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Tagging Objects That You Do Not Modify

Touch is a feature in Siebel Tools that allows you to tag an object that Siebel Tools has not tagged as a result of you importing an SIF file, checking in or checking out an object, or doing a manual update. It uses this tag information to identify the objects it extracts from an SDF file during a repository merge. If you touch an object, then you cannot remove the tag that Touch adds.

Siebel Tools automatically tags the objects that it imports or checks in. If Siebel Tools requires an object during an SDF export, and if this object is not tagged, then you can touch the object to make it available to the export. For information about exporting the objects that a developer tags, see Exporting Modified Objects. For more information about SDF files, see How Siebel Tools Minimizes the Data it Processes during Exports and Imports.

To tag objects that you do not modify

  1. Make sure you enable object tagging.

    For more information, see Enabling Object Tagging in Siebel Tools.

  2. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you must tag.
  3. Right-click the object you located in Step 2, and then click Touch Object.

    Siebel Tools does the following:

    • If this object is:
      • Not already tagged. Siebel Tools adds an entry in the Tag Object table.
      • Already tagged. Siebel Tools updates the Last updated date in the Tag Object table.
    • Displays the following message:

    The Object is Touched

Using a Batch Operation to Tag Objects That You Do Not Modify

This topic describes how to tag objects that you do not modify in batch.

To use a batch operation to tag objects that you do not modify

  1. Create an object list file.

    For more information, Example of an Object List File.

  2. Open a command line interface in the following directory:


  3. Enter the following command:

    siebdev /c tools.cfg /l language_code /u user /p password /d database /iPackMode /t "tag_name" /BatchTouchObj object_list_file_name log_file_name


    • language_code identifies the language code. For example, enu.
    • user identifies the Siebel Tools user.
    • password identifies the password that you use to log in to Siebel Tools.
    • database identifies the database where the object resides.
    • tag_name identifies the name of the tag. This is the same name that you typically click in the Tag Name field in the log-in dialog box that you use to open Siebel Tools.
    • object_list_file_name identifies the full path to and the name of a text file that includes a list of the objects that Siebel Tools must tag. For more information, Example of an Object List File.
    • log_file_name identifies the file that Siebel Tools uses to store log entries that it creates during the batch operation.

      For example:

    siebdev.exe /c tools.cfg /d ServerDataSrc /u sadmin /p sadmin /iPackMode /t "Siebel Mobile" /BatchTouchObj C:\Touch\TouchObjList.txt C:\Touch\touchobj.log

Example of an Object List File

The Object List file is a text file that includes a list of the objects that Siebel Tools must tag. You can use any file name that meets Windows file name requirements. You can locate this file anywhere on the computer where Siebel Tools resides. The Object List file uses the following format:

object hierarchy,object type

object hierarchy,object type


  • object hierarchy identifies the full object hierarchy of the object that Siebel Tools must tag.
  • object type identifies the type of object that Siebel Tools must tag.
  • , (a comma) separates the object hierarchy from the object type. You must not include a space before or after the comma.

The file must not include any empty lines.

For example, you use the following format to tag the control user property of a control that resides in an applet:

applet_name||control_name||control_user_property_name,Control User Prop


  • Two vertical bars (||) separate two different levels in the object hierarchy.

For example, the following code specifies the control user property named Url of the CancelQuery control that resides in the ABO Bulk Request Component Product Pick Applet:

ABO Bulk Request Component Product Pick Applet||CancelQuery||Url,Control User Prop

If you specify an object in the TouchObjList.txt file, and if this object does not exist in the SRF, then Siebel Tools creates an error message in the log file.

Examples of Specifying Objects That Do Not Include the Name Property

You use the Name property to specify most objects. If an object does not include a Name property, then you can use the next significant property. For example, you use the following Field property for a pick map:

business_component_name||field_name||pick_map_field_property,Pick Map

The following code specifies the Account Status pick map of the Account Status field that resides in the Account business component:

Account||Account Status||Account Status,Pick Map

For another example, you use the following Table property for a join:


The following code specifies the S_CONTACT table of a join that resides in the Account business component:


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