18 Working with the Documents Service

Oracle WebCenter enables content integration through:

This chapter describes how to work with the Documents service and task flows at runtime in WebCenter applications. For more information about managing and including content in your WebCenter applications, see:

The following sections provide information about the Documents service and its task flows at runtime and in Oracle Composer. It contains the following sections:


This chapter is intended for WebCenter Spaces users interested in viewing, creating, and managing task flows available through the Documents service. Much of this information also applies to custom WebCenter applications, though it is written with WebCenter Spaces users in mind. (For information about custom WebCenter applications, see "Integrating the Documents Service" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.)

Your application administrator has the authority to expose or hide task flows from a particular service. Tasks discussed in this chapter are not available to you if the relevant service is hidden.

18.1 What You Should Know About the Documents Service

The Documents service provides features for accessing, adding, and managing files and folders; configuring file and folder properties; searching file and folder content in your organization's content repositories; and displaying content from a content repository on a page in a predefined template using the Content Presenter task flow.

The Documents service allows you to add documents from your company's content repositories to your WebCenter application in the following ways:

  • Add any single folder or file in a content repository to a page. Individual files can be added to a page as links, images, or inline frames (depending on the file type). For more information, see Section 10.1.3, "Adding Documents to a Page".

  • Add a Documents service task flow to a page:

    • Content Presenter task flow

    • Document Manager task flow

    • Document List Viewer task flow

    • Recent Documents task flow

    For general information about adding a task flow to a page, see Section 10.1.4, "Adding Task Flows to a Page". This chapter provides information about the Documents service task flows and how you can use them to display and manage documents on your WebCenter application pages.

This section provides conceptual information to help you understand the document management capabilites in Oracle WebCenter:

18.1.1 What You Should Know About Integration with Microsoft Office

Oracle WebCenter integrates with the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality for working with Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files that belong to a personal space or group space. This functionality is available in Microsoft Office 2003 and later, and the backend content repository must be Oracle Content Server. For information about using this functionality, see Section 18.2, "Working with Microsoft Office Integration."

When you open a file using Microsoft Office shared document management functionality, the file is automatically checked out of the Oracle Content Server repository, and the Status column for the file in WebCenter Spaces shows a Checked Out icon. To make your changes available to other users, you can check the file in using the Microsoft Office task pane.

The Microsoft Offic task pane offers alternate ways to perform tasks that can also be performed within WebCenter Spaces, as shown in Table 18-1.

Table 18-1 File Management Tasks

Task Microsoft Office Document Management WebCenter Spaces Application

Opening a file.

See Section 18.2.1, "Opening a File."

See Section, "Opening a File."

Adding a new file to a personal space or group space.

See Section, "Adding a File."

See Section 18.4.3, "Adding a File."

Adding a new folder to a personal space or group space.

See Section, "Adding a New Folder."

See Section 18.4.4, "Creating and Copying Folders."

Checking a file out and in.

See Section, "Checking a File Out" and Section, "Checking a File In."

See Section, "Checking a File Out or In."

Performing actions on the currently open file.

See Section, "Managing the Currently Open File."

See Section 18.4.6, "Managing Files and Folders in a Document Manager Task Flow."

Performing actions on other files in the current folder.

See Section, "Managing Other Files in the Current Personal Space or Group Space."

See Section 18.4.6, "Managing Files and Folders in a Document Manager Task Flow."

Performing actions on subfolders in the current folder.

See Section, "Managing Folders."

See Section 18.4.6, "Managing Files and Folders in a Document Manager Task Flow."

Viewing link targets.

See Section, "Viewing Link Targets."

See Section 21.2.3, "Accessing Link Targets."

Working with file version history.

See Section, "Working with File Version Histories."

See Section, "Working with File Version Histories."

Adding new members to a group space.

See Section, "Adding Members to a Group Space."

See Section 13.12, "Making a Group Space Available."

Sending a mail message.

See Section, "Sending a Message."

See Section 2.6.3, "Sending a Message to Group Space Members or Moderators."

18.1.2 What You Should Know About Integration with Microsoft Windows Explorer

Oracle WebCenter integrates with Microsoft Windows Explorer to manage the files and folders in a personal space or group space when the backend content repository is Oracle Content Server. To use this functionality, you create a network place in Windows Explorer for your personal space or group space documents. See Section 18.3, "Working with Windows Explorer Integration."

18.1.3 What You Should Know About the Documents Service Task Flows

In a runtime environment (the WebCenter Spaces application and deployed custom WebCenter applications), end users with privileges to edit pages can use the Oracle Composer Catalog to include Documents service task flows on a page. In the Oracle Composer Catalog, the Documents section includes the Documents service task flows, along with items that provide access to folders and files that you can add to your page in a selected Documents service task flow, as shown in Figure 18-1.

Figure 18-1 Oracle Composer Catalog in WebCenter Spaces: Documents Section in the WebCenter Spaces Application (when editing a personal space page)

Documents service task flows in WebCenter Spaces

Table 18-2 describes each entry in the Documents section of the Oracle Composer catalog:

Table 18-2 Oracle Composer Catalog Documents Section

Item Task Flow? Description and Use

All Documents


A virtual node that exposes a list of all files and folders to which you have access. Click Open to drill down, or enter a file name in the Search field. Click Add to display a menu where you can choose a task flow in which to display the current folder or files.

Content Presenter


Displays selected documents in a predefined template. See Section 18.1.4, "Understanding the Content Presenter Task Flow."

Document List Viewer


Displays selected files, and optionally folders, to which you have access. See Section 18.1.5, "Understanding the Document List Viewer Task Flow."

Document Manager


Displays selected folders and files, with file management capabilities. See Section 18.1.6, "Understanding the Document Manager Task Flow."

(in WebCenter Spaces only)

Group Space Documents

Personal Documents


A shortcut that exposes a list of files and folders associated with the current personal space or group space. Click Open to drill down, or enter a file name in the Search field. Click Add to display a menu where you can choose a task flow in which to display the current folder or files.

Recent Documents


Displays a list of the files most recently created or modified in the currently selected folder. See Section 18.1.7, "Understanding the Recent Documents Task Flow."

18.1.4 Understanding the Content Presenter Task Flow

The Content Presenter task flow allows you to select a single item of content, multiple content items, or query for content, and then apply a template to render the content on a page in a WebCenter application. The content available to Content Presenter resides in an Oracle Content Server backend content repository, which must be configured by your WebCenter administrator (see "Oracle Content Server Prerequisites" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter), then a connection established to the content repository (see "How to Create a Content Repository Connection Based on the Oracle Content Server Adapter" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter).

The display template may be one of the out-of-the-box templates provided with Oracle WebCenter (see Table 18-8 and Table 18-9), or a custom template designed for your organization (see "Creating Custom Templates for Displaying Content Using Content Presenter" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter).

For the steps to add content to a page in WebCenter Spaces using the Content Presenter task flow, see Section 18.4.2, "Displaying Content Using the Content Presenter Task Flow".


Content added to a page using Content Presenter is not editable.

18.1.5 Understanding the Document List Viewer Task Flow

The Document List Viewer task flow allows you to add information from your organization's content repositories onto a page as a listing of files and, optionally, folders.

When you click Add next to Document List Viewer in the Oracle Composer Catalog, the default settings add a listing of the entire root folder of the active content repository connection to the page. You can set the Connection Name and Root Folder Path properties to change the target location (see Table 18-15), or drill down to the target location in the Oracle Composer catalog then click the corresponding Add link and choose Document List Viewer. Additionally, the Document List Viewer task flow can be configured to display or hide any subfolders.

When you add a Document List Viewer task flow to a page, the name of the folder that contains the displayed content appears above the viewing area. For example, in Figure 18-2, the name of the folder is Root Folder.

Figure 18-2 Document List Viewer Task Flow for All Documents for the Topmost Folder in the Content Repository in the WebCenter Spaces Application (Show Folders property set to true)

All Documents topmost folder

Figure 18-3 Document List Viewer Task Flow for All Documents for a Subfolder in the Content Repository in the WebCenter Spaces Application (Show Folders property set to true)

All Documents subfolder

Figure 18-4 Document List Viewer Task Flow for Group Space Documents Displayed on a Group Space Page in the WebCenter Spaces Application

Document List Viewer task flow for group space documents

The Document List Viewer task flow includes a View menu, which you can use to personalize the display of the columns in the task flow (Figure 18-5).

Figure 18-5 View Menu on the Document List Viewer Task Flow

View menu on the Document List Viewer task flow

For more information about working with the files and folders on a page, see Section 18.4, "Working with the Documents Service Task Flows."

18.1.6 Understanding the Document Manager Task Flow

The Document Manager task flow allows you to display a list of all the folders and files in a selected folder, with file management capabilities. Use this task flow to create, upload, and manage folders and files; to manage file versions; and to check files out and in.

When you click Add next to Document Manager in the Oracle Composer Catalog, a Document Manager task flow for the default or current folder is added to the page. In WebCenter Spaces, the default folder is your personal folder if working with a page in your personal space, and the group space folder if working with a page in a group space (identical to the folder exposed on the Documents page). In custom WebCenter applications, the default folder is the root of the active content repository connection. You can also set the Connection Name and Start Folder Path properties to change the target folder (see Table 18-14), or drill down to the target location in the Oracle Composer catalog then click the corresponding Add link, and choose Document Manager.

In the Document Manager task flow, the target folder is the current location, displayed in the status bar (in the lower right hand area) of the Document Manager task flow (Figure 18-6).

Figure 18-6 Current Location Displayed In Document Manager Task Flow Status Bar

Current location in status bar

The current location is where any uploaded files, newly created HTML files, or pasted files and folders are placed. Selecting a single folder in the Document Manager task flow makes that folder the current location. In a Document Manager task flow that includes multiple folders, clicking a folder name to display the folder as the top-level folder in the task flow makes that folder the current location.

In WebCenter Spaces, your personal space and all group spaces have a Documents page, which is simply a page that is dedicated to the Document Manager task flow. Click the Documents tab in your personal space or group space to show the Documents page. If you do not see the Documents tab, you can display it as follows:

  1. In the personal space or group space, click Page Actions, then select Manage Pages.

  2. In the Manage Pages dialog, in the row for the Documents page, click Show Page.

  3. Click Close to display the Documents page for your personal space or group space, listing all of the documents available to you (Figure 18-7).

Figure 18-7 A Documents Page in a WebCenter Spaces Personal Space

A Documents page in a personal space

The Document Manager task flow provides features for supporting and maintaining your content. These include:

  • The File menu for convenient access to file and folder features (Figure 18-8).

    Figure 18-8 Document Manager File Menu

    Document Manager task flow File menu
  • The View menu for setting your document display preferences (Figure 18-9).

    Figure 18-9 Document Manager View Menu

    Document Manager task flow View menu
  • An easy-access toolbar (Figure 18-10).

    Figure 18-10 Document Manager Toolbar

    Document Manager task flow toolbar

    Use the Document Manager toolbar for quick access to frequently-used document functions, such as folder creation, file creation and upload, cutting, copying, editing, and deleting. Additionally, you can use icons on the toolbar to access file and folder properties and to adjust your view of repository content.


    Actions available on the toolbar are also available on the menus; keep in mind that there is more than one way to accomplish your Document Manager tasks.
  • Context menus for convenient access to document functions. Right-click a folder or file icon to display the context menu (Figure 18-11 and Figure 18-12).

    Figure 18-11 Document Manager Folder Context Menu (WebCenter Spaces Application)

    Document Manager task flow Folder context menu

    Figure 18-12 Document Manager File Context Menu (WebCenter Spaces Application)

    Document Manager task flow File context menu
  • A dedicated file search.

    The Documents service provides its own search tool, offering both basic and advanced searches. The document search feature stands apart from the Search service by searching only content provided through the Documents service. (For more information about the Search service, see Chapter 28, "Working with the Search Service.")

    For more information, see Section 18.4.8, "Running Document Searches in the Document Manager Task Flow."

  • In-place creation and revision of HTML

    Launch the Rich Text Editor (RTE) to create and edit HTML files, and save them directly to the content repository.

    For more information, see Section, "Creating and Editing Rich Text Documents."


