Managing Requisition Sourcing

This chapter provides an overview of sourcing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Sourcing

This section lists prerequisites and discusses PeopleSoft Services Procurement sourcing rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can source a requisition, the following conditions must be met:

See Also

Maintaining the Supplier Network Setup

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPeopleSoft Services Procurement Sourcing Rules

PeopleSoft Services Procurement sourcing rules enable the service coordinator to send approved requisitions to suppliers who are best qualified to fill a requisition. When service requisitions are submitted or approved, depending on the business unit settings, service coordinators can source the requisitions using predefined sourcing rules.

PeopleSoft Services Procurement sourcing rules enable you to define suppliers by different attributes to streamline the sourcing process. Suppliers can be defined by region to ensure that you hire only service providers who are located near you to minimize travel costs.

Suppliers who provide resource-based services can be defined by service type. This enables you to define which suppliers provide the best candidates for a particular service type. To further refine the resource-based supplier list, you can define suppliers by region and service type combination.

Suppliers who provide deliverables-based services can be defined by service and project role. This enables you to define which suppliers best fit a particular service. To further refine the deliverables-based supplier list, you can define suppliers by region and service combination.

On the Services Procurement business unit, you can determine which sourcing rule takes precedence, the region or the service or service type. If you select region, the system looks first for suppliers who match the region and service or service type, then for suppliers matching that region, then for suppliers that match the service or service type, and lastly, for suppliers according to business unit.

You can also use bid factor criteria to determine the top bid submittals for a particular requisition. You can source requisitions to both internal and external suppliers.

PeopleSoft Services Procurement provides supplier metrics to help score, analyze, and compare suppliers based on various aspects of the requisition life cycle. Use supplier scoring to determine the best suppliers to satisfy requisition requirements.

See Also

PeopleSoft Services Procurement Preface

Supplier Scoring for PeopleSoft Services Procurement

Understanding Bid Factors

Click to jump to parent topicSourcing Requisitions

This section provides an overview of the requisition sourcing process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Requisition Sourcing Process

Here is an overview of the process for sourcing a requisition:

  1. Access the Manage Sourcing page.

    Click the link for the requisition ID that you want to source.

  2. Access the Sourcing Selection page.

    If the business unit is set up for sourcing prior to approval, select pre-approval pending or approved requisition lines to source to suppliers that are listed according to the sourcing rules. If the business unit is not set up for sourcing prior to approval, select only approved requisition lines to source.

  3. Access the Reassign Requisition page.

    If the requisition line should be sourced by another service coordinator, you can reassign it to the appropriate service coordinator. The system creates a worklist entry for the new service coordinator.

    Note. You can access this page only if your system administrator gives you the proper permission to reassign requisitions.

    Note. You can only reassign a requisition before you source it to a supplier.

  4. Click the Bid Factor Weighting link on the Sourcing Selection page to access the Bid Factor Weighting page.

    Use this page to adjust your bid factor weightings for a specific requisition.

  5. Click the Rules by Requisition Lines link on the Sourcing Selection page to access the Sourcing Rules by Requisition Lines page.

    Use this page to change the sourcing preferences on the requisition.

    Note. You can access this page only if your system administrator gives you the proper permission on the Service Coordinator Defaults page. Changing information on the Sourcing Rules by Requisition Lines page overrides all previously defined sourcing to preferred suppliers, and it also refreshes and filters a new list of suppliers that meet the new sourcing preferences.

  6. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the Sourcing Selection page to submit requisitions to the selected list of suppliers.

    Note. Click the Submit button to trigger a PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing event. All bid factors are associated with this event.

  7. Access the Sourcing Review page, and review the list of suppliers to whom you have sourced the requisition.

  8. Access the Sourcing History page, and view the history for individual suppliers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Service Coordinator

Recruiter responsible for sourcing and filling requisitions.

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Object Name





Home, Worklist

Locate approved requisitions for sourcing using the worklist filter sPro Approved Requisition.

Manage Sourcing


Services Procurement, Review and Source Requisitions

Review requisitions and source them to suppliers. Check incoming and outgoing bids, generate work orders, view the requisition life cycle, or cancel a requisition.

Sourcing Selection


From the Worklist page, click the link that corresponds with the requisition ID that you want to source.

Enter sourcing requirements.

Job Summary


Click the linked requisition ID.

Provides a summary of the requisition job requirements.

