Platform Test Environment

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Installing and Running the Platform Test Environment

Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper provides an entire suite of testing tools to help you develop your extensions quickly and efficiently. This chapter introduces the Platform Test Environment and describes installing and running it. It consists of:



The Platform Test Environment is a key part of the Platform Development Studio.

Figure 1-1 The Platform Test Environment in Context

The Platform Test Environment in Context

The Platform Test Environment is a flexible, powerful tool, consisting of:


Installing and Running the Platform Test Environment

The Platform Test Environment is automatically installed when you install Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper. In standard installations, it is found in the <bea_home>/wlng_pds400/pte directory. Before you use the PTE, you must have:

To start the PTE in GUI mode, type ‘ant run’ in a command window in the PTE directory.

To start the PTE in console mode, type ‘ant console’ in a command window in the PTE directory.

WARNING: Compatibility between the settings of this version of the PTE and any future versions is not guaranteed.

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