The Document Manager task flow offers document review and collaboration features through integration with Oracle AutoVue. For more information, see Section, "Reviewing and Collaborating on Documents."

18.1.7 Understanding the Recent Documents Task Flow

The Recent Documents task flow allows you to add a listing of your most recently created or modified files onto a page (Figure 18-13).

Figure 18-13 Recent Documents Task Flow Displayed on a Group Space Page in WebCenter Spaces

Recent Documents task flow

When you click Add next to Recent Documents in the Oracle Composer Catalog, the default property settings add a listing of the most recently created or modified files in the entire root folder of the active content repository connection to the page. See Section 18.6, "Setting Documents Service Task Flow Properties" to modify the property settings for the Recent Documents task flow.

When you add a Recent Documents task flow to a page, hover your mouse pointer over a document in the task flow to display document details (Figure 18-14).

Figure 18-14 Displaying Detailed Information About a Recent Document

Recent document information popup

In WebCenter Spaces, the Recent Documents task flow appears in the WebCenter Spaces Sidebar by default (Figure 18-15), where you can click a file link in the list to open the file.

Figure 18-15 Recent Documents Task Flow in the WebCenter Spaces Sidebar

Recent Documents in the Sidebar

18.2 Working with Microsoft Office Integration

Oracle WebCenter integrates with the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality for working with Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files that belong to a personal space or group space. This functionality is available in Microsoft Office 2003 and later, and the backend content repository must be Oracle Content Server. For more information, see Section 18.1.1, "What You Should Know About Integration with Microsoft Office."

Many of the tasks you can perform using the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality can also be performed in WebCenter Spaces, as shown in Table 18-1, and described in Section 18.4, "Working with the Documents Service Task Flows."

This section provides steps to perform the following tasks using Microsoft Office shared document management:


Oracle WebCenter does not implement administrative features of the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality, such as creating a new workspace, deleting a workspace, or changing a workspace title.

18.2.1 Opening a File


To open any file using the WebCenter Spaces application, see Section 18.4.5, "Opening Files and Folders."

To open a Microsoft Office Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file in your personal space or group space to use the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to a Document Manager task flow on a page or go to the Documents page.

  2. Right-click in the row containing the file, but not on the file name.

  3. In the context menu, select the action that opens the file in Microsoft Office:

    • For Microsoft Word files, choose Edit with Word (Figure 18-16).

    • For Microsoft Excel files, choose Edit with Excel.

    • For Microsoft PowerPoint files, choose Edit with PowerPoint.

    Figure 18-16 Open a File in Microsoft Word

    Open a Document in Microsoft Word
  4. If prompted, enter login credentials as required to open the file in Microsoft Office.


    If the file is already checked out by another user, the File in Use dialog opens. See Section, "Opening a File Already Check Out By Another User."

    Figure 18-17 Microsoft Office 2003 Shared Workspace Task Pane

    Microsoft Office 2003 Shared Workspace Task Pane

When the file opens, it is automatically checked out. In WebCenter Spaces, click the Refresh icon to show the Checked Out icon for the selected file (Figure 18-18).

Figure 18-18 Checked Out Icon in WebCenter Spaces

Checked Out Icon in WebCenter Spaces

You can use the Microsoft Office task pane to open other files in the personal space or group space directly from Microsoft Office, instead of from WebCenter Spaces. See Section, "Managing Other Files in the Current Personal Space or Group Space." Opening a File Already Check Out By Another User

If the file that you attempt to open is already checked out by another user, the File In Use dialog opens (Figure 18-19).

Figure 18-19 File in Use Dialog

File in Use Dialog

In the File In Use dialog, select the desired option:

  • Open a Read Only copy to open the file in its default application to view it.

  • Create a local copy and merge your changes later is not supported.

  • Receive notification when the original copy is available to open a read-only copy of the file until it is available for editing. When the file is available, the File Now Available dialog (Figure 18-20) notifies you; in the dialog, click Read-Write to change the read-only state to editable.

    Figure 18-20 File Now Available Dialog

    File Now Available Dialog

18.2.2 Displaying and Hiding the Microsoft Office Task Pane

In Microsoft Office 2003, the task pane displays by default when you open a file, whereas in Microsoft Office 2007, the task pane does not display by default.

You can manage the display of the Microsoft Office task pane in the following ways: Displaying or Hiding the Task Pane Manually

To display or hide the Microsoft Office task pane manually:

In Microsoft Office 2003:

  • From the Tools menu, choose Shared Workspace to toggle between displaying and hiding the task pane.

In Microsoft Office 2007:

  1. Click the Office Button (Figure 18-21) in the top left corner of the Microsoft Office application.

    Figure 18-21 Office Button in Microsoft Office

    Office Button in Microsoft Office
  2. From the Server menu, choose Document Management Information to toggle between displaying and hiding the Document Management task pane (Figure 18-22).

    Figure 18-22 Microsoft Office 2007 Document Management Task Pane

    MS Office 2007 Document Management Task Pane Displaying or Hiding the Task Pane By Default

To display or hide the Microsoft Office task pane automatically by default every time you open a Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file:

In Microsoft Office 2003:

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Options.

  2. In the Options dialog, on the General tab, click Service Options.

  3. In the Shared Workspace category, select or clear the checkbox The document is part of a workspace or SharePoint site to respectively display or hide the task pane by default.

In Microsoft Office 2007:

  1. At the bottom of the Microsoft Office task pane, click Options (Figure 18-23).

    Figure 18-23 Options Link in Task Pane (Microsoft Office 2007)

    Options Link in Task Pane
  2. In the Service Options dialog, select or clear the checkbox The document is part of a workspace or SharePoint site to respectively display or hide the task pane by default.

18.2.3 Working with the Microsoft Office Task Pane

The Microsoft Office task pane provides information pertaining to the currently open file and access to tasks for all files and folders in the current personal space or group space, as described in Table 18-3.

Table 18-3 Microsoft Office Task Pane for Personal Space or Group Space Files

Task Pane Area Description

Top section in Microsoft Office 2003:

Task pane top section 2003

Top section in Microsoft Office 2007:

Task pane top section 2007

Dropdown menu:

Task pane top section dropdown menu

For a file in a personal space:

  • Shows the user name.

  • Open site in browser. Click to display the personal space home page.

For a file in a group space:

  • Shows the group space name.

  • Open site in browser. Click to display the group space home page.

Additionally, the top section provides a dropdown menu of actions available for the user or group space:

  • Open Site in Browser. See above.

  • Change Site Title. Not supported.

  • Change Site Settings. For a personal space, displays the WebCenter Spaces home page; for a group space, displays the Settings tab of the group space.

  • Disconnect from Workspace. Not supported.

  • Delete Workspace. Not supported.

Status section in Microsoft Office 2003:

Task pane Status section 2003

Status section in Microsoft Office 2007:

Task pane Status section 2007

Dropdown menu:

Task pane Status section menu

For a file in either a personal space or a group space:

Additionally, the Status section provides a dropdown menu of actions available for the user:

  • Schedule a Meeting. Opens the Microsoft Outlook calendar scheduler.

  • Call. Not supported.

  • Send Mail. Opens a Microsoft Outlook message with the To field populated with the mail address that is specified for the user in WebCenter Spaces. See Section, "Sending a Message." This selection has the same effect as clicking user name in the Members section.

  • Additional Actions. Not supported.

  • Add to Outlook Contacts. Opens the Microsoft Outlook Contacts page populated with contact information for the user.

  • Outlook Properties. Opens the Microsoft Outlook E-mail Properties dialog.

Members section:

Task Pane Members section

Dropdown menu:

Task pane Members section menu

For a file in a personal space:

For a file in a group space:

Additionally, the Members section provides a dropdown menu of actions available for the listed member(s):

  • Schedule a Meeting. Opens the Microsoft Outlook calendar scheduler.

  • Additional Actions. Not supported.

  • Edit Site Group Membership or Edit Permission Level. Not supported.

  • Edit User Information. Not supported.

  • Add to Outlook Contacts. Opens the Microsoft Outlook Contacts page populated with contact information for the member.

  • Outlook Properties. Opens the Microsoft Outlook E-mail Properties dialog.

To send a message to any member, simply click the member's user name to open a Microsoft Outlook window with the To field populated with the mail address that is specified for the member in WebCenter Spaces.

Tasks section:

Task pane Tasks section

Not supported.

Documents section:

Task pane Documents section

The Documents section of the task pane allows you to access other files in the current personal space or group space directly from Microsoft Office.

Sort by. Choose from the menu to sort the list of documents by Creation Date, Modified Date, File Name, File Type, Ascending, or Descending.

For a file in either a personal space or a group space:

Links section:

Task pane Links section

The Links section shows all document and URL links defined in WebCenter Spaces to the currently open file.

Sort by. Choose from the menu to sort the list of links by Creation Date, Modified Date, URL, Ascending, or Descending.

For a file in either a personal space or a group space:

Document Information section (Microsoft Office 2003 only):

Task pane Document Info section

Provides information about the currently open document:

Bottom section:

Task pane bottom section

For a file in either a personal space or a group space:

  • Get Updates. Refreshes the files and associated information from the WebCenter Spaces server.

  • Options. Opens the Service Options dialog. Refer to the Microsoft Office online help for more information.

  • Shows the date and time that the file was last modified.

The following sections describe the tasks you can perform using the Microsoft Office task pane: Adding a File

Using the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality, you can add a new file to the Oracle Content Server repository, exposing the file in a personal space or group space, as described in the following sections:


Other methods to add a file to the connected content repository are: Saving a File As a New File in a Personal Space or Group Space

To save a local Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file to a personal space or group space:

  1. Add the personal space or group space as a new network place in Windows Explorer, as described in Section 18.3, "Working with Windows Explorer Integration."

  2. Open the file in its Microsoft Office application.

  3. (In Microsoft Office 2007 only) Set Save options for shared documents:

    1. Click the Office Button in the top left corner of the Microsoft Office application, then click Word Options (Figure 18-24) at the bottom of the menu.

      Figure 18-24 Office Button Menu: Word Options

      Office Button Menu: Word Options
    2. In the Word Options dialog, select Save in the left pane.

    3. Under Offline editing options for document management server files, select The web server (Figure 18-25).

      Figure 18-25 Word Options Dialog

      Word Options Dialog
  4. Publish the file to the personal space or group space:

    In Microsoft Office 2003. From the File menu, choose Save As.

    In Microsoft Office 2007. Click the Office Button, then choose either:

    • Publish, then Document Management Server.

    • Or, Save As, then Application Document.

  5. In the Save As dialog, select the personal space or group space network place, then click Save.

  6. Enter login credentials for WebCenter Spaces, then click OK.

  7. In WebCenter Spaces, on the Documents page of the personal space or group space, click the Refresh icon to confirm that the file was added.


    To make the file visible to others, you must check the file in. See Section, "Checking a File In."
  8. To display the Microsoft Office task pane in the open file, see Section 18.2.2, "Displaying and Hiding the Microsoft Office Task Pane." Adding a New File Using the Task Pane

To add a new file to a personal space or group space using the Microsoft Office task pane:

  1. Open a Microsoft Office Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file in the personal space or group space to use the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality (see Section 18.2.1, "Opening a File").

  2. At the bottom of the Documents section of the task pane, click Add new document (Figure 18-26).

    Figure 18-26 Task Pane Documents Section: Adding a New File

    Task Pane Documents Section: Bottom Area

    The Add New Document dialog opens (Figure 18-27).

    Figure 18-27 Add New Document Dialog

    Add New Document dialog
  3. Browse to the file that you want to add to the current personal space or group space.


    WebCenter Spaces supports files up to 2GB in size.

    The checkbox Make workspace updates available when I open my copy is not supported.

  4. Click OK.

    The new file displays at the top of the document list in the Documents section of the Microsoft Office task pane. When you refresh the Documents page of the personal space or group space in WebCenter Spaces, the file appears in the document list in alphabetical order. Adding a New Folder

Using the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality, you can add a new folder to the Oracle Content Server repository, exposing the folder in a personal space or group space.


