A.4 System Migration Interface

This section provides information about the interface screens used for system migration. The following topics are covered:

A.4.1 Configuration Migration Interface Screens

This section provides information about the screens used to export and import configuration migration bundles.

A.4.1.1 Migration Options

The migration options are used to access the four basic functions of configuration migration. To access these options, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then click Config Migration Admin. You can also click the icon next to the Config Migration Admin link to expand the menu in the portal navigation bar to show links to the individual migration options.

Configuration Migration Administration Page.
Element Description
Upload Bundle link Displays the Upload Configuration Bundle Screen, used to access configuration bundles.
Configuration Bundles link Displays the Configuration Bundles Page, used to import information from the uploaded bundles.
Configuration Templates link Displays the Configuration Templates Page, used to access templates.
Recent Actions link Displays the Latest Action Screen, where details about imports and exports appears.
Action History link Displays the Action History Screen, where the history of import and export actions appears.

A.4.1.2 Upload Configuration Bundle Screen

The Upload Bundle screen is used to acquire a zipped file for use in the import process or to acquire a template file. To access this screen, select Upload Bundle from the list of Migration Options.

Upload Configuration Bundle screen.
Element Description
Select Bundle/Browse Used to browse the contents of the file system to access the zipped bundle.
Create Export Template Used to create a template based on the template that was used to create the bundle. After uploading, the template name is displayed on the Configuration Templates Page
Force Overwrite Specifies that any information that is imported can overwrite existing content server configuration information.

A.4.1.3 Configuration Bundles Page

The Configuration Bundles Page is used to select an existing bundle for use on the current content server. To access this screen, select Configuration Bundles from the list of Migration Options.

Configuration Bundles Page.
Element Description
Page Actions Menu Displays the page Actions menu with the following option:

Delete All: deletes all current configuration export bundles.

Name Displays the names of existing configuration bundles.
Source Displays the location where the bundle was obtained.
Last Import Displays the date and time of the last import of the bundle.
Export Date Displays the date and time of the last export of the bundle.
Actions menu Each bundle contains a separate Actions menu with the following options:

Edit: displays the Config Migration Admin Screen where you can alter the configuration information to be imported.

Preview: displays the Preview Screen where you can view the configuration information to be used.

Delete: used to delete the bundle.

History: displays the Action History Page where details about the import process are displayed. The title of this screen is changed to History when it is accessed from this Action menu.

Download: displays a dialog prompt, allowing you to save the zipped version of the bundle in a specified location.

A.4.1.4 Configuration Templates Page

The Configuration Templates Page lists previously defined templates and their export history. To access this screen, select Configuration Templates from the list of Migration Options.

Surrounding text describes Configuration Templates Page.
Element Description
Page Actions Menu Displays the page Actions menu with the following options:

Create New Export: displays the Config Migration Admin Screen.

Delete All: deletes all current configuration export templates.

Name Displays the names of existing configuration templates.
Description Displays the description of the configuration templates. This description was entered on the Edit Export Rule Screen.
Last Export Displays the date and time of the last export using this template.
Actions menu Each template contains a separate Actions menu with the following options:

Edit: displays the Config Migration Admin Screen where you can alter the configuration information for that template.

Preview: displays the Preview Screen where you can view the configuration information to be used.

Delete: enables you to delete the template.

History: displays the Action History Page, where details about the export process are displayed (the title of this screen is changed to History when it is accessed through this action menu).

A.4.1.5 Config Migration Admin Screen

The Config Migration Admin Screen is used to determine which sections of the Content Server will be exported or imported and which actions should occur at the export or import action.

To access this screen, do one of the following:

Three main areas appear on this screen:

  • The page Actions menu, described in the following table.

  • The Action Options section, described in the following table.

  • The Content Server Sections area. See Content Server Sections for more details.


You must select Save or Save As in order for the configuration information to be saved. If you preview, edit, or re-select items, that information is not saved until you select Save or Save As from the Actions menu.
Config Migration Admin screen.
Element Description
Page Actions Menu Depending on which page accessed the Configuration Migration Admin page, different menu options appear:

Save or Save As: displays the Edit Export Rule Screen where you can enter the name of the template. See note below.

Preview: displays the Preview Screen where you can view the configuration to be exported or imported.

Export or Import: performs the action (Export or Import) then displays the Latest Action Screen, showing the status of the action.

Select All: selects all Content Server sections for inclusion in the configuration.

Unselect All: unselects all Content Server Sections from the configuration.

The following Action Options appear on this screen:

Element Description
Continue on Error Specifies that the export or import continues even if errors are encountered. Errors are reported in the status file in the entry on the Latest Action Screen.
Email results Mails results to the user who initiated the export or import.
Add Dependencies Selected: dependencies are added to the export or import bundle.

Unselected: dependencies are not added to the bundle.

Ignore Dependencies Selected: If the check box is selected, dependencies are ignored.

Unselected: dependencies are not ignored. This may cause the export or import to fail. See the status file for the action on the Latest Action Screen.

Custom Name/Overwrite Duplicates When accessed from the Configuration Templates screen, the Custom Name field appears where a unique name is generated when a bundle is created using this template.

