Setting Up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management System Parameters

This chapter provides an overview and prerequisites of Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleSoft Maintenance Management's product integration and system parameters setup requirements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Overall System Setup Parameters for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Maintenance Management Setup Considerations

In addition to the integrated product setup, setting up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management includes:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetID Considerations in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management uses system data, which is set up in PeopleSoft Asset Management, Project Costing, PeopleSoft Purchasing, PeopleSoft Payables, PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Resource Management, and other subsystems to create and process work orders. Much of the data that is set up in these subsystems is organized by setID.

It is important to understand the difference between business units, setIDs, and records:



Business units

A business unit enables you to track specific business information for reporting and other data consolidation. A business unit may be, but is not required to be, a legal entity. You define and implement business units to suit the organizational needs of the company. The data from one business unit is segregated from the data of other business units in the organization, although it exists in the same physical database table. The entire organization may have only one business unit if every department uses the same processing rules. Multinational or otherwise diversified companies, such as those that contain multiple cost centers, divisions, or subsidiaries, may have multiple business units.


The accounting structure and processing rules for each PeopleSoft application are defined in a series of control tables, or tablesets. A tableset is a group of rows across control tables, identified by the same setID, that allow sharing of control data among business units. Many business units may share the same set of data on the physical tables in the PeopleSoft HRMS or Financials system. In order for a business unit to process transactions, it must have an associated tableset. In simple terms, the business unit contains the actual data; the tableset contains the rules by which the data is processed. A setID identifies each tableset. You must create at least one setID even if you are not taking advantage of tableset sharing. You can have as many setIDs as necessary, but tableset sharing becomes more complex with multiple setIDs. Define tablesets when you implement any PeopleSoft application.

Record Groups

A record group is a set of logically and functionally related control tables and views. Record groups save time by enabling tableset sharing to be accomplished quickly without the burden of redundant data entry. Record groups also ensure that tableset sharing is applied consistently across all related tables and views in the system. The PeopleSoft TableSet Record Group control table associates a business unit or setID value with a setID value for each record group. One business unit or setID can be associated with different setIDs by record group. Group the record definitions for the tables that you want to share, as well as any dependent record definitions. If a new table is added to a PeopleSoft application, the appropriate record group may already be defined. However, if tables are added for a new business function, a new record group may also be required.

SetID mapping is used to coordinate the various set control record groups. For example in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, work order task and work order job templates reference setIDs from various subsystems. You must set these templates to copy labor, PeopleSoft Inventory, purchase/on hand materials, and tool task requirement values, which are derived from various subsystems, to a work order task. These requirements must be compatible with the various work order business units used for each work order. To accomplish this, you set up the setIDs as set control values using setID mapping:

The following table lists some of the record groups used in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management:

Record Group

Records within Record Group


  • Work order job and task templates

  • PCR codes, Problem Group, and Problem Trees

  • Work Management


Work order service group


Work order type


Work order priority


WM business unit options


Work order management status


Work management crew schedule


  • Item Master

  • Manufacturer - Model Relationship


Labor Crafts


  • Downtime Reason

  • Maintenance Type



Asset Subtypes

You must follow one rule and guideline to perform setID mapping for work order job and work order task templates.

See Understanding Work Order Templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Maintenance Management Installation Options

Select the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management check box on the Installation Options - Products page to enable you to install PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You must install PeopleSoft Asset Management, Project Costing, and PeopleSoft Purchasing prior to installing PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. Also, if your organization intends to obtain items from PeopleSoft Inventory to use in the repair and maintenance of assets via PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you should install PeopleSoft Inventory.

See Setting Up Application-Specific Installation Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPermission Lists, Roles and User Profiles

You must set up permission lists using PeopleTools Security. You then define roles and select permission lists to apply to these roles. Once the roles are set up, you select the roles that apply to specific user profile.

For example, the sample data contains the following permission lists:

The PeopleSoft Maintenance Management sample also has these roles defined:

Examples of user profiles are:

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBooks: Security Administration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Maintenance Management User Preferences

Your organization may enable specific users to perform selected service request and work order functionality by accessing the User Preferences, Maintenance Management page.

You can read about each option on the User Preferences, Maintenance Management page in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Fundamentals PeopleBook by clicking on the link below.

Important! User Preferences is where you determine the time reporting method (Punch Time or Elapsed Time) that applies to the work order labor hours that apply to this user or for the labor hours entered by this user for other users.

See Defining Maintenance Management User Preferences.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Set up the following products prior to setting up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management:

Click to jump to parent topicDefining a Service Request Business Unit

To set up a service request business unit, use the Service Request (BUS_UNIT_TBL_WR) component.

This section provides an overview of service request business units and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Service Request Business Units

The primary purpose of the service request business unit is to separate service requests by request center. The service request business unit consists of two separate pages:

There is no direct correlation between service request business units and work order business units. If an agent creates a work order from a service request, the work order business unit is derived from the problem definition and the service center (location) on the service request. For example, if you create a service request indicating that there is a malfunctioning desktop computer in Pleasanton for the HQ-IT agent, the agent can create a work order using work order business unit US001, which is the business unit for which this problem and service center were defined.

Note. The system does not use the service request business unit to process any accounting transactions.

See Understanding Service Request Creation and Use, Understanding PCR Setup and Tracking.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up a Service Request Business Unit

Page Name

Object Name





Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Maintenance Management, Service Request Definition

Define service request default values.

Audit Control


Select the Audit Control tab.

Specify fields in a service request to audit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Service Request Business Unit Definition Page

Access the Service Request Definition page.

When you set up a new service request business unit, you enter the new business unit number in the Add a New Value page, and when you access the Definition page, you describe this new business unit, select a default setID, and create the business unit using:

Default SetID

Select a setID. You can select a setID that was used to create another business unit, or enter the ID of the business unit in this field and create a new empty setID having the same name as this business unit.

Create BU (create business unit)

Click this button to create a service request business unit. After you create a business unit, this button and the Default SetID field are no longer available on the Definition page.

Service Request Options

Service Center

Select the service center location that you want to display as the default value in the Service Request - Fulfillment Detail page of the Service Request wizard.

Note. You can override this value for a specific user in the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page.


Select the level of priority to apply to Service Requests created using this service request business unit which include:

  • 1 - Critical

  • 2 - Urgent

  • 3 - Standard

  • 4 - Low

Note. These are system defined values. They are not related to the Priority Code definitions that you set up and use for work orders.

Days to Close

Enter the interim number of days following the completion of the service request that you want to wait before the service request closes. For example, if you indicate 5 days in this field and you are notified on July 1 that the Service Request is complete, then the service request automatically closes on July 6 unless you intervene.

Last Number

Enter the number of the last service request number created. This number increments each time a service request is saved.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Service Request Fields for Audit Control

Access the Audit Control page.

Service Request Audit Fields

Select the service request fields in which you want to audit changes. The fields include:

  • Asset Identification.

  • Assigned By.

  • Assigned To.

  • Location Code.

  • Service Request Center.

  • Service Request Priority.

  • Service Request Status.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Work Order Business Unit

To set up a work order business unit use the Work Order Definition (BUS_UNIT_TBL_WM) component.

This section provides an overview of work order business unit setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Work Order Business Unit Setup

Work order business units are synonymous with work centers. You can set up as many work order business units as necessary to support your business requirements. The business unit represents the highest level of the default hierarchy within PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, which means that the values specified in a work order business unit are used as default values and controls throughout PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

The work order business unit consists of three parts, which include:

See Understanding Integrated and Shared Products Setup Considerations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGL Business Unit

You must identify a GL business unit for each work order business unit that you set up. This GL business unit serves as the default GL business unit in each of the distribution templates that you set up (Project Costing, PeopleSoft Payables, PeopleSoft Inventory, and PeopleSoft Purchasing). However, the default GL business unit value only appears in the PeopleSoft Purchasing distribution template, because PeopleSoft Purchasing is the only product in which you can override this value.

To process labor costs, you must set up a GL business unit in PeopleSoft Payables that matches the GL business unit that you specify in the work order business unit.

To process inventory costs, you must set up a GL business unit in PeopleSoft Inventory that matches the GL business unit that you specify in the work order business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCurrency Conversion

You must set up a base currency in each work order business unit, which establishes the base currency in the work order. You cannot override this value in the work order. When you create and schedule resources for a work order, the transactions generated in the subsystems based on the work order for PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Purchasing, PeopleSoft Payables, and PeopleSoft Asset Management (based on tool rates defined at the shop level) can undergo currency conversions if the base currency in the subsystem differs from the base currency in the work order business unit. When a user closes a work order task or runs the Cost Summarization process in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to return the actual costs from Project Costing to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, the costs are converted back to the base currency in the work order.

Note. Currency conversions do not apply to labor costs.

This section discusses:

Currency Conversion for Labor Costs

You enter time entries for employees based on labor rates set up in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. These entries use the base currency in the work order. No currency conversion is performed for time recorded. Only the hours and labor rates are provided to Project Costing's cost collection process for the calculation of labor cost.

