Installation Guide

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Gathering Materials

This chapter describes the information and materials you need to have to begin installing Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.


Understand the Basics

Before starting installation, you should understand the basics of the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper. These are covered in Concepts and Architectural Overview, a part of the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper documentation set.


Check Your Hardware

Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper has been tested to run on very specific hardware platforms. Supported Configurations are outlined in detail in Supported Configurations. Unless your installation has been specified differently in cooperation with Oracle, only these configurations are supported, as of the time of this writing:

Caution: This list is subject to change. Always check the Release Notes for the most up-to-date list of supported configurations. Also always check the Release Notes to make sure you have the appropriate patches to your operating system installed.


Check Your Software

You must have the following information and software available to complete this installation:

Caution: Always check the Release Notes for the most up-to-date list of supported databases.

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