4 Upgrading Your Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Environment

This chapter describes how to upgrade your existing Oracle Enterprise Content management 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) environment to Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g.

This chapter contains the following sections:

4.1 Task 1: Understand the Starting Points for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Upgrade

For information about starting points for Oracle UCM and Oracle URM, see Chapter 2, "Supported Starting Points for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite."

You should run an Oracle URM upgrade only when upgrading a full 10g Oracle URM system. If you are upgrading a 10g RM Corporate System or a 10g Content Server Adapter system, run the Oracle UCM upgrade, NOT the Oracle URM upgrade.


When upgrading from Universal Records Management, Corporate Edition, functionality is now available similar to that provided in Oracle Universal Records Management 10g DoD Edition.

If you are currently running Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide, which provides information about applying the latest Oracle Fusion Middleware patches.

This guide provides instructions for upgrading from Oracle Enterprise Content Manager 10g to the latest Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g.

If you are running a version of Oracle UCM or Oracle URM older than 10.1.3, you must uprade to 10.1.3 version before attempting to upgrade to 11g.

4.2 Task 2: Decide Upon an Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Topology

To help you decide on a target topology for your Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g deployment, see Chapter 3, "Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite for 10g Users." Chapter 3 compares 10g and 11g features, directory structures, and architecture. It also describes Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g integration with Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Fusion Middleware applications.

For more information about your Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite topology in an Oracle Fusion Middleware implementation, see "Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide or the section "Directory Structure for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite

4.3 Task 3: Install Enterprise Content Management Suite

Before running the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade Oracle Universal Content Management or Oracle Universal Records Management, perform the following tasks:

Use the Oracle Universal Installer to install and configure Oracle Universal Content Management or Oracle Universal Records Management 11g. Do not run the Repository Configuration Utility (RCU), finalize the agent configuration, or configure Java EE components during the installation process. The 10g schemas are upgraded in place by Upgrade Assistant. Finalizing agent configuration and configuring Java components are completed after upgrading the 10g schemas using Upgrade Assistant.

Note that the procedures described in this section assume you have downloaded the latest version of Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g. For more information, refer to "Obtaining the Latest Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Software" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Planning Guide.

4.3.1 Task 3a: Install Oracle WebLogic Server in Preparation for an Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Upgrade

Before you install the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite software, you must install the Oracle WebLogic Server software and create a Middleware home.

For more information about the Middleware home, see "Directory Structure for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite.


You must install the Oracle WebLogic Server software on the same host as the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 10g middle tier you are upgrading.

To install the Oracle WebLogic Server software on disk, refer to "Install Oracle WebLogic Server and Create the Middleware Home" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Quick Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite.

4.3.2 Task 3b: Install Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite in Preparation for Upgrade

The following sections provide information about installing Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite in preparation for upgrade: Before You Install Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite in Preparation for Upgrade

Before you begin installing the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite software, you must have the complete path to the Middleware home, which is created during Oracle WebLogic Server installation. The Middleware home contains the user_projects directory, which is the default location for the Oracle WebLogic Server domains, and the wlserver directory. Installing Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite

After you install the Oracle WebLogic Server software and create the Middleware home, you can then install the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite components.

To install Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite:

  1. Insert the CD-ROM or download the installer from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):

  2. Start the installer.

    On UNIX systems:

    > ./runInstaller

    On Windows systems:

    D:\ setup.exe
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to install one or more of the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite components.

    For other information about installing Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite, refer to the following:

4.4 Task 4: Run the Upgrade Assistant to Upgrade the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Schema

Upgrade Assistant is installed automatically into the bin directory of your Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Oracle home. Follow the procedure in Table 4-1 to run Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite database schemas.


Oracle recommends performing a full backup of your Oracle UCM or Oracle URM database schema and file system before starting the upgrade.


Before upgrading the database schema, shut down the 10g Content Server, Admin Server, and Web Server.

For Oracle UCM with an Oracle Database

You must create the contentserver_role before running the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the UCM schema. You can create this role in one of the following two ways:

  • Run the IntradocDir/database/oracle/admin/contentserverrole.sql script from the 10g instance.

  • Executing the following SQL command as a DBA:

    CREATE ROLE contentserver_role;

Table 4-1 Running the Upgrade Assistant to Upgrade the Oracle ECM Schema

Step Screen Description and Action Required



To start the Upgrade Assistant using the graphical user interface:

Change directory to the ECM_ORACLE_HOME/bin directory of the Oracle Fusion Middleware installation:



On a Windows operating system:



Upgrade Assistant Welcome Screen for Oracle UCM Schema Upgrade

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Specify Operation Screen for Oracle UCM Schema Upgrade

Select Upgrade Oracle Universal Content Management Schema, or Upgrade Oracle Universal Records Management Schema.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Prerequisites Screen for Oracle UCM Schema Upgrade

Be sure the Database backup completed and Database version is certified by Oracle for Fusion Middleware Upgrade check boxes are selected.

Database schema backup completed - Oracle recommends that you backup your Oracle ECM repositories on the database before upgrading. The Upgrade Assistant does not verify that the repositories have been backed up, so this option serves as a reminder.

Database version is certified by Oracle for Fusion Middleware upgrade - The Upgrade Assistant requires that the Oracle Data Integrator repositories reside on a supported database.

A list of supported databases can also be found on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/ias/files/fusion_certification.html

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Specify Source Directory Screen for Oracle UCM Schema Upgrade

Enter the path to the directory containing this server's intradoc.cfg file.

You can use the Browse button to locate this directory.

This is not the 10g IntradocDir but the directory containing the intradoc.cfg file, which describes the location of the 10g IntradocDir. For example, <IntradocDir>/bin.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Specify Source Database Screen for Oracle UCM Schema Upgrade

Enter the following:

  • For Database Type, select the appropriate database type.

