7.3 Migrating System Configurations

Configuration migration is used with the Archiver to export one content server configuration to another content server. Archiver is used to migrate content and the Configuration Migration Utility component exports the configuration and customization of the content server.

7.3.1 Configuration Migration Utility Details

This section describes the structure of the Configuration Migration Utility and how it uses templates and bundles. For an overview of this utility and how it compares to other archiving tools, see "Archiving Overview". Migration Structure

A bundle is a set of configuration information that is packaged into a single zipped file and made ready for exporting to another content server.

Information is stored in the DomainHome/ucm/cs/cmu/instance/ directory.

Figure 7-2 Migration Directory Structure

Description of Figure 7-2 follows
Description of "Figure 7-2 Migration Directory Structure"

The bundles subdirectory contains specific bundles and associated information. The templates subdirectory contains configuration templates which can be used for new export files.

Figure 7-3 The Bundles Subdirectory

Description of Figure 7-3 follows
Description of "Figure 7-3 The Bundles Subdirectory"

Each configuration bundle is in a separate subdirectory and contains all the relevant files needed to export that bundle.

Figure 7-4 Files in Configuration Bundle

Description of Figure 7-4 follows
Description of "Figure 7-4 Files in Configuration Bundle"

Within the specific directories, any customization that is unique to the instance in that export (such as customized metadata fields, schemas, and so on) are included in a separate subdirectory.

Figure 7-5 Customization Stored in Directory

Description of Figure 7-5 follows
Description of "Figure 7-5 Customization Stored in Directory"

The following files are included in these different subdirectories:

File or Directory Description
bundle directory Each bundle has a subdirectory in the /bundles directory. The subdirectory is given the name assigned to the bundle when the configuration export was created.
templates directory Contains export rules created from bundles. When a configuration export is created and saved, a name is given to that export and the configuration is stored as a template in the templates directory
hda files Contains definitions and details of customization and other elements of the exported instance. Depending on how the export was defined, information can be bundled into one .hda file or into several. About Migration Templates and Bundles

A migration template is a set of configuration options which specify what content server items will be exported. For example, a template named FullCSExport may contain all content server items (schema, custom metadata, workflows, and so on). Another template named UserCSExport may only contain options that pertain directly to users (security groups, roles, and so on).

These templates are used to create configuration bundles. A bundle uses the template to determine what to export and to create the necessary definition files which will be exported with the content server items. The bundle name is used to identify the finished result of an import or an export. The bundled information is put into a zipped file, containing all the necessary definition files.

7.3.2 Migration Tips

It is important to remember that migration entails the bundling and copying of information about the content server instance. It does not include any of the actual content that is in the content server. Archiver is used to export content. You should take care that if you archive specific content and plan to export it to another system, the metadata information for that content is also migrated using the Configuration Migration Utility.

When migrating information from one content server to another, there is not a merging of information. Migration is an additive process. The exporting configuration bundle of metadata information is added to the metadata that currently exists in the importing content server. If metadata information currently exists that matches the metadata being imported, and if the Force Overwrite rule has been selected during import, then duplicate bundles are replaced. See "Uploading a Bundle" for information about the Force Overwrite option.

Configuration Migration Utility administration tasks must be performed using a specific node of a cluster. If you do not use a specific node, then an error might occur because the job number assigned to an action is known only to the node that started the action.

You cannot import a configuration on a 6.2 version of the Content Server. The Edit, Preview, and History options will not appear on the bundle's options on the Configuration Bundles page on a 6.2 Content Server.

If you import a template to use on another content server and if the importing system does not have the same metadata fields, you will not be able to use that template for export later. You must upload the template, import the configuration, and then use it for exporting. See "Importing a Template" for details about the import process. Limitations

Keep the following limitations in mind when using the Configuration Migration Utility:

  • When exporting workflow configuration information, only the workflow definition is exported. The state of the workflow is not exported.

  • If importing and overwriting existing workflows, ensure that you have the same step names for each workflow.

  • If you import a workflow to a new content server, the workflow will not retain the same state information as that of the exporting content server. For this reason, you should not plan to export active workflows.

  • This utility is not a cloner. It does not synchronize information with another system, it only copies and moves information.

  • This utility cannot be set up to migrate automatically.

  • Errors may arise when migrating docmeta information from earlier versions of the content server due to the use of schemas in later versions of the content server.

  • You cannot import users from a 6.2 or 7.0 version of the system to a later version due to Archiver limitations.

  • Migrating the config.cfg file may have errors because some values are not migrated for safety reasons (for example, IDC_Name). Others values, such as that for AutoNumberPrefix, are migrated.

  • Migrating components can be difficult because no preference prompts (for example, in Folders or RMA) and no database tables can be migrated.

  • No support is provided for Publisher projects or for bundles in components. Migration Logs

You can enable migration trace logs to track activity during migration events. The logs are enabled by clicking System Audit Information on the Admin Applets screen or under the Administration tray. In the Tracing Section Information portion of the page, select cmu from the Active Sections menu. Configuration Migration Utility logs will be included in the trace files that are run.