Currency Conversion for Inventory Costs

When you enter or select an inventory item in the Inventory Requirements and/or Inventory Schedules grids of a work order, PeopleSoft Inventory returns the cost of the item using the base currency in the Inventory business unit. If the base currency for the work order differs from the Inventory base currency, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management converts the cost of the item to the base currency in the work order. When the transactions are sent to PeopleSoft Inventory for processing, they are converted back to the Inventory base currency, which sends them to Project Costing. After Project Costing processes the actual costs and chargebacks in the Inventory base currency, then it sends the actual costs back to the work order, where the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Cost Summarization process converts the currency back to the base currency in the work order business unit.

For example:

Work Order Task Inventory Scenario

Conversion Activity

1. Schedule Inventory for Work Order Task

  1. You select an inventory item ID in the Inventory Schedules grid. The item's cost comes from the setup of the item in Inventory using the Inventory business unit base currency USD. However, the cost of the item is converted to the base currency in the work order business unit (EUR), which appears in the work order Inventory Schedules row.

  2. When you enter an Inventory row in the work order, the system converts the cost from the work order base currency (EUR) to the Inventory business unit base currency (USD).

  3. PeopleSoft Inventory sends the actual cost of the item to Project Costing in the Inventory business unit base currency (USD).

  4. Project Costing calculates any additional costs and performs an necessary pricing (including chargebacks and capitalization) in the Inventory business unit base currency (USD).

  5. When you run the Cost Summarization process or close the work order task in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, the costs appear in the Costs page of the Work Order component and the summary costs in the Chargeback and Capitalization inquiries in the base currency of the work order (EUR).

Currency Conversion for Purchasing/On-Hand Costs

There are several ways to capture purchase/on-hand costs in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. The currency conversions are based on whether the work order task transaction uses a purchase order or a requisition in Purchasing, or whether the work order transaction came from PeopleSoft Payables.

An example of currency conversions based on Purchasing:

Work Order Task Purchasing Scenarios

Conversion Activities

Scenario #1 : You create a Purchase Order or Requisition from the Purchase On-hand/Scheduling grid in the work order. The work order currency = EUR.

  1. When the transaction is generated in PeopleSoft Purchasing, it is converted to the base currency for PeopleSoft Purchasing (USD).

  2. The actual cost is then sent to Project Costing in the base currency for PeopleSoft Purchasing (USD).

  3. Project Costing calculates any additional costs and performs an necessary pricing (including chargebacks and capitalization) in the PeopleSoft Purchasing base currency (USD).

  4. When you run the Cost Summarization process or close the work order task in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, the costs appear in the Costs page of the Work Order component and the summary costs in the Chargeback and Capitalization inquiries in the base currency of the work order (EUR).

Scenario #2: You create either a purchase order, requisition, or procurement card directly in PeopleSoft Purchasing and link it to a scheduling row in the work order task. The transaction initiated in PeopleSoft Purchasing uses the base currency for PeopleSoft Purchasing of USD. However, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management converts the costs from the PeopleSoft Purchasing base currency (USD) to the work order base currency (EUR) to display in the row in the work order task schedule.

  1. Since the transactions are created in PeopleSoft Purchasing, they are generated in the based currency for PeopleSoft Purchasing (USD). However, the rows that appear in the Purchase/On-hand Schedules grid of the work order task are converted to the base currency for the work order (EUR).

  2. The actual cost generated from the transaction in PeopleSoft Purchasing is sent to Project Costing in the base currency for PeopleSoft Purchasing (USD).

  3. Project Costing calculates any additional costs and performs an necessary pricing (including chargebacks and capitalization) in the PeopleSoft Purchasing base currency (USD).

  4. When you run the Cost Summarization process or close the work order task in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, the total actual costs appear in the Cost page of the work order or the Chargeback or Capitalization inquiries in the base currency of the work order (EUR).

An example of PeopleSoft Payables currency conversions:

Work Order Task/PeopleSoft Payables Scenarios

Conversion Activities

Scenario #1: You copy a requisition or purchase order associated with a work order to a voucher in PeopleSoft Payables.

  1. In this scenario the voucher inherits the characteristics of the requisition or purchase order. If the system converted the scheduled costs in the base currency of the work order (EUR) to the base currency in PeopleSoft Purchasing (USD) when the purchase order or requisition was created, then the voucher takes on the base currency of the requisition or purchase order (USD).

  2. The actual costs are sent to Project Costing from PeopleSoft Payables in the base currency inherited in the voucher from PeopleSoft Purchasing (USD).

  3. Project Costing calculates any additional costs and performs a necessary pricing (including chargebacks and capitalization) in the PeopleSoft Purchasing base currency (USD).

  4. When the Cost Summarization process is run or the work order task is closed in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, then total actual Purchase/On-hand costs in the work order appear in the work order base currency (EUR) in the Costs page of the Work Order component or the summary costs in the Chargeback and Capitalization inquiries.

Scenario #2: You copy a requisition or purchase order associated with a work order to a quick invoice in PeopleSoft Payables.

  1. Scenario #1 conversion activity rules apply. The base currency for the quick invoice is the same as the requisition or purchase order (USD).

  2. The actual costs are sent to Project Costing in the base currency inherited in the quick invoice from PeopleSoft Purchasing (USD).

  3. Project Costing calculates any additional costs and performs an necessary pricing (including chargebacks and capitalization) in the PeopleSoft Purchasing base currency, (USD).

  4. When the Cost Summarization process is run or the work order task is closed in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, then total actual Purchase/On-hand costs in the work order appear in the work order base currency (EUR) in the Costs page of the Work Order component and the summary costs in the Chargeback and Capitalization inquiries.

Scenario #3: Manually associate a voucher or a quick invoice in PeopleSoft Payables to a work order where the PeopleSoft Payables base currency is AUD and the work order base currency is EUR.

  1. This creates a row in the Purchase On-hand Schedule grid in the work order and displays the costs in the base currency for the work order (EUR). The voucher or express invoice transaction is still (AUD).

  2. The actual costs are sent to Project Costing in the base currency (AUD) of the voucher or express invoice.

  3. Project Costing calculates any additional costs and performs an necessary pricing (including chargebacks and capitalization) in the PeopleSoft Payables base currency (AUD).

  4. When the Cost Summarization process is run or the work order task is closed in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, then total actual Purchase/On-hand costs in the work order appear in the work order base currency (EUR) in the Costs page of the Work Order component and the summary costs in the Chargeback and Capitalization inquiries.

Currency Conversion for Tool Costs

Tools are set up as assets in PeopleSoft Asset Management's asset repository and normally have a cost rate assigned to them indirectly through the asset type/subtype association. A default currency is set up in the Asset Management business unit. However, you can also specify a default currency, as well as a cost and billing rate for an asset subtype. The default values for currency, cost rate, and billing rate that appear in the work order task schedule line, depend on your selection. When you schedule a tool for a work order task, the system converts the base currency for the asset to the base currency for the work order, which is established in the work order business unit. When a user enters tool usages in the technician workbench, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management calculates the cost of the tools and updates the total actual costs in the Costs page of the work order using the base currency in the work order. Because these costs do not update PeopleSoft Asset Management or Project Costing, they are not converted back to the base currency in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBusiness Unit Setup Options

When you select the check box associated with each of the options listed in the work order business unit, you can:

Work Order Approval

You determine whether a work order requires approval or is pre-approved in the work order business unit. You can override this selection for a specific shop or for a work order type. If you indicate that you want work orders set up with this business unit approved, then you must first perform the setup described in the Configuring Work Order Approval Workflow chapter. Once you have set up work order approval, refer to the Approving Work Orders chapter for details on how to approve each work order.

See Configuring Work Order Approval Workflow.

See Approving Work Orders.

Warranty Claim Information

You can generate warranty claims in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management based on assets that are selected for repair or maintenance in a work order. You can identify the contact information that will appear on warranty claims generated based on assets identified in work orders that are created with this business unit.

See Managing Warranty Claims.

Technician WO Security

You can authorize specific users in the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page to select the Apply WO Access Security option. If you select this option for a specific user, then the user's access to work order tasks in the Technician Workbench and to express work orders depends on the option that was selected in the work order business unit that was used to create the work orders. If you do not select the Apply WO Access Security check box in User Preferences, then the user has full access to work orders and work order tasks in the Technician Workbench and to express work orders. If the Apply WO Access Security check box is selected in User Preferences, you must select one of the options in the work order business unit, which include:

After you select one of these options in the work order business unit and you create a work order using this business unit, you can click on the Technician Work Order Access link on the Miscellaneous page of the work order and add any shops to the Work Order Access table. This enables the resources from the specified shop access to the Technician Workbench and to search for express work orders.

Important! You can disable work order access security on an individual basis by removing the check mark from the Allow Access to WO Security check box on the User Preferences-Maintenance Management page.

