Performing Crew Scheduling

This chapter presents an overview of crew scheduling in Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Maintenance Management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Crew Scheduling

Many maintenance organizations and organizations that perform large capital projects prefer to schedule crews for work orders in specific periods rather than schedule individual labor resources. They must be able to determine the crew's availability and capacity to appropriately allocate each crew's resources to specific work order tasks. After scheduling crews to work orders, organizations need to measure and analyze statistics concerning each crew's compliance with the schedule in order to plan realistically for future periods.

To perform the overall crew scheduling process, users:

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCrew Scheduling Setup Requirements

Before you can perform crew scheduling you must set up:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Crew Scheduling Process

This section presents an overview of the crew scheduling process. The following sections in this chapter discuss these topics in more detail or they are discussed elsewhere in this PeopleBook.

The crew scheduling process includes the:

Creation of Work Orders and Work Order Task Requirements

You can create work orders and work order requirements that use crews using two methods:

Regardless of the method in which the work order is created, you must access the Work Order component to define the work order task requirements for the work orders to which you intend to schedule a crew. If you selected the Schedule Crew check box on the Shop Information page and associated a crew with the shop, the system assigns the shop's primary crew defined as the default preferred crew on the work order task. You can override this crew with another crew in the work order and override the shop for the task, if necessary. If the asset identified on the work order task has its own preferred crew specified in the asset definition, the system assigns this crew, and not the shop's primary crew, to the work order task by default. However, the crew associated with the asset must belong to the shop associated with the work order for this override to occur.

The Labor Requirements grid include a Crew Assignments tab and a Crew Timetable tab. You add the requirement rows based on each craft for each task in the work order. The craft, quantity, and hours that you enter as requirement rows display in the Crew Assignment and Crew Timetable tabs. The system does not update remaining fields on these grids you schedule the crews on the Crew Scheduling Workbench. When you access the Crew Scheduling Workbench and search for the labor requirement rows associated with the crew specified in the work order, these rows are listed in the Crew Scheduling Workbench for that crew.

Crew Capacity Plan

You create a crew capacity plan to determine the total capacity of a crew and the capacity of each craft associated with the crew along with the potential cost and revenue amounts that will be generated by the craft for a future schedule period.

Initially, the crew capacity plan displays the total base capacity and adjusted capacity values for the entire crew and the base capacity and adjusted capacity for each craft defined for the crew. The system derives the base capacity from the shift associated with the crew members, and the adjusted capacity from the calendar of the crew members stored in the resource availability cache. The crew supervisor updates the adjusted capacity figures based on information that the crew members provide as to why they will not be available for as many hours as their shift suggests. This provides the scheduler with an accurate baseline capacity to use when scheduling the next period using the Crew Scheduling Workbench. The crew capacity plan serves as the foundation for the calculation of the values that display on the capacity grid on the Crew Scheduling Workbench. When you create a crew capacity plan for a period, this capacity information displays in the Crew Scheduling Workbench for that period with additional fields that are updated based on the creation of crew schedules.

A more detailed description and the set up of a crew capacity plan is described in the section, Performing Crew Capacity Planning.

Important! We recommend running the cache administration process once a day and every time you add new resources or change resources' shifts.

See Understanding Crew Capacity Planning.

Crew Scheduling Workbench

The Crew Scheduling Workbench enables a scheduler to avoid the burden of scheduling each individual technician by scheduling entire crews based on their availability by craft to work on work order tasks in specific periods. Scheduling crews in this manner also establishes the schedule metrics by crew and craft to use for future completion analysis. After completing the crew scheduling for a period, the craft supervisor can access the Labor Assignment Workbench to assign members of the crew, as well as non-crew members, to the scheduled work order tasks.

The Crew Schedule Workbench enables you to:

A more detailed description and the implementation of the Crew Scheduling Workbench is described in the Crew Scheduling section of this chapter.

See The Crew Scheduling Process.

Labor Assignment Workbench

Once you schedule a crew to work order tasks for a specific period on the Crew Scheduling Workbench and you created the labor schedules in the work order, you can use the Labor Assignment Workbench to assign each of the crew members to the scheduled tasks. When you search for work order tasks for a specific crew and period in the Labor Assignment Workbench, the system displays all of the labor schedule rows that were scheduled to the crew for the period in the Crew Scheduling Workbench. You can also display and assign non-crew scheduled labor schedule rows in the Labor Assignment Workbench and make labor assignments.

When you access the Labor Assignment Workbench, a resource availability grid displays the availability and load of each crew member for each day of the schedule period. If labor schedule rows exist for this crew, they display below the Availability grid. When you assign employees to the labor schedule rows or change the schedule dates or hours on the rows, the Availability grid is automatically updated. When you save the Labor Assignment Workbench page, the system updates the labor schedule rows in the work orders and updates the resource calendar with the new assignments.

The Labor Assignment Workbench is used to:

For a more detailed description of the use and setup of the Labor Assignment Workbench, refer to the Using the Labor Assignment Workbench section in this chapter.

See Understanding the Labor Assignment Workbench.

Crew Schedule Metrics and Reports

Crew schedule metrics are generated based on activities performed in the Crew Scheduling Workbench. Schedulers can use these values to determine how well the crews complied with the schedule for the scheduling period. These metrics assist the scheduler in determining a more accurate target load percentage, which is the target value used to reduce the expected availability of the crew to allow for unscheduled events for future periods.

Schedulers can update the adjusted completed schedule hours and the adjusted completed hours within the Crew Schedule Metrics component. They can also view graphic representations of the overall schedule completion data and the schedule completion by craft data.

In addition to the crew schedule metrics, you can also obtain the Schedule Completion report, which describes how well the crews comply with the schedule for the period. This report enables you to determine any:

There are other Crew Schedule reports available, which include the:

See Using Crew Schedule Metrics.

See PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Reports.

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Crew Capacity Planning

This section presents an overview of crew capacity planning and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Crew Capacity Planning

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management enables craft supervisors to plan crew capacity for a future scheduling period. They select a crew associated with a business unit and shop, select a future period, and the system calculates total values for the base capacity and adjusted capacity for the crew. The craft supervisor modifies the adjusted capacity values for each craft based on their personal experience and knowledge, which updates the totals. When a scheduler schedules a crew to one or more work orders on the Crew Scheduling Workbench, the crew capacity plan for that crew is updated based on the new crew assignments.

To determine crew capacity, you must set up a schedule pattern and generate schedule periods based on this pattern. Once a crew capacity is tied to the pattern, the user can add new periods with the initial period start date. Typically, the craft supervisor updates each resource's schedule with meetings, appointments, vacation, and more. The system acknowledges these commitments when determining crew availability and capacity. The accuracy of the crew availability and capacity depends upon whether you maintain each resource's calendar and routinely update the resource availability cache record.

Effective dates are very important in determining crew capacity. Each resource is assigned to a shop as of an effective date. The crew definition is effective-dated, the shop is effective-dated, and the schedule pattern set up for the crew is based on a date range. If you create a resource on a date falling after the effective date of the crew, the system adds the resource to the shop, but will not add the resource to the crew. For example, if the effective date on the Define Crew page is 3/04/06 and you create an additional resource and associate it with the shop on 3/5/06. You cannot add this resource to the crew without changing either the effective date of the crew or the effective date of resource's association with the shop.

You create a crew capacity plan for a crew based on a specific schedule period, which is generated from the crew's schedule pattern. The schedule pattern defined in the Crew Definition component is effective-dated, which means that the schedule pattern of a crew might change over time. Therefore, when adding a new crew capacity plan, the system must ensure that only valid schedule periods are used to create the new crew capacity plans. Valid schedule periods are the current and future periods that are valid for the crew schedule pattern as of the start date of the period. When you create a new crew capacity plan, the system calculates specific elements in the plan, which include:

You can add crafts that are not part of a crew to a crew capacity plan, and you do not have to add these crafts to the crew. You also can copy from an existing crew capacity plan.

The confirmed scheduled hours and the total scheduled hours for a crew capacity plan are automatically updated when you assign and confirm the work order task requirements against the capacity plan in the Crew Scheduling Workbench by using the Confirm Metrics action.

Note. You can add or remove crew members regardless of whether or not a crew capacity plan exists. To add a crew member, you insert a new effective-dated row on the Define Crew page.

Copying a Crew Capacity Plan

The system does not allow overlapping crew capacity plans, where the start period date for a new crew capacity plan falls within the period range of an existing crew capacity plan. However, users can copy a crew capacity plan from the current period to the future period. Because the crew is effective-dated and can change from one period to another, the system asks if you want to override the current capacity plan. If you indicate that you do want to override the crew capacity plan, the process will replace the capacity plan for each matched craft, but will not change the target quantity and base capacity amounts. If there is not a match for a given craft on the source capacity plan and the craft is not a crew craft, the system will insert the non-matching, non-crew craft to the target capacity plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Perform Crew Capacity Planning

Page Name

Object Name



Crew Capacity


Maintenance Management, Crew Schedule, Crew Capacity Plan

Define and update a crew capacity plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPlanning Crew Capacity

Access the Crew Capacity page.