To access the logs, click View Server Output from the Actions menu on the page. The Configuration Migration Utility log information is included with other tracing logs that are generated.

7.3.3 Managing Configuration Migration

Migration consists of several tasks such as creating migration templates, creating migration bundles, and exporting or importing the configuration. Creating a Configuration Migration Template

  1. Select the Configuration Templates option from the Migration Options or from the top menu on any Migration screen.

  2. Select Create New Template from the page Actions menu on the Configuration Templates Page.

    The Config Migration Admin Screen is displayed.

  3. Choose the Action Options for the export.

    • To create an export template that will continue the export process even if an error is encountered, select Continue on Error. The export will proceed but errors will be reported on the Action History Page.

    • To have email sent to the person initiating the export, select Email Results. Email will be sent to the person who performs the export, not the person who created the export template.

    • To have known dependencies added to the export or import bundle, leave the Add Dependencies option selected. If this is unselected, dependencies are checked and noted with an error flag in the log file but the bundle action continues.

    • To ignore all dependencies during export or import, select Ignore Dependencies. Ignoring dependencies may avoid errors during the export process, but may cause errors when an import is done. If you are certain that all the necessary fields are present in the content server, you can uncheck Add Dependencies and check Ignore Dependencies to import a field without dependencies being added.

  4. You can create a custom name for this bundle. Custom names should be used sparingly to avoid possible name collisions. If a custom name is not selected, the system creates a name based on the bundle name given when you save the template. Custom names cannot contain spaces or special characters (#, $, % and so on).

  5. Choose the Content Server Sections to be included from the Content Server Sections portion of the screen.

    • To use all sections, click Select All on the page Action menu.


      Some Content Server sections are not displayed; not all are supported on all versions of the Content Server and some cannot be safely migrated.
    • To use only specific content server items, click Content Server Sections then click the individual section name to include. To include all items in that section, click Select All from the page Action menu. To use only a subset, select the individual items by putting a check in the selection box on the item's row. Some sections may have action options that are specific to that section. Select the option for the section by checking the selection box.


      If you want to use the majority of the metadata, use the Select All menu option. Then click the individual sections that you do not want to use.
  6. Preview the selections you made by clicking Preview from the page Actions menu. The Preview Screen is displayed.

  7. Continue editing and adding selections by clicking Edit from the page Actions menu. Click Preview to view your changes.

  8. When the template is complete, click Save from the page Actions menu. If you do not elect to save the template, your configuration changes will be lost.

    The Edit Export Rule Screen is displayed.

  9. Enter a name for the template. Names cannot contain spaces or special characters (#, $, %, and so on). A name can include details of the date of the export (for example, Nov10FullExport) or describe the contents (FullExportNoDependencies) or can be meaningful in any way that is appropriate for your use. Click Save when finished entering the name.

  10. The Config Migration Admin Screen is re-displayed.

    • To create another template using the current template, select Save As from the page Actions menu. The Edit Export Rule Screen is displayed again where you can create a new name.

    • To alter the selections for exporting, make any changes then select Save from the page Actions menu to change the selections and retain the name entered in step 9 or Save As from the page Actions menu to give it a new name on the Edit Export Rule Screen.

    • To export the configuration, select Export from the page Actions menu. See "Exporting a Configuration" for details.

After creating the configuration, you can export it and create a bundle for use on another system. See "Exporting a Configuration" for details. Editing a Configuration Template

  1. First choose a template to be edited. Use one of the following methods to choose a template from the Configuration Templates Page:

    • Click the template name.

    • Select Edit from the individual template Actions menu.

    The Config Migration Admin Screen is displayed.

  2. Follow the steps detailed in "Creating a Configuration Migration Template" to select the items you want in the revised template:

    • Choose the Action Options for the template.

    • Choose the Content Server Sections to be included from the Content Server Sections portion of the screen.

  3. Preview the selections you made by clicking Preview from the page Actions menu. The Preview Screen is displayed.

  4. Continue editing and adding selections by clicking Edit from the page Actions menu. Click Preview to view your selections.

  5. When the template is complete, click Save from the page Actions menu to save the template under its current name or Save As to give it a new name. If you do not elect to save the template, your configuration changes will be lost.

    The Edit Export Rule Screen is displayed where you can enter a new template name. Importing a Template

Follow these steps to import a template from another system for use on the current instance.

  1. Select Upload Bundle from the Migration Options or from the top menu of any Migration screen.

    The Upload Configuration Bundle Screen is displayed.

  2. Use the Browse button to find the bundle that contains the template you want to use.

  3. Select Create Export Template.

  4. Click Upload.

    The bundle appears on the Configuration Bundles Page. To use the template associated with that bundle, see "Editing a Configuration Template".