See Establishing Resource Pool Security.

See Defining Maintenance Management User Preferences.

See PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Integration with PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Order Business Unit Defaults and Default Hierarchies

You can set up specific values in the work order business unit that you want to display as default values in the work order. You can also set up different default hierarchies that use a weighting formula (algorithm) to determine which setup data to use as default data in the work order.

Work Order Business Unit Default Values

You can enter the default field values in the work order business unit that you want to display in fields in the work order. These fields include:

See Setting Up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Work Order Parameters.

Work Order Business Unit Default Hierarchies

You can also set up default hierarchies in a work order business unit to determine the various types of data that you want to display in a work order. The default hierarchies include:

Control Default Order

Control Default Order is used to determine the default data that you want to use for work order control procedures such as work order close and work order approvals. You can choose from two different default hierarchies:

Important! There must be a specified value in a level for one level to override another level. For example, if you specified at the shop level that you want the work order approved, and you either do not specify a value or select default for the work order type, the system ignores the work order type and looks at the default value specified in the work order business unit. If the value specified in the work order business unit is Pre-Approved, since the shop's value takes precedence over the value in the business unit based on the default hierarchy, then the system applies the shop's value, which requires work order approval to any work order created with the specific business unit and shop.

Project Default Order

Project Default Order is used to determine the default project to use in a work order created with this business unit using values specified in the Associate Projects component, as well as values specified in the Project Costing ChartField distribution template. Both the Associate Projects component and the Default PC ChartFields component are set up based on the value specified for the business unit, service group, and work order type. In this case, a formula is applied to these values to determine the default level. You can choose from two different hierarchies:

You can set up the Default PC ChartFields component based on various combinations of service group and work order type. For example, you could set up the Default PC ChartFields component with these values:

Since there can be numerous combinations, the system needs some method to determine which Project Costing ChartFields to use as default values in the work order. It determines the default values based on the following formula and based on the combination that you select in the work order business unit. This is also the way the default project is determined based on the setup of the Associate Projects component.

The formula to determine the default project ID in the work order is:

1x1+2x2 = Default Row Value


For: x1 If value is % (wildcard) then x1= 0 Or: If value is not % (wildcard) then x1= 1


For 2x2If value is % (wildcard) then x2= 0 or If value is not % (wildcard) then x2= 1

For example, if you select the Project Default Order in the work order business unit as Unit, Service Group, Type, and the rows that you set up in Associate Projects contain the information in the following table. Based on your selection in the work order business unit, the Service Group value is 1x1 and the Work Order Type value is 2x2 in the formula. When the system applies the formula, the default Project ID in the work order would be PC002, because the sum of the values in Row #2 = 2, which is greater than the sum in Row #1 (0) or Row #3 (1).

Row #


WO Type Value for 2x2

Service Group Value for1x1

Default Project ID Specified in Associate Projects



% = 0

2 x 0= 0

% = 0

1 x 0= 0


Formula applied:

0 + 0 = 0

SUM = 0




2 x 1= 2

% = 0

1 x 0= 0


Formula applied:

2 + 0 = 2

SUM = 2



% =0

2 x 0= 0

Maintenance = 1

1 x 1= 1


Formula applies:

0 + 1 = 1

SUM = 1

If you select the Project Default Order as Unit, Type, Service Group, then the Service Group = 2x2 and the Work Order Type = 1x1 , then when you apply the formula to the same rows, then Row #1 = 0, Row #2 = 1, and Row #3 = 2.

Therefore, the default Project ID based on Unit, Type, Service Group in the work order is PC003 in Row #3, which is the row with the greatest value.

Once the default Project ID is selected, the system uses the Project Default Order that you select in the work order business unit and applies the formula again to the PC Default ChartFields component to determine which row containing default Project Costing ChartField values for the default project ID has the highest calculated value. This row contains the defaulting Project Costing ChartField values that display in the work order task when you click the Distribution link for a work order task.

See Understanding Project Defaulting and Capitalization Rules in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, Associating Projects with a Work Order Business Unit, Work Order Type, and Service Group.

Accounting Default Order

Accounting Default Order is used to determine the default ChartField distribution template to use in the work order based on the values set up in the Distribution Template Rules component. There are seven values to which you can assign default attribute levels from 1 to 7, where 1 is the lowest and 7 is the highest. These default attributes include:

Important! You must assign a numeric value to each of the seven attributes, with no duplicate values allowed. For example, you cannot assign a numerical value of 2 to Asset Type and Asset Location. The values must each be different. You cannot save the work order business unit unless you assign these values.

The formula to determine the default ChartField Distribution Template in a work order works basically the same way as the Project Order Default.

The formula to apply to the default values for the Accounting Default Order is:

1x1+2x2+3x3+4x4+5x5+6x6+7x7= Default Row Value

1x1+2x2 = Default Row Value


For x1: If value is % (wildcard) then x1= 0 Or:If value is not % then x1= 1


For x2: If value is % (wildcard) then x2= 0 Or: If value is not % then x1= 1


For x3: If value is % (wildcard) then x3= 0 Or: If value is not % then x1= 1


For x4: If value is % (wildcard) then x4= 0 Or: If value is not % then x1= 1


For x5: If value is % (wildcard) then x5= 0 Or: If value is not % then x1= 1


For x6: If value is % (wildcard) then x6= 0 Or: If value is not % then x1= 1


For x7: If value is % (wildcard) then x7= 0 Or: If value is not % then x1= 1

For example, if you set up the values in the work order business unit and sequence them in the following order:

  1. Service Group =


  2. Work Order Type =


  3. Asset ID =


  4. Asset Subtype =


  5. Asset Type =


  6. Asset Location.


  7. Asset Unit =


The rows that you set up in the Distribution Template Rules contain the following values and the formula calculated for each value. In this example the default Distribution Template in the work order would be FLEET because the sum of the values = 13.

Serv Grp x 1

WO Type x2

Asset Type X5

Asset Subtype x4

AM BU x7

Asset ID.x3

Loc. x6

Dist. Temp.


1 x 0= 0


2 x 0= 0


5 x 0= 0



7 x 0=0


3 x 0= 0


6 x 0 = 0


SUM = 0


1 x 1 = 1


2 x 0= 0


5 x 1= 5



7 x 1= 7


3 x 0 = 0


6 x 0 = 0


SUM = 13


1 x 0 = 1


2 x 0= 0


5 x 1= 5



7 x 0 = 0


3 x 0 = 0


6 x 0 = 0


SUM = 6

See Understanding ChartField Distribution Setup in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Order Business Unit Integration Options

You set up specific options in the Integration page of the work order business unit for Project Costing, PeopleSoft Inventory, and PeopleSoft Purchasing.

You can also set up labor cost and bill rates that serve as default values in the labor requirements or labor schedule for a work order created with this business unit. You can override these labor rates in the shop.

Work Order Business Unit and Project Costing Integration Options

You must indicate the Project Costing business unit that will be used to create both work order managed and project costing projects in Project Costing. This business unit serves as the default value in the work order, the Associate Projects component, and the Work Order Task Accounting page.

You also indicate whether you plan to use a rate plan or rate sets for calculating chargebacks and other costs.

Rate sets enable you to create transaction rows for use in costing, billing, revenue recognition, or reporting, from incoming or existing transactions in the Project Transaction table. Rate sets have two parts: The source criteria that the Pricing process uses to compare against cost transactions coming in from feeder systems. The target definition of the cost, billing, or revenue recognition row that the Pricing process creates. When an incoming cost transaction matches the source criteria, the Pricing process creates a new transaction row for every target row on the rate set. You can assign the same rate set to multiple rate plans.

A rate plan is a collection of rate sets that the system executes in a specified order. Use rate plans to link rate sets so that priced rows from one rate set are used to create additional priced rows from the next rate set. For example, you can add additional expenses, such as administrative costs or overhead, to cost transactions before they are priced for billing or revenue. The Pricing process uses the rate plan to determine which rate sets to run and in what sequence to run them. When setting up the rate plan, you can assign rate sets in any combination of rate definition types—cost, billing, and revenue.


Work Order Business Unit and PeopleSoft Inventory Integration Options

You set up the Inventory business unit, the Inventory Commit rule, and the Work Order Reservation rule in the Integration page of the work order business unit.

The Inventory business unit serves as the default value when you select an item in the Inventory Requirements and Inventory Schedules grids. The setID associated with the Inventory business unit must match the setID associated with this work order business unit.

