Creating a Work Order

This chapter presents an overview of Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleSoft Maintenance Management work orders and work order task creation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Work Orders

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAn Overview of Work Orders

Maintenance planners, physical plant administrators, facilities managers, technicians, and equipment operators use work orders to plan, schedule, dispatch, track, account for, and report on the construction, repair, maintenance, and disposal of an organization's physical assets. Prior to creating a work order, along with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you must install and set up PeopleSoft Asset Management, PeopleSoft Project Costing, and PeopleSoft Purchasing, as well as optional product integrations such as PeopleSoft Inventory.

Important! You must set up either a work order-managed or Project Costing-managed project before you can create a work order. Make sure the project's business unit is specified in the work order business unit's Integrations page, and add the project to the Work Order-Projects Association page in Setting Up Financial/Supply Chain, Product Related, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management before you create a work order.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

The two different formats for work orders in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management are:

You can initiate the creation of work orders from several different applications and options in the system, which include:

See Understanding Integrated and Shared Products Setup Considerations.

This section discusses:

The Work Order Component

The standard work order in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is a comprehensive planning and scheduling vehicle with extensive functionality in comparison to the express work order. You can create a work order directly in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management using the Work Order component, or you can create it by initiating it from a service request, PeopleSoft Project Costing, PeopleSoft Program Management, PeopleSoft CRM Help Desk 8.9 and above and third party help desk applications, or from a CBM alert.

The pages in a work order include:

See Understanding Work Order Business Unit Setup.

See Defining Maintenance Management User Preferences.

Express Work Orders

An express work order is the simplest and fastest way to create a basic work order. Use this option to create work orders that require few resources and little or no scheduling. You identify the asset requiring work, the scheduler, and the parent work order, if this work order is being created based on another work order. You select a project and activity, if this is a PeopleSoft Project Costing managed work order. If this is a work order managed work order, the a default project value displays and the activity field is inaccessible. You have the option of defining the inventory and purchased and on-hand resources needed to perform the work. It is also possible to add attachments, notes, and supplemental data to this type of work order. You can only create an express work order by selecting the Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Express Work Order menu option. Users cannot create an express work order from PeopleSoft CRM Help Desk , third party help desk applications, PeopleSoft Project Costing, PeopleSoft Program Management, or service requests.

Work order access security can be applied to control who searches and updates existing express work orders. The primary shop that is entered to create the work order is automatically added to the work order access security shop list, which means that only authorized resources assigned to that shop can access the shop's express work orders. If, for some reason, you wanted to authorize additional resources from another shop to access that express work order, you must access the Work Order component and add any additional shops to the Work Order Access page from the Miscellaneous tab. If you selected Resource Pools for work order security access in the work order business unit, then any employee, who is assigned to a resource pool can search for existing express work orders whose project/activity is associated to that resource pool.

Note. You cannot enter labor or tools requirements in an express work order.

See Understanding Supplemental Data.

Preventive Maintenance Work Order Creation

Preventive maintenance work orders are normally used to maintain assets on a routine basis. To generate a preventive maintenance work order, you must set up a preventive maintenance schedule, in which you identify the asset (or assets) being maintained and the type of maintenance to be performed, associate a work order job template, and specify the intervals between work orders based on date-based and meter-based schedules. Once a schedule is set up, you can run the Preventive Maintenance process (WM_PM) to generate work orders, or run the Preventive Maintenance Projection process (WM_PM_PJC) to determine the next maintenance due date and generate preventive maintenance projections and work orders. You can review these projections online or load them into Microsoft Project. Once the work orders are generated, you access the work order using the Work Order component, where you can modify the work order and schedule the resources, if applicable. You cannot access generated preventive maintenance work orders using the Express Work Order component.

See Understanding Preventive Maintenance Work Orders.

Condition-based Maintenance Work Orders

Condition-based maintenance enables you to make maintenance decisions based on the actual condition of an asset. You can set up Web Services to enable external systems measure and analyze current readings on equipment and determine whether the condition of the equipment is outside of normal operating parameters. When the condition is outside normal operating parameters, the external system issues CBM alert or a user enters the alert manually indicating that the asset needs maintenance. A CBM coordinator associated with a specific work order business unit and shop is notified of the alert either through email or workflow. When a new alert is saved, the Update PM Schedule, Create a Work Order, and Close Alert buttons become available. The CBM coordinator can update the preventive maintenance schedule so that the Preventive Maintenance process generate a condition-based work order in the next run, or create a work order from the Condition-Based Maintenance Alert page. The status of each alert is tracked in the Alert Status History.

You must set up workflow and specific rules in Maintenance Management to enable condition-based maintenance.

See Setting Up and Using Condition-based Maintenance.

See Setting Up and Generating Preventive Maintenance Work Orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Work Order Header

The work order header consists of data that controls the entire work order.

To add a work order in the Express Work Order component and in the Work Order component, you must enter:

When you access the Work Order page, the work order header information:

See Setting Up a Work Order Business Unit.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Work Order Parameters.

See Understanding Shifts, Schedule Patterns and Periods, Shops, and Crews.

See Understanding Integrated and Shared Products Setup Considerations.

Work Order Approval

The work order approval link in the work order header displays if you selected the Workflow Approval option in the work order business unit. If you selected Pre-Approved, the Approval Status field in the work order indicates that the work order is Approved. You must set up work order approval workflow before you can approve a work order or manage work order approvals.

Note. If the work order header status is Canceled, then the work order approval process is not invoked.

See Understanding the Work Order Approval Workflow Architecture.

See Understanding the Work Order Approval Process.

Asset Warranty Claims

You can create a warranty claim for assets specified in the work order or work order tasks.

See Understanding Warranty Claim Management in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Order Tasks


You create work order tasks to specifically define:

You can optionally define labor, inventory, purchased and on-hand, and tool resource requirements for a work order task and generate estimated costs based on these resources. In addition, you can optionally schedule resources for each task.

Note. You must identify the work order task status that you want to serve as the initial status in the work order when you set up your a work order tasks.

You can select data that is relevant to each task, which includes:

You can use work order job templates and work order task templates to simplify the creation of work orders and tasks that you use frequently. You can select a work order task template at the task level that provides the resource requirements for a single task. You select the work order job template at the work order header level. It consists of one or more job steps that are associated with work order task templates. When you select a job template, all the data from all the work order task templates associated with the work order job template are copied to the work order tasks. You can only access one work order job template at a time to copy to the work order. However, if you want to add more than one job template to the work order, you can click the Job Templates link again and select another job template. The second job template is appended to the work order after the data copied from the first template.