Other methods to add a new folder to a personal space or group space are:

To add a new folder to a personal space or group space using the Microsoft Office task pane:

  1. Open a Microsoft Office Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file in the personal space or group space to use the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality (see Section 18.2.1, "Opening a File").

  2. At the bottom of the Documents section of the task pane, click Add new folder (Figure 18-28).

    Figure 18-28 Task Pane Documents Section: Adding a New Folder

    Task Pane Documents Section: Adding a New Folder

    The Add New Folder dialog opens (Figure 18-29).

    Figure 18-29 Add New Folder Dialog

    Add New Document Dialog
  3. Enter a name for the new folder, then click OK.


    The rules for folder names follow the Microsoft Office standards.

    The new folder displays at the top of the document list in the Documents section of the Microsoft Office task pane. When you refresh the Documents page of the personal space or group space in WebCenter Spaces, the folder appears in the folder list in alphabetical order. Checking a File Out


To check any file out using the WebCenter Spaces application, see Section, "Checking a File Out."

When you open a Microsoft Office Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file in your personal space or group space using the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality, the file is automatically checked out from the Oracle Content Server repository. If you have been granted the appropriate permissions, you can open and check a file out in two environments:

  • From WebCenter Spaces. Open a file using the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality (see Section 18.2.1, "Opening a File") to automatically check out the file.

  • From the Microsoft Office task pane. In the Documents section of the task pane, click a file name to automatically check out the file and open it in its default Microsoft Office application. Checking the Currently Open File Out Again After Checking It In

After you check a file in (see Section, "Checking a File In"), the file remains displayed in Microsoft Office until you close it (see Section 18.2.4, "Closing a File"). If you want to check in further changes to the file, it must be checked out again:

  • In Microsoft Office 2003. In the Document Information section of the Microsoft Office task pane, you can optionally click Check out to check the file out again (Figure 18-30). However, even if you do not explicitly check out the file, you can continue to edit the file, then save it, and the Status and Document Information sections of the task pane automatically provide a Check in link to check the changed file back in to the repository.

    Figure 18-30 Checking Out a Checked In File

    Checking Out a Checked In File
  • In Microsoft Office 2007. When you check a file in, the Check In dialog (Figure 18-33) provides a checkbox labeled Keep the document checked out after checking in this version:

    • Select the checkbox to keep the file checked out after checking in the current version. This allows you to refresh the version of the file available to other users, yet still retain the checked out status to make further changes.

    • Clear the checkbox to check the file in and cancel the checked out status.

    If you clear the checkbox, you can optionally check the file out again:

    • Click Edit Document in the area below the toolbar (Figure 18-31).

      After you check a file in, Microsoft Office 2007 locks editing that file until you click Edit Document.

      Figure 18-31 Checking Out and Editing the Current Document

      Checking Out and Editing the Current Doc Checking a File In


To check any file in using the WebCenter Spaces application, see Section, "Checking a File In."

When you open a file using the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality, you can check it back in to the repository, whether or not you have made changes to it.


Intermittently saving the file saves it on the server, but changes are not visible to others until you check the file in. To update the file stored in the WebCenter Spaces repository, you must explicitly check it in. If you close the Microsoft Office application and do not check the file in when prompted, your changes are lost.

To check a file in:

  1. In the Status section of the Microsoft Office task pane, click Check in.


    In Microsoft Office 2003, you can also find Check in in the Document Information section of the task pane.
  2. In Microsoft Office 2003. In the Check In Comments dialog (Figure 18-32), optionally enter comments about the changes made to the file since it was last checked out.

    Figure 18-32 Check In Comments Dialog (Microsoft Office 2003)

    Check In Comments Dialog (Office 2003)

    In Microsoft Office 2007. In the Check In dialog (Figure 18-33), optionally enter comments about the changes made to the file since it was last checked out, and select the state in which to leave the file:

    Figure 18-33 Check In Dialog (Microsoft Office 2007)

    Check In Comments Dialog (Office 2007)
  3. Click OK.

    If the file was modified since its prior version, it is automatically saved and checked in to WebCenter Spaces as a new version. If check in comments were entered in the Check In dialog, a new file revision is created with the new comments, which display as the file description in WebCenter Spaces (Figure 18-34).

    Figure 18-34 Documents Listing in WebCenter Spaces after Check In

    Documents Listing in WebCenter Spaces after Check In
  4. After checking a file in, the file remains displayed in Microsoft Office until you close it (see Section 18.2.4, "Closing a File"). If you wish to make further changes to the file, see Section, "Checking the Currently Open File Out Again After Checking It In.":

  5. When you have finished making changes and checking in the file, close the Microsoft Office application (see Section 18.2.4, "Closing a File"). Managing the Currently Open File

To manage the currently open file using the Microsoft Office task pane:

  1. In the Documents section of the task pane, click the dropdown menu icon to the right of the file name (Figure 18-35).

    Figure 18-35 Task Pane Documents Section: Current File Menu

    Task Pane Documents Section: Current File Menu
  2. Select an available action, as described in Table 18-4:

    Table 18-4 Dropdown Menu Actions for Currently Open File

    Menu Action Description

    Open in Microsoft Office Application

    Not applicable.


    Not supported. To delete a file in a personal space or group space, you must use the WebCenter Spaces application (see Section, "Deleting Files and Folders") or Windows Explorer (see Section 18.3, "Working with Windows Explorer Integration").

    Alert Me About This Document

    Not supported. Opens the home page of the personal space or group space in WebCenter Spaces.

    Check Status

    Displays the Status section of the task pane.

    Document Updates

    Not supported.

    Save Updatable Copy

    Not supported.

    Create Document Workspace

    Not supported.

    Publish Back to Source Location

    Not supported. Managing Other Files in the Current Personal Space or Group Space

To manage a file other than the currently open file in the current personal space or group space using the Microsoft Office task pane:

  1. In the Documents section of the task pane, navigate to the file.


    Navigating upward in the folder hierarchy from the current document is not supported; you can drill down and then back up to the current level.
  2. To open the file, click its name.

    Depending on the file type, the file opens as described in Section 18.2.1, "Opening a File" for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files, or Section 18.4.5, "Opening Files and Folders" for other file types (such as HTML files or images).


    If you have OpenOffice installed, an error may occur when attempting to open a file from the task pane. To resolve the error, uninstall OpenOffice.
  3. To perform other actions, click the dropdown menu icon to the right of a file name (Figure 18-36):

    Figure 18-36 Task Pane Documents Section: Other Fles Menu

    Task Pane Documents Section: Other Fles Menu
  4. Select an available action, as described in Table 18-5:

    Table 18-5 Dropdown Menu Actions for Other Files

    Menu Action Description

    Open in Microsoft Office Application

    Opens the file in its Microsoft Office application (same effect as clicking the file name). For more information, see Section 18.2.1, "Opening a File."


    Not supported. To delete a file in a personal space or group space, you must use the WebCenter Spaces application (see Section, "Deleting Files and Folders") or Windows Explorer (see Section 18.3, "Working with Windows Explorer Integration").

    Alert Me About This Document

    Not supported. Opens the home page of the personal space or group space in WebCenter Spaces. Managing Folders

To manage a folder under the current folder using the Microsoft Office task pane:

  1. In the Documents section of the task pane, navigate to the folder.


    Navigating upward in the folder hierarchy from the current document is not supported; you can drill down and then back up to the current level.
  2. To open the folder, click its name.

  3. To perform other actions, click the dropdown menu icon to the right of the folder name (Figure 18-37):

    Figure 18-37 Task Pane Documents Section: Folder Menu

    Task Pane Documents Section: Folder Menu
  4. Select an available action, as described in Table 18-6:

    Table 18-6 Dropdown Menu Actions for a Folder

    Menu Action Description

    View Contents

    Refreshes the list of files with the contents of the folder only (same effect as clicking the folder name). Click the folder name to refresh to the original list.


    Not supported. To delete a folder in a personal space or group space, you must use the WebCenter Spaces application (see Section, "Deleting Files and Folders") or Windows Explorer (see Section 18.3, "Working with Windows Explorer Integration"). Viewing Link Targets

The Links section of the Microsoft Office task pane lists the links defined in WebCenter Spaces that are associated with the currently open file (Figure 18-38). Files can have links to related documents, discussions, announcements, events, notes, and URLs; the Links section in the task pane shows the links to associated documents and URLs.

Links are prefixed with the name of the service with which they are associated. For example, a link to another document is prefixed Document, a link to a note is prefixed URL, and so on.

Figure 18-38 Task Pane Links Section

Task Pane Links Section

To display the target of a link, simply click the link:

  • Document links open in the same way as files in the Document section, namely Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files open in Microsoft Office with a task pane, and other file types open in their default viewer or a browser.

  • URL links open a browser window displaying the link target. Viewing Document Information

In Microsoft Office 2003: The Document Information section of the Microsoft Office task pane shows the user who last modified the file and the modified date (Figure 18-39).

Figure 18-39 Task Pane Document Information Section (Microsoft Office 2003 Only)

Task Pane Document Information Section

In Microsoft Office 2007. Information about the user who last modified the file and the modified date is shown in the Version History. See Section, "Working with File Version Histories." Working with File Version Histories

Whenever you check in a file or upload a file into a folder that already contains a file of the same name, WebCenter Spaces creates a new version of the file. When a file has multiple versions, it has a version history.


To use the WebCenter Spaces application to work with the version history of a file in any connected content repository, see Section, "Working with File Version Histories."

In Microsoft Office 2003: To view the version history of the currently open file using the Microsoft Office task pane:

  1. In the Document Information section of the task pane, click Version history (Figure 18-40).

    Figure 18-40 Task Pane Document Information Section: Version History

    Task Pane Document Information Section: Version History

    The version history dialog for the file opens (Figure 18-41):

    Figure 18-41 Version History for Currently Open File in Microsoft Office 2003

    Version History for Currently Open File

    In the version history dialog, select a file version, then select the desired action:

    • Open to open the selected file version read-only.

    • Restore is not supported.

    • Delete to delete the selected file version (inactive for the most recent version).

    • View Comments to display the comments entered for the selected file version (most useful when the comments are especially long).

  2. To open the Documents page in the current personal space or group space, click Modify settings for document versions.

In Microsoft Office 2007: To view the version history of the currently open file:

  1. Click the Office Button (Figure 18-42) in the top left corner of the Microsoft Office application.

    Figure 18-42 Office Button in Microsoft Office

    Office Button in Microsoft Office
  2. From the Server menu, choose View Version History.

    The version history dialog for the file opens (Figure 18-43):

    Figure 18-43 Version History for Currently Open File in Microsoft Office 2007

    Version History for Current File in Office 2007
  3. In the version history dialog, select a file version, then select the desired action:

    • Open to open the selected file version read-only.

    • Compare to compare the selected file version with the currently open file.

    • Restore is not supported.

    • Delete to delete the selected file version (inactive for the most recent version).

  4. To view the check in comments for a file version, click the link under Comments.

  5. To open the Documents page in the pesonal space or group space, click the link next to Versions saved to. Adding Members to a Group Space


To add members to a group space using the WebCenter Spaces application, see Section 13.12.2, "Granting WebCenter Spaces Users Access to a Group Space."

If you are granted the moderator role, you can add new members to a group space using the Microsoft Office task pane. The currently open file must be a group space document.

To add members to a group space when the currently open file is a group space document:

  1. In the Members section of the task pane, click Add new members.

    The Add New Members dialog opens (Figure 18-44).

    Figure 18-44 Add New Members Dialog

    Add New Members dialog
  2. Enter the login names or email addresses of the users you want to add to the group space, separated by semicolons.


    Users who are already members of the group space cannot be added again. The user names that you enter must have an associated mail address defined in WebCenter Spaces.
  3. From the site group dropdown list, select the role to be given to the listed users. The listed roles are those defined for the current group space. The permissions granted to each role are defined by the WebCenter Spaces administrator or group space moderator. For more information about group space roles, see Section 15.2, "Managing Group Space Roles and Permissions."


    To define different roles to different users, limit the list of users to those who should be assigned the same role, finish this assignment, then click Add new members again to assign a different role to one or more different users.
  4. Click Next.