You specify a Commit rule to determine the point when you want to commit (recognize work order demand) the selected items to PeopleSoft Inventory, which means the point at which you want PeopleSoft Inventory to recognize the work order task demand for the item. Commit rules can be set up at the business unit level, the shop level, and the shop/work order type level within a shop. The rule you select applies to all work orders created with this business unit, shop, or shop/type. You can select one of the following Commitment rules, which include:

You can also reserve inventory items, which are selected for a work order task, based upon your selection of a Work Order Reservation rule, which works in combination with the selected Commit rule. Work Order Reservation rules can be set up at the business unit level, the shop level, and the shop/work order type within the shop level. Inventory items must be committed before or at the same as they are reserved. The system will verify the valid combinations that can be set up for the commit and reservation rules that are chosen. The available values to select from for both commit and reservation rules will be filtered down to the applicable/acceptable valid values to ensure that you cannot establish invalid combinations of commit and reservation rules. The Work Order Reservation rules include:

You also specify a priority number between 1 and 999 for work order reservations. PeopleSoft Inventory uses this number to sort demand and prioritize it accordingly, with 1 being the highest or most important priority and 999 being the lowest or least important priority. This number displays as a default value in the Inventory Schedules grid.

The selected Commit rule and the Work Order Reservation rule combination must be valid.

The values that display on the Reserve Rule/Status dropdown list depend on the value(s) that you selected for the Commit Rule/Status. If you change the Commit Rule/Status or change the default flag from Specify to Default on the shop header or shop/type pages and the current Reserve Rule/Status becomes invalid, the Reserve Rule/Status field is blanked out and a message is issued instructing you to specify a new Reserve Rule/Status from the updated list of valid choices.

Note. Depending on the changes you make, other restrictions may apply to limit work order business unit rule/status values from invalidating a lower-level shop header or shop/type definition that depend on the current work order business unit values.

Valid edit combinations are:

  1. Commit rule = Parts List

    Reservation rule = Parts List.

  2. Commit rule = Parts List

  3. Commit rule = Status Change = Awaiting Schedule

  4. Commit rule = Status Change = Scheduled

  5. Commit rule = Status Change = Work in Progress

  6. Commit rule = Pick Plan

    Reservation rule = Pick Plan

  7. Commit rule = Commit at Reserve

    Reservation rule = All rules

then this indicates that there is at least one lower-level Shop or Shop/Type definition associated with (keyed by) this WO BU that depends on the current WO BU rule settings. The User may have to first reset the dependent Shop-level definition(s), before making the desired rule change to the WO BU.

Important! The edit ensures that the commit of items occurs prior to or at the same time as execution of the reservation rule. If the WO Status Change option is selected for both the commit and the reserve rule, then the reserve rule's internal status must be later than or the same as the commit rule's internal status.

If fewer values appear than usual on the commit rule dropdown list (less than 3 for commit rule, 4 for internal status), or the reserve rule dropdown list (fewer internal statuses based on Important rule above), then at least one shop or shop/type level setting depends on the current work order business unit setting. You may need to reset Inventory/Commit Rule Reservation at the shop or shop/type level before you can make changes to the rules at the work order business unit level.

Note. The batch reservation process will only reserve committed work order rows. If a reservation rule implies on-line reserve and the row(s) could not be reserved, a status TBD (to be determined) by Inventory will dictate if the batch reservation process will pick up the row(s).

Work Order Business Unit and the PeopleSoft Purchasing Integration Option

You determine in the work order business unit whether you want to use purchase orders to purchase labor, non-inventory and open description materials, and tools for a work order, or whether you want to use requisitions. When you set up requirements and scheduling for a work order created with this business unit, you can purchase items based only on the option you choose for this business unit.

If you do not want to use purchase orders or requisitions, you can select the blank space to leave the field blank or select None. This setup hides the Load Purchase/Load Requisition button on Purchase/On-hand Schedules section of the Schedules page.

See PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Integration with PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Payables.

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Work Order - Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Maintenance Management, Work Order Definition, Definition

Enables users to define a work order business unit as a work center for an organization, set up accounting parameters including integration with the GL business unit, identify specific PeopleSoft Maintenance Management setup options, establish default values for the work order and work order task, and set up auto-numbering of work orders.

Warranty Claim Information


Click the Warranty Claim Information link on the Work Order Definition page.

Enter the contact information required to file a warranty claim for work orders associated with this business unit.



Select the Integration tab.

Identify Project Costing, Inventory, and PeopleSoft Purchasing integration parameters.

PM Options


Select the PM Options tab.

Identify parameters specific to Preventative Maintenance Work Orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Work Order Business Unit

Access the Work Order - Definition page.

When you set up a new work order business unit, you enter the new business unit number in the Add a New Value page and, when you access the Definition page, you describe this new business unit, associate a setID, and create the business unit.

Business Unit


Select the location of this work order business unit. This is a required field.

GL Business Unit

Select the General Ledger business unit, which serves as a default value for the GL business units set up in the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management ChartField distribution templates that you set up later in this chapter. This is a required field.

Note. You can change this default GL business unit for PeopleSoft Purchasing rows only on the distribution template. You cannot change this default GL business unit for PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Payables, Project Costing integration module rows on the distribution templates. This default GL business unit displays in the distribution page accessed from the labor, inventory, purchasing/on-hand, and tools Distribution tab in the work order schedule grids.

Base Currency

Select the work order business unit base currency to use for currency conversions in work order transactions. Work order costs always display this currency in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, even if the costs are calculated in another currency by an integrated product or Project Costing. This is a required field.

Rate Type

Select the type of rate to use to calculate conversions to the base currency for work order transactions. This is a required field.

See Currency Conversion.

See Understanding Overall System Setup Parameters for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Business Unit Setup Options

Select the options that you want to apply to your work order transactions.

Multiple Assets Per Work Order

Select this check box to enable you to enter a different asset from task to task. If you leave this check box blank, you can only enter an asset identification value at the work order header level. The fields for asset identification, Asset Management business unit, location, and others will not appear on the tasks. The system applies the asset defined in the work order header to each work order task.

In you intend to create work orders to perform the changeout of an asset's component, then you must select this check box. This is because you must identify more than one asset to perform a component changeout.

Important! This rule concerning multiple assets per work order does not apply to preventive maintenance work orders. You can create a preventive maintenance work order for a loop composed of multiple assets regardless of whether or not this check box is selected.

See Component Changeout in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Generate Chargeback

Select this option to enable chargebacks, which is the recovery of costs from another organization, such as the business unit, operating unit, department, fund, and more, for any work orders associated with this business unit. Selecting this option enables the chargeback check box on the Task Accounting page.

Note. To activate the chargeback check box on the Work Order Task Accounting page, you must select this option and select the Organization option in the Installation Options component.

Note. You can override this specification for a shop at the shop level and for a work order type at the work order type level.

Edit Chartfields

Select this check box to enable users to edit ChartField distribution values in the work order task.

Labor Requirements

Select this check box to enable users to access the Labor Requirements grid in a work order that you created using this business unit, and calculate the estimated costs for the Labor resource requirements for each work order task. If you clear the check box, you cannot access the Labor Requirements grid in the Work Order component.

Note. You can override this field at the shop level.

See Labor Requirements.

Inventory Requirements

Select this check box to enable users to access the Inventory Requirements grid in the work order created using this business unit and calculate the estimated costs for the inventory resource requirements for each work order task. If you clear the check box, you cannot access the Inventory Requirements grid in the Work Order component.

Note. You can override this field at the shop level.

See Inventory Requirements.

Tools Usage Requirements

Select this check box to enable users to access the Tool Requirements grid in the work order created using this business unit and calculate the estimated costs for the Tool resource requirements for each work order task. If you clear the check box, you cannot access the Tool Requirements grid in the Work Order component.

Note. You can override this field at the shop level.

See Tool Resource Requirements.

Schedule Labor, Schedule Inventory, and Schedule Tools

Select the applicable check boxes based on your business needs to enable a scheduler to schedule the various resources for labor, inventory, and tool transactions in the Schedules page of the Work Order component.

Note. You can override these selections at the shop level.

See Scheduling a Work Order.

Record Actuals Tools Usage

Select this option to process actual tools usage costs for any work orders using this business unit. These actual costs are generated in PeopleSoft Project Costing and display in the Cost page of the work order

Note. The requirement for recording tools actuals is optional because some organizations do not record the use of tools that are involved in repairing an asset. However, all labor and material actuals are always recorded if used for a work order task. You can override this selection for a shop at the shop level.

See Tools Usage.

Update Resource Calendar

Select this option to enable a user to update the employee and tool resource calendars to free resources to perform other work if they have completed these work assignments earlier than scheduled.

Note. This option is only available for selection if the Schedule Labor and Schedule Tools check boxes above are selected. You can override this selection for a shop at the shop level.

See Understanding Resource Scheduling.



Technician WO Security(technician work order security)

Select one of the following options to enable resources to have access to express work orders and work orders in the Technician Workbench:

  • Full Access

    Resources can access all express work orders created with this business unit and all work order tasks created with this business unit that appear in the Technician Workbench as long as the Allow Access to Other's Tasks check box is selected for each user on the User Preferences - Maintenance Management page.

