Using Workflow and Managing Approvals

This chapter provides overviews of the approval workflow engine, approval workflow, and approval workflow tasks and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Approval Workflow Engine

Many daily tasks are part of a larger process that involves several steps and people working together. The term workflow refers to this process, which could encompass, for example, the approval of a requisition or a change request form. To facilitate this type of multiuser process, the PeopleSoft product can automatically trigger workflow notifications to inform the next approver in the process of work awaiting them.

A specialized designer is available to address workflow approvals. This designer enables you to configure approval workflows using existing components without writing code.

Three types of users come together to set up approvals. They include application developers, functional business analysts, and users, who include requesters, approvers, and reviewers. The approval workflow framework brings these roles together to define an approval process workflow.

Application developers set up workflow approvals using a transaction-definition component. Examples of a transaction might include a requisition or service order. Transactions are made up of an approval process, routing rules and steps, and a set of users who approve and review the transaction.

Using workflow approval processes, you can:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approval Workflow

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Approval Workflow Process


Approval workflows are triggered when requesters originate a transaction, such as a requisition, and a set of approvers carry out tasks related to the transaction. The PeopleSoft approval workflow process is a framework that enables three levels of users to develop, configure, and use transaction approvals that meet their organizational requirements. For example, the process of submitting a requisition and getting it approved requires defining who will approve the requisition, the order in which they will approve it, and how it will be routed to approvers.

In contrast to the standard PeopleSoft workflow, which requires advanced technical skills in PeopleSoft PeopleTools to create and maintain, approval workflow provides an alternative workflow that is much easier to create and maintain. For example, all of the steps in approval workflow are defined using PeopleSoft pages rather than underlying PeopleSoft PeopleCode, so functional users can design and maintain workflow using these online PeopleSoft pages instead of requiring technical developers to create workflow rules.

The following PeopleSoft products are delivered with integrated approval workflows:

To implement the approval workflow process, the framework for building and interpreting workflow approvals brings together these users:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicHeader- and Line-Level Approvals

Many PeopleSoft transactions have a top-level record (known as a header) with keys that uniquely identify a single transaction in an application. Then, these transactions typically have children records (line-level records) of this header record.

The approval workflow process uses an application’s header keys to correlate approval processes and application transactions. For example, when you open an application transaction, the approval workflow engine enables you to submit the request for approval only if you haven’t already submitted it. This check is possible because the system correlates the application header keys with the approval process instance keys.

When you need to track an approval status at a lower level within a transaction, an analyst can configure the approval process so that different line-items in the same request follow different routes. In such cases, the workflow approval engine splits the workflow into constituent line items, and enables analysts to configure the approval process so that different line items in the same request follow different routes. These lines of the workflow are still part of the same request, however, and should be tracked as such.

You can deny some lines of the requisition and approve others, making line-level approvals independent for each line. For example, a requisition can contain multiple lines, and you might want to use special approvers for certain catalog items, such as software or hardware. You can add specialized approvers to approve requisitions that are in their area of expertise.

An approval workflow might have mixed header and line-level approval routings. For example, department managers might exercise budgetary control over the request as a whole, while commodity approvers still examine only those line-items which fall within their expertise. Final approval requires both types of approvers to sign off on the requisition.

When a request is approved, the engine notifies the application, which then takes source end actions:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproval Flows

After an approval process is defined, validated, and made active, the system can submit a transaction for approval. Each PeopleSoft application typically has a top-level database record that distinguishes one transaction from the next. For example, the eProcurement application's top-level record is REQ_HDR. These top-level records are called header records. When a transaction is submitted for approval, the approval workflow engine combines the approval process definition with the header record instance and line records, if line level approval is configured, to create a unique approval process instance. This approval process instance is routed from approver to approver, as configured in the approval process definition.

Approvals use two levels of processing: header and line. Business analysts set up the approval process definition that determines the flow of the approval at both levels. The approval process consists of:

Note. While the configuration may require multiple approvers to approve a step before it advances, any single approver can deny a step. The moment an approver denies a step, the transaction stops moving forward in the approval process. If the transaction is at a line level, other lines will continue to move forward. If the denial is at a header level, the approval process terminates, and the entire transaction is denied. However, PeopleSoft Expenses allows processing to continue.

This diagram illustrates how the approval process uses stages, paths, and steps for routing approvals:

The approval workflow

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproval Features

Using a combination of features, you can create rules for different types of approvals. This section discusses:

Ad Hoc Path Approval

During the approval process, approvers can add other approvers or reviewers to the current or a later stage of the approval process. For example, if a buyer wants input from an inventory analyst, she can add the analyst as an approver. This action is called ad hoc approval, and it only applies to the approval instance in which the addition occurs and does not affect the underlying process definition used for other requests.

You can insert ad hoc approvers and reviewers in serial or parallel with existing approvers:

You can add ad hoc approvers once the requisition is submitted. The approval workflow engine launches the previewed approval process instance if requested by the application developer’s code.

If you have an ad hoc approver user list defined in the transaction registry, only the users within that list can be added as an ad hoc approver or reviewer.

See Defining User Lists.

Ad Hoc Review

Ad hoc reviewers are users that an approver or requester would like to review a transaction. Ad hoc reviewers are notified and provided with a link in a Worklist entry or email to the transaction, if the process is so configured.


A requester can also be an approver. If requesters approve their own transactions, it's called self-approval. A check box setting enables self-approval. If enabled, the requester’s approval is assumed, and the process continues. However, you can establish criteria that helps control the requester's approval authority. For example, you can place a limit on the dollar amount for the requester so that if the transaction is over that amount, the requester is not used as an approver.

If self-approval is not enabled, then the requester can't serve as an approver. If the requester appears as an approver for any step, they are blocked from acting. If, because of this, the number of approvers that are available to act drops below the minimum, then an error is generated. The process is then routed to the administrator.

If self-approval is enabled, then the self-approval criteria must be specified. Then, if the requester appears as an approver, the criteria is evaluated. If the criteria are met, then the requester's approval is assumed and the minimum approvers for that step decrements by one.

When a requester is an approver, you can configure the path to skip the steps in that path prior to the requester's step.

Self-approval is configured at the step level.

Route to Requester

Route to requester is a feature that informs the system that an approval should be sent to a requester under certain circumstances:

For example, if a vice president orders items on behalf of a direct report at the supervisor level, the system will send a notification to the supervisor for whom the order was made. The supervisor remains part of the approval process.

Skip Prior Path

When skip prior to requester is enabled, the system begins the approval flow at whatever step in which the requester is an acknowledged approver.

For example, if a vice president orders supplies for herself, the system skips application approval steps leading up to the step for which the vice president is an acknowledged approver.

Auto Approval

When auto approval is enabled, the system remembers an approver’s action for that process at the header- or line-level, and applies the same action automatically for any subsequent appearance in the approval workflow routing.

For example, if the approver approves line one and the line appears again as a required approval for the specific approver, the approval is remembered for the line. This approval does not pertain to any other line, but header approvals do imply line approval for this feature.

Alternate Approvers

Alternate workflow approvers are users who are assigned to receive emails and Worklist notifications for the primary approver when the primary approver is not available. When you identify an alternate approver, you enter a date range during which you want the alternate to fill in. The system determines if the alternate is in place for the date range.

