Shortage Workbench to adjust reservations to the highest priority demand. You can also use the Shortage Workbench to deallocate a quantity of stock from a pegged receipt.

Using the Shortage Workbench template enables you to require that any user who unreserves stock on a work order demand line enter a reason code. The Shortage Workbench issues notifications to planners and schedulers when a user unreserves stock from a work order.

The rules that apply to the Shortage Workbench for work orders are defined in the PeopleSoft Inventory PeopleBook: “Fulfilling Work Orders from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management”.

See Understanding Work Order Item Fulfillment from PeopleSoft Inventory.

See Handling Errors with the Fulfillment Engine.

See Using the Shortage Workbench.

Pegging Inventory Supply to Work Order Demand

Pegging can be used to associate specific supply, using a purchase requisition or purchase order, to work order demand. This essentially reserves the supply for that specific work order. Users can review the inquiry to see if the supply is pegged and the work order to which it is pegged.

When items are in short supply, organizations peg higher priority work order demand to specific supply to ensure that those demands are satisfied. This also enables the organization to more accurately schedule work orders.

When the level of inventory items reaches a reorder point, this triggers the generation of a requisition or purchase order in PeopleSoft Purchasing to replenish the supply. When a scheduler needs one or more inventory items for a work order that are not currently available, the scheduler can access the Pegging Workbench from the Inventory Schedules - Details tab and link the demand for the Inventory item based on the work order to the incoming supply identified in the requisition or purchase order. Pegging essentially reserves the incoming supply to the work order. If an item is pegged and is a soft reserve item , then the pegged receipt is reserved when putaway is performed. In addition, if the allocate soft pegs is set to Yes, the pegged receipt will be allocated when putaway is performed. The allocate soft pegs setting is defined in Inventory, Order Pegging, Business Unit Setup or Inventory, Order Pegging, Item Setup.

Once an item is pegged, the quantity scheduled in the Inventory Schedules grid is unavailable for selection until you save the page. The quantity pegged for the work order can be issued to the technician or delivered to the work order job location using the Issue to Work Order command in PeopleSoft Inventory when the items are received. You can access the Pegging Inquiry to follow a pegged item's progress.

If pegging notification is enabled, a notification is generated indicating that the item for the work order has been received. If the email option is enabled, the work order contact receives an email indicating that the materials are now available. The item is put away into PeopleSoft Inventory and can then be issued to the work order.

Important! The pegging workbench is available in the work order only if pegging security is set up for the user in Inventory, Order Pegging, User Security.

See Understanding Work Order Item Fulfillment from PeopleSoft Inventory.

Issue Inventory to a Work Order With or Without a Pick Plan

Inventory is issued by creating a picking plan or when the inventory clerk accesses the work order and issues the inventory items to the work order without a picking plan. The clerk can update the quantity issued, which in turn updates the work order.

The pick plan process is a batch process, which is owned by Inventory, lists the items and quantities required for a particular work order. The process runs a PeopleSoft Inventory allocation process and generates the picking plan. The Allocation process determines the locations from which the various items of the work order materials list can be picked. The picking plan is a hard copy document, which an inventory clerk can print or a technician can print and carry to the inventory counter. Once you create the picking plan, the inventory clerk must run the issue command to issue the parts to the work order. The picking plan process enables an inventory clerk to obtain the list of needed materials and begin the process of physically pulling the items for the work order. The inventory material need date is the date that the pick plan uses to place items on the pick plan. When the items are picked and issued, the work order inventory item lines are updated to indicate the quantity issued.

An allocation process runs in PeopleSoft Inventory that hard allocates items at the location level. A hard allocation increases the quantity reserved in PeopleSoft Inventory for a location. If the business unit is flagged for a soft reserve, the quantity is reserved at the business unit/ item level, which increases the quantity reserved and decreases the quantity available.

A work order can schedule materials that are due on various dates. The picking plan enables you to indicate to the clerk, to pick the material on specific dates, based on a certain number of lead days. All of the material with a scheduled due date that is equal to and prior to the date specified in the pick plan will be included. Because picking the materials on line in real time is not desirable in this instance, you can run a batch process that looks for start date of the work order and generates a pick plan based on this date.

You cannot delete scheduled materials if they are on a pick plan or if they were issued.

See Understanding the Picking Process.

See Issuing Items to a Work Order.

Inventory Demand and Work Order Task Completion

If during the execution of a work order it is determined that the issued quantity satisfies the work order demand and there are still additional unfulfilled quantities (scheduled qty – issued qty > 0) in the row, users can decrease the scheduled quantity, which reduces the demand on PeopleSoft Inventory. When a work order's status is changed to Complete, the fulfillment status of the IN_DEMAND row changes to Depleted in PeopleSoft Inventory. Any unfulfilled item quantities are no longer seen as demand in PeopleSoft Inventory.

There are certain situations where you cannot change the work order's task status to Closed, Canceled, or Complete:

Reorder and Replenishment of an Inventory Item

PeopleSoft Inventory has reorder thresholds, and once reached, these thresholds trigger the generation of a purchase requisition, which replenishes the stock levels for the item. PeopleSoft Inventory also has a replenishment option, Demand Quantity, that can be used to trigger replenishment when the available quantity is less than the work order demand for the item. However, you may also trigger replenishment even if there is available quantity for the work order demand so that there will be a sufficient quantity of specific items available for use in future work orders.

You can access Item Availability and Item Balance by Unit inquiries in PeopleSoft Inventory from the Inventory Schedule - Additional Information tab.

See Understanding Inventory Replenishment Processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInventory Item Availability

Planners and schedulers can determine if an inventory is available for a work order task on a specific date by selecting the Item Availability button and reviewing the results on the Availability tab of the Inventory grid.

Note. You also can determine the availability of noninventory items that you want to procure for a work order task by accessing the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid.

See Scheduling Purchase/On-Hand Resources for a Work Order Task.

This enables scheduling a work order task start date with greater accuracy. There are different methods for checking the availability of an item:

The Item Availability button for inventory enables you to determine the availability based on the scheduled need date. This button appears above the Inventory Schedules grid and the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid on the work order. You must select one or more inventory rows prior to clicking the Item Availability button. When you click this button, the system displays Yes if there is enough supply of the item available in PeopleSoft Inventory to meet the task row's demand on the specified date. The system displays No if it will not be available. If the item is not available, you can navigate to a page that displays the reasons why the item is not available. Clicking the Item Availability button for inventory items also returns the quantity available on the schedule need date and the earliest date that the quantity will be available.

PeopleSoft Inventory determines the information that displays for a row on the Inventory Schedules - Availability tab based on the following criteria:

The system includes any incoming supply to PeopleSoft Inventory (from requisitions, purchase orders and interunit MSR receipts) and any existing demand in PeopleSoft Inventory (from work orders, sales orders, internal MSR, manufacturing production, interunit MSR shipments) and time phases these entries based on the due date to determine how much quantity will be available on the work orders schedule need date. Supply quantities that are due on or before the work order's schedule need date are added to the current available quantity. Demand quantities due on or before the work order's schedule need date are subtracted from the current available quantity. The resulting available quantity is compared against the quantity needed by the work order. If the quantity needed by the work order is less than or equal to the available quantity then the system displays a Yes in the field on the Inventory Schedules - Availability tab. If either the reserved portion, pegged portion or inventory portion of the requested quantity is not available, then No displays in the field on the Inventory Schedules - Availability tab. The No value appears as a link that you can select to access the Item Availability page, which lists the reasons why the item is not available. The calculated quantity available displays in the Need Date Qty Available field on the Inventory Schedules - Availability tab.

Note. The Need Date Qty Available field does not include quantity that is already reserved for the work order and pegged supply. A work order that is fully reserved can have Yes in the Item Availability if the date in the Need Date Qty Available amount is less than the scheduled quantity of the work order. A work order that has quantity pegged can also have Yes in the Item Availability Field and the Need Date Qty Available amount is less than the scheduled quantity of the work order.

Clicking the Item Availability button also determines the earliest available date on the grid. If the item is available on the schedule need date, the system checks to see if that quantity is available on an earlier date. If the item is not available on the schedule need date, the system determines the next date in the future that the quantity will be available. The system leaves the Earliest Avail Date field blank if there is no future date in which there is enough supply to cover the requested quantity, or if you have quantity reserved and the current available quantity is less than zero. The earliest available date quantity represents the maximum reserved portion, pegged portion, and inventory portion. The Earliest Avail Date field will be blank if the reserved, pegged or inventory portions return are blank. If quantity is partially reserved in PeopleSoft Inventory, then the remaining quantity can be partially pegged and the earliest available date quantity would be the maximum reserved portion, pegged portion, and inventory portion. If no quantity exists for any portion, the Earliest Avail Date field will be blank for partially reserved items.

Note. The system uses the Setup Fulfillment rules in PeopleSoft Inventory to determine the supply and demand rows to include in the Item Availability calculations.

An example of the calculations that occur when there is not enough quantity available:

Current Available:

Demand from PeopleSoft Inventory or other work orders:

New Work Order Demand:

Need Date Quantity Available:




25 – 20 = 5

Example of the calculations that occur when there is enough available:

Current Available:

Demand from PeopleSoft Inventory or other work orders:

New Work Order Demand:

Need Date Quantity Available:




25 – 20 = 5

An item can appear on a work order parts list multiple times. PeopleSoft Inventory factors in all previous instances of the item when determining quantity available. For example a work order requires:



Need Date

Air Filter



Air Filter



The business unit quantity available for this air filter = 12.

The Air Filter required on 10/25 will have quantity available, but the Air Filter required on 11/01 will not have quantity available.