  • Shop

    Resources can only access express work orders and work order tasks in the Technician Workbench based on the shops that you add to the Work Order Access page in the work order using the Technician Work Order Access link on the Miscellaneous page of the work order. The default shop used to create a work order is automatically added to this page, as are any cross-shop labor resources. In addition, only resources of the default shop used to create an express work order can access the express work order.

  • Resource Pool

    Resources specified in one or more resource pools assigned to the project and activities associated with one or more work orders can access these work orders and work order tasks in the Technician Workbench. The resource pool members can also access express work orders, which are created with the project and activity in which the resource pool is associated. .

  • Shop and Resource Pool

    This option allows access to work orders and work order tasks in the Technician Workbench and to express work orders based on both security methods described above.

Warranty Claim Information

Click this link to access the Warranty Claim Information page, where you can identify the business unit's contact information that will appear on warranty claims generated from work orders created with this business unit.

See Understanding Warranty Claim Management in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.


Define each of these fields to use as default fields on a work order associated with this business unit. You can override these values when you enter a work order.

Service Group

Select the service group that you want to appear as the default value in any work order associated with this business unit. This is the only level in which you can set up Service Group as a default value.

You can use the service group value to set up your own supplemental data that further describes the service group. For example, if you select ITAM as the default service group value, you can create additional supplemental data fields related to peripheral devices that accompany a computer such as an external hard drive, mouse, and keyboard. When you select the ITAM service group to create a work order, then these supplemental fields will also display in the work order.

This is a required field to enable a service group default value to appear in a preventive maintenance work order.

See Understanding Supplemental Data.


Select the shop value that you want to display as the default value on the search page when you create a work order. You can override this value in the work order.

Note. You must set up the business unit first and then set up shops using this business unit. Once your shops are set up, you should return to the business unit and enter a default shop value.

See Understanding Shifts, Schedule Patterns and Periods, Shops, and Crews.

Close Days Task

Enter the interim number of days between the completion of a work order task and the automatic closure of the task.

Note. You can override this value at the Work Order Type level. In addition, you can manually close a work order task before this time interval expires.

See Creating Work Order Types.

Asset Lookup Field

Select one of the values listed below for this field. The selected value displays as the field name from which you select an asset's specific value in the Asset Information section of the work order header and the work order task for any work order associated with this business unit.

  • Asset ID

  • Serial ID

  • Tag Number

  • Vehicle ID Number

Control Default Order

Select the order in which the system checks for specified data.

  • Unit, Shop, Type

  • Unit, Type, Shop

Project Default Order

Select the order in which the system checks for ChartField distribution and project ID default values. The changes in this hierarchy are based on the order of the service group and the work order type:

  • Unit, Service Group, Type

  • Unit, Type, Service Group

Days for Cost Collection

Enter the number of days that you want the collection of costs to continue after the work order is closed.

Maintenance Type

Select a default maintenance type value to display in the Maintenance Type field on the Miscellaneous page of the Work Order component. If you generate preventive maintenance work orders, a maintenance type is required on the work order in order to close the work order.

Accounting Default Order

Select a sequence number for each of the values listed to establish the default order for each value, which includes:

  • Service Type.

  • Work Order Type.

  • Asset Type.

  • Asset Subtype.

  • Asset Location.

  • Asset ID.

  • Asset Unit.

See Work Order Business Unit Defaults and Default Hierarchies.


Work Order Auto Numbering (work order automatic numbering)

Select this check box to automatically generate work order numbers for each work order created. If you do not enter a number, the system creates NEXT as the default WO ID value. When the work order is saved, a number displays for the Work Order ID, which is the WO Last Number plus one.

Even if you select this check box, you can still enter a work order number manually in the search page WO ID field. However, if you do not select this check box, the system does not generate a WO ID automatically.

WO Last Number(work order last number)

Stores the number of the last work order ID number that was created for this business unit if you selected the Work Order Auto Numbering check box.

Last Claim ID

Identifies the last warranty claim ID number generated for work orders associated with this business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Integration Parameters for a Work Order Business Unit

Access the Work Order - Integration page.

PeopleSoft Project Costing

This section links any work order associated with this business unit to PeopleSoft Project Costing so that PeopleSoft Project Costing can serve as the cost repository for all work order costs, which includes the calculation and capitalization costs of assets. PeopleSoft Project Costing also calculates chargebacks and sends them to the appropriate GL business unit.

PC Business Unit (Project Costing business unit)

Enter or select the Project Costing business unit that you want to use to track costs incurred for work orders associated with this work order business unit. This is a required field.

Note. You can use this Project Costing business unit to set up the Resource Management business unit that is required for setting up resources in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Rate Selection

Select one of the following values:

  • Rate Plan

    A rate plan is a collection of rate sets that the system executes in a specified order. Use rate plans to link rate sets so that priced rows from one rate set are used to create additional priced rows from the next rate set.

  • Rate Set

    Rate sets enable you to create transaction rows for use in costing, billing, revenue recognition, or reporting, from incoming or existing transactions in the Project Transaction table.


Select a rate plan or a rate set from PeopleSoft Project Costing to use as the default value in the work order task for calculating chargebacks. If you select Rate Set, select from a list of values, which are user-defined in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

For example:

  • ACT (Actual Cost)

  • TUG_ACT (Tool Usage Actual Costs)

  • TUG_BIL (Tool Usage Billing)

If you select Rate Plan, select from a list of values, which are user-defined in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

For example:

  • PM_BIL_CST (Program Management Bill and Cost)

  • PM_BIL_ONLY (Program Management Bill Only)

  • PM_CST_ONLY (Program Management Cost Only)

Analysis Group

Defines the PeopleSoft Project Costing analysis group that is used by the Cost Collection process in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to gather costs from PeopleSoft Project Costing into PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Note. Analysis Groups are set up in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

See Analysis Groups.


These fields only display if Inventory is installed.

Inventory Unit

Enter or select an Inventory business unit if you plan to issue parts from PeopleSoft Inventory to work orders. This business unit appears in the Inventory Requirements - Default Settings and in the Inventory Schedules - Default Settings fields of the work order. This is the only Inventory business unit that can issue parts directly to the work order. The setID for the work order business unit must match the setID for the Inventory business unit. The system runs an edit to ensure that these setIDs match. In addition, you can only use an Inventory business unit in which the GL business unit is the same as the GL business unit in the work order.

Note. You should enter this field if you plan to use PeopleSoft Enterprise Inventory with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Inventory Commit Rule

Select the rule that describes when to place demand on inventory for inventoried items. This selection serves as an indicator to the scheduler and to PeopleSoft Inventory that items specified in a work order associated with this business unit will place demand on inventory based on your selection of one of these rules. Select one of the following:

  • Commit at Reserve

    This rule commits work order rows at the same time that the reservation rule applies For example, if you select Commit at Reserve as the commit rule and Parts List as the reservation rule, then the item(s) are committed and reserved when the Parts List is created.

  • Parts List

    This rule dictates that the parts on a parts list are automatically committed in PeopleSoft Inventory when the parts list is created and saved.

  • Pick Plan

    This rule dictates that whenever you click the Pick Plan button in the work order, the items in the pick plan will be automatically committed in PeopleSoft Inventory.

    Note. You can also run a Pick Plan from PeopleSoft Enterprise Inventory or from the Materials page of the Technician Workbench.

  • Work Order Status Change

    Select this value to enable you to select a internal status for theInternal Status field. When the status in the work order matches the status defined here for the commit rule, the items on the work order are committed to PeopleSoft Inventory.

Note. This is a required field if you enter an Inventory business unit in the Inventory Unit field.

Internal Status

If you selected Work Order Status Change, select one of the internal work order statuses that triggers the commitment of items in PeopleSoft Inventory, which include:

  • Awaiting Schedule

  • Scheduled

  • Work in Progress

See Work Order Business Unit Integration Options.

Work Order Reservation Rule

Select one of these reservation rules to reserve inventory parts (items). Inventory parts (items) must be committed before they can be reserved.

Important! The system edits the commit and reservation rule combination to ensure that the items are committed at the same time or before they are reserved. The system also filters the values that apply to the work order based on the setup of these values in the work order business unit, shop, or shop/type.

  • Batch Reserve Only

    When you run the Batch Reservation process the parts (items) in the rows are reserved.

  • Parts List Creation

    When you save the parts (items) in the work order task, reserve the parts (items).

  • Pick Plan Creation

    When you run the Picking Plan for a work order task, reserve the parts (items).

  • Work Order Status Change

    When you change the status of a work order task to Awaiting Schedule, Scheduled, or Work in Progress, the parts (items) are reserved.

Internal Status

If you selected Work Order Status Change, select one of the internal work order statuses that triggers reservation of items in PeopleSoft Inventory for the work order, which include:

  • Awaiting Schedule

  • Scheduled

  • Work in Progress


Enter a number from 1- 999 for PeopleSoft Inventory to use to sort and prioritize demand. The number you enter here serves as a default value in the Inventory Schedules grid.