Note. When you create a job template (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Maintenance Management, Templates, Work Order Job Template) and you search for a work order task template to associate with the job template, the search results only consist of work order tasks templates that fall within the effective date parameters of the job template. However, when you copy a job template to the work order, the system only allows you to copy job templates with effective dates that fall within the parameters of the work order header's Required Start Date field. Also, only work order task templates with effective dates that fall within the parameters of the work order task's Required Start Date field are copied to a work order task. If the Required Start Date is not available in either instance, then the current system date is the controlling factor.

You can also copy the data from a single work order task template to a task. If you copied one or more job templates to a work order, you can copy one or more single task templates to the work order as well.

When the resource requirements are copied to the work order tasks either from tasks listed in a job template or from a single task template, then the data is edited just like any other work order task data, and the resource cost data from the individual tasks is recalculated and rolled up from the individual tasks to the Estimated Cost fields in the work order's Costs page.

See Performing Crew Scheduling.

See Understanding Work Order Task Resource Requirements.

See Understanding Work Order Statuses.

See Understanding Resource Scheduling.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAsset Downtime

You can enter and update the planned and actual start and end dates and times that an asset will not be available for use by clicking a link in the Work Order component, accessing the Downtime Entry component, and clicking a link in the Technician Workbench in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You select a Downtime Reason, which you must set up in advance. You can review an asset's downtime history from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management via the Asset Downtime Review component. When the work order is closed, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management updates downtime for the asset in the Asset Maintenance History in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Important! The entry of asset downtime in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management does not control whether or not you can schedule the asset. Downtime is informational only, and does not drive functionality.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Order Task Accounting

You can click the Set Accounts link on the Requirements page to access the Work Order Task Accounting page. Use this page to set up asset capitalization, retirement, and chargeback information for the work order task and to generate accounting transactions based on the GL business unit set up in the work order business unit and send this accounting data through the subsystems to PeopleSoft Project Costing for cost and billing calculations. This only applies to work orders associated with work order-managed projects.

Important! Work orders associated with Project Costing-managed projects do not use this page to set up accounting for chargebacks. Chargeback accounting for work orders associated with Project Costing-managed projects are handled completely by PeopleSoft Project Costing.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Asset Capitalization for Work Order-managed Projects

You can select a filter ID and a capitalization minimum amount for PeopleSoft Project Costing to use to calculate the capitalization amount for an asset. The capitalization minimum amount that you specify means that the cost to repair, maintain, or build the asset must be equal to or greater than the amount specified in this page before PeopleSoft Project Costing will calculate a capitalization amount to apply to the asset in PeopleSoft Asset Management. You identify a filter that is set up in the PeopleSoft Project Costing Express Asset Filter Criteria component. This filter criteria specifies which transaction costs are allowed to make up the amount to capitalize. For example, Filter 1 could establish that material and labor actuals should be capitalized, and Filter 2 could indicate that only labor actuals should be capitalized.

Chargebacks for Work Order Managed Projects

PeopleSoft Project Costing integrates with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to enable you to charge back these costs to a different organization such as a different GL business unit, operating unit, or department. You use the Work Order Task Accounting page to enable these chargebacks. This only applies to work orders that are associated a with a work order-managed project. For project-managed work orders, the charging back of costs is controlled in PeopleSoft Project Costing using standard PeopleSoft Project Costing functionality.

Before you can generate chargebacks for work orders associated with work order-managed projects, you must:

See Project Costing Price Engine, Rate Sets, and Rate Plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProject Costing Price Engine, Rate Sets, and Rate Plans

For work orders associated with work order-managed projects, accounting entries for any transactions generated from performing work order tasks in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management are created in PeopleSoft Payables (by means of shared functionality) for labor, PeopleSoft Inventory for inventory items, PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Payables for noninventory items, open descriptions, and services procured, and PeopleSoft Project Costing for tool usage costs.

The Project Costing Price Engine (PC_PRICING) is run on the costs generated from the feeder systems and the tool costs generated in PeopleSoft Project Costing. PeopleSoft Project Costing applies accounting rules, which are determined by the selection of Rate Set or Rate Plan for the value of the Rate Selection field on the Work Order Definition - Integration page of the work order business unit, and the Define Shop - Definition page. The values selected on these pages determine the default value that will be used to by the PeopleSoft Project Costing Pricing Engine.

Rate sets do only one level of pricing. For example, if you an Actual row of $100 is calculated in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and sent to the subsystems. The rate set WO_ACT1 is specified in the work order business unit and applies to the work order task row. This rate set indicates that actual rows are to be marked up by 20 percent. The rate set is applied and the new row is referred to as the markup row and is priced at 120 USD. Since you specified rate set, this is the only rate that applies.

However, what if you want the Pricing Engine to apply another rate WO_DISC1, which indicates that actual rows are discounted by 5 percent? Since you selected rate set on the Integration page of the work order business unit, you cannot apply this second rate to the transaction, which would created a newly priced row for the discount of 95 USD in PeopleSoft Project Costing. In this case, you would select a rate plan.

A rate plan is a collection of rate sets that the system executes in a specified order. Continuing with our example, if you had selected Rate Plan, you can create a rate plan in PeopleSoft Project Costing, for example, WO_RATEPLAN1, that contain both of the rate sets, WO_ACT1 and WO_DISC1. If we associate WO_RATEPLAN1 with the work order then for an actual row of 100 USD, two priced rows are created in PeopleSoft Project Costing:

The rate set is associated with a rate template that resides in PeopleSoft Project Costing and contains four rate options specific to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management:

Once the Pricing Engine (PC_PRICING) runs, these costs reside in the Project Resource (PROJ_RESOURCE) table. When a work order transaction is priced, the Pricing Engine (PC_PRICING) updates the GL_DISTRIB_STATUS in PROJ_RESOURCE to Hold, which prevents the Accounting Engine (PSA_ACCTGGL) from selecting or processing any rows with this status. When a work order task is closed, the Work Order (task) Close Process (WM_CLOSE) updates GL_DISTRIB_STATUS to Costed. The rows in PROJ_RESOURCE are then selected by the Accounting Engine to apply the accounting rules, which enables the Journal Generator to generate chargeback accounting entries.

See Setting Up Rate Sets and Asset Integration Rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Order Creation from a Service Request

Employees in an organization can create and submit a self-service request online to an agent concerning a problem they may be experiencing which can range from the need to replace a light bulb in their office to problems with their computer hardware and software. Many service requests are fulfilled without creating a work order. However, if an agent receives requests concerning problems that cannot be resolved easily, then the agent creates a work order directly from the service request. When an agent creates a work order from a service request, the work order is created with a minimum of data. Later, a planner or scheduler can update the work order with any missing information and assign it to the appropriate technicians.

