Siebel Hospitality Guide > Setting Up Meeting Packages > Process of Setting Up Meeting Packages (Administrators) >

Associating Functions and Function Line Items with a Meeting Package

You can create, edit, and delete functions and function line items. One or more functions can be associated with a meeting package. For each function, you can specify one or more function line items.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Meeting Packages (Administrators).

To associate a function and function line items with a meeting package

  1. Navigate to the Property Administration screen, Properties view, and find a property with an associated meeting package.
  2. Click the link in the Property Name field.
  3. Click the Meeting Packages view tab.
  4. In the Meeting Packages list, select a meeting package with which you want to associate functions and function line items.
  5. In the view link bar, click Function Line Items, and scroll to the bottom of the view.
  6. In the Functions list, create a new function, and complete the fields as required.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Function Type

    The type of function that is planned. The options include the Function Type LOV values defined for the current property.


    Name of the function.

    Posting Rhythm

    The selection options are: Per Day and Per Stay.

    Applies To

    The selection options are: DD, CMP, and DD/CMP.

    If the UoM of the function line item is Per Room, or if the Posting Rhythm of the function is Per Stay, then this field value must be CMP.

    FS Rental/Person

    The rental allocation for each person for a function space.

    Function Space

    The default space that is assigned to the function at booking time. The options include the function spaces available for the current property. If the FS Rental/Person field is populated, then this field cannot be null.

    When a meeting package is applied to a quote, Siebel Hospitality automatically populates the function space for the function with the value set in the meeting package administration record. This default function space can be updated on the quote.

    NOTE:  It is recommended that you designate a default function space for all functions in meeting package administration records. If a function space is not displayed by default, and Best Fit does not find a suitable function space, then any function space that is added after a meeting package is applied to a quote is identified by Siebel Hospitality as a noncore line item. If a noncore line item is added to the meeting package at the time the quote is created, then that line item will have a zero price, so as not to affect the package price for each day.

    Total Function Allocation

    Read only. Calculated field that equals the sum of all line item allocations plus the rental allocation of the function. The rental allocation is considered to be the per person allocation for a function space.

    This field displays a value only if all the associated line item Adjustment Type values are Price Override or Per Person Allocation. If not, then this field is blank.

  7. With the function record selected, create one or more line items for the function in the Line Items list and complete the required fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Select a product to associate with the function. This field is constrained to products that are available for the current property and products that are not associated with a specific property.

    Display Name

    Read only. Name to be displayed for this line item in the Siebel Hospitality user interface. This field value is copied from the associated product record.


    The quantity of this item that is included in the function. The default value is 1.

    List Price

    Seasonal price for this line item.

    Adjustment Type

    The type of price adjustment applied to the item. For information about the selection options for this field, see About Adjustment Type Field Values.

    If UoM is not equal to Per Person or Per Room, then the value in this field must be Per Person Allocation.


    The value of the adjustment. How this value is used depends on the selection in the Adjustment Type field. For more information, see About Adjustment Type Field Values.

    Unit of Measure

    Displays the UoM value of the associated product by default:

    • If the value of this field is not Per Person or Per Room, then the Adjustment Type value must be Per Person Allocation.
    • If the Applies To field in the associated function is set to DD or DD/CMP, then this field cannot be Per Room.

    Revenue Sub Category

    The revenue subcategory associated with this line item. It displays the Revenue Sub Category of the selected product by default.

  8. Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 for each additional function and associated line items.
About Adjustment Type Field Values

Price adjustments are used to define a meeting package allocation for a meeting package item. The Adjustment Type field allows you to specify the type of adjustment to apply to meeting package function line item discounts. The entry in the Value field specifies the adjustment amount or percentage, depending on the selection in the Adjustment Type field. The selection options are as follows:

  • Discount %. The adjustment value is a percentage that is subtracted from the product list price. For example, 10 percent is deducted from the 200.00 list price for an allocation of 180.00.
  • Discount Amount. The adjustment value is subtracted from the product list price. For example, 5.00 is deducted from the 50.00 list price for an allocation of 45.00.
  • Markup %. The adjustment value is the percentage that is added to the product list price. For example, 20 percent is added to the 100.00 list price for an allocation of 120.00.
  • Markup Amount. The adjustment value is added to the product list price. For example, 10.00 is added to the 30.00 list price for an allocation of 40.00.
  • Per Person Allocation. At quote booking time, the adjustment value is multiplied by the number of expected attendees for the associated function. Use this adjustment type for items that do not have a Per Person or Per Room unit of measure but toward which each attendee must contribute revenue.

    For example, a function includes one projector. The line item record for the projector has a Unit of Measure field value of Each. In other words, each attendee is required to contribute revenue for the projector. The Per Person Allocation value is 10.00, and at quote time there are 50 expected attendees for the function. The projector will therefore contribute a total of 10.00 multiplied by 50, or 500.00 of revenue for the function.

    NOTE:  Per Person Allocation is not a selection option in the Adjustment Type field of the Sleeping Rooms view, Sleeping Room Prices list. This adjustment type is not applicable to sleeping rooms.

  • Price Override. The adjustment value is the product allocation, overriding the original product list price. For example, a 15.00 allocation price overrides a 20.00 list price.

    CAUTION:  For sleeping rooms, if the Adjustment Type is not equal to Price Override and the meeting package allocation is based on the benchmark rate for that day as specified on the quote at run-time, then the package price is not calculated in the meeting package administration record.

Because the product for this line item might appear on more than one price list, Siebel Hospitality cannot assign a price list until the quote is created. Consequently, if you select an Adjustment Type other than Price Override or Per Person Allocation, then the Total Function Allocation field of the function record is blank.

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