To create a crew capacity plan, you select a work order business unit, shop, crew, and a period start date on the Add a New Value page.


Click the shop name link to access the Define Shop component for this shop.


Click the crew name link to access the Define Crew component for this crew.

Total Crew Capacity

Base Capacity

Displays the total resource base capacity for the crew, which is derived from the hours in each resource's shift times the total capacity percentage of each resource assigned to this crew on the Define Crew page.

Note. If the crew resources are associated with different shifts, the system calculates this value based on those difference shifts.

Adjusted Capacity (Hours)

Displays the total adjusted capacity in hours for the entire crew.

Total Adjusted Capacity = ( Base capacity – All commitments) * Capacity allocation percentage of the each resource in the crew.

This cannot be a negative value. If a negative value is calculated, the system enters zero as the value.

Schedulers can modify this value manually for each craft based on their knowledge of the technician's working hours for that period in the Details tab, which adjusts this figure.

Note. The accuracy of this calculation is determined by the calendar entries of the resources for the specified schedule period and how current the resource management availability cache record is.

Target Load %(target load percentage [total crew])

Displays total target load percentage value for the crew (calculated at the crew level) = Total target hours / Total adjusted capacity(hours

Total load % = .Total target hours / Total adjusted capacity hours.

Adjusted Capacity (Days)

Displays the total adjusted capacity in days for the crew.

Total adjusted capacity days = Total adjusted capacity hours / standard hours per workday defined on the Shop Definition page.

Target Hours

Displays the total target available hours for the crew for the schedule period.

Total target hours for the crew = Total target load percentage * Total adjusted capacity hours.

Note. This value is used to schedule a crew.

Adjusted Capacity (Headcount)

Displays the total adjusted capacity in headcounts for the crew.

Total adjusted capacity headcount for the crew = Total adjusted capacity days / Total workdays in the schedule period.

Note. The total workdays for a schedule period is based on the operating hours of the crew shop.

Confirmed Scheduled Hours

Displays the total confirmed number of hours scheduled for the crew on the Crew Scheduling Workbench, which means that the Confirm Metrics action was performed against the crew schedules.

Total Cost

Displays the total cost for the crew.

Total cost for the crew = Sum of the hourly cost rate for each craft * Total adjusted capacity hours for each craft.

Total Scheduled Hours

Displays the total number of scheduled hours of all of the crafts listed for the crew. This value is updated when you assign a work order task requirement to a crew for the schedule period on the Crew Scheduling Workbench, or when you change the period on the Crew Scheduling Workbench and save the page.

Total Potential Revenue

Displays a value, which is derived by multiplying the hourly bill rate for each craft times the adjusted capacity (hours) for each craft. This value equals the potential revenue for each craft. Add these figures together to obtain the total potential revenue for the crew.

Total Workdays

Displays total number of workdays, which is derived from the total number of workdays in the shift associated with the shop based on the schedule period.

For example:

If the schedule period is biweekly, and the shift associated with the shop is 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, then the total workdays for this crew equals 10 days.

Average Target Load % (average target load percentage)

Displays a weighted average of the target load percentage.

Average Target Load % = SUM (Number of resources in each craft) * Target Load % of the craft) / Total number of resources in the crew capacity plan.

Copy From Other Crew Capacity

Access the Copy From Other Crew Capacity group box.

The Copy button does not display once the work is scheduled for this crew capacity plan. To copy this source crew capacity plan to a target crew capacity plan, select:

Period Start Date

Select or enter the start date for the future period for the target crew capacity plan.


Click the Copy button to display a page containing the following information:

Would you like the system to override the current capacity plan?

The system will copy each craft to the target capacity plan that matches a craft on the source capacity plan. However, it does not copy the quantity and the base capacity fields of the source capacity plan.

If the system does not find a match for a source capacity plan craft in the target capacity plan, and the craft is not associated with a crew , the system will insert the craft into the target capacity plan. If the non-matching craft is a crew craft, it will not be added to the target capacity plan.

If the quantity of the target capacity plan is equal to the quantity of the source capacity plan for the crew's craft, the adjusted capacity value on the target capacity plan will be set to the adjusted capacity value on the source capacity plan. If these values are not equal, then the system will not change the adjusted capacity value in the target capacity plan.

Click the:

  • Yes button if you want to override the current capacity plan.

  • No button if you do not want to override the source capacity plan and copy it to a target capacity plan.

Crew Craft Capacity Details

Access the Crew Craft Capacity - Details tab.


Displays one or more crafts based on the list of crafts associated with each resource on the Define Crew page.

Qty (quantity)

Displays the number of resources on the Define Crew page associated with a craft.

Adjusted Capacity (Hours)

Displays the adjusted capacity hours for the total number of resources in a craft.

Adjusted Capacity hours (craft) = Base capacity for total number of craft resources – All commitments * Capacity allocation percentage of the craft resources.

Schedulers can modify this value manually based on their knowledge of the technician's working hours for that period. This adjustment is reflected in the total Adjusted Capacity (Hours) field in the Total Crew Capacity group box.

Note. The accuracy of this calculation is determined by the calendar entries of the resources for the specified schedule period and if the Resource Management Availability Cache Record is current.

Adjusted Capacity (Days)

Displays the adjusted capacity in days for a craft.

Adjusted Capacity (Days) for a craft = Adjusted capacity hours / Standard Hours per Day (Shop Definition)

A scheduler can adjust this value. This figure changes when the scheduler adjusts the adjusted capacity (hours) value.

Note. Adjustments to one value automatically adjusts the values in the other fields.

Adjusted Capacity (Headcount)

Displays the adjusted capacity headcount for a craft.

Adjusted capacity headcount for each craft = The adjusted capacity (days) /The total number of workdays based on the schedule period and the shop's operating hours.

A scheduler can adjust this value. This value changes if the adjusted capacity (hours) or (days) value changes.

Target Load % (target load percentage)

Enter the workload percentage for this crew taking into account any unscheduled or emergency work that might come up during this schedule period. This percentage is used to calculate the target hours for this craft.

Target Hours

Displays the target hours for each craft.

Target hours for each craft = Target load percentage for the craft * Adjusted capacity hours for the craft.

Base Capacity (Hours)

Displays the base capacity hours for each craft.

Base capacity hours for each craft = SUM of the resource's weekly shift hours * Capacity percentage specified for the resource on the Define Crew page.

Crew Craft

Displays a check mark in the check box as display only, if the listed craft is associated with this crew.

Note. The system selects and unselects this check box depending on whether you associate a craft with a crew.

Crew Craft Capacity Potential Cost Revenue

Access the Crew Craft Capacity - Potential Cost Revenue tab.

Hourly Cost Rate

Displays the hourly cost rate for a craft if it is specified on the shop's Craft Rates page. If the crew capacity plan has more than one craft and one or more of the crafts do not have a cost and bill rate specified on the Craft Rates page of the shop, then the rate is derived either from the shop or the work order business unit depending on the setup.

Hourly Bill Rate

Displays the hourly bill rate for a craft if it is specified on the shop's Craft Rates page. If the crew capacity plan has more than one craft and one or more of the crafts do not have a cost and bill rate specified on the Craft Rates page of the shop, then the rate is derived either from the shop or the work order business unit depending on the setup.

Total Cost

Displays a value, which equals the adjusted capacity (hours) for the craft times the hourly cost rate.

Total Potential Revenue

Displays a value, which equals the adjusted capacity (hours) for the craft times the hourly bill rate.

Currency Code

Displays the default value derived from the work order business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Crew Capacity Chart

Access the Crew Capacity page.

Draw Chart

Click this button to display the crew capacity chart based on the crew capacity data for the schedule period. The system saves the page prior to drawing the chart.

Refresh Chart

Click this button to refresh the crew capacity chart based on changes that you made to the crew capacity data.

Hide Chart

Click this button so that the chart is not visible on the page.

Chart Type

Select the type of chart that you want to display from one of these chart types:

  • Capacity Distribution Chart

    This is a bar chart that compares the base capacity, adjusted capacity, and target capacity hours for each craft in the crew for the specified schedule period.

  • Craft Distribution Chart

    This is a pie chart, which displays the adjusted capacity distribution percentages for each craft in the crew capacity plan.

Click to jump to parent topicScheduling Crews

This section presents overviews of crew scheduling and status rules for the Crew Scheduling Workbench and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Crew Scheduling

The Crew Scheduling Workbench enables you to determine a crew's capacity and allocate work orders by craft for a specific period so that each crew is loaded to its target capacity to ensure maximum efficiency. The workbench enables you to schedule crews to multiple work orders at one time.

You can establish and save multiple search criteria settings for each crew, that will enable you to easily search for unscheduled backlog work , carryover work, and scheduled work. To ensure that all tasks are scheduled, you can even display tasks that are not assigned to a crew. Your search criteria can include specific work order details, work order status and priority, and target asset information.