    Supported database types:

    • Oracle

    • Microsoft SQL Server

    • DB2

  • For Connect String, enter the database URL, for example:

    //host:port/service for Oracle

    //host:port;DatabaseName=dbname for Microsoft SQL Server

  • For Source schema, enter the name of the existing 10g schema/database/user, for example, DEV_OCSERVER.

  • For Password, enter the password associated with the specified source schema.

  • For DBA Username, to log in as the Oracle SYS database account, specify SYS AS SYSDBA in this field.

  • For DBA Password, enter the password associated with the specified DBA Username.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Examining Components Screen for Oracle UCM Schema Upgrade

The Upgrade Assistant examines the schema and initializes the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite component database plugin.

Under the Status column, the word succeeded should appear. If instead, the word failed appears, inspect the log file for details.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Upgrade Summary Screen for Oracle UCM Schema Upgrade

Click Upgrade.


Upgrade Assistant Upgrading Components Screen for Oracle UCM Schema Upgrade

Wait for the status bar to reach 100%.

If there are errors during the upgrade, inspect the log file for details. The log files are located in the following directory:


For Windows Operating Systems:


Where <timestamp> is the current date and time.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Upgrade Complete Screen for Oracle UCM Schema Upgrade

Click Close.

4.5 Task 5: Configure the Enterprise Content Management Suite Domain

Use the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Configuration Wizard to configure your new Oracle UCM or Oracle URM 11g WebLogic domain.

When you configure Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite to create an Oracle WebLogic Server domain, a domain directory is created under the MW_HOME/user_projects/domain directory. The directory for the domain where you configure Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite contains the Administration Server and one or more Managed Servers, each hosting an Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite application.

For detailed information about running the Configuration Wizard to configure your domain, see section 4.2, "Creating an Oracle WebLogic Server Domain," in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite

After you create the WebLogic Server domain, and before running the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the middle tier, start the WebLogic Administration Server using the instructions in Section 7.1, "Starting the Administration Server" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite

Oracle UCM DB2 Connection Pool Settings

When upgrading from Oracle URM 10g to 11g with a DB2 database, you must also set the following configuration variables to the connection pool of the Oracle URM datasource. After you configure your Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite domain, use the WebLogic Administration Console to modify the following configuration variables for the Oracle URM data source:



For more information, see "Configure JDBC data sources" in the WebLogic Server Administration Console online help.

4.6 Task 6: Use the Upgrade Assistant to Upgrade the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Middle Tier

Run Upgrade Assistant again to upgrade the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite middle tier.

To start the Upgrade Assistant using the graphical user interface:

Table 4-2 Running the Upgrade Assistant to Upgrade the Oracle ECM Schema

Step Screen Description and Action Required



To start the Upgrade Assistant using the graphical user interface:

Change directory to the ECM_ORACLE_HOME/bin directory of the Oracle Fusion Middleware installation:



On a Windows operating system:



Upgrade Assistant Welcome Screen for Oracle UCM Middle Tier Upgrade

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Specify Operation Screen for Oracle UCM Middle Tier Upgrade

Select Upgrade Oracle Universal Content Management Middle Tier, or Upgrade Oracle Universal Records Management Middle Tier.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Specify Source Directory Screen for Oracle UCM Middle Tier Upgrade

Enter the path to the directory containing this server's intradoc.cfg file.

You can use the Browse button to locate this directory.

This is not the 10g IntradocDir, but the directory containing the intradoc.cfg file, which describes the location of the 10g IntradocDir. For example, <IntradocDir>/bin.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Specify Destination Directory Screen for Oracle UCM Middle Tier Upgrade

Enter the path to your 11g server instance (IntradocDir).

The 10g files are copied into this directory, which becomes the new IntradocDir for this instance. This directory does not need to exist already; the upgrade process creates it. If you enter the path to an existing instance, the upgrade will fail. If the specified path already exists but does not have a configured UCM system in it, the upgrade process will back up all directories before overwriting them.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Specify WebLogic Server Screen for Oracle UCM Middle Tier Upgrade

Enter the following:

  • In the Host field, enter the WebLogic Admin Server's hostname, for example, localhost.

  • In the Port field, enter the server's port number, for example, 7001.

  • In the Username field, enter the admin user name, for example, weblogic.

  • In the Password field, enter the password associated with the specified admin user.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Upgrade Summary Screen for Oracle UCM Middle Tier Upgrade

You can expand the summary tree to view a detailed description of directories and files which are copied to the 11g instance.

Click Upgrade.


Upgrade Assistant Upgrading Components Screen for Oracle UCM Middle Tier Upgrade

Wait for the status bar to reach 100%.

If there are errors during the upgrade, inspect the log file for details. The log files are located in the following directory:


For Windows Operating Systems:


Where <timestamp> is the current date and time.

Click Next to continue.


Upgrade Assistant Upgrade Complete Screen for Oracle UCM Middle Tier Upgrade

Click Close.

4.7 Task 7: Perform Any Required Post-Upgrade Configuration Tasks

Refer to Chapter 5, "Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Post-Upgrade Tasks and Considerations" for a description of the post-upgrade tasks and considerations you might need to perform for each of the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite components.

4.8 Task 8: Verify the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite Upgrade

To verify that your Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite upgrade was successful:

  1. Start the middle tier that are using the schema you just upgraded in Task 4.

    For more information, see "Starting and Stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

  2. Run the Upgrade Assistant again and select Verify Instance on the Specify Operation page.

    Follow the instructions on the screen for information on how to verify that specific Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite components are up and running.

  3. Use the Fusion Middleware Control to verify that the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite components are up and running.

    For more information, see "Getting Started Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.