Location Address


Click the linked location code.

View the location where the service will be performed.

Bid Factor Weighting


Click the Bid Factors Weighting link on the Sourcing Selection page.

Adjust the bid factor weightings for a specific requisition.

Activities by Requisition


Click the Activities by Requisition link on the Sourcing Selection page.

View activities defined for a requisition. You can add activities only if Allow add activities is enabled for the selected service.

Note. The Activities by Requisition link only appears for deliverables-based requisitions.

Sourcing Rules by Requisition Line


Click the Sourcing Rules by Requisitions link on the Sourcing Selection page.

If you have the proper permission, change the sourcing preferences for the requisition.

Re Assign Requisition Line


Click the Re-assign link from the Sourcing Selection page.

Reassigns a requisition line to a different service coordinator.

Sourcing Review


Click the Sourcing Review link on the Sourcing Selection page.

Review sourcing requirements.

Sourcing History


Click the Sourcing History button on the Sourcing Review page.

Review sourcing history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Worklist

Access the Worklist page.


Click the link that corresponds to the requisition ID that you want to source using the worklist filter sPro Approved Requisition. Click this link to access the Sourcing Selection page, where you can source the requisition.

Note. When an extended requisition is approved, the service coordinator receives a worklist entry with a column indicating that the requisition is extended and approved.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSourcing Requisition Requirements

Access the Sourcing Selection page.

Use this page to review and source the requisition request.

Note. The service coordinator can edit many of the requisition fields from this page prior to sourcing the requisition to suppliers. Once the fields are modified, click the Save Requisition Changes button to save the requisition changes.

Note. If you have the MSP (managed services provider) option enabled on the Installations Options page, MSP rate information appears on the Sourcing Selection page.

Supplier Information Tab

Source Type

Indicates whether the supplier is Internal, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.

Sourcing Status

Displays the sourcing status Sourced or Unsourced.

Send To

Select to source the requisition request to either the supplier location or a specific contact at the supplier location.

Values include: Location and Provider Contact.

Provider Contact/Location

Displays the provider contact name or the location, depending on the selection for the send to field.

Additional Information Tab

Notification Method

Select Email and Worklistor Worklist Only to send an email and or worklist notification along with the worklist.

Filled Position

The number of people already selected to fill positions for the service. This field is incremented each time a position is filled through bid management and decremented each time a related work order is canceled.

Selection Level

View the vendor selection level values. This value reflects the method that is used to include a vendor in the sourcing selection list.

Values for resource-based requisitions are Region Service Type, Service Type, Region, Preferred, or Supplier Network.

Values for deliverable-based requisitions are Region Service, Service, Region, Preferred, or Supplier Network.

Note. The selection level indicates the level that is used when selecting a supplier.


Indicates whether the supplier has a contract.

Note. This field only appears if service contracts are enabled on the PeopleSoft Services Procurement Installation Options page, and if Include all Contract Suppliers is selected on the PeopleSoft Services Procurement business unit page.

Max Submittal Limit/Position(maximum submittal limit and position)

Enter the maximum number of candidates that a supplier can submit per position for the requisition line. For example, if the requisition line has 5 positions and the maximum submittal limit is set to 3, the supplier may submit up to 15 candidates.

Click the Score Analysis button to view the analyzed score.

Service Coordinator Edits

If the requisition has not been sourced, the service coordinator can edit the Start Date, End Date, and Location. The Start Date can be moved forward, but not backwards. When you change the start date, the system automatically adjusts the end date by the original duration; you can change the end date, but you will be warned if the new duration is less than the original duration. The start date, end date and location fields are display only once the requisition is sourced.

Regardless of whether the requisition has been sourced or not, the service coordinator can edit the time approver, job description, competencies, and the scope of work.

See Also

Setting Up Suppliers by Region

Maintaining the Supplier Network Setup

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Activities by Requisition

Access the Activities by Requisition page.

Activities added to the requisition can be added to the work order. The service provider contact can record progress against these activities.

Select a service activity and click the Save button.

Note. You can only add activities if the service on the requisition has Allow add activities selected and the requisition is for a deliverables-based service. You cannot add activities after the requisition has been sourced.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Bid Factor Weightings

Access the Bid Factor Weighting page.

Comment Text

View the bid factors that are associated with a specific requisition.


