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Examples of the Outgoing XML Format

Examples of the XML documents generated and sent by the XML Gateway to the external system are presented in Table 43. These examples are based on the Siebel eScript example in Custom Business Service Examples. See DTDs for XML Gateway Business Service for examples of the DTDs that correspond to each of these methods.

NOTE:  The XML examples in this chapter have extraneous carriage returns and line feeds for ease of reading. Delete all the carriage returns and line feeds before using any of the examples.

Table 43. Outgoing XML Tags and Descriptions
Format of the XML Stream

Delete Request


<buscomp id="1">Contact</buscomp>



<value field="AccountId">146</value>

<value field="Name">Max Adams</value>

<value field="Phone">(408)234-1029</value>

<value field="Location">San Jose</value>

<value field="AccessId">146</value>




This tag requests removal of a single record in the remote system.

Init Request


<buscomp id="1">Contact</buscomp>



  • siebel-xmlext-fields-req

    This tag fetches the list of fields supported by this instance.

  • buscomp Id

    The business component ID.

  • remote-source

    The remote source from which the service is to retrieve data for the business component.

Insert Request


<buscomp id="1">Contact</buscomp>



<value field="AccountId">1-6</value>

<value field="Name">Max Adams</value>

<value field="Phone">(398)765-1290</value>

<value field="Location">Troy</value>

<value field="AccessId"></value>




This tag requests the commit of a new record in the remote system.

The insert-req XML stream contains values for fields entered through the business component.

PreInsert Request


<buscomp id="1">Contact</buscomp>




This tag allows the connector to provide default values. This operation is called when a new row is created, but before any values are entered through the business component interface.

Query Request


<buscomp id="1">Contact</buscomp>



<search-string>=([Phone] IS NOT NULL) AND ([AccountId] = "1-6")</search-string>


<node node-type="Binary Operator">AND

<node node-type="Unary Operator">IS NOT NULL

<node node-type="Identifier">Phone</node>


<node node-type="Binary Operator">=

<node node-type="Identifier">AccountId</node>

<node value-type="TEXT" node-type="Constant">1-6</node>





<sort field="Location">ASCENDING</sort>

<sort field="Name">DESCENDING</sort>



  • siebel-xmlext-query-req

    This tag queries by example. The query-req XML stream contains parameters necessary to set up the query. In this example, the query requests that record information be returned from the remote system.

  • max-rows

    Maximum number of rows to be returned. The value is the Maximum Cursor Size defined at the VBC plus one. If the Maximum Cursor Size property is not defined at the VBC, then the max-rows property is not passed.

  • search-string

    The search specification used to query and filter the information.

  • search-spec

    Hierarchical representation of the search-string. For information, see Search-Spec Node-Type Values.

  • sort-spec

    List of sort fields and sort order.

NOTE:  In some cases you might retrieve external data for display in a child list applet, using a link to a parent business component. If the parent business component field on which the link is based is empty, then the query request is sent without a search-spec tag, but instead with the following tag:

<match field="
Child BC Fieldname"/>

Update Request


<buscomp id="2">Contact</buscomp>



<value changed="false" field="AccountId">1-6</value>

<value changed="false" field="Name">Max Adams</value>

<value changed="true" field="Phone">(408)234-1029</value>

<value changed="true" field="Location">San Jose</value>

<value changed="false" field="AccessId">146</value>




This tag requests changes to the field values for an existing row.

All values for the record are passed with the value tags, and with the changed attribute identifying the ones that have been changed through the Siebel application.

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