For example, an employee creates a self-service service request to have a file cabinet moved from one location in the employee's (requester's) office to another location. Because this type of work requires the use of facilities personnel to physically move the filing cabinet, the agent that reviews the service request creates a work order and work order task for a technician to move the filing cabinet. The work order is assigned and scheduled (if necessary). The technician then moves the filing cabinet, enters the time it took to perform the work in the work order, and marks the work order task as complete. The requester is notified that the work order is complete and has a specific amount of time to respond before the service request is closed. A work order task is automatically closed after the number of close days from the completion of the work order task, which is specified on the work order business unit definition, has expired. The closure of the work order is of no concern to the requester.

See Understanding Service Request Creation and Use.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Order Creation from PeopleSoft Project Costing or PeopleSoft Program Management

All work orders are associated with a project created in PeopleSoft Project Costing and at least one project activity that is either created in PeopleSoft Project Costing or generated in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, depending on whether the project you create to associate with work order is:

In PeopleSoft Program Management and PeopleSoft Project Costing, you can create a work order from an activity. To do so in PeopleSoft Program Management, you access the Program Management, Activity Definitions, Resources, Resources by Activity page, and in PeopleSoft Project Costing, the navigation is Project Costing, Activity Definitions, Team. Both the Resources by Activity and Team pages contain a Create Work Order button.

If you have PeopleSoft Program Management installed, you can identify asset (tool), material, and labor resources for an activity, and when you are ready to create a work order, you click the Create Work Order button to bring up a page that enables you to select which of the activity's resources you want to copy to a new work order.

If you have only PeopleSoft Project Costing installed, clicking the Create Work Order button will take you to a page from which you can select only the labor resources that you wish to place on the new work order you are creating. Regardless of whether you are using PeopleSoft Project Costing or PeopleSoft Program Management, the Create Work Order page that appears enables you to select the resources; identify the work order business unit, work order type, service group, and shop, and create a new single task work order with the selected resources automatically loaded to as requirements of the work order task.

Generic resources serve as place-holders for resources specified for a project. If you have PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft Program Management installed, you can assign labor, asset, material, and other generic resources to a project. You can also create a work order and assign one or more these generic resources to the work order. When you define a generic resource for an asset (tools or equipment) in PeopleSoft Project Costing, you select the asset type, subtype, manufacturer ID, and model values for the asset. When you add generic labor resources to a work order, you can select a craft for the resource. When you schedule the work order, you can select a specific resource ID to replace the generic resource.

Note. For work order-managed projects, when you set up the PeopleSoft Project Costing Options component for a Project Costing business unit in Setup Financial/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Project Costing, Project Costing Options, you should select Optional for the Input Control, Business Unit, Project, and Activity field value.

No accounting activities are performed in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. Instead, as work is performed and entered in the work order in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, the labor, inventory, and purchase costs are sent to the feeder systems where the appropriate accounting is performed, and then sent to PeopleSoft Project Costing where it calculates the costs, capitalizes costs, and sends chargeback calculations to PeopleSoft General Ledger. Tool usage actual costs are distributed and calculated directly in PeopleSoft Project Costing. You can run the Cost Summarization process to collect costs from PeopleSoft Project Costing and display them as actuals in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Order Creation from Help Desk Applications

You can integrate PeopleSoft CRM Help Desk and third party help desk applications with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management using the Integration Broker. You must perform the normal setup procedures for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, as well as set up assets in the PeopleSoft Asset Management asset repository. This provides the foundation to enable you to create work orders from help desk applications.

When a help desk agent receives a call or a self-service notification that involves a problem that the agent cannot resolve without the intervention of one or more technicians, the agent can create a PeopleSoft Maintenance Management work order directly from the help desk application. The help desk application can access the assets in PeopleSoft Asset Management and the problem tree, shops, work order statuses, and work order priorities in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management using PeopleSoft Integration Broker. In addition, the help desk application maintains a history of all transactions that are sent to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

When a help desk agent creates a work order, the system sends a series of messages between PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and the help desk application using PeopleSoft Integration Broker. The help desk initiates the first message to create a work order to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. Then, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management responds by sending a message that contains the new work order number and the status. If the system fails to create a work order, then the response message contains the errors that are relevant to the failure.

Once PeopleSoft Maintenance Management creates the work order, the system notifies the help desk of key events, which include a change in the work order header status, a change in the work order description, or a request for additional information. A request for information is usually sent to the agent in an email containing an embedded URL, and the technician's workbench in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management indicates that the technician is awaiting a reply to this request. If the agent responds to the email through the URL, the work order workbench indicates that the agent replied to the email.

A technician assigned to a work order can also add a note to which the agent can respond within the work order without using email. After the work order is completed, the system updates the help desk application with the status change and notifies the agent of this status.

If nothing else is necessary to complete the work order, the agent indicates that the problem is resolved and notifies the requester. If the requester is satisfied with the solution, then no further action is required. The agent can close a case without affecting the work order. The technician can manually close the work order or the work order will close automatically within a given time period. However, if the solution was not satisfactory, the requester can instruct the agent to keep the help desk case open. The help desk agent might then respond by creating a new work order.

To create a work order from a help desk application, you can assume that:

The help desk application is responsible for retrieving all asset information from the PeopleSoft Asset Management asset repository and for maintaining the history of all transactions sent to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

PeopleTools Integration Broker is used to issue a series of asynchronous messages that are sent between the help desk application and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. PeopleSoft CRM Help Desk 8.9 and above and third party help desk applications must be set up to successfully send and receive the required Integration Broker messages. Activities that you must perform include:

The following table describes the messages that are sent between the two products by means of the Integration Broker:






Publish All Problem Tree information for problem trees set up in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

The Problem Tree page (WM_PROBLEM_TREE) in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management has a Publish Data check box in the top level of the tree, which, when selected, sends a problem's branch information to the help desk, which uses it to identify and classify a problem.



Publish All Shop Location information.

This message copies all shop locations to the help desk application. These are the shops (service locations) available to the help desk agent when creating a work order.



Publish Work Order Header Status Code information.

This message copies the work order statuses to the help desk application. These are the work order statuses returned to the help desk from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management when a work order is added or updated.



Publish all Work Order Priority information.

This message copies the work order priority codes to the help desk application. These are the priorities available to the help desk agent when creating a work order.



Subscribe to work order add/update request from help desk.

This message enables the help desk agent to add or update work orders. This message creates a work order in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management when the help desk agent invokes the Create Work Order related action on a case. The message updates a work order in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management when the agent changes the contact information on the case.



Publish to work order create/update response.

