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Adding Employees, Positions, and Organizations to Assignment Rules

This topic is part of About Assignment Rule Administration.

This topic provides procedures for adding employees, positions, and organizations to assignment rules.

This task is a step in Process of Defining Assignment Rules.

Siebel Assignment Manager can assign employees, positions, and organizations based on their association with their parent organization. For example, only employees or positions associated with a specific organization can be assigned to an assignment object even if other employees or positions associated with other organizations qualify. Positions assigned to an assignment object can also have their associated organizations assigned. This functionality is called multitiered assignment, and you must configure the appropriate assignment object before implementing.

For information about configuring assignment objects for multitiered assignment, see Configuring Assignment Objects for Multitiered Assignment.

Alternatively, you can set a default employee, position, or organization for assignment objects. For example, if you want records for a given assignment object assigned to a certain employee, you can change the Default Employee property on the assignment object using Siebel Tools. For more information about the Default Employee, Default Position, and Default Organization properties, see Siebel Object Types Reference.

For more information about setting these properties, see Configuring Assignment Object Properties.

NOTE:  Assignment Manager does not prevent you from adding employees to an assignment rule that performs position assignments. If a particular rule is set for position assignment and the rule has employees associated with the assignment rule, Assignment Manager considers only the position candidates.

To add employees to an assignment rule

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Assignment screen, and then the Assignment Rules List view.
  2. In the Assignment Rules list, drill down on the assignment rule for which you want to add employees, and then click the Employee Candidates view tab.
  3. In the Employee Candidates list, click New.
  4. In the Add Employees dialog box, select the employees to include for this assignment rule, and then click OK.
  5. In the new employee record, click in the available fields to enter or edit the relevant information.
  6. If new candidates are added, make sure you release the assignment rules for the changes to take effect.

    For more information about releasing assignment rules, see Releasing Assignment Rules.

NOTE:  If the All People value is selected in the Person Candidates Source field for the assignment rule, all candidates are evaluated even if they are not listed in the Employee Candidates list or the Position Candidates list. Any new candidate is only evaluated after the rules are released.

Table 12 shows select predefined fields available.

Table 12. Employee Candidates List Fields


Start date of the assignment rule employee.

NOTE:  By default, Siebel Business Applications use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.


End date of the assignment rule employee.

NOTE:  By default, Siebel Business Applications use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.


An initial score for each employee is permitted in this field to differentiate between other employees for potential assignment.

NOTE:  For assignment purposes, an employee's organization is the organization corresponding to the employee's primary position. For example, if Employee A holds Position A, where Position A is in the Sales East organization, then Employee A's organization is the Sales East organization.

To add positions to an assignment rule

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Assignment screen, and then the Assignment Rules List view.
  2. In the Assignment Rules list, drill down on the assignment rule for which you want to add positions, and then click the Position Candidates view tab.
  3. In the Position Candidates list, click New.
  4. In the Add Positions dialog box, select the positions to include for this assignment rule, and then click OK.
  5. In the new record in the Positions list, click in the available fields to enter or edit the relevant information.
  6. If new candidates are added, make sure you release the assignment rules for the changes to take effect.

    For more information about releasing assignment rules, see Releasing Assignment Rules.

NOTE:  If the All People value is selected in the Person Candidates Source field for the assignment rule, all candidates are evaluated even if they are not listed in the Employee Candidates list or the Position Candidates list. Any new candidate is only evaluated after the rules are released.

Table 13 shows select predefined fields available for editing.

Table 13. Positions List Fields


Start date of the assignment rule position.

NOTE:  By default, Siebel Business Applications use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.


End date of the assignment rule position.

NOTE:  By default, Siebel Business Applications use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.


An initial score for each position is permitted in this field to differentiate between other positions for potential assignment.

After you add positions for an assignment rule, only the active employees for each position are available. If Assignment Manager assigns the position, employees for the position have visibility to the assigned object.

To delete system-assigned positions from individual assignment objects, or to manually assign other positions, see the procedure in Maintaining the Manually Assigned Primary Position.

You can configure Assignment Manager to define additional fields for Positions associated with an assignment rule. For more information about defining fields for Positions, see Configuring Assignment Objects to Copy Additional Columns to the Team Table.

To add organizations to an assignment rule

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Assignment screen, and then the Assignment Rules List view.
  2. In the Assignment Rules list, drill down on the assignment rule for which you want to add organizations, and then click the Organization Candidates view tab.
  3. In the Organization Candidates list, click New.
  4. In the Add Organization dialog box, select the organizations to include for this assignment rule, and then click OK.
  5. In the new record in the Organizations list, click in the available fields to enter or edit the relevant information.
  6. If new candidates are added, make sure you release the assignment rules for the changes to take effect.

    For more information about releasing assignment rules, see Releasing Assignment Rules.

NOTE:  If the All Organizations value is selected in the Organization Candidates Source field for the assignment rule, all candidates are evaluated even if they are not listed in the Organization Candidates list.

Table 14 shows select predefined fields available for editing.

Table 14. Organizations List Fields


Start date of the assignment rule organization.

NOTE:  By default, Siebel Business Applications use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.


End date of the assignment rule organization.

NOTE:  By default, Siebel Business Applications use Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). For more information, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.


An initial score for each organization is permitted in this field to differentiate between other organizations for potential assignment.

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