Note. Alternate users are defined in the User Profile. Navigate to PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profile.

Push Back

Push back takes a currently pending step out of pending status and requeues the previous step to its approvers. The meaning of push back is that the approver is questioning the prior step’s approval and is requesting clarification. Push back is only possible within a path, therefore, the first step of a path cannot push back.

Note. The push back feature ignores auto self-approval.

Approval Comments

Requesters can add comments to transactions, and approvers can associate their comments with the approval process rather than the request transaction directly. The approval workflow monitor provides a mechanism for associating comments with a particular approval process instance, which is tied to a particular application transaction. Approvers can view comments added by another approver, but they cannot change previous comments.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approval Workflow Tasks

This section details the steps to implement and use approval workflow. It describes tasks that application developers, business analysts, and end users perform in conjunction with approval workflow.

To implement and use workflow:

  1. Application developers register information with the approval workflow engine by using the Register Transactions page.

    As part of defining the registry:

    1. Application developers create a record and table in which to store cross-reference information and set up notification templates for events.

      This definition determines the pending approval workflow process and tells an application which transaction is being approved or denied.

    2. Link the transaction component.

  2. Functional business analysts define the approval process definition for an application transaction.

    Essentially, analysts determine the approval transaction registry entry on which the process definition is to be based and then define the details of the process. The approval process definition includes definitions of stages, paths, steps, and criteria.

  3. Requesters submit a transaction for approval.

    This action launches the approval process. The approval workflow engine reads the approval process definition and queues the transaction for approvers.

  4. The system queues an approval task to an approver or reviewer using email notification, Worklist entry, or both.

    The URL encoded in the Worklist entry points to the corresponding approval component.

  5. Approvers take actions on transactions.

    When an error or violation of criteria or rules occurs during the approval process, the system notifies the administrator, who interacts to resolve the issue.

    Note. The error conditions for static steps are no approvers or not enough approvers at a step.

  6. Reviewers view the transaction.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Approval Workflow Process Definitions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Approval Workflow Processes

Page Name

Object Name



Setup Process Definitions


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Setup Process Definitions

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, Setup Process Definitions.

  • For PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management, use Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Approvals, Setup Process Definitions.

Define workflow approval process stages.

Criteria Definition


  • Click the Definition Criteria link on the Setup Process Definitions page.

  • Click the Criteria link from the Setup Process Definitions page in the Path section.

  • Click the Criteria link from the Setup Process Definitions page in the Steps section.

Define criteria for workflow approvals.

Approval Path Definition


Click the Path Details button or the Details link on the Setup Process Definitions page.

Set up workflow approval paths.

Approval Step Definition


Click the Details link within the Steps group box on the Setup Process Definitions page.

Define steps for workflow approvals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Approval Workflow Processes

To set up approval processes, use the Approval Process component.

Access the Setup Process Definitions page.

Business analysts use this page to define an approval definition process. The process is made up of stages and their paths and steps. The approval steps that you place on the approval path represent the approval levels that are required for a transaction.

You can develop approval processes that:

Typical approval processes might include:

Process ID

The Process ID created on the Register Transactions page.

See Understanding the Approval Transaction Registry.

Definition ID

Enter any identification code that provides meaning to you. This identifier is used as a search field on the Monitor Approvals page.

Note. When upgrading from a previous release, the SetID field is used for the Definition ID.

Definition Criteria

Click to access the Criteria Definition page, where you can define user and field criteria along with monetary and application class criteria for this stage. This criteria is used to determine which Definition ID is to be used to process the Approval.

See Defining Definition Criteria.

Alert Criteria

Click to access the Criteria Definition page, where you can define user and field criteria along with monetary and application class criteria for this stage. This criteria can be evaluated by applications to highlight conditions of a transaction to be approved. For example, a one-time shipping address used only on this requisition.

See Defining Alert Criteria.


Click this link to view what a workflow instance would look like if it were running.

Approval Process Viewer

Click this link to access a graphical tool, which enables you to view each stage, path, and step of the approval process.

Note. When you are viewing the graphic tool in the Approval Process Builder page, if you elect to make changes the system will return you to the standard Approval Process Definition page.

Effective Date

Indicates the date on which this approval process became effective and ready for system use. This value applies to approval processes for a particular approval process ID and definition ID, and it includes PeopleSoft functionality associated with effective-dated entities. For instance, if multiple approval processes are active with the approval process ID, definition ID, and effective-date specification, then the system uses the latest active effective-dated process.

Admin Role (administrative role )

Select the user list role used by workflow to route the transaction to all users filling that role in case of an error during approval processing.

Note. The error conditions are no approvers or not enough approvers.

See Defining User Lists.


Select the current state of this approval process. The values are:

Active: Indicates the approval process is available for use.

Inactive: Indicates the approval process is not available for use.

A transaction that has started with a specific definition continues using that definition, even if the status is Inactive.


Select to sort the definitions in the order that the Definition Criteria should be evaluated. The Definition with the highest priority and that matches the definition criteria is used to process the transaction. Priority 1 is the highest. Multiple Definition ID's can have the same priority.

Note. Multiple Definition ID’s with the same priority may result in inconsistent behavior, in the event that multiple definition ID’s match.

Default Process Definition

Select to indicate that the system should use this process definition as the default when no other definition ID matches the criteria entered.

Take Action on Line Completion

Select to allow each line to continue to the next step of the approval process, with out waiting for other lines within the transaction to complete. This setting applies to approval processes that have a line-level stage at the end of the process.

The system supports line-by-line sourcing only when the last stage is at the line level. This setting assumes that the line-level stage is the last stage of the approval process.

User Auto Approval

Select to enable the system to remember an approver’s action for this process. The next time this approval process is presented to the approver, the system automatically applies the approver's selections. The automatic application of steps in the process is left in place until you clear the User Auto Approval check box.

This setting applies to the specific line or header the approver had previously approved in this process only. A header approval implies line approvals for all lines.

Route to Requester

Route to Requestor works in conjunction with the self-approval flag. If the approver failed to meet the self-approval criteria, the approval could still be routed if this check box is selected. If the check box is not selected and the approver fails to meet the self-approval criteria, then the system routes the approval to the administrator.


Stage Number

Enter the sequence in which you want this stage of the approval acted upon. You can also enter a description for the stage in the Description field.

A stage is a logical grouping within a process such as commodity or fiscal approval. You can define a single stage or use multiple stages, in which case the stages execute in strict sequence. Before the second stage starts, the first stage must end.

Each stage must be either at the header level or at the line level. This is the additional constraint on header- versus line-level approval configurations. A header-level stage acts on the single header. A line-level stage acts (simultaneously) on all the lines under the header.


Select the level at which you want approvals to be processed. All paths within the stage are at the same level as the stage itself. Available values are:

Header: At a header-level stage, the system allows the approvals to act on the transaction as a whole

Line: Line-level stages can have multiple paths with selection criteria that distinguish the line-item’s content, such as software line items going to software approvers. Line-level stages allow each line to route differently, if appropriate.

See Understanding the Approval Workflow Engine.



Enter a description that identifies this path. A path is a sequence of steps. Examples of paths might include a hardware path where approval steps are defined for when hardware items are in a requisition. Another example could be a department path where a requisition requires approval up a department hierarchy.