This message returns an Add or Update status to the help desk application. If the Add work order is successful, this message returns the new work order number and its initial status. If unsuccessful, this message returns the errors encountered trying to create the work order.



Publish to key event reporting.

Send work order key events to the help desk application. Key events include: work order status change, work order description change, and request for more information from the work order technician.

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

You cannot create a PeopleSoft Maintenance Management express work order from the PeopleSoft CRM Help Desk

Requests for Information

A technician can request more information from the help desk application by email if a valid employee ID or email address for the help desk agent is available on the work order header. The technician accesses the Notes link in either a work order's header or task, enters a new note, indicates that a reply is needed, and sends an email to the contact person (usually the help desk agent) identified in the work order. This email contains an URL that points to a reply page where the help desk's contact person can reply to the information request. When the help desk agent replies, the system automatically sets the note indicator in the technician workbench to Replied so that the technician knows that a reply to his request has arrived and is awaiting review. For a work order header note, an email is sent to the scheduler, supervisor, and lead person, indicating a reply was received. For a work order task note, an email is sent additionally to the technician. A technician can clear the Request for Information check box in the work order's Notes page, which cancels the need for a reply to the note. This resets the note indicator in the technician workbench from Pending to Cleared. If the technician clears the Reply check box, this resets the note indicator from Replied to Cleared.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Order Copy

You select the Copy To New Work Order check box in the User Preferences, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management page for selected users to enable them to copy data from an existing work order to a new work order by clicking the Copy Work Order button. This button is available only when you are updating an existing work order.

When you click the Copy Work Order button in the Work Order page, you can enter a work order ID for the new (target) work order or let the system assign the next work order ID automatically. You can copy both open and closed work orders.

You can also select specific work order data to copy, which can include:

Note. The options available for selection are dependent upon the setup of the user in User Preferences.

Note. Scheduled items that you originally created from the direct application of actuals, such as labor and tools items entered from the Technician Workbench and a direct issue of inventory items to the work order, will not be copied to the target work order. Only scheduled resources that a user enters on a work order are copied to the target work order.

See Understanding Overall System Setup Parameters for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Additional data that is either copied or not copied from the source work order to the target work order includes:

Click to jump to parent topicCreating a Work Order

To create a work order use either the:

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used To Create a Work Order

Page Name

Object Name



Express Work Order


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Express Work Order

Create an very basic work order quickly.

See Understanding Work Orders.

Work Order


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order

Identify the key information describing what is to be done with which resources, to which asset, when, why, and how.

Work Order Status History


Click the As of date link on the Work Order page.

Display the status history of the work order, the date that the status was updated, and the user who created a change in the work order that resulted in the work order header status change.

Work Order Approval


Click the Preview for Approval button in the work order.

Once you submit a work order for approval, click the Approval History link to view the status of the approval process.

Work Order Attachments


  • Click the Attachments link on the Work Order page.

  • Click the Attachments link on the Requirements page.

  • Click the Attachments link on the Schedules page.

Attach a document to a work order or work order task.

Work Order Supplemental Data


  • Click the Supplemental Data link on the Work Order page.

  • Click the Supplemental Data link on the Requirements page.

  • Click the Supplemental Data link on the Schedules page.

Enter values for supplemental data fields that the organization has created for use on work orders.



Click the Notes link on the Work Order page.

Add notes about the work order.



  • Click the Notes link on the Requirements page.

  • Click the Notes link on the Schedules page.

Add notes about the work order task.

Work Order History for Asset


  • Click the Work Order History link on the Work Order page.

  • Click the Work Order History link on the Requirements page.

  • Click the Work Order History link on the Schedules page.

View a history of the work order created, completed, and closed for the specified asset.

Asset Information


Click the Asset Details link on the Work Order page.

Displays detailed asset information such as the asset type, asset subtype, manufacturer ID, and model.

Maintenance History by Type


  • Click the Asset Maint. History link on the Work Order page.

  • Click the Asset Maint. History link on the Requirements page.

  • Click the Asset Maint. History link on the Schedules page.

  • Asset Management, Service and Maintenance, Review Maintenance History

  • Maintenance Management, Inquiries, Asset Maintenance History

View the asset maintenance history based on the type of maintenance performed on the asset.

Asset Warranties


  • Click theActive Asset Warranties icon on the Work Order page.

  • Click the Asset Warranties icon on the Requirements page.

  • Click the Asset Warranties icon on the Schedules page.

  • Asset Management, Service and Maintenance, Asset Warranties

Display the asset warranties associated with an asset specified in the work order. If a warranty does not exist, users with update access to the page can create an asset warranty for this asset, using a warranty template if desired.

Search for Asset Warranty Templates


Click the Apply Warranties from Template link on the Asset Warranties page.

Search and select an asset warranty template to apply to the Asset Warranties page to create a new warranty for an asset.

Job Template Search


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order

Click the Job Templates link.

Search for a job template to associate with this work order.

Personal Data


  • Click a selected supervisor or contact name link on the Work Order page.

  • Click a selected supervisor or contact name link on the Requirements page.

  • Click a selected supervisor or contact name link on the Miscellaneous page.

Enables a user to view a selected employee's contact information.

Scheduler Information


  • Click a selected scheduler's name link on the Work Order page.

  • Click a selected scheduler's name link on the Requirements page.

  • Click a selected scheduler's name link on the Miscellaneous page.

Enables a user to view the selected scheduler's shop, employee ID, and shift information.

Copy Work Order


Click the Copy to New Work Order button on the Work Order page.

Copy existing work order data to a new work order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Work Order Header Information

Access the Work Order page.

Work Order

If the selected business unit indicates auto-numbering, then the system assigns the NEXT number after the last Work Order ID created. If auto-numbering is not selected for the business unit, you can enter a number manually.

Created On and Created By

Once a new work order is saved, these fields display the date and time that the work order was created and the name of the user who created the work order.

Required Start and End

Select the date that you want this work order to start and end. The current system date appears as the default date in these fields, which you can override.


Identifies the overall work order status. The work order status reflects the most outstanding status of the work order task statuses. You cannot directly change this work order header status.

As of mm/dd/yyyy (as of month/day/year)

Click this link to access the Work Order Status History page, which describes the status of the work order, the date it was updated, and the name of the person who updated it.


Enter the number of hours needed to complete the entire work order. This field is informational only. However, the value entered in this field can be exported to Microsoft Project.

Work Order Type

Displays the default value from the value entered on the Work Order - Add a New Work Order page. This is the tentative user-defined value for the type of work order you are creating. Typical work order types could be: CORR (corrective maintenance), Capital (capital), and PM (preventive maintenance). You can override this value.

Note. You cannot change this work order type value after scheduling resources for a task.

