Setting Up Labor and Tools Resources

This chapter presents an overview of labor and tools resource setup in Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Labor and Tools Resource Setup and Maintenance

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLabor Resources Setup

The goal of the operations manager and shop supervisor is to ensure the accurate inventorying and easy deployment of the labor resources (technicians) who are needed to complete work order assignments. Normally, the supervisor sets up the labor resources and assigns them to a shop. When a work order is created, the scheduler can assign resources to the work order task by simply selecting resources directly from the list of eligible labor resources, by using the Recommend Labor feature to search for the most qualified and available resources, or by manually searching for available labor resources. Before you set up shops and assign resources to the shops, you must set up competencies and accomplishments and associate them with employees.

You can generate labor resources by setting up employee data using one of these methods:

Important! You must access Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Resource Setup and indicate whether you intend to use PeopleSoft HCM 8.0+, PeopleSoft HCM 8.0+ and PeopleSoft Financials Database, or PeopleSoft Financials Database for your employee source data. If you use PeopleSoft Front Office Staffing, then the PeopleSoft Financials Database option is not available for selection.

You set up accomplishments and competencies using tables that are common to PeopleSoft Resource Management, Staffing, and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You assign these accomplishments and competencies in qualification profiles, which you can associate when setting up a craft codes in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, or select to specify the labor qualification requirements for a craft requirement in a work order task line of the Work Order component. You can assign one or more resources to a craft. When you assign resources to a craft, you can update the qualification profiles from the craft only if the labor resource is set up in the Financials Database using PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. For each work order task, you can specify all the crafts required to perform the task and then modify the competencies and accomplishment qualifications needed for each of the specified crafts if necessary. You can also update and review each resource's qualification profile in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to keep the profile current.

Once the resources and the qualifications are set up, you assign the resources to a shop. You must associate the resources with a shift in the shop. You can also associate resources with crews and assign one or more crews to a shop. You can assign crew members to more than one shop as long as you divide their capacity percentage between the shops. Before you can use the system to determine capacity for a crew based on specific periods, you must set up the schedule patterns, generate the schedule periods from the pattern, and specify which schedule pattern the crew will be using on the Crew Definition Component. You also can set up reasons for rescheduling a crew.

After this data is set up, you must run the Cache Administration process (Set Up Financials/ Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration) to refresh the current eligible resources cache, the resource schedule cache, and the search indexes (for example, Verity Search Indexes). We recommend that you run this process nightly to keep the cache up to date. You must update the cache if you want the system to recommend labor resources based on their qualifications and availability, and if you want to enable users to see the availability score for each labor resource in relation to each work order task. The availability cache is updated automatically when assignments are created and canceled. Once you establish your labor resources, you can then create work orders and assign these resources to the work order tasks in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management by:

Important! If you use PeopleSoft Resource Management and have set up your employee data in PeopleSoft Resource Management, then you do not have to set up the employee data again in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management because the employee data is set up in the same tables for both PeopleSoft Resource Management and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. However, after the employee data is set up, you must create the employees as resources using the Create Resources or Create Resource Program components in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management before you can schedule the labor resources to a work order. The system marks them as PeopleSoft Maintenance Management resources in the same table PeopleSoft Resource Management uses. Once you create the employees as resources in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, then you must perform all other activities such as managing a resource profile using the Labor Administration components in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

See PeopleSoft HRMS Setup Considerations.

See Understanding Resource Scheduling.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Resource Management and PeopleSoft HRMS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparison of PeopleSoft FSCM and HRMS Employee Source Database Tables in Resource Profile

The PeopleSoft Resource Management PeopleBook identifies the tables used in the PeopleSoft Financial Database versus the PeopleSoft HRMS Database to derive data for the pages in the Manage Profiles component. All of this information also applies to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management except for:

See Understanding Resource Profile Maintenance, Labor and Tool Resource Matching.

This describes the use of the Resource Profile Craft and Shop pages.


Lists the crafts associated with this resource.

This is unique to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. On this page, you can review all of the crafts that apply to the labor resource, and manually add one or more crafts to the labor resource's profile. This is just one way to specify the crafts belonging to a given resource. Another way is to add crafts to a labor resource is through the Assigning Resources to a Craft component , which enables you to assign one or more resources to a given craft.

Not applicable


Lists the shops to which an employee is assigned.

This is unique to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. On this page, you can assign one or more shops to the labor resource with a specific weekly Shift. Manage Resource Profile validates shifts to prevent overlapping.

Not applicable

Important! PeopleSoft Maintenance Management does not use pool, regions, or industry in the resource profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSteps to Create Employee Data, Generate Resources, and Manage Resources Without PeopleSoft HRMS

You can set up labor resources based on integrating with PeopleSoft HRMS and using the established employee data and competencies from PeopleSoft HRMS. You may also be able to use the data from a third-party product if you use PeopleSoft HRMS 7. x or earlier. However, if you do not use PeopleSoft HRMS, you can set up accomplishments and competencies in the Financials/Supply Chain database for employees that you define in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Follow these steps to establish accomplishments and competencies for use in with resources in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management:

  1. Set up fundamental resource and competency data in Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Data, which includes:

    Note. You also can set up a competency tree using Tree Manager.

    See Using the Competency Tree to Organize Competencies.

    See Setting Up Resources.

  2. Set up relevant qualification and employee data in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management including:

  3. Create resources from employees using one of these methods:

  4. Set up key features in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management used to manage and assign resources to a work order and work order task, which include:

  5. Manage resources by:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTool Resources Setup

Tools are assets that are identified as tools in PeopleSoft Asset Management's asset repository by selecting the Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Owned Assets, Basic Add component. You can assign the asset type, subtype, manufacturer ID, and model of a tool along with the shop in which the tool is located or stored at and the preferred maintenance crew that can maintain the tools. You can assign a tool for use in a work order task in the work order component and can track the actual usage and cost of the tool in the Technician Workbench in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You can set up tool rates based on the asset type and subtype in the shop's Tool Rates page. These rates are the default rate values that display in the Tool Requirements and Tool Schedules grids of the work order task. If the rates are not set up in the shop, the default values are derived from the asset subtype, which is set up in PeopleSoft Asset Management. When you search for a tool, the availability is based on the operating hours of the shop.

When you use the matching engine to recommend the qualified and available tools to use for a work order task, the availability of tools is determined by the shop's operating hours. You can set up resource groups of tools for more than one shop. For example, you can set up a resource group for SHOP A to SHOP C, which includes all resources belong to SHOP A, SHOP B, and SHOP C. You can use a resource group to restrict the search for tools available to use in the performance of a work order task to the shops specified within the resource group. If you do not specify a resource group, the system searches through all the assets marked as tools based on the asset characteristics that you specify when you schedule tools in the work order task line.

Important! The accuracy of the recommendation provided by the Match Engine for labor and tools depends on the status of the cache records. You should refresh the cache regularly.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicResource Cache Administration

You run the Cache Administration Application Engine (RS_CACHE_AD) process to manage various cache records in order to enhance system performance. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management uses only three cache records: Resource Eligibility, Resource Schedule, and Verity Search Index. You run this process periodically to purge unnecessary data from the system and to update cache tables that are used by various PeopleSoft Maintenance Management activities which include:

The matching engine uses the current Verity search index, resource eligibility, and the resource schedules cache to determine the qualification and availability fit scores that the matching engine uses to determine whether a resource is qualified and available to perform a specific work order task.

You should run the resource eligibility cache every time you run the Create Resources process.

Important! It is important to keep the cache records current in order to produce accurate results when you run processes such as the Match Engine, the resource availability checking routine, and resource assignment creation. To keep the cache current at any point in time, we recommend that you should schedule this process to run nightly.

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management uses the resource schedules and resource eligibility to determine the availability of a resource for assignment in a work order task.

Note. You should also refresh the cache if you add resources or modify the shifts or shops associated with resources.

