Installation Guide

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Document Roadmap

The following sections describe the audience for, and the organization of, this document:


Document Scope and Audience

This document describes the initial installation and setup of Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper including:

This document is primarily for support engineers and system administrators working with OCSG.


Guide to This Document

This document contains the following chapters:

Note: You should follow the order of the chapters in installing your system, i.e., gather your materials, then install the database, and then install and configure Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.



The following terms and acronyms are used in this document:


Related Documentation

This installation guide is a part of Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper documentation set. The other documents are:

Additionally, many documents in the WebLogic Server documentation set are of interest to users of Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper, including:

Additionally, many documents in the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation set are of interest to users of Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper, including:

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