When accessed from the Configuration Bundles screen, the Overwrite Duplicates name field appears. Selecting this option allows the importing template to overwrite any duplicate entries in the existing configuration.

A.4.1.6 Content Server Sections

The Content Server Sections is the bottom portion of the Config Migration Admin Screen. This part of the Configuration Migration Admin Screen is used to specify which aspects of the content server are included in the export template.

Each section of this screen can be further expanded to show the specific metadata fields associated with that section.

Surrounding text describes Child Sections screen.
Surrounding text describes Child Sections Items screen.

A.4.1.7 Preview Screen

The Preview Screen is used to view the content server items that will be exported or imported. To access this screen, click Preview from any of the following screens:

The screen title changes depending on where the Preview is launched.

The other information on this screen was created using the Configuration Bundles Page or the Configuration Templates Page.

Surrounding text describes Export Preview screen.
Element Description
Page Actions Menu Displays the page Actions menu with the following options:

Edit: displays the Config Migration Admin Screen where you can edit the configuration information.

Export or Import: performs the selected action.

A.4.1.8 Edit Export Rule Screen

The Edit Export Rule screen is used to name a template for exporting. This screen is displayed when a template is saved or edited.

Surrounding text describes Edit Export Rule screen.
Element Description
Name The name of the new template. Names cannot contain spaces or special characters (#, $, %, and so on).
Description Enter a description for the template.

A.4.1.9 Latest Action Screen

The Latest Action screen displays information about the latest action. This screen refreshes automatically at a user-selectable time interval so the most recent action is displayed. To access this screen, select the Administration tray from the portal navigation bar, then click Config Migration Admin, then click Latest Action.

Surrounding text describes Latest Action screen.
Element Description
Page Refresh (In Seconds) menu Specify the page refresh rate in seconds by selecting a time from the menu.
Time column Displays the date and time when the action was initiated.
Section column Displays the Content Server Section used for the action.
Message column Displays information about the action.

A.4.1.10 Action History Page

.The Action History screen displays the history of the latest actions, those that have occurred since the last time the history file was cleared using the Clear History option on the page Actions menu. You also can use the page Actions menu to select a specific action and view its history. This screen refreshes automatically at a user-selectable time interval so the most recent actions are displayed.

This screen appears after an import or export process, or you can access this screen by selecting Action History from the top menu of any Migration screen. To directly access this screen, select the Administration tray from the portal navigation bar, then click Config Migration Admin, then click Action History.

Surrounding text describes Action History Page.
Element Description
Page Actions menu Displays the page Actions menu with the following option:

Select an action: displays the history of the selected action.

Clear history: clears all history files that are displayed.

Name column Displays the name of the action.
Source column Displays the source of the action call.
Action column Displays the action taken.
Start column Displays the date and time when the action was initiated.
Status column Displays the latest status of the action.

A.4.2 Archive, Collection, and Batch Interface

This section provides information about the screens used to create archives, collections, and batch files.

A.4.2.1 Main Archiver Screen

This screen can be accessed either in standalone mode, or using a browser and clicking the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then Admin Applets, then Archiver.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen.
Element Description
Options menu Open Archive Collection: Used to open collections.

View Automation For instance: used to display and remove archives that are exported, imported, or transferred automatically.

Tracing: Displays the Tracing Configuration menu. These trace reports are available from the System Audit Information page.

Edit menu Add: Displays the Add Archive Screen.

Delete: Deletes the selected archive.

Actions menu Export: Used to initiate an export or to delete revisions. If automated export is enabled, this option is unavailable.

Import: Used to initiate an import and specify what data to import.

Transfer: Manually transfers the selected archive to a target archive. If a target archive is not specified or if automated transfer out of an archive is enabled, this option is unavailable.

Cancel: Cancels any active archiving process for the selected archive.

Apps menu Used to open other administration applications. The other applications open in the same mode (applet or standalone) as the current application.
Help menu Contents: Displays the content server online help.

About Content Server: Displays version, build, and copyright information for the content server.

Current Archives list Lists the archives in the open collection.
General tab Used to view archiving activity and set some export and import options.
Export Data Tab Used to configure exports.
Import Maps Tab Used to configure imports.
Replication Tab Used to configure replication.
Transfer To Tab Used to configure transfers.
Status bar Displays the status of the Archiver or the active archiving process.

A.4.2.2 Archiver (General Tab)

The General tab is used to view archiving activity and set some export and import options. To access this screen, click the General tab on the Main Archiver Screen.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen General tab.
Element Description
Last Exported field Shows the date, time, and total number of files exported during the last export.
Last Imported field Shows the date, time, and total number of files imported during the last import.
View Batch Files button Displays the View Batch Files Screen, used to access batch files.

Export Options:

Element Description
Replace Existing Export Files field Shows if the existing export files will be replaced on the next export.
Export Table Only field Shows if only tables are exported or if both content and tables (if defined for export) are exported.
Copy Web Content field Shows if the native web-viewable (weblayout) files will be included in the export.
Edit button Displays the Edit Export Options Screen, where you can specify whether to replace existing exports, copy web contents, or export tables only.