Prior to using the Crew Scheduling Workbench, you set up a crew capacity plan for each crew. This information displays in a crew capacity grid at the top of the Crew Scheduling Workbench. As you assign the crew by craft to one or more task lines, the crew capacity is immediately updated to reflect the assignments. This enables you to see the progress against the target load percentage. You can also change the crew at any time to compare one crew's capacity with the crew that you are scheduling.

The Crew Scheduling Workbench displays a list of work order task requirement lines based on your search criteria in the Workbench section of the page. Between the Crew Capacity and the Workbench sections is the Action list. You can select multiple task requirement rows and perform an action such as assigning a crew, changing the crew schedule dates and times, changing the period, creating labor schedules in the work order based on the assignments, updating carryover hours, and more. You can examine the work order tasks that were started and were not complete and those that look like they are not going to get started in the current period and move them to a future period. For any work that clearly cannot be done, you can put it in the backlog. Work can be unscheduled and rescheduled. You can also schedule unplanned or emergency work that comes up during the current period or push it out to the next, following, or a subsequent period if necessary. Once the work is scheduled, if necessary you access the Labor Assignment Workbench directly from the Crew Scheduling Workbench to assign the work to individual members of the crew.

Once you have gone through the various tasks and loaded up each craft to the desired level, you can save the schedule as a baseline for the period and review information such as the actual quantity of the work performed compared to the quantity of work scheduled, or the scheduled work performed as a percentage of the total work.

The Crew Scheduling Workbench consists of:

However, if the crew period and availability do not coincide with the task start and end dates, you can override these dates when you schedule the crew. Overriding these dates changes the scheduled start and end dates on the work order task. .

There are certain rules that apply to crew scheduling:

The Crew Scheduling Workbench Search Page

Once your work order requirements are defined, you access the Crew Scheduling Workbench to display the work orders, tasks, and task lines that you want to assign to a crew. For greater efficiency, you can set up views for different stages of the crew scheduling process and save those views. This enables you to access the schedules easily, without having to reenter the search criteria every time. Your search criteria must include a crew business unit, a crew shop, a crew, and a schedule period. You can also select the View Tasks without Crew check box to include unscheduled work orders that are not associated with a crew.

For example, you could set up and save the view named C1_S1_Current_Unsch. This view name indicates that your selected search criteria is for:

The scheduling statuses are:

When you specify a schedule period, it is the date range covering the current schedule period. Typically this is defined as a week (Monday - Sunday), but could be 4 days or 2 weeks depending on the organizations requirements. The schedule period for each crew is determined by the schedule pattern assigned to each crew on the Define Crew page. The schedule period options are:

You can specify other search criteria based on the work order, the work order status and priority, and asset information on the search page and include it in your saved view. You can also indicate whether you want certain fields sorted in ascending or descending order on the page. After you name and save the view, you click the Search button to display the available capacity for the selected crew in the Capacity Crew grid and a list of work orders requirements on the Workbench grid.

Crew Capacity Grid

When you search for a crew in the Crew Scheduling Workbench Search page, the system displays the Crew Capacity grid for the crew along with any work order task rows based on the entered search criteria. This grid displays information regarding the crew’s workload for the period specified on the search criteria, which is grouped by the primary crafts associated with the crew's members. The crew capacity data is updated as you begin to use the workbench's different actions, which enables you to track the percentage of capacity loaded for each craft against the craft's target load percentage.

Users can change the crew that they want to focus on at any time. Changing the crew is useful when you are trying to determine whether a given set of requirements should be assigned to crews other than the one specified on the search criteria. You select a different business unit, shop, crew, and craft, which is optional, and display that crew's data in the grid.

If you searched on one craft, only the selected craft displays in the grid for the crew. The crew capacity grid displays the following information for each craft associated with the crew:

See Performing Crew Capacity Planning.

Crew Scheduling Workbench Work Order Task Labor Requirements

You actually schedule a crew to work order task labor requirements rows that display on a Workbench under the crew capacity grid. This Workbench consists of details describing information in the work order, work order task, and labor requirement rows and fields that are updated based on scheduling a crew to a row. You can schedule the crew to each individual work order task labor requirement row or you can select one or more work order task labor requirements rows on the workbench and select an action to apply to the selected rows. The Workbench data is described in this section and the actions in the next section.

The Workbench consists of five and sometimes six tabs:

The Workbench section of the Crew Scheduling Workbench typically displays any labor requirements that you defined for one or more work orders associated with the selected shop, crew, and period. For unscheduled work , the system brings in every unscheduled work order that meets the search criteria. If you want to narrow work orders to a selected period, you must enter required or schedule start and end dates in the search criteria. Once work is scheduled, the system will gather work orders associated with a specific period. Most of the data that displays in the Workbench section describes the specific work order data, work order task data, and task row data, all of which is retrieved from the work order. This information enables you to make informed decisions based on having complete information about each work order, task and labor requirement row before you schedule them. You can access everything you need to know to schedule the crew directly on the Crew Scheduling Workbench.

The remaining fields on the Workbench section of the Crew Scheduling Workbench can be affected by performing any of the actions either manually on a single row or on multiple rows by selecting the rows, selecting an action, entering the action fields that display, and selecting Go to apply the action to the row.

The data that displays on each of the Workbench tabs includes:

See Defining Work Order Statuses.

Crew Scheduling Workbench Actions

You use the work order labor requirement data in the Workbench to evaluate the actual work that needs to be performed in order to schedule your crews accordingly. Once the work is evaluated, you are ready to schedule your crew. You can schedule a crew to each individual row. However, one of the major benefits of the Crew Scheduling Workbench is that you can apply an action such as assigning a crew to multiple rows at one time. The actions defined on a list in the center of the workbench enable you to do everything from assigning a crew to accessing preventive maintenance projections. The following actions, which you apply to the work order task requirements on the Workbench are listed in order of functionality (rather than in the order that they appear on the dropdown list) include:

To apply an action to one or more work order task labor requirement rows in the Workbench, select the rows in the workbench and then select an action from the Action dropdown list. The system evaluates the selected data, such as the crew scheduling dates and times, against the work order task data and displays additional fields that are associated with the selected action. Once you select the action and enter the additional fields as necessary, you click the Go button. The system runs a validation process on the selected rows and applies the action. Not all actions affect the data in the rows. Some enable you to perform activities without having to exit the Crew Scheduling Workbench, such as the action Go to PM Projections. The following information describes how each action is used on the Crew Scheduling Workbench:

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Object Name



Crew Scheduling Workbench Search


Maintenance Management, Workbenches, Crew Scheduling Workbench

Enter search criteria to search for a crew and work orders to schedule.

Crew Scheduling Workbench


Maintenance Management, Workbenches, Crew Scheduling Workbench

Schedule crews to work order task labor requirement lines.

Work Order


  • Select the Crew Assignments tab (or the Resources, Schedules, Rescheduling, Asset Information, or Messages tabs) on the Crew Scheduling Workbench page and click the Work Order ID link.

  • Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order

Access and modify the selected work order.

WO Task Descriptions


Select the Crew Assignments tab on the Crew Scheduling Workbench page and click the Task Descriptions link.

Review selected work order task description.

Asset Information


Select the Crew Assignments tab on the Crew Scheduling Workbench page and click the Asset ID Description link.

Review work order task asset characteristics and attributes.

Change Shop to Identify Crew


  • Click the Assign Crew action on the Crew Scheduling Workbench and click the Change Shop for Crew link.

  • Select the Resources tab on the Crew Scheduling Workbench and click the Change Shop for Crew link.

Change the shop for the crew being scheduled.



  • Select the Resources tab on the Crew Scheduling Workbench page and click the Labor link.

  • Select the Resources tab on the Crew Scheduling Workbench page and click the Inventory link.

  • Select the Resources tab on the Crew Scheduling Workbench page and click the Purchase/On-Hand link.

  • Select the Resources tab on the Crew Scheduling Workbench page and click the Tools link.

  • Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order

Access and modify, if necessary, either the Labor Schedules grid, Inventory Schedules grid, Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid, or Tool Schedules grid for a task in the work order.

Work Order History for Asset (ID)


Select the Asset Information tab on the Crew Scheduling Workbench page and click the View Work History link.

Review the work order task history and status for the task asset.

Maint History by Type (maintenance history by type)


  • Select the Asset Information tab on the Crew Scheduling Workbench page and click the Asset Maint History link.

  • Asset Management, Service and Maintenance, Review Maintenance History

Review the maintenance, costs, and work order information for any maintenance performed on the task asset.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Crew Schedule Search Page

Access the Crew Scheduling Workbench Search page.

Use View

Select an existing saved view as your search criteria.

Save View

Click this button if you change the criteria in a view or create a view of new search criteria. If you modified an existing view, the system asks if you want to override the view. If this is a new view, the system saves the view with the new name that you enter in the Use View field.

Delete View

Click this button to delete the current view. The system asks if you are sure that you want to delete the view.


Click this button to clear all the field values in a view.


Click this button after entering any required or additional search criteria. The system searches for and displays a crew capacity plan for the selected crew and period and displays any work orders in the workbench grids that are either scheduled or can be scheduled based on the criteria.


Click this link to return to the workbench.