Service Request Unit

Click to select a service request business unit to enable you to associate a service request with this work order. This field may already contain a value if:

  • This work order was created from a service request. The business unit value from that service request displays here.

  • The service request was created from an application, such as a help desk application, that is external to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. This information is display-only.


Displays the default value from the value entered on the Work Order - Add a New Work Order page. This is the tentative level of urgency for this work order.

Note. You can override this value.

Service Request and By

Select or enter a service request number. The By field contains the name of the person entered in the Requested By field in the service request. This could be the name of the agent or the original requester, depending who entered the service request. This person is automatically notified when a work order is completed or cancelled.


Displays the default value from the value entered on the Work Order - Add a New Work Order page. This is the tentative primary shop. You can override this field.

Note. You cannot change this shop value after scheduling resources for a work order task.

PM Schedule ID (preventive maintenance schedule ID)

Identifies the preventive maintenance schedule, which was used to generate this preventive maintenance work order. If this is not a preventive maintenance work order, this field does not display.

Approval Status

If the work order business unit, shop definition, or work order type indicate that this is a pre-approved work order, the defaulting approval status is Approved. However, if the work order business unit, shop definition, or work order type indicate that this work order must be approved, then the value in this field is determined by the current status of the approval process, which includes:

  • Initial.

  • Pending Approval.

  • Approved.

  • Denied.

  • Canceled.

Note. If work order header status is canceled, work order approval is not invoked.

See Setting Up Statuses for Service Requests and Work Orders.

Approval History

Click this link, which displays after you run the Approval process for this work order, to access the Work Order Approval page, which displays the steps in the approval process.


Click this link to access the Work Order Attachments page.

Supplemental Data

Click this link to access the supplemental data that you set up for the work order header. The contents that display in this page are entirely dependent on how you set up the supplemental data. You set up supplemental data to extend the information stored for an object without modifying that object's base record (table). Objects, include records, pages, and components, which must be specifically configured to accept supplemental data.


Click this link to access the Work Order Notes page.

Approval Preview and Submit for Approval

Click the Approval Preview button and the Submit for Approval button to access the Work Order Approval page.

See Understanding the Work Order Approval Process.

Asset Information

This asset information is applicable to the entire work order and is optional.

AM Business Unit (Asset Management business unit)

Select the business unit associated with the asset to be worked on based on this work order. If a default asset business unit value displays in the field, it is derived from user preferences.

Area ID

Select the specific area in which this asset is located. This value is set up in the PeopleSoft Asset Management asset repository.

Asset Criticality

Identifies how critical this asset is to the organization. This value comes from the PeopleSoft Asset Management asset repository.

Asset ID

The field name displayed is based on the set up in the work order business unit. The field's name could be Asset ID, Tag Number, Serial ID, or VIN (vehicle identification number).

Click this button to access any warranties in PeopleSoft Asset Management that apply to this asset. Indicates that there are warranties associated with the selected asset.

Indicates that this is a hazardous asset. This icon is informational only. The asset is defined as a hazardous waste asset in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Asset Location

Select the current location of the selected asset.

Important! When you enter the asset business unit and ID, the default location is derived from the asset repository. However, you can change the location to indicate that the asset is currently in a different location. For this reason the location is not validated against the asset when the work order is saved.

View Work History

Click this link to view the Work Order History for Asset page. This page lists the work orders, their descriptions, statuses, and required, completed, and closed dates that were created for this asset.

Asset Details

Click this link to view the Asset Information page, which provides additional details about the asset such as the asset type, asset subtype, manufacturer ID, and model.

Asset Maint. History asset maintenance history

Click this link to access a second window to review the Review Maintenance History component in PeopleSoft Asset Management, which enables you to view the Maintenance History by Type page.

This page enables you to view the description of the maintenance, the date and time of the maintenance events, the technician who performed the maintenance, the cost of the maintenance, the work order business unit, work order ID, and task ID.

Job Templates

Click this link to access the Job Template Search page, which enables you to search for a job template to apply to the work order.

See Understanding Service Request and Work Order Statuses.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, Work Order Business Unit Defaults and Default Hierarchies.

See Understanding Service Request Creation and Use.

See Establishing Work Order Priority Codes.

See Understanding Labor and Tools Resource Setup and Maintenance.

See Understanding the Work Order Approval Workflow Architecture.

See Understanding the Work Order Approval Process.

See Creating Attachments.

See Understanding Supplemental Data.

Work Order Tasks

When a work order is created, one task is automatically created. This grid displays all the tasks and their details associated with this work order. If you copy a job template to a work order, the tasks copied from the template are listed here. You can add a task to this grid by adding a new row, however, you can access the Requirements page to define resources for each task, and access the Schedules page to schedule the resources for the task.

Note. Typically, if you are going to define resource requirements for one or more tasks, you set up the task and define the requirements on the Requirements page. If you are not going to define requirements, you can set up one or more tasks on the Schedules page and schedule the resources. You can also add tasks from the Actuals page. If the work order requires approval, the Schedules and Actuals tabs do not display.

The fields used to create a work order task, which appear on the tabs of this Work Order Tasks grid, are defined in detail in the section Creating Work Order tasks. The fields used to define labor, inventory, purchase/on-hand, and tool resources are described in detail in the Defining Work Order Task Requirements chapter.

See Defining Work Order Task Requirements.

See Pages Used To Create Work Order Tasks.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Attachments

Access the Work Order Attachments page.


Enter a brief description of each attachment.

Click this icon to enable you to search for an attachment such as a drawing, diagram, or other type of document that is needed for the construction, service, or repair of the selected asset.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Notes to Work Orders

Access the Work Order Notes page.

New Note

Enter a subject for the note and then the note. Click the Save button to save the note.

The check boxes on the left of the notes are used for selecting which notes are sent when you click the Send to Scheduler button on the page. The note is available in the Work Order Workbench for the scheduler identified in the work order.

Note. You must set up an email address in the selected scheduler's user profile for the Send to Scheduler button to display on the page.

Notes Contents

When you save a note, it displays the note in the Note Contents group box, along with the date and time the note was entered, and by whom. As notes are added, this enables you to keep track of the note history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Job Templates

Access the Job Template Search page.

Asset Business Unit

Select an asset business unit or a default business unit displays .

Asset ID

Displays a field name depending on which of the values that you select for the Asset Lookup Field definition in the work order business unit, which include:

  • Asset ID

  • Serial ID

  • Tag Number

  • Vehicle ID Number

Include Non-Asset Templates

Select this check box to include job templates that contain tasks that do not directly involve the asset, such as a multi-task operation to clean up and restore the work area.

