Siebel eService Administration Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Siebel eBanking and Siebel eBrokerage > Features in User Interface for Siebel eBanking and Siebel eBrokerage >

Trades Page (Siebel eBrokerage Only)

In the Trades page, users can buy and sell stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and options. Also, you can transfer assets from other institutions to their accounts. You can view and cancel open orders for stock, bond, mutual fund, and option trades.

In the Trades page, users can view their trade history.

In Siebel Finance, all trades map to the Service Requests screen. There is no direct link to the trade or investment views. An administrator can configure the workflow processes to check for service requests, and then execute a trade from a back-end application.

Trade Cancellation

You can cancel trade orders by drilling down on a trade number from either the Siebel eBrokerage home page or the Trades Summary page. To change default behavior for trade cancellation, use Siebel Tools to modify the FINS eBrokerage Trade Detail Form Applet. Table 8 shows the applet user properties that govern trade cancellation behavior.

Table 8. Applet User Properties for Trade Cancellation
Property Name
Default Value

Cancel Trade Confirm Page Sequence


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear for confirming the trade cancellation. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

Disable DeleteRecord


If this property is set to Y, then trade cancellation is enabled for all trades with a status of Pending. If this property is set to N, then trades cannot be canceled.

Disable DeleteRecord GotoView

FINS eBrokerage Open Orders List View

This property designates the view to appear immediately after the cancellation is confirmed.

Trade Error Checking

When a user enters a trade order, Siebel eBrokerage validates the order information. Each type of trade has validation rules that you can configure in Siebel Tools by setting user properties for the following applets:

  • FINS eBrokerage Stock Trade Form Applet. For more information, see Table 9.
  • FINS eBrokerage Option Trade Form Applet. For more information, see Table 10.
  • FINS eBrokerage Mutual Fund Sale Form Applet. For more information, see Table 11.
  • FINS eBrokerage Mutual Fund Purchase Form Applet. For more information, see Table 12.
  • FINS eBrokerage Bond Trade Form Applet. For more information, see Table 13.
  • FINS eBrokerage Transfer Securities In Applet. For more information, see Table 14.

The tables in this topic describe the user properties for each of these applets, associated settings, and the type of error checking that is handled by default when a user submits a trade. If the error checking described in these tables is insufficient, then the administrator can use VB (Visual Basic) Script or Siebel eScript to further customize error checking for trade orders.

Table 9 describes user properties for the FINS eBrokerage Stock Trade Form Applet.

Table 9. FINS eBrokerage Stock Trade Form Applet
Property Name
Default Value

Error Type 1 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if a limit order is entered and limit price or stop price is not entered. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

Error Type 2 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if an order is entered and all of the required entry fields are left blank. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

Error Type 3 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if a market order is entered and the stop price is also entered. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

Error Type 4 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if a market order is entered and the limit price is also entered. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

Error Type 5 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if a market order is entered and the limit price and stop price is also entered. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

FINS eBrokerage Type

Stocks Trade

Do not change this property value.

Table 10 describes user properties for the FINS eBrokerage Option Trade Form Applet.

Table 10. FINS eBrokerage Option Trade Form Applet
Property Name
Default Value

Error Type 1 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if an order is entered and any of the required fields are left blank. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

Error Type 2 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if a limit order is entered and the limit price is not entered. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

Error Type 3 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if a market order is entered and the limit price is also entered. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

FINS eBrokerage Type

Options Trade

Do not change this property value.

Table 11. FINS eBrokerage Mutual Fund Sale Form Applet
Property Name
Default Value

Error Type 1 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if an order is entered and any of the required fields are left blank. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

FINS eBrokerage Type

Mutual Fund Sale

Do not change this property value.

Table 11 describes user properties for the FINS eBrokerage Mutual Fund Sale Form Applet.

Table 12 describes user properties for the FINS eBrokerage Mutual Fund Purchase Form Applet.

Table 12. FINS eBrokerage Mutual Fund Purchase Form Applet
Property Name
Default Value

Error Type 1 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if an order is entered and any of the required fields are left blank. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

FINS eBrokerage Type

Mutual Fund Purchase

Do not change this property value.

Table 13 describes user properties for the FINS eBrokerage Bond Trade Form Applet.

Table 13. FINS eBrokerage Bond Trade Form Applet
Property Name
Default Value

Error Type 1 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if an order is entered and any of the required fields are left blank. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

Error Type 2 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if a limit order is entered and the limit price is not entered. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

Error Type 3 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if a market order is entered and the limit price is also entered. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

FINS eBrokerage Type

Bonds Trade

Do not change this property value.

Table 14. FINS eBrokerage Transfer Securities In Applet
Property Name
Default Value

Error Type 1 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if both the entire and partial account transfer is chosen. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

Error Type 2 Sequence Number


This property sets the sequence of the page to appear if neither entire or partial account transfer is chosen. This number must match the sequence number for the page created in Applet Web Templates.

FINS eBrokerage Type

Bonds Trade

Do not change this property value.

Table 14 describes user properties for the FINS eBrokerage Transfer Securities In Applet.

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