Import Options:

Element Description
Override Action field Shows the rule to be used to handle existing revisions during import.
Import Valid Only field Shows if only files that have valid option list values will be imported.
Translate Date field Shows if dates will be translated to the target content server's time zone on import.
Edit button Displays the Edit Import Options (Select Rules) Screen, used to specify how revisions are handled.

A.4.2.3 Add Archive Screen

This screen is used to create an archive. To access this screen, on the Main Archiver Screen click the Edit menu, then select Add.

Surrounding text describes Add Archive screen.
Element Description
Archive Name field The name of the new archive. Archive names cannot contain spaces.
Description field A description of the archive.
Copy From check box Selected: The new archive has the same export query and additional data as the existing archive specified in the Copy From field.

Clear: The new archive is created without an export query or additional data.

This check box appears only in the standalone Archiver.

Copy From field The directory path and file name of the existing archive to copy from. For example, C:/stellent/archives/my_archive/archive.hda.

This field appears only in the standalone Archiver.

Browse button Used to navigate to and select an archive to copy from. This button appears only in the standalone Archiver.

A.4.2.4 Copy Archive Screen

This screen is used to copy an archive to a different directory or file system. To access this screen, using the standalone mode for Archiver, highlight an archive name, select Edit, then click Copy To.

Surrounding text describes Copy Archive screen.
Element Description
Name field The name of the new archive. This defaults to the name of the archive being copied.
Copy Archive To Directory field The directory path where the new archive is created. This directory must exist on the file system before copying.


This procedure copies the files in an archive. It does not create a new collection or update the collection.hda file if the archive is copied to a collection directory.

A.4.2.5 Open Archive Collection Screen

This screen is used to access sets of archives (collections). To access this screen, on the Main Archiver Screen select Options, then click Open Archive Collection.

Surrounding text describes Open Archive Collection screen.
Element Description
Collections list Lists the archive collections that are available to the content server instance.
Open button Opens the selected collection. When the selected collection is already open, this button is unavailable.
Browse Local button Displays the Find Archive Collection Definition File Screen, used to create a collection on your local system. This button is available only in the standalone Archiver.
Browse Proxied button Displays the Browse for Proxied Collection Screen, which is used to open a collection from another content server instance. See note below.
Remove button Removes the selected collection from the content server instance. (The collection and archive files remain in the file system, and must be deleted manually.)


In Archiver, the term 'proxied' refers to any content server to which the local instance is connected through an outgoing provider. This does not have to be a proxied instance of the master content server.

A.4.2.6 Find Archive Collection Definition File Screen

This screen is used to specify the directory and file name for a new archive collection when in standalone mode. To access this screen, click Browse Local on the Open Archive Collection Screen.

Find Archive Collection Definition File screen.
Element Description
Look in list Used to navigate to the directory where the new archive collection is created.
File name field The file name of the collection definition (HDA) file. The default is collection.hda.
Open button Displays the Browse To Archiver Collection Screen.

A.4.2.7 Browse To Archiver Collection Screen

This screen is used to define a new archive collection while using the standalone archiver. To access this screen, click Open on the Find Archive Collection Definition File Screen.

Browse To Archiver Collection screen.
Element Description
Name field The name of the archive collection.

Collection names cannot contain spaces.

Use the same name as the collection directory to make navigation easier.

Location field The path to the new collection.
Web Directory field The path to the content server weblayout directory.
Vault Directory field The path to the content server vault directory.

A.4.2.8 Browse for Proxied Collection Screen

This screen is used to select a collection to be opened from a remote content server. To access this screen, click Browse Proxied on the Open Archive Collection Screen.


In Archiver, the term 'proxied' refers to any content server to which the local instance is connected through an outgoing provider.
Browse for Proxied Collection screen.
Element Description
Proxied Servers list Lists the name and relative web root for each remote content server.
Collections list Lists the name and directory path of each collection on the selected remote server.

A.4.2.9 View Batch Files Screen

This screen is used to view, edit, and delete batch files. To access this screen, on the Archiver (General Tab) highlight an archive, then click View Batch Files.


This option is active only if batch files exist.
Surrounding text describes Current Batch Files screen.
Element Description
Batch File column The directory and file name of each batch file in the selected archive.
Instance Name column The name of the content server instance.
Number column The number of content items in the batch file.
State column The state of the batch file.

NEW: The batch file was exported manually.

AutoInsert: The batch file was exported automatically.

Import button Imports the selected batch file.
Edit button Displays the View Exported Content Items Screen, which is used to import or delete specific files in a batch file.
Delete button Deletes the selected batch file from the archive.

A.4.2.10 View Exported Content Items Screen

This screen is used to import or delete specific revisions from a batch file. To access this screen, on the View Batch Files Screen highlight a batch file name, then click Edit.


If you are importing multiple revisions of the same content item, ensure that you import the revisions in the correct order. Importing revisions out of order causes errors.
View Exported Content Items screen.
Element Description
Use Filter check box Select this check box to use a filter to narrow the Content list.
Define Filter button Displays the Define Filter Screen, where you can select items for inclusion in the view.
Show Columns button Displays the Show Columns Screen, where you can select the columns to be displayed.
Content list Shows the revisions in the batch file that match the filter settings.