The following table describes the messages that a display based on the availability of an Inventory item.

Note. Some of these messages also apply to noninventory items selected on the Purchase/On Hand Schedules - Availability tab.

See Procurement of Material, Labor, and Tool Resources Using the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Grid.

See Scheduling Purchase/On-Hand Resources for a Work Order Task.

Message Number


Explain Text




Row is pegged but the pegged supply is after the demand date.

The row has been pegged to incoming supply however the peg supply date is after the demand date you have requested


Supply date is later then need/due date


Row has been pegged but the peg supply is past due.

The incoming supply is past due and has not yet arrived or been received.


Pegged supply not received on time


Row is pegged however the requisition that is pegged to has a null date.

The incoming requisition supply transaction has a null date. The row is pegged to the requisition but the date is null and unknown when it will be received.


No requisition due date


Multiple reasons exist, further research required.

There are multiple reasons why this item is not available for the requested date, further research is required for this item to determine availability.


ATP calculations finds more then 5 reasons, passes tis in as the 5th reason


On-hand quantity is insufficient to meet the requested demand

There is not enough on-hand or incoming supply to meet the requested demand at this time


Quantity for specified date does not meet requested WO demand


Negative on-hand quantity exists.

Item has already been reserved but on-hand quantity has gone negative


Reserved but other demand has qty going negative

This table describes the reasons that the system indicates that inventory are unavailable.

Note. Some of these reasons also apply to noninventory items selected on the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Availability tab.

See Procurement of Material, Labor, and Tool Resources Using the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Grid.

See Scheduling Purchase/On-Hand Resources for a Work Order Task.


Inventory (INV), Noninventory (NON-INV) Items

Item Availability


Pegged Supply is scheduled late

Inv, Non-Inv

Not Ready: item’s scheduled supply date is later than need/due date


Pegged Scheduled supply is past due

Inv, Non-Inv

Not Ready: scheduled supply not received on time


Pegged Requisition due date not specified

Inv, Non-Inv

Not Ready: assumed, when pegged Req has null due date


Multiple exceptions – needs research

Inv, Non-Inv

Not Ready: multiple reasons, due to multiple pegged supplies


On-hand qty not sufficient

Inv (only)

Not Ready: based on on-hand qty, incoming supply and existing demand, insufficient material exists


Negative on-hand qty

Inv (only)

Not Ready: If item is reserved and qty available is negative, we cannot determine if the qty will be available

Material Readiness

In the interim period between the scheduling and actual start of the work for a work order task events may occur, especially in PeopleSoft Inventory or PeopleSoft Purchasing, that can negatively affect the availability of material items scheduled for the task. To accommodate these changes, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management provides a planner or scheduler with a report that they can use to analyze and resolve current material availability problems, prioritize issues, and bottlenecks related to work orders. This report will indicate whether the materials scheduled work order tasks, based on a selected period of time, are ready or not.

After a user enters the appropriate run control parameters for this report, the application engine will:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcurement of Material, Labor, and Tool Resources Using the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Grid

There are many instances when users may need to purchase specific materials, tools, and labor to complete a work order task. You determine whether you want to create a requisition or a purchase order in the work order business unit's Integrations page. To identify resources that need purchasing, users can:

You also can tie back from requisition, purchase order, or voucher that you create in PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Payables to a work order by referencing a work order business unit, work order ID, and work order task. This inserts a resource row in the Purchase/On-Hand Schedule resource row in the work order to enable the costs to flow back to the work order for these procured resources.

Note. If a requisition, purchase order, or voucher is created and tied back to a work order, then a row is inserted in the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid, the PO status on the work order is set to complete, and the row is disabled.

You can authorize specific users to procure resources by granting them access through the User Preferences component.

See Defining Maintenance Management User Preferences.

See Understanding Overall System Setup Parameters for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

The Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Procurement tab enables you to select a noninventory item or enter an open description resource row, enter a planned quantity, and select a UOM. You indicate whether a resource is labor, material, or tools, and the due date. You can override the default due date, which is the scheduled start date for the work order task. You also indicate if this resource is on-hand. Costs are not calculated for on-hand materials. The On Hand check box enables a scheduler to enter one or more rows, which do not need to be procured but are in-store stocked items. For example, you could procure 100 hard drives, expense them upon purchase, and keep your supply on hand in a cabinet in the work shop. If you need one of these hard drives to complete a work order task, you can identify this hard drive as on-hand in the work order Purchase/On-Hand grid for information purposes only.

The Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Details tab enables you to review the Pegging Inquiry, once the resource is pegged, and also identifies the pegging status, the requisition status or the purchase order status. You can indicate whether you want the resource delivered and how you want it delivered. When a work order creates a requisition or purchase order for a noninventory or open description resource, the system automatically pegs the resource row, which basically reserves the resource for the specific work order. The requisition or purchase order status enables the scheduler to determine the status of the procurement transaction. Once you select and stage the row to either the requisition load or purchase order build process, the system updates status and prevents any future staging of the row. Once the requisition load or purchase order build process successfully creates the requisition or purchase order the status is updated to complete.

The status displays on the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Details tab. These statuses were created by PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to identify the stage of the procurement transaction. You can only delete Purchase/On-Hand Schedules rows with a peg status of New. If a row has a status of Ready to Stage or In Process, it cannot be changed.

The peg statuses are:

The Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Availability tab requires that the requisitions or purchase orders for the work order be pegged prior to selecting the Item Availability button to ensure that PeopleSoft Purchasing is aware of the demand from the work order. If the Purchase/On-Hand row has been pegged, the system checks to see if the scheduled due date is prior to the goods and services required date.

See Inventory Item Availability.

The Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Vendor tab enables you to select the vendor from whom you are making this purchase. If you enter a noninventory item row, the default category value is derived from the Item setup. If you do not specify a vendor when staging to the Purchase Order process and you have entered an open description resource row, the system issues an error preventing the rows from being staged until all errors are corrected. You must select a vendor ID for all open description rows, as well as select a category value. Additional values that must be entered before you can successfully stage the work order to the Purchase Order are Ship to ID and Location.

The Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Default Settings tab displays the work order's GL business unit, which comes from the work order business unit, the item's setID, and a supplier reference. Supplier reference is only populated if copied from an EPL in which a supplier has been entered.

The Transaction Source field on this tab identifies the source of the inventory transaction and determines whether the transactions are considered Scheduled or Actuals. If a transaction source is Scheduled, the total scheduled costs appear on the Cost page of the work order. If a transaction source is Actuals, you must run the Cost Summarization process to view the total actual costs on the Cost page of the work order. When Actuals is returned from a feeder application such as a voucher from PeopleSoft Payables or a P-Card from e-Procurement, the Planned Quantity field on the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Details tab is populated with a value of zero and:

The Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Cost tab multiplies the unit cost times the planned quantity to arrive at the scheduled procurement cost. If this is a noninventory item row and a standard cost is set up for the Item under the PeopleSoft Purchasing Attributes for the item, a unit cost value displays in the field. If the noninventory item does not have a minimum standard unit cost set up, you must enter an estimated unit cost. If you know the cost or approximate cost for an open description row, you may enter it, otherwise you are not required to enter a cost. However, if you leave the cost at 0, the requisition or purchase order is created with a 0 price. You select the Calculate Price check box to enable the Purchase Order Calculation (PO_CALC) process to calculate the current price for a noninventory item rows. The Calculate Price check box is disabled for all open description rows because the PO Create (PO_CREATE) process has no method of calculating the price for open description rows.

When the Purchase Order is staged, you can perform one of these activities:

If you load requisitions instead, once you select the Purchase/On-Hand rows to stage, then you run the Load Requisition (PO_REQLOAD) process.

The cost of these items and open description rows flow through the Procure to Pay cycle and ultimately into PeopleSoft Project Costing. The costs are updated in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management by running the Cost Summarization process or by closing the work order.

The Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Distributions tab enables you to indicate whether you want to distribute the purchasing data by amount or quantity. PeopleSoft Purchasing allows multiple distributions and enables users to override the ChartFields.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

When you create a requisition or purchase order to fulfill a need for labor resources, the system ensures that the required date for the work order task is specified on the purchase order or requisition line. You use a noninventory or open description requisition or purchase order to outsource repairs, such as a motor rewind, or services, such as contract labor. To populate the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid for these labor and service requirements, you can use the Move Selected to Purchasing button, manually add the line, or copy the line from an existing template. You also can enter a labor or tool resource that is often procured in the Purchase/On-Hand grid by setting up the labor or tool resource in a noninventory item ID and selecting the resource in the item ID prompt.


When you click either the Load Requisition(s) or Load Purchase Order(s) button in the work order, depending on the configuration specified in the work order business unit, the system automatically pegs the work order to either the requisition or purchase order when the requisition or purchase order is created. When you select the Add Requisition or Add Purchase Order button in the work order and access PeopleSoft Purchasing to manually create a requisition or purchase order, you can manually create a link to the work order, which also pegs the work order to either the requisition or the purchase order that you create.

Pegging for Purchase/On-Hand materials ties the Requisition or PO to the work order so that when you create vouchers in PeopleSoft Payables, the costs are sent to PeopleSoft Project Costing and eventually back to the PO. Creating the work order association copies the work order distributions onto the either the requisition or PO. The Project and project activity derive the default work order distributions from either the requisition or the PO. Users cannot change this information. When a requisition is sourced to a PO, the work order peg is moved to the PO. When the PO is received, if notification is enabled, the contact person in the work order is notified. With PeopleSoft Payables vouchers, the costs flow to PeopleSoft Project Costing and the work order cost collection picks up these costs.