Note. If you do not select and Asset Management business unit and an asset in the work order header or task when you access this search page, this check box is automatically selected and only nonasset templates are listed after performing the search.

Copy PCR Criteria to Tasks (copy problem, cause, and resolution criteria to tasks)

Select this check box if you did not specify the problem/cause/resolution (PCR) code values in the fields on the Work Order page, but selected PCR codes instead on the search page to refine your search. You have the option of copying these PCR lookup values back to the work order task lines. When you save the work order, the work order copies the problem, cause, and resolution to each of the task lines created from the selected job template.

Important! When you select a job template to apply to this work order, it copies the associated task template information to the work order tasks. The system only copies task template lines to a work order task line that does not contain any default values or values entered by a user. Usually, once a user enters a task line, a new line is triggered into which the system can copy a task line associated with work order job template.

See Defining Resource Requirements for a Work Order Task.

See Understanding Work Order Task Resource Requirements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying to a New Work Order

Access the Copy to Work Order page.

Click the Copy To New Work Order button to access the Copy to Work Order page.

Note. This button displays only if this option is selected for this user in User Preferences.

Work Order ID (new work order number)

Enter a combination of letters and/or numbers for this new work order. Leave this field unchanged if you want the system to generate a new work order number for you.

Required Start Date

Change the date or leave as today's date for the new work order.

Copy Options

To copy one or more of the following values to the new work order, click the corresponding check box for:

  • Task Labor Requirements.

  • Task Inventory Requirements.

  • Task Proc/On Hand Requirements (purchase/on hand requirements).

  • Task Tool Requirements.

  • Task Labor Schedules.

  • Task Proc/On Hand Schedules (purchase/on hand schedules).

  • Task Tools Schedules.

  • Task Inventory Schedules.

  • Header Notes.

  • Task Notes.

Note. The scheduling options do not appear until the work order is approved.

See Understanding Overall System Setup Parameters for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.


Click this button to access the new work order.

See Work Order Copy.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Work Order Tasks

To create a work order task, use the Work Order (WM_WO) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used To Create Work Order Tasks

Page Name

Object Name



Work Order


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order

Select, enter, or view data in the Work Order Tasks grid.



Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order

Select the Requirements tab.

Create and update work order tasks and task requirements.

Task Status History


Click the As of xx/xx/xxxx date link on the Requirements page.

Review the history of work order task status changes for the selected task.

Work Order Task Accounting


  • Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Task Accounting

  • Click the Set Accounts link on the Requirements page.

Set up asset capitalization and chargeback information.

Personal Data


Click the link associated with a selected supervisor's name or the link associated with a selected contact's name.

Review additional personal information, such as the telephone number, of the selected individual.

Scheduler Information


  • Click a selected scheduler's name link on the Work Order - Requirements page.

  • Click a selected scheduler's name link on the Work Order - Miscellaneous page.

  • Click a selected scheduler's name link on the Work Order page.

View specific information about the scheduler.

Change Shop to Identify Crew


Click the Change Shop for Crew link.

Change the shop for a selected crew.

Work Order History for Asset


  • Click the Work Order History link on the Work Order page.

  • Click the Work Order History link on the Requirements page.

  • Click the Work Order History link on the Schedules page.

View a history of the work order created, completed, and closed for the specified asset.

Maintenance History by Type


  • Click the Asset Maint. History link on the Work Order page.

  • Click the Asset Maint. History link on the Requirements page.

  • Click the Asset Maint. History link on the Schedules page.

Review the maintenance history based on the type of maintenance performed.

Asset Information


  • Click the Asset Details link on the Work Order page.

  • Click the Asset Details link on the Requirements page.

  • Click the Asset Details link on the Schedules page.

Displays detailed asset information such as the asset type, asset subtype, manufacturer ID, and model.

Downtime Entry


  • Click the Asset Downtime link on the Requirements page of the Work Order component.

  • Click the Asset Downtime link on the Schedules page of the Work Order component.

  • Maintenance Management, Work Order Processing, Downtime Entry

  • Click the Downtime link on the Task Actual Dates/Time tab of the Work Order Tasks grid in the Technician Workbench

Enter the start and end dates and times that the asset will be unavailable for use.

Asset Calendar


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order. Click the Asset Calendar link in the Work Order Tasks - Asset Information grid.

Access and review the Asset Calendar.

Note. This link displays only if you select an asset for the task.

See Understanding Labor and Tools Resource Setup and Maintenance.

Task Details


Click the day link in the Asset Calendar.

Review the task details for an asset on a specific day.

See Understanding Labor and Tools Resource Setup and Maintenance.

Asset Daily Schedule


Click the Return to Asset Daily Schedule link on the Task Details page.

Displays the asset's schedule per day hour by hour.

See Understanding Labor and Tools Resource Setup and Maintenance.

Task Template Search


  • Click the Task Templates link on the Work Order - Requirements page.

  • Click the Task Templates link on the Work Order - Schedules page.

Search for a work order task template to copy to the work order.

Task Cost Recovery


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order. Click the Warranty Claim link in the Work Order Tasks - Asset Information grid.

Enter warranty claim information to begin the process of attempting to recover costs from a vendor based on an asset's warranty.

Meter Reading History


  • Click the Meter History link on the Requirements page.

  • Click the Meter History link on the Schedules page.

Review the meter reading history of the meter associated with the selected asset.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Work Order Tasks

Access the Requirements page.

Task Number

The system generates a number for each task.

Duplicate this Task

Select the check box and then click the plus sign in the upper right corner of the Work Order Tasks group box to create a copy of this task.

Note. You can also click the plus sign in the upper right corner of the Work Order Tasks group box to insert another blank task. You can create as many tasks as needed using this method. You can click the minus sign in the upper right corner of the Work Order Tasks group box to delete a task.


Enter the number that represents the numerical order within the work order in which to complete this task.

Required Start and Required End

Select the start and end dates and times. The default start and end date values are derived from the work order header. You can override this information.

Task Description

Enter a brief description of this task. This field is required.


Enter the total number of hours the task will take to complete.

Dependent Task

Select the task that must be performed before this task can be started for work orders associated with more than one task.


Select the user-defined status for this task based on the statuses in the list. The work order task status values are user defined and correspond to system-defined internal statuses. The values that display in this list are determined by the allowable status transitions that are set up when you set up the work order task statues. Workflow approval also affects the statuses that you can choose from. For example, if workflow approval is required (based on the business unit, work order type, or shop setup), then only the Open, Canceled and On Hold statuses are available until the work order task is approved. Tables that define the behavior of each status are defined in the Setting Up Service Request and Work Order Statuses chapter.

See Setting Up Statuses for Service Requests and Work Orders.