The list displays 50 revisions per page.

Double-clicking a revision displays the Information Page for that revision.

Top of list button Displays the top of the Content list.
Previous page button Displays the previous page of the Content list.
Import button Imports the selected revision. See Tip below.
Delete button Deletes the selected revisions from the batch file.
Undo button Returns the last deleted revision to Archived status.
Apply button Deletes any revisions that have Deleted status.
Refresh button Returns all deleted revisions to Archived status.
Close button Closes the screen.
Next page button Displays the next page of the Content list.
End of list button Displays the end of the Content list.

A.4.3 Export Interface Screens

This section provides information about the screens used during the export process.

A.4.3.1 Main Archiver Export Screen

The Export Data tab of the Archiver application is used to set the export criteria for content items and tables. To access this function, click the Export Data tab on the Main Archiver Screen.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen Export Data tab.

Two tabs appear on the Export Data screen:

Element Description
Content tab Displays the Export Data (Content) Screen.
Table tab Displays the Main Archiver Export Screen (Table).

A.4.3.2 Export Data (Content) Screen

The Content tab is used to set the export criteria for content items. To access this screen, click the Content tab on the Main Archiver Export Screen.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen Content tab.

Export Query pane:

Element Description
Export Query field Shows the export criteria that is used to select which content items will be exported.
Edit button Displays the Edit Export Query (Content) Screen, which is used to change export criteria.
Preview button Displays the Previewing Export Queries (Content) Screen screen, which shows what content will be exported.

Additional Data pane:

Element Description
Content Configuration field Shows whether content types will be exported.
User Configuration field Shows whether user attributes will be exported.
Edit button Displays a screen where you can specify whether to export content configuration information or user configuration information.

A.4.3.3 Edit Export Query (Content) Screen

The Edit Export Query screen is used to create an export query that defines which content items to export. A similar screen is used to create queries for tables (Edit Export Query (Table) Screen).

To access this screen:

  1. Select an archive.

  2. Click the Main Archiver Export Screen and the Content tab.

  3. Click Edit in the Export Query section.

Surrounding text describes Edit Export Query screen.

Query Definition pane:

Element Description
Field list The metadata field that is evaluated for each content item. Items matching this field are exported.
Operator field Specifies how the Value is evaluated for each content item. The available operators depend on the type of metadata field selected:

Is exports content items with the exact value specified.

Is Not exports content items with a different value than the specified value.

Begins With exports content items with the specified value at the beginning of the field.

Contains Word exports content items with the specified value anywhere in the field.

Is Date Before exports content items with dates before the specified value.

Is Date After exports content items with dates after the specified value.

Value field The value for the specified metadata field. Depending on the option chosen in the Field list, this field can be a text entry field, text entry field with Select button, or list of the available options.
Select button Displays a list of existing items (such as content items or users), from which you can select a value for the Value field. This button appears only when certain metadata fields are selected.
Add button Adds the specified export query as a new line in the Query Expression box.
Update button Replaces the line selected in the Query Expression box with the specified export query.
Query Expression box Shows the SQL export criteria as specified with the Add or Update buttons.
Delete button Removes the selected line from the Query Expression box.
Custom Query Expression check box Selected: The query expression can be edited directly.

Clear: The query expression is limited to the criteria specified in the Field, Operator, and Value fields (described previously). See the Caution and Note messages below.

Custom Query Expression box The SQL expression that is evaluated for each content item during export. By default, multiple criteria use the AND operator.


If you clear the Custom Query Expression check box, the expression reverts to its original definition; all modifications are lost.


You can use Idoc Script in the query expression. See the Idoc Script Reference Guide for more information.

Query Options pane:

Element Description
Export Revisions with Release Date later than most recent Export Date check box Selected: Exports only the revisions that have released since the last export and that meet the export criteria.

Clear: Exports all revisions that meet the export criteria.

Allow Export of Published Revisions check box This check box is for use with Oracle Content Publisher.

Selected: Exports all revisions that meet the export criteria.

Clear: Does not export revisions that were published to the content server by Oracle Content Publisher.

All Selected Revisions option Exports all revisions of content items that meet the export criteria.
Latest Revisions option Exports only the most recent revision of content items that meet the export criteria.

If you are using replication, this option cannot be selected.

Not Latest Revisions option Exports all revisions except the most recent for content items that meet the export criteria.

If you are using replication, this option cannot be selected.

Single Revision Replication option Exports the most recent revision of each item that matches the query. This option replicates the latest revision of an item, but the replication is always renamed to revision 1 on the destination server, no matter what revision number it was on the source server.

Caution: Don't switch to Single Revision Replication if the destination server already has multiple revisions for any content item.

A.4.3.4 Edit Export Options Screen

This screen is used to specify which copies of the files to export and to specify whether to overwrite existing batch files. To access this screen, select an archive, click the Archiver General tab, then click Edit in the Export Options section.

Surrounding text describes Edit Export Options screen.
Element Description
Replace Existing Export Files check box Selected: Any existing batch files are deleted from the archive when an export is initiated.

Clear: Initiating an export adds a new batch file but does not delete the existing batch files.