See Creating Requisitions Online, Understanding Purchase Orders.

Noninventory Item Availability


Planners and schedulers can determine if a noninventory items is available for a work order task on a specific date by selecting a row on the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid selecting the Item Availability button. The system indicates whether the item is available on the Availability tab of the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid. The system can only determine noninventory item availability on a future date if pegs exist and if the supply that is pegged to the specific demand.

There are two ways to peg Purchase/On-Hand data:

When you select the Item Availability button for a row, the system displays either a Yes or a No in the Item Availability field. Yes indicates that there is sufficient quantity for the requested date and requested WO quantity. No indicates then that informs the planner or scheduler that there is either insufficient quantity to fulfill the requested demand of the work order or there is partial or no quantity available. When No appears in the field, you can click on the link to review the Item Availability page and the message that describes why the item was not available. These messages are defined in a table later in this section.

The quantity available is displayed in the ordering unit of measure in the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Availability tab.

If the noninventory item is not available, the system displays a reason code in the Item Availability column, which explains the reason for the unavailability of the item. The reasons codes are:

  1. The purchase order due date is after requested date

    The purchase order tied to the work order Purchase/On-Hand line has a due date beyond the current work order due date.

  2. The received quantity is insufficient to meet requested work order quantity.

    For example, the work order requested a quantity of ten and only six were received.

  3. The pegged purchase order quantity is insufficient to meet the required work order quantity.

    For example, the initial work order planned quantity was increased beyond the quantity pegged.

  4. No peg exists.

    The Purcahse/On-Hand data was not staged/pushed to Procurement, or a requisition or purchase order was not tied to the Purchase/On-Hand row on the work order.

  5. The Purchase/On_Hand quantity for the work order was pegged using a requisition and the due date on the requisition is null.

    For example, the due date on the requisition was not entered (is null).

  6. The pegged supply is past due.

    For example, the pegged supply (incoming supply) has been delayed and not received

The following table describes the messages that a display based on the availability of a procured item:

Note. Some of these messages also apply to the availability of inventory items selected on the Inventory Schedules - Availability tab.

Message Number


Explain Text




Row is pegged but the pegged supply is after the demand date.

The row has been pegged to incoming supply however the peg supply date is after the demand date you have requested


Supply date is later then need/due date


Row has been pegged but the peg supply is past due.

The incoming supply is past due and has not yet arrived or been received.


Pegged supply not received on time


Row is pegged however the requisition that is pegged to has a null date.

The incoming requisition supply transaction has a null date. The row is pegged to the requisition but the date is null and unknown when it will be received.


No requisition due date


Row has not been pegged.

The procured row has not yet been pegged.


Purchase/on-hand row has not even been staged or backward tied (auto added from Req or PO)


Insufficient supply exists.

The procured row has been pegged but the incoming supply is insufficient to meet the requested demand.


Not enough quantity received

This table describes the reasons that the system indicates that noninventory items are unavailable.

Note. Some of these reasons also apply to inventory items selected on the Inventory Schedules - Availability tab.


Inventory (INV), noninventory (NON-INV) Items

Item Availability


Pegged Supply is scheduled late

Inv, Non-Inv

Not Ready: item’s scheduled supply date is later than need/due date


Pegged Scheduled supply is past due

Inv, Non-Inv

Not Ready: scheduled supply not received on time


Pegged Requisition due date not specified

Inv, Non-Inv

Not Ready: assumed, when pegged Req has null due date


Multiple exceptions – needs research

Inv, Non-Inv

Not Ready: multiple reasons, due to multiple pegged supplies


Procured item not pegged

Non-Inv (only)

Not Ready: assumed, when pegged Req has null due date


Procured item insufficient pegged supply

Non-Inv (only)

Not Ready: item has pegged supply, but insufficient to cover needed qty

Work Order Procurement Inquiry

Clicking the Procurement Inquiry button accesses the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Purchasing and Pegging Inquiry component. This inquiry enables a scheduler to review the specific procurement transactions that exist for a given work order.

See Using the Purchasing and Pegging Inquiry.

Purchase Order or Requisition Add

Clicking this button accesses the Purchasing Add/Update Requisition or Purchase Order component, where you can add a new purchase order or requisition, depending on the configuration in the work order business unit. This provides a convenient way to add a purchase order or requisition based on the work order by eliminating the need to exit the work order and selecting the options separately in PeopleSoft Purchasing. The work order key fields will not be copied if you click this button to add a requisition or purchase order, it is simply a navigation aid to help navigate to the component to add the necessary procurement transaction.

See Creating Purchase Orders Online.

Purchase Order or Requisition Load

In order to stage work order Purchase/On-Hand rows you need to ensure that all of the data elements are populated properly. Once all edits are clear, you must select the check box for those rows for which you want to stage prior to clicking the Purchase Order or Requisition Load button. For each Purchase/On-Hand row you selected, the system inserts the row into the Purchase Item Stage record (PO_ITM_STG). Corresponding Purchase Order distributions are also inserted into the Distribution Staging record (PO_DIST_STG). Once the rows are staged, you must access PeopleSoft Purchasing to run either the PO Auto Sourcing process or the PO Calculations and PO Creation processes to create the purchase order.

If the work order business unit is configured for requisitions, then the Load Requisition(s) button displays instead of the Load Purchase Order(s) button. When you click the Load Requisition(s) button, this flags the selected work order Purchase/On-Hand row(s) for the Load Requisition process. You must then navigate to PeopleSoft Purchasing and access the Load Requisitions process.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing 9.0 PeopleBook.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Work Order Workbench

Before you can assign a scheduler to a work order task so that the scheduler can access the Work Order Workbench, you must:

  1. Set up a role and permissions for a scheduler.

  2. Set up the scheduler as an employee either using the PeopleSoft HRMS or FSCM database.

  3. Establish the scheduler as a resource in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

  4. Access PeopleSoft Maintenance Management's Manage Profiles for the scheduler and associate the scheduler with a shop.

  5. Access the shop and enter a user-defined scheduler's code and then select the scheduler to associate with the code.

    You can assign as many schedulers to a shop as you want, but you can only identify one scheduler as the primary scheduler. The primary scheduler's name displays, along with the scheduler code in the work order's Requirement's page for each work order task.

Setting up schedulers in the shop based on a scheduler's code enables you to easily change the scheduler assigned to multiple work order tasks without having to access each work order. You just access the shop and remove the current scheduler's employee ID assigned to the scheduler code and assign another scheduler's employee to the same scheduler's code.

See Understanding Labor and Tools Resource Setup and Maintenance.

You can select different schedulers for each work order task in the work order's Requirements page, as long as they are assigned to the shop associated with the work order. Once you assign a scheduler to a work order task, the scheduler can access the Work Order Workbench component and view a list of assigned work order tasks. The scheduler can add or modify the scheduled start and end date and schedule the work order task directly from the Work Order Workbench. However, the scheduler must click the Work Order link in the workbench to access the work order component and assign resources to the work order task.

When you create a work order, the Scheduling page:

The Work Order Workbench includes:

A scheduler must be able to respond to changes that may occur during the completion of a work order, such as changes in a resource's availability or access to an asset being maintained. These changes are performed manually by the scheduler.

You can enable specific users to perform various types of scheduling activities in the User Preferences, Maintenance Management page.

See Defining Maintenance Management User Preferences.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Work Order Schedules Page to Schedule Resources

To schedule and assign resources for work order tasks use the Work Order (WM_WO) component and the Work Order Workbench (WM_WOTSK_WORKBENCH) component.

This section discusses how to use the Schedules page to schedule resources:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use the Schedules Page to Schedule Resources

Page Name

Object Name





Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, click the Schedules tab.

Schedule resources for a work order task.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning and Scheduling Resources for Work Order Tasks

Access the Schedules page.

Scheduled Start and Scheduled End

Enter the start and end dates and times to schedule resources for this work order task.

The system displays these dates on the Actuals page of the work order, where they can be compared to the actual start and end dates and times.

Note. You must enter these dates before you click the Copy From Requirements button.

Copy From Requirements

Click this button to copy data from the Labor Requirements, Inventory Requirements, Purchase/On-Hand Requirements, and Tools Requirements in the Requirements page to the Labor Schedules, Inventory Schedules, Purchase/On-Hand Schedules, and Tools Schedules grids on the Schedules page.


Click this link to access the labor scheduling options and Labor Scheduling grid.


Click this link to access the Inventory scheduling options and the Inventory Scheduling grid.

Note. You must install PeopleSoft Inventory to access this link.


Click this link to access the Purchase/On-Hand scheduling options and the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid.


Click this link to access the Tools scheduling options and the Tool Schedules grid.

See Creating Work Order Tasks.

Click to jump to parent topicScheduling Labor Resources for a Work Order Task

This section describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Schedule Labor Resources for a Work Order Task

Page Name

Object Name





Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, click the Schedules tab.

Enter resource schedules for work order tasks.

Search for Labor Resources


Click the Search link in the Labor Schedules grid on the Schedules page.

Enter search criteria to search for labor resource to assign to a work order task.

Summary - Worklist


Click the Worklist link at the top of the page.

Selects resources assigned to a work order task to approve or reject.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBooks: Using PeopleSoft Applications, Using Workflow

Details - Worklist


Click the Details link on the Summary - Worklist page.

Review details regarding resource assignments that require approval.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBooks: Using PeopleSoft Applications, Using Workflow



Click the Actuals tab in the Work Order component.

Displays the actual times, dates, and resource amounts used for a work order task for labor, inventory, purchase/on-hand, and tools resources.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning and Scheduling Labor Resources for Work Order Tasks

Access the Schedules page.