See Enabling Resource Matching and Cache Processes.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Qualifications and Employee Data in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

To set up task categories, crafts, employees, and qualification profiles, use the:

This section provides an overview of qualification and employee data in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and discusses how to:

Important! Before you set up this data, you must set up the Resource Setup component, as well as specific competency components located in Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data. The links to access this information are located in the Pages Used to Define Qualifications and Set Up Employee Data in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management section later in this section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Qualification and Employee Data in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

This section discusses:

Task Categories

In PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, a task is the equivalent of a schedule entry, such as an appointment, holiday, or meeting. When adding a new schedule entry, you must specify a task category on the Task Details page of a resource's monthly calendar. For example, if you select a date on the monthly calendar and select the Task Category that is set up for Appointment, then the calendar is updated with the appointment. Task categories identify specific periods of time when a resource is not available in the resource schedule. When assigning a resource to a work order task, the system looks at the calendar and takes these periods when the resource is not available into consideration when determining the availability of a resource.

Accomplishments and Competencies

An accomplishment is an objective, measurable achievement. The accomplishment setup tables identify the accomplishments that resources can include in their resource profiles or that users can list as requirements for the resources that they request for an assignment. The Resource Matching Engine compares the resource's accomplishments with the accomplishments requested for an assignment. Accomplishments are set up in the Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data component and include:

Specific accomplishments for education, licenses and certifications, memberships, and languages can be included in Resource Matching to find the best fit between resources and resource requests. You can include accomplishments in the remaining categories (honors and awards) in the resource profiles for information only.

Competencies encompass skills, abilities, knowledge, or behavior, such as experience with repairing equipment, knowledge of special manufacturing processes, or a background in plumbing. Unlike accomplishments, competencies are measured or evaluated using a rating model that you define. For example, if the rating model defines three possible values, each will add 33 percent to the score. If the rating model defines five values, each value will add 20 percent to the score.

Set up resource competency data in Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Data to include:

See Organizing Competencies Using the Competency Tree.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Resource Management Without PeopleSoft HRMS.

Qualification Profiles

You can add or update qualification profiles in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. A qualification profile is a template of a type of resource, usually a craft in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. The profile consists of competencies and accomplishments that describe the resource. When you create a work order task and select the craft, the qualifications from the qualification profile associated with the craft are copied to the task's requirements.

Note. You cannot copy a qualification profile into a resource's profile (PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Profile). When a craft is added to a resource's profile, the qualifications (competencies and accomplishments) associated with the qualification profile set up for that craft are not copied into the resource's profile for employees or non-employees created through the Peoplesoft HRMS system. However, for employees or non-employees created through FSCM PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you can copy the qualification associated with the qualification profile set up for that craft.

Craft Definitions

Define crafts to identify the type of labor resource. Maintenance planners and managers normally plan their business needs by craft, whereas shop managers and schedulers plan their needs identifying labor resources. For example, a facilities manager or planner would examine historic trends and determine that in the summer months the organization is likely to need thirty resources who specialize in the craft Landscaper in May of each year to perform the routine spring cleaning maintenance at corporate headquarters. However, at the shop level, the gardening crew supervisor or scheduler would identify specific gardener resources to perform the work.

Each crew member is associated with a craft. When a resource is added to a crew, the primary craft of the resource, which is identified in the resource's profile, is the default value. However, users can change this resource's craft in the crew definition.

You can also assign resources to a craft for a specific supervisor. If you assign a resource to a craft, the craft displays in the resource's profile in the Craft page.

Employee Data

You can add visa, work permit, citizenship, and passport data to an employee's existing data or you can add a new employee. If you do not use an HRMS database as the source for employee or non-employee data, you can access the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Employee Data component and add both employee and non-employee data. Once you add these employees, you can generate them as resources and assign them to perform work order and work order task activities.

If you plan to set up your employee data in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, when you set up the Common Installation Options page in the Resource Setup component, you must select the PeopleSoft Financials Databases option as the source for employee and non-employee data. This disables the enterprise integration points (EIPs) between PeopleSoft HRMS and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management tables. It also enables the processing rules for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to serve as the employee data source.

Note. If you use PeopleSoft 8 HRMS or higher, take advantage of the built-in integration with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to manage resources and resource competencies. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management employs EIPs to request and send data between the PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain Management (FSCM) database, where PeopleSoft Maintenance Management information resides, and the PeopleSoft HRMS database, where employee and competency information resides.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Qualifications and Employee Data in Maintenance

Page Name

Object Name



Common Installation Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Resource Setup

Set up generic resource data, which includes identifying default work days, calendar options, the employee data source, and whether to notify the employee's manager when competencies and qualifications are changes.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Competencies

Define competencies to apply to crafts and resources in the qualification profile.

Load Holidays


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Load Holidays

Load the holidays into employee's schedules.

Competency Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Competency Types

Define the various types of skills employees may need in your organization.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Degrees

Define various types of degrees that may be needed for employees in your organization to perform certain tasks.

Holiday Schedule


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Holidays

Set up the organization holidays, which are loaded into employee's schedules using the Load Holiday component.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Honors/Awards

Define the various honors and awards that employees may have attained.

Job Code Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Job Codes

See Establishing Application Setup Tables for Work Definitions.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Languages

Add the languages that employees in which an employee may need to be competent.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Licenses/Certifications

Define any licenses and certificates that an employee may acquire that might be pertinent to work performed in your organization.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Majors

Define a list of college majors that are desirable for employees in your organization to have to perform certain tasks.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Memberships

Define any memberships to organizations that are desirable for employee's in your organization to belong to in order to perform certain tasks.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Schools

Create a list of schools that employee's may have attended.

Tree Manager


Tree Manager, Tree Manager

Use to add and update a competency tree.

Task Categories


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Setup, Setup Task Categories

Distinguish between different types of tasks on a resource's schedule, for both informational purposes and in the Resource Matching Availability factor fit score calculation.

Define Crafts


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Resources, Define Crafts

Describes each type of craft and any qualifications associated with the craft to enable users to associate it with resources identified in the shop and in the work order.

Qualification Profile


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Qualification Profiles

Define generic competencies and qualifications in a template that may be accessed at the work order task level or may be associated with a craft which is identified at the work order task level.



Click the Add Competency button on the Qualification Profile page.

Add a competency from the competency tree to the grid on the Qualification Profile page.

Personal Data


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Employee Data

Add and update an employee's personal data such as address and phone number.

Employee Job


Maintenance Management, Resource Maintenance, Manage Employee Data, Employee Job tab

Add and update an employee's job-related data such as supervisor and work phone.

Visa/Work Permit


Select the Visa/Work Permit tab

Add and update any work permit and visa information for an employee.



Select the Citizenship/Passport tab

Add and update the citizenship and passport information for the employee.

See Also

Setting Up Resources

Establishing Application Setup Tables for Work Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Task Categories

Access the Task Categories page.

Task Category

Enter a category to apply to a resource's schedule such as Paid Time Off (PTO), Company Holiday, Corporate Event, Meeting, Training, and Appointment. You can add these to a resource's monthly calendar.

Important! You do not set up work order tasks here. They are set up and assigned when you create a work order.

Task Description and Comments

Enter a description of this category and comments relevant to this task.

See Understanding Resource Schedules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding and Maintaining Qualification Profiles

Access the Qualification Profile page.

Enter a name for the qualification profile, such as a craft name like MECHANIC, ELECTRICIAN, or PLUMBER. Enter a description and any other comments relevant to the profile you are creating.

This qualification profile is for my personal use only. Do not make this profile visible to any other users.

Select the check box if you want to use this profile for personal use and not allow anyone else to see it.

Profile Competencies

This grid enables you to select and add competencies to the profile. You can change the number of years of work experience required for each competency.


Click the Add button to add a row to the Degrees grid. You can select and modify values for the Accomplishment, Major Code, and Importance fields.


Click the Add button to add a row to the Languages grid. You can select and modify values for the Accomplishment, Speak, Read, Write, and Importance fields.


Click the Add button to add a row to the Licenses grid. You can select and modify values for the Accomplishment, Country, State, Country, and Importance fields.


Click the Add button to add a row to the Memberships grid. You can select and modify values for the Accomplishment and Importance fields.

See Also

Adding Competencies

Establishing Application Setup Tables for Qualifications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Competencies

Click the Add Competency button to access the Competencies page.


Click the competency tree and click the competency that you want to copy into the new row that you just added or click the Basic Search button to display the Competency Description field.

Competency Description

Enter a description of a competency such as listen and click the Search button. The competency, Ability to listen and respond appears in the Competency grid. To display a list of all the competencies based on the competency type enter a wildcard (%) or just click the Search button. A list of competencies defined for the competency type displays.