Copy Web Content check box Selected: The native (vault) and web-viewable (weblayout) files are exported.

Clear: Only the native (vault) files are exported.

Export Table Only check box Selected: Only the tables are exported. Content items are not exported.

Clear: Content items are exported and tables that have been defined to be exported.

A.4.3.5 Previewing Export Queries (Content) Screen

The Content Satisfying the Export Query screen is used to view a list of revisions that meet the export criteria.

To access this screen:

  1. Select an archive.

  2. Click the Main Archiver Export Screen and the Content tab.

  3. Click Preview in the Export Query section.

Content Satisfying the Export Query screen.
Element Description
Export Query field Shows the SQL query expression created using the Edit Export Query (Content) Screen.
Use Filter check box Select this check box to use a filter to narrow the Content list.
Define Filter button Displays the Define Filter Screen, where you can select items for inclusion in the view.
Show Columns button Displays the Show Columns Screen, where you can select the columns to be displayed.
Release Date Since check box and field Limits the revisions displayed in the Content list by their release dates.
Content list Shows the revisions in the content server repository that match the filter settings.

A maximum of 100 revisions can be displayed in this list; however, all revisions that satisfy the export query will be exported.

Double-clicking a revision displays the Information Screen for that revision.

A.4.3.6 Main Archiver Export Screen (Table)

The Table tab on the Export Data tab of the Archiver application is used to add and define the characteristics for new tables and edit existing tables in the selected archive. To access this screen, click the Main Archiver Export Screen, and click the Table tab.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen Table tab.

Table pane:

Element Description
Table list Lists the tables in the selected archive.
Add button Displays the Add New/Edit Table Screen.
Edit button Displays the Edit Archive Properties screen. See the Add New/Edit Table Screen.
Delete button Deletes the selected table from the archive.

Export Query pane:

Element Description
Export Query field Shows the export criteria that is used to select which tables will be exported.
Edit button Displays the Edit Export Query (Table) Screen.
Preview button Displays the Previewing Export Queries (Table) Screen.

A.4.3.7 Add New/Edit Table Screen

The Add New/Edit Table screen is used to define the export characteristics of a table and add it to the selected export archive.

To access this screen:

  1. Click the Main Archiver Export Screen.

  2. Select an archive from the Current Archives list and click the Tables tab.

  3. Click the Table list Add button.

Surrounding text describes Add New Table to Archive screen.
Element Description
Table Name list Lists the available database tables that can be added to the selected archive.
Use Parent Timestamp check box Selected: Use the parent table's timestamp to determine if this table will be exported.

Clear: Use the current timestamp to determine if this table will be exported.

Create Timestamp list Lists the possible columns that store the creation timestamp when the table row is created.
Modify Timestamp list Lists the possible columns that store the modification timestamp when the table row is modified.
Parent Table list Lists parent table selections.
Table Relations field Used to specify the parent / child table relationship that determines the information to be exported.
Create New Table or Field if Not Exist check box Selected: Creates the specified table or field if it does not currently exist.

Clear: Does not create the table or field.

Use Source ID check box Selected: Only table rows that match in multiple instances are exported.

Clear: Table rows are exported regardless of their matching status between instances.

Replicate Deleted Rows check box Selected: The deleted source table rows are also deleted in the target table.

Clear: Rows are not deleted in the target table.

Delete before Importing All Child Rows with Modified or Deleted Parent check box Selected: Delete the rows from the importing child table if the corresponding rows in the parent table have been deleted or modified.

Clear: Rows are not deleted in the child table before importing.

Allow Archiver to Delete Row from Parent Table check box Selected: Delete the rows from the parent table if the corresponding rows in the exported child table have been deleted.

Clear: Rows are not deleted from the parent table.

Delete Parent Row Only if No Associate Child Exists check box Selected: Delete the rows from the parent table only if a child row does not exist.

Clear: Rows are not deleted from the parent table.

A.4.3.8 Edit Export Query (Table) Screen

The Edit Export Query screen is used to create an export query that defines which tables to export. This is similar to the screen used to create export queries for content (Edit Export Query (Content) Screen).

To access this screen:

  1. Select an archive

  2. Click the Main Archiver Export Screen and the Table tab.

  3. Click Edit in the Export Query section.

Surrounding text describes Edit Export Query screen.
Element Description
Field list The metadata field that will be evaluated for each table.
Operator field Specifies how the Value will be evaluated for each table. The available operators depend on the type of metadata field selected:

Is exports tables with the exact value specified.

Is Not exports tables with a different value than the specified value.

Begins With exports tables with the specified value at the beginning of the field.

Contains Word exports tables with the specified value anywhere in the field.

Is Date Before exports tables with dates before the specified value.

Is Date After exports tables with dates after the specified value.

Value field The value for the specified metadata field.
Add button Adds the specified export query as a new line in the Query Expression box.
Update button Replaces the line selected in the Query Expression box with the specified export query.
Query Expression field Shows the export criteria.
Delete button Removes the selected line from the Query Expression box.
Custom Query Expression check box Selected: The query expression can be edited directly.

Clear: The query expression is limited to the criteria specified in the Field, Operator, and Value fields. See the caution and note messages below.