Recommend Labor

Select at least one row in the Labor Schedules grid and then select this button to run the Resource Match engine, which matches qualifications and schedules specified in the row to the qualifications and schedules of all PeopleSoft Maintenance Management labor resources and returns the recommended labor resources with their qualification and availability fit scores. You can narrow the search by selecting a Resource Group before you click this button.

See Labor and Tool Resource Matching.

Cancel Labor Assignment

Click this button after selecting rows in the Labor Schedules grid that you want to cancel. This cancels the assignment, which deletes calendar entries (today and future entries) associated with the assignment and clears the employee ID on the selected labor resource schedule row.

Move Selected to Purchase

Click this button if you need to obtain a selected labor resource from an outside vendor. You select the labor resource row and then select this button, which moves the resource information to the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid. You must specify the craft and the required dates for the work order task. Once a technician is procured, you need to set up the technician as a resource if you want to treat the individual as a regular employee technician, which enables you to schedule this individual to work on work order tasks. In this case, you would create the purchase requisition or purchase order without the work order information on the procurement document. Alternatively, you can procure a service directly to the work order and receive the costs to the work order from the supplier by means of an invoice through PeopleSoft Payables. In this instance, you would enter the work order business unit, work order ID, work order task ID, and resource line number on the procurement documents.

Resource Group

Select a resource group ID to use to narrow the search for resources by the Resource Match engine when you click the Recommend Labor button.

Continuous Scheduling

Select this check box to have the Resource Match engine determine availability of one or more selected resources by assuming the resource should ideally have one block of time available to complete the work. This option is used only by the Resource Match Engine.

See Labor and Tool Resource Matching.

Recommended Labor Resources

When you click the Recommend Labor button, the Verity Search Engine and the Resource Match engine run and match the selected craft's qualifications and availability with either resources in the selected resource group or with all PeopleSoft Maintenance Management resources associated with the selected craft. Once the matching finishes, a Recommend Labor Resources grid displays listing the resources that match the labor resource row criteria.


Click this button to add a resource to the Labor Schedules grid.

Qualifications Fit Score

Displays the overall fit score calculated by the Resource Match engine.

Availability Fit Score

Displays the overall availability fit score calculated by the Resource Match Engine.

Employee ID and Name

Displays the employee's ID and name and provides access to this employee's monthly schedule.


Displays the name of the supervisor of the recommended employee.

Business Unit

Displays the work order business unit that is associated with the shop to which the employee is assigned.


Displays the shop with which the individual is associated.

Note. For a given work order task, if you select an employee who is assigned to a shop that is different from the shop associated with the work order, the assignment may require approval, if your organization has set up assignment approval workflow.

See Labor Resource Assignment Approval Workflow.


Displays the shift to which the employee is assigned to for the shop that he belongs to as shown on the grid.

Note. You assign a resource to one or more shops, shifts, and one or more crafts using the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Profiles component.

See Understanding Labor and Tools Resource Setup and Maintenance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Labor Schedules Assignments Tab

Access the Labor Schedules Assignments tab on the Schedules page.

(warning) and (error) and (information)

Displays either a warning icon or an error icon and displays the Messages tab explaining the icon when the page is saved.

Note. The information icon does not appear in the sample page.

Craft and Craft Description

Select the craft required for the work order task. You can also click the Copy From Requirements button to copy the labor resource requirements specified on the Requirements page to the Labor Schedules grid.

Employee ID

Select the employee ID of the technician that you want to assign to the work order task. Selecting an employee enables you to access the selected employee's monthly, weekly, and daily calendar. This option is known as direct assignment and does not use the Resource Match to help find a qualified resource. If you assigned resources on the Labor Assignments Workbench, those resource assignments also display in the appropriate rows on this page.

Important! Resources who are assigned to a shop other than the shop associated with the work order usually require approval by the resource's shop manager. You set up workflow approval ahead of time, by setting up the work order business unit Options page, which is used to issue emails to the resource's supervisor and to the resource, if desired. Once assignment approval is set up, when you select an employee ID in this field, enter the hours and other details and save the work order, a message appears indicating that this employee requires approval and that you must access the Worklist link in the page.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology.

Click this icon to display the selected employee's monthly calendar. This calendar is updated with any assignments entered for the resource.

See Managing a Resource's Monthly Schedule.


Enter the total number of hours that you need the selected employee to work on this task.

If you entered this assignment on the Labor Assignment Workbench, the assigned hours display from the workbench.

Note. You can change these hours as long as they have not been assigned and depending on the work order task status.

See Understanding Service Request and Work Order Statuses.

Personnel Status

Displays the status of the employee, such as employee, contractor, supervisor. This information is derived from the employee's profile.

Assignment Status

Displays the assignment approval status as:

  • Assigned

  • Canceled

  • Complete

  • Pending Approval

    This status only applies to employees that you assign who work for a shop other than the shop associated with this work order. You must also set up labor resource assignment approval workflow.

  • Rejected

    This status only applies to employees that you assign who work for a shop other than the shop associated with this work order. You must also set up labor resource assignment approval workflow.


Click this link to access the Search Labor Resources page, where you can enter search criteria to search for labor resources to assign to a work order task. This is one of the three methods used to identify resources for a task. You must select a craft and enter the hours in the Labor Schedules - Assignments tab before you click this link.

Search Labor Resources

Access the Search Labor Resources page.


Select a shop to locate a resource. The default value is the shop associated with the work order. You can override this value and select a different shop in which to search for resources. If you select a resource from a shop different than the shop associated with the work order and assignment workflow is set up, then any resource assignments from this other shop require approval.

Location Code

Select the location of the resource to narrow the search.

Crew Name

Select a crew name to locate resources for this work order task that are assigned to a specific crew. The system searches for resources set up in crews, who are assigned to the selected shop.

100% Available

Remove the default check mark from this check box if you want the system to search for resources who are less than 100 percent available to work on the work order task. If the check box is selected, the system searches for resources who are 100 percent available for the work order task.


Click this button to search for resources based on the specified search criteria. The resources that match the criteria are listed in the Labor Resources grid. Select the resource you want to assign to the selected task and click the OK button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Labor Schedules Details Tab

Access the Labor Schedules Details tab on the Schedules page.

Shop ID and Shift ID

When you select an employee ID, the system displays the shop associated with the selected resource based on if:

  • The crew assignment is enabled in the shop and the resource belongs to the shop's crew, then the shop associated with the crew and the resource's weekly shift identified in the shop display as default values in the fields.

  • The crew assignment is not enabled for the shop and the resource belongs to the shop identified in the work order header shop, the shop in the work order header and the resource's weekly shift display as default values in the fields.

  • The resource does not belong to either the crew's shop or the shop identified in the work order header, the system displays a shop to which the resource belongs and the resource's weekly shift for that shop. If the resource belongs to multiple shops, the system selects one shop as the default value. Currently, users cannot specify a primary shop as the default shop in the work order task.

Overbook Flag

Select this check box to allow the overbooking of a resource. Leave this check box blank if you do not want to allow overbooking for this resource.

Important! This option displays only if you clicked the Require Manual Override button in the shop associated with this work order.

Procure Status

Indicates whether this resource is being procured and the status of that procurement.

Update Work History

Select this check box to update the work history based on the work order task for the resource.


Click this link to view the resource's qualifications profile.

Note. You can view, but not modify the labor qualifications entered on the Labor Requirements - Details tab.

See Adding and Maintaining Qualification Profiles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Labor Schedules Timetable Tab

Access the Labor Schedules Timetable tab on the Schedules page.

Scheduled Start Date, Scheduled Time, Scheduled End Date, and Scheduled Time

Adjust these dates and times to schedule this resource's work in the work order task if the fields are enabled. These dates and times cannot exceed the scheduled start and end dates and times for the work order task. If you entered this assignment on the Labor Assignment Workbench, the values from the workbench display in these fields. However, the changes are validated against the crew schedule requirements and the work order task schedules:

If the Labor Schedules rows originate from the Labor Requirements rows, then:

  • If the schedule has crew assignments, the scheduled start and end dates and times must fall within the requirement crew scheduled start and end dates and times.

  • If the schedule has no crew assignment, the scheduled start and end dates and times must fall within the work order task scheduled start and end dates and times.

For example if Labor Schedules rows 1 and 2 originated from Labor Requirements row 1, and Labor Requirement row 1 is crew assigned, then the scheduled dates and times for Labor Schedules rows 1 and 2 must fall within the crew schedule dates and times for Labor Requirements row 1.

If the Labor Schedules rows did not originate from the Labor Requirements rows, then the scheduled dates in the rows are validated against the task schedules dates and times.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Labor Schedules Cost Tab

Access the Labor Schedules Cost tab on the Schedules page.

Cost Rate and Billing Rate

These default rate values come from rates entered in either the work order business unit's Integration page, the rates specified for a shop, or the rates specified in the shop for the resource's craft depending on the setup. These scheduled costs are summarized in the work order and compared to the actual costs that come from PeopleSoft Project Costing after the work order task is completed and display in the work order's Cost page. The default Currency Code is derived from the work order business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Labor Schedules Crew Assignments Tab

Access the Labor Schedules - Crew Assignments tab.

This tab only appears if you have scheduled a crew on the Crew Scheduling Workbench for this work order.

Crew Business Unit

Displays value derived from the Crew Scheduling Workbench.

Crew Shop

Displays value derived from the Crew Scheduling Workbench.


Displays crew selected on the Crew Scheduling Workbench for each task row.

Period Start

Displays period start date derived from the Crew Scheduling Workbench.