Adjust the weightings of each bid factor to determine its level of importance. For example, suppose that the candidate start date is the most important qualification, then you would weigh that bid factor more heavily than others.

Note. The total of all bid factor weightings must equal 1.

See Also

Creating Bid Factors

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Sourcing Rules by Requisition Line

Access the Sourcing Rules by Requisition Line page.

If the sourcing engine returns too many rows, you can access this page to refine the search. You can only access this page if you have the permissions on the service coordinator defaults.

Preference Rule

Select Region to indicate that it's more important to select suppliers within the same region or select Service/Service Type to indicate that it's more important to select suppliers that provide the right service or service type.


Indicate the minimum score that a supplier must have to be selected for sourcing.


Enter the minimum number of suppliers to find using the sourcing rules.


Enter the maximum number of suppliers to find using the sourcing rules.

Include All Contract Suppliers

Select to include all suppliers that have an existing contract for the desired role.

Note. This check box is only available for resource-based requisitions.


Click to save to save changes. When you click the Sourcing Selection Page link, the Sourcing engine runs again using the new parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReassigning Requisition Lines

Access the Re Assign Requisition Line page.

Service Coordinator

Enter a service coordinator to reassign the lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Sourcing Review

Access the Sourcing Review page.

No. of Times Sent (number of times sent)

View the number of times this vendor has been sourced for this requisition line.

No. of Submittals (number of submittals)

View number of bids from the supplier.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Sourcing History

Access the Sourcing History page.

The sourcing history includes the service coordinator that submitted the requisition to be sourced, the vendor contact, the notification method, and submit date.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Sourcing

This section discusses how to manage sourcing.

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Object Name



Managing Sourcing


Services Procurement, Review and Source Requisitions

View all the suppliers to whom a requisition was sourced; source a requisition to multiple suppliers.

Sourcing Review


Click the Sourcing Review button on the Manage Sourcing page.

Review sourcing requirements.

Sourcing Selection


Click the Sourcing Select button on the Manage Sourcing page.

Enter sourcing requirements.

Sourcing Review


Click the Sourcing Review link on the Sourcing Selection page.

Review sourcing requirements.

Sourcing History


Click the Sourcing History button on the Sourcing Review page.

View sourcing history.

Requisition Life Cycle


Click the Requisition Life Cycle button on the Managing Sourcing page.

View the requisition life cycle.

Define Requisition Rates


Click the Define Requisition Rates button on the Manage Sourcing page.

Define requisition rate details.

See Also

Maintaining Service Types

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Sourcing

Access the Managing Sourcing page.

The Managing Sourcing page is the central location for accessing and maintaining sourcing information for requisitions. Use the Search and Sort features to streamline search results. After you access the Managing Sourcing page, proceed to the roster area, where you can access the Sourcing Selection page or review sourcing requirements. You can also cancel requisitions here.

To search for the requisitions associated to the team but either not yet assigned or assigned to another team member, first select a valid Service Team, then select a Service Coordinator and click the Search button. The Service Team and Service Coordinator fields are only available for Service coordinators assigned to a team(s). If you are on a team, all the teams for which you are a member display in the Service Team drop down list. If you aren’t on a service team, you can only access requisitions where you are the service coordinator. If you select a requisition from another team member, you have the same access and change privileges for the requisition as the other team member. If you act on a requisition, the system updates the requisition to show you as the service coordinator. This indicates who last worked on the requisition.

Requisition Type

Select to view original or extended requisitions.

Requisition Status

View requisitions by status. Statuses include:

  • Approved

  • Canceled

  • Closed

  • Denied

  • Filled

  • On Hold

  • Open

  • Pending

  • Pre-Approval Pending

  • Pre-Approval Sourced

  • Sourced

Note. If you select the Pre-Approval Pending or thePre-Approval Sourced value, the system returns requisition values that were sourced but not yet approved.

These options are only available when you select the Pre-Approval Parallel Sourcing option on the PeopleSoft Services Procurement Business Unit page.

See Defining PeopleSoft Services Procurement Business Units.

Click to access the Sourcing Review page.

Click to access the Sourcing Selection page.

Click to access the Requisition Life Cycle page.

Click to cancel the selected requisition line.

Note. When the service Coordinator cancels a requisition line, a confirmation page displays, and the service coordinator can enter the reason code and related comments if the business unit is set up to use reason codes.

Click to access the Define Requisition Rates page, where you can define requisition rate details.