PeopleSoft Purchasing

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management requires the installation of PeopleSoft Purchasing to enable users to obtain materials, tools, labor, and other goods and services by creating either a requisition or a purchase order directly from the work order or work order workbench. You can also create a requisition or purchase order in PeopleSoft Purchasing and link it to a work order.

Create Requisition or PO (create requisition or purchase order)

Select one of these values:

  • the “blank” field or None

    Select this value to indicate that you do not intend to procure materials directly from a work order created with this business unit.

  • PO (purchase order)

    Select this value to enable you to generate only purchase orders from a work order created with this business unit.

  • Req. (requisition)

    Select this value to enable you to generate only requisitions from a work order created with this business unit.

Labor Rates

Effective Date and Status

Enter or select the date from which you consider these labor rate values either Active or Inactive.

Labor Bill Rate

Enter the hourly bill rate for labor to use to calculate the billable labor amount based on the labor hours entered at the work order task level.

Labor Cost Rate

Enter the hourly cost rate for labor to use to calculate the actual labor costs for any labor performed and tracked via a work order.

Note. You can override these rates for a specific shop at the shop level, as well as associate specific crafts and craft labor rates with a shop.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Preventive Maintenance Parameters for a Work Order Business Unit

Access the PM Options page.


Select a business calendar to use in determining valid business days for preventive maintenance work orders that are generated for this business unit. Selecting this option enables you to avoid scheduling preventive maintenance work orders on holidays or weekends.

Priority Code

Select H (High), M (Medium), or L (Low) to appear as the default priority in any preventive maintenance work order that the application automatically creates for this business unit. This is a required field.

Important! This default value appears for all work orders except for work orders that you create for a project for a Project Costing-managed project.

See Setup and Processing of Preventive Maintenance Work Orders.

Work Order Type

Select the work order type that you want to use as the default value in any preventive maintenance work orders that the application generates for this business unit. This is a required field.

Task Status

Select the work order task status for a work order task that you want to appear as the default value for any preventive maintenance work orders created during Preventive Maintenance processing that are associated with this business unit.

You can select any user-defined work order task status except for those that you defined for the internal statuses of complete, closed, and canceled.

This is a required field.

See Understanding Work Order Statuses.

Last PM Schedule ID

This identifies the last number used to create a preventive maintenance schedule and automatically increments each time a new preventive maintenance schedule is created.

See Setup and Processing of Preventive Maintenance Work Orders.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Resource Assignment Approval Options in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

To set up resource assignment approval options use the Work Order Options (WM_BUS_UNIT_OPT) component.

This section provides an overview of labor resource assignment approval workflow and discusses how to define resource assignment approval options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Labor Resource Assignment Approval Workflow

For a work order task, you have the option of approving the assignment of labor resources who are associated with a shop that is different from the shop associated with the work order. The employee data, regardless of the source, identifies the supervisor of each employee. You can also set up employee data and identify the supervisor of an employee using the Manage Employee Data component in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. When you set up the Work Order Options component to indicate that assignment approval is required, this automatically activates the assignment approval workflow. Once this approval workflow is activated, then when you create a work order task and assign a labor resource who works for a shop other than the shop in the work order, the system sets the assignment to Pending Approval status and sends the assignment to the worklist of the supervisor of the resource for approval. The supervisor is identified in the resource's Employee Data. The supervisor can approve or reject the assignment. If the supervisor approves the assignment, the system sets the assignment approval status to Assigned. If the supervisor does not approve the assignment, the system sets the assignment approval status to Rejected. Only the supervisor of the resource can save an assignment with a status of Assigned.

In addition, you can set up email notifications to the manager of a resource and to the resource being assigned. You can select one or more assignment statuses that trigger an email notification to the manager of the resource and to the resource.

For example, Jim Dobson is identified in Jill Stanton's Employee Data as her supervisor and Jill is assigned to Shop A. Tyler Jones is identified as the manager of Jill Stanton. You set up the Work Order Options page to require assignment approval and you indicate that you want to notify Jill's manager, Tyler Jones, when Jill is Assigned to the task. You also indicate that you want to notify Jill when the assignment is either Pending Approval, Assigned, or Rejected.

When you create a work order with Shop B and assign Jill Stanton as the technician on a task, then the worklist for Jill's supervisor, Jim Dobson, is updated to indicate that the assignment of Jill Stanton is Pending Approval. Based on the notification setup, Jill also receives an email notifying her that the assignment is Pending Approval. When Jim Dobson approves the assignment, a email is sent to Jill notifying her that the assignment is Approved, and an email is sent to Jill's supervisor, Jim Dobson, indicating that the assignment is Approved.

Sample Supervisor/Manager Notification

The following information is an example of the notification sent to the manager designated in the Options page:

Assignment # 0000000263 has been created for Ng, Edward

Work Order Business Unit: US001

Work Order ID: 0000000001

Requestor: Edward Ng

Assignment Description: Replace tires on dump-truck.

Required Start Date: 07–01–2005 Required End Date: 07–01–2005

Project: Truck Maint - QTR 3

Work Order Task Scheduler: Jon Renquist

Work Location: US001 – San Francisco

Assignment Detail:

Schedule Start Date: 07:01:2005 Time: 8 a.m., End Date: 07–01–2005 Time: 5 p.m. for 8 hours

Sample Resource Notification

The following information is an example of the notification sent to the resource designated in the Options page:

Your assignment # 0000000263 has been created for:

Work Order Business Unit: US001

Work Order ID: 0000000001

Requestor: Edward Ng

Assignment Description: Replace tires on dump-truck.

Required Start Date: 07–01–2005 Required End Date: 07–01–2005

Project: Truck Maint - QTR 3

Work Order Task Scheduler: Jon Renquist

Contact Name: George Jacobson

Telephone: 415 454–2315

Email ID:

AM Business Unit: US001

Asset ID: TR114423

Asset Description: 1997 40 Ton Ford Dump Truck

Asset Location: US001 – San Francisco

Work Location: US001 – San Francisco

Assignment Detail:

Schedule Start Date: 07:01:2005 Time: 8 a.m., End Date: 07–01–2005 Time: 5 p.m. for 8 hours

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Work Order Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Maintenance Management, Work Order Options.

Define email options for resource assignment approval.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Resource Assignment Approval Options

Access the Work Order Options page.

These options are set up by setID, which means that they can apply to all work orders regardless of their business unit or other required fields.

Assignment Approval Options

Assignment Approval Required

Select this check box to enable assignment approval workflow for cross-shop assignments.

Selecting this check box means that users other than the resource's supervisor cannot save an assignment with a status of Assigned.

E-mail Notification Options


You can enable email notifications to notify a resource's supervisor/manager and the resource about changes in the assignment status.

Assignment Status Notification

Select the check box below Supervisor/ Manager Notification or Resource Notification to enable the sending of an email notification to the supervisor/manager of the resource being assigned and to the resource based on a selected assignment status.

Assignment Status

Add one or more assignment statuses. When the assignment status for a resource changes to one of the statuses listed below, the system sends an email notification about this change to the manager of the resource. The system also sends an email to the resource being assigned based on one or more of these selected statuses:

  • Assigned

  • Cancelled

  • Complete

  • Pending Approval

  • Rejected

See Creating Assignments.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Work Order Parameters

To set up:

This section provides an overview of work order types, service groups, priorities, maintenance types, and downtime reasons and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Work Order Parameters

Work order types and service groups are used to categorize work orders, work order data, and work order behavior. Maintenance types and downtime reasons are attributes describing the selected asset.

Work Order Types

Work order types are user-defined and specify in general terms the kind of work performed within the work order. Work order type is an element in each of the default hierarchies defined in the work order business unit. It is used to identify some of the basic functionality of the work order, which includes:

See Work Order Business Unit Defaults and Default Hierarchies, Defining Shop Information.

Service Groups

Service groups are used to group work orders by major categories such as Fleet, IT, and Facilities. A service group is required when you create a work order. While a work order business unit is not specifically associated with a service group, it may be used in conjunction with several service groups. A default service group may be set up in a work order business unit. Service groups help define certain work order behaviors, such as:


You set up priorities for work orders to identify each work order's level of urgency or importance to a scheduler or technician. Examples of priorities are high, medium, and low.

Note. Service request priorities are system-defined values (Critical, Urgent, Standard, and Low). Users cannot define them.

Maintenance Types

Maintenance types are defined in PeopleSoft Asset Management. They identify the type of maintenance and maintenance procedures that should be followed for a particular asset. For example, you might establish a Tune Up maintenance code that specifies routine maintenance for an automobile. In PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you must associate one or more maintenance types with an asset type and subtype in order to define a preventive maintenance loop. You can set up a maintenance type as a default value in the work order business unit, which displays in the Maintenance Type field on the Miscellaneous page of the work order. This field must be entered before you can close preventive maintenance work orders.