Custom Query Expression field The SQL expression that will be evaluated for each table during export. By default, multiple criteria use the AND operator.


If you clear the Custom Query Expression check box, the expression reverts to its original definition; all modifications are lost.


You can use Idoc Script in the query expression. See the Idoc Script Reference Guide for more information.

A.4.3.9 Previewing Export Queries (Table) Screen

The Content Satisfying the Export Query screen is used to view a list of tables that meet the export criteria. The fields, buttons, and check boxes on this screen are identical to those on the screen used to view a list of revisions meeting selected export criteria.

To view and read the field descriptions, see the Previewing Export Queries (Content) Screen.

A.4.3.10 Export Archive Screen

The Export Archive screen is used to initiate an export and specify whether to delete the exported files. To access this screen, select Actions, then select Export from the Archiver menu bar.

Surrounding text describes Export Archive screen.
Element Description
Delete revisions after successful archive check box Selected: Deletes exported revisions from the content server instance upon successful export.

Clear: Exported revisions are not deleted from the content server.

A.4.4 Import Interface Screens

This section provides information about the screens used during the import process.

A.4.4.1 Import Maps Main Screen

'Mapping' determines how metadata fields on an exporting and importing content server relate to each other.

The Import Maps tab of the Archiver application is used to configure metadata field and value mappings to import content items and tables. To access this tab, click the Import Maps tab on Main Archiver Screen.

Two tabs appear on the main mapping screen:

Element Description
Content tab Displays the Import Maps (Content) Screen.
Table tab Displays the Import Maps (Table) Screen.

A.4.4.2 Import Maps (Content) Screen

The Content tab on the Import Maps screen is used to set the import criteria for content items. To access this screen, click the Content tab on the Import Maps Main Screen.

Import Maps screen Content tab.
Element Description
Field Maps box Shows the metadata field mapping expression.
Edit button Displays the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.
Value Maps box Shows the metadata value mapping expression.
Edit button Displays the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.

A.4.4.3 Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen

The Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map screen is used to set how fields and values are copied (mapped) from one metadata field to another during import.

Follow these steps to access this screen:

  1. Click the Import Maps Main Screen

  2. Select an archive from the Current Archives list

  3. Click the Import Maps (Content) Screen and click Edit in the Field Maps section or the Value Maps section.

Surrounding text describes Edit Field Maps screen.
Surrounding text describes Edit Value Maps screen.
Element Description
'All' check box On the Edit Value Maps Screen, if the 'all' check box is selected, the specified Field is changed to the Output Value for all imported revisions.
Export Field/Input Value The metadata field that contains the data to be copied to a different field during import or the metadata value to be changed when mapping values. Use the internal field name, such as dDocAuthor or xComments.
Export Field/Input Value list Enables you to select the Export Field or Input Value from a list of existing metadata fields. A source must be selected from the Browse for Fields/Value Screen for options to appear in this list.
Browse For Fields/Browse for Values button Displays the Browse for Fields/Value Screen.
'in' Field On the Edit Value Maps Screen, an additional field appears between Input Value and Output Value. Select the field where the metadata should be changed from the list.
Target Field/Output Value The metadata field that the archived metadata is copied to during import. The list includes all metadata fields in the local content server.
Add button Adds the specified mapping expression to the Field Maps box.
Update button Replaces the mapping expression selected in the Field Maps box with the specified mapping expression.
Field MapsValue Maps box Shows the mapping expressions.
Delete button Deletes the selected mapping expression from the Field Maps box.

A.4.4.4 Browse for Fields/Value Screen

The Browse for Fields/Value screen is used to specify whether to retrieve a list of metadata fields from the local content server or from a specific batch file. To access this screen, click Browse for Fields or Browse for Value on the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.

Surrounding text describes Browse for Values screen.
Surrounding text describes Browse for Fields screen.
Element Description
From Batch File list On the Browse for Values screen, selecting a batch file retrieves the list of metadata fields defined in that batch file.
From Field list On the Browse for Values screen, selecting a field retrieves a list of metadata values defined for that field in the batch file.
Local System option Retrieves a list of metadata fields from the local content server.
Batch option Retrieves a list of metadata fields from the selected batch file.

A.4.4.5 Import Maps (Table) Screen

The Table tab on the Import Maps screen is used to add and define the field and value maps for importing tables. To access this screen, on the Import Maps Main Screen click the Table tab.

Surrounding text describes Import Maps screen Table tab.
Element Description
Archive file list Provides a tree-view list of archive files.
Edit button Displays the Edit Archive Properties on Table Screen. The configuration settings on this screen that display after clicking the Edit button are the global configurations. The settings on the top section of the screen cannot be edited. Changes to the global settings on the bottom section are implemented after clicking OK. Changes made using the Load button can override these changes.
Load button Displays the Edit Archive Properties on Table Screen. The configuration settings on this screen that display after clicking the Load button are the configuration settings defined when the archive was created. The settings on the top section of the screen cannot be edited. Changes to the settings on the bottom section are implemented after clicking OK. These changes will override the changes made using the Edit button.
Refresh button Used to update the current archive file list.
Field Maps box Shows the metadata field mapping expression.
Edit button Displays the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.
Value Maps box Shows the metadata value mapping expression.
Edit button Displays the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.