Crew Scheduling Search Criteria

Crew Business Unit

Select the work order business unit associated with a crew. The system searches for work order tasks associated with this selected business unit for unscheduled work orders, and for labor requirements associated with this business unit value for scheduled and carryover work orders. This is a required field.

Crew Shop

Select the shop to which this crew is assigned. The system searches for this selected shop value in work order tasks associated with this shop for unscheduled work orders, and searches for this selected shop value in the labor requirements for scheduled and carryover work orders. This is a required field.


Select a crew associated with the crew business unit and shop. The system searches for work order tasks that have the selected crew value in the Preferred Crew field of a task for unscheduled work orders. It searches for this selected crew value in the Crew field of a task's labor requirements for scheduled and carryover work order tasks. This is a required field.

View Tasks without Crew

Select this check box to search for and display any unscheduled work orders with tasks that do not have a default value in the Preferred Crew field of a work order task.

Scheduling Status


  • Unscheduled.

    Select this option to search for work order labor requirements in which crews have not yet been assigned. The selected schedule period is not included in the search criteria because unscheduled work orders are not yet assigned to a period.

  • Carryover Work.

    Select this option to search for all work orders with labor requirements tasks that have unfinished work

    Note. Unfinished work refers to crew assignments where the completed date is blank and carryover hours exist.

  • Review Entire Crew Schedule.

    Select this option to work in conjunction with the values in the business unit, shop, crew, and period fields to display all work orders that are scheduled to the specified crew. It has a complete view of the scheduled work prior to confirming the work, which enables you to verify all of the schedules, including those that you might otherwise have missed.

    Note. When you select this value, all other search criteria other than those mentioned above are disabled and contain their default values.

  • Scheduled.

    Select this option to search for work orders that have been assigned a crew. The crew schedule status of the rows that display can be Unplanned,Scheduled, or Schedule Confirmed.

Schedule Period

Select one of these periods:

  • Previous Period.

    This is the period immediately before the current period. .

  • Current Period.

    This is the period determined by the current date (today's date) falls within the period's start and end date. .

  • Next Period.

    This is the period immediately after the current period.

  • Following Period

    This is the period following the next period.

  • Specific Period.

    Selecting this option enables you to enter a specific period start date.

The previous, next, and following period options depend on the period that the system identifies as the current period for the crew. If the system does not identify the current period, you can only select a specific period.


Select a craft to display labor requirements associated with this specific craft.

Work Order Search Criteria

The fields in this group box are common to all work orders and work order tasks. Select the criteria to narrow your search for specific work orders. If you specify a shop, the system searches for the shop specified in the work order header information.

See Creating a Work Order.

Work Order Status and Priority Search Criteria

You can search for work orders based on selecting one or more user-defined work order task statuses that have an internal status of:

You can also select one or all of the work order priorities to use in your search.

See Defining Work Order Statuses.

Asset Information

Select the asset information to narrow your search to display work orders and work order tasks based on specific asset characteristics and attributes.

See Understanding Work Orders.

Sort By Search Criteria

Sort By

Select one of the following field names and select whether you want to sort the field values in Crew Scheduling Workbench in either Ascending or Descending order:

  • Asset Area

  • Asset Criticality

  • Asset ID - Description

  • Asset Location

  • Completed Date

  • Craft

  • Crew

  • Crew End Date

  • Crew End Time

  • Crew Schedule Status

  • Crew Start Date

  • Crew Start Time

  • Priority

  • Required End Date

  • Required End Time

  • Required Start Date

  • Required Start Time

  • Requirement Line Number

  • Task Description

  • Task Status

  • Work Order ID

  • Work Order Type

Important! You can add rows to select more than one field name.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicScheduling Crews to Multiple Work Orders

Access the Crew Scheduling Workbench page.

Capacity for Crew

Crew Business Unit

Select the work order business unit associated with the shop that contains the crew for which you want to display capacity.

Crew Shop

Select the shop that contains the crew for which you want to display capacity.


Select the crew for which you want to display capacity.


Select a craft associated with the selected crew, if you want to display capacity for only one craft.

This field is optional.


Click this button after entering all or some of the search criteria (business unit, shop, crew, craft) associated with a crew. This enables you to display the crew capacity data for a different crew.

Adjusted Capacity (Hours)

Displays the adjusted capacity in hours, which is set up as part of the metrics for the crew and period. It typically represents the crew's: Total shift hours for the period – Any time off (vacation, holidays, sick days and more)

Adjusted Capacity (Days)

Displays the adjusted capacity in days, which is set up as part of the metrics for the crew and period. It typically represents the crew's: (Total shift hours for the period – Any time off ) / Standard day hours defined in the crew's shop.

Adjusted Capacity (Headcount)

Displays the adjusted capacity headcount, which is set up as part of the metrics for the crew and period. It typically represents the crew's: The adjusted capacity days / The number of days in the schedule period.

Target Hours

Displays the calculated target load hours in which Target load hours = Adjusted capacity (hours) * Target load %.

Confirmed Scheduled Hours

Displays the number of hours from the crew schedule that are confirmed for the period. Scheduled hours are confirmed when you select the action Confirm Metrics, which updates the data in the crew capacity plan based on the selected rows.

Scheduled Hours

Displays the total number of hours for which a craft is scheduled for the period.

Assigning a crew to a requirement, updating scheduled hours or changing a period updates the value in this field.

Scheduled Days

Displays the total number of days for which a craft is scheduled. Scheduled days = Scheduled hours / Standard number of hours in workday in the crew's shop.

Scheduled Headcount Equivalent

Displays the total headcount for which a craft is scheduled. Scheduled headcount = (Scheduled hours / Standard number of hours in workday in the crew's shop) / Number of days in the period based on the shift.

Variance (b – c)

Displays the difference between the scheduled hours and the target load hours.

Scheduled % (c/b * 100)

Displays the actual schedule load relative to the target load hours. Scheduled % = (Scheduled hours / Target load hours) * 100.

Availability % ( 1– c/a) * 100

Displays the actual schedule load relative to the adjusted capacity. Availability % = (1 – Scheduled hours / Adjusted capacity hours) * 100.

Target Load %

Displays the crew's expected load against the adjusted capacity in terms of percentage for all planned work. Typically it is set below 100% to accommodate any unplanned/emergency entries that may occur throughout the period.

See Understanding Crew Capacity Planning.


This section describes each selected action and its relationship to the Crew Scheduling Workbench.


Select work order rows in the Workbench and select an action to perform on the selected rows. Select:

  • Assign Crew.

    Selecting this action displays:

    • A to Crew: Field in which you can select the crew that you want to assign to the selected work orders task rows. The crew specified in the search criteria displays as the default crew in the field.

    • A Change Shop for Crew link, which you can click to access the Change Shop to Identify Crew page where you select a different Crew Shop in which to associate a crew.

      See Understanding Crew Scheduling.

    • An Override Task's Schedule Dates check box which is selected by default.

      If you do not select this check box , the crew assignment may result in error on some or all of the selected rows if the crew start or end dates fall off the date range established by the task's scheduled start and end dates. beyond the established task schedule date. You also cannot change the task schedule dates after the crew is scheduled. If this check box is selected, the task schedule dates expand or collapse to fit the period to which the crews are scheduled.

      See Understanding Crew Scheduling.

    • A Schedule Crew's Entire Period check box. If you select this check box, the system sets the crew end date to the period’s end date.

    • Reason

      Select a reason code, which explains why you are assigning the crew. Reason codes and descriptions are saved on the Reschedule History.

      Note. This field displays on the page when the period specified is Current or a period previous to the current period, or the crew scheduling status is Carryover Work.

    • Description

      Enter a more thorough description of why you are assigning this crew.

      Note. This field displays on the page when the period specified is Current or a period previous to the current period, or the crew scheduling status is Carryover Work.

  • Change Crew End Date/Time.

    Selecting this action displays:

    • A to field in which you can enter or select a new crew end date, which is updated on the Schedules grid for the selected rows.

    • A blank field in which you can enter a new crew end time, which is updated on the Schedules grid for the selected rows.

      Note. The time field is not required to perform the action. If you leave the field blank, the crew end times of the selected rows do not display as overridden.

    • An Override Task Schedule Dates check box is selected and can be changed.

    • A Reason field in which you must select a reason code whenever a resource is moved to another period.

      Note. This field displays on the page when the period specified is Current or a period previous to the current period, or the crew scheduling status is Carryover Work.

    • A Description field in which you can enter a longer description for the change.

      Note. This field displays on the page when the period specified is Current or a period previous to the current period, or the crew scheduling status is Carryover Work.

  • Change Crew Start Date/Time.

    Selecting this action displays:

    • A to field in which you can enter or select a new crew start date, which is updated on the Schedules tab for the selected rows.

    • A blank field in which you can enter a new crew start time, which is updated on the Schedules tab for the selected rows.

      Note. The time field is not required to perform the action. If you leave the field blank, the crew end times of the selected rows do not display as overridden.

    • An Override Task Schedule Dates check box is selected and can be changed.