Within a stage, paths execute in parallel with each path at the level from the stage to which it belongs. Path-entry criteria determines whether a path executes for a transaction header or line. For example, for a line-level stage, each line in the transaction is presented to each path; the path criteria decides whether or not that path is triggered for that line. If the system evaluates the criteria you enter for a path to be false for a header or line, then it bypasses the path for that header or line.

When a stage becomes active (approvers in the stage get pending work), all its contained paths become active simultaneously. All the paths of a stage queue work to approvers in parallel. The stage is complete only when all paths in it complete.


Select the method by which steps are instantiated during the approval process. Values are:

Static: Select this source to indicate that you want the system to use the individual user-defined steps when it processes an approval.

Dynamic: A dynamic path definition contains only one step. When begun, the single step definition could yield any number of instances in sequence.

When using the Dynamic source, the system uses the user list on the step definition to initialize the steps in the path. The single step definition is repeatedly run, until the step's user list returns no more approvers. All these instances are queued in sequence.

Note. User lists are associated with roles, queries, and classes using the User List Definition page. To access the page, select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, User List Definition.

See Defining User Lists.

Path Details

Click to access the Approval Path Definition page, where you can define path criteria and escalation parameters, such as whether or not to notify the requester's supervisor.


Click to access the path's Criteria Definition page, where you can define field criteria along with monetary and application class criteria. You can define criteria for the approval process using most records and fields in the database.


Approver User List

Select the approver list that you want to use for this step. A user list is an entity that groups users in the system. Roles, queries and application classes are examples of user lists. The system then uses the list and its users to run automated business processes. The list defines the user sources who can be used in approval steps.

When configuring approval workflows, business analysts use user lists to assign approval tasks to the approvers and reviewers who are to act on the request being considered for approval.

The approval engine has two types of contextual information available to the user list definition: the previous approvers in the path and the transaction (header or line) keys. The previous approver of the first step in a path is always the requester, regardless of which stage the path belongs to. In the case of SQL queries, the context is provided by bind values. The bind values are the prior approver (one per call in case multiple prior approvers exist) and the keys of the header record. The key values are provided in the order in which they are defined in the corresponding record object.

See Defining User Lists.

Step Details

Click to access the Approval Step Definition page, where you can define approver requirements, self-approval details, and reviewers.


Click to access the step's Criteria Definition page, where you can define field criteria along with monetary and application class criteria. You can define criteria for the approval process using most records and fields in the database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Definition Criteria

Access the Criteria Definition page.

This page works similar to the other Criteria Definition pages that are used for paths and steps, however this criteria is used to determine which Definition ID is to be used to process the Approval.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Alert Criteria

Access the Criteria Definition page.

This page works similar to the other Criteria Definition pages that are used for paths and steps, with two differences:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Criteria for Approval Workflow Processes

Access the Criteria Definition page.

Criteria is an entity that evaluates to true or false. It programs the approval workflow engine, using transaction-specific information to change, for example, routing paths. To set the context for the criteria, the engine provides the transaction keys as bind values.

Use this page to define the different types of criteria you want to apply to a workflow approval process. You can create definitions consisting of a field with a logical operator and a value of definitions consisting of an application class that takes in transaction data to process the approval.

Criteria Type

Select one of these options:

  • Always True informs the system to trigger this workflow approval process. No criteria is needed. The system will only follow paths that evaluate as true.

  • Application Class requires you to define which specific application class the system uses to determine if the workflow approval task evaluates as true.

    Note. Use the Application Class criteria type when the user entered criteria does not contain the necessary level of detail.

  • User Entered requires you to enter all record and field combinations, either value- or monetary-based, that will trigger the workflow to evaluate as true.

All Criteria Needed to Satisfy

Select to indicate that all criteria defined on the Criteria Definition page must be met in order to trigger the workflow to evaluate as true.

User Entered Criteria

Use this section to define additional criteria for the approval.


Enter purpose of the alert.

For example, if you are using a one-time ship-to address, create a description that indicates that a one-time ship-to address is attached to the requisition.

Field Criteria

Use this section to select a record and field on which to control and filter ranges of data or types of data placed in the file you want to use in the approval process.

Record Name

Select a record that you want to use in defining approval criteria.

For example, if you are indicating a one-time address, identify PO_ADDR_REQ_VW as the record.

Field Name

Select a field you want to use to define approval criteria. The values you define in the remaining field criteria grid are those that are used in determining the approval criteria.

Criteria Operator

Determines the action the system applies to the criteria you enter in the Value fields.

These operators are available:

  • Between:Use only values between the two values you enter as criteria.

  • Equals: Use only values equal to the entered criteria.

  • Greater Than:Use values equal to or greater than the entered criteria.

    Is Blank

  • Is Not Blank

  • Less Than:Use any record value that is less than the value entered in the Operator Criteria field.

  • Not Equal To:Use any record value that is greater than or less than the entered criteria.


Use the two Value fields to define a range upon which you want the operator criteria to evaluate. The second value is only used when the Criteria Operator evaluates using Between.

Monetary Criteria

Use this section to establish approval criteria for requisition amounts. The system uses the values you define to determine the routing for approving the requisition. When the system evaluates the criteria for an approval process or a step or path within the process, it uses monetary values you define in this section.

The system uses values from fields in this section in conjunction with the Operator field to determine whether to run a step.

Amount Record

Select the record name to be used when comparing the requisition to the minimum amount required to trigger the step.

Note. If this approval process ID is used to trigger workflow for changes in amounts within requisitions, you need to use PV_CHGRST_AMTVW.

Amount Field

Select the field within the amount record to be used when comparing the requisition to the minimum amount required to trigger the step. The system uses the value you select to evaluate the Amount field.

Currency Field

Select the currency field that corresponds to the currency code you select in the Currency Code field.


Select a value that determines how the system processes the values in the Amount fields. Values include Between, Greater Than, and Less Than.


Use the Amount fields to define an amount range for use with the Operator field.

In the first field, enter the minimum amount required on the requisition in order to trigger the step. The system identifies all lines in the requisition that meet the criteria defined in the Amount Record and Approval Field fields. The amounts on these lines are totaled based on the Amount Record and Amount Field specified. If the requisition total is higher than this minimum amount, the criteria is met. If no amount is specified, zero is considered the minimum.

Note. If you use the Criteria Operator with a value of Between, a second Amount field becomes active.

Currency Code

Select the monetary unit you want to use for the approval.

Rate Type

Select how the system arrives at the currency value, such as the current rate or a financial rate.

Application Class Criteria

Use this section to assign application packages as criteria for the approval process definition. When you define a class, the system uses it along with other criteria you enter to process the approval.

Root Package ID

Select the primary application package. This selection is the parent class for other packages or for child application classes.

Application Class Path

Select a path that describes a specific class within the root package.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Paths for Approval Workflow Processes

Access the Approval Path Definition page.

Use this page to set up additional parameters that determine how the system processes an approval path. Use the escalations feature to define time elements for when an approver takes too long to approve or deny a pending request.


Click to access the Criteria Definition page where you can define user and field criteria along with monetary and application class criteria.

Approval Path

Displays the path name that you are creating or updating. The path provides the sequence of approvers of a request, usually from a single reporting (or other) hierarchy.

Step Source

Static: Select this source to indicate that you want the system to use the individual user-defined steps when it processes an approval.

