Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Employee Asset-Based Ordering > About Dynamic Transform >

Source Promotions Applet

While performing a dynamic transform, the Source Promotions applet is displayed. Table 7 describes some of columns in the Source Promotions applet.

Table 7. Source Promotions Applet Descriptions
Column Header

Line #

The line item number.


The name of the product, the promotion, or promotion component.


A description of the product, promotion, or promotion component.

Service ID

The service ID of the product, promotion, or promotion component.


The quantity of the asset.


The status of the line item with respect to the promotion dynamic transform operation. The possible values are described as follows:

  • Disconnected. A transfer occurred from the source promotion to the target promotion that generated a minimum cardinality violation, which in turn caused a disconnection of the source promotion.
  • De-bundled. A disconnection of the source promotion caused a debundling of the sibling components.
  • Transferred. The line item is transferred from the source promotion to the target promotion.
  • -. No action has been taken on this line item.

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