A.4.4.6 Edit Archive Properties on Table Screen

The Edit Archive Properties screen is used to edit the original check box values assigned to the table when it was created. The fields in the top section are no longer editable. Only the configuration settings in the lower section can be changed. This screen displays after clicking both the Edit and Load buttons associated with the archive file list section on the Import Maps Table tab screen.

The configuration settings are different depending on which button was clicked to display the screen. The settings that are displayed after clicking the Edit button are the global configurations and the settings that display after clicking the Load button are those that were defined when the archive was created. Changes made using the Edit-generated screen can be overridden with changes made using the Load-generated screen.

The fields and check boxes on this screen are identical to those on the screen used to add a table to an archive. To view field descriptions, see the Add New/Edit Table Screen.

Follow these steps to access this screen:

  1. Click the Import Maps Main Screen.

  2. Select an archive from the Current Archives list.

  3. Click the Import Maps (Table) Screen.

  4. Click the Table list Edit button.

Screens similar to those used to edit content appear:

  • The Edit Field Maps screen is used to set up how values will be copied from one metadata field to another during the import of tables. The fields and buttons on this screen are identical to those on the screen used to set the metadata mapping for imported content items. See the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.

  • The Browse for Fields screen is used to specify whether to retrieve a list of metadata fields from the local content server or from a specific batch file. The fields on this screen are identical to those on the same screen associated with the Import Maps Content tab. See the Browse for Fields/Value Screen.

  • The Edit Value Maps screen is used to set up how metadata values will be changed (mapped) during the import of tables. The fields and buttons on this screen are identical to those on the screen used to set the metadata values for imported content items. See the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.

  • The Browse for Values screen is used to select metadata values to retrieve from a batch file. The fields on this screen are identical to those on the same screen associated with the Import Maps Content tab. See the Browse for Fields/Value Screen.

A.4.4.7 Edit Import Options (Select Rules) Screen

The Edit Import Options screen is used to specify how revisions are replaced, added, or deleted during import. To access this screen, click Edit in the Import Options section of the Archiver (General Tab).

Surrounding text describes Edit Import Options screen.
Element Description
Override Import Rules list Select the rule that defines how revisions are replaced, added, or deleted during import. Selecting an option displays a description of the import rule. See the Caution message below.
Import only revisions with valid option list values check box Selected: Values in validated option lists are checked, and only revisions with valid option list values will be imported.

Clear: Option list values are not validated during import.

Translate the dates to the current system time zone check box Selected: Times in metadata date fields are recalculated to reflect the time zone of the target (import) content server.

Clear: Times in metadata date fields remain unchanged during import.


The Update import rule will replace existing revisions without saving the existing files. Be extremely careful when importing so that you do not accidentally replace content you meant to keep.

A.4.4.8 Import Archive Screen

The Import Archive screen is used to initiate an import and to specify what information to import. To access this screen, select Actions, and then click Import from the Archiver menu bar.

Surrounding text describes Import Archive screen.
Element Description
Import Batched Revisions check box Selected: Imports content item revisions.

Clear: Does not import content item revisions.

Import Tables check box Selected: Imports content item revisions and tables in an archive that contains both.

Clear: Does not import the tables in an archive that contains both content item revisions and tables.

A.4.5 Replication Interface Screens

This section provides information about the screens used in the replication process.

A.4.5.1 Main Archiver Replication Screen

The Replication tab of the Archiver application is used to configure automated exports and imports. To access this screen, click the tab on the Main Archiver Screen.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen Replication tab.
Element Description
Export Automated field Shows whether automatic export is enabled for the selected archive.
Registered Exporters box Lists the collections that are currently registered as automatic exporters for the selected archive.
Edit button Displays the Registered Exporter Screen.
Registered Importer field Shows the collection that is currently registered as an importer for the selected archive.
Logon User Name field Shows the user name of the user who was logged in when the importer was registered.
Register Self button Registers the selected archive as an automatic importer.
Unregister button Unregisters the registered importer.

A.4.5.2 Registered Exporter Screen

The Registered Exporter screen is used to specify which collections automatically export to the current archive, and to enable and disable automatic export. To access this screen, click Edit on the Main Archiver Replication Screen.

Surrounding text describes Registered Exporter screen.
Element Description
Enable Automated Export check box Selected: Export will occur automatically whenever a content item that meets the export criteria is indexed.

Clear: Automatic export is disabled.

Registered Exporters box Lists the collections that are registered as automatic exporters for the selected archive.
Register button Adds the current collection to the list of registered exporters. This button is not available if automatic export is disabled.
Remove button Removes the selected collection from the list of registered exporters. This button is not available if automatic export is disabled.

A.4.5.3 Automation (Exporters) Screen

The Automation Screen has three tabs: Exporters, Importers, and Transfers. To access the Automation screen, highlight a collection and select View Automation for instance from the Options menu on Main Archiver Screen

The Exporters tab of the Automation for Instance screen is used to view and remove archives that are being exported automatically.

