Siebel Communications Guide > Profiles in Siebel Communications >

Creating or Updating a Billing Profile in Siebel Communications

To create or update a billing profile in Siebel Communications, follow this procedure.

To create or update a billing profile

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.
  2. In the Accounts list, click the Name field for the account.
  3. Click the Profiles view tab.
  4. In the link bar of the Profiles view, click Billing Profile.

    The Billing Profile list appears.

    Alternatively, you can display the Billing Profile list if you navigate to the Billing Data Administration screen, then the Profiles view, select an account in the Billing Accounts list, and click the Billing Profile view tab.

  5. Enter data about the profile for the account in the Billing Profile list fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    The name of the billing profile.


    Select this field to indicate that this profile is the most commonly applicable profile for the customer. Each account can have only one primary profile.


    The interval in which you bill the customer for service. All of the billing profiles for an account must have the same value in the this field. If you create a billing profile with a different value in this field than the other billing profiles for the account, the billing profile is not successfully passed to the billing application.

    Payment Type

    Select Postpaid if the customer pays after using the service. Select Prepaid if the customer pays before using the service. If you select Prepaid, the Top Up Preference form displays below the Billing Profile list. See Step 8 to enter account replenishment details in this form.

    Payment Method

    The value in this field determines the fields available in the form for payment details.

    • If you select a payment method of Credit Card, the Credit Card Payment form displays below the Billing Profile list. See Step 6.
    • If you select another payment method, the Automatic Debit form displays below the Billing Profile list. See Step 7.

    Email Bill To

    The email address to which the customer bill is sent.

    Auto Top-Up

    Select this check box to indicate that the account is automatically replenished when the account balance decreases to a threshold amount that you specify.

  6. If you select Credit Card in the Payment Method field, enter credit card details for the account in the Credit Card Payment form that appears below the Billing Profile list.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Category of the payment card, such as Debit, Procurement, or Credit card.


    After you use an external system to verify a card, select this field if you discover that the card is blocked.

    Blocked Reason

    The reason the card is blocked. This reason applies only to the card in the Payment Details view, not to other customer cards.

  7. If you select a payment method other than Credit Card in the Payment Method field, enter payment method details for the account in the Automatic Debt form that appears below the Billing Profile list.
  8. If you select Prepaid in the Payment Type field, enter replenishment details for the account in the Top Up Preference form that appears below the Billing Profile list.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Top-Up Amount

    When the account is replenished, the amount by which to replenish the account.


    The unit of measure for the top-up amount (for example, minutes or currency).

    Threshold Amount

    When the account balance decreases to this amount, the account is replenished.

    Threshold UOM

    The unit of measure for the threshold amount (for example, minutes or currency).

    SMS Notification

    Check this box to notify the contact for the account when the account is replenished.


    The interval in which a billing application automatically reviews the threshold amount to determine if the account balance needs replenishment. The billing application executes the replenishment.

    If you select the Auto Top-Up check box in Step 5, this field value has no effect because the account is automatically replenished when the account balance decreases to the threshold amount.

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