Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Workflows for Employee Asset-Based Ordering > Workflows for Dynamic Transform >

ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Quote Sub Process Workflow

This workflow handles the dynamic transformation of source promotions to target promotions for non-residential accounts that are associated with quotes. The ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Process workflow calls this workflow as a subprocess.

Figure 111 illustrates this workflow.

Figure 111. ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Quote Sub Process Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Get Quote. Obtains the current active quote.
  2. Get Account. Obtains the current account details.
  3. Go to Quote View. Navigates to the ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform View - Quote view. In this view, the user can add target promotions and initiate transfers of components from source promotions to target promotions.
  4. Get Clicked Button. Obtains the button that the user clicks in the in the ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform View - Quote view.
  5. Continue? Goes to Step 6 when the user clicks the Cancel button, or goes to Step 8 when the user clicks the Done button.
  6. Set Status to Cancel. Sets the status of the quote to Cancel.
  7. Go to Invoking View. Navigates to the Account Summary view.
  8. Get Prom Instance List. Separates the components for the source promotion into components that were transferred to the target promotion and components that were not transferred to the target promotion.
  9. GetDebundleListSize. Obtains the list of source components that were not transferred to the target promotion and that must be debundled.
  10. Debundle Size > 0? Determines whether the debundle size is greater than 0.
  11. Get Prompt List. Obtains the list of components for which to prompt the user for an action code.
  12. Is Prompt Required? Determines whether a user prompt is required.
  13. User Prompt Sub Process. Calls the ISS Promotion Prompt Interactive Sub Process when a user prompt is required.
  14. Get Filtered List Size. Obtains the number of components to disconnect when a user prompt is not required.
  15. Filtered Size > 0? Determines whether the filtered size is greater than 0.
  16. Disconnect Related Items. Disconnects the promotion components when the filtered size is greater than 0. This step uses the SIS OM PMT business service.
  17. Get Unfiltered List Size. Obtains the number of components to disassociate from the promotion when the filtered size is not greater than 0.
  18. Unfiltered Size > 0? Determines whether the unfiltered size is greater than 0.
  19. Edit Related Items. Obtains the promotion components to the document line item when the unfiltered size is greater than 0. This step uses the SIS OM PMT business service.
  20. GetPromListSize. Obtains the list of promotions to disconnect.
  21. Disconnect Prom? Determines whether promotions must be disconnected.
  22. Copy List. Copies the list of promotions to disconnect when promotions must be disconnected.
  23. Get Disconnect Promotion. Obtains a promotion in the list of promotions to disconnect.
  24. Clear Association. Removes the association between the promotion and the promotion component.
  25. More Instance? Determines whether more promotions must be disconnected.
  26. Disconnect Promotions. Disconnects the source promotions when no more promotions must be disconnected. This step uses the SIS OM PMT business service.
  27. Get Target Promotion. Obtains the target promotion when no promotions must be disconnected.
  28. Any New Promotion? Determines whether any new promotions exist.
  29. Apply Promotion Items. Applies the promotion items to the target promotion when any new promotions exist. This step uses the ApplyItems method.
  30. More New Promotion? Determines whether more new promotions exist.
  31. Clean List. Cleans the list of target promotions when no new promotions exist.
  32. Penalty Amount > 0? Determines whether a penalty amount is greater than 0.
  33. Create Penality. Adds the penalty item for disconnecting the source promotions when the penalty amount is greater than 0.
  34. Set Reprice Flag. Sets the reprice flag so that the quote is repriced.
  35. Go to Document Details View. Navigates to the document view for the newly created quote.
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