    If you import a template to use for exporting and if the importing system does not have the same metadata fields, you must upload the template, import the configuration then use it for exporting. You cannot use the template for exporting unless the metadata fields are in place on the system that imported the template. Creating a One-Time Export

Follow these steps to create an export template and immediately export the content server configuration.

  1. Select the Configuration Templates option from the Migration Options or from the menus at the top of any Migration screen.

  2. Select Create New Template from the page Actions menu on the Configuration Templates Page.

    The Config Migration Admin Screen is displayed.

  3. Preview the selections you made by clicking Preview from the page Actions menu. The Preview Screen is displayed.

  4. Continue editing and adding selections by clicking Edit from the page Actions menu. Click Preview to view your changes.

  5. When the template is complete, click Export from the page Actions menu. The configuration is immediately exported and the name of the exported bundle appears in the Latest Action Screen with a unique identifier similar to the following:


    The initial portion of the name (bundle-idcm1) indicates the default bundle name (bundle) and the instance name (idcm). The next portion indicates the sequence number (25). The date follows (20041110 for November 11, 2004). Finally a unique control number is used to identify the exported bundle. Exporting a Configuration

  1. Use one of the following methods to choose an export configuration template from the Configuration Templates Page.

    • Click the configuration name.

    • Select Preview from the individual Actions menu if you want to view the items that will be exported.

    The Preview Screen is displayed.

  2. Select Export from the page Actions menu. If you select Export without previewing the bundle first, you are prompted to confirm that you want to perform the export.

    The Latest Action Screen is displayed.

  3. This screen refreshes automatically to show the most recent activities and their status.

To view details of the migration action, click the message in the Status column. See "Viewing Status Information" for more details.

After exporting, the bundle name appears on the Configuration Bundles page, indicating that it has been bundled. A date and time indicator is appended to the configuration name, as in the following example:


The initial portion of the name is the original bundle name. The instance name follows (idcm), followed by the date (20041123 for November 23, 2004) and the time (122436 to indicate 12:24:36). From this Import page, you can download the bundle to a new location so it can be uploaded onto another system.

The original template name (Nov23Bundle) continues to appear on the Configuration Templates page, where it can be re-exported at another time. Uploading a Bundle

Before a configuration can be imported it must be first uploaded. Follow these steps to upload a bundle from another content server:

  1. Select Upload Bundle from the Migration Options or from the top menu of any Migration screen.

    The Upload Configuration Bundle Screen is displayed.

  2. Use the Browse button to find and select the zipped bundle file you want to use.

  3. If you want to use the template included with the bundle, select the Create Export Template check box.

  4. If you want the new bundle information to overwrite existing content server configuration information, select the Force Overwrite check box.

  5. Click Upload to load the bundle.


    If you are uncertain about the contents of a bundle, it is always safe to upload the bundle and preview the configuration contents. The bundle configuration is not applied to the importing system until you choose to import it. Importing a Bundle

After a bundle is uploaded and resides on the importing system, it can be imported for use. Follow these steps to import the bundle:

  1. Select Configuration Bundles from the Migration Options or from the top menu of any Migration screen.

    The Configuration Bundles Page is displayed.

  2. Click the name of the bundle you want to import.

    The Config Migration Admin Screen is displayed with Overwrite Duplicates in place of the Custom Name field. Selecting this field will permit the importing bundle to overwrite any duplicate fields. If not selected, the import will error on duplicates and stop. It will continue if Continue on Error was checked but a status of fail appears on the Latest Action Screen.

  3. Select an action from the page Actions menu:

    • To preview the import configuration, click Preview. The Preview Screen is displayed where you can either select Edit from the page Actions menu to edit the configuration options or you can select Import to import the selections as is.

    • To import the configuration without previewing, select Import from the Configuration Bundles page Actions menu. You are prompted to confirm that you want to import the configuration without previewing it first.


      You should verify that you want to import the settings in the Server Config portion of the Content Server sections. These settings determine configurations such as the type of web server used, the mail server, and other system-specific items. You may not want to import those configuration settings on a new content server.
  4. After selecting Import from either the Preview Screen or the Configuration Bundles Screen, the Latest Action Screen is displayed showing the status of the import.

  5. This screen refreshes automatically to show the most recent history and status.

    To view details of the action, click the message in the Status column. See "Viewing Status Information" for more details. Downloading a Bundle

A bundle can be downloaded and stored in an easily accessible location for other instances of the content server to use.

Follow these steps to download a bundle:

  1. Select Configuration Bundles from the Migration Options or from the top menu of any Migration screen.

    The Configuration Bundles Page is displayed.

  2. Select Download from the bundle Actions menu of the bundle to be downloaded. A prompt appears where you can enter the bundle location.

  3. Enter the appropriate location and click Save. Viewing Status Information

Follow these steps to view status information for any import or export actions:

  1. Select Recent Actions from Migration Options or from the top menu of any Migration screen.

    The Latest Action Screen is displayed.

  2. To view details of the events, click a status in the message in the Status column.

    The Action History Page is displayed.


    The Recent History screen automatically appears after an export or an import.