Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Employee Asset-Based Ordering > About Dynamic Transform >

Configuring the Projected Asset Cache Search Specification

In past releases of Siebel Order Management for Industry Applications, when the Compound Product Validation Engine was triggered, the default search specification for retrieving the Projected Asset Cache was always used. The Projected Asset Cache is an object that is used by the Compound Product Validation Engine. For more information about the Compound Product Validation Engine, see About the Compound Product Validation Engine.

Using Siebel Order Management for Industry Applications Version and subsequent releases, administrators can configure the Projected Asset Cache search specification. Business service user properties must be set up in order to change the Projected Asset Cache search specification.

This procedure provides a means to change the Projected Asset Cache search specification that is appended to the current search specification when assets, quote items, and order line items are queried.

This procedure covers the following tasks:

Setting Up the Business Service User Properties

To set up business service user properties that change the Projected Asset Cache search specification, follow this procedure.

To set up the business service user properties

  1. Launch Siebel Tools.
  2. In Siebel Tools, select the VORD Projected Asset Cache business service, and lock it.
  3. Create new records in the Business Service User Property.

    The additional user properties are described in the following table.

    Example Value

    Asset Search Spec

    [Status] <> LookupValue('IMPL_PHASE','Inactive')

    Existing search specification that is appended in code, as follows:

    [Product Name] IS NOT NULL

    This specification queries the Asset Mgmt - Asset and Asset Mgmt - Asset XA business components.

    Order Search Spec

    [Order Status] <> LookupValue('FS_ORDER_STATUS','Cancelled') AND [Processed Flag] = 'N' AND [Order Active Flag] = 'Y'

    Existing search specification that is appended in code, as follows:

    [Product Name] IS NOT NULL AND [Action Code] <> '-' AND [Due Date] <= <Future date> AND [Processed Flag] = 'N' AND [Order Active Flag] = 'Y'

    This specification queries the Order Entry - Line Items and Order Item XA business components.

    If the user property is provided, then [Processed Flag] = 'N' AND [Order Active Flag] = 'Y' is mandatory. These fields are not automatically restored to the final query in the Order Entry - Line Items and Order Item XA business components.

    Quote Search Spec

    [Quote Status] <> LookupValue('QUOTE_STATUS','Order Placed')

    Existing search specification that is appended in code, as follows:

    [Product] IS NOT NULL AND [Action Code] <> '-' AND [Quote Id] = <Quote Id>

    This specification queries the Quote Item and Quote Item XA business components.

    NOTE:  The user property values in the table are examples. The search specification can contain static data, for example, Status <> 'Cancelled'. The syntax must be as shown in the table, without enclosing the entire search specification in double or single quotation marks.

    For more information about the business service user property configurations, see About Business Service and Workflow Configurations.

  4. Compile the business service object.

VORD Projected Asset Cache business service user properties are global, and are applied in all the calls to the Retrieve or Initialize business service methods.

Configuring the Workflows

Multiple workflows that require the Projected Asset Cache call the Retrieve or Initialize business service methods of the VORD Projected Asset Cache business service. While retrieving the Projected Asset Cache, these workflows might be required to pass search specifications using values available in the workflow. To provide the ability to perform these operations, the Retrieve and Initialize business service methods can read and operate on the following additional input arguments:

  • Optional Asset Search Expression. This input argument queries the Asset Mgmt - Asset and Asset Mgmt - Asset XA business components.
  • Optional Order Search Expression. This input argument queries the Order Entry - Line Items and Order Item XA business components.
  • Optional Quote Search Expression. This input argument queries the Quote Item and Quote Item XA business components.

To set up workflows to change the Projected Asset Cache search specification, follow this procedure.

To configure the workflows

  1. Identify the workflows that call the Retrieve or Initialize business service methods.
  2. Launch Siebel Tools.
  3. In Siebel Tools, select a workflow.
  4. In the workflow, select the target step that calls the Retrieve or Initialize business service method.
  5. Optionally, add input arguments to the workflow step, if needed to meet the customer business requirements.

    The additional input arguments are described in the following table.

    Input Argument
    Example Value

    Optional Asset Search Expression


    '[Asset Id] <> ' + '"' + [&<Name of the parameter in the workflow>] + '"'

    Optional Order Search Expression


    '[Account Id] <> ' + '"' + [&<Name of the parameter in the workflow>] + '"'

    Optional Quote Search Expression


    '[Account Id] <> ' + '"' + [&<Name of the parameter in the workflow>] + '"'

    NOTE:  The input argument values in the table are examples. Typically, the Optional Search specification can contain run-time data, for example, Account Id, Quote Id, and so on.

    For more information about the workflow input argument configurations, see About Business Service and Workflow Configurations.

  6. Repeat Step 3 through Step 5 for each additional workflow that calls the Retrieve or Initialize business service method.
  7. Publish and activate the workflows.

Workflow changes are local. These changes are reflected only when the Retrieve or Initialize business service method is called from that workflow.

About Business Service and Workflow Configurations

The following rules apply to both the new business service user properties and the additional workflow input arguments:

  • Any field that is added in the search specification must be present in both the Asset Mgmt - Asset and Asset Mgmt - Asset XA business components.
  • Any field that is added in the search specification must be present in both the Order Entry - Line Items and Order Item XA business components.
  • Any field that is added in the search specification must be present in both the Quote Item and Quote Item XA business components.

User property and workflow changes are optional. If these changes are present, then they are appended. Otherwise, they are ignored.

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