Dynamic: A dynamic path definition contains only one step. When begun, the single step definition could yield any number of instances in sequence.

When using the Dynamic source, the system uses the user list on the step definition to initialize the steps in the path. The single step definition is repeatedly run, until the step's user list returns no more approvers. All these instances are queued in sequence.

See Defining User Lists.

Notify Admin on No Approvers notify administrator on no approvers

Select to indicate that the administrator is to be notified if the system does not find an approver for the path. This option is only available when the Step Source is Dynamic.

Note. This is the default behavior for static paths.

Skip Prior Steps for Requester

Select to indicate that if one of the approvers in this path is also the requester, then the system is to skip all steps in this path prior to that approver's step.

Timeout Options

Escalate Option

Advanced Approval: Skip the current approver.

Notify Participant: Sends an email, or whatever notification is defined in the transaction registry, to the individual.

Reassign Approval: Reassigns to an user ID or a user list.

Note. If you select Advanced Approval and defined a User List a notification is sent to the user list members.

See Defining User Lists.


Enter the number of hours a transaction can remain at one workflow step before being escalated. This field is combined with number of days to determine the total time an approver has to take action on an approval request.


Enter the number of days a transaction can remain at one workflow step before being escalated. This is the length of time an approver has to do something such as approve or deny a transaction.

Reassign To

If you have selected Reassign as the option, you can enter a user name or a specific user list.

Note. A user list will reassign to the first user in the list that does not match the current user.

See Defining User Lists.

User List

Select the list of users the workflow should be routed to.

See Defining User Lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Steps for Approval Workflow Processes

Access the Approval Step Definition page to set up additional parameters for the step definition.


Click to access the Criteria Definition page, where you can define field criteria along with monetary and application class criteria.

Self-Approval Criteria

Click to access the Criteria Definition page, where you can set up self-approval criteria for a user, including field criteria and monetary and application class criteria.

Step Number

Displays the sequence number in which the approval is routed. Each step typically represents a routing to an approver. However, it is possible to route to multiple approvers or reviewers within a step.

Approver User List

Select the type of approver you want to use for this step based on the user list.

See Defining User Lists.

Approver Role Name

In addition to a User List, a role can be added to check for additional authorization checking. Select a role that specifies the authority that a user has. The approval workflow engine filters approvers returned by the user list for this role. It also enforces the role at the time the approver acts. If the role assignment changes, such as the approver is no longer in the role, the approver is blocked from acting on the requisition.

All Approvers Required

Select to indicate that all approvers at this step are required to approve the transaction at this step. You can select to have all approvers or some approvers approve the transaction at this step.

Some Approvers Required

Select to indicate that it's not required for all approvers to sign off on a transaction. If you select this option, you can define the number of approvers required in the Number of Approvers Needed field.

Note. After the number is met, the approval advances to the next step.

Number of Approvers Needed

Enter the minimum number of approvers you want to sign off for a requisition at this step. When an approval process is launched and this number can't be met, the system notifies the approval Admin Rolename.

Self Approval

Select to indicate that requesters can also approve their own requisition. This setting only applies if the requester also appears as an approver in the step. You can establish criteria that controls the requester's approval authority by using the Self-Approval Criteria link. If the associated criteria evaluate to true, then self-approval is acceptable. For example, you can place a limit on the dollar amount for the requester so that if the transaction is over that amount, the requester is not used as an approver.

If you select self-approval and the criteria is not met, the approval workflow engine requires that there be at least one more step after this one in the path. This does not apply to ad hoc steps. Clearing the check box means that self approval is never acceptable.

Note. If the criteria is not met and no later step exists, the system inserts an additional step. This selection is then routed to the administrator.

Reviewer User List

Select the type of reviewer you want to use for this step. Use a user list to map users to certain functional roles. The system then uses the list and its users to run automated business processes. The list defines the user sources who can be used in approval and review steps.

See Defining User Lists.

See Also

Approval Features

Maintaining System Users and Roles

PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Workflow Technology, “User List Roles”

Click to jump to parent topicDefining the Approval Transaction Registry

This section provides an overview of the approval transaction registry, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Approval Transaction Registry

The approval transaction registry is the interface application that developers use to register an application with the approval workflow engine. Transactions that require approvals are candidates for being linked to approval workflow engine. You use the Register Transactions page to link the components, event handler, records, and classes that you created into the approval process for an application transaction, such as a requisition or purchase order. Application developers register the main records and components that make up the transaction, then functional business analysts select the approval transaction on which to base the approval process definition.

Note. Any PeopleSoft delivered approvals will already have the Approval Transaction Registry populated. No additional configuration is typically needed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before defining the transaction registry:

  1. Create a Transaction Handler Application class that extends an approved event handler class delivered by approval workflow.

  2. Create notification templates for the events, which include approval and denial for header and line levels.

  3. Create transaction data sources, as needed.

  4. Create views on transaction tables that will serve as criteria sources.

  5. Create a view to serve as a source for ad hoc users.

  6. Create a view to serve as a source for approver contact information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define the Approval Transaction Registry

Page Name

Object Name



Register Transactions


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Register Transactions

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, Register Transactions.

Register the approval transaction. The transaction definition is the metadata that describes the transaction setup to the approval workflow engine.

Configure Transactions


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Configure Transactions

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, Configure Transactions .

Use the Configuration Options page to configure how the system uses the particular implementation of approval triggers.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Developer's Guide

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRegistering Approval Transactions

Access the Register Transactions page.

Application developers use this page to register a PeopleSoft application, such as eProcurement or Service Procurement, with the approval workflow engine. Using the page, you can define how the system interacts with portions of the application that you have defined for approvals. The transaction definition is the metadata which describes the transaction make up to the workflow approval engine. In some cases, you might add a transaction to enhance an existing transaction or make changes to a transaction.

Use this page to define:

Approval Process ID

Enter a name the system uses to track this approval workflow process for a transaction. You can also enter a description for the approval process.

Object Owner ID

Select the PeopleSoft application to which this object belongs.

Cross Reference Table

Select the table used to manages application specific transaction records and associate them with the approval process run time instances. Each time a request launches an approval process, the system tracks the process by the header and line-level records of the application. To relate the approval process instance to the transaction instance, the cross-reference table holds the correspondence.

For a given application transaction record, this cross-reference information helps you determine the pending approval workflow process and to define to the application which transaction is being approved or denied.

Application developers must create a record containing the applications keys, and include an approval workflow engine-supplied subrecord. Developers must also build the underlying table.

Notification Options

Identify whether you will be using email or worklist notificatication, or both.

Enable Notifications

Determine what type of notifications your company will use. The options include:

  • Disable Email and Worklist

  • Email Notification Only

  • Enable Email and Worklist

  • Worklist Notification Only

Notification Strategy

It allows the email to be processed immediately(Online Processing)or offline(Offline Processing) through NEM (Notification and Escalation Manager.)

Use Email Approvals

Defines that you are going to use email approvals with workflow.

Form Generator Package Root

This package root reads the threads provided by the Form Generator Class, and creates a form from an existing email collaboration definition.

Form Generator Class Path

Calls the From Generator Class which receives a list of threads to be approved and a language code. This class returns a runtime class, which will add the appropriate recipients and send the emails.