See Performing Crew Scheduling.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Labor Schedules Distributions Tab

Access the Labor Schedules Distributions tab on the Schedules page.


Click this link to access the distribution data specified for the row after an assignment has been made.

Note. This tab only displays if the View and Update Accounting check box is selected in User Preferences for the user performing the scheduling.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Labor Schedules Messages Tab

Access the Labor Schedules Messages tab on the Schedules page.

This tab only displays if a warning, or error message is issued when you save the page.

Indicates that there is a warning associated with this selection.

Message Description

Displays a description of the warning in the Message Description field for the row.

Indicates that there is an error associated with this selection. A description of the error displays in the Message Description field for the row.

Click to jump to parent topicScheduling Inventory Resources for a Work Order Task

This section describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Schedule Inventory Resources for a Work Order Task

Page Name

Object Name





Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, click the Schedules tab.

Enter resource schedules for work order tasks.

Equipment Parts List Selection


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, Schedules tab, click Inventory link, click the Equipment Parts List button

Select an inventory item associated with the selected asset for the task.

Process/Output Options


Click the Picking Plan Setup button on the Inventory Schedules - Schedules page.

Define the run parameters for the pick plan process.

Item Search Criteria


Click the icon in the Inventory Schedules grid of the Schedules page or on the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules page.

Perform an expanded search for an inventory item.

Pegging Workbench


Click the Pegging Workbench icon in the Inventory Schedules - Details tab on the Schedules page.

Peg quantity for Inventory item in the work order task.

Pegging Inquiry


Click the Pegging Inquiry icon in the Inventory Schedules - Details tab on the Schedules page or in the Purchase/On-Hand schedules - Details tab on the Schedules page.

Review the pegging status of an item.

Item/Product Availability


  • Click the Availability link in the Inventory Schedules - Additional Information tab on the Schedules page.

  • Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Inventory Balance Info, Item/Product Availability

Review the availability status of a selected item in the work order task line.

Item Balance by Unit


  • Click the Item Balance link on the Inventory Schedules - Additional Information tab on the Schedules page.

  • Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Inventory Balance Info, Item Balance by Unit

Review remaining balance in Inventory of a selected inventory item in the work order task line.

Delivery Instructions


Click the Delivery Instruction link in the Inventory Schedules - Additional Information tab on the Schedules page.

Add instructions concerning how to deliver the inventory and purchase/on-hand materials.

Reservation Errors


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order. Click the Reservation Errors link on the Inventory Schedules - Reservation tab on the Schedules page.

Review errors generated from Inventory when attempting to reserve an item.

Shortage Workbench


  • Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, Schedules page. Click the Shortage Workbench button in the

  • Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shortage Workbench

Reserve and unreserve inventory items selected for work order tasks.

Reserve Materials


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Stock Requests, Reserve Materials Process

Perform batch reservation processing of inventory items selected for a work order task.

Item Availability


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, Schedules page. Click the No link in the Inventory Schedules–Availability tab.

Review the reason why an item was identified as unavailable .

Reservation Errors


Click the Reserve Messages link on the Inventory Schedules - Reservation tab.

Review reservation message errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning and Scheduling Inventory Resources for Work Order Tasks

Access the Inventory Schedules grid on the Schedules page.

Item Availability

Click this button to determine the availability of a selected item as of the Schedule Needed Date. Selecting this button updates the Availability tab and indicates whether the quantity is available or not, the earliest available date, and the quantity available on the Schedule Needed Date.

See Defining the Inventory Schedules Availability Tab.

Picking Plan

Click this button to generate a picking plan for any of the listed items that have not already been selected for a picking plan. You do not have to select each row to generate a picking plan. A message displays indicating that you submitted a picking plan and provides the process instance and pick batch ID for tracking purposes.

Note. If you indicated that items are committed based on the generation of a Picking Plan in the work order business unit's Integration page or the shop definition, then the Inventory Schedules - Details tab indicates that the items are committed.

You must indicate in the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page that a user is authorized to run a picking plan.

Picking Plan Setup

Click this button to display the Process/Output Options page to define the allocations and run parameters for the picking plan report.

Shortage Workbench

Click this link to access the Inventory Shortage Workbench to reserve or unreserve the work order demand.

See Fulfilling Work Orders from Maintenance Management.

Equipment Parts List

Click this button to access Equipment Parts List Selection page, where you can select among multiple EPL templates, if available, listed in descending order of applicability that match the target asset's classification criteria (asset type, subtype, manufacturer ID and model). The default template is listed at the top and is preselected. However, you can select a different template from which to copy the inventory parts. Selecting the template copies all of the inventory parts associated with the asset to the lower portion of the page. You then select the inventory parts that you want to copy to the work order task.


Click this button to override the reservation rules hierarchy set up in the work order business unit and shop and immediately reserve the items for that task. The results of this selection displays information on the Inventory Schedules-Reservation tab.

Note. This button only appears on the page if the user is authorized to perform this activity on the User Preferences-Maintenance Management page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Pick Plan

Access the Schedules page and click the Inventory Schedules - Picking Plan link to access the Process Options page.

Pick Reserved Parts Only

Select this check box and run the Picking Plan to pick only the reserved inventory items (parts) associated with the work order task.

Note. If the reserve rule is pick plan, all the parts for the task will be picked regardless if they have already been reserved and Pick Reserved Parts only is selected.

Picking Plan Date Options

Select one of these values to represent the number of days needed to reserve, pick, pack, and ship the majority of the items in the Inventory business unit. The requested quantities for soft-reserve items can be reserved when the scheduled shipment date falls within one of the following reservation lead days windows:

  • Date Range

    These fields become available:

    • From:

    • Thru:

      Enter or select the beginning and end dates of the date range, which indicates the period of time that the selected items must be reserved, picked, packed and shipped in PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • Lead Days

    This field becomes available:

    • Lead Days

      Enter the number of lead days in which the requested quantities can be reserved, picked, packed and shipped in PeopleSoft Inventory.

    • Today

      Select this value to indicate that the selected items must be reserved, picked, packed, and shipped in PeopleSoft Inventory as of the current date.

Note. If you do not select or enter one of the previous values, the system will use the lead days indicated for the Inventory business unit in Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Fulfillment Rules, Setup Fulfillment, Setup Fulfillment or at the item level in Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Setup Item Fulfillment.

Picking Rules

These rules are assigned at either the Inventory business unit level (Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Fulfillment Rules, Setup Fulfillment) or at the item level (Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Fulfillment Rules, Setup Item Fulfillment) and have these options:

  • Container Option

  • Default Putaway Option

  • Default Shipment Location

  • Fixed Pick Location

  • Pick by Date

  • Random Pick Locations

Default Shipping Location

These rules are assigned at either the business unit level (Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Fulfillment Rules, Setup Fulfillment) or at the item level (Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Fulfillment Rules, Setup Item Fulfillment) and have these options:

  • Default Ship Staging Location

  • Default Cross Docking Location

  • Default Putaway Location

  • Default Fixed Picking Bin

  • Default Pegging Location

  • Random Pick Locations

Picking Plan Only

Click this button to generate a regular pick plan report, which shows the demand lines and the picking locations. When executed from the online Picking Plan button in the work order task, it is sorted by work order and work order task IDs.

Location Summary Only

Click this button to generate a report that shows the demand lines to be picked in order of location.

Page Break

Select this check box to break the pages in the report for each work order.

Picking and Location Summary

Click this button to generate both the Picking Plan and the Location Summary report.

Print Delivery Instructions

Select this check box to print the delivery instructions provided that you entered delivery instructions in the Inventory Schedules line.

Output Destination

Select the Server, the Format of the output, and the Destination for the output, such as the name of an employee or a job location.

See Fulfilling Work Orders from Maintenance Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Items from the Equipment Parts List

Access the Schedules page and click the Equipment Parts List button to access the Equipment Parts List Selection page.

This sample page displays for a target asset that has multiple EPL templates available. If only a single template is available, then that template displays as preselected in the top part of the page.

EPL Template Selection

Displays a list of multiple templates or a single preselected template. These templates are set up in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

If the system lists multiple templates, select the template from which you want to copy items to the work order. The templates are listed in order of their applicability to the target asset specified on the work order task.

The designated default template for the asset is always listed first and is preselected as the default. However, you can select the check box for any other template and the EPL Item Selection grid display will automatically refresh to display the Inventory items corresponding to the template that you selected.

EPL Item Selection

Select the one or more of the items that you want to copy to the Inventory Schedules grid of the work order task to maintain or repair the selected asset.

Copy Selected Items

Click this button to copy the selected items to the Inventory Schedules grid.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Inventory Schedules Materials tab

Access the Inventory Schedules Materials tab on the Schedules page.

Item ID

Select an item ID from the Item ID Lookup page.

Note. This field can also be populated by clicking the Copy from Requirements button or by selecting items from the EPL.

Click this icon to access the Item Search Criteria page, where you can enter information to perform an expanded search for an item ID, select the item, and copy it to the line in the Inventory Schedules grid.

Scheduled Quantity

Enter the quantity of items that you need for this work order task.

Schedule Needed Date

Select the date that these inventory items are needed to perform the work. The default date is derived from the schedules start date for the work order task.

UOM (unit of measure)

Displays the default standard unit of measure for the item. There is a standard unit of measure and an ordering unit of measure associated with an item. . All items are setup with a standard unit of measures such as EA (each). However, you can override the default standard UOM with an ordering UOM. For example, an item may be defined with a standard unit of measure of EA. You override this default value with the ordering UOM Boxsince a box may contain 4 EA.