Select the check box next to each of the competencies that you want to add and click the Select button. The selected competencies are added as rows in the Competency grid. You can modify the Proficiency, Importance, and Years of Work Experience for each competency in the grid.


Click this button to add a blank row to the competency grid. When you search for the new competency, a list of all competencies set up in the system appears.

Return to Qualification Profile

Click this link to return to the Qualification Profile. The added competencies display in the grid for this profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Crafts

Access the Define Crafts page.


Enter type of craft to use to complete work orders such as electricians, mechanics, plumbers.

Qualification Profile

Select the qualification profile that describes qualifications that an employee needs to perform this craft.

Note. When a craft is added to a work order task, then the competencies, accomplishments, and qualifications associated with the qualification profile selected here for the craft are copied to the work order task labor qualification requirements for that task.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Employee Personal Data

Access the Personal Data page.

Enter the employee's name, telephone number, and address information.

Personnel Status

Select whether this individual is one of the following:

  • An employee based on your organization's definition of an employee.

  • A non-employee such as contractor or consultant.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Employee Job Data

Access the Employee Job page.

Effective Date

Select the date that this data becomes effective in the system. You can add more than one job data record consisting of different data selected as job details for this employee. Effective Date, Employee Status, Business Unit, Department, Supervisor ID, Job Code, Standard Hours, and Standard Work Period are required fields.

The asterisk (*) by a field means that it is required and that you must select or enter a value in the field.

Important! You must refresh the Eligible Resource Cache table (RS_ELGBL_WRKR) when routine changes are made to a resource's job-related information.

See Also

Understanding Application Setup and Employee Data Tables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Employee Visa and Work Permit Data

Access the Visa/Work Permit page.

Add as many rows as necessary of visa and work permit information for this employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Employee Citizenship and Passport Data

Access the Citizenship/Passport page.

Add as many rows as necessary of citizenship and passport information for this employee.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Employees as Resources in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

This section provides an overview of resource generation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Generation

Once employee source data is either imported from PeopleSoft HRMS or set up in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you generate selected employees as resources. The term resource describes the employees and non-employees who can be assigned to work orders and work order tasks in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. When you establish an employee or non-employee as a resource, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management automatically populates the resource's schedule with holidays. You can assign resources to a craft, change a resource's eligibility status, and update a resource's profile. For example, when you assign resources directly to a shop, add more crafts, and so on, you can then assign these resources to specific work order tasks.

To establish and maintain employees and non-employees as resources, use:

New resources are established as eligible for assignment, which means that they are included in Resource Matching and can be assigned to work order tasks. Use the Create Resources component, and click the Change Job button to assign a resource to a different job.

Important! After you execute the process to convert the list of employees into resources, run the Cache Administration Application Engine process (RS_CACHE_ADMIN), which calls the Refresh Eligible Worker, Refresh Availability Cache, and Create/Update Verity Index processes to update the Cache tables that are used for resource matching.

See Also

Establishing Resources

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Resources from Employee Data

Page Name

Object Name



Create Resources


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Create Resources

Add an employee as a resource.

Establish Employee as Resource


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Create Resources

Click the Change Job link.

Select one job from a list of jobs to associate with this employee resource if you allow multiple jobs in HRMS.

Send Notification


Click the Notify button on the Create Resources page or Establish Employee as Resource page.

Notify concerned parties that you created this employee as a resource for a specific job.

Lookup Address


Click the Lookup Recipient link on the Send Notification page.

Search for and add the recipients of the notification.

Create Resources Program


Creates individual employees as resources.

Run a batch process to establish large numbers of employees as resources.

See Establishing Resources.

Create Resources Program - Resources to be Established


Click the Generate button on the Create Resources Program page.

Generates a list of employees from which you can select to create as resources.

Submit Confirmation


Click the Establish Resources button on the Create Resources Program page.

Confirm submission of employees as resources is successful.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Individual Resources

Access the Create Resources page.

Add an Employee as a Resource

Access the Add Employee as Resource page and select an employee ID that you want to add as a resource.

Create Resources

Verify the resource's information. If the information is correct, click the Save button. If the information is incorrect, click the Change Job button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging the Job for a Resource

Access the Establish Employee as Resource page. If more than one job is listed, then click the Select button next to the job for which you want to create this employee as a resource. Upon selection the Create Resources page redisplays with the job you selected.


Click this button for the Department, Location, and Job with which to associate this resource. You perform this activity when an employee is eligible for assignment to more than one job.


Click this button either on the Establish Employee as a Resource page or the Create Resources page to notify the managers and the employee (if desired) that you created them as a resource for the selected job.

This button only appears if you select the Email Notification to Manager check box in the Common Installation Options page if the data source is either Financials or Financials and PeopleSoft HCM. It does not appear if the data source is only PeopleSoft HCM.

See Setting Up Resources.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Resources Using Batch Processing

Access the Create Resources Program page.

Job Codes

Select the job codes from which you want to generate employees as resources.



  • and

    If you want to narrow the list. The system includes only employees and non-employees that meet these criteria and the criteria that is in the next grid.

  • or

    If you want to include employees and non-employees that meet any of the criteria that is selected in the grids.

If you leave this field blank, the system includes employees and non-employees that meet any of the criteria that is selected in the grids.

Business Units

Select the business units from which you want to generate employees as resources.



  • and

    If you want the program to generate resources based on the individuals belonging to the selected business units and selected locations identified in the next grid.

  • or

    If you want the program to generate resources based on the individuals belonging to the selected business units or selected locations identified in the next grid.


Select the locations from which you want to generate employees as resources.



  • and

    If you want the program to generate resources based on the individuals belonging to the selected locations and selected departments identified in the next grid.

  • or

    If you want the program to generate resources based on the individuals belonging to the selected locations or selected departments identified in the next grid.


Select the departments from which you want to generate employees as resources.



  • and

    If you want the program to generate resources based on the individuals belonging to the selected departments and selected employees identified in the next grid.

  • or

    If you want the program to generate resources based on the individuals belonging to the selected departments or selected employees identified in the next grid.


Select the employees who you want to generate as resources.


Select the employees from the list that you want to consider as resources, and then click the Consider button. The selected employees appear in the Considering grid.

Generate List

Click this button to create a draft of the proposed list of employees that the system will create as resources based on your selections in each of the grids. You can review the list and decide whether to proceed, or click the Clear button to cancel your selections in order to regenerate the list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Resources

Access the Create Resources Program - Establishing Resources page.

This list of employees displays after you select Generate List. You can remove the check mark from the employees whom you do not want to generate as resources.

Establish Resources

Click this button to run the program to establish the list of selected employees and non-employees as resources.

The Submit Confirmation page displays when you select the Establish Resources button, which displays a message confirming that the employees that you submitted were successfully submitted as resources.

This process does not affect HRMS employee records. It establishes a new row of data in the Worker table (RS_WORKER_TBL) and Worker Effective Date table (RS_WKKR_EFFDT) for each resource.

Important! If any of the resources that you establish have more than one job in PeopleSoft HRMS (more than one active row in the JOB table), they are listed here.

When you execute the process, the system selects the job with the lowest field value in the Employee Record Number field (EMPL_RCD) to enter into the Worker table and Worker Effective Date table. The lowest employee record number represents the job entry that is created first. To change an employee's job, access the Create Resources component and click the Change Job button in the Create Resources page and then click the Select button in the Establish Employee as Resource page to access the Select Job page where you can select a different job in which to assign to the employee.

Note. If the program cannot generate employees based on your selections, the Establish Resources button is not available for selection. You must return to the Create Resources Program page, change your selection criteria, and submit these new selections.

Conflicting Resources

PeopleSoft HRMS employees and non-employees can have one-to-many job titles, while the Create Resources program only allows one job title. When you run the Create Resources process for employees and non-employees as resources, the system lists each employee with more than one job title in PeopleSoft HRMS as a conflicting resource. The system displays the first job title that was associated with the resource in PeopleSoft HRMS. You can override this job title in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management if necessary.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Shifts, Schedule Patterns and Periods, Shops, and Crews

To set up shifts, shops, and crews use the:

This section provides an overview of shop and crew management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Shifts, Schedule Patterns and Periods, Shops, and Crews

The shop supervisor’s goal is to ensure the accurate inventorying and easy deployment of labor resources (technicians), who are needed to complete work order assignments. Before users can set up shops and assign resources to shops, they must set up crafts and the labor resource requirements that are listed in the previous sections.