Default Approval Component

Identifies the default component that users should go to when selecting a worklist entry.

Menu Name

Select the menu name that contains the component you want to register for the Worklist.

Approval Component

Select the component on which the approval is going to be based.

Approval Event Handler Class

Use this section to define the application class used to monitor events for this transaction. Each time an event occurs, the approval workflow engine notifies the application. For applications to receive the notifications, application developers must extend the event handler class, ApprovalEventHandler.

When a transaction results in an action from the approval workflow engine, the event handler class you specify determines how to proceed with the transaction.

The event handler base class defines the handler methods that you can override by extending classes. The extending class must have a no-argument constructor, since the system instantiates the class with no arguments.

This table explains the various event handler methods for which the system passes arguments to provide the specific context for each event, and gives examples of how an application, in this case PeopleSoft eProcurement, may act:



Possible Application Actions


  1. Header record

  2. Approval Process Instance

  • Disable edits of the application transaction.

  • Display status information.


Header record

  • Delete transaction.

  • Disable resubmission.

  • Log the event on the transaction, possibly highlighting previous denial if the system allows resubmission.


Line-level record

Deduct the line amount from the header, and delete or otherwise deactivate the line item.


Header record

  • Source the transaction if it’s a requisition.

  • Reimburse the employee if it’s an expense report.


Line level record

Source the line item if it's configured for sourcing.


Header record

Log the event on the application, possibly highlighting changes since the previous submission. This might be useful for approvers who acted on the previous submission of this request.


Header record

Note. The system calls this method only if the last stage is at the line-level, and the analyst has configured the process to trigger LINE_APPROVED end calls as individual lines are approved.

The action the system takes depends on how the application developer defines the line sourcing. If the lines are sourced as they are approved, then nothing has to be done when all the lines are processed. This event is distinct from HEADER_APPROVED, and having a distinct notification simplifies the process.


Root Package ID

Select the parent application class through which events are exposed. This defines the action to take based on events.


Select a path that uses a specific class within the root package.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Developer's Guide

Approval Status Monitor

Use this section to control how the system processes ad hoc approvers. any approver can add or remove ad hoc approvers.

Adhoc Package

Select the ad hoc application class package that you want to use for ad hoc approvals.

Adhoc Class

Select the ad hoc application class path. Adding approvers and reviewers is handled by the class you define here. If no class is specified, then the system default class is used. If the transaction has further restrictions an application developer needs to create a class that will be defined here.

Thread Package

The package here defines how the transaction details are displayed in the system in the status monitor. Behind the scene approvals are define with a sequence number. this allows for a user friends display.

Thread Class

Enter the specific class within the thread description package and the worklist description that sets the display details.

Transaction Approval Levels

Use this section to define if the transaction is to be approved at the header or line level and what level the application supports.


Select Header or Line, which determines the levels that are enabled by the application for approvals. The first row will always be the header level.

Record (Table) Name

Select the database table that represents this transaction level.

Level Record Key Field Label IDs

Use this section to identify the label IDs that are used when viewing the Monitor Approvals page. All key Field Names appear for each Record (Table) Name that is listed.

Field Label ID

Select a Field Label ID, which appears on the Monitor Approvals page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Approval Transactions

Access the Configure Transactions page.

Use this page to select and define elements that determine what triggers a notification, who receives the notification, and the content of the notification. Notifications are mapped to work with the approval transaction registry and include menus and components and SQL definitions. The events for which the system sends notifications include:

Recipients of notifications include requesters, approvers, and reviewers, who can receive their notifications through either Worklist entries or email notification. When using email notifications, business analysts must create email templates.

Ad Hoc Approver Options

Approver User Info View

Provides details about which view a user sees when using the approval monitor.

Note. Data in this view dictates what is displayed in the approver links.

Ad Hoc User List

This is a filter used to display only a list of users who can be ad hoc approvers.

Notification Options

Email Approval User List

Specify exactly which users should be allowed to do their approval by using email.

Note. If the user receiving the notification also falls into the email approval user list, then they receive an email approval rather than a standard email notification.

Delivery Method

Define whether you wish the users to receive their email approvals as text within the email, or as attachments.

Perform Sent-To Security Check

Selecting this check box informs the system that you want it to verify the security of the person the notification is sent to.

Note. This security check is only performed on new approvals.

User Utilities

User Utilities are the mechanism that the user changes to modify the behavior of delegation and reassignment.

User Utilities Package

Select the parent application class through which alternate users are selected.

User Utilities Path

Select a path that uses a specific class within the root package.


Use the events section to define event parameters to trigger workflow notification.


Select Header or Line to determine the level at which you want a notification sent for an event. For each of these events to be notified, you must select the level of the transaction.


Select the event for which you want to send a notification. The approver is always notified of an event. The requester and the system administrator is notified when an error occurs.

Event values include:

Ad Hoc Delete

Ad Hoc Insert

Hold Step

Locked Out

On Error

On Escalate

On Final Approval

On Final Denial

On Process Launch

On Reactivate

On Reassign

On Step Complete

On Terminate

Processing Complete

Request Information

Request Information Added

Route for Approval

Route for Review

Note. Lock Out, On Error, On Escalate, On Process Launch, On Terminate, and Processing Complete are for header level only.

Menu Name

Select the menu name that contains the component you want the notification recipient to link to. This identifies where the person should go upon notification. If you do not enter values, the recipient is sent to the same menu and component that is defined for the Worklist Approval component.

Approval Component

Select the component you want to make available to the notification recipient.

Page Name

The page defined is the page approvers are redirected to from the URL sent within the email notification.

Menu Action

This is the action of the page users see when directed to the page from the URL sent within the email notification.

SQL Object Identifier (structured query language object identifier)

Select the SQL definition identifier you want to use to get content for the email. The SQL must accept bind inputs equal to the number of keys at the notification level. For example, header or line keys.


Use the Notifications section to define who to notify and how to notify them in addition to the defaults determined in the Events section of this page.


Define the user who is notified when this event takes place.

  • Admin

  • Approver

  • Delegate Approver: the approver that the approval was originally assigned to.

  • Delegate Requestor: the person who created the request for someone else.

  • Dynamic

  • Proxy Approver: the approver who performed the actual approval.

  • Proxy Requestor: the person who requested the transaction to be created.

  • Requester

  • Reviewers

  • User List


Defines how the participant will be notified.

  • Both

  • Email

  • None

  • User

  • Worklist

Note. Routing preferences can also be set up in PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, Workflow. From there you have two options. You can select Worklist User and or Email User.

User List

Select either Dynamic or User List as the Participant. The option becomes active when you select one of these values.

Template Name

Select the generic template you want to use for the email content of this notification. You define the contents of the email using the Generic Template page. To access the page, select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Generic Templates.

Menu Name, Approval Comment, Page Name, Menu Action, and SQL Object Identifier

All of these fields have the same definition as the corresponding fields in the Events section of this page.

Number of Hours

Enter a number that determines how many hours between notifications.

Max Notification

Enter a number that determines the maximum number of notifications sent. If the approver does not take action, an escalation is sent to the administrator.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Notification Templates for Approval Workflow

This section discusses how to enter generic template definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Notification Templates for Approval Workflow

Page Name

Object Name



Generic Template Definition


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Generic Templates

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, Email Notification Templates.