    • A Reason field in which you must select a reason code whenever a scheduled resource is moved to another period.

      Note. This field displays on the page when the period specified is Current or a period previous to the current period, or the crew scheduling status is Carryover Work.

      Important! Before you can move a requirement to another period, you must first assign the requirement to a crew.

    • A Description field in which you can optionally enter a longer description for the change.

      Note. This field displays on the page when the period specified is Current or a period previous to the current period, or the crew scheduling status is Carryover Work.

  • Change Period.

    Selecting this action displays:

    • A to field in which you can select a value of: Current Period, which transfers the rows to the current period; Next Period, which transfers the rows to the next period relative to the current period; Following Period, which transfers the rows to the following period relative to the current period;Previous Period,which transfers the rows to the previous period relative to the current period; Specific Period, which transfers the rows to the period specified on the field that displays next to the period.

    • An Override Task's Schedule Dates check box which is selected by default.

      See Understanding Crew Scheduling.

    • A Schedule Crew's Entire Period check box.

    • Reason

    • Description

  • Change Status.

    Selecting this action enables you to change the task status to any available task status.

    • Open

    • Awaiting Schedule

    • Hold

    • Scheduled

    • Work in Progress

    • Canceled

    You can notify the scheduler using the Change Status page of the status change.

    Important! Selecting a task status displays the Change Status page for the selected rows. If you selected multiple rows for the same task, only one row representing all of these rows display on the Change Status page. When you change the status of this row, the system changes the status of all of the rows associated with the task, whether you selected them or not. When you select OK, you are returned to the Crew Scheduling Workbench.

    Once you select a status, the Change Status page validates the status transitions and displays an error if the status change is not valid.


  • Create Labor Schedules.

    Select this action to create Labor Schedule rows from the selected requirement rows, which can be subsequently displayed in the Labor Assignments workbench and in the Schedules page Labor Schedules tab of the work order. This action works like copying requirements to the schedule rows in the Work Order component. Selecting this action automatically saves the component.

  • Go to Labor Assignment WB. (workbench)

    Selecting this action displays the Labor Assignment Workbench, passes in the selected crew and schedule period, and automatically executes the search to display the labor schedule rows.

  • Go to PM Projections.

    Selecting this action displays the View Projections component search page. You enter a PM Projection Process Instance number and select Go to directly access the PM Projections based on this process instance.


  • Remove from Schedule.

    Unassigns the crew from the row and the period:

  • Report Completed Date.

    Selecting this action displays a date field in which you can select the date the selected rows were completed. When you select the Go button, this date is updated in the Completed field on the Schedules tab's grid for each row. You can change this date. Any carryover hours are set to zero and all the fields in the Crew Schedules Workbench are locked except for the Completed Date field.

    Important! Selecting Report Completed Date should be the last thing you do on the Crew Scheduling Workbench. This does not change the task status to Complete in the work order. You access task in the Technician Workbench to change the task status to Complete. However, you must make sure the actual dates are updated in the work order.

    You can set a task to complete form the Crew Scheduling Workbench if all validations for setting a task to complete passed.

  • Update Carryover Hours

    Enter carryover hours for the selected rows. If you enter zero carryover hours, then the Completed (date) field display for which you can select a the date the task was completed for the rows.

  • Update Completed Man Hours.

    Selecting this action displays a to field in which you can enter the number of man hours that it took to complete the selected task row.

  • Update Schedule Hours

    Selecting this action displays a to field in which you can enter the number of schedule hours that it takes to complete the selected task row.

  • Confirm Metrics.

    When you select the Confirm Metrics action for the same row, the system updates the metrics in the crew capacity grid if the crew and period in the grid match the crew and period in the row. The system does not update the actual capacity in the database until you save the Crew Scheduling Workbench.


Click this button to perform the selected action and validate the action for the selected rows and displays warning, error, and informational messages in the Message tab, which only displays when messages are generated.

Important! Clicking the Go button does not save the changes resulting from the action. You must click the Save button.


Click this button to save the Crew Scheduling Workbench. This also , updates the crew schedule metrics in the appropriate crew capacity plan.


Click this button to refresh changes made in the Assignments tab and update the Availability tab. This causes deferred processing on field changes to proceed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Crew Scheduling Workbench Crew Assignments Tab

Access the Crew Scheduling Workbench - Crew Assignments tab.

Work Order ID

Click this link to access this specific work order in the Work Order component.

Task No. (task number)

Identifies a task associated with each work order ID (display-only field).

Line No. (line number)

Identifies the labor requirement line number associated with this task (display-only field).


Displays the level of priority of the work order associated with this task (display-only field).

Task Descriptions

Click this link to access the WO Task Descriptions secondary page, which displays the work order ID, business unit, and task description.

Task Status

Displays the current status of the work order task. You can change the status of each task line by selecting the row and selecting an action of Change Status.

Asset ID Description

Click this link to access the Asset Information page, which lists the characteristics and attributes of the asset along with a long description of the asset.

Click this Warranties icon to display the Asset Warranties page where you can create a warranty claim or apply a warranty template to the claim. This icon displays when an asset has active warranties.

See Managing Warranty Claims.

Displays this Hazardous icon if an asset is associated with any hazardous regulations (display-only field).


Identifies each craft assigned to a task row based on the work order labor requirements definition (display-only field).

Estimated Man Hours

Displays the labor requirement hours from the work order.


Select a crew to perform a crew assignment, if desired. This field is also changed when you select one or more rows and select the Assign Crew action and select a different crew. If you select the Remove from Schedule action, this Crew field is blank.

Scheduled Hours

Enter or update the hours on the task that have been scheduled for the selected crew. This field value is also updated when you select one or more rows and select the Update Scheduled Hours action.

Note. You must enter a positive value, which can exceed the estimated duration of the task. This field is available for entry as long as you do not select Report Completed Date for this row.

Carryover Hours

You can update the number of remaining hours that are still available to schedule for the crew, which you can carry over to the next period, if desired. You can also select one or more rows and select the Update Carryover Hours action and update the carryover hours for each selected row.

Note. You must enter a positive value, which can exceed the estimated duration of the task. This field is available until you mark the row completed using the Report Completed Date action. You must also have the Report Crew Carryover Hours check box selected for the user in User Preferences.

Completed Hours

Enter the number of man hours that have been completed. These hours are usually reported by technicians. You can also select one or more rows and the Update Completed Hours action to update this field value.

Crew Schedule Status

Displays one of these values to indicate the current status of the crew schedule:

  • Unscheduled

    This is the default value, which displays when a labor requirement row is generated.

  • Unplanned/Emergency

    This value applies to a labor requirement row if a crew is assigned to the current or any past periods.

  • Scheduled

    This value applies to a labor requirement row if a crew is assigned to any future periods (next, following, beyond).

  • Schedule Confirmed

    This value applies to a labor requirement row when the metrics in the crew capacity plan are updated for this row upon selecting the Confirm Metrics action.

See Understanding Crew Scheduling.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Crew Scheduling Workbench Resources Tab

Access the Crew Scheduling Workbench page - Resources tab.

Change Shop for Crew

Click this link to access a secondary page to change the shop associated with the selected crew to another shop to which the crew is assigned.

Important! If you change the shop for the crew at the task level, the cost and bill rates for these rows are still determined by the shop specified in the header of the work order.


Displays a Yes or No for each row, which indicates whether or not labor resources have been scheduled for the selected work order task row. . Clicking the link (Yes or No) takes you to the Schedules page and the Labor Schedules grid in the work order.


Displays a Yes or No for each row, which indicates whether or not inventory parts have been scheduled for the selected work order task row. Clicking the link (Yes or No) takes you to the Schedules page and the Inventory Schedules grid in the work order.

Note. This field does not display if PeopleSoft Inventory is not installed.


Displays a Yes or No for each row, which indicates whether or not noninventory and open description labor, material, and tools have been scheduled to be purchased or are on hand on the selected work order task row. Clicking the link (Yes or No) takes you to the Schedules page and the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid in the work order.


Displays a Yes or No for each row, which indicates whether or not tool resources have been scheduled for the selected work order task row. Clicking the link (Yes or No) takes you to the Schedules page and the Tool Schedules grid in the work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Crew Scheduling Workbench Schedules Tab

Access the Crew Scheduling Workbench page - Schedules tab.

The required start and end dates and times that display for each craft are defined in the work order task labor requirements and are displayed only on this grid.

Crew Start

When you assign a crew to a row, this field displays the start date of the period. You can change the data in this field by selecting the action Change Crew Start Date and Time or by changing the value in one row.

Important! If you change this date on a single row to a date outside the Schedule dates in the work order task, the system validates the change based on whether the Override Task Schedule Dates check box was selected. When you select the Change Crew Start Date and Time action, you can select the check box, which enables you to override the task scheduled dates. However, the check box is not available if you change the dates for a single row. If you change the Crew Start date field directly on the Workbench for a single row, then the system validates the field value based on the whether the Override Tasks Schedule Dates was selected or not the last time the Override Task Schedule Dates option was applied to selected rows on the workbench. If the check box was selected, then the system issues a warning that the scheduled dates on the task may change. If the check box was not selected, the system issues an error indicating that the change in the Crew Start and End Dates for the row are outside of the range of the scheduled dates for the task.

