Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Architecture of Siebel Business Applications > About Standard Interactivity and High Interactivity >

Overview of Standard Interactivity and High Interactivity

This topic describes an overview of standard interactivity and high interactivity. For more information, see the following topics:

Standard Interactivity

Standard interactivity is a type of Siebel CRM client that resembles most traditional Web applications. It supports different types of browsers. Page refreshes occur often, such as if the user creates a new record, submits a form, or browses through a list of records. You typically deploy a customer application in standard interactivity. It includes the following qualities:

  • An applet that is in query mode displays a check box as a menu.
  • A hierarchical list does not constrain values. Example hierarchical lists include Area and Subarea for service requests.

High Interactivity

High interactivity is a type of Siebel CRM client that resembles a Windows client. It supports fewer browsers than standard interactivity but it includes a set of features that simplify data entry. For example, page refreshes do not occur as often as they do in standard interactivity. The user can create new records in a list, save the data, and then continue browsing without encountering a page refresh. You typically deploy a Siebel employee application in high interactivity.

High interactivity supports the following features:

  • Browser scripting. Allows you to use browser script to access Siebel objects. To reduce the number of page refreshes, this configuration allows you to build data validation logic on the client.
  • Implicit save. Allows Siebel CRM to save a record if the user steps off the record.
  • User interface features. Allows the following features:
    • Drag-and-drop column reordering
    • Drag-and-drop file attachments
    • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Pop-up controls for calendar
    • Calculator and currency functions
    • Applet scroll bars
  • Customizable toolbars. Allows you to configure JavaScript toolbars and define new toolbars. For more information, see Using Web Templates to Configure Toolbars.

List Applet Behavior

Siebel CRM displays a list applet differently depending on the interactivity:

  • Standard interactivity. The user can click a row selector control in a row in the list to activate the row. If chosen, the fields in the row can activate input or edit controls. Clicking New creates a new row that includes a series of empty fields where the user can enter information.
  • High interactivity. The user can click any area in a row in the list to activate the row:
    • The row selector control is redundant so Siebel CRM deletes the control when it displays the list.
    • High interactivity uses an implicit save model so a Save control is not required. If the user steps off the current record, then Siebel CRM saves modifications to the Siebel database.

Comparison of Standard and High Interactivity

Table 3 compares some of the major technology and deployment capabilities between standard interactivity and high interactivity.

Table 3. Some Differences Between Standard and High Interactivity
Standard Interactivity
High Interactivity

Uses Java technology



Uses JavaScript technology



Uses ActiveX technology



Uses Document Object Model




Customer or partner

Siebel employee or partner

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