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Setting SupportedMobileBrowser

Set SupportedMobileBrowser to include each different type of mobile device that you want your Siebel Mobile application to support. The default value for SupportedMobileBrowser for Siebel Mobile or later is as follows:

SupportedMobileBrowser="Tablet:iPad,Android-Chrome-GT-P7510,Android-Chrome-Nexus,Android-Chrome-Micromax P500(Funbook),webOS,MSIE-Windows NT-Touch,MSIE-Windows NT-ARM|Phone:iPhone,iPod,Android-Chrome-Mobile,MSIE-Windows Phone,BB10-Mobile"

For information about how to set SupportedMobileBrowser, see Setting Siebel Application Object Manager Parameters for Siebel Mobile Applications.

Syntax for Listing the Parameter Value

The syntax for listing the parameter values is as follows:

  • A colon (:) must follow each new device type. For example:


  • A vertical bar (|) must separate each mobile device definition.
    • The value after the vertical bar up until the next colon (:) is considered as the start of a new device type definition.
    • The values after the colon (:) represent the unique user agent strings for different mobile devices. The user agent strings are separated by a comma.
  • If there is no colon (:) in the SupportedMobileBrowser string, then it is assumed that the SupportedMobileBrowser string is defining a mobile device of type Tablet by default.

You can change the default value of SupportedMobileBrowser by adding the unique user agent strings for more mobile devices to the parameter. For more information, see Determining the Unique User Agent String for Your Mobile Device.

Determining the Unique User Agent String for Your Mobile Device

A user agent string is the string that the browser sends to a server every time it visits a Web page. The user agent string includes information about the following: the browser you are using, the browser version, your operating system, the name of your device, the device type, and so on. The server (belonging to the Web page that you are visiting) uses this information to provide you with the content that best suits the browser and device that you are using. To obtain the user agent string for your mobile device, browse to the following or a similar Web site from your mobile device:

After you obtain the user agent string for the mobile device, you must pick the words from the user agent string which will uniquely identify your device type, device name, the operating system being used, browser, browser version, and so on. All user agent strings typically contain common words like Mozilla, Linux, and AppleWebKit so be careful when picking the unique words to identify your device.

The following procedure shows you how to determine the unique user agent string for your mobile device for Siebel Mobile or later, and how to add the unique user agent string to SupportedMobileBrowser.

When forming your unique user agent string, note that the sequence of the words does not matter, the combination of words must be unique, and the words must be separated by a hyphen (-). When adding user agent strings to SupportedMobileBrowser, the user agent strings must be separated by a comma. Note the following:

  • To add a new phone device, then add the user agent string to the Phone: section of SupportedMobileBrowser.
  • To add a new tablet device, then add the user agent string to the Tablet: section of SupportedMobileBrowser.

To determine the unique user agent string for your mobile device

  1. Start the browser on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the following Web site from the browser on your mobile device:

  3. The user agent string for your mobile device and browser is returned.

    Note that the user agent string that is returned will vary depending on the browser you are using, the browser version, your operating system, the name of your device, the device type, and so on. But an example of a user agent string for Galaxy tablet (mobile device) is as follows:

    Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.0.4; GT-P7510 Build/IMM76D)
    AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko)
    Chrome/18.0.1025.166 Safari/535.19

    An example of a user agent string for Galaxy Note (phone device) is as follows:

    Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.0.4; GT-N7000 Build/IMM76D)
    AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko)
    Chrome/18.0.1025.166 Mobile Safari/535.19

  4. To add the unique user agent string for Galaxy tablet, do the following:
    1. Pick Android, GT-P7510, and Chrome to form the unique user agent string because the other elements in the string are common for other android-based devices.
    2. Add Android-Chrome-GT-P7510 to SupportedMobileBrowser, for example, as follows:

    SupportedMobileBrowser="Tablet:iPad,Linux,Android-Chrome,Android-Chrome-GT-P7510,webOS,MSIE-Windows NT-Touch,MSIE-Windows NT-ARM|Phone:iPhone,iPod,Linux,Android-Chrome-Mobile,MSIE-Windows Phone"

  5. Then do the following to add the unique user agent string for Galaxy Note (phone device):
    1. Pick Android, Mobile, and Chrome to form the unique user agent string because the other elements in the string are common for other android-based phone devices.
    2. Add Android-Chrome-Mobile to SupportedMobileBrowser, for example, as follows:

    SupportedMobileBrowser="Tablet:iPad,Linux,Android-Chrome,webOS,MSIE-Windows NT-Touch,MSIE-Windows NT-ARM|Phone:iPhone,iPod,Linux,Android-Chrome-Mobile,MSIE-Windows Phone"

    NOTE:  The word Mobile is always present in the user agent strings of Android-based phones, so it is not necessary to add the device name or model number to the server parameter string.

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