Submitting and Managing Bids

This chapter provides an overview of the requisition bidding process for suppliers and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Requisition Bidding Process

In PeopleSoft Services Procurement, the requisition bidding process enables suppliers to collaborate and communicate with service coordinators to match qualified bids successfully with open service requisitions.

Requisitions can be either resource or deliverables based. If the requisition is resource based, the supplier submits a candidate to fill the requisition. If the requisition is deliverables based, the supplier submits a proposal for filling the requisition.

PeopleSoft Services Procurement enables the suppliers to:

Here is the basic task flow of the requisition bidding process for suppliers:

  1. Access the Supplier Sourcing Review page to review requisitions that were sourced to the supplier for consideration.

  2. Use the Submit Bid page to submit bids that meet requisition requirements.

  3. After the supplier submits a bid to the service coordinator for review and the service coordinator responds, the supplier uses the Incoming Bid Summary page to view the bid response from the service coordinator.

  4. The supplier uses the Supplier Bid Response page to respond to the service coordinator.

    Note. Negotiation between the supplier and service coordinator is typically an ongoing process. Once the service coordinator chooses the action Fill Requisition, a break in communication occurs. This action officially ends the bid process between the service coordinator and the supplier.

  5. Access the Service Provider Roster page to manage service provider information.

See Also

PeopleSoft Services Procurement Preface

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

A requisition must be sourced to the supplier before a bid can be submitted.

Click to jump to parent topicSubmitting Candidates for Resource Requisitions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Submit Candidates for Resource Requisitions

Page Name

Object Name



Supplier Sourcing Review


Services Procurement, Review Reqs/Submit Bids

Review requisitions sourced to the supplier.

Submit Bid


Click the Submit Another Bid button on the Supplier Sourcing Review page.

Submit candidate information.

New Candidate


Click the Create Candidate button on the Submit Bid page.

To submit a candidate who is not yet profiled in the system, create a new candidate profile.

Resume Attachments


Click the Resume Attachment button on the Submit Bid page.

Attach the candidate's resume to the bid.

Bid Attachments


Click the Add Attachment link on the Submit Bid page.

Upload attachments to bid.

Sourcing History


Click the View History button on the Supplier Sourcing Review page.

View sourcing history.



Click the Comments button on the Supplier Sourcing Review page.

Use to view comments associated with the requisition.

Note. Comments are only visible if the requester has selected the send to vendor option when creating the comments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReview Supplier Sourcing Requirements

Access the Supplier Sourcing Review page.

Use the Search Criteria group box at the top of the page to enter specific search criteria. You can search by business unit, requisition ID, service coordinator, as well as various other search criteria. Once you enter the specific search criteria, click the Search button to view the results.

Use the Sourcing Review section at the bottom portion of the page to view requisitions that were sourced to suppliers. Click the Additional Information tab to review more details about the requisition.

Click to access the Submit Bid page, where you can submit candidate information.

Click to access the Sourcing History page, where you can review the sourcing history of the requisition.

Click to access the Comments page, where you can review comments associated with the requisition.

Note. Comments are only visible if the requester has selected the option to send to the comments to the vendor.

Available Positions

The number of positions not yet filled for a requisition line.

Number of Positions

Number of available positions needed to fill the service request.

Filled Position

The number of people already selected from this supplier to fill positions for the service.

Note. This field is incremented each time a position is filled through bid management and decremented each time a related work order is canceled.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting Candidate Information for Resource-Based Requisitions

Access the Submit Bid page.

Enter Bid Information

Submit Existing Candidate

Select to submit a candidate who already has a candidate profile.

Note. When a supplier selects this option, the service provider field becomes available.

Service Provider

Select an available service provider to submit as a candidate.

Submit New Candidate

Select to submit a new candidate.

Create Candidate

Click to access the New Candidate page, where you can create a new candidate profile.

Note. This button is active only after the supplier selects the Submit New Candidate option.

Attach Resume

Click to attach a resume for the candidate.

Note. The supplier must select an existing candidate or create a new candidate profile before attaching a resume.


Enter the vendor location for this service provider.


Displays the Submit action by default. Additional actions are available only after the supplier submits a candidate.

Note. The supplier must answer each bid factor question at the bottom of the submit bid page before submitting a candidate. Bid factor weightings affect the final score of the candidate.

Note. After the supplier submits the first candidate, they can submit additional candidates for the requisition until they reach the maximum number of submittals.

If the system is set to use the rate breakdown feature, the supplier may enter the pay rate, fixed cost, markup, and third party markup. The sum of the rates is the bid rate.

Rate Details

Pay Rate

Enter base rate for the service provider.

Fixed Cost

Enter fixed overhead rate.

Vendor Markup

Enter the markup rate for the vendor.

Third Party Markup

Enter third party markup rate, if any.

Third Party Vendor

Enter third party vendor name. This is required if you enter a third party markup.

Note. You define the pay type field labels on the Services Procurement Pay Types page. Pay type fields appear only if they are enabled on the PeopleSoft Services Procurement business unit.

Save as Draft

Click to save the bid as a draft.

See Also

Understanding Bid Factors

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreate Candidate Profiles

Access the New Candidate page.

Work Status

Identify the work status for the new candidate. For example, green card holder and citizen.

Years Experience

Identify the number of years of experience for the new candidate.


Select if the candidate is willing to travel.


Select if the candidate is willing to telecommute.


Identify the main role of the new candidate.


Identify the main skills associated with the new candidate.