Start Time

When you assign a crew to a row, this field displays the crew's shift start time for the corresponding day of the week in which the crew start date falls. You can change the data in this field by selecting the action Change Crew Start Date and Time

Crew End

When you assign a crew to a row, this field displays the start date of the period plus the difference between the required start and end dates. You can change the data in this field by selecting the action Change Crew End Date and Time Refer to the note under Crew Start Date when changing the date for a single row outside of the task Schedule date.

End Time

When you assign a crew to a row, this field displays the crew's shift end time for the corresponding day of the week in which the crew end date falls. You can change the data in this field by selecting the action Change Crew End Date and Time


Displays the date that the crew completed the task. This field is automatically updated if the work order task status is changed to Complete. You can select the action Report Complete Date to update this field or update a single row. The available fields in the row on each grid become unavailable except for this field. Carryover hours are set to zero.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Crew Scheduling Workbench Rescheduling Tab

Access the Crew Scheduling Workbench page - Rescheduling tab.


You can enter a reason for rescheduling a crew assignment in this field. This field is only used if you reschedule a row and need to move the date into the Rescheduling History.

Note. You set up reason codes in Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Setup, Crew Rescheduling Reason Codes.


Displays the description associated with the selected reason.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Crew Scheduling Workbench Asset Information Tab

Access the Crew Scheduling Workbench page - Asset Information tab.

This tab displays the asset information entered for the work order task.

Click the Calendar icon to display the Asset Monthly Schedule page, which displays dates and times that the asset may not be available for scheduling or enables you to add dates and times that the asset is unavailable.

View Work History

Click this link to display the Work Order History page for the asset. The asset's work order history identifies the work order, task and task description, task status, required start and end dates, completed date, and close date for the task as they become available.

Asset Maintenance History

Click this link to display the Asset Service/Repair History search page of the Review Maintenance History component in PeopleSoft Asset Management. If the asset has a maintenance history, the Maintenance History by Type page displays the description, date and time, and responsible party for the maintenance on the Maintenance tab, the material, labor, and other costs on the Cost tab, and the task description, work order ID, work order business unit, and task number on the Work Order tab.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Crew Scheduling Workbench Messages Tab

Access the Crew Scheduling Workbench page - Messages tab.

The Messages tab is visible when you execute an action and one of the selected rows issues a message as a result of the action, or when you modify a field on a row. The system displays an error, warning, or information message icon on the selected row that has a message and the message is described on the Message tab.

Displays a Warning icon if there is a warning message on the Messages page. If at least one of the messages is a warning and none of the rows has an error message, then the action will take place.

Displays an Error icon if there is an error message on the Messages page. If at least one of the messages is an error, then the action will not take place.

Displays an Information icon if there is an informational message on the Messages page. If the messages are informational and there are no error messages, then the action will take place.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Labor Assignment Workbench

This section provides and overview of the Labor Assignment Workbench and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Labor Assignment Workbench

The Labor Assignment Workbench is typically used to assign technicians to tasks that have been previously scheduled to crews using the Crew Scheduling Workbench. The workbench enables you to view the availability and load of each crew member for each day of the schedule period and allocate the workload appropriately to multiple work orders and their associated tasks at one time. As you assign crew members to tasks, the Availability tab is automatically updated with these changes. In addition, you are not limited to assigning crew members to work order tasks. You can also assign technicians to non-crew related work orders, as well as assign a technician who is not assigned to a crew to a crew scheduled work order. When you save the assignments on the workbench, the system updates the labor schedule rows in the work order and updates each technician's resource calendar with the new assignments.

You are not required to use the Labor Assignment Workbench to assign technicians associated with a crew to tasks. You can also make these assignments by accessing a single work order using the Work Order component. However, the Labor Assignment Workbench streamlines the scheduling process and enables you to maximize resource utilization.

To use the Labor Assignment Workbench for non-crew scheduled work orders, labor schedules must first be created for each work order.

The Labor Assignment Workbench consists of:

The Availability tab takes into account the employee's shift and availability and considers the schedule dates and total available hours each day based on the resource's calendar. Refreshing the tab after making changes to the labor schedule assignments updates each employee's displayed availability but does not adjust the start and end dates and times on the labor schedules. Saving the page updates each affected Resource Schedule with the assignments and adjusts the start and end dates and times as needed. Making assignments on this workbench follows the same rules and performs the same updates to the system as does making the assignments in the work order component.

The following examples show how the Availability tab changes as assignments are made. Each example is for the employee John Clark, who:

Labor Assignment Example1

Based on the initial display of the Availability tab, which indicates the number of hours that have not been assigned to John Clark, he initially is free every day from 1/2 - 1/6.

John's supervisor assigns him to Task /Line #: WO002/1 scheduled from 1/2/06 10:00AM to 1/3/06 5:00PM with a duration of 10 hrs.

The system creates the following entries on his calendar:

Refreshing the Availability tab based on this assignment:



Base Capacity








Initial Display

John Clark









After Assignment

John Clark









Labor Assignment Example 2

Assumption: John Clark is already assigned a task on 1/3/06 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with the rest of the days free in the week.

John's supervisor attempts to assign him to Task /Line #: WO002/1 scheduled from 1/2/06 10:00AM to 1/3/06 5:00PM with a duration of 10 hrs.

However, the system issues an error message because 2 hours in the a.m. on 1/3/06 are already assigned. To correct this problem, the supervisor selects the Overbooking check box, which enables the assignment of the additional two hours.

The system creates the following entries on his calendar:

Refreshing the Availability grid based on this assignment:



Base Capacity








Initial Display

John Clark









After Assignment

John Clark









Labor Assignment Example 3

John Clark's supervisor attempts to assign him to these five tasks starting on the same day:

The supervisor receives an error message that John has a scheduling conflict. To correct this problem, the supervisor selects the Overbooking check box, which enables John Clark's assignment to the work order task with these entries on his calendar.

Important! The Availability grid, like the PeopleSoft Resource Management calendar, allows overbooking up to the shift total (8 hours) each day for each task. There is no limit on the total number of overbooked hours for all tasks each day.

Refreshing the Availability grid based on this assignment:



Base Capacity








Initial Display

John Clark









After Assignment

John Clark









Note. Typically, a supervisor will not allow this much overbooking on one day. This scenario serves as an example of how a supervisor can move past the error by enabling overbooking. A supervisor may choose instead to adjust the assignments to encompass the entire period.

Labor Assignment Example 4

John Clark is assigned two tasks spanning the entire period of one week.

If the scheduler does not select the Overbooking flag, John Clark will be assigned to the tasks with the these entries on his calendar:

Refreshing the Availability grid based on this assignment:



Base Capacity








Initial Display

John Clark









After Assignment

John Clark









Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used by the Labor Assignment Workbench

Page Name

Object Name



Labor Assignment Workbench Search


Maintenance Management, Workbenches, Labor Assignment Workbench, Labor Assignment Workbench Search

Search for crew and non-crew schedules in which to assign labor.

Labor Assignment Workbench


Maintenance Management, Workbenches, Labor Assignment Workbench, Labor Assignment Workbench

Review crew member and non-crew member availability in order to make labor assignments to schedule rows.

Monthly Schedule


Click the Calendar icon on the Labor Assignment Workbench Availability grid.

Review and modify the task details in an employee's monthly and daily schedule.

Task Details page


Click a date on the Monthly Schedule page.

Add or modify the task details for an employee.

Daily Schedule


Click the Return to Daily Schedule link on the Task Details page.

Review any assignments for a specific date entered in the Task Details page.

Work Order


Click the work order ID link on the Assignments tab of the Labor Assignment Workbench.

Review, modify, and update the work order.

Work Order Task Descriptions


Click the task description link on the Assignments tab of the Labor Assignment Workbench.

Review description of work order task.

Labor Distributions


Click the Distributions link on the Distributions tab of the Labor Assignment Workbench.

Review and update the labor ChartField distribution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Labor Assignment Workbench Search Page

Access the Labor Assignment Workbench Search page.

The Labor Assignment Workbench Search page is very similar to the Crew Scheduling Workbench search page.

Use View

Select an existing saved view as your search criteria.

Save View

Click this button if you change the criteria in a view or create a view of new search criteria. If you modified an existing view, the system asks if you want to override the view. If this is a new view, the system saves the view with the new name you enter in the Use View field.

Delete View

Click this button to delete the current view. The system asks if you are sure that you want to delete the view.


Click this button to clear all the field values in a view.


Click this button after entering any required or additional search criteria. The system searches for and displays the availability for the selected crew and period and displays any work orders in the workbench grids that are either assigned or can be assigned based on the criteria.


Click this link to return to the workbench.

View Mode

Select either:

  • Crew Scheduled.

    This value is used to find work orders that have been scheduled to a crew. Selecting this value displays the Crew Scheduling, Work Order, Work Order Status and Priority, Asset Information, and Sort By group boxes. In the Crew Scheduling group box, you must enter the:

    • Crew business unit, which value defaults from the business unit on the User Preferences-Maintenance Management page.