Planned Quantity

Displays value copied from the work order task's requirements. If there are no requirements copied over, this field is not populated.

Item Type

Displays an Inventory item ID attribute value of either:

  • Inventory

    This type is costed.

  • Floor Stock

    This type is not costed and is not issued to the work order. Examples of floor stock items can include: common nuts and bolts, disposable gloves, belts, and tubing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Inventory Schedules Details Tab

Access the Inventory Schedules Details tab on the Schedules page.


Displays whether the item has been committed in PeopleSoft Inventory. The status changes to committed depending on the commit rule that you selected on the work order business unit's Integration page or the shop definition. The commit rules include:

  • Generating a picking plan.

  • Adding an item to the parts list.

  • A change in the work order task status to a specified status.

Pick Batch ID

Displays the batch in which the pick plan was generated.

Qty Issued (quantity issued)

Displays after item is issued from PeopleSoft Inventory.

Standard UOM (standard unit of measure)

Add/Update a PO can also update the peg status to complete if the user reduces the PO quantity to be equal to the putaway quantity. This situation will occur if the user does a partial receipt and decides not to receive any more.

Peg Status

Displays the peg status of the selected inventory item:

Note. The peg status that displays in this field only pertains to the purchase of Inventory items and is derived from the PeopleSoft Inventory system. You cannot purchase inventory items from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

  • Open

    Quantity is pegged to supply (Requisition, PO, Interunit MSR).

  • Not Pegged

    The quantity needed of the selected item is not pegged to supply (Requisition, PO, Interunit MSR).

  • Completed

    For Inventory Schedules rows, this status requires receiving into PeopleSoft Inventory so Inventory's putaway process, can set the peg status to Complete once the entire pegged quantity is putaway.

    Add/Update a PO can also update the peg status to complete if the user reduces the PO quantity to be equal to the putaway quantity. This situation will occur if the user does a partial receipt and decides not to receive any more.

  • Canceled

    This indicates that the requisition, the PO, or the Interunit Material Stock Request (MSR) to which the work order is pegged to has been canceled or the WO scheduled quantity has been decreased such that the quantity pegged has been decreased to zero, and the work order row is not pegged to any other supply.

Pegging Workbench

Click the icon to access the Pegging Workbench in PeopleSoft Inventory, where you can add the quantity needed for the item to an incoming requisition or purchase order. This essentially reserves the specified quantity for the work order task against the incoming supply. When the material is received, a notification can be generated to notify WO personnel the material has arrived.

Note. If you access the Pegging Workbench from the Inventory Schedules - Details tab, the system will autonumber the work order when it is saved (as long as it has not been previously saved).

Pegging Inquiry

Click this link to access the Inventory Pegging Inquiry and review the pegging details of an item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Inventory Schedules Reservation Tab

Access the Inventory Schedules Reservation tab on the Schedules page.

Qty Reserved(quantity reserved)

Displays the actual quantity reserved in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Work Order demand can be reserved in the following ways:

  • You save the work order and the system processes commit and reservation rules and triggers the reservation process in PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • You click the Reserve button.

  • You run the Reserve Materials process in PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • PeopleSoft Inventory receives a pegged work order row.

  • The items are reserved on the Shortage Workbench in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Reservation Status

Displays the status of the selected item's reservation. Statuses that display include:

  • Pending Reservation.

    Reservation has not been attempted.

  • Reserve Attempted.

    Reservation has been attempted and no quantity has been reserved. This can indicate that an error has occurred preventing the item from being partially or fully reserved.

  • Partially Reserved.

    The scheduled quantity is only partially reserved, typically due to a shortage in PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • Fully Reserved.

    The total scheduled and committed quantity of items (parts) have been reserved at the business unit/item level in PeopleSoft Inventory, which increases the Qty Reserved and decreases the Qty Available amounts.

Reserve Messages

Displays link to Reservation Messages page, which describes the reason(s) why an item could not be fully reserved. This link appears when you attempt to reserve materials for a work order task.


Displays default value, which is derived from the setup of the reservation rules either at the work order business unit level, shop level, or work order type level, which is set up in the shop. PeopleSoft Inventory uses this number to sort demand and prioritize it accordingly, with 1 being the highest or most important priority and 999 being the lowest or least important priority.

Reservation Errors

Access the Reservation Errors page.

When you attempt to reserve an item on the Inventory Schedules grid and the system cannot reserve the item or can only partially reserve an item, you can click the Reserve Messages link to access the Reservation Errors page. This page describes reason that you could not reserve the item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Inventory Schedules Availability Tab

Access the Inventory Schedules Availability tab on the Schedules page.

Current Qty Available (current quantity available)

Displays the quantity available for the item in the Inventory business unit associated with the work order business unit.

Availability Inquiry

Click this button to access the Item/Product Availability page in PeopleSoft Inventory for the selected item based on a specific date. This page shows the cumulative ATP (Available to Promise) quantity, the available quantity, and the time phased supply and demand quantities for the item.

Balance Inquiry

Click this button to access the Item Balance by Unit page in PeopleSoft Inventory for the selected item. This page shows the quantity on hand, the quantity owned, the quantity available, and the quantity reserved for the item. It also shows the last adjustment, the last putaway date, the last order date and the last order. You can click links to access the Item Balance by All Units, the Item Balance by Location, and the Fulfillment Status components for the item.

See Inquiring and Reporting About On-Hand Stock.

Schedule Needed Date

Displays the default Schedule Date for the work order task. You can override this value and enter the date that the item is needed for the work order task. When you click the Item Availability button, the system updates the Need Date Qty Available field with the quantity available as of that date.

Earliest Available

Displays a date based on selecting one or more rows then clicking the Item Availability button on the Inventory Schedules page. This date determines, based on your scheduled quantity and schedule need date, when the selected Item is available.

See Inventory Item Availability.

Item Availability


  • Not Checked, if you have not selected the Item Availability button for this row.

    If you previously checked a row for Item Availability and you modify the Item, Schedule Qty, Schedule Needed Date, or UOM values, the Earliest Available Date, Item Availability, and Need Date Qty Available field values will be initialized to Not Checked.

  • Yes, if the item is available.

  • No, if the item is not available.

    This value displays as a link, which you can select and display the Item Availability page, which contains description(s) of why the item is not available.

Need Date Qty Available(need date quantity available)

Displays the quantity available on the date that you indicated you needed it for the work order task. This displays when you click the Item Availability button.

See Inventory Item Availability.

Item Availability Page

Access the Item Availability page:

When schedule an item that is unavailable and select the Item Availability button, it displays a No in the Item Availability field of an Inventory/Schedules row. When you click the No link, the Item Availability page appears with a message describing the error.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Inventory Schedules Additional Information Tab

Access the Inventory Schedules Additional Information tab on the Schedules page.

Delivery Flag

Select this check box to enable you to add delivery instructions.

Delivery Instructions

Enter instructions describing how you want the selected inventory item delivered.


Displays a serial or lot numbers if the selected item is serial or lot controlled and quantities are issued to the inventory row. You can click a link to review the serial or lot numbers associated with the item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Inventory Schedules Default Settings Tab

Access the Inventory Schedules Default Settings tab on the Schedules page.

Transaction Source

Displays the source of the transaction. These values determine whether the transaction costs are Scheduled or Actuals. There are two integration points that can insert a row into the Inventory Schedules grid of a work order: From the pegging workbench you can peg a purchase order containing an inventory item back to a work order or you can enter a direct issue from PeopleSoft Inventory to the work order. If a transaction cost is:

  • Scheduled, the system updates the Scheduled Totals on the Cost page.

  • Actuals, the scheduled costs will not be added back to the work order. The Actual Totals are updated on Cost page of the work order based when you run the Cost Summarization process.

Source values are:

  • Work Order is Scheduled

  • Inventory Peg Workbench. When a row is inserted back to a work order from the pegging workbench, these costs will be considered scheduled costs.

  • Inventory Direct Issue is Actuals. When a row is inserted back to a work order as a result of a direct issue from PeopleSoft Inventory, these costs will be considered actual costs and not rolled into the scheduled costs for the work order task.

  • Inventory Peg Workbench if the Pegging Workbench inserts a row into the work order.

Note. For Inventory Schedules rows that are created by a direct issue from PeopleSoft Inventory, the Scheduled Quantity field will be 0 and the entire row will be disabled. The disabling of these rows prevents any changes and keeps the work order in sync with the feeder applications that created them.

See Inventory Requirements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Inventory Schedules Cost Tab

Access the Inventory Schedules Cost tab on the Schedules page.

Estimated Unit Cost

Displays the unit cost of the item. PeopleSoft Inventory determines the cost method of the item based on the primary book for the Inventory business unit and the cost profile of the business unit/item. For example, if the primary book for the Inventory business unit is FIN01 and the cost profile of the business unit/item is PERPAVG, the unit cost for the item will be the perpetual average cost for the item.

Scheduled Material Costs

Displays unit cost of each item scheduled, which is derived from PeopleSoft Inventory, multiplied by the scheduled quantity.

Currency Code

Converts Inventory currency to currency identified in the work order business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Inventory Schedules Distributions Tab

Access the Inventory Schedules Distributions tab on the Schedules page.


Click this link to access the distribution data specified for the row after an assignment has been made. You can override the values if necessary.

Note. This link only displays if the View and Update Accounting check box on the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page is selected for this user.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Inventory Batch Reservations

Access the Reserve Batch page.

The handling of this page for work orders is described in the PeopleSoft Inventory PeopleBook chapter, Fulfilling Work Orders from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

See Committing and Reserving Work Orders.