Note. If a candidate is chosen to fill the requisition, the system administrator must add that person as a service provider on the User Profile Setup page. Then the candidate has a user name and password and can log in to the system to enter time and expenses.

See Also

Maintaining Users and Team Setup

Click to jump to parent topicSubmitting Bids for Deliverables-Based Requisitions

This section discusses how to submit bids for deliverables-based requisitions.

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Page Name

Object Name



Supplier Sourcing Review


Services Procurement, Review Reqs/Submit Bids

Review requisitions sourced to suppliers.

Submit Bid


Click the Submit Bid button on the Supplier Sourcing Review page.

Submit bid.

Bid Attachments


Click the Add Attachment link on the Submit Bid page.

Upload attachments to bid.

Sourcing History


Click the View History button on the Supplier Sourcing Review page.

View sourcing history.



Click the Comments button on the Supplier Sourcing Review page.

View comments associated with the requisition.

Note. Comments are only visible if the requester has selected the option to send to the comments to the vendor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting Bids for Deliverables-Based Requisitions

Access the Submit Bid page.

Enter Bid Information


Enter the vendor location.


Displays the Submit action by default. Additional actions are available only after you submit the bid.

Proposal Amount

Enter the total proposal amount for the entire deliverables requisition.

Note. Rates and quantities entered in any bid factor responses do not need to total up to the proposal rate.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Incoming Bids and Creating Bid Responses

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Incoming Bids and Create Bid Responses

Page Name

Object Name



Incoming Bid Summary - Inbox


Services Procurement, Maintain Bids

View incoming bids.

Supplier Bid Response


Click the Create Bid button on the Incoming Bids Summary - Inbox page.

Create bid.

Communication History


Fulfill Service Requisitions, Bid History

Click the Bid History button on the Incoming Bid Summary - Inbox page.

View bid history.

Interview Schedule


Click the Interview Schedule button on the Incoming Bid Summary - Inbox page.

View interview schedules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Incoming Bid Information

Access the Incoming Bid Summary - Inbox page.

Requisition ID

Displays the requisition ID.

Req Line (requisition line)

Displays the requisition line.

Click the Create Bid button to access the Supplier Bid Response page, where you can enter a bid for the selected requisition.

Click the Bid History button to access the Communication History page, where you can view the bids to the selected requisition.

Click the Interview Schedule button to access the Interview Schedule page.

Note. The Interview Schedule button appears on the Incoming Bid Summary page only if the service coordinator has scheduled an interview for the bid.

Click the End Communication button to generate a bid response that ends the communication regarding the particular bid. Once communication has been ended, it is no longer possible to consider that bid for that requisition.

Last Action

Displays the action of the incoming bid.


Displays the rate of pay established for the incoming bid for a resource-based requisition.


Displays the amount established for the incoming bid for a deliverables-based requisition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Bid Responses

Access the Supplier Bid Response page.

Use this page to respond to the service coordinator.


Select a bid response as a reply to the service coordinator. Values include Accept Offer, Withdraw, Reply, Decline Offer, and End Communication.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Draft Bids

This section discusses how to view draft bids. Submittals or bids that are saved as draft rather than submitted are included on this page.

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Object Name





Services Procurement, Maintain Bids

Click the Draft tab.

Review and edit bids that were saved as drafts.

Supplier Bid Response


Click the Edit button on the Draft page.

Create bid.

Communication History


Click the Bid History button on the Draft page.

View bid history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Draft Bids

Access the Draft page.

Click to access the Supplier Bid Response page, where you can edit the supplier bid response and submit it for consideration.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Outgoing Bids

This section discusses how to view outgoing bid information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Outgoing Bids

Page Name

Object Name



Outgoing Bids


Services Procurement, Maintain Bids

Select the Outgoing Bids tab.

View outgoing bids.

Communication History


Fulfill Service Requisitions, Bid History

Click the View History button on the Outgoing Bid Summary page.

View bid history.

Interview Schedule


Click the Interview Schedule button on the Outgoing Bid Summary page.

View interview schedules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Outgoing Bid Information

Access the Outgoing Bids page.

Click the Bid History button to view the bids for the selected requisition.

Click the Interview Schedule button to access the Interview Schedule page.

Note. The Interview Schedule button appears on the Outgoing Bid Summary page only if the service coordinator has scheduled an interview for the bid.

Click to navigate to the Supplier Bid Response page. If the requisition has not been filled, you can still edit the Bid Response.

Note. If the Service Provider Contact edits bids that have been submitted, the system sends a notification to the Service Coordinator and the Requester, if the Service Coordinator has already forwarded the bid on to the Requester for review.

See Also

Implementing PeopleSoft Services Procurement Workflow

Reviewing and Awarding Bids

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Service Providers

This section discusses how suppliers use the Service Provider Roster to manage service providers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Service Providers

Page Name

Object Name



Service Provider Roster


Services Procurement, Manage Service Providers

Review and update service provider information.

Maintain Service Provider


Click the Add Service Providers link on the Service Provider Roster page.

Maintain service provider information.

Manage Time/Expense Sheets


Click the Timesheet History button on the Service Provider Roster page.

View timesheet history.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Service Providers

Access the Service Provider Roster page.

Provider Contact

Enter a value to filter the data.

If you leave this field blank, the Service Provider contact can view all Service Providers for the organization.

Service Provider

Enter a value to filter the data.

Add Service Providers

Click to add service providers.

Person ID

Click to access the Maintain Service Provider page, where you can review and update service provider information.