  5. Confirm or modify the member information, then click Finish.

  6. In the Add New Members dialog (Figure 18-45), select or clear the checkbox to send an invitation to the new members to join the group space, then click OK

    Figure 18-45 Add New Members Dialog

    Add New Members Dialog Sending a Message

From the Microsoft Office task pane, you can send a message to any user who has a mail address defined in WebCenter Spaces: Sending a Message to the Current User

To send a message to the user who has the currently open document checked out:

  • In the Status section of the Microsoft Office task pane, click the dropdown menu icon next to the user name, and choose Send Mail (Figure 18-46).

    Figure 18-46 Send a Message to the Current Document User

    Send a Message to the Current User

    A Microsoft Outlook message composition window open with the To field populated with the mail address that is specified for the user in WebCenter Spaces. Sending a Message to Your People Connections

To send a message to your people connections when you are working with a document in your personal space:

  1. In the Members section of the Microsoft Office task pane:

    • To send a message to an individual who is one of your people connections, click the user name in the Members list (Figure 18-47):

      Figure 18-47 Send a Message to an Individual in People Connections

      Send Mail to Individual in People Connections
    • To send a message to all of your people connections, click Send e-mail to all members (Figure 18-48).

      Figure 18-48 Send a Message to All People Connections

      Send a Message to All People Connections

    A Microsoft Outlook message composition window opens, where the personal space name is the subject, and the To field is populated with the mail address(es) specified for the people connection(s) in WebCenter Spaces.

  2. Modify the addresses and content of the message as desired, then click Send. Sending a Message to All Members of a Group Space

To send a message to the members of a group space when you are working with a document in a group space:

  1. In the Members section of the Microsoft Office task pane:

    • To send a message to an individual who is a member of the group space, click the user name in the Members list (Figure 18-49):

      Figure 18-49 Send a Message to an Individual Group Space Member

      Send Mail to Individual in People Connections
    • To send a message to all members of the group space, click Send e-mail to all members.

      Figure 18-50 Send a Message to All Group Space Members

      Send a Message to All Group Space Members

    A Microsoft Outlook message composition window opens, where the group space name is the subject, and To field is populated with the mail address(es) specified for the group space member(s) in WebCenter Spaces

  2. Modify the addresses and content of the message as desired, then click Send.

18.2.4 Closing a File

You can close a file opened in a Microsoft Office application with or without checking it in, as described in the following sections: Closing a File After Checking It In

After checking a file in, the file remains open in the Microsoft Office application until you close it.

To close a file after you have checked it in (see Section, "Checking a File In"):

  • From the File menu, choose Close. Closing a File Before Checking It In

If you attempt to close a file or the Microsoft Office application before you have checked the file in, the Check In dialog provides the opportunity to check it in or cancel the check out and discard changes to the file. The selections in the Check In dialog are dependent on whether or not the file has been modified since the last time it was checked in. Closing an Unchanged File

In Microsoft Office 2003: To close a file that has not been modified since the last time it was checked in:

  1. From the File menu, choose Close.

  2. In the Check In dialog (Figure 18-51), select one of the following actions:

    Figure 18-51 Check In Dialog for File with No Changes (Microsoft Office 2003)

    Check In Dialog for File with No Changes
    • Check in file to check the file in with no changes. In the Check In Comments dialog (Figure 18-32), optionally enter new comments, then click OK.

    • Keep checked out to close the file, but keep it in a checked out and locked to changes by other users. To later cancel the checked out status, see Section, "Canceling File Check Out."

    • Discard changes and undo check out to cancel the checked out status.

  3. Click OK.

In Microsoft Office 2007: To close a file that has not been modified since the last time it was checked in:

  • Click the Office Button (Figure 18-42) in the top left corner of the Microsoft Office application, then choose Close.

Microsoft Office 2007 does not prompt you to first check the file back in again, so the file remains in a checked out state and locked to changes by other users. To later cancel the checked out status, see Section, "Canceling File Check Out." Closing an Updated File

In Microsoft Office 2003: To close a file that has been modified since the last time it was checked in:

  1. From the File menu, select Close.

  2. In the Check In dialog (Figure 18-52), select one of the following actions:

    Figure 18-52 Check In Dialog for File with Changes (Microsoft Office 003)

    Check In Dialog for File with Changes
    • Save changes and check in to save the changes since the last check in and check the file in.

    • Save changes only to save changes since the last check in, but keep the file checked out and locked to changes by other users. To later cancel the checked out status, see Section, "Canceling File Check Out."

    • Discard changes and undo check out to retain the prior saved version of the file and cancel the checked out status.

    • Discard changes only to retain the prior saved version of the file and keep the file checked out.

  3. Click OK.

In Microsoft Office 2007: To close a file that has been modified since the last time it was checked in:

  1. Click the Office Button (Figure 18-42) in the top left corner of the Microsoft Office application, then choose Close.

  2. If you have not aleady saved the changes, respond to the confirmation prompt to save or discard your changes.

  3. In the confirmation dialog (Figure 18-53), respond to the prompt:

    Figure 18-53 Close File Confirmation Prompt (Microsoft Office 2007)

    Close File Confirmation in Office 2007

18.3 Working with Windows Explorer Integration

Oracle WebCenter integrates with Microsoft Windows Explorer to manage the files and folders in a personal space or group space when the backend content repository is Oracle Content Server.

In Oracle WebCenter, the most useful feature of Windows Explorer integration is the ability to add multiple files at once to a personal space or group space, rather than uploading each file individually. It is important to be aware that Windows Explorer is not designed as a content repository, so if you try to open, delete, or rename a file that is checked out by another user, an error message displays to notify you that the operation failed, but the error message will not be specific as to the cause of the failure.

To expose the files and folders in a personal space or group space in Windows Explorer, you create a new Windows network place for your personal space or group space documents, as described in the following sections:

18.3.1 Adding a Personal Space as a Network Place

To expose the files and folders in a personal space using Windows Explorer, you can add the personal space as a Windows network place.

To add a personal space as a Windows network place:

  1. In WebCenter Spaces, go to the personal space and click the Documents tab.

  2. Open the Documents tab's actions menu, and choose About This Page (Figure 18-54).

    Figure 18-54 Personal Space Documents Tab Actions Menu

    Personal Space Documents Tab Actions Menu
  3. In the Page Information dialog, make note of the host name and port (Figure 18-55).

    Figure 18-55 Personal Space Page Information Dialog

    Personal Space Page Information Dialog
  4. In Windows, create a new network place. Refer to the Microsoft Windows online help for more information.

  5. In the Add Network Place wizard, enter the network address using the following format:


    For example:

    http://myserver.oracle.com:8888/wcsdocs/conn/myrepository /path/0/PersonalSpaces/wcsadmin

  6. At the prompt, enter your WebCenter Spaces login credentials.

  7. Optionally enter a name for the personal space network place, then click Finish.

18.3.2 Adding a Group Space as a Network Place

To expose the files and folders in a group space using Windows Explorer, you can add the group space as a Windows network place.

To add a group space as a Windows network place:

  1. In WebCenter Spaces, open the group space tab's actions menu, and choose About This Group Space (Figure 18-56).

    Figure 18-56 Group Space Tab Actions Menu

    Group Space Tab Actions Menu
  2. In the Group Space Information dialog, select and copy the Explorer URL value (Figure 18-57).

    Figure 18-57 Group Space Information Dialog

    Group Space Information Dialog
  3. In Windows, create a new network place. Refer to the Microsoft Windows online help for more information.

  4. In the Add Network Place wizard, paste the URL of the group space as the network address.

  5. At the prompt, enter your WebCenter Spaces login credentials.

  6. Optionally enter a name for the group space network place, then click Finish.

18.3.3 Working with Files Using Windows Explorer

Once you have created a Windows network place to a personal space (see Section 18.3.1, "Adding a Personal Space as a Network Place") or group space (see Section 18.3.2, "Adding a Group Space as a Network Place"), you can manage the files and folders in the personal space or group space using Windows Explorer.


If you change the internal name of a group space (see Section 14.2, "Renaming a Group Space (and Changing the Group Space URL)"), the original network place is no longer accessible. You will need to add the group space as a Windows network place again using the new URL.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to the network place for the personal space or group space to:

When you open a file, it is automatically checked out until you check it back in (see Section, "Checking a File In").

The changes you make in Windows Explorer are reflected in WebCenter Spaces, and vice versa.


To use the WebCenter Spaces application to manage files and folders in a personal space or group space in any connected content repository, see Section 18.4.6, "Managing Files and Folders in a Document Manager Task Flow".

18.4 Working with the Documents Service Task Flows

The Documents service task flows provide convenient access to files in your organization's content repositories. Each task flow provides a different view and set of capabilites for working with documents, as discussed in Section 18.1.3, "What You Should Know About the Documents Service Task Flows." One of the Documents service task flows, the Document Manager task flow, provides a rich set of tools for adding, revising, versioning, and otherwise managing that content.

Many of the tasks described in this section can also be accomplished using the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality, as shown in Table 18-1, and described in Section 18.2, "Working with Microsoft Office Integration."

This section describes how to use Documents Service task flows to display and manage your files:

18.4.1 Adding a Documents Service Task Flow to a Page

When you add a Documents service task flow to a page, you can select the folders and files to display in the task flow.

To add a Documents Service task flow to a page:

  1. Form the Page Actions menu, select Edit Page to open the page in Oracle Composer.

  2. Click Add Content in the target region to open the Oracle Composer Catalog.

  3. Next to Documents, click Open, then click Add next to the Documents service task flow that you want to add to your page (Content Presenter, Document List Viewer, Document Manager, or Recent Documents).

For general information about adding task flows to a page, see Section 10.1.4, "Adding Task Flows to a Page."

18.4.2 Displaying Content Using the Content Presenter Task Flow

The Content Presenter task flow provides a way to include any type of content in your organization's content repositories on a page, displayed in a selected template. The display template may be one of the out-of-the-box templates provided with WebCenter (see Table 18-8 and Table 18-9), or a custom template that has been designed specifically for the type of content or for your organization. For more information, see Section 18.1.4, "Understanding the Content Presenter Task Flow".

To display content on a page using the Content Presenter task flow in a WebCenter application:

  1. As with any Documents service task flow, open the page in Oracle Composer (see Section, "Opening a Page in Oracle Composer"), then click Add Content in the target region to open the Oracle Composer Catalog.

  2. Next to Documents, click Open (Figure 18-58).

    Figure 18-58 Opening the Documents Section in the Oracle Composer Catalog

    Oracle Composer Catalog: Open Documents
  3. Select the content you want to display in one of two ways:

    • Next to Content Presenter, click Add (Figure 18-59).

      Figure 18-59 Adding a Content Presenter Task Flow to a Page

      Oracle Composer Catalog: Add Content Presenter task flow

      A new empty region appears on your page (Figure 18-60).

      Figure 18-60 Adding a Content Presenter Task Flow to a Page

      Content Presenter empty region
    • Or, drill down in the Oracle Composer Catalog: Next to All Documents (or, in WebCenter Spaces, Group Space Documents or Personal Space Documents), click Open to drill down to the folder or file you want to display on the page. When you locate the target content, click Add, and choose Content Presenter from the menu (Figure 18-61).

      Figure 18-61 Adding Content in Content Presenter Task Flow

      Add Content Presenter task flow

      Your selection displays in a default template on the page.

  4. To further configure the Content Presenter task flow to select or change content, or choose a different template, click the Edit (wrench) icon (Figure 18-62).

    Figure 18-62 Editing a Content Presenter Task Flow

    Edit Content Presenter task flow


    You can also specify content and a display template by clicking the properties Edit (pencil) icon and specifying parameters on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog. However, specifying parameters in this way is generally intended for use at design time by developers creating a custom application, or for advanced users who want to bind a parameter to an EL expression. If you modify a property value in the Component Properties dialog, the new value overrides the value specified in the Content Presenter Configuration dialog, and that value cannot subsequently be changed through the Content Presenter Configuration dialog. The steps in this section describe the use of the Content Presenter Configuration dialog; for information about Content Presenter task flow parameters, see Section 18.6.1, "Setting Content Presenter Task Flow Properties."

    The Content Presenter Configuration dialog opens (Figure 18-63).