Shifts Overview

You can set up a shift for a resource or for a shop. When you set up a shift for a shop, it defines the operating hours for the shop. When you set up shifts for resources, the shift is listed in the resource's profile next to an assigned shop. When the resource works for the shop identified in their profile, the shift in their profile applies when assigning the resource to a work order task.

You can set up default work days for all resources, along with standard work hours and a standard start time in the Resource Setup - Common Installation Options page. You can modify this information in a resource's profile. The default work days, standard hours per work day, and standard start time are used to display the resource's daily calendar. For example, when you view a resource’s calendar, the default work days, standard hours per work day, and standard start time are used to create the daily calendar for the resource, regardless of whether the resource has been assigned a shop and a shift. You select a shift for a shop to establish a relationship between resources and weekly shifts.

When the daily calendar is opened, it displays the time slots as per the installation table such as 8:00am – 5:00pm, even if a shift was assigned to a resource. You have the option to view any time slots for a specific day by selecting the start and end time edit boxes.

Schedule Pattern and Periods

To perform crew scheduling of work order tasks, you first must define one or more schedule patterns and assign a pattern to the crew. The crew can have different schedule patterns assigned with different effective dates. The available types of schedule patterns are days, weekly, biweekly, and monthly. Based on the type of schedule pattern, a specified period start date and optionally days in period that you select, the system generates the number of periods desired and marks the current schedule period based on the system date when a period contains the current system date. Once the periods are generated you can enter a date range to display a specific group of periods. You can leave the date range blank and display prior periods. Once the schedule pattern and periods are created, you can associate a schedule pattern with each crew on the Crew Definition page. The schedule pattern and periods that are assigned to each crew are used to assist in determining a crew's capacity to participate in work order tasks. The scheduler adjusts the capacity based on personal knowledge of the crew on each period.

A schedule pattern and its associated schedule periods are set up by setID. The system looks at the current system date to determine the current schedule period. If you generate schedule periods for a schedule pattern using a future date as the Period Start Range Date, the system will not identify the current period on the Schedule Periods page until the actual date rolls around on the system calendar. For example, if the Period Start Range Date is 01/01/2008 using a monthly schedule pattern, and you generate 12 periods, then the system will not mark the period of 01/01/2008 — 01/31/2008 as the current period until the current system date falls within the range of 01/01/2008 and 01/31/2008. The system will roll forward the current period as the system calendar progresses. Based on the previous example, when the system date becomes 02/01/2008, the system will move the current date mark forward to the 02/01/2008 — 02/29/2008 period in the period schedule.

You can make changes to the pattern description, period start date, number of periods, and the number of days in a period until a crew is assigned to the pattern and a crew capacity plan is established, which locks the existing periods. Once the periods are locked, you can add additional periods by entering the number of periods to extend from the last period on the schedule pattern.

Important! It is important to understand that the schedule periods, which are generated on the Schedule Periods page are based on the Period Start Date and the number of periods entered on the on the Schedule Periods page of the component. The current period is determined by the current system date.

See Performing Crew Scheduling.

Shop Setup and Management

You can associate a single shop with only one work order business unit; however, a single work order business unit may have multiple shops within it. You can assign a single shop to only one location; however, the same location may house multiple shops. The data set up in a shop affects and controls many parts of a work order. You must identify a shop when you create a work order. You can specify a shop in the work order business unit, which becomes the default shop value when you create a work order using that business unit. You can override this value in the work order with another shop. You set up six pages of shop details that can affect and control the work order, which include the:

Crew Setup

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management enables you to schedule crews for a work order tasks. You indicate on the Shop Information page that you intend to schedule crews for work orders. Before you set up your crews, you set up your shops, because you must associate each crew with a shop. You can select one crew associated with a shop as the primary crew. The selected primary crew will be used to determine the default crew in the work order task. After you create a crew, the crew name displays on the Define Shop - Resources page. Only resources that you identified for a shop can be added to the shop's crew. You must select a schedule pattern for each crew if crew scheduling is performed by the shop. Once a schedule pattern is assigned to a crew and a crew capacity plan is defined, it is locked. However, you can continue to add additional periods to that schedule pattern. Effective dating is applied to the selected crew pattern and the selected resources. If you indicate that a crew is inactive, this removes the crew from the Resources page of its assigned shop. When a resource is added to a crew, the default craft value is the resource's primary craft. You can select another craft from a list of crafts associated with the resource as the primary craft for the resource. You can identify only one resource as the leader of the crew. A crew may have multiple resources and one resource can belong to multiple crews assigned to the same shop or different shops. You enter a capacity percentage to allocate a crew resource to more than one crew. :

Crew Resource

Shop/Crew/ Capacity %

Joe Jones - Electrician


  • Shop A: Crew 1 = 20%

  • Shop A: Crew 2 = 80%

Estelle Parsons - Carpenter


  • Shop A: Crew 1 = 50%

  • Shop B: Crew 3 = 50%

You will not receive an error if the total capacity percentage for a resource assigned to more than one crew is less than 100%. You will receive a warning message if the total capacity percentage for a resource assigned to more than one crew is greater than 100%.

Effective dating for each crew enables you to track changes to the schedule pattern, any addition and removal of resources assigned to the crew, and whether a crew is active or inactive as of a specific date. When adding a new effective dated row on the Define Crew page, the system ensures that there is no crew capacity with a period end date that is greater than or equal to the specified effective date. This prevents overlapping crew capacity plans.

Crew Rescheduling Reason Codes

You define as many of these codes as are necessary to establish the reasons why you may be rescheduling a crew. When you reschedule a crew on the Crew Scheduling Workbench, you can select the reason for the rescheduling.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Shifts Shops, and Crew Information

Page Name

Object Name



Define Shifts


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Resources, Define Shifts

  • Click the Define Shop Operating Hours link on the Shop Information page.

Enables a user to create a shift and assign operating hours to it.

Schedule Pattern


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Setup, Schedule Pattern

Set up schedule patterns associate them with periods to use to

determine crew assignments.

Schedule Periods


Select the Schedule Periods tab.

Define the number of schedule periods that fall within a given date range based on the selected schedule pattern.

Shop Information


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Resources, Define Shop, click the Shop Information tab.

Define shop header data and any default values for this shop.

Distribution Defaulting Setup for Shop


Click the Define Distribution Default Setup link on the Shop Information page.

Set up default ChartField distribution values to display when this shop is selected for a work order.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Resources, Define Shop, click the Resources tab.

Assign the schedulers, resources, and crews to a shop.

Craft Rates


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Resources, Define Shop, click the Craft Rates tab.

Add one or more rows consisting of crafts and their associated rates to a shop.

Tool Rates


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Resources, Define Shop, click the Tool Rates tab.

Add one or more rows consisting of asset classifications for tools derived from the Asset Repository and the associated tool rates to a shop.

Service Groups


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Resources, Define Shop, click the Service Groups tab.

Add one or more service groups to associate with this shop.



Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Resources, Define Shop, click the Type tab.

Define Inventory commit and reservation rules combinations for one or more work order types.

TimeSheet Default


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Resources, Define Shop, click the Timesheet Default tab.

Set up timesheet default values to use for the Work Order Completion component time entries.

Define Crew


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Resources, Define Crew

Add one or more employees to a crew.

Crew Rescheduling Reason Codes


Set Up Financials and Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Setup, Crew Rescheduling Reason Codes

Set up reasons for rescheduling crews.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Operating Hours for a Shift

Access the Define Shifts page.

Shift ID

Enter a shift ID to which you want to assign operating hours.

Resource and Shop

Click the Resource option to indicate that this shift applies to an individual resource, or click the Shop option if this shift applies to a shop.


Select this check box to indicate that is shift is currently active for any shops or resources that you associated with it.

Start and End

Enter the start and ending times for each shift based on the day of the week. You can add additional rows if there a multiple shifts in a day.

Note. You can enter more than one row of weekly start and end dates for a shift.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Schedule a Pattern

Access the Schedule Pattern page.


Enter a setID to either find an existing Schedule Pattern value or add a new Schedule Pattern value.

Schedule Pattern

Enter a short name for the schedule pattern that you want to set up, such as BIWK .


Enter a long description of the pattern, such as 14 day period.

Pattern Type

Select one of these pattern types:

  • Days

    Indicates that the crew will be scheduled based on a specific number of days in the period.

  • Weekly

    The crew will be scheduled on a weekly basis.

  • Biweekly

    The crew will be scheduled on a biweekly basis.

  • Monthly

    The crew will be scheduled on a monthly basis.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining and Generating Schedule Periods

Access the Schedule Periods page.

Period Range Start Date and To

Select the start date of the period range for which you want to generate schedule periods. The system generates the To date (period end date) based on the schedule pattern you selected and the number of periods you that you indicate you want to add.

Number of Periods to Add

Enter the number of periods you want to generate. Based on the Biweekly pattern, for example, you can enter 10 periods. When you click the Generate Schedule Periods button , the system lists 10 biweekly periods.

Generate Schedule Periods

Click this button and the system generates the number of periods that you entered and enters the final date of the period in the To field of the date period range.

Periods in Date Range or Prior

Select the from date and the to date and select the Go button to display periods within the date range. When the from date is left blank, the system returns all periods starting on or prior to the to date. When the to date is left blank, the system returns all periods starting on or after the from date. When both fields are left blank, the system returns all existing periods in this pattern. After the periods display, you can click the Back to Current/Future Periods button to redisplay the current and future periods in your original date range.

Current Period

A green dot indicates the current schedule period based on the current system date that falls within a generated period. If none of the periods fits this criteria, a current period indicator will not appear on the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Shop Information

Access the Shop Information page.


Enter a shop ID on the Add a New Value page.

Note. A specific shop can be assigned to only one business unit; however, a business unit may be associated with many different shops.

Effective Date and Status

Enter an effective date for the data in this Shop Information group box and indicate whether it is Active or Inactive. These are required fields.

Note. You can maintain a history of changes in shop information data for this shop by one or more pages of values and changing the effective dates and statuses for the information entered on each page.


Select the location of this shop. This is a required field.

Manager ID

Select the employee ID of the manager that you want to assign to this shop. The shop manager must be created as a resource in Maintenance Management.

Operating Hours

Select a shift value that contains the appropriate operating hours for this shop. This is a required field.

Note. Click the Operating Hours link to view the operating hours for the selected shift.

Define Shop Operating Hours

Click this link to access the Define Shifts page to set up a new shift for this shop.

Define Distribution Setup

Click this link to access the Distribution Defaulting Setup for Shop page, to set up ChartField distributions to use to distribute and track costs for this shop. These default values display in the work order task when assigning and scheduling resources associated with this shop.

Note. ChartFields defined at the shop level supplement the defaulting values entered in the Distribution templates.

See Setting Up a Distribution Template.

Standard Hours/Day

Enter the standard hours that this shop is open each day. This is used to calculate the adjusted crew capacity in days.

Schedule Crew

Select this check box if your organization intends to schedule crews defined within this shop.

Record Estimates

This group box determines whether you want to record estimates based on labor , tools usage, and inventory requirements specified in the work order task based on the default values in the work order business unit or the values you select here in the shop. Select Default to indicate that you want to use the default options selected in the business unit to apply to this shop, or select Specify if you want to specify the options listed in this group box to apply when this shop is used to create a work order and then select the labor, tools usage, and inventory requirement estimates that you want to record.

See Understanding Work Order Business Unit Setup.

Schedule Resource

This group box determines whether you want to schedule labor, tools, and inventory resources for work order tasks based on the specifications at the work order business unit level or values that you select here in the shop. Select Default to indicate that you want to use the default options selected in the business unit to apply to this shop, or select Specify if you want to enable users to schedule labor, tools, and inventory in any work orders created for this shop.

Inventory Commit/Reservation

To commit and reserve parts in PeopleSoft Inventory, you can select a combination of Inventory commit and reservation rules at either the work order business unit level or here at the shop level. Select Default to use the commit and reservation rule combination that you set up at the work order business unit level or select Specify to select a commit and/or reservation rule combination to apply when this shop is used to create a work order. You can also set these rules up for one or more work order types defined within the shop on the Type page.

See Understanding Work Order Business Unit Setup.

Update Resource Calendar

Select Default to indicate that you want to use the Update Resource Calendar default value in the work order business unit, or select Specify and either select the Update Calendar check box or clear it for this shop. If selected and a resource completes the work ahead of schedule, this option allows the resource's schedule to be freed up for new work assignments. This setting applies to both labor and tools for schedule update.

Overbooking Resources

Require Manual Overrides

Select this check box to enable a scheduler to manually overbook a labor resource associated with this shop. If this check box is cleared, then the system automatically overbooks the labor resources whenever an assignment conflict occurs.


Select Default to indicate that you want to use the Generate Chargebacks default options set up in the work order business unit for this shop. Select Specify and either select the Generate Chargebacks check box or clear it depending on what you want to do for work orders created using this shop. Selecting this field enables users to charge the costs generated for any work orders associated with this shop back to another organization within the enterprise.

See Revenue and Cost Sharing.

PC Template (Project Costing Template)

Select Default to indicate that you want to use the PeopleSoft Project Costing default rate set setting in the work order business unit for this shop. Select Specify and select the PeopleSoft Project Costing default rate plan, which contains more than one rate set, or rate set along with the accompanying rate that you want to use when you create a work order using this shop. This value is a Rate template defined in PeopleSoft Project Costing that can be used as a default value for chargebacks.

Labor Rates

Select Default to use the hourly cost rate and billing rate that are set up in the work order business unit for this shop. Select Specify and enter the hourly cost rate and billing rate that you want to apply to the work order task for a work order created with this shop.

Important! The labor cost and bill rates specified on the Shop Information page are independent of the resource. For example, if work order Task 1 requires an electrician and the work order is created for SHOP1, then the labor rate for the electrician for SHOP1 is derived first from the shop's craft rate. If the electrician's rate is found in the SHOP1 craft rates record, then that rate is applied to the work order task. If the labor and bill rates are not specified for a craft and they are specified for a specific shop, then the system applies the shop rates for the work orders created with this shop. Otherwise, the system gets the rates from the labor cost and bill rates specified in the work order business unit.

Enable Workflow Approval

Select Default to apply the workflow approval settings in the work order business unit or work order type (depending on the default hierarchy selected in the work order business unit) to this shop. Select Specify and indicate whether work orders created for this shop are preapproved or require workflow approval.

See Also

Understanding Work Order Business Unit Setup

Understanding the Work Order Approval Workflow Architecture

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining and Maintaining Resources for a Shop

Access the Define Shop - Resources page.

Effective Date and Status

Select an effective date and status for the setup of the schedulers in this grid. You can create more than one grid with different effective dates and statuses and keep a history of these changes.

Scheduler Code

Enter a user-defined code to represent the scheduler assigned to this shop. The code that you enter here is unique to the scheduler in this shop and displays in the work order instead of the scheduler's employee ID. If the employee, who is assigned as a scheduler for this shop is no longer available, then you just have to change the employee ID of the scheduler in the shop, instead of changing it in every work order.

Employee ID

Select the employee ID to identify this scheduler, which results in the display of the scheduler's name and shift ID.


Select this check box to indicate that one of the schedulers listed is the primary scheduler.

Note. You can assign more than one scheduler to a shop; however, you can identify only one scheduler as the primary scheduler.

Current Shop Resources

You associate a resource with a shop in the resource's profile using Manage Profiles. Each resource that you assign to a shop automatically displays on this page. This page only displays currently active resources. If you assign a crew to a shop, each resource that comprises the crew must appear in this Resources grid. You can click the Update link to access the resource's profile from this page.

Current Crew List

When you set up a crew, you must associate it with a shop, which is automatically added to this crew list. This page only displays currently active crews for the shop. You can only identify one of the crews as the Primary Crew. The primary crew displays as the default crew in the work order task. You can click the Crew link to view the setup of the crew.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining and Maintaining Craft Rates for a Shop

Access the Define Shop - Craft Rates page.

Set up one or more crafts and their associated hourly cost and hourly bill rates to use for chargeback calculations for this shop.

You can specify a labor cost and bill rate at the work order business unit level to display as default values for work order task labor resources. You can override these business unit rates on the Shop Definition page. When a work order is created for the shop, the default values from work order task labor cost and bill rates in the shop are derived from the work order business unit unless you specified the shop labor rates at the shop level or cost and bill rates for a specific craft at the shop level. If you specify the rates here at the craft level, then the system applies these rates to the work order task. The labor cost and bill rates specified on the Shop Information page are independent of an individual resource. For example, if a work order task #1 requires an electrician and SHOP1 is associated with the work order, then the labor rates for an electrician assigned to SHOP1 is derived first from the labor rates set up for a craft in the shop's Craft Rates page. If a rate is set up for an electrician rate in the Craft Rates page, then the work order task uses this rate. If the rate is not set up for the craft in the shop, the system derives the rate if the labor cost and bill rates are set up in the shop, or , if not, it derives rates specified in the business unit.

The currency code for both the shop and tool rates is always the base currency specified in the work order business unit and cannot be modified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining and Maintaining Tool Rates for a Shop

Access the Define Shop - Tool Rates page.

Add and describe the asset types and asset subtypes that this shop uses as tools and their associated cost rate and bill rates. You can define tool cost and bill rates at the shop level and the asset subtype level. If you do not define tool rates at the shop level, the system uses the rates defined at the asset subtype level. If the rates from the asset subtype level are in a different currency, the rates are converted to the base currency specified in the work order business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Service Groups for a Shop

Access the Service Group page.

You must select at least one service group for a shop. You can add more service groups if desired. Some shops can provide multiple services. For example, a shop may be able to handle fleet and plant equipment, but not IT support. When you select a service group for a work order, then you can only select a shop for the work order from the shops that have the selected service group set up in their Service Groups page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Inventory Commit and Reservation Rules for Work Order Types

Access the Type page.

Work Order Type

Select a user-defined work order type in which to apply commit and reservation rules. The work order type values delivered in the system data include:

  • Capital Work Order

  • Corrective Maintenance

  • Preventive Maintenance

See Creating Work Order Types.

Inventory Commit/Reservation

Select a value of Default or Specify.

When you select Default, any work order created with this shop and work order type applies the commit and reservation rules to the work order task based on commit and reservation rule setup selections on the Shop Information page or on the Integrations page of the work order business unit. When you select Default, the system displays the values that were specified in one of these two pages.

When you select Specify, any work order created with this shop and work order type applies the commit and/or reservation rules that you specify on this page to the work order task.

See Work Order Business Unit Integration Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Timesheet Defaults for a Shop

Access the Timesheet Defaults page:

Timesheet Prefix

Enter the prefix associated with the last timesheet generated. This prefix is used when the timesheet entries are sent from the Work Order Completion component to the Staging Tables for Project Costing.

For example, if the prefix used for your timesheets is ABC and the last time sheet ID is 1234, then the next timesheet ID generated from the Work Order Completion component will be ABC1235.

Last Timesheet ID

Enter the number of the last timesheet entered for this shop

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Crew

Access the Define Crew page.


Select the shop to which you want to assign this crew on the Add a New Value page.

Note. A single crew can be assigned to only one shop; however, a shop may have many different crews assigned to it.

Crew Name

Enter a crew name on the Add a New Value page.

Note. Each individual crew can be associated with only one business unit; however, a business unit may be associated with many different crews.

Primary Crew

Select this check box to indicate that this is the primary crew for the shop. You can assign multiple crews to a shop, but you can only identify one of those crews as the primary crew. The primary crew serves as the default crew in the work order task.

Effective Date and Status

Enter an effective date and status. You can track the changes in these crews based on changes in effective date and status. You can create more than one page with different effective dates and statuses. To create a crew capacity plan, the crew must have a current effective date that corresponds with the available schedule periods.

Schedule Pattern

Select the schedule pattern to associate with this crew.

Crew Resources

Add each resource that you want to assign to the crew in the Crew Resources grid. You must set up each resource that you assign to a shop's crew in the Resources page of the Shop component.

Employee ID

Select the employees (resources) that you want to assign to this crew. All employees assigned to a crew must be created as resources in Maintenance Management and must be active resources of the shop as of the effective date.

Primary Craft

Select the craft in which each crew member primarily works. The primary craft is used to generate a crew capacity plan based on resources assigned to this crew. You can override this primary craft when you create a crew capacity plan.

Capacity %(capacity percent)

Enter the percentage of resource's capacity to allocate to this crew. This enables a crew scheduler to share a labor resource's time between two or more crews.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Crew Rescheduling Reason Codes

Access the Crew Rescheduling Reason Code page.


Enter or select the setID that you want to use with these reason codes on the Add a New Value tab.

Reason Code

Create reason code of 10 characters or less that briefly describes the reason for the crew rescheduling.

Description and Short Description

Enter a long description that provides a more thorough description of the code, and enter a short description.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining Resources in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

To set up resource groups, resource craft assignments, and resource eligibility status, use the:

This section provides an overview of resource maintenance and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Maintenance in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

This section discusses:

Resource Groups

Resource groups are collections of resources defined by supervisor ID or shop ID in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You can select one or more supervisors or one or more shops to include in a resource group. The pool of resources reporting to any of a resource group's selected supervisors or assigned to any of the resource group's selected shops are included in the appropriate resource group. When you schedule a work order task, you can select one or more rows in the labor schedule, select a resource group, and then click the Recommend Labor button to run the Match Engine to recommend a list of resources in the resource group that match the work order task requirements. If you do not select a resource group to limit your search, the system searches through all of the resources set up in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

When you create a resource group based on one or more shops and select a Resource Group and the Recommend Tools button in the Tool Schedules grid for a work order task, the Match Engine considers only the tools assigned to the shop. If you do not select a resource group, the Match Engine searches through all of the assets identified as tools in the asset repository that fall under a specified asset classification.

Resource Craft Assignments

You can assign multiple resources to a craft. You can search for the resources that you want to assign to the craft by identifying one or more supervisors and searching for all resources associated with the selected supervisors. When you click the Click to populate resources button, the resources associated with the selected supervisors are listed. You can then delete the resources that you do not want to assign to the craft. Once you assign a resource to a craft, the craft is listed for the resource in the resource's profile (Manage Profiles). When you add a craft in the Craft page and save the page, you can indicate whether you want to copy accomplishments and competencies for this craft from the craft's qualification profile for nonHCM employees. Competencies and accomplishments are already added in PeopleSoft HCM for employees who are set up in the PeopleSoft HCM database.

Resource Eligibility Status Changes

You can change the eligibility of a resource from active to inactive and vice versa. You can also add rows to indicate future eligibility effective dates for a resource. If you change a resource to ineligible at a future date, this does not prevent you from scheduling the resource before the effective date for an assignment that begins or continues after the effective date. However, you can no longer assign the resource on or after the date that the resource becomes ineligible and the resource is not included in Resource Matching. You can continue to access and update the ineligible resource's profile.

Important! The assignments for a resource, if you are using the PeopleSoft HRMS employee source database, are automatically canceled when an employee's status changes in PeopleSoft HRMS from active to any other status.

Resource Profile Maintenance

The resource profile is a dynamic record designed for periodic review and update by the resource and the resource's managers to reflect changes in the resources qualifications. You view or modify various parts of a resource's profile when you establish and maintain the resource.

You can add crafts to a resource's profile in the Manage Profile - Craft page. You add a craft to an employee, who is not set up in the PeopleSoft HCM database, you can copy the qualification profile associated with the craft to the nonHCM employee. PeopleSoft HCM employee qualifications are updated in the PeopleSoft HCM system.

When you assign a resource to more than one shop with overlapping shifts on the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Profiles page, you will receive the following message:

Warning — Business Unit US001, Shop ID SHOP A, Shift L1 overlaps with the previous shift (US001, SHOP B, L1) for 2006- 08 - 09

You are about to assign a resource to work on two different shifts that overlap one another.

Since this is a warning message, you can select OK and proceed with the assignment.

For example, a painter, Jerome Kern, is assigned to Business Unit US001 and Shop A. The painter’s assigned shift is L1 (8 a.m. to 4 p.m) Monday thru Friday. However, the organization needs Jerome Kern to perform work in any one of 5 Maintenance Shops (SHOP A, SHOP B, L-SHOP1, L-SHOP2, L-SHOP3 ) during the 8 a.m. – 4 p.m time period. To solve this problem, you can select the Labor Administration, Manage Profiles component, select Jerome Kern, and select the Shop tab and add the following rows:

Business Unit


















When you click the Save button, the following message appears:

If you enter all the rows at once and Save the page, the system compares two rows at a time to each other. For example, SHOP A/L1 is compared to SHOP B/L1, then SHOP A/L1 is compared to SHOP-L1/L1, then SHOP A/L1 is compared to SHOP-L2/L1 and so on. You must click the OK button for each comparison before you can return to the menu. You may have to click the OK button several times if there are multiple shops. Manage: Profiles – Shop page

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain Resources

Page Name

Object Name



Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Setup Resource Group

Add a new resource group or access an existing resource group.

Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details


Click the Edit button on the Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups page.

Define a group of tool or labor resources to use to narrow the search in the resource matching process.

Assign Craft


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Assign Resources to Craft

Assigns resources to a craft based on a supervisor ID.

Maintain Eligibility - Resource Search


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Maintain Eligibility

Search for an employee for whom you want to maintain eligibility.

Maintain Eligibility


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Maintain Resource Eligibility

Indicate whether a resource is eligible or ineligible to be assigned to a shop, crew, or work order task.

Resource Eligibility Management


Click the Change or Add Eligibility button on the Maintain Eligibility page.

Add or change a resource's eligibility.

Manage Profiles - Overview


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Profiles

Click the Overview tab.

Define additional employee information, an overview of the resource, and any of the resource's specialties.

Work Experience


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Profiles

Click the Work Experience tab.

Add or modify a resource's work experience.

Work Experience


Click the Edit button in the Work Experience group box on the Work Experience page.

Modify the work history of a selected resource.

Delete Confirmation


Click the Delete button in the Work Experience grid.

Confirm the deletion of the work experience by selecting the Yes – Do Delete or select No – Do Not Delete.



Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Profiles

Click the Qualifications tab.

Add or modify a resource's qualifications.



Click the Add/Update Competencies link in the Qualifications page.

Select additional competencies and interests that apply to a specific resource.



Click the Add/Update Education link in the Qualifications page.

Add, modify, or delete degrees that apply to a specific resource.

Licenses and Certificates


Click the Add/Update Licenses and Certificates link in the Qualifications page.

Add, modify, or delete any licenses and certificates that apply to a specific resource.



Click the Add/Update Languages link in the Qualifications page.

Add, modify, or delete any languages that apply to a specific resource.

Professional Memberships


Click the Add/Update Professional Memberships link in the Qualifications page.

Add, modify, or delete any memberships to professional organizations that apply to a specific resource.

Honors and Awards


Click the Add/Update Honors and Awards link in the Qualifications page.

Add, modify, or delete any honors and awards that apply to a specific resource.

Test Results


Click the Add/Update Tests link in the Qualifications page.

Add, modify, or delete any tests that apply to a specific resource.

Send Notification


Click the Send Notification button in the Competencies, Education, Licenses and Certificates, Languages, Professional Memberships, Honors and Awards, and Test Results pages.

Send notification to interested parties about change in qualification.

General Info


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Profiles

Click the General Info tab.

Add or modify a resource's information such as visa, work permit, passport, additional phones, and job information.

Resource Profile


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Profiles

Click the Resource Profile tab.

View basic resource information and add or modify contact information.



Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Profiles

Click the Craft tab.

Associate a resource with one or more crafts.



Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, Manage Profiles

Click the Shop tab.

Associate a resource with one or more shops.

“Resource's” Name - Gina Angelini


Maintenance Management, Labor Administration, View Profiles

Display a summary of a resource's profile information. You can click a link to access the Contact Information page and add contact information.

Contact Information


Click the Contact Information link on the View Profiles - “Resource's” Name (Gina Angelini) page.

Add contact information to an employee's profile.

Monthly Schedule - Resource Search


Maintenance Management, Schedule Management, Resource Monthly Schedule

Search for a resource's monthly schedule.

Monthly Schedule


Search for and select a resource from the Monthly Schedule - Resource Search page.

Review and modify assignments on a day per month basis.

Daily Schedule


Click a date that has assignments on a the Monthly Schedule page.

Review and modify appointments on an hour per day basis.

Task Details


  • Click an hour link on the Daily Schedule page.

  • Click an hour link on the Asset Daily Schedule page.

Add or modify an assignment for a specific day and time.

Asset Monthly Schedule


Maintenance Management, Schedule Management, Asset Monthly Schedules

Review asset assignments on a day per month basis.

Asset Daily Schedule


Click a date on the Asset Monthly Schedule page.

Review and modify assignments on an hour per day basis.

My Monthly Schedule


Maintenance Management, Schedule Management, My Monthly Schedule

Review resource's own monthly schedule.

Note. The Daily Schedule and Task Details pages are identical to the pages listed for the pages associated with the Monthly Schedule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Resource Groups

Access the Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details page by clicking the Add button or Edit link.

Resource Group ID

Enter a unique group identifier (15 characters). This is a required field.

Select by Supervisor ID

Select this option to indicate that you want to set up the resource group based on resources identified as working for the specified supervisor.

Important! You must enter a supervisor on the Update Employee Data - Employee Job page for all resources before you can use resource groups that are based on a supervisor ID.

Search By

Search for supervisors by using the supervisor's employee ID, or first or last name. Use the Search By drop-down list box to select a search method and then enter the search text in the next box. Click the Search button to find the supervisors that meet your criteria. Select one of these values from the drop-down list box:

  • Employee ID.

  • Last Name.

  • First Name.

Note. To search using characters within an employee name or ID, enter a wildcard (%), then enter any contiguous characters, and then enter another wildcard (%).

Select by Shop

Search for a shop by using the shop ID, shop description, location, or work order business unit. Use the Search drop-down list box to select a search method and then enter the search text in the next box. Click the Search button to find the shops that meet your criteria. Select one of these values from the drop-down list box:

  • Shop ID.

  • Shop Description.

  • Location.

  • Work Order BU (work order business unit).

Click the Search button to display the specific shop or one or more shops based on your search criteria. Then select the check box next to the shop (or shops) that you want to include in the resource group. All of the resources and tools assigned to each shop are part of the resource group and are used by the matching engine to narrow your search for either labor resources or tools needed when you assign resources to a work order task in a work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Resources to a Craft

Access the Assign Resources to Craft page.

Search By

Select either:

  • Employee ID

    Selecting this value displays a field to the right in which you can enter an employee ID of a supervisor.

  • First Name

    Selecting this value displays a field to the right in which you can enter the first name of a supervisor.

  • Last Name

    Selecting this value displays a field to the right in which you can enter the last name of a supervisor.

Note. If you leave these fields blank and click the Search button, a list of supervisor's names displays.


Click this button to display the supervisor's name and ID. If you did not enter the name or identification of a supervisor, a list of supervisors displays in the Search Results group box. Select the check boxes next to the name or names of the supervisors who are in charge of resources you want to assign to this craft.


Click this button to list the selected supervisors in the Selected Supervisors grid.

Populate Resources

Click this button to list the resources associated with the selected supervisors. The resources are listed by employee ID and a name in the Resources group box. You can delete resources that you do not want to assign to this craft. You can also add individual resources that you want to assign to this craft.


Click this button to assign resources to the craft and update each resource's profile with this craft.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Resource Eligibility

Access the Maintain Eligibility page.

Prior to entering this page, you must search for and select an employee on the Maintain Eligibility - Resource Search page.

Resource Eligible to be staffed?


  • Yes

    Select this option to indicate that this resource can be assigned to a work order or work order task. If a resource's status is inactive, the resource cannot be assigned.

  • No

    Select this option to indicate that this resource is not eligible to be assigned to a work order or work order task and is not considered when the Match Engine is run.

Change or Add Eligibility

Click this button to access the Resource Eligibility Management page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Changing Resources' Eligibility

Access the Resource Eligibility Management page.

Effective Date

Select the date in which you want this employee to become eligible.

Resource eligible to be staffed?

Select this check box if this resource is eligible to be assigned to a work order or work order task.

Add Future Eligibility

Click this button to add another row to the Future Resource Eligibility grid. You can add several rows with different dates to indicate when the resource will be eligible for assignment in the future.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Resources' Profiles

Access the Manage Profiles - Overview page for a selected resource.

Objective Overview

Enter or modify this resource's work objectives and background. You can reference skills, preferences, and strengths if you want. However, you can add or modify this information later in the profile.