Downtime Reasons

You can enter the downtime for an asset and select a reason for the asset downtime for each work order task. When a work order is closed, the Work Order Close process updates the total of downtime hours in the asset maintenance history using the data that you entered on the work order. Work order close does not, however, update the start and end downtimes in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Note. There is a link to enter downtime on the Actual Task Dates tab of the Technician Workbench.

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Object Name



Work Order Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Setup, Work Order Type

Defines the basic kinds of work that performed in a work order.

Work Order Service Group


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Setup, Service Group

Identifies specific behaviors in a work order.

Work Order Priority


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Setup, Work Order Priority

Indicates the urgency for completing a specific work order.

Associate Maintenance Type with Asset Subtype


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Setup, Maintenance Type

Defines the category of maintenance needed for a selected asset type and subtype.

Downtime Reason


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Setup, Downtime Reason

Describes the reason that an asset is not available for use.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Work Order Types

Access the Work Order Type page.

Work Type

Enter and describe each type of work order that you use in your organization such as Ad Hoc, Preventive, Capital.


Select one of these values:

  • Default

    Selecting this value means that the system applies the value specified in the work order business unit to any work order that you create with a specific business unit.

  • Specify

    Selecting this value enables you to select the Generate Chargeback check box, which means that you can generate chargebacks for any work orders that you create using this work order type.

Close Days Task

Select one of these values:

  • Default

    Selecting this value means that the value that you specify at the business unit level applies to any work order that you create with a specific business unit.

  • Specify

    Selecting this value enables you to specify the number of days between the completion of a work order task and its closing. This value applies to every work order that you create using this work order type.

Enable Workflow Approval

Select one of these values:

  • Default

    Selecting this value means that the system bypasses the work order type based on the default hierarchy that you selected in the business unit, and looks at the values at the shop and work order business unit levels.

  • Specify

    Selecting this value enables you to click either the Pre-Approved option, which means that work orders that you create using this work order type are always pre-approved. Or click the Workflow Approval option if you want to require the approval of work orders that you create using this work order type based on the established workflow approval process. This specification is used depending on the default hierarchy selected in the work order business unit.

See Understanding the Work Order Approval Workflow Architecture.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Work Order Service Groups

Access the Work Order Service Group page.

Service Group

Enter and describe each type of service group, such as IT and Facilities, to use for defining specific work order behaviors.

See Understanding Work Order Business Unit Setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Work Order Priority Codes

Access the Work Order Priority page.

Priority Code

Enter a level of priority such as High, Medium or Low or whatever values are meaningful to your organization. When you create a work order, you select its level of priority in relation to other work orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Asset Maintenance Types

Access the Maintenance Type page.

SetID and Asset Type and Asset Subtype and Description and Short Description

Access the Maintenance Type component, enter the setID and select the Asset Type and Subtype.

Maintenance Type

Add one or more rows of maintenance types to associate with the selected Asset Type and Asset Subtype.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Asset Downtime Reasons

Access the Downtime Reason page.

Downtime Reason

Enter the abbreviated reason that an asset is unavailable for use.


Provide a longer description of the reason for the asset downtime.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Rules and Data Related to PeopleSoft Project Costing

To set up:

This section provides an overview of PeopleSoft Project Costing related rules and data in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Project Defaulting and Capitalization Rules in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

This section discusses:

Project Defaulting in Work Orders

A project ID displays in the work order header and an activity ID displays in the work order task for work orders that are created from PeopleSoft Project Costing. To display this information in the work order and work order task, you must map the project IDs with the Project Costing business unit that is specified in Integrations page of the work order business unit, as well as map these values to a work order business unit, work order type, and service group.

Default Project Costing ChartField Template

PeopleSoft Project Costing has its own set of ChartFields that are used to sort costs for Projects. These ChartFields are different from ChartFields used for accounting entries in PeopleSoft General Ledger and do not impact the flow of costs into PeopleSoft General Ledger. You can edit everything except the Project Costing business unit, project ID, and activity ID.

This template is used to load defaulting Project ChartField values to each work order distribution row and applies to both work orders associated with work order managed projects and Project Costing managed projects. Users can override these ChartField values for each resource row, if desired. These ChartFields are carried over to PeopleSoft Purchasing, PeopleSoft Payables, the time entry infrastructure shared with PeopleSoft Payables, and PeopleSoft Inventory along with the accounting ChartFields. Tools integrates directly with PeopleSoft Project Costing and uses this template. You can map a specific project to an integration module, resource type, source type, category and subcategory for a work order business unit, work order type and service group. You can enter wildcards for the work order type and service group values.

Capitalization Limits for Work Order-Managed Projects

You set up the capitalization limits to establish a minimum amount that it costs to repair or maintain an asset in a work order before PeopleSoft Project Costing capitalizes the costs. For example, if facility repairs have a capitalization limit of $500, this means that you must spend a minimum of $500 on a facility repair work order task before the costs of that repair are capitalized in PeopleSoft Project Costing and sent to PeopleSoft Asset Management. You must specify the Asset Business Unit and the asset currency code for which the capitalization of costs is calculated. This feature only applies to work orders associated with work order-managed projects and not work orders associated with Project Costing-managed projects.

The following table is an example of capitalization limit setup:

Asset type

Asset Subtype

Asset Business Unit


Capitalization Minimum


180 HP Engine





180HP Engine





200HP Engine





200HP Engine




Capitalization Filters for Work Order-Managed Projects

PeopleSoft Project Costing uses capitalization filters to capitalize costs for work orders that are associated with Project Costing-managed projects. However, to enable PeopleSoft Project Costing to capitalize costs used in work orders associated with work order-managed projects, you must select an adjustment filter and a retirement filter, which are defined in Express Asset Criteria in PeopleSoft Project Costing, for an asset type and subtype in the WO Capitalization page in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You associate these filters with the Project Costing business unit that is specified in the work order business unit. The adjustment filter is user-defined, and you can set one up in PeopleSoft Project Costing, for example, so that PeopleSoft Project Costing only capitalizes the material costs to the asset. The retirement filter is used for PeopleSoft Project Costing to calculate the cost of removal for an asset.

Note. You must run the Cost Summarization process after the PeopleSoft Project Costing runs the Capitalization process to view the Capitalized Amount on the Capitalization inquiry in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

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Work Order - Projects Association


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Accounting Defaults, Associate Projects

Maps project IDs and a Project Costing business unit to a work order business unit, work order type, and service group to establish default values in the work order.

Work Order Project ChartField Mapping


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Accounting Defaults, Default PC ChartFields

Maps Project Costing ChartFields to other applications integrated with Maintenance Management and Resource Types associated with a work order business unit, work order type, and service group.

WO Capitalization Limit


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Accounting Defaults, Capitalization Rules

Sets the minimum amount of costs that must be exceeded to trigger capitalization of the costs to an asset.

WO Capitalization Filter


Select the Capitalization Filter tab.

Associates adjustment filter and a retirement filter with a PC business unit and applies them to an asset type and subtype.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Projects with a Work Order Business Unit, Work Order Type, and Service Group

Access the Work Order - Projects Association page.

Business Unit

Enter the work order business unit that you want to associate with these projects.

Work Order Type and Service Group

Enter a specific work order type and service group to associate with these projects or you can use a wildcard (%) for all work order types. The system weights these fields with the wildcard taking precedence over a specified value.

See Work Order Business Unit Defaults and Default Hierarchies.

Effective Date

Enter the date that this setup became effective. This date is checked against the start date in the work order to assure that you can apply these rules to the work order.

PC Business Unit (Project Costing business unit)

This value defaults from the value entered in the work order business unit's Integrations page.


Select the option next to the project ID that you want to be the default value in the work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Default Project Costing ChartFields

Access the Work Order Project ChartField Mapping page.


Select the project with which to associate these ChartFields.

Integration Module

Select either:

  • Project Costing.

  • Inventory.

  • PO/AP.

  • Expenses.

Resource Type


  • Labor for PeopleSoft Payables and PO/AP.

  • Tools for PeopleSoft Project Costing.

  • Material for PO/AP and PeopleSoft Inventory.

Source Type

Select the PeopleSoft Project Costing source type ChartField value.

See Source Types.

Category and Subcategory

Select the category and subcategory to associate with this source type.

See Categories and Subcategories.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Work Order Capitalization Limits

Access the WO Capitalization Limit page.

Effective Date

Enter the date that the information in this page becomes effective. The system checks this date against the work order start date.

AM Business Unit (Asset Management business unit)

Select the Asset Management business unit to which this cost capitalization limit amount applies. A default book and currency code that are set up set up for this business unit in PeopleSoft Asset Management display.

Default Book

The default book associated with the Asset Management business unit displays for reference purposes.

See Defining Business Unit/Book Feature Options.

Currency Code

Displays the currency code based on the currency code specified in the default book of the Asset Management business unit, which PeopleSoft Project Costing uses when capitalizing the asset This can be a different code from the code set up in the work order business unit.