    Figure 18-63 Content Presenter Configuration Dialog

    Content Presenter Configuration dialog

    A green check mark alongside each item indicates that the required information is complete and valid.

  5. Click Select Content or the Content tab.

  6. On the Content page, select the Content Source (Figure 18-64):


    Content Presenter does not support non-ASCII characters in files that are encoded using the non-UTF-8 character encoding. When users preview such files in Content Presenter, non-ASCII characters appear garbled.

    Figure 18-64 Selecting the Content Source

    Selecting content source
    • Single Content Item allows you to select a specific item to display on the page. Click Browse to locate the item (Figure 18-65).

      Figure 18-65 Selecting the Content Source: Single Content Item

      Single content item selection UI
    • Contents Under a Folder allows you to select a folder to display its contents on the page (in the order stored in the folder). Click Browse to locate the folder (Figure 18-66).

      Figure 18-66 Selecting the Content Source: Contents Under a Specified Folder

      Content under a Folder selection UI
    • Results of a Query allows you to enter query criteria to refine the selection of the content that displays on the page (Figure 18-67).

      Figure 18-67 Selecting the Content Source: Results of a Query

      Selecting the Content Source: Results of a Query

      Enter the query criteria, as described in Table 18-7:

      Table 18-7 Specifying Query Criteria for Results of a Query

      Element Description

      File Name

      Enter the name of a file that you want to display in the selected template. To retrieve multiple content items, use * as a wild card character. For example, a value of *.jpg retrieves all JPEG image files in the specified Repository.

      Search Content For

      Enter any value that may be present in the content. The value may be one or more words or phrases in the content of document.

      For information about searching in Oracle Content Server, refer to "Performing a Full-Text Search" in Getting Started with Content Server, available at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10316_01/owc.htm

      Content Type

      Choose All Content Types to retrieve content items regardless of the content type. Or, choose a content type from the list. Each content type in the list specifies the name of a profile defined in the Oracle Content Server repository. A content type profile includes the properties that define a specific type of content (for example, a press release, or a news flash, or an image). The content type IDC:GlobalProfile is the name of a default content type profile defined in Oracle Content Server that can be applied if no other content type profiles are defined.

      Limit Results

      Specify the maximum number of content items to be returned by the query.

      Add Fields

      Choose from the list any of the following to display additional fields to narrow the query:

      • Dates: Adds a Dates section to the Content page. Enter a date to find content item(s) that match the creation or last modified date.

      • Users: Adds a Users section to the Content page. Enter a user name to find content item(s) that user created or last modified.

      • Filters: Not applicable when Content Type is set to All Content Types. For other content types (such as IDC:GlobalProfile), adds an Additional Query Filters section to the Content page (Figure 18-68). Click the Add icon to list all the properties that are defined for the selected content type. Select one or more properties to refine the query to find content items with specific property settings.

      • Sorting: Not applicable when Content Type is set to All Content Types. For other content types (such as IDC:GlobalProfile), adds a Sort Order section to the Content page. Specify a sort order for the properties shown in the Sort On list (Figure 18-68). The selected content type allows sorting on only the listed properties.

      Figure 18-68 Adding Query Criteria Fields

      Adding Query Criteria Fields


      The query is stored and rerun to retrieve the latest content each time you view the Content Presenter instance.
    • List of Items allows you to browse or search for any number of items to add to a list, and delete or reorder the items before adding the list to the page (Figure 18-69).

      Figure 18-69 Selecting the Content Source: List of Items

      List of Items selection UI
  7. Click Select Template or the Template tab.

    The templates that are available for selection are those that are identified by Content Presenter as suitable for displaying the selected content item(s). For more information, see "Identifying Display Templates for Selected Content Items" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

  8. On the Template page:

    • If the Content Source selected on the Content page is a single content item, select the Template (Figure 18-70):

      Figure 18-70 Selecting the Display Template (for Single Content Items)

      Selecting the template

      The Default templates in the list are out-of-the-box templates for single content items (see Table 18-8). Other selections that may be available in the list are custom display templates developed specifically for your WebCenter application.


      The selections available reflect the entries specified by your organization's template developer in templates-registry.xml under <content-templates>. For more information, see "Creating Custom Templates for Displaying Content Using Content Presenter" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.
    • If the Content Source selected on the Content page is a multiple content item (Contents Under a Folder, Results of a Query, or List of Items), select the Template Category (Figure 18-71), then the Template (Figure 18-72).

      Figure 18-71 Selecting the Template Category (for Multiple Content Items)

      Selecting the template category

      Figure 18-72 Selecting the Display Template (for Multiple Content Items)

      Selecting the multiple content item template

      By default, there is only one category: Default Templates. This selection defines the collection of out-of-the-box templates available for multiple content items (see Table 18-9).

      Other selections that may be available are custom template categories and display templates developed specifically for your WebCenter application.


      The selections available reflect the entries specified by your organization's template developer in templates-registry.xml under <content-list-templates>. For more information, see "Creating Custom Templates for Displaying Content Using Content Presenter" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

    Table 18-8 Out-of-the-Box Templates for Displaying Single Content Items

    Single Content Item Templates View ID in templates-registry.xml Description

    Default Document Details View


    Displays detailed information about any single content item including creation date, modification date, created by username, modified by username, path and any comments.

    Default List Item View


    Used by multiple content item views to display each individual item. Displays a single line with an icon and item name as a link that either displays or downloads the item when clicked.

    Default View (default when no template is selected)


    Displays any single content item, either directly in the browser (images, HTML) or as a link that downloads the associated file when clicked.

    For example, when the selected document type is .doc, the Default View template is assigned to be the Default Document Details View template.

    Default List Item View for Folders


    Not available for selection in the Content Presenter Configuration dialog, but used by other multiple content item templates to display folders as they process their content nodes. Displays a single line with a folder icon and the folder name.

    Table 18-9 Out-of-the-Box Templates for Displaying Multiple Content Items

    Multiple Content Item Templates View ID in templates-registry.xml Description

    Accordion View


    Displays multiple content items in an accordion format, where each item can be expanded to display its details.

    Bulleted View


    Displays multiple content items in a bulleted list format. Only content items display; folder items are omitted.

    Bulleted with Folder Label View


    Displays multiple content items in a bulleted list format. The name of the folder containing the first item in the list will display as a label above the list. This template is intended to be used with Content Source set to Contents Under a Folder to ensure that all items have the same parent folder. Only content items display; folder items are omitted.

    Carousel View


    Displays multiple content items in a carousel format, where items can be browsed by moving a slider left or right.

    Icon View


    Displays multiple content items in a tiled format with large icons and file names.

    List View (default when no template is selected)


    Displays multiple content items in a simple list.

    List with Details Panel View


    Displays multiple content items in a list on the left, with a panel to the right displaying the details of a selected item.

    Sortable Table View


    Displays multiple content items in a sortable table that includes the document name, date created, and date modified.

    Tabbed View


    Displays multiple content items as tabs that can be selected to display item details.

  9. To see a preview of your content before adding it to the page, click Preview or the Preview tab.


    The appearance of the content on the Preview page is dependent on whether the selected display template uses a stretch or flow layout. While the final view of the task flow can be configured to use either a stretch layout or a flow layout, the Preview page only uses a flow layout. As a result, the preview of content using templates that were designed for a stretch layout will display unstretched at a fixed default size. This is the normal behavior of stretchable content when displayed in non-stretching flow layout. To allow stretchable content to stretch to its full size and fill the task flow space entirely, click the Edit (pencil) icon for the task flow to display the Component Properties dialog, and select the Stretch Content property (on the Display Options tab). For more information, see Table 10-1, "Display Options Properties".


    Content Presenter does not support non-ASCII characters in files that are encoded using the non-UTF-8 character encoding. When users preview such files in Content Presenter, non-ASCII characters appear garbled.

18.4.3 Adding a File

Using the Documents service in WebCenter Spaces, you can add a new file to the connected content repository, exposing the file in a personal space or group space, as described in the following sections:


Other methods to add a file when the backend content repository is Oracle Content Server are: Uploading Multiple Files

To upload multiple files to a personal space or group space, you can use Windows Explorer, WebDAV, or the Oracle Content Server Batch Loader utility:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. If desired, create a new folder for the documents you plan to upload (see Section, "Creating Folders Using the Create a New Folder Icon"). In the Create Folder dialog, make note of the root folder path specified by Create Folder In (Figure 18-73).

    Figure 18-73 Create Folder dialog

    Create Folder dialog


    The root folder where your group space is stored in Oracle Content Server is /spaces/group_space_name; a personal space is stored in /spaces/user_name.
  3. Choose any of the following methods to upload files to the personal space or group space folder: Uploading a Single File

You can upload a file from any location that is accessible from your local file system to the content repository. This includes remote systems to which your local system has access.

The following sections describe how to use WebCenter Spaces to upload a file to the content repository: Uploading a File Using the Toolbar

To upload a file from your file system using the toolbar:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Select the row of the folder into which you want to upload the file. Note that to select a folder, you should click within the folder's row and not click the folder itself.

  3. On the toolbar, click the Upload Document icon (Figure 18-74).

    Figure 18-74 Upload Document Icon on Toolbar

    Upload Document icon

    The Upload Document screen opens (Figure 18-75). All fields requiring a value are marked with an asterisk (*).

    Figure 18-75 Upload Document Screen

    Upload Document page
    Description of "Figure 18-75 Upload Document Screen"

  4. Click Browse next to the Document to Upload field, and then navigate to and select the file you want to upload.

  5. Optionally, provide a description of the file in the Description field.


    The Destination field, which appears below the Description field, shows the directory path to the folder where the uploaded file will be stored.
  6. Click Upload to complete the transaction.

    Where versioning is supported, a Confirm New Version screen opens when you upload a file with the same name as another file in the same folder (Figure 18-76).

    Figure 18-76 Confirm New Version Screen

    Confirm New Version screen

    You are given the option to save the new file as a new, current version or to cancel the file upload. Uploading a File Using a Menu

The Document Manager task flow includes a File menu and context (right-click) menus for performing file and folder actions on the spot. Both the File menu and the folder context menu provide commands for uploading a file. This section describes how to use them.

To upload a file using the File menu or the folder context menu:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Select the target folder where you want to upload a file.

  3. From either the File menu or the folder context menu (right-click the folder), select New and then Upload Document.

    The Upload Document screen opens (Figure 18-75). All fields requiring a value are marked with an asterisk (*).

  4. Click Browse next to the Document to Upload field, and then navigate to and select the file you want to upload.

  5. Optionally, provide a description of the file in the Description field.


    The Destination field, which appears below the Description field, shows the directory path to the folder where the uploaded file will be stored.
  6. Click Upload to complete the transaction.

    Where versioning is supported, a Confirm New Version screen opens when you upload a file with the same name as another file in the same folder (Figure 18-76).

    You are given the option to save the new file as a new, current version or to cancel the file upload. Creating and Editing Rich Text Documents

In addition to file upload, you can add content to a content repository through file creation. The Rich Text Editor (RTE) is a fully-integrated HTML text editor, which you can use to create your own HTML files and edit HTML files contained in the content repository.

The RTE provides basic styling features, such as selectors for font type, size, and color. It includes features for adding links, bulleted and numbered lists, and special text effects, such as subscript, superscript, strikethrough, and underline. It provides two modes—Rich Text Editing mode and Source Code mode. Use the Rich Text Editing mode to create and revise content in a WYSIWYG environment. Use the Source Code mode to enter your own HTML.

In the Documents service, the RTE is available through the Document Manager task flow.


The RTE ignores the following types of tags because they are irrelevant or redundant within the RTE context:
  • script tags

  • form elements, such as input, select, textarea, and form

  • frame/frameset

  • document tags, such as html, head, body, meta, and title

  • unknown tags, for example, <foo></foo>

The following sections describe how to create and edit a file using the RTE: Creating HTML Files with the Rich Text Editor

To create HTML files using the RTE:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Click the Create a new HTML document icon (Figure 18-77).

    Figure 18-77 Create a New HTML Document Icon on Toolbar

    Create a New HTML Document icon

    The RTE opens (Figure 18-78).

    Fields that require a value are marked with an asterisk (*).