  • For PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management, use Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Approvals, Generic Templates.

Enter generic template definitions.

URL Maintenance


PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, URLs

Use this page to identify the URL that the notification process places within the email. The user then uses this URL to navigate back into their system to perform the required task.

Note. An example of the format to use is http://servername/psp/employeeportaldomain/.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Generic Template Definitions

Access the Generic Template Definition page.

You use generic templates to establish common formats for ad hoc notifications.

For approvals, the first bind variable is used to store the URL that appears in the email.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Workflow Technology, “Using Notification Templates”

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Users for Approval Workflow

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Users for Approval Workflow

Page Name

Object Name



User Profiles - Roles


  • PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles

    Select the Roles tab.

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, Workflow Roles.

Attach workflow roles to users.

User Profiles - Workflow


  • PeopleTool, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles

    Select the Workflow tab.

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, Set Supervisors.

Define workflow for user profiles.

User List Definition


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Maintain User Lists

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, User List Definition.

  • For PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management, use Supplier Contracts, Supplier Contracts Setup, Approvals, Maintain User Lists.

Define user lists.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAttaching Workflow Roles to Users

Access the User Profiles - Roles page.

Use this page to attach workflow roles to users. A role is a class of users who perform the same type of work, such as clerks, buyers, or managers. A role describes how people fit into workflow.

Role user IDs determine how to route Worklist items to users and how to track the roles that users play in the workflow.

Role Name

Select a role to assign to this user. Role users are the people who participate in automated business processes.


Appears if the definition of this role is dynamic. This value is driven by PeopleSoft PeopleCode. Dynamic users can obtain membership in a role programmatically. You can run a batch process that executes predefined role rules and assigns roles to user profiles according to these rules. This approach is called dynamic membership, and users who become role users of a particular role programmatically are dynamic role users.

Static role users, on the other hand, obtain their membership through an administrator adding a role to their user profile manually.

Route Control

Select to access the User Route Control Profiles page, where you can select a route control profile for the workflow.

The PeopleSoft Workflow Administrator enables you to define route controls. For example, suppose you want to route requisitions to different buyers, depending on which vendor supplies the ordered items, which business unit is requesting the items, and which department needs the items. You can define a route control for each factor—vendor ID, business unit, and department—and specify a range of values for each buyer.

Note. Not used with eProcurement Approval Workflow.

View Definition

Select to access the Roles - General page, where you can change the role name definition. You can also view the user ID of the role member to ensure that you selected the appropriate definition for inclusion in the role.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Security Administration, “Administering User Profiles”

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Workflow for User Profiles

Access the User Profiles - Workflow page.

Use this page to define alternate users who are part of the workflow process. You can define alternate users to handle approvals during the absence of the primary approver and supervisor.

Alternate User ID

Select a user to receive Worklist items when this user ID is temporarily unavailable. The system automatically forwards new work items for whoever is assigned as the current role user to the alternate role user. The system doesn’t reassign items already in the user’s Worklist.

From Date and To Date

Enter a date range when the current user ID is not going to be available. The system uses these values to forward routings to the alternate user.

Supervising User ID

Select the user ID of this user’s supervisor. The system uses this value when forwarding information to the user’s supervisor and uses the PERSONAL_DATA record to determine the supervisor.

Worklist User

Select to indicate that this role user can receive approval routings. Clear the check box if the user is not a PeopleSoft user. You can select Worklist User, Email User, or both.

Email User

Select to specify that this role user can receive email. Clear the check box if email is not available.

Reassign Work To

Select to indicate that you want to send Worklist items to another user. After selecting the check box, select the user ID. When you save the page, the system removes the Worklist items from the current user's list and places them in the new user's list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining User Lists

Access the User List Definition page.

Use this page to define user sources for use with steps in the approval process. The PeopleSoft product delivers a set of default user list roles corresponding to the roles within an organization.

When you select a user list source type, you must also select a corresponding value. You can add a new user list or change a current list.

Note. You can only select one user list source for a user list.

Note. The SQL Definition, Query, and Application Class user list sources are dynamic, and can use input values to help identify users.


Select to use a role as the source for this user list. A role is a list of users who perform the same type of work, such as buyers or managers. Each role has a set of parameters that determine the limits of the role in the organization and in the workflow process.

SQL Definition (structured query language definition)

Select to use an SQL definition as the source for this user list.


Select to use a query as the source for this user list. When a source is defined as a query, the system determines who should receive a work item based on the field values on the page that triggers the routing.

Application Class

Select to use an application class as the source for this user list.

When you select an application class, the system passes the originator of the transaction and then determines the approver for that originator. For subsequent approval steps, the system passes the approver from the previous step.

Include Users as Input

Select to indicate that the system uses the originator of a transaction as the first step in each path. For subsequent steps in each path, the system uses the approver from the previous step.

Transaction Keys as Input

Select to have the system base the approval routing on transaction keys. Transaction keys are key fields in a database table. System actions depend on the approval level at which a user list is being used. If the approval is at the header level, the system uses transaction record keys from the header record.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PeopleCode Developer's Guide

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Dynamic Approvals

This section provides overviews of dynamic approval authorizations and approval authorizations and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Dynamic Paths

To use dynamic approvals, create one approval step that determines a list of approvers without setting up every step individually within the path.

Workflow processes are defined in stages, paths, and steps. The system looks at the stage to determine if the trigger for the workflow is recognized at the header or line level. Within each stage, there is a minimum requirement of one path. The path contains steps, which define the workflow triggers and the action to take if the criteria is met. Without dynamic paths, the administrator creates a step for every possible approver. With dynamic workflow, the administrator creates a single path where the system users a user list for the approval hierarchy.

Note. When self-approval is used and the requisition creator is on the list of authorized approvers, that role is counted as one approval.

See Also

Defining User Lists

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Dynamic Approval Authorizations

PeopleSoft applications use workflow to configure approval paths in two manners. The first configuration is to define every approval in step-by-step fashion. The second manner is to create dynamic approvals. Dynamic approvals enable you to create a single step that systematically identifies every potential approver, searches to find out if that approver has enough authority to complete the approval, and creates a visual path for users to view of all necessary approvers in the process. You can configure a dynamic path allowing supervisor roles to approve or deny a transaction, and stop the approval path when the system has determined that all criteria has been satisfied. The administrator creates a user list that the system uses to select the appropriate supervisory approvers for a transaction and then checks for authorization. The dynamic path takes the prior approver into consideration.

To configure the dynamic approval authorization, the administrator must:

Two keys to creating approval authorizations for dynamic paths are the system’s ability to:

The system looks at the user list and the approval authorization to determine which users are required to complete the authorization. The system displays the non-required users as a skipped step instead of a pending step in the event that Skip Unauthorized is selected.

This diagram illustrates an example of a workflow routing setup for the standard method and a workflow routing that skips unauthorized users:

Example of Skip Approval scenario

In the example, the criteria for the workflow approval path is set up for Chris Baker to have approval authority for less than 1,000.00 USD, Patrick Sanchez to have authority for less than 5,000.00 USD, VP to have approval for less than 25,000.00 USD, and CEO to have approval for a requisition equal to or more than 25,000.00 USD.

Kelly Jones creates a requisition for 10,000.00 USD.