Click to jump to parent topicScheduling Purchase/On-Hand Resources for a Work Order Task

This section describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Schedule Purchase On-Hand Resources for a Work Order Task

Page Name

Object Name





Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, click the Schedules tab

Enter resource schedules for work order tasks.

Purchase Orders


  • Select the Procurement Inquiry button on the Schedules page.

  • Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Purchasing and Pegging

Review any purchase orders or requisitions associated with work orders and work order tasks.



  • Select the Procurement Inquiry button on the Schedules page and select the Requisitions tab.

  • Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Purchasing and Pegging

Review any purchase orders or requisitions associated with work orders and work order tasks.

Maintain Purchase Order


  • Click the Add Purchase Order button on the Schedules page.

  • Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Add/Update POs

Add a purchase order based on a work order task to purchase labor, materials, or tools identified in the Purchase/On Hand Schedules grid.

Maintain Requisitions


  • Click the Add Requisition button on the Schedules page.

  • Purchasing, Requisitions, Add/Update Requisitions

Add requisition based on a work order task to purchase labor, materials, or tools identified in the Purchase/On Hand Schedules grid.

Item Availability


Click the Item Availability link in the Schedules page - Purchase/On-hand Schedules Availability tab.

Review availability of an item or reason item is not available.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning and Scheduling Purchase/On-Hand Resources for Work Order Tasks

Access the Purchase/On-Hand grid on the Schedules page.

Item Availability

Select one or more rows and click this button to determine if the selected items are available as of the due date. The row must be pegged before you can determine if an item is available.

See Procurement of Material, Labor, and Tool Resources Using the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Grid.

Add Purchase Order or Add Requisition

Click this button to access the Add/Update Purchase Order or the Add/Update Requisition component to create a purchase order or requisition. The button that displays in the work order depends on your selection of either Purchase Order or Requisition on the work order business unit's Integrations page.

Load Purchase Order(s) or Load Requisition(s)

Select the resource lines for which you intend to create Purchase Orders (or requisitions) and then click the Load Purchase Order(s) button for a work order task. The selected rows are then staged into the purchasing related stage records (PO_ITM_STG and PO_DIST_STG). Once the rows are staged, you must access PeopleSoft Purchasing to run either the PO Auto Sourcing process or the PO Calculations and PO Creation processes to create the purchase order. This stages the purchase orders. When you click the Load Requisition(s) button, this flags the selected work order rows and you then must access PeopleSoft Purchasing to run the Load Requisitions process.

Note. Normally, organizations schedule PO Auto Sourcing, PO Calculations, PO Creation, and Load Requisitions to run automatically at regular intervals.

See Creating Requisitions Online.

Equipment Parts List

Click this button to access the Equipment Part List Selection page. This button only appears on the page if the asset selected for this work order task is associated with one or more EPL templates that contain noninventory or open description items.

Note. Inventory items are not included in the item list that displays based on the selected template.

See Inventory Resource Scheduling.

Procurement Inquiry

Click this button to access the Work Order Procurement Inquiry component in Maintenance Management. This inquiry displays all the purchase orders and requisitions that are associated with this work order task.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Procurement Tab

Access the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Procurement tab.

Item ID

Select either a noninventory item or enter an open description which may be used to purchase material, labor, or tools for the work order task. You can also select from an EPL, if the asset being worked on has an associated EPL that contains noninventory and open description rows.

Planned Quantity

Enter the quantity of the item that you want to purchase or is on hand.

Resource Type

Identify whether the resource that requires purchasing or is identified as on-hand is Material, Labor, or a Tool.

Due Date

Select the date the quantity is needed for the work order task. The scheduled date for the work order task is the default value, which you can override.


Select this check box to identify that the resource that you are scheduling are currently on-hand. On-hand rows are not costed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Details Tab

Access the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Details tab.

Peg Status

Displays the pegging status.

  • Open

    Quantity is pegged to supply (Requisition, PO)

  • Not Pegged

    The quantity needed of the selected item is not pegged to supply (Requisition, PO).

  • Completed

    Scheduled PO rows for noninventory items do not always require receiving. The PO carries an attribute that determines if receiving is required. If receiving is required, the peg status is set to Complete when the parts are fully received based on the PO's receipt process. If receiving is not required, then the peg status is set to Complete when the PO is closed.

  • Canceled

    This indicates that the requisition or the PO to which the work order is pegged has been canceled. It also can indicate that scheduled quantity of the work order has been decreased so that the quantity pegged was decreased to zero, and the work order row is not pegged to any other supply.

The peg statuses are:

Note. When you either add a purchase order or requisition in PeopleSoft Purchasing and tie it to a work order, or you load the row to create a purchase order or requisition, the selected quantities are automatically pegged.

Pegging Inquiry

Review this inquiry to track the quantities pegged for this work order task. You can access this inquiry only after the row quantities are pegged.

Note. The Pegging Inquiry for Inventory and Purchase/On-Hand schedules are the same.

Req Status (requisition status) and PO Status

Displays the current status of a requisition or purchase order depending on work order business unit selection, associated with this row. . These statuses are owned by PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and are used to define the stage of the procurement status. The status values are:

  • New, which is the default status when you add a new Purchase/On-Hand Schedules row is added to the work order task.

  • Ready to Stage, which displays when you select the Load Req or PO button for the selected rows.

  • In Process, which displays when you select the Load Req or PO button indicates that the selected rows have been staged, and the processing when you click the Save button has completed.

    This status signals that the selected rows are in the Req Load or PO Load process. You must run the Req Loader or PO Load processes to create the Requisition or PO.

  • Complete, which displays when the staging process completes successfully and a Requisition or PO is created.

    The status can also display as Complete if the row was backward tied from a Requisition or PO to a work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Availability Tab

Access the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Availability tab.

Item Availability

Yes, if the quantity is available.

  • No link after you select the Item Availability button. Click the link to access the Item Availability page, which describes the reason(s) the item is not available.

  • Not Checked, if you have not clicked the Item Availability button.

    If you previously checked a row for Item Availability and you modify the Item, Planned Qty, Due Date, or UOM values, the Earliest Available Date, Item Availability, and Need Date Qty Available field values will be initialized to Not Checked.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Vendor Tab

Access the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Vendor tab.

Vendor ID and Vendor Location

Select a vendor ID from which to purchase this resource. The default value for the Vendor Location field is based on the vendor selection.

Note. These values are required if using a Purchase Order and optional if using a requisition.


Enter this value if this is an open description row. A default value displays based on the noninventory item selected.

Ship To

Select the location in which you want to ship this resource.


Displays default value based on the selected work order task location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Default Settings Tab

Access the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Default Settings tab.

GL Business Unit

Displays default value from the work order business unit.

Item SetID

Displays the setID used to create the item in Items, Define Items and Attributes.

Supplier Reference

Displays the supplier of the part if the row is copied from an Equipment Parts List row and is defined on the EPL.

Transaction Source

Identifies the source of the purchasing transaction and determines whether the transactions are considered Scheduled or Actuals. if a transaction source is Scheduled, the Total Scheduled Costs display on the Cost page of the work order. If a transaction source is Actuals, you must run the Cost Summarization process to view the Total Actual Costs on the Cost page of the work order.

If a transaction source is Scheduled

If a transaction source is Actuals and is returned from a feeder application like inventory direct issues, or purchase/on hand actuals like Pcard, or Voucher we populate the Schedule qty (Inventory grid) and Planned Qty (Purchase/on-hand grid) with 0 (zero). A transaction source is used to isolate the costs in a work order form integration points.

Source values include:

  • 04 = Purchase Requisition is considered Scheduled.

  • 05 = Purchase Order is considered Scheduled.

  • 06 = P-Card is considered Actuals.

  • 07 = Vouchers is considered Actuals.

Note. For Purchase/On-Hand Schedules rows that are created from either a Pcard or Voucher, the value in the Planned Quantity field value will be zero, and the row will be disabled. The disabling of these rows prevents any changes and keeps the work order in sync with the feeder applications that created them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Cost Tab

Access the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Cost tab.

Unit Cost

Enter the cost of this resource per unit for open descriptions items. Displays the item's purchasing attributes standard cost if defined for the item.

Scheduled Purchase Cost

The system multiplies the planned quantity times the unit cost to display the Scheduled Purchase Cost value.

Calculate Price

Select this check box to enable the PO Calculations process to calculate the cost of the item based on vendor and other rules. If cleared, the PO Calculations process uses the cost specified.

See Understanding the PO Calculations Process.

Currency Code

Displays value set up in the work order business unit. No matter what currency is used in PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft Payables, the amounts are converted back to the currency set up in the work order business unit before they are displayed in this row.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules Distributions Tab

Access the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules - Distributions tab.


Click this link to display the distribution data for the specified row after an assignment has been made. You can override these fields, if necessary. .

Note. This link only displays if the Review and Update Accounting check box is selected on the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page for this user.

Click to jump to parent topicScheduling Tool Resources for a Work Order Task

This section describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Schedule Tool Resources for a Work Order Task

Page Name

Object Name





Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, click the Schedules tab

Enter resource schedules for work order tasks.

Asset Search


Click the Search link in the Tool Schedules - Assignments tab on the Schedules page.

Search for a tool in the asset repository.

Asset Monthly Schedule


Click the Asset's Calendar link in the Work Order Tasks - Asset Information collapsible section.

View an asset's monthly schedule and click a date to modify the details or access the asset's daily schedule.

Task Details


Click a date in the Asset Monthly Schedule.

View, update, or modify details about a work order's task's asset's monthly schedule, or access an asset's daily schedule.

Asset Daily Schedule


Click the Asset Daily Schedule link on the Task Details page.