Areas of Specialty

If you created a competency tree, it should appear in the Additional Resource Information group box. Click a competency in the competency tree and it adds it as a row in the Specialties group box.

Type of Specialty

You can select whether a specialty is a:

  • Competency

    This refers to a specific competency within a category, such as Analytical Thinking, Articulate and Concise, and more.

  • Category

    This refers to an overall area of speciality such as Communication, Plumbing, Business Planning, and more.

Worker Specialty

Select the specialty from a list of competencies or categories, depending on the type of specialty that you selected.

Add Specialty

Click this button to add a blank row to the Specialties group box list.

Note. Data that is captured in this page is for information only and is not used by the Resource Matching process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining a Resource's Work Experience

Access the Work Experience page.

Work Experience

You can edit or delete a resource's work experience.


Click this button to access the Work Experience page for this resource, where you can modify the Start Date, End Date, Customer Name (name of company for which the employee worked or organization the technician supported), Work Title, and Work Description fields and click the Save button to save the changes.


Click this button to delete a row of work history for this resource. A Delete Confirmation page displays where you can select one of the following buttons:

  • Yes - Do Delete

  • No - Do Not Delete

Add Work Experience

Click this button to access a blank Work Experience page for this resource where you can add the Start Date, End Date, Customer Name (name of company for which the employee worked or organization the technician supported), Work Title, and Work Description values and click the Save button to save the changes.

Note. The work experience that you add here is used by the Resource Matching process and can be used by a user who evaluates candidates for an assignment.

Resume Attachment

Add, view, and delete resumes in this group box. You must select one resume as the default resume for this resource.

Add Resume

Click this button to add a resume attachment.


Click this button to search for the resume for this resource and select the resume that you want to attach to this profile.


Click this button to upload the selected resume to this profile.


Specify the resume, if there are more than one, to use as the default by the Resource Matching process.


Click this button to delete a resume from the Resume Attachment group box.

Note. Be sure to save the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Resources' Qualifications

Access the Qualifications page.

Competencies and Interests

Add/Update Competencies and Interests

Click this button to access the Competencies page to associate additional competencies with this resource. This page simulates the Competencies page in the Qualification Profile component, except you do not have access to the competency tree.

See Adding Competencies.


Add/Update Education

Click this link to add, modify, or delete degrees applicable to this resource.

Licenses and Certificates

Add/Update Licenses and Certificates

Click this link to add, modify, or delete licenses and certificates that apply to this resource.


Add/Update Languages

Click this link to add, modify, or delete languages and language proficiency that apply to this resource.

Professional Memberships

Add/Update Professional Memberships

Click this link to add, modify, or delete memberships to professional organizations for this resource.

Honors and Awards

Add/Update Honors and Awards

Click this link to add, modify, or delete honors and awards that apply to this resource.

Test Results

Add/Update Test Results

Click this link to add, modify, or delete tests and their associated results that apply to this resource.

Note. You can click the Notify button on each of the pages defined above to notify interested parties about this change if you select the Email Notification to Manager check box in Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Resource Setup, Common Installation Options page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining General Information for Resources

Access the General Info page.

You can update some fields in this page. However, to update most of the fields, you must access the employee source database, either HRMS or PeopleSoft Maintenance Management's Manage Employee Data, and make the changes.

E-mail Address

Click the resource's email address to create an email and send it to the resource.


Phone Type

Select one for the following:

  • Alternate

  • Business

  • Home

  • Mobile

  • Other

  • Pager

  • Voicemail

  • Work Site


Enter or modify the phone number.

Weekdays, Evenings, and Weekends

Select the check box that applies to when the resource is available at this phone number.


Click this button to delete a phone row.

Add Phone

Click this button to add another row and enter a selected phone type's information.

Job Information

This information comes from the employee data.

Passports and Visas

This information comes from the employee data.

Weekly Work Days

Select the work days that apply to this resource. The values that you select here override Default Work Days values set up in the Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Resource Setup, Common Installation Options page.


Home Airport

Enter or override an airport in this field.

Assignment Restrictions

Enter or modify any assignment restrictions for this resource.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Resource Profiles

Access the Resource Profile page.

This page consolidates the resource profile sections into a single, display-only format. A region appears on this page if it contains data for the resource.

Contact Information

Click this link to access the (resource) Contact Information page to review phone information for this resource.

View Detail

Click this link to view a detail list of the competencies that apply to this resource. Click the View Summary link to return to the summary view of the Resource Profile page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Craft Assignments for Resources

Access the Craft page.


Select a craft to apply to this resource. When you add a craft for a nonHCM employee and select the Save button, a page displays where you can elect to copy all the competencies and accomplishments associated to the qualification profile of the craft to this resource's profile. Competencies and accomplishments for employees listed in the PeopleSoft HCM database are updated in PeopleSoft HCM.

Note. Rows of crafts to which this resource is assigned are listed on this page.

Primary Craft

Select this check box if this is the primary craft for this resource. When you define a crew, and select this resource, this is the craft that is associated with the resource.

Note. If you leave this check box blank, the system uses the first craft in the list as the resource's primary craft in the crew definition.

Note. You can add multiple rows of crafts; however, select the Primary Craft check box for only one craft.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Shop Assignments for Resources

Access the Shop page.

Effective Date

Select the date from which the resources shop affiliation is either active or inactive.

Status as of Effective Date

Select if the resource's affiliation with this list of shops is Active or Inactive as of the selected effective date.

WO Business Unit (work order business unit)

Select the work order business unit associated with this shop.


Select a shop set up with the selected business unit.

Shift ID

Select a shift to apply to this resource when working from this shop.

Note. You can add multiple rows of shops based on an effective date and status. You can also add multiple rows of effective dates and associated shops to track the shop history and to change the shops based on a different effective date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging a Resource's Monthly Schedule

Access the Monthly Schedule page.

Review the assignments and scheduled days off for this resource. If a resource is assigned to work order task assignment, a link with the description of WO ID/ WO Task ID/ Task Description appears. Click this link to access either the Technician Workbench or the Work Order Component depending on how you set up Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, User Preferences, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management page. If you click a work order task link on this page, the Schedules page in the Work Order component displays for the specific task.

This month

Click this link to display the current system month if you the month displayed is different from the current month. The current month is the system default month.

Update Employee's Holidays

Click this button to initiate the Holiday Load process to refresh holidays on the resource schedule. All of the holidays that are associated with the holiday schedule are inserted into the resource schedule as tasks with the task category HOLIDAY. The refresh process occurs in the background in real time. A message indicates when the process is complete.

Note. Click one of the date links in the month to access the Daily Schedule page.

Important! The Asset Monthly Schedule page works the same way as the Resource Monthly Schedule page. However, the Asset Monthly Schedule page does not have an Update Employee's Holidays button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing a Resource's Daily Schedule

Access the Daily Schedule page.

Review the selected daily schedule for this resource. Click an hour or click a task to add or modify task details. When a resource is assigned to a work order task, a hyperlink displays with the description, which includes the time range/work order business unit/ work order ID/ work order task ID/ task description. If you click this link either the Technician Workbench or the Work Order component displays depending your setup in Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, User Preferences, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management page.

Important! You access the Daily Schedule page by clicking on a date that has assignments. If a schedule does not have assignments, when you click on the date, the Task Details page displays.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Modifying Task Details for Resources

Access the Task Details page.

Start Date and Start Time

Enter a different date and time, if desired.

Note. The date and time are based on the date and time link that you clicked on the Daily Schedule page.

Task Duration

Enter the total time for this resource to perform this task.


Select the task category that applies to this period of time.

See Setting Up Task Categories.

Work Order Business Unit, Work Order Number, and Work Order Task

Select these values to identify downtime on the calendar for the asset being repaired or maintained in a work order task. This is a manual process.

Important! The Asset Task Details page contains the same fields as the Resource Daily Schedule page.

Occurrence Information


Select a value that defines how often you want this task category repeated in the resource's schedule. The values are:

  • Daily.

  • Monthly by Date.

  • Monthly by Day.

  • Once.

  • Weekly.

  • Yearly.


Enter the number of intervals between occurrences of the event.


Select the last date that the event should occur.

For Month

Select one of these values:

  • from first.

    For example, the event will occur on the fourth Friday of the month counting from the first Friday forward.

  • from last.

    For example, the event will occur on the last Friday of the month.