    • Crew shop.

    • Crew.

    • Schedule period.

    The Craft field is not required. You can use it to narrow your search. When you click the Search button after defining this Crew Scheduled search criteria, initially the resources on the Availability grid are restricted to the resources for the crew selected on the search page. You can subsequently blank out the crew in the Availability grid and click the Go button to display all of the resources in the shop.

  • Non-Crew Scheduled.

    This value is used to find work orders that have not been scheduled to a crew. Selecting this value displays only the Work Order, Work Order Status and Priority, Asset Information, and Sort By group boxes. This search criteria is described for the Labor Assignment Workbench. You must enter in the Work Order group box, the:

    • Business unit (work order).

    • Shop.

When you click the Search button after defining this non-crew scheduled search criteria, all of the resources assigned to the shop are listed on the Availability grid and any work order labor schedule lines that fall within the selected search criteria.

See Using the Crew Schedule Search Page.

Sort By

Select one of the following field names and select whether you want to sort the field values in the Labor Assignment Workbench in either Ascending or Descending order:

  • Asset Area.

  • Asset Criticality.

  • Asset Description.

  • Asset Location.

  • Craft.

  • Employee ID.

  • Resource Line Number.

  • Scheduled End Date.

  • Scheduled End Time.

  • Scheduled Start Date.

  • Scheduled Start Time.

  • Task Description.

  • Task Number.

  • Task Status.

  • Work Order ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetermining Employee Availability

Access the Availability grid in the Labor Assignment Workbench page.

Business Unit

Select a business unit to override the default business unit.

The default business unit is derived from the Labor Assignment Workbench Search criteria.


Select a shop to override, if necessary, the default shop.

The default shop is derived from the Crew Scheduled Labor Assignment Workbench Search criteria if the Crew Scheduled View Mode is selected.

Or, the default shop is derived from the Non-Crew Scheduled Labor Assignment Workbench Search criteria if the Non-Crew Scheduled View Mode is selected.


Select a crew to override, if necessary, the default crew value, which is derived from the Crew Scheduled Labor Assignment Workbench search criteria. Initially only the resources in the crew display on this page. However, you can blank out the crew ID in this field and click the Go button to list all resources in the shop.

Note. If the search criteria is Non-Crew Scheduled, this field does not appear on the page.


Enter a craft or select a craft to override, if necessary, the default craft value, which is derived from either the Crew Scheduled or Non-Crew Scheduled Labor Assignment Workbench Search criteria. When you click the Go button, the system displays only the employees assigned to the selected shop for that craft.

This field is optional.

Employee ID

Select a specific employee to check the availability of just one person. You can select any employee as long as the employee is assigned to a shop.



Click this button to refresh the Availability grid with any changes to the search fields listed above. For this feature the business unit and shop are the only required search fields. This button allows you to change the resource search criteria to either refine the list of resources within the shop and crew selected for scheduling or view resource availability in other shops and crews.

Availability Grid

The number of tabs depends on the number of days in the period, which are divided into weeks. You can see from one to five weekly tabs depending on the scheduling period. The metrics in this grid show the availability and load of each crew member for each day of the schedule period. Assigning employees to selected rows in the workbench or changing the schedule dates or hours on those rows automatically refreshes the Availability grid.

Click the Calendar icon to access the monthly schedule for the employee. You click a date to access the Task Details page and add a new assignment, such as a meeting. You can access the daily schedule from the Task Details page.

Base Capacity (a)

Displays the total available hours for the schedule period prior to making assignments. Base capacity is equal to the standard working hours minus appointments such as vacations, holidays, and meetings.

Assigned (b)

Displays the total hours that this resource is assigned for this schedule period. Data is retrieved from the resource's calendar table.

Load % (b/a) * 100

Displays the percentage value equal to the assigned hours divided by the base capacity hours.

Mon (date), Tue (date), Wed (date), Thu (date), Fri (date), Sat (date), and Sun (date)

Displays the number of remaining hours in which the employee is available each day. Remaining hours are equal to the available hours for the day minus the hours assigned for that day. If the day is overbooked, the hours will display negative values in red. Days when the employee doesn't work (for example, weekends and holidays) will display blanks. Days that are fully booked but not overbooked display 0.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Assignment Actions on Multiple Task Rows

Access the Labor Assignment Workbench page.


Select the labor schedule rows to which you want to apply this action and select:

  • Assign Resource.

    Selecting this action displays a to Employee ID field.

    Select an employee ID to assign to the selected rows. This action updates the Employee ID field on the Assignments tab of the Workbench for each selected row.

  • Cancel Assignment

    Selecting this action cancels previously saved assignments to selected rows. It also blanks out unsaved assignments to selected rows.

  • Change Schedule End Dt/Tm (Date/Time)

    Selecting this action displays a to (Date) field and (Time) field.

    Select the date and time to update the Scheduled End Date and End Time fields for each selected row on the Schedules tab of the Workbench.

  • Change Schedule StartDt/Tm (Date/Time)

    Selecting this action displays a to (Date) field and (Time) field.

    Select the date and time to update the Scheduled Start Date and Start Time fields for each selected row on the Schedules tab of the Workbench.

  • Change Status.

    Selecting this action displays a field in which you can select a user-defined task status that is set up to match an internal task status. When you select a task status from the list to change the task status for selected rows, the system verifies whether the change is valid.

    • Open

    • Awaiting Schedule

    • Hold

    • Scheduled

    • Work in Progress

    • Canceled

    • Complete

    • Closed

    You can notify the scheduler using the Change Status page of the status change.

    Important! Selecting a task status displays the Change Status page for the selected rows. If you selected multiple rows for the same task, only one row representing all of these rows display on the Change Status page. When you change the status of this row, the system changes the status of all of the rows associated with the task, whether you selected them or not. When you select OK, you are returned to the Labor Assignment Workbench.


Click this button to apply the action to the selected rows.

Note. The Availability grid is updated depending on the action you perform. If you enter data outside the date range of the Availability grid, the grid does not show the change. If you change the schedule date or hours for which an assignment has not been made, the grid does not show the change.


Click this button to save the Labor Assignments Workbench page, which updates the Labor Schedules rows in the work order. It also updates the resource calendar with the new assignments.


Click this button to refresh changes made in the Assignments grid and update the Availability grid. This causes deferred processing on field changes to proceed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Assignments Tab of the Labor Assignment Workbench

Access the Labor Assignment Workbench page, and select the Assignments tab.

Task No.(task number)

Identifies the task number associated with the work order ID to which an employee is being assigned.

Line No.(line number)

Identifies the line (row) number of the labor schedule in the work order to which an employee is being assigned.

Task Status

Displays the current work order task status. This field is updated if you select the Change Status action for one or more selected rows.


Displays the craft associated with the labor schedules for this task line in the work order.

Employee ID

Select the employee (resource) that you want to assign to this single row or select one or more rows and select the Assign Resource action and an employee ID to update the selected rows.

Note. The employee must be set up as a resource in a shop.


Change the hours that the selected employee will work on this task from the default hours, which are derived from the labor requirements and labor schedules in the work order.


Displays the shop associated with the employee, when you select an employee ID.


Displays the shift associated with the employee in the shop, when you select an employee ID.


Select this check box to enable manual overbooking of the labor schedule row. This field is controlled by the Overbooking Resources group box on the Shop Definition page. If the Require Manual Override field check box in the shop is not selected, this field is not available for selection on this Workbench - Assignment grid and overbooking is always allowed. If the Require Manual Override field is selected, this check box becomes available for selection on this Workbench - Assignment grid and overbooking is controlled by the user.

Important! If you see an informational, warning, or error message icon on one or more of the selected rows, a Message tab displays, which you can select and read the message associated with the icon. This is identical to the way the Message tab works in the Crew Scheduling Workbench.

See Understanding Crew Scheduling.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Schedules Tab of the Labor Assignment Workbench

Access the Labor Assignment Workbench page, and select the Schedules tab.

Asset Description

Click this link to access the Asset Information page, which describes the characteristics (type, subtype, manufacturer ID, model) of the asset selected for the work order task, including the AM business unit, asset ID, serial number, tag number, asset criticality, and if the asset is a component of another asset.

Task Scheduled Start Date/Time

Displays the date and time the task was scheduled to start on the work order.

Task Scheduled End Date/Time

Displays the date and time the task was scheduled to end on the work order.

Scheduled Start

Select a new start date for a row. You can also select one or more rows and select the Change Scheduled Start Dt/Tm action to update this field and the Start Time field.

Start Time

Enter a new start time for a row. Selecting the Change Scheduled Start Dt/Tm action also updates one or more selected rows.

Scheduled End

Select a new end date for a row. You can also select one or more rows and select the Change Scheduled End Dt/Tm action to update this field and the End Time field.

End Time

Enter a new end time for a row. Selecting the Change Scheduled End Dt/Tm action also updates one or more selected rows.

