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Scenario for Delegated Assignment

This topic is part of About Delegated Assignment.

This scenario gives one example of how you can dynamically assign candidates. You may use this feature differently, depending on your business model.

For this scenario, candidates are assigned to an activity based on the information provided in Table 45. The numbers at the top of the table correspond to the numbered text following the table.

Table 45. Sample Data for Dynamic Candidates Assigned to an Activity
Asset Team Member
Account Team Member
Service Region

Employee 1


Employee 3


Employee 1


Employee 2


Employee 6


Employee 2


Employee 3


Employee 2


Employee 3

Not applicable

Employee 4

Tech Support

Employee 4

Tech Support

Employee 7

Not applicable

Employee 5

Never Send

Employee 7

Never Send

Employee 8

Not applicable

  1. The activity has an asset team and each employee in that team has a type. All the employees in this team are eligible candidates for the activity. The employees are scored based on their type and the following assignment rules:
    • If Organization = Americas, primary score = 100.
    • If Organization = Europe, primary score = 50.

      Based on the rules and their type, assume the asset team scores are:

      Employee 1 = 100
      Employee 2 = 75
      Employee 3 = 50
      Employee 4 = 25
      Employee 5 = 0

  2. The activity has an account team and each employee in that team has a type. All the employees in this team are eligible candidates for this activity. The employees are scored based on their type.

    The account team scores are:

    Employee 3 = 80
    Employee 6 = 60
    Employee 2 = 30
    Employee 4 = 10
    Employee 7 = 0

  3. The activity has a service region, and the service region has employees. All employees are eligible candidates for skill matching. You match activity skills and employee skills, but you can specify other matching criteria as well.

    Employee 1 = 100
    Employee 2 = 150
    Employee 3 = 75
    Employee 7 = 200
    Employee 8 = 25

  4. This step determines the final list of candidates for this activity. This list is the union of the employees from all previous three lists, and employee scores are added if they exist in more than one list.

    The final list of candidates for this activity with their corresponding scores is:

    Employee 1 = 200 (100 + 100)
    Employee 2 = 255 (75 + 30 + 150)
    Employee 3 = 205 (50 + 80 + 75)
    Employee 4 = 35 (25 + 10)
    Employee 5 = 0
    Employee 6 = 60
    Employee 7 = 200 (0 + 200)
    Employee 8 = 25

All employees with a passing score pass the rule. In this example, if the minimum score for the rule is 200, Employee 1, 2, 3, and 7 pass and Employee 2 is set as the primary because that employee has the highest score.

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