See Understanding Work Order Execution.

As of mm/dd/yyyy

Click this link to access the Task Status History page, which lists the changes in status for this task as of the date specified in this link.

Overlap % (overlap percentage)

Enter the percentage that this task overlaps with the dependent task. You can load this information into Microsoft Project.

See Scheduling a Work Order.

Additional Task Information

The Additional Task Information group box contains these fields:

Work Location

Select the location where this work order task will be performed. If a default value displays in this field, it is based on a rule that specifies whether to derive this default value from the asset, the shop, or another location. If the latter is selected, then this field is blank.


Select the employee ID and name of the supervisor assigned to this task.

The name of the supervisor appears as a link on the page. When you click this link, the Personal Data page for the selected supervisor displays, which contains the individual's contact information.

Project Activity ID

Select an activity if this work order is associated with a Project Costing-managed project. A default activity ID value automatically displays when the work order is saved if this work order is associated with a work order-managed project.

Set Accounts

Click this link to access the Work Order Task Accounting page.


Select the scheduler code. The name of the selected scheduler appears on the page as a link. When you click this link, the Scheduler's Information page displays information about the scheduler, such as the scheduler's employee ID and shift.

Schedulers are set up in the shop based on a scheduler code instead of an employee ID. Schedulers in many shops move from one role to another. By setting up a scheduler by a scheduler code in the shop, you only have to change the employee associated with a scheduler code, rather than having to change the employee ID for the scheduler in every work order task.

Preferred Crew

Displays the primary crew identified in the shop associated with the work order or with the task's asset ID. This value is used in the Crew Scheduling Workbench as part of the search criteria when searching for unscheduled requirements.

Note. This field and the Change Shop for Crew link only display when the shop associated with the work order performs crew scheduling.

See Performing Crew Scheduling.

Change Shop for Crew

Click this link to access the Change Shop to Identify Crew page, where you can select a shop different from the primary shop in the work order to associate with a selected crew. The crew and its resources must be set up in the selected shop.


Select the user ID of the person to contact concerning this work order. The name of the contact appears as a link on the page. When you click this link, the Personal Data page displays with additional information about the selected contact.

Task Asset Information

If you identify an asset in the work order header, it can apply to all the work order tasks. However, you can also identify different assets for each work order task. To use more than one asset in a work order, you must select the Multiple Assets Per Work Order option in the work order business unit. If you do not select this option, the asset fields for a task are not available for selection and the tasks use the asset selected in the work order header.

Note. The principles of selecting an asset for a task are the same as selecting an asset in the work order header.

AM Bus Unit (Asset Management business unit)

The default value is derived from the User Preferences, Maintenance Management page.

Asset Location

Select the current location of the selected asset.

Important! When you enter the asset business unit and ID, the default location is derived from the asset repository. However, you can change the location to indicate that the asset is currently in a different location. For this reason the location is not validated against the asset when the work order is saved.

Asset ID (Serial ID, Tag Number, Vehicle ID Number)

Select a value to more specifically identify the asset.

The field name that appears on the page depends on the field name (Asset ID, Serial ID, Tag Number, or Vehicle ID Number) that you select in the work order business unit that was used to create the work order.

Area ID

Select the specific area in which the asset is located.

Asset Action

Select one of these actions to affect this task's asset:

Note. This option only appears on the page if the work order type for capital work orders and is used primarily for the retirement and removal of assets and component changeouts.

  • Install

  • No Change

  • Remove

  • Retire

    If you select Retire and this is a Project Costing managed work order with the Asset Integration Rules set to Capitalize, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management allows this asset action to proceed with no edit. However, PeopleSoft Project Costing will ignore the Retire setting.

Note. You must select No Change for non-financial assets. All other values involve the installation, removal, or retirement of a financial asset.

Parent Component

Displays the parent component of this asset, if it is part of another component. For example, the selected asset for this task is part of a component that consists of two or more assets, such as a truck's engine and all of the parts (assets) that compose the engine (parent component).

Work Order History

Click this link to access the Work Order History page for this asset. This page lists the work orders and tasks that are associated with this asset, along with the start and end dates and when they were completed and closed.

Asset Maint. History asset maintenance history

Click this link to access the Review Maintenance History component in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Asset Details

Click this link to access the Asset Information page, which lists details about this asset, such as the asset characteristics, asset ID and more.

Asset Downtime

Click this link to access the Downtime Entry page.

See Entering Asset Downtime.

Asset Calendar

Click this link to access the Asset Monthly Schedule for this asset. You can drill down to the daily schedule and add task details. This schedule indicates when the asset is available for maintenance or repair.

Click this button to access the Asset Warranties page in PeopleSoft Asset Management and view any warranties associated with this asset.

Displays this icon when the asset is hazardous.

Warranty Claim

Click this link to access the Task Cost Recovery page, which enables you to create a warranty claim.

Meter History

Click this link to access the Meter Reading History component in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

See Adjusting, Transferring, and Evaluating Assets.

Problem, Cause, and Resolution Data

You can optionally associate a problem group, problem, cause, and resolution with a work order task. Specifying these values enable you to search for a work order job or task template, which already has requirements defined for this type of problem. In addition, specifying these values enables you to categorize this task in order to later search for this task or other work orders and tasks associated with the PCR data specified for this task.

Problem Group, Problem, Cause, andResolution

Select a problem group that applies to the work being performed by this task. Then select a problem, cause, and resolution that are appropriate for this task based on your diagnosis of the situation. To perform a search based on PCR data, you must specify, at a minimum, the Problem Group, Problem, and Cause. You can then select from templates associated with resolution codes that match this criteria. In addition, by entering PCR criteria, you restrict your search to only those templates that are associated with resolution codes. If you select Include Non-Asset Templateson the Task Template Search page when you click either the Job or the Task Templates link, then Non-Asset Templates are included in the search for resolutions.

See Understanding Work Order Templates, Understanding PCR Setup and Tracking.

Resource Requirement and Associated Task Data Links

Click the Labor, Inventory, Purchase/On-Hand, and Tools links to set up resource requirements for a work order task. This is described in detail in the Defining Work Order Task Requirements chapter.

See Defining Resource Requirements for a Work Order Task.


Click this link to access the Labor Requirements grid.


Click this link to access the Inventory Requirements grid.

Note. This link does not display if you have not installed PeopleSoft Inventory.

Purchase/On Hand

Click this link to access the Purchase/On Hand Requirements grid.


Click this link to access the Tool Requirements grid.


Click this link to display a Task Instructions group box. Enter the step number for the instruction, then enter the instruction, and click the plus sign in the upper right corner to add another instruction. You can add as many instructions as you want. Click the minus sign in the upper right corner to delete an instruction.