Note. If the labor schedules are associated with a crew, the default values that display in these fields are derived from the crew scheduled start and end dates and times. If the labor schedules are associated with a non-crew scheduled work order, the default values are derived from the task scheduled start and end dates and times in the work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Asset Information Tab of the Labor Assignment Workbench

Access the Labor Assignment Schedule page, and select the Asset Information tab.

Asset Location

Displays the location of the asset associated with the task.

Asset Area

Displays the asset area of the asset associated with the task.

Asset Criticality

Displays the level of criticality of the asset associated with the task.


Click on this link to access the Asset Warranties page if the asset associated with the task has any warranties. You can add warranties and use this information to create warranty claims for this asset based on this task by accessing Maintenance Management, Warranty Claim, Generate Claim.

See Managing Warranty Claims.

Work History

Click this link to view the Work History page for the asset associated with the task.

Asset's Calendar

Click the calendar icon to access the calendar for the asset associated with this task. The calendar displays the availability of the asset.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Distributions Tab of the Labor Assignment Workbench

Access the Labor Assignment Workbench page, and select the Distributions tab.


Click this link to display the Labor Distributions page. You can modify the assigned values, if necessary.

Note. This tab displays if the View and Update Task Accounting check box is selected on the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page for the user.

See Setting Up ChartField Distributions for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

See Defining Maintenance Management User Preferences.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Crew Schedule Metrics

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use Crew Schedule Metrics

Page Name

Object Name



Crew Schedule Metrics


Maintenance Management, Crew Schedule, Crew Schedule Metrics, and select the Adjusted Metrics tab.

Review the crew schedule metrics that were adjusted by the scheduler.

Crew Schedule Metrics


Select the System Metrics tab.

Review the crew schedule metrics for one or more crews that were generated by the system.

Crew Schedule Compliance Revision


Click the Update Metrics link on the Adjusted Metrics tab of the Crew Schedule Metrics page.

Review and adjust the crew schedule metrics for each craft that comprises a crew.

Crew Schedule Compliance Revision


Select the Last Updated tab.

Review the name of the user who updated the schedule metrics and the date and time that the metrics were updated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Adjusted Crew Schedule Metrics

Access the Crew Schedule Metrics page, and select the Adjusted Metrics tab.

You are required to select the business unit, shop, and period start date range date and click the Search button to display data in the Crew Schedule Metrics tabs. Select a crew, to display schedule metrics for a specific crew, if more than one crew is associated with the shop.

Confirmed Scheduled Hours (a)

Displays the number of hours from the crew schedule that have been confirmed for the period. At the end of the planning phase, when all schedules should have been confirmed, the confirmed scheduled hours should match the scheduled hours. During the current period when unplanned/emergency work starts coming in, the scheduled hours and the confirmed scheduled hours may not match. However, when the unplanned/emergency work is confirmed using the override metrics capability, then these hours become part of the confirmed scheduled hours total for each craft in the crew. This figure is derived from the Crew Scheduling Workbench schedule metrics.

Note. A user must be authorized in the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page to override metrics in the Crew Schedule Workbench.

Total Scheduled Hours

Displays the number of work order task hours that were actually scheduled for the crew for the schedule period.

Adjusted Target % Load (adjusted target percentage load)

Displays the crew's expected load against the adjusted capacity in terms of percentage for all planned work based on the crew scheduler's knowledge of the crew. Typically the target load is set below !00.00 percent to accommodate for any unplanned entries that may occur during the period. This adjusted figure is derived from the crew capacity plan.

Adjusted Capacity (Hours)

Displays the crew's total shift hours for the period less any time taken off for appointments, vacation, and such. This adjusted figure is derived from the crew capacity plan.

Adjusted Comp Sched Hours (b) (adjusted completed scheduled hours (b))

Displays the credit given for any completed scheduled tasks for the specified schedule period. This credit is equal to the scheduled hours for the task. If the tasks were not scheduled for the specific period, the completed scheduled hours would be zero. Initially this field equals the completed scheduled hours, which are updated by the Maintenance Schedule Completion Metrics Report process, which can only be run by authorized users who have the Update Crew Schedule Metrics check box selected on the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page. This authorization enables the user to update the metrics online and run the Maintenance Schedule Completion Metrics report.

See PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Reports.

Adjusted Completed Hours (c)

Displays the adjusted total hours completed, which is credit given for any completed tasks during the specified schedule period (scheduled or unscheduled work). This credit is equal to the scheduled hours for the task. Initially this field is equal to the completed hours updated by the Maintenance Schedule Completion Metrics Report process.

Schedule Compliance % (b/a)

Displays the percentage of scheduled hours that were completed during the schedule period. This percentage is derived by dividing the adjusted completed scheduled hours by the confirmed scheduled hours for the schedule period.

% Scheduled (b/c)

Displays the percentage of scheduled work completed during the schedule period. This percentage is derived by dividing the adjusted completed scheduled hours by the adjusted completed hours. This is a measurement of how much scheduled work is being completed by the crew compared with the total work completed.

Update Metrics

Click this link to access the Crew Schedule Compliance Revision page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing System Crew Schedule Metrics

Access the Crew Schedule Metrics page, and select the System Metrics tab.

Completed Scheduled Hours

Displays the credit given for any completed scheduled tasks for the schedule period. This credit is equal to the assigned hours for the task. If the task were not scheduled for the schedule period, the completed scheduled hours equal zero. The Maintenance Schedule Completion Metrics Report process updates this field when an authorized user submit the process with updating schedule metrics option. The user can be authorized to perform this action through the proper setup in the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page.

Completed Unplanned Hours

Displays the total number of hours that the crew spent to complete unplanned work order tasks during the scheduling period.

Note. This figure accounts for only completed unplanned work. If the work is not completed (100% percent complete), it is not added to this field. The completed hours entered by the users on the Crew Scheduling Workbench determines this completed unplanned hours.

Completed Hours

Displays the number of hours credited to a completed task ( planned or unplanned) for the schedule period. The credit equals the scheduled hours for the task. The Maintenance Schedule Completion Metrics Report Process updates this field when you select the Update Schedule Metrics check box and run the process.

Carryover Hours

Displays the total hours remaining for all of the scheduled work order tasks that the crew could not complete within the scheduled period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Crew Schedule Compliance Revision Page

Access the Crew Schedule Compliance Revision page.

Details tab

When you click the Period Start Date link or the Update Metrics link on the Crew Schedule Metrics Adjusted Metrics tab, the Crew Schedule Compliance Revision page displays the Details tab. This tab represents a detailed breakdown of the Crew Schedule Metrics Adjusted and System Metrics information by craft. You can update the adjusted completed scheduled hours and the adjusted completed hours values if you are authorized (that is, if the Update Crew Schedule Metrics check box is selected for your user ID on the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page. If it is not selected, these fields are unavailable for update).

Last Updated tab

Select the Last Update tab on the Crew Schedule Compliance Revision page to access the Last Update tab, which displays the name of the user and the date and time that the adjusted completed scheduled hours and the adjusted completed hours were updated for each craft. Once users have update these two values, the Schedule Maintenance Completion Report process will never override these values event it is run with the updating schedule metrics option.

Completion Charts

User can display two graphic charts representing the data.

Draw Chart

Select a chart type and click this button to display the graphic chart of the Crew Schedule Compliance data.

Refresh Chart

Click this button to refresh the chart data. This is used when you update the data.

Hide Chart

Click this button to stop displaying the chart.

Chart Type

Select one of the following charts:

  • Schedule Completion by Craft

    This chart enables users to quickly view the schedule completion data in graphic form, which includes the total scheduled hours, completed scheduled hours, completed unplanned hours, and carryover hours for each craft in a selected crew schedule.

  • Overall Completion Chart

    This chart enables users to quickly view in graphic form the completed scheduled work, completed unplanned work, and carryover work for a selected crew.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the Crew Rescheduling History

This section discusses how to update the rescheduling history for a crew.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review the Crew Rescheduling History

Page Name

Object Name



Rescheduling History


Maintenance Management, Crew Schedule, Reschedule History

Review and update the rescheduling history for a crew.

Reschedule Comment


Click the Comment icon in the Crew Reschedule History - Details tab on the Rescheduling History page.

Enter a more detailed explanation for the rescheduling of a specific work order task line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Reschedule History for a Crew

Access the Rescheduling History page.

You are required to enter at a minimum the business unit, shop and the period start date and click the Search button to display all of the work order tasks, which were rescheduled for a crew on the Craft Reschedule History grids. The remaining search field enable you to narrow your search.

Crew Reschedule History Details Grid

The Details tab consists of a grid, which lists the details of any of work order tasks assigned to a crew that were rescheduled along with the reason codes and descriptions for the rescheduling.

Reason Code

Select another reason code to override the code in the field, if desired.

Click the Comment icon to access the Reschedule Comment page on which you can add a more complete explanation of why a task line was rescheduled for this crew.

Craft Reschedule History Crew Schedule Grid

Select the Crew Schedule tab on the Rescheduling History page to review the crew schedule status, scheduled hours, crew completed hours, and carryover hours for a task that has been rescheduled.