Surrounding text describes Automation screen Exporters tab.
Element Description
Location column Lists the collection and archive for each archive that is being exported automatically.
Status column Shows the status of the automatic export: connected or disconnected.
Remove button Removes the selected archive as a registered exporter.

A.4.5.4 Automation (Importers) Screen

The Importers tab of the Automation screen is used to view and remove archives that are being imported automatically.

Automation screen Importers tab.
Element Description
Location column Lists the collection and archive for each archive that is being imported automatically.
Status column Shows the status of the automatic import: connected or disconnected.
Remove button Removes the selected archive as a registered importer.

A.4.5.5 Automation (Transfers) Screen

The Transfers tab of the Automation screen is used to view and remove archives that are being transferred automatically.

Automation screen Transfers tab.
Element Description
Source column Lists the collection and archive for the transfer source.
Target column Lists the collection and archive for the transfer target.
Status column Shows the status of the automatic transfer: connected or disconnected.
Remove button Removes the selected transfer.

A.4.5.6 Automation (Queries) Screen

The Queued Automated Imports screen is used to view those imports that are queued to occur.

Automation screen Queued Automated Imports tab.
Element Description
Location column Lists the collection and archive for the transfer source.
Status column Shows the status of the automatic transfer.
Remove button Removes the selected transfer.

A.4.6 Transfer Interface Screens

This section provides information about the screens used to transfer archives.

A.4.6.1 Main Archiver Transfer Screen

The Transfer To tab of the Archiver application is used to configure batch file transfers from one archive to another. To access this tab, click the Transfer To tab on Main Archiver Screen.

Main Archiver screen Transfer To tab.
Element Description
Last Transfer Out field The date and time that batch files were last transferred out of the selected archive.
Last Transfer In field The date and time that batch files were last transferred into the selected archive.
Total fields The number of batch files and content items that were included in the last transfer.

Transfer Options pane:

Element Description
Is Targetable field Shows whether the selected archive can be a transfer target.
Is Transfer Automated field Shows whether the selected archive is transferred automatically.
Edit button Displays the Transfer Options Screen.

Transfer Destination pane:

Element Description
Transfer Owner field The content server instance that owns the transfer for the selected archive.
Target Archive field The collection and archive that the selected archive will be transferred to.
Remove button Deletes the transfer destination.
Edit button Displays the Archive Collections Screen.

A.4.6.2 Transfer Options Screen

The Transfer Options screen is used to enable an archive to receive a transfer and to automate transfers out of an archive. To access this screen, click Edit in the Transfer Options section of the Main Archiver Transfer Screen.

Surrounding text describes Transfer Options screen.
Element Description
Is Targetable check box Selected: The selected archive can receive transfers from other archives.

Clear: The selected archive cannot receive transfers from other archives.

Is Transfer Automated check box Selected: Transfer of the selected archive occurs automatically, whenever the archive is updated.

Clear: Transfer of the selected archive must be initiated manually.

A.4.6.3 Archive Collections Screen

The Archive Collections screen is used to specify a targetable archive to receive a transfer. To access this screen, click Edit in the Transfer Destination section of the Main Archiver Transfer Screen.

Surrounding text describes Archive Collections screen.
Element Description
Collections list Lists the names and locations of archive collections that are available to the local content server.
Archives list Lists the name and targetable status of the archives in the selected collection. (Only targetable archives can be selected from this list.)

A.4.7 Folder Archive Configuration Page

This page is used to manage and create folder archives. To access this page, log in to the content server as an administrator, click the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then click Folder Archive Configuration.

Folder Archive Configuration screen.
Element Description
Collection Name list The list includes all detected archive collections on the content server (that is, all collections that are known or have been opened in Content Server's Archiver utility).

Each content server will at least have one archive collection, which has the same name as the content server instance.

Archive Name field and list Here you can specify the name of the archive. The list contains all known archives on the content server that were created earlier.

Ensure that you provide an archive name before selecting folders to be included in the archive. If you select folders first and then specify an archive name, nothing happens when you click Add. (The folder tree collapses completely and your folder selection is lost).

Folder tree This shaded area contains the folder structure that is detected on the content server.

By default, the entire tree is collapsed (that is, none of the folders are displayed).

Click the plus symbol to display all underlying subfolders of a folder, and the minus symbol to hide them.

Select the check boxes of all folders that you want to include in the folder structure archive. If you click the check box of a parent folder, all its child folders are selected automatically as well. You can also select and unselect any of the child folders individually. A parent folder will only be selected if all of its subfolders are selected as well. If you unselect any of the child folders, its parent folder is automatically unselected, too. This does not affect the virtual folder path properties of the child folder.

The folder tree will include any Collaboration Manager project folders and Site Studio Web site folders. The Folder Structure Archive component is not intended to archive these folders. You can archive them and also transfer them to another system, but transferred collaboration projects and Site Studio Web sites will not work on the target system.

Add button Click this button to create the specified folder archive and make it available in Content Server.

Ensure that you provide an archive name before selecting folders to be included in the archive. If you select folders first and then specify an archive name, nothing happens when you click Add. (The folder tree collapses completely and your folder selection is lost).

Remove button Click this button to remove the specified existing folder archive, so it is no longer available in the Content Server for processing.