Capitalization Minimum

Enter the minimum cost of repairing this asset in a work order task before the task become eligible for Capitalization. PeopleSoft Project Costing capitalizes the costs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Capitalization Filters with an Asset

Access the WO Capitalization Filter page.

PC Business Unit (Project Costing business unit)

Select the PC business unit to which you want to associate specific PeopleSoft Project Costing filters that the system uses to determine which costs to capitalize or count as costs of removal for a work order.

Adjustment Filter

Select a user-defined filter. This filter determines which of the asset repair or maintenance costs to capitalize.

Note. Filters are defined in the Express Asset Filter component in PeopleSoft Project Costing setup.

Retirement Filter

This filter identifies the cost of removal of an asset that is being disposed using a work order task. The system uses this filter for asset gain and loss calculations.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up ChartField Distributions for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

To set up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management ChartField distributions, use the Distribution Template (WM_DIST_TMPL) component.

This section provides an overview of ChartField distribution setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding ChartField Distribution Setup in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

PeopleSoft delivers financial identifiers referred to as ChartFields to group PeopleSoft Maintenance Management activities by their accounting treatments. Organizations must define ChartFields to account for and classify work order-related costs. Although work order ChartField distribution default values are set up prior to the creation of a work order, users can override them, if necessary, in the work order before the system passes them to the feeder systems, such as PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Purchasing, and PeopleSoft Payables with other work order data. Once the system passes these ChartFields to the feeder systems, it inserts them into the transaction documents of the feeder system, and they are then sent to PeopleSoft Project Costing for financial cost tracking, cost capitalization, and cost recovery, including markup and discount, if appropriate. The need to pass along ChartField values to distribution lines in different feeder systems requires slightly different data element requirements for each specific product. For example, PeopleSoft Purchasing and Accounts Payable require the same active ChartFields, while PeopleSoft Inventory requires a transaction group and distribution type codes along with the active ChartFields.

Work in process (WIP) accounting is handled in PeopleSoft Project Costing only for work orders associated with PeopleSoft Project Costing managed projects and not for work orders associated with work order managed projects.

PeopleSoft Inventory only supports one ChartField distribution row for materials. The cost element in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is not part of this distribution row. For PeopleSoft Inventory stock items, there is always an Inventory distribution row even if the requested item is fully procured through PeopleSoft Purchasing. In this situation, distribution rows exist for both Inventory and PeopleSoft Purchasing in the Materials and Procurement distribution records, because all stock items eventually must have an issue transaction associated with them in order to decrease the PeopleSoft Inventory balance.

The accounting rules in PeopleSoft Project Costing handle the chargeback ChartField distribution setup for a work order business unit. To mark up or discount costs, the system books the costs to the work order organization then charges them to the recipient at the close of a WO task. Alternatively, you can override default ChartField values and charge the as-incurred costs (without discount or markup) directly to other organizations without having to process them via the accounting rules.

If PeopleSoft Maintenance Management integrates with PeopleSoft Payables for the purpose of labor time entry, the system only allows one distribution row because the labor distribution data in PeopleSoft Payables is embedded in the time entry structure. The distribution line is generated once you assign a resource to the work order task.

Important! You must set up the integrated modules that you know that you will be using to default distributions properly to the work order. If you do not use tools for a work order, then you do not need to define a value for PeopleSoft Project Costing. You also do not need to all the resource types in PeopleSoft Purchasing if you do not intend to associate or create purchase orders and vouchers with work orders.

Users create a distribution template in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management for a work order business unit, which contains the ChartField distributions and default values for integration with PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Purchasing/PeopleSoft Payables, PeopleSoft Payables, and PeopleSoft Project Costing (for tools) using the Distribution Template component. Tool transactions are sent directly to PeopleSoft Project Costing based on the ChartField combinations that you determine at the task row level.

ChartField Distribution Template Rules

After setting up a distribution template, users can define distribution template rules based on the work order business unit, service group, work order type, asset type, asset subtype, asset business unit, asset ID, and asset location combinations. Users can use wildcards (%) to apply the same template across more than one work order type, service group, and asset location. The accounting default order is set up in the work order business unit, where you can sequence the service group, work order type, asset type, asset subtype, asset location, asset ID, and asset business unit to determine the weighting of each option listed. Defaulting can also occur at the shop level. Users can specify default ChartFields at the shop level that override ChartField defaults brought over from the distribution template. Only the fields that are populated at the shop level override the default values specified in the template. The system does not change any other default template field values.

Users can override the ChartField defaults up to the point that an inventory issue or requisition/purchase order is created and labor and tools usage actuals are entered. In other words, the ChartFields are established from the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management side from the moment that a transaction containing the distributions is generated in any of the feeder systems. However, the feeder systems can override these ChartField values. If the values are overridden in the feeder system, these changes will be sent back to the work order.

Chartfield template selection is based on the work order business unit, shop, work order type, service group, asset type, asset subtype, asset business unit, asset id and asset location. The first three are identified on the work order header, the remaining four are identified on the different work order tasks. Generally the system triggers default ChartField distributions at the point of scheduling. If requirements or assignments are not required, then the default distribution occurs when the actuals are recorded.

If assignments are not used, the ChartField distribution line defaulting occurs when you add actual hours or units of measure for labor and tools usage. Entry or update of labor hours in the Technician Workbench populates actuals on the work order. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management looks up the correct default ChartField templates and populates the time record for data integration into PeopleSoft Project Costing. However, if only actuals are recorded, the default values of the distribution lines are directed into the feeder system transaction.

See Work Order Business Unit Defaults and Default Hierarchies.

ChartField Combination Editing

Because other PeopleSoft products use and interface with ChartFields, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management supports combination editing based on transactions that originate from the work order. The groups that are attached to the GL business unit and the ledger group associated with the work order business unit are the combination groups that are used for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You can turn off combination editing at the work order business unit level. As long as you turn on combination editing at the work order business unit level, the system validates each row in the work order.

Important! Combination editing is not performed on the ChartField distributions for labor resources, because these ChartFields do not contain an account or alternate account.

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Object Name



Distribution Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Accounting Defaults, Distribution Template

Define default ChartField values for Inventory, PeopleSoft Purchasing/PeopleSoft Payables, Expenses (labor only), and PeopleSoft Project Costing (tools ) by work order business unit for actual transactions that are initiated via a work order.

Distribution Templates Defaulting Rules


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Accounting Defaults, Distribution Template Rules

Enables users to associate distribution templates with a combination of criteria, such as service group, work order type, asset location, asset type, and more.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Distribution Template

Access the Distribution Template page.

Integration Module

Set up a template for each product (PeopleSoft Inventory, Payables/PeopleSoft Purchasing, and PeopleSoft Payables), as well as a template for tools using the PeopleSoft Project Costing Integration Module.

Integration Module

Select either:

  • Inventory.

  • Payables/ Purchasing.

  • Expenses.

  • Project Costing, which is used for tools.

Resource Type

Select either Labor, Material, or Tools for the resource type.

Note. You can only select a Resource Type field when the Integration Module selected is Payables/Purchasing. For all other integration modules, this field is read-only.

Distribute By

Select to distribute to the distribution rows by Amount or Quantity.

Note. This field only displays if the integration module is Purchasing/Payables.

  • Typically, you enter a purchase order or requisition for labor by Amount and for materials by Quantity.

  • You enter inventory materials that are being purchased by Quantity.

  • You enter noninventory materials that are being purchased by Quantity or Amount.

Distribution Type

Select an Inventory distribution type to associate with this Inventory transaction group.

Note. This field only displays if the integration module is PeopleSoft Inventory and is optional.

Distribution Lines

Configure the distribution lines for each integration module based on these rules:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Distribution Template Rules

Access the Distribution Templates Defaulting Rules page.

You can add multiple rows containing different values.

Business Unit

Select a work order business unit for which you want to define these rules.

Note. The work order business unit that you select contains the accounting default order that applies to these rules.

Service Group

Select a service group value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all service group values.

Work Order Types

Select a work order type value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all work order type values.

Asset Type

Select an asset type value or leave it blank to represent all asset type values.

Asset Subtype

Select an asset subtype value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all asset subtype values.

AM Bus Unit (Asset Management business unit)

Select an AM business unit value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all AM business unit values.

Asset ID

Select an asset ID value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all asset ID values.


Select an asset location value or enter a % (wildcard) to represent all asset location values.

Distribution Template

Select the distribution template that you want to associate with the previously selected values.

Note. When you enter multiple rows of values, the system weights each value. The row with the highest value determines the default ChartField distribution template that displays in the work order. For a given work order, only the values in the templates that match the values in the work order or have a wildcard in the field are selected as the default ChartFields for the templates in the work order.

For example, if a work order is created with a work order type of CAPT, and there are three defaulting distribution rules that contain respectively: (1) WO Type = CAPT; (2) WO Type = CM; (3) WO Type = %, then the only default rules that will apply to the distribution templates in the work order are (1) and (3).