If the system is not set up to skip unauthorized users, the system displays Chris Baker, Patrick Sanchez, and the VP as pending steps in the approval path.

If the system is set up to skip unauthorized users, the system displays the approval path with the VP as the only listed approver, and will display Chris Baker and Patrick Sanchez as skipped.

See Also

Defining User Lists

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approval Authorizations

You can identify the approval authorization by role or user in conjunction with a dynamic step. To accomplish this, the approval workflow engine selects the appropriate supervisory approver from the user list and verifies that the approver meets the criteria for authorization.

You establish approval authorizations for each transaction. The authorization can accommodate approvals by role or user ID.

You can set authorization across Definition IDs, which are defined on the Setup Process Definition page.

For each authorization, the system checks the specific user ID to see if that individual can authorize the transaction. If found, it checks the authorization criteria. If criteria are met, the user has authorization.

If no authorization is found for a specific user ID, then the system looks for role-based authorizations using the approval hierarchy.

For approval hierarchy, the system first looks for authorization by Definition ID. If no authorization is found, the system then seeks authorization for rows without a Definition ID. If no authorization approval criteria is matched, the system process is deemed Not Authorized.

You can establish dynamic authorizations for either the header or line level, but not both.

When workflow is initiated for a change order or requisition, the system compares the approval authorization data to the user list to verify the approval process. To verify the approval, the system:

  1. Checks the user list and assigns the first approver to the first user that is returned.

  2. Looks at the roles that are established for the user ID.

  3. Identifies the approval limits that are set for that user ID.

  4. Routes the requisition status to the first approver if the amount is satisfied for the requisition and the approver list is complete.

  5. Continues to look for additional approvers until all conditions are met.

  6. Routes the approval to the administrator if the approver criteria is never met.

See Also

Defining User Lists

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Dynamic Approvals

Page Name

Object Name



Approval Authorization


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Authorize Approvals

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, Approval Authorization.

Authorize roles and approvers for dynamic paths.

Setup Process Definitions


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Setup Process Definitions

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, Setup Process Definitions.

Define workflow approval process stages.

Criteria Definition


Click the Alert Criteria link on the Setup Process Definitions page.

Define criteria for workflow approvals.

Approval Path Definition


Click the Path Details button or the Details link on the Setup Process Definitions page.

Set up workflow approval paths.

Roles - General


  • PeopleTools, Security, Permissions and Roles, Roles

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain System Users and Roles, Roles.

Set up roles for workflow.

Approval Step Definition


Click the Details link within the Steps section on the Setup Process Definitions page.

Define steps for workflow approvals.

User List Definition


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Maintain User Lists

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, User List Definition.

Set up list of users for workflow approval.

User Profile


PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles

Set up user IDs and assign roles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining User Lists for Dynamic Authorizations

Access the User List Definition page.

The approval workflow engine delivers a default user list SAC_AW_SUPERVISOR that addresses the most common approval scenario of routing an approval to a supervisor. If the requester is an end user, his immediate supervisor can’t authorize more than 5,000.00 USD, and the requisition is for 6,000.00 USD, then the requisition moves to the next level supervisor. The user ID for the direct supervisor is listed on the user profile.

Note. To enable the Supervisor by User Id approval routing, you must have a supervisor assigned to your user ID on the user profile page.

See Also

Defining User Lists

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Approval Authorizations

Access the Approval Authorization page.

If you don’t specify a Definition ID, the authorization is generic. To create an approval authorization for specific definition IDs, you must add a line for each Definition ID.

Note. If you activate self-approval on the Approval Authorization page, it replaces the self-approval on static path steps.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Dynamic Approval Paths

Access the Approval Path Definition page.

Step Source

Select Dynamic for a dynamic approval path.

Notify Admin on No ApproversNotify administrator on no approvers

Select to indicate that the administrator is to be notified if the system does not find an approver for the path. This option is only available when the Step Source is Dynamic.

Skip Prior Steps for Requester

Select to indicate that if one of the approvers in this path is also the requester, then the system is to skip all steps in the path prior to that approver's step.

Check Authorization

Select to enable the approval authorization.

Skip Unauthorized Users

Select to enable the approval process to skip users within the user list if the system determines that they can't satisfy all of the criteria for approval.

Note. When creating criteria within the path that will trigger the workflow engine to activate, be certain that you set up the final approver as Greater Than so that no gaps occur.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Email Collaboration

This section provides an overview of email collaboration and discusses how to set up email collaboration.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Email Collaboration

The email collaboration framework allows applications to send, receive, and process emails with interactive content. You can send an HTML form to a user, and they do not need to log into their system to perform tasks.

These steps describe the flow of email collaboration:

  1. A system event triggers PeopleSoft PeopleCode, which creates a collaborative email and sends it to a user.

  2. The user who receives the email takes appropriate action and clicks Submit..

  3. The user's submission is sent to an email account that is designated for holding responses.

  4. An application engine program runs on a configured interval, polling the repository for new emails.

    It processes the emails and publishes them as service operations.

  5. The service operation runs, allowing the implementing application to process the data in a known and supported format.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Email Collaboration

Page Name

Object Name



Node Definitions


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes

Set up the PT_EMC_GETMAIL node.

Node Properties


PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Nodes

Select the Properties link.

Use this page to modify the node properties, which is required for email collaboration to function.

Form Element Designer


Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Email Collaborations, Form Element Designer

Define metadata used as system data when you deliver an email collaboration.

Note. The grid is automatically populated with all the fields in your message definition, excluding those that are part of the EMC required records and any that are marked as include in your message definition.

Form Layout Designer


Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Email Collaboration, Form Layout Designer

Defines the layout of the email.

Register Transactions


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Register Transactions

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, Register Transactions.

Set up the registry to use collaborative emails as part of notifications.

See Registering Approval Transactions.

Configure Transactions


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Configure Transactions

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Workflow, Configure Transactions.

Configure how a specific approval process uses email notification options.

See Configuring Approval Transactions.

Recurrence Definition


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Recurrences

Defines how often you want the process scheduler to run processes.

Application Engine Request


PeopleTools, Application Engine, Request AE

Set up the Request AE for PTAF_EMC.

Email Addresses


  • PeopleTools, Security, User Profile, User Profile

    Select the Edit Email Addresses link.

  • For PeopleSoft eProcurement, use eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain System Users and Roles, User Profile.

    Select the Edit Email Addresses link from the General tab.

Modify email addresses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Email Collaboration

To set up email collaboration:

  1. On the Node Definitions page, activate the PT_EMC_GETMAIL node.

  2. On the Node Properties page, enter the email address of the email repository in the EMC_REPOSITORY_EMAILADDRESS property.

  3. (Optional) On the Node Properties page, enter appropriate values for EMC_BCC_LIST and EMC_CC_LIST properties to automatically send a copy of all collaborative emails to the address specified.

  4. On the Recurrence Definition page, specify an interval for the process scheduler recurrence.

  5. On the Application Engine Request page, create a request for the application engine to run the process PTAF_EMC.

    Specify the process schedule server and the recurrence.

  6. On the Configure Transactions page, enter values for the notification options.

See Defining the Approval Transaction Registry.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Notification and Escalation Manager

This section provides an overview of notification and escalation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Notification and Escalation

NEM is a mechanism used to process notifications and escalations on a specified interval.

