Siebel Marketing User Guide > Managing Lists > Process of Creating and Managing Internal Lists and Subscription Lists >

Creating Internal Lists

The contacts or prospects you target for each campaign vary depending on the campaign objective. For example, you might want to select the contacts who have a certain job title or live in a specific ZIP or Postal Code. In another campaign, you might want to combine sets of contacts or prospects that were selected by several different criteria into a single list.

You create an internal list of contacts or prospects in the List Management screen using the Contacts or Prospects view. You can also use these views to add contacts or prospects to existing lists.

NOTE:  To create an internal list, your employee login must have a responsibility associated with it that includes the List Management views.

You can reuse lists in any number of campaigns or marketing programs.

The following procedure shows how to create an internal list of contacts or prospects.

To create an internal list of contacts or prospects

  1. Navigate to the List Management screen, then the Contacts or Prospects view.
  2. In the Contacts or Prospects list, select the individuals that you would like to include, or perform a query to find this information.
  3. After you receive the results of your query, you can select any number of the records for inclusion in the list.
  4. With the desired records selected, click Add to List.
  5. In the Pick List dialog box, click Create New List.
  6. In the second Pick List dialog box, enter a name for the list, and click OK.
  7. In the Pick List dialog box, select the list you created and click OK.
  8. To display the new list, in the List Management link bar, click Lists.

    NOTE:  The list type is defaulted to Internal. You can rename the list to give it a more appropriate reference name or type at any time.

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