Click this link to display a Checklist group box. This checklist is for tasks that should be done either before a work order task is started, or after a work order task is completed.

  • Step

    Enter the step number for this checklist item.

  • Type

    Select whether this step is performed before the task begins or after the task is completed.

    • Before task

    • After task

  • Required

    Select this check box if this is a required step. Leave it blank if the step is optional. For those marked as Required, the technician must mark the item as complete in the Technician Workbench and the system stamps the date and time next to the checklist item along with the technician's name. Optionally, the Completed by, date and time can all be manually updated in the Technician Workbench. Additionally, for Before Task checklist steps, the technician must mark it as complete in the Technician Workbench before the work order task status can advance to or past a system internal status of work in process. For After Task checklist required steps, the technician must mark them as complete in the Technician Workbench before the work order task can be set to a system internal status of complete.

Note. Use the plus and minus buttons to add or delete steps.


Click this link to access attachments that pertain to the work order task, such as drawings, schemas, and more.

Task Templates

Click this link to access the Task Template Search page. This search page has the same fields as the Job Template Search page. When you select a task template, the requirements are copied into a work order task along with other task information.

Supplemental Data

Click this link to access supplemental data set up for this task.


Click this link to add notes to the work order task. You can send notes to the scheduler.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Asset Downtime

Access the Downtime Entry page.

The Downtime Entry page header information is derived from the asset description in the work order task.

Planned Downtime

Select a reason for the downtime and then select the proposed start and end downtime dates and times, and enter the number of yours that you think the asset will be down. When you save the page, the variance field initially displays the hours of proposed downtime.

Actual Downtime

You can modify the Downtime Reason if necessary. Enter the actual dates and times that the asset was down and the number of hours that it was down. When you save the page, the variance on the Planned Downtime tab displays any difference. For example, if you planned for the asset to be down for repair for 4 hours and it only took two hours to repair it, then the Variance field will display – 2.000.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Work Order Task Accounting

Click the Set Accounts link on the Requirements page to access the Work Order Task Accounting page.

Asset Information

AM Business Unit Asset Management business unit

The default value is derived from the business unit set up in the User Preferences, Maintenance Management page.

Asset ID

This value only displays if you select an asset in the work order header or in the work order task.

Filter ID

Select the an express asset filter ID. These filters are set up in the Set Up Financials/ Supply Chain, Product Related, Project Costing, General Options, Express Asset Filter Criteria. Filters specify in PeopleSoft Project Costing which transaction costs are allowed to make up the cost basis of the asset. The delivered sample data filters are “Filter 1” and “Filter 2”. Filter 1 identifies that Material and Labor actuals should be considered for capitalization, and Filter 2 identifies that only Labor actuals should be considered.

See Filtering Asset Transactions for Express Capitalization.


The currency value is derived from the primary book of the Asset Management business unit.

Capitalization Minimum

Enter the minimum cost for maintaining or repairing the asset associated with this work order task that must be reached before the costs are capitalized by PeopleSoft Project Costing.


PC Bus Unit

This default value comes from the Project Costing business unit set up in the work order business unit's Integration page.

Project and Activity

These values are based on the project and activity associated with the work order and work order task.

Rate Selection

Select Rate Set or Rate Plan, which are set up in PeopleSoft Project Costing. The default value in this field is set up on the work order business unit's Integration page. Rate sets and rate plans work in conjunction with chargeback to a calculate premium or discount to chargeback based on work performed.

See Work Order Business Unit Integration Options.


Select the user-defined rate based on whether you selected Rate Set or Rate Plan for the Rate Selection field.

Generate Chargeback

Select this check box to enable PeopleSoft Project Costing to calculate chargeback amounts for this work order task based on the selected rate set. When you select this check box, the following field display for you to enter the accounting information necessary to complete the chargeback in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Note. To enable this check box, you must select the Enable Organization check box on the Installation Options - Project Costing page. You must complete any of these fields that display on the page if you want chargeback processing to occur in PeopleSoft Project Costing for this work order task. The fields that display are determined by the set up of the General Options - Organization Hierarchy for PeopleSoft Project Costing product-related setup.

GL Business Unit

Select the GL Business Unit to associate with this chargeback. This field appears if you select the Generate Chargeback check box.


Select a department to which these work order task costs should apply depending on your organization's setup.

Fund Code

Select a fund code to which these work order task costs should apply depending on your organization's setup.


Select the project activity to which these work order task costs should apply.


Select the product to which these work order task costs should apply, if applicable.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Work Order - Miscellaneous Page

This section describes how to use the Work Order - Miscellaneous page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Use the Work Order - Miscellaneous Page

Page Name

Object Name



Work Order - Miscellaneous


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order

Select the Miscellaneous tab.

Review work order header information and enter additional information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Work Order - Miscellaneous Page

Access the Work Order - Miscellaneous page.

Most of the information in the top half of this page comes from the work order header. However, you can enter a description and select or override the supervisor, scheduler, and contact in this page.


Override the default project, if necessary. The default project ID is derived from calculations based on the setup of the Associate Projects component and the Project Default Order set up in the work order business unit.

Note. If this is a Project Costing-managed project, the Project ID of the project from which you created the work order displays in this field.

Maintenance Type

Displays a default maintenance type value that is derived from the work order business unit. You can override this value when you add a new work order.

Important! This is a required field if you selected assets for each work order task. You must select the Maintenance Type to enable the Work Order Close batch process to close the task.

Standing Work Order

Select this check box if you want this work order to be a standing work order. Standing work orders do not automatically close upon completion of the last open task. Clear this check box to enable a standing work order to close.

Parent Work Order

Select another work order as the parent of this work order, if you want this work order to be the child of another work order.

Don't ask about date changes

Select this check box if you do not want the system to issue a message asking you if you want to override corresponding dates on lower levels when you change a required date in the work order header or task and a schedule date in the task. Selecting this check box enables you to proceed with changes to the above dates without the message displaying.

Originating Work Order

Select the work order that this work order originated from. For example, if a work order is closed and there is still work pending, you can create a new work order and indicate that it originated from the closed work order.

Technician Work Order Access

Click this link to access the Work Order Access page. You can add any shops to enable resources in that shop access to the work order's tasks in the Technician Workbench, or access to update the work order in Express Work Order. You can also authorize specific resources to have this privilege by selecting the Allow Access to WO Security check box in the User Preferences-Maintenance Management page. The primary shop in the work order automatically displays on this page, as do any shops specified for labor resources in the work order tasks.

Child Work Orders

If one or more work orders indicate that they are children of this work order, then these child work orders are listed here in this grid.