For example, escalations are used when an approver has not responded within a specified time period to a transaction that is pending approval. You can specify the time period (timeout) and you can specify alternate approvers to whom to notify and escalate the approval for further action. Timeout options are defined on the Approval Path Definition page.

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Page Name

Object Name



Event Types


Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Notifications and Escalations, Event Types

Associate events to a server.

Setup Event


Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Notifications and Escalations, Setup Event

Set up an escalation event and define the evaluation and action details.

Schedule JobSet Definitions


PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions

Set up a NEM to define the job to run, and how often you want it to run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Events to a Server

Access the Event Type page.

Event Type

Select an event type. The system is delivered with these values: ESCALATION_EVENT, APPROVALACTIVITYEMAIL, and RECEIPT_NOTIFICATION_EVENT.

Server Name

Select the server on which to run the escalations.

See Setting Up and Using the Message Dashboard.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up an Escalation Event

Access the Setup Event page.

Event Type

The server information that was entered on the Event Type page.

Event Types Description

The value entered in the Description field on the Events Type page.


Select to enable the escalation process.


Enter a time interval at which to run the evaluation process.

Repeat Time

Enter a time period to limit the number of times the action step is run.

Evaluation Type

Select a method for evaluation. Possible values are:

  • PeopleCode: Select if you are using a custom application package or class written using PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  • Query Object: Select if you are using a query set up using the PeopleSoft Query Manager tool.

  • SQL View: Select if you are using a record object created using the PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Note. For escalations, the evaluation type should be SQL View.

Action Type

Select an action:

  • PeopleCode: Select if you are using a custom application package or class written using the PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  • Email: Enter an email address and notification template.

Note. For escalations, the action type should be PeopleCode.


Select the application package that contains the escalation utility.

Note. For escalations, the package should be PTAF_CORE .


For escalations, select Escalator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a NEM

Access the Schedule JobSet Definitions page.

Schedule Name

Select SAC_NEM for the notification and escalation manager.

Job Name

Select NEM_MAIN for the notification and escalation manager.


Select Active for the notification and escalation manager.

Run Control ID

Enter the run control that has the run configuration desired.

Recurrence Name

Enter a value that specifies how often the process runs.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Approval Monitor

This section provides overviews of the approval monitor and approval reassignment and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Approval Monitor

The approval monitor gives administrators a view into all approvals to which they have access, as well as the ability to take necessary actions on pending approvals. Actions available for the administrator are:


Allows the system administrator to reassign pending approvals to a new approver based on search criteria.


Allows the administrator to act on behalf of the assigned approver. The approval is initiated for a specific user, wherever that user may be pending within a specific transaction. Once the administrator takes action, the approval resumes the approval process.


Allows the administrator to act on behalf of the assigned approver. The denial is initiated for a specific user, wherever that user may be pending within a specific transaction.

Ad Hoc

Allows the administrator to add a reviewer or approver to a specific transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approval Reassignment

You can reassign pending tasks to another approver, or an administrator can reassign all tasks that belong to a specific approver to another approver. Use reassignment in the following situations:

When you redirect a workflow task to another approver, you can modify the approval process map.

Note. The approval workflow engine is set up for administrative reassignment and escalations only.

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Page Name

Object Name



Monitor Approvals


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Monitor Approvals

Use the Monitor Approvals page as a system administrator to search approval processes and perform mass reassignments.

Monitor Approvals


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Approvals, Monitor Approvals

Select the link for the approval step you want to modify.

Use this page to perform an action on a specific approval process.

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Access the Monitor Approvals page for a view of the approval process.

Approval Process

Select an approval process. The list of approval processes available is determined by the administrator role associated with the approval process definition. If a user is associated with the role specified in the Admin. Role field on the Setup Process Definitions page, they can view, act on, or both for that process ID within the approval monitor.

See Defining Roles, Actions, and User Lists.

Definition ID

Select the process definition that is determined on the Setup Process Definition page.

Header Status

Select a status in this field to display the selected status. Choices are:

  • Approved

  • Complete

  • Denied

  • Hard Deny

  • Initial

  • Not Active

  • Pending

  • Pending Denial

  • Suspended/Pending Denial

  • Terminated


Select an approver. You can view or take action on approval processes for a specific approver.

Approver Status

Select a status from those available. This field is only available when a specific approver is selected in the Approver field. The statuses available for selection are based on the statuses of that specific approver in the cross-reference table associated with the approval process ID.


Select the user who entered the transaction that started the approval process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUtilizing the Approval Monitor for a Specific Approval Process

Access the Monitor Approvals page to take action on a specific approval process.


Select an approver. All approvers associated with pending steps within the approval process are listed.


Enter text to appear under the approval graphic in the Approval Comment History section.

Reassign To

Select an approver to whom to reassign all pending steps within the approval process.

Allow Self-Approval

Select to enable self-approval. When it is enabled, the approval is assumed and the process continues.

Allow Auto Approval

Select to enable auto-approval. When it is enabled, the system remembers an approver’s action for that process at the header or line level, and applies the same action automatically for any subsequent appearance in the approval workflow routing.


Click the Approve button to act on behalf of the selected approver. This action applies to all tasks pending for the approver selected within the context of the approval process.


Click the Deny button to act on behalf of the selected approver. This action will apply to all tasks pending for the approver selected within the context of the approval process.


Click to requeue the previous step to its approver. This button is only available at a step that is greater than one.

For example, a transaction has three approvers. The first approver has approved the transaction, therefore, the transaction is pending at step two. The administrator needs additional information from the requester and, therefore, pushes the transaction back to the requester.


Click to restart a pending transaction to all approvers in the approval path. This button is only available when the transaction is pending.


Click to resubmit a completed transaction to all approvers in the approval path. This button is only available when the transaction is complete. The transaction can only be resubmitted in its current state and cannot be modified before resubmitting for approval.

See Understanding Approval Workflow.

Reassigning Tasks Assigned to You

To reassign your tasks to another approver, select a step assigned to you as an approver and request that the step be reassigned to an alternate. You must have an administrator role to perform this task.

The approval workflow engine (AWE) reassigns that step to the newly appointed approver, and deletes the original approver’s worklist entry. The system creates a new worklist entry for the new approver, and notifies the new approver.

The AWE adds a comment to the approval thread to log the reassignment.

Reassigning Tasks as an Administrator

To reassign a specific approver’s pending tasks to another approver:

  1. Filter the display to present pending approval processes for the specific approver.

  2. Indicate the steps to be reassigned and the users affected.

    The system submits a request to the AWE to reassign all of the pending steps.

Once you have reassigned the pending tasks to a new approver, the approval path is updated and the approval transaction is routed to the new approver.

Note. You can create reassignments through the user profile. However, workflow reassignments through the user profile don't alter the actual approval process. Reassigning using the Monitor Approvals component performs the reassignment and creates the worklist for the new user.

The administrator can also take action instead of reassigning.

Comment History

Expand the Comment History section to view the previous workflow streams. This section is available when the system has resubmitted the transaction due to a change in the transaction.

For example, a requisition is approved by two out of three approvers. Then the requisition is changed before the third approver sees it. The system resubmits the requisition and begins the approval path from the beginning. The Comment History section retains the original stream, indicating that the first two approvers had approved the original requisition.