Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide > PSP Engine > Configuring PSP Procedures >
Configuring Eligibility, Compatibility, and Pricing
Different information is required to configure eligibility, compatibility, and pricing in the following scenarios:
This topic describes the configuration that is necessary in Business Components, Integration Objects, and Business Service Properties to set up eligibility, compatibility, and pricing for these different scenarios. For information about how to configure additional fields for use in eligibility, compatibility, and pricing, see Configuring an Additional Field For Use in Eligibility, Compatibility, and Pricing. Eligibility, Compatibility, and Pricing Using the Configurator in an ABO Environment
This topic describes how to enable ABO for a Siebel Developer Web Client and a Siebel Application Object Manager. Enabling Asset Based Ordering for a Siebel Developer Web Client
Use the following procedure to enable ABO for a Siebel Developer Web client. To enable Asset Based Ordering for a Siebel Developer Web Client
Enabling Asset Based Ordering for a Siebel Application Object Manager
Use the following procedure to enable ABO for a Siebel Application Object Manager. To enable Asset Based Ordering for a Siebel Application Object Manager
- Set the AssetBasedOrderingEnabled parameter in your Siebel Business Application by navigating to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Enterprises, Component Definitions, and then the Parameters view.
- Query for the object manager component where you want to enable ABO.
- Query for the parameter Order Management - Enable Asset Based Ordering, and set the Current Value to True.
- Save this record.
Then when you click the Customize button in the quote items applet or order line items applet in your Siebel Business Application:
- No signal is raised.
- The SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item workflow is invoked
- The following integration objects are used to build the Configurator instance property set:
SIS OM Quote
SIS OM Order
SIS OM Asset
Eligibility, Compatibility, and Pricing Using the Configurator in a Non-ABO Environment
This topic describes how to disable ABO for a Siebel Developer Web Client and a Siebel Application Object Manager. Disabling Asset Based Ordering for a Siebel Developer Web Client
Use the following procedure to disable ABO for a Siebel Developer Web client. To disable Asset Based Ordering for a Siebel Developer Web Client
Disabling Asset Based Ordering for a Siebel Application Object Manager
Use the following procedure to disable ABO for a Siebel Application Object Manager. To disable Asset Based Ordering for a Siebel Application Object Manager
- Set the AssetBasedOrderingEnabled parameter in your Siebel Business Application by navigating to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Enterprises, Component Definitions, and then Parameters view.
- Query for the object manager component where you want to disable ABO.
- Query for the parameter Order Management - Enable Asset Based Ordering, and set the Current Value to False.
- Save this record.
Then when you click the Customize button in the quote items applet or order line items applet in your Siebel Business Application:
Eligibility, Compatibility, and Pricing Using the Line Item UI
When the user clicks on the Reprice (Pricing) button or Verify (Eligibility) button in the quote items applet or order line items applet in the Siebel Business Application, the following integration object is used to for Eligibility, Compatibility, and Pricing evaluation:
Configuring an Additional Field For Use in Eligibility, Compatibility, and Pricing
When RaiseSignal is called from a business component (for example, Reprice All from quote), the instance is a BusComp pointer and data is pulled from the business component that is currently in memory (that is, the business component that the applet within the view is based on). When the instance is a BusComp pointer, the integration object is determined by the 'Instance Uniform Name EAI Object*' user properties on that business component.
When RaiseSignal is called from the Configurator (for example, Eligibility within eConfigurator), the instance is a CxObj pointer and data is pulled from the Configurator instance property set. When the instance is a CxObj pointer, the integration object is determined by the final property set that is passed into Configurator.
The following procedure describes the objects that must be modified in order to involve an additional field in the eligibility, compatibility, and pricing processes. Using this procedure ensures consistent behavior between quotes and orders in the line item UI and in the Configurator UI, in both ABO mode and in non-ABO mode. To include additional fields in eligibility, compatibility and pricing
- Add the field to the following business components:
MACD Quote Item
MACD Order Entry - Line Items
Product Eligibility BusComp
- Add the field to the following integration objects:
- Copy the value of the additional field used in the pricing process by creating the corresponding business service user properties for the SIS OM PMT Service.
- Add the field to the following variable maps:
- Quote UI and Order UI:
Default Eligibility Variable Map - Context, and Product Eligibility Variable Map - Context
Default Pricing Variable Map - Context
- Configurator UI (ABO Mode):
Cfg Eligibility Variable Map - Context
Default Pricing Variable Map - Context
- Configurator UI (non-ABO Mode):
Cfg Eligibility Variable Map - Context
Default Pricing Variable Map - Context
- Update the following workflow processes as necessary:
.Product Eligibility & Compatibility - Default
.Pricing Procedure - Default