Using Siebel Tools > Managing Repositories >

Configuring Siebel CRM to Read Data From a Single Repository

This topic describes an example of how to configure Siebel CRM to read data from a single repository if the Siebel database contains multiple repositories.

To configure Siebel CRM to read data from a single repository

  1. Log in to the Siebel client with administrative privileges.
  2. Navigate to the Administration - Order Management screen, and then the Message Types view.
  3. Click Payload, and then click New.
  4. Click the Response Field drop-down list.

    If the Response Field drop-down list:

    • Does not display duplicate values. The Siebel database does not contain multiple repositories, and you can exit this task.
    • Displays duplicate values. The Siebel database contains multiple repositories, and you must configure Siebel CRM to read data only from a single repository. Continue to Step 5.
  5. Configure Siebel CRM to read data only from a single repository:
    1. Log in to Siebel Tools.
    2. In the Object Explorer, click Pick List.
    3. In the Pick Lists list, query the Name property for the following value:

    UMS PickList Response Field

    1. Modify the Search Specification property using values from the following table.

      Search Specification

      [Buscomp] = 'UMS Response' and [Repository Id] = RepositoryId()

      Siebel CRM displays the UMS Type Variables List Applet in Step 5. This applet references the UMS Type Variable business component. It displays the Response Field Name field and uses the UMS PickList Response Field picklist for this field. This picklist uses the following search specification when it references the UMS Pick List Field business component:

    [Buscomp] = 'UMS Response'

    The UMS Pick List Field business component references the S_FIELD table. It does not include a search specification, so Siebel CRM does not filter the records that it gets according to the specifications that the repository contains. If multiple repositories exist in the Siebel database, then Siebel CRM gets all the field names from all repositories and displays them in the picklist. This configuration might result in Siebel CRM displaying duplicate values in the picklist that you cannot choose. To correct this situation, you create a search specification that instructs Siebel CRM to read data only from the current repository.

  6. Compile your modifications.
  7. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4.
  8. Make sure the Response Field drop-down list does not display duplicate values.
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