Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Creating Communications Promotion Groups >

Promotion Group Disconnect Reference

This topic describes the internal processes that occur in your Siebel application when promotion groups and their components are disconnected. This topic covers the following subjects:

NOTE:  A promotion associated with a promotion group membership cannot be split or merged.

Promotion Group Disconnect

When a promotion group is disconnected, your Siebel application performs the following steps and validations:

  1. If a promotion group commitment is broken, then your Siebel application calculates the penalty charge for the promotion group.
  2. For each membership,
    1. If the Delete Member Asset flag is set to Yes:
      • If the asset is associated with other memberships, then it stops the process and displays a message saying that the asset must be disconnected first.
      • Otherwise, if the asset is a bundled promotion, and if its commitment is broken, then it calculates the bundled promotion penalty charge.
    2. If a membership commitment is broken, then it calculates the membership penalty charges.
  3. If a commitment has been broken in Step 1 or Step 2, then it displays a warning message.
  4. If the user confirms the disconnect action, then it does the following:
    1. Creates a new order.
    2. Adds the promotion group and its memberships and rewards as line items, each with an Action Code of Delete.
    3. For each membership, it does the following:
      • If the Delete Member Asset flag is set to Yes, then it adds the member as a line item with an Action Code of Delete.
      • Otherwise, if the Validate Member Asset flag is set to Yes, then it adds the member as a line item. If a pricing adjustment is defined for the member asset, then the line item has an Action Code of Update.
    4. Adds the rolled-up penalty charges with an Action Code of Add.

Membership Disconnect

When a promotion group membership is disconnected, your Siebel application performs the following steps and validations:

  1. If a membership commitment is broken, then your Siebel application calculates the penalty charge.
  2. If the Delete Member Asset flag is set to Yes:
    • If the asset is associated with other memberships, then it stops the process and displays a message saying that the asset must be disconnected first.
    • Otherwise, if the asset is a bundled promotion, and if its commitment is broken, then it calculates the bundled promotion penalty charge.
  3. If a commitment has been broken in Step 1 or Step 2, then it displays a warning message.
  4. If the user confirms the disconnect action,
    1. Creates a new order.
    2. Adds the membership as line item with an Action Code of Delete.
      • If the Delete Member Asset flag is set to Yes, then it adds the member as a line item with an Action Code of Delete.
      • Otherwise, the if Validate Member Asset flag is set to Yes, then it adds the member as a line item. If a pricing adjustment is defined for the member asset, then the line item has an Action Code of Update.
    3. Adds the rolled-up penalty charges with an Action Code of Add.

Membership Asset Disconnect

When an asset associated with a promotion group membership is disconnected, then your Siebel application performs the following steps and validations:

  1. If the asset is a bundled promotion and its commitment is broken, then your Siebel application calculates the penalty charge.
  2. For each associated membership, if a commitment is broken, then it calculates the penalty charge.
  3. If a commitment has been broken in Step 1 or Step 2, then it displays a warning message.
  4. If the user confirms the disconnect action, then it does the following:
    1. Creates a new order.
    2. Adds the asset as a line item with an Action Code of Delete.
    3. If the asset is a bundled promotion, then it adds its components with an Action Code of Delete or Update, depending on how the bundled promotion is set up.
    4. For each associated membership, it adds the membership as a line item with an Action Code of Delete.
  5. Adds all the rolled-up penalty charges with an Action Code of Add.
  6. If cardinality is violated, then it displays a warning message about a cardinality violation.
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