View a work order task's asset's daily schedule, or click a time of day link to return to the Task Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning and Scheduling Tool Resources for a Work Order Task

Access the Tool Schedules grid on the Schedules page.

Recommend Tools

Select a resource group ID, if set up, and click the Recommend Resource button to run the Resource Match engine, which recommends resources that meet the tools requirements based on availability.

Cancel Tools Assignment

Select one or more appropriate tools resource rows and then select this button to cancel the tool assignment.

Move Selected to Purchase

Click this button to move selected tool rows that need to be purchased to the Purchase/On-Hand grid. The rows are removed from the Tools Schedules grid.

Resource Group

Select a tools resource group to narrow your search when you select the Recommend Tools button.

Continuous Scheduling

Click this check box to indicate to the Resource Matching process that you only want to search for tools that are available for a continuous block of time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Tool Schedules Assignments tab

Access the Tool Schedules Assignments tab on the Schedules page.


Displays either an error icon or a warning icon for a selected tool line, if there is a problem with your selection. A warning or error triggers the display of the Message tab.

Asset Type, Asset Subtype, Manufacturing ID, and Model

Select these values for a tool manually or copy the requirements from the task and then click the Recommend Tools button to determine the availability of the tools in PeopleSoft Asset Management's asset repository based on running the Resource Match engine.

Asset Business Unit

Displays default value from the Asset Management business unit in the work order task or work order. You can override this value. This is also used by the Match Engine to calculate the qualification fit score for the recommended tools.

Asset Identification

Select a specific asset ID, Tag Number, Serial ID, or Vehicle ID Number (depending on the setup if the work order business unit) if you are manually selecting a tool for this task.


Enter the specific number of hours that you plan to use the tool, which updates the tool's schedule.


Click this link to access the Asset Search page and search for a tool based on the availability of the resource.

Click this icon to access the Asset Monthly Calendar. This calendar identifies when this tool is not available and is considered when the Resource Match Engine or Asset Search is run.

See Understanding Labor and Tools Resource Setup and Maintenance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Tool Schedules Details Tab

Access the Tool Schedules Details tab on the Schedules page.

Scheduled Usage

Enter the usage dictated by the terms for renting or obtaining the tools. For example, a truck may rent for $20.00/day, therefore, you enter 1 day. The default value for the unit of measure (UOM) is derived either from tool rates set up in the shop or from the Asset Subtype definition. If a default value does not appear in the field, you can select a UOM value.


Displays the assignment status for the tool as:

  • Assigned

  • Canceled

  • Complete

Overbook Flag

Select this check box to allow the overbooking of a resource. Leave this check box blank if you do not want to allow overbooking for this resource.

Important! This option displays only if you clicked the Require Manual Override button in the shop associated with this work order.

Procure Status

Indicates the status of a tool that is being procured if you clicked the Move Selected to Purchase button. If the tool does not need to be procured, the default status is No Procurement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Tool Schedules Timetable Tab

Access the Tool Schedules Timetable tab on the Schedules page.

Scheduled Start Date, Start Time, Scheduled End Date, and End Time

Enter the dates and times to use this tool for the work order task. Default values derived from the scheduled dates and times for the work order task. These dates and times cannot exceed the scheduled dates and times of the work order task.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Tool Schedules Cost Tab

Access the Tool Schedules Cost tab on the Schedules page.

Cost Rate and Billing Rate

Displays rates set up in the shop's Tools page and multiplies them times the scheduled usage to obtain the total cost for using the tools.

Tools Cost

Save the page after entering or accepting the values of the Cost Rate and Billing Rate and the system performs the cost calculations and generates the Tool Cost value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Tool Schedules Distributions Tab

Access the Tool Schedules Distributions tab on the Schedules page.


Click this link to access the distribution data specified for the row after an assignment has been made. You can override these values, if necessary.

Note. This link only displays if the View and Update Accounting check box is selected on the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page for this user.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Messages

Access the Message tab on the Schedules page.

Important! This tab only displays if a warning or error icon displays for a selected tool.

Line No.(line number)

Indicates the task line number on which the error or warning occurred.

Message Description

Describes the reason why the warning or error occurred for the line.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Schedules Using the Work Order Workbench

This section describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Schedules Using the Work Order Workbench

Page Name

Object Name



(Scheduler's Name) Workbench


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Workbenches, Work Order Workbench

Search for a work order task assigned to a specific scheduler on the work order's Requirements page.

Task Search


Click the View button on the Work Order Workbench page.

Create a set of search criteria for work order tasks and save it as a view.

Work Order


Click the Work Order ID link on the Work Order Workbench.

Access the work order for a task to update, assign, and schedule the task.

Work Order Task Descriptions


Click the Task Description link in the Work Order Task - Task Overview tab in the Work Order Workbench.

Display a description of a task.

Asset Information


Click the Asset Description link in Work Order Task – Task Overview tab in the Work Order Workbench.

Review task's asset information.

Work Order Task Notes


Click the View link in the Work Order Task - Task Overview tab in the Work Order Workbench.

Add or review task notes and note history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Work Order Workbench

Access the Work Order Workbench page.

Use View

Select a view that you saved using the View button and click Search to display the work order tasks. This eliminates having to specify search parameters every time you use the workbench.


Click this button to access the Task Search page and enter search parameters to perform a search for one or more work order tasks. You can save the search parameters in the Task Search page to use again.

Basic Search for Work Order Tasks

You can also enter basic search criteria in the Search group box of the Work Order Workbench and click the Search button in the group box to list the tasks in the workbench based on the selected criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Work Order Task Search Views

Access the Task Search page.

You select or enter the search criteria for a view. You can set up numerous views, which reduces the amount of time it takes to locate work orders and work order tasks having specific characteristics.

Use View

Enter a name for the view that you want to save, after selecting the search criteria on the page. If you access this page by selecting a previously saved view on the Work Order Workbench Search page, then that view's name appears in this field.

Save View

Click this button to save the search criteria entered on this page. You must first enter a name for the view in the Use View field.

Business Unit

Override the default work order business unit, if necessary. Select or enter information in any of the remaining fields to narrow your search for work order tasks.

Crew Scheduling

Select a specific Crew, Shop, and Schedule Period to narrow your search to only work order tasks whose requirements are assigned to the specified crew and schedule period.

Classification 1:

The classification fields appear based on supplemental data that can be set up for a work order task.


Click this button to search for the work order tasks that meet the selected criteria on the Task Search page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Task Overview Tab in the Work Order Workbench

Access the Task Overview tab.

Select All

Click this check box to indicate that you want to select all of the listed work order tasks listed in the workbench to print.

Clear All

Click this button to unselect all of the work order tasks listed in the workbench.


Click this button to access the Work Order Task Detail Report options. You select print reports for the selected tasks, which include:

  • Labor Assignment Report

  • Material Assignment Report

  • Purchase/On-Hand Report

  • Tool Assignment Report

  • Instruction Report

  • Checklist Report

  • Work Order Notes Report

  • Work Order Task Notes Report

  • Equipment Parts List Report

Note. You can also click the Bar Code check box to include bar codes on the reports to enable bar code scanning.

Change Status To

Select one or more tasks for which you want to transition the status, select the target status, and select the Go button.

Create Work Order

Click this button to access the Work Order search page, where you can add a new work order.


Click this button to save any changes to the Work Order Workbench.

Work Order ID

Click this link to access the actual work order.

Task Descriptions

Click this link to review a description of the task.

Asset Descriptions

Click this link to access the Asset Information page and review basic information about the target asset being repaired or maintained in the task.


Click the View link to review any existing notes for this work order task , to add a new note, and to select different notes by checking the blank check box next to the Subject field to send to a scheduler or service request requester.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Schedules Tab in the Work Order Workbench

Access the Schedules tab.

Required Start Date and Required End Date

Displays required dates specified in the work order.

Scheduled Start Date and Start Time

Modify the scheduled start date and time as necessary for each task. Validations of these schedule dates and times occur when the page is saved. The validations that take place for these fields on the Schedules page of the work order are also enforced on the Work Order Workbench.

Scheduled End Data and End Time

Modify the scheduled end date and time as necessary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Resources Tab in the Work Order Workbench

Access the Resources tab.


Click the link to access the Labor Schedules grid on the work order's Schedules page, where you can modify the schedule depending on the status of the work order.

Displays Yes if labor resources are scheduled for this task and No if labor resources are not scheduled for this task.


Click the link to access the Tool Schedules grid on the work order's Schedules page, where you can modify the schedule depending on the status of the work order.

Displays Yes if tool resources are scheduled for this task and No if tool resources are not scheduled for this task.


Click the link to access the Inventory Schedules grid on the work order's Schedules page, where you can modify the schedule depending on the status of the work order.

Displays Yes if inventory resources are scheduled for this task and No if inventory resources are not scheduled for this task.


Click the link to access the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid on the work order's Schedules page, where you can modify the schedule depending on the status of the work order.

Displays Yes if Purchase/On-Hand resources are scheduled for this task and No if Purchase/On-Hand resources are not scheduled for this task.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Asset Information Tab in the Work Order Workbench

Access the Asset Information tab.


Click this link to view or add warranty information for the work order task's asset on the Asset Warranties page.

Click this icon to access active warranties associated with this asset. This icon will only display if there are warranties associated with the asset.

Displays this icon if the asset being maintained is categorized as hazardous.

Work Order History

Click this link to access the Work Order Task History page for this asset. You can override the asset ID on the page and search for and display the task history for a different asset.

Asset's Calendar

Click this link to access the Asset Monthly Schedule page, where you can review existing commitments for the asset.