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Transaction Log Data for Export and Import Operations

This topic is part of Exporting and Importing Assignment-Related Data.

Table 20 describes the fields for the data that you can review in the Administration - Assignment screen, Transaction Logs view. Each record is an activity record that corresponds to an export or import operation that was initiated, whether the operation succeeded or failed.

The records displayed in the top applet in this view can be filtered by selecting My Transaction Logs (the default), My Team's Transaction Logs, or All Transaction Logs.

The lower applet in this view contains attachments for the spreadsheet file you exported or imported. For an import operation, this applet also includes a log file. For export, a message is displayed to the user that contains some relevant data about the operation.

Table 20. Transaction Log Data for Export and Import Operations

Transaction #

Row ID for the transaction log record.


A string that is derived from the string value you provided in the Export Process Description or Import Process Description field (string, below).

The format used in the Description field is like string_username_date_time, where date is in the format YYYYMMDD and time is in the format hhmmss.

For export, if no string value was provided in Export Process Description, substitute ExportProcess for string in the example.

For import, if no string value was provided in Import Process Description, substitute ImportProcess for string in the example.


Export or Import, depending on the operation performed.


Success or Failed.


Datetime stamp recording when the export or import operation was completed and the log file was written.


The Siebel user name of the user who performed the export or import operation.

Display In

Value represents the view from which you exported data, or into which you imported data. The value can be one of the following:

  • Position and Activities. The operation was performed in the Administration - Group screen, in either the Positions view or Skills view.
  • Activities Only. The applet has no user property set. This value is always used for import operations.
  • Assignment and Activities. The operation was performed in the Administration - Assignment screen, in the Assignment Rule view (form applet).


Comment text you can enter after performing the export or import operation.

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