  3. In the File Name field, enter a name for the file.

    The editor appends the extension .htm., unless .htm or .html is already specified.

  4. Optionally, enter a description of the file in the Description field.


    The Destination field, which appears below the Description field, shows the directory path to the folder where the uploaded file will be stored.
  5. Using the editor, add text, formatting, styling, and links.

    Table 18-10 lists and describes RTE controls.

    Table 18-10 Rich Text Editor Controls

    Control Description

    Select font drop-down menu

    The Font dropdown menu. Select a font, and enter text; or highlight text, and select a font.

    Font Size drop-down menu

    The Font Size selector. Select a size, and enter text; or highlight text, and select a size. Click the up arrow to increase font size. Click the down arrow to lower font size.

    Undo icon


    The Undo icon. Click this icon to back out of the previous change. Change history is cleared when you click Create.

    Redo icon


    The Redo icon. Click this icon to restore the previous change. Change history is cleared when you click Create.

    Clear Styling icon

    The Clear Styling icon. Select text and click the Clear Styling icon to remove all styling, such as font types, font sizes, font weights, and font colors. Note that formats, such as bulleted and indented are not affected.

    Rich Text Editing Mode icon

    The Rich Text Editing Mode icon. Use this control to toggle the editor to Rich Text editing mode. In this mode, you can use the style controls at the top of the editor to design your HTML's look and feel.

    Source Code Editing Mode icon

    The Source Code Editing Mode icon. Use this control to toggle the editor to the source code editing mode. In this mode, you can enter all of your own HTML manually. This includes entering source code for the insertion of images. Source code editing mode assumes you will enter all HTML code manually; therefore, most style controls at the top of the text box are not available in this mode.

    Font Color picker

    Foreground Color selector. Use the selector to apply color to text. Pick a color, and enter text; or highlight text, and select a color.

    Background Color picker

    Background Color selector. Use the selector to highlight text. Select a color, and enter text; or select text and then a color to highlight.

    Bold icon

    The Bold icon. Highlight text, and click this icon; or click this icon, and enter text. Click this icon again to exit Bold.

    Italic icon

    The Italic icon. Highlight text, and click this icon; or click this icon, and enter text. Click this icon again to exit Italic.

    Underline icon

    The Underline icon. Highlight text, and click this icon; or click this icon, and enter text. Click this icon again to exit Underline.

    Subscript icon

    The Subscript icon. Highlight text, and click this icon to convert it to a subscript character (see icon's numeral 2 for example); or click this icon, and enter text. Click this icon again to exit Subscript.

    Superscript icon

    The Superscript icon. Highlight text, and click this icon to convert it to a superscript character (see icon's numeral 2 for example); or click this icon, and enter text. Click this icon again to exit Superscript.

    Strikethrough icon

    The Strikethrough icon. Highlight text, and click this icon to drawn a horizontal line through the middle of text, or click this icon and enter text. Click this icon again to exit Strikethrough.

    Justify Left icon

    The Justify Left icon. To align text left, highlight it and click this icon. You can also click the icon and enter text.

    Justify Center icon

    The Justify Center icon. To center text, highlight it and click this icon. You can also click the icon and enter text.

    Justify Right icon

    The Justify Right icon. To align text right, highlight it and click this icon. You can also click the icon and enter text.

    Justify Full icon

    The Justify Full icon. To align text on both the right and left, highlight it and click this icon. You can also click the icon and enter text.

    Bulleted List icon

    The Bulleted List icon. To create a bulleted list, start a new line, click this icon, and enter text. You can also highlight lines of text and click the icon. Start a new line, and click this icon again to exit. Alternately, exit bullet mode by clicking Enter twice at the end of the last item.

    Numbered List icon

    The Numbered List icon. To create a numbered list, start a new line, click this icon, and enter text. You can also highlight lines of text and click the icon. To exit bullet mode, start a new line and click this icon again. Alternately, exit numbered mode by clicking Enter twice at the end of the last item.

    Outdent icon

    The Outdent icon. To move a block of text left, select it and click this icon.

    Indent icon

    The Indent icon. To move a block of text right, select it and click this icon.

    Link icon

    The Link icon. Copy the target URL, and then click this icon and paste or enter a web address in the resulting dialog. Click OK in the dialog to save the link.

    Remove Link icon

    The Remove Link icon. Highlight linked text and click this icon to remove the link.


    Use this key combination to delete highlighted selections. You can also press the Backspace and Delete keys on your keyboard.

  6. Click Create to save your changes and exit the editor. Editing an HTML File with the Rich Text Editor

You can use the RTE to edit any HTML file that is available in a content repository. The editor is available to the files it was used to create as well as files created with other HTML authoring tools.


To use the RTE to edit files created with other HTML authoring tools, the HTML files must be well formed (that is, have no unclosed tags) and contain no JavaScript.

The editor recognizes the file extensions htm and html.

In the Documents service, the RTE is available in the Document Manager task flow.

To edit an HTML file using the RTE:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Check the HTML file out (see Section, "Checking a File Out"). The file must be checked out before it can be edited to ensure that your work does not conflict with others who may be editing the same file.

  3. Select the HTML file by clicking in its row, and click the Edit with Rich Text Editor icon on the toolbar (Figure 18-79). This icon is inactive until after the file is checked out.

    Figure 18-79 Edit with Rich Text Editor Icon on Toolbar

    Edit with Rich Text Editor icon

    The file opens in the RTE (Figure 18-78). The editor recognizes the file extensions htm and html.

  4. Use the RTE controls (see Table 18-10) to revise the file, or edit the file in Source Code mode to revise the HTML source.

  5. When you complete your revisions, click Check-in and close (Figure 18-80) to save your changes and exit the RTE. To discard your changes, click Cancel and check the file back in.

Figure 18-80 Checking in Edited File and Closing Rich Text Editor

Rich Text Editor: check in file and close Copying and Pasting Files

The Documents service provides three options for copying and pasting files:

  • Toolbar options

  • Menu options

  • Drag-and-drop

    • Dragging and dropping files is equivalent to "move" or "cut/paste".

    • Dragging and dropping while pressing the Ctrl key is equivalent to "copy/paste".

This section describes how to copy and paste files in a personal space or group space using the toolbar and menus: Copying and Pasting Files Using the Toolbar

To copy and paste one or multiple files using the toolbar:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Locate and select the file(s) you want to copy.

    To select one file without opening it, click within the file row. To select multiple files, Ctrl-click the file rows.

  3. On the toolbar, click the Copy icon (Figure 18-81).

    Figure 18-81 Copy and Paste Icons on Toolbar

    Copy icon
  4. Select the folder where you want to paste the copied file(s).

    To select a folder, click in the folder's row. Clicking on the folder name produces a different result (see Section, "Opening a Folder").

  5. On the toolbar, click the Paste icon (Figure 18-81).

    The copied file(s) are added to the selected folder. Copying and Pasting Files Using a Menu

There are two menus to choose from when copying and pasting: the File menu and a context (right-click) menu.

To copy and paste files using the File menu or a file or folder context menu:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Locate and select the file(s) you want to copy.

    To select one file without opening it, click in the file row. To select multiple files, Ctrl-click the file rows. Clicking on the file name opens the file (see Section, "Opening a File").

  3. Open the File menu and choose Clipboard and then Copy (Figure 18-82).

    Figure 18-82 Copy Command on File Menu

    Copy command on the File menu

    As an alternative, right-click a file icon or in a file row and select Copy (Figure 18-83).

    Figure 18-83 Copy Command on File Context Menu

    Copy command on the file context menu
  4. Select the folder where you want to paste the copied file(s).

    Select a folder by clicking its icon or in its row. Clicking a folder name opens the folder (see Section, "Opening a Folder").

  5. From the File menu, choose Clipboard and then Paste.

    As an alternative, right-click the target folder icon or in the target folder's row, and select Paste.

    The copied file(s) are added to the selected folder.

18.4.4 Creating and Copying Folders

Folders provide a convenient way to organize the content exposed through the Documents service. The Document Manager and Document List Viewer task flows include the capability to display folders, but only the Document Manager task flow includes the capability of creating and copying them.

The following sections describe how to create and copy folders in WebCenter Spaces:


Other methods to create and copy folders when the backend content repository is Oracle Content Server are: Creating Folders Using the Create a New Folder Icon

This section describes how to create a folder in the Document Manager task flow.

To create a folder using the Create a new folder icon:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Select the folder under which to create the new folder, and click the Create a new folder icon (Figure 18-84) on the toolbar.

    Figure 18-84 Create a New Folder Icon on Toolbar

    Create a new folder icon

    The Create Folder dialog opens (Figure 18-85).

    Figure 18-85 Create Folder Dialog

    Create Folder dialog
  3. In the Folder Name field, enter a name for the folder; for example, Design Specs.

  4. Click Create to create the folder and close the dialog.

The File menu also provides an option for creating a new folder, as does the folder context (right-click) menu. Choose New, then Folder (Figure 18-86).

Figure 18-86 New Folder Command on the File Menu

New Folder command on the File menu Copying a Folder and Its Content

When you copy a folder that contains content, such as subfolders and files, the content is copied as well.

To copy a folder and its content:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Select the folder you want to copy, and click the Copy icon (Figure 18-87) on the toolbar.

  3. Select a destination folder where you want to paste the copy, and then click the Paste icon (Figure 18-87) on the toolbar.

    Figure 18-87 Copy and Paste Icons on Toolbar

    Paste icon

    The copied folder and content display in the selected destination folder.

    Copy and Paste commands are also available on the task flow's File menu. Choose Clipboard, then Copy and/or Paste (Figure 18-88).

    Figure 18-88 Copy and Paste Commands on File Menu

    Cut and Paste commands on the File menu

    Additionally, you can find the Copy and Paste commands on the folder context (right-click) menu.

18.4.5 Opening Files and Folders

With appropriate permissions, you can open files of any type in all Documents service task flows. Opening folders is available to all Documents service task flows except the Recent Documents task flow, which does not display folders.

This section describes how to open files and folders using the WebCenter Spaces application:


Other methods to open files and folders when the backend content repository is Oracle Content Server are: Opening a File

To open a file:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Documents service task flow.

  2. Depending on the file type, perform the actions in Table 18-11 to produce the intended result.

    Table 18-11 Opening Files in a Documents Service Task Flow

    File Type Action Result


    Right-click file name

    Displays browser context menu to allow actions such as saving the file to your local drive.

    Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint,Visio, MS Project)

    Click file name.

    Displays a dialog with options to view the file in its native application, outside WebCenter, or save the file to your local drive.

    Note: To open Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files using Microsoft Office shared document management funtionality, see Section 18.2.1, "Opening a File."

    HTML (.htm, .html), text (.txt), image (.jpg, .gif), XML (.xml)

    Click file name.

    Opens in browser.

    Zip files (.zip)

    Click file name.

    Displays a dialog with options to view the file in its native application, outside WebCenter, or save the file to your local drive. Opening a Folder

To open a folder:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Documents service task flow (except for the Recent Documents task flow, which does not expose folders).

  2. Do either of the following:

    • Expand the folder node by clicking the Expand icon (Figure 18-89) to view a hierarchical list of the folder's content.

      Figure 18-89 Expand Icon on a Folder

      Expand node on a folder
    • Click the folder name (Figure 18-90) to display the folder as the top-level folder in the task flow (Figure 18-91), which also makes the folder the current location (see Section 18.1.6, "Understanding the Document Manager Task Flow").

      Figure 18-90 Subfolder (Meetings) of Root Folder (Philatelists) in a Content Repository

      A folder in a Document Library

      Figure 18-91 Subfolder Displayed as Top-Level Folder

      Subfolder displayed as a top-level folder

      Click the Show Hierarchy icon to the left of the folder (Figure 18-91) to open a selection list of folders higher up the folder hierarchy.

      Click a folder in the hierarchy list to display it as the top-level folder. Clicking the first folder in the list (the root folder) returns you to the default folder display mode.

18.4.6 Managing Files and Folders in a Document Manager Task Flow

The Document Mananger task flow provides useful features for managing the files and folders in a personal space or group space. These include tools for navigating the folder hierarchy, creating folders and subfolders; renaming, rearranging, and deleting files and folders; and checking files out and in.

The following sections describe how to use the Document Manager task flow to manage the files and folders in a personal space or group space:


To use Windows Explorer to manage files and folders in a personal space or group space when the backend content repository is Oracle Content Server, see Section 18.3, "Working with Windows Explorer Integration." Navigating to Files and Folders

Navigating to files and folders in the Document Manager task flow is the same as in all Documents service task flow. For more information, see Section 18.4.5, "Opening Files and Folders." Checking a File Out or In

When you want to retain exclusive use of a file—for example, when you're editing it—you must check the file out. This prevents a file you are working on from being overwritten. Other WebCenter Spaces users can view the file, but they cannot upload a file of the same name into the same folder while the file is checked out.

When you're ready to release the file, you can either check it back in or cancel file check out. Checking a file back in involves uploading the revised file. Cancelling check out removes the file's checked out status without requiring a file upload.

The following sections describe how to check a file out, cancel file check out, and check in a file using WebCenter Spaces:


To use the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality to check a Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file out or in when the backend content repository is Oracle Content Server, see Section, "Checking a File Out" and Section, "Checking a File In." Checking a File Out

To check a file out:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Select the file you want to check out by clicking in its row.

  3. From the File menu, choose Versioning and then Check Out (Figure 18-92).

    Figure 18-92 Check Out Option on File Menu

    Check Out option on the File menu

    In the Document Manager task flow, a Checked Out icon appears in the file's Status column. Roll your mouse pointer over the icon to see details about the user who has checked the file out (Figure 18-93).

    Figure 18-93 Checked Out Icon with Details

    Checked Out icon


    If the Checked Out icon does not display immediately, click the task flow's Refresh icon. Canceling File Check Out

There may be times when you want to cancel a file check out without checking a new version of the file in.

To cancel file check out:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flows.

  2. Right-click the checked out file, then choose Cancel Check Out.

  3. Click the Refresh icon to confirm that the Checked Out icon no longer appears in the file's Status column. Checking a File In

When you edit an HTML file using the RTE (see Section, "Editing an HTML File with the Rich Text Editor"), the RTE provides buttons that you click to check the changed file back in and close the RTE. Thus, for an HTML file that you have edited directly with the RTE, there is no need to separately check the file back in as you cannot exit the RTE without checking the file in, or canceling changes you have made.

On the other hand, if you want to replace the contents of a file that is checked out with the contents of a file that you have saved on your local computer, you can do so by checking the file in, specifying the name of the file that contains the changed content.

To check a file in:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Right-click in the file's row, but not on the file name, and choose Check In.

    The Upload Document screen opens (Figure 18-94).

  3. Figure 18-94 Upload Document Screen

    Upload Document screen
  4. Click Browse, and navigate to the file that contains the content to replace the contents of the checked-out file. The file name may be different or the same as the name of the checked-out file.


    The default maximum size for an uploaded file is 2 GB (to change this limit, see "Changing the Maximum File Upload Size" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter).
  5. Optionally, enter a description in the Description field.

  6. Click Upload.

    The file is uploaded and checked in with the revised content. The Checked Out icon no longer appears in the Status column. Viewing File and Folder Properties

File and folder properties provide access to informational details about a selected file or folder. You can use file properties to rename a file, provide or revise a file description, or obtain a reusable link to the file. Additionally, both file and folder properties provide read-only information about location, type, and create and modification dates. File and folder properties also provide contact points to the users who created or last modified the file or folder.

To view file and folder properties:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Select the file or folder whose properties you want to view, and click the Properties icon on the toolbar (Figure 18-95).

    Figure 18-95 Properties Icon on Toolbar

    Document Properties icon

    The Document Properties (Figure 18-96) or Folder Properties screen opens:

    Figure 18-96 Document Properties Screen

    Document Properties page
    Description of "Figure 18-96 Document Properties Screen"

  3. Click OK to exit the Document Properties or Folder Properties screen and return to the Document Manager task flow. Renaming Files and Folders

You can use menus and properties to rename files and folders. For example, on the File menu and on file and folder context (right-click) menus, you can choose Rename. You can also rename a file through its properties.

The following sections describe how to rename files and folders using a menu and how to rename a file and revise its description through document properties:


To use Windows Explorer to rename files and folders in a personal space or group space when the backend content repository is Oracle Content Server, see Section 18.3, "Working with Windows Explorer Integration." Renaming a File or Folder Through a Menu

To rename a file or folder using a context menu:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Right-click the file or folder icon or within the file or folder row, and choose Rename.

  3. In the resulting dialog (Figure 18-97), enter a new name in the Name field.

    Figure 18-97 Rename Document Dialog

    Rename Document dialog box
  4. Click Rename button. Renaming a File and Revising Its Description Through Properties

To rename a file or revise its description through its properties:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Select a file by clicking in its row.

  3. On the toolbar, click the Properties icon (Figure 18-98).

    Figure 18-98 Properties Icon on the Toolbar

    Properties icon on the Document Library toolbar

    The Document Properties screen opens (Figure 18-99).

    Figure 18-99 Document Properties Screen

    Document Properties page
    Description of "Figure 18-99 Document Properties Screen"

  4. Revise the file name and description as desired, and click OK. Moving Files and Folders

In the Document Manager task flow, you can move files and folders into other folders by cutting-and-pasting as well as by dragging-and-dropping. You can use the Clipboard option on the File menu or the Cut and Paste options on the context (right-click) menus to cut and paste files and folders.


To use Windows Explorer to move files and folders in a personal space or group space when the backend content repository is Oracle Content Server, see Section 18.3, "Working with Windows Explorer Integration."

To move files and folders by dragging and dropping:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Click and hold the object you want to move.

  3. Drag the object over the target folder (Figure 18-100).

    Figure 18-100 Dragging Coffee.png Over Public Folder

    Dragging a file to a folder
  4. Release the object onto the target folder. Working with File Version Histories

Whenever you check in a file or upload a file into a folder that already contains a file of the same name, WebCenter Spaces creates a new version of the file. When a file has multiple versions, it has a version history.

The following sections describe how to view a file's version history to track when a file was last revised, to determine which user revised it, and to delete a particular file version:


To use the Microsoft Office shared document management functionality to work with a Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file's version history, see Section, "Working with File Version Histories." Viewing a File Version History

To view a file's version history:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Select the file by clicking in its row.

  3. From the File menu, choose Versioning and then Version History (Figure 18-101).

    Figure 18-101 Version History Option Under Versioning on File Menu

    Version History option on the File menu

    The Version History screen opens (Figure 18-102).

    Figure 18-102 Version History Screen

    Version History screen

    To view a particular version, click its ID number in the Version ID column. Depending on both the file and browser type, the file opens on a new browser tab or you will be given the opportunity to download the file.

  4. Click OK to exit the screen and return to the Document Manager task flow. Deleting a File Version

When you view version history, you can also select to delete one or more file versions.

To delete a file version:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Select the file by clicking in its row.

  3. From the File menu, choose Versioning and then Version History (Figure 18-101).

    The Version History screen opens (Figure 18-102).

  4. Select the version you want to delete by clicking in its row, and then click Delete (Figure 18-103).

    Figure 18-103 Delete Button on the Version History Screen

    Delete button on the Version History screen
  5. Click OK to exit the screen. Deleting Files and Folders

When you delete a folder, all the subfolders and files the folder contains are also deleted in the content repository. You can use both the toolbar and menu options in the Document Manager task flow to delete files and folders. This section describes how to delete files and folders using the Delete icon on the toolbar.


The root folder of the task flow cannot be deleted.

To delete files and folders:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Select the file or folder you want to delete by clicking its icon or in its row.

    To make multiple selections, Ctrl-click each selection.

  3. On the toolbar, click the Delete icon (Figure 18-104).

    Figure 18-104 Delete Icon on Toolbar

    Delete icon
  4. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog.

    Your selection is deleted.

The File menu and the file and folder context (right-click) menus also provide a Delete option. Reviewing and Collaborating on Documents

Oracle AutoVue, packaged separately from WebCenter Spaces, integrates easily with an Oracle Content Server back-end repository to provide document review and collaboration features. When AutoVue is installed on Oracle Content Server, it is exposed through the Document Manager task flow as an icon in the Document Manager toolbar (Figure 18-105).

Figure 18-105 AutoVue Icon

AutoVue icon

Additionally, options appear on both the File menu and the file context menu.

Select a file, and click the AutoVue icon (or from the File menu, select AutoVue) to open the file in the AutoView file viewer, where you can provide comments and individualized mark-up.

AutoVue supports a wide range of file types, including Word, Excel, PDF, as well as 2D and 3D CAD file types. For more information about Oracle AutoVue, see http://www.oracle.com/applications/autovue/index.html.

18.4.7 Sharing Content Using a Document Manager Task Flow

Making content available to multiple users allows for sharing and collaboration. In a WebCenter Spaces application, or custom WebCenter applications, this is easy to accomplish.

To share content:

  1. Add the content to a page:

  2. Make the page containing the file available to other users (see Section 7.7, "Setting and Revoking Page Access Permissions").

  3. Notify users with valid permissions that they can update the file by checking it out and in (see Section, "Checking a File Out or In").

18.4.8 Running Document Searches in the Document Manager Task Flow

In addition to the WebCenter Search service, which searches a particular space or across the entire application (see Chapter 28, "Working with the Search Service"), the Documents service provides its own search engine for file searches. A Documents service search saves time and increases the relevancy of results by narrowing the scope of a search to files.

In WebCenter Spaces, the document search searches within a specific personal space or group space root folder. Within a custom WebCenter application, the document search searches through all files to which you have access.

The document search feature is exposed in the Document Manager task flow. It provides two levels of search: Basic and Advanced. This section contains the following subsections: Running a Basic Document Search

A basic document search searches by full or partial names of files. For information about including file content in a search, see Section, "Running an Advanced Document Search."

To perform a basic document search:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Enter a search term in the search field (Figure 18-106).

    Figure 18-106 Document Manager Task Flow Search Field

    Document Library Search field

    For example, enter a full or partial name of a file.

  3. Click the Search icon.

    Results of matching file names display on the search results screen, with Displaying Search Results indicated at the bottom (Figure 18-107).

    Figure 18-107 Search Results in Document Manager Task Flow

    Document search results

    Look in the Location column to determine where a file or folder is located. Alternatively, click the file display name to open it from the search results screen.

  4. Click Reset to clear the search field and return to the Document Manager task flow default display. Running an Advanced Document Search

The advanced document search goes further than the basic search by including searches against file content, dates, and users. Additionally, you can narrow your search to a particular folder.

To perform an advanced document search:

  1. In a personal space or group space, go to the Documents page or a Document Manager task flow.

  2. Click Advanced next to the Search field.

    The Advanced Search screen opens (Figure 18-108).

    Figure 18-108 Advanced Search Screen in Document Manager Task Flow

    Advanced Search panel in the Document Library
    Description of "Figure 18-108 Advanced Search Screen in Document Manager Task Flow"

  3. Enter search terms in one or more of the default fields:

    • File Name—Enter a full or partial file name.

    • Search Content For—Enter a term to search for in the content of any files in the Document Manager task flow.

      • A term is one or more words.

      • If multiple words are specified, separated by a character space, the words are implicitly "AND'ed" together. That is, they must both appear in a given search result.

      • Terms may also be "OR'ed" with explicit use of the OR keyword. One or the other of the specified terms must appear in a given search result.

      • AND has higher precedence than OR.

      • Special characters (such as a single quotation mark ('), a double quotation mark ("), or a hyphen (-) ) are not valid in a search term.

      Table 18-12 shows examples of valid search syntax with Java Content Repositories (all supported content repositories are JCRs):

      Table 18-12 Search String Examples

      Search String Search Results Return All Occurrences of...



      Oracle WebCenter

      Oracle and WebCenter

      Oracle OR WebCenter

      Oracle or WebCenter

      Oracle WebCenter OR Spaces

      (Oracle and WebCenter) or Spaces (note the precedence rule)

    • Look In—Click the Browse icon to open a list of content repository folders. Select one of these to narrow your search to the selected folder.

