Saves the global includes. Called as a Java method by SAVE_GLOBALINCLUDES.
Called as a Java method by SAVE_TEMPLATE_CONVERSIONS
Saves the user option list. Called as a Java method by UPDATE_USEROPTION_LIST.
Called as a Java method by APPEND_SEARCH_AUDIT_INFO.
Retrieves problem report search information. Called as a Java method by GET_PROBLEMREPORTS_SEARCH_RESULTS.
Sends an email to the problem report contributor. Called as a Java method by NOTIFY_CONTRIBUTOR.
Called as a Java method by these services:
Sets the current date and passes the specified parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Updates the revision status as deleted. Called as a Java method by these services:
Sets the external content item information fields. Called as a Java method by GET_EXTERNAL_DOC_INFO.
Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION_SUB.
Sets the associated local values and passes the specified parameters. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION_SUB.
Sets the status message and passes the specified parameter. Called as a Java method by these services:
Called as a Java method by GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION_SUB.
Called as a Java method by EDIT_TRACE_OPTIONS.
Enables the criteria workflow. Called as a Java method by CRITERIAWORKFLOW_ENABLE.
Starts the workflow process and passes WfDocuments as a parameter. Called as a Java method by WORKFLOW_START.
Stores the user profile information in the database. Called as a Java method by these services:
Submits the form. Called as a Java method by FORM_SUBMIT.
Submits the form. Called as a Java method by these services: