Siebel Marketing User Guide > Launching Programs and Campaigns > Displaying Campaign Charts in Siebel Campaigns >

Displaying Lead Quality Analysis by Campaign Charts or Response Charts

The Lead Quality Analysis by Campaign chart displays the opportunities that have been created for the campaign when the Response Type is set to Opportunity. Using this chart, you can display opportunities by number of opportunities, by total opportunity revenue, or by average opportunity broken out by lead quality.

Preparing to Generate the Lead Quality Analysis by Campaign Chart

The following procedure shows how to prepare to generate the Lead Quality Analysis by Campaign chart.

To prepare to generate the Lead Quality Analysis by Campaign chart

  1. In the Campaigns list, click the campaign name, click the Responses view tab, and verify that the Response Type field is set to Opportunity.
  2. In the Opportunities screen, for each opportunity created for a campaign, make sure values are entered in the Lead Quality, Revenue, and Source fields.

    You can use the My Opportunities or All Opportunities views to display the opportunities you want to check.

The Lead Quality by Response chart displays the opportunities that have been created for a campaign when the campaign's Response Type is set to Response. The chart displays opportunities by number of opportunities, by total opportunity revenue, or by average opportunity broken out by lead quality.

Preparing to Generate the Lead Quality by Response Chart

The following procedure shows how to prepare to generate the Lead Quality by Response chart.

To prepare to generate the Lead Quality by Response chart

  1. In the Campaigns list, make sure the Response Type is set to Opportunity.

    The Response Type field is in the Response's view tab, after drilling down on the campaign name.

  2. In the Opportunities screen, make sure that the Revenue, Lead Quality, and Source fields are completed for each opportunity.
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