  4. Optionally, select additional search criteria from the Add Fields dropdown list (Figure 18-109).

    Figure 18-109 Add Fields Dropdown List

    Add Fields drop-down list

    Add all or any of the following by selecting it from the list:

    • Dates—Adds search fields for Date Created and Date Last Modified. You can modify the dates search criteria by selecting a modifier from the Date Operators dropdown list (Figure 18-110).

      Figure 18-110 Date Operators Dropdown List

      Date Operators drop-down list

      Select to search for an exact date (is), a following date (is after), a preceding date (is before), or a date between two other dates (is between). When you select is between, an additional date field is provided for entering the second date (Figure 18-111).

      Figure 18-111 Additional Field for the is between Date Operator

      is between date operator

      Click the Select date icon to select a date in the correct format (mm/dd/yyyy), for example 6/18/2009, or enter a date manually.

    • Users—Adds search fields for Created By (user who uploaded) and Last Modified By (Figure 18-112).

      Figure 18-112 Users Search Fields

      Remove icon

      Enter a user name for the creator or modifier, or click the Browse icon to the right of each field, to select from a list of users or to search for a user name. Enter—minimally—two consecutive characters from the name of your search target (the search term do finds both condoleeza and doug). Click Search, and all names matching your search criteria appear in the results area.


      In the WebCenter Spaces application, when you search documents in a group space, the user selection list and the user search find user names for current members of the group space.

    To remove added fields, click the Remove icon.

  5. Click Search to execute the advanced search.

    Results display in the task flow content area. Click Reset to clear the search criteria and return the Document Manager task flow to its default view.

18.5 Personalizing and Customizing Documents Service Task Flows

The Documents service supports personalizations and customizations that enable you to control task flow content and display. This section contains the following subsections:

18.5.1 What You Should Know About Personalizing and Customizing

The main difference between personalizing and customizing Documents service task flows is the scope of people affected by such changes: personalization affects only your view of a task flow instance; customization affects all users' views.

Personalization is available to the two Documents service task flows that have a View menu: the Document Manager task flow and the Document List Viewer task flow. Use personalizations to change your own view of the task flow. See Section 18.5.2, "Personalizing Documents Service Task Flows."

Customization is available to the Documents service task flows that have an Edit icon: the Content Presenter task flow and the Document List Viewer task flow, and affects the display of files and folders in all users' views. See Section 18.5.3, "Customizing Documents Service Task Flows."

18.5.2 Personalizing Documents Service Task Flows

You can personalize your own view of the Document Manager and Document List Viewer task flows by hiding or showing columns and by rearranging the list of documents according to the sort order of a particular column: Hiding and Showing Columns

Hiding and showing one or more informational columns is useful for simplifying or expanding the details that are displayed with files and folders.

To hide or show informational columns in your unique view of a task flow:

  1. In a Document Manager or Document List Viewer task flow, open the View menu, and click Columns (Figure 18-113).

    Figure 18-113 View Menu in Document Manager Task Flow

    Document Manager task flow View menu
  2. Select or clear individual columns to show or hide them, or select Show All to display all available columns.

    If changes do not display immediately, click the task flow's Refresh content icon (Figure 18-114).

    Figure 18-114 Refresh Icon in Document List Viewer Task Flow for Group Space Documents (WebCenter Spaces Only)

    Refresh icon on Personal Documents Reordering Columns

Reordering the informational columns is useful for prioritizing the details that are displayed with files and folders, depending on the information in which you are most interested.

To reorder the informational columns in your unique view of a task flow:

  1. In a Document Manager or Document List Viewer task flow, open the View menu, and click Reorder Columns.

    The Reorder Columns dialog opens (Figure 18-115).

    Figure 18-115 Reorder Columns Dialog

    Reorder Columns dialog box
  2. Select or clear one or more columns, then click the reorder icons to rearrange the order of the columns in the task flow. Sorting Files and Folders

Sorting columns enables you to quickly rearrange the order of the content in a Document Manager or Document List Viewer task flow. Each task flow column provides a one-click sorting feature that you can use to instantly rearrange all task flow content according to the ascending (1, 2, 3, A, B, C) or descending (C, B, A, 3, 2, 1) order of a particular column.

To sort files and folders in your unique view of a task flow:

  1. In a Document Manager or Document List Viewer task flow, move your cursor over the header of the column you want to use to sort files and folders.

  2. Click the Sort Ascending icon to sort the column in ascending order (1, 2, 3, A, B, C, or smallest to largest), or click the Sort Descending icon to sort the column in descending order (C, B, A, 3, 2, 1, or largest to smallest) (Figure 18-116).

    Figure 18-116 Sort Ascending and Sort Descending Icons

    Sort Ascending and Descending icons
    Description of "Figure 18-116 Sort Ascending and Sort Descending Icons"

    In the Document Manager task flow, the sorting icons display by default on the Name column. For other columns, the icons display when you hover your mouse pointer over the column name.

18.5.3 Customizing Documents Service Task Flows

You can customize the display of files and folders in the Content Presenter or Document List Viewer task flows for all users by the results of an advanced document search, or specify the initial folder content to display when a user accesses the task flow.


With sufficient privileges, you can also customize Documents service task flows using task flow properties to display or hide any subfolders in the selected folder, change the target location, or add filtering criteria. For general information about setting component properties, such as task flow properties, see Section 10.4, "Setting Properties on Page Content". For specific information about setting Documents service task flow properties, refer to Section 18.6, "Setting Documents Service Task Flow Properties".

To customize the display of files and folders in all users' views:

  1. In the Content Presenter or Document List Viewer task flow, click the Edit icon in the task flow header (Figure 18-117).

    Figure 18-117 Edit Icon in a Document List Viewer Task Flow in Oracle Composer

    Edit icon on a Personal Documents task flow

    For a Content Presenter task flow, the Content Presenter Configuration dialog opens (Figure 18-62).

    Figure 18-118 Content Presenter Configuration Dialog

    Content Presenter Configuration dialog

    For a Document List Viewer task flow, customization settings display (Figure 18-119).

    Figure 18-119 Customization Settings in Document List Viewer Task Flow

    Customization settings in Document Library - List View
  2. For a Content Presenter task flow, refer to Section 18.4.2, "Displaying Content Using the Content Presenter Task Flow" for information about customizing the content shown in the Content Presenter task flow.

    For a Document List Viewer task flow, select a customization method:

    • Results of a Document Search. Enter an advanced document search, and click Save. For more information, see Section, "Running an Advanced Document Search."

      In Oracle Composer, click Save and then Close to return to page view mode and view the results in the task flow.

    • Content from a Selected Folder (folders are displayed in the task flow pane only when the task flow is configured to display folders; that is, its Show Folders property is set to true). Click the Browse icon, navigate to and select the folder with the content you want to initially display in the task flow, then click Save.

      In Oracle Composer, click Save and then Close to return to page view mode and view the content of the selected folder in the task flow.

      Click the breadcrumb links to navigate up the folder hierarchy to the root folder (Figure 18-120).

      Figure 18-120 Breadcrumb Navigation to Folders in a Document List Viewer Task Flow

      Breadcrumbs in a Personal Documents task flow

18.6 Setting Documents Service Task Flow Properties

For the steps to add a Documents service task flow to a page, see Section 18.4.1, "Adding a Documents Service Task Flow to a Page."

The Documents service task flows have associated properties, which users with sufficient privileges can access through the Component Properties dialog in Oracle Composer (Figure 18-121). Many properties are common to all task flows, and the method for accessing task flow properties is the same from task flow to task flow. Common task flow properties and how to access them are discussed in Section 10.4, "Setting Properties on Page Content."

Figure 18-121 Document List Viewer Task Flow for Personal Documents Component Properties

Task flow properties in the Properties panel

The properties on the Parameters tab of the Component Properties dialog control the default task flow content and facilitate the wiring of the task flow to page parameters and page definition variables. These properties are unique to the task flow type. For more information, see Section 10.4.3, "Working with Component Parameters." For information about wiring pages and components, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components."

Changes to the properties on the Display Options, Style, and Content Style tabs affect the appearance and behavior of the task flow for all users. These properties are common to all task flows. For more information, see Section 10.4.4, "Working with Component Display Options" and Section 10.4.7, "Working with Style and Content Style Properties."

The content of the Events tab depends on the events supported by the task flow. For more information, see Section 10.4.8, "Working with Component Contextual Events."

The Child Components tab displays all of the components contained within the current component. It provides controls for rearranging, showing, and hiding child components. Not all components contain children. So you may find this tab devoid of content. For more information, see Section 10.4.6, "Working with Child Components."

All properties on the Parameters and Display Options tabs provide access to an Expression Language (EL) editor, which you can use to select or specify a variable value instead of a constant value. Click the Edit icon next to a property field to open the editor. For more information about using the editor and for descriptions of common EL expressions, see Section 10.4.5, "Using Expression Language (EL) Expressions with Component Properties."

The following sections describe the properties that are unique to the Documents service:

18.6.1 Setting Content Presenter Task Flow Properties

To select the content and template for a Content Presenter task flow instance on a page, use the Content Presenter Configuration dialog (as described in Section 18.4.2, "Displaying Content Using the Content Presenter Task Flow").

The Content Presenter properties are intended for use at design time by developers creating a custom WebCenter application (see "Adding Documents Service Task Flows at Design Time" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter), or for advanced users who want to bind a parameter to an EL expression. If you modify a property value in the Component Properties dialog, the new value overrides the value specified in the Content Presenter Configuration dialog, and that value becomes read-only in the Content Presenter Configuration dialog.

Table 18-13 describes the properties that are unique to the Content Presenter task flow.

Table 18-13 Content Presenter Task Flow Properties: Parameters Tab

Property Type Description Default Value

Data Source


Optional. The data source of the content. The value depends on the value of Data Source Type:

  • When Data Source Type = dsTypeSingleNode: set Data Source to a single node identifier in the format: connection_name#dDocName:content_id

    For example: myconnection.us.oracle.com#dDocName:STANL18_IDC-007619

  • When Data Source Type = dsTypeFolderContents: set Data Source to a single node identifier in the format: connection_name#dCollectionID:collection_id

    For example: myconnection.us.oracle.com#dCollectionID:45535

  • When Data Source Type = dsTypeQueryExpression: set Data Source to a search expression.

    For example: cm_isContent = true && dDocTitle like \'Big\'

    See Note below.

  • When Data Source Type = dsTypeMultiNode: set Data Source to a set of comma-delimited node identifiers in the format: connection_name#dDocName:content_id, connection_name#dDocName:content_id, ...

    For example: myconn#dDocName:DOCUMENT_ID_12345,myconn#dDocName:DOCUMENT_ID_56789


connection_name = the name of the content repository connection.

content_id = the Content ID for the content specified on the content information page for the item in Oracle Content Server.

collection_id = the dCollectionID found in the URL for the folder information page in Oracle Content Server.

Note: One way to determine the properties for the existing content types defined in Oracle Content Server is to use the Content Presenter Configuration dialog, as described in Section 18.4.2, "Displaying Content Using the Content Presenter Task Flow." When the Content Source is Results of a Query, click the Add icon in the dialog to list all the properties that are defined for the selected content type.


Data Source Type


Optional. The data source type of the content. Corresponds to the Content Source value in the Content Presenter Configuration dialog. Valid values are:

  • dsTypeSingleNode: A single content item.

  • dsTypeFolderContents: The contents of a folder.

  • dsTypeQueryExpression: The results of a query.

  • dsTypeMultiNode: An ordered list of content items.


Maximum Results


Optional. The maximum number of results to display when Data Source Type is dsTypeQueryExpression. This value can be null.


Task Flow Instance ID


The unique identifier of the selected task flow, used internally to maintain the association of the task flow instance with its customization and personalization settings. Do not edit this value.


Template Category ID


Optional. The display template category ID to use in rendering results for multiple content items. Enter the category ID of a template that is configured in the <content-list-templates> section of templates-registry.xml. See "Creating Custom Templates for Displaying Content Using Content Presenter" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


Template View ID


Optional. The display template view ID to use in rendering results for single content items. Enter the view ID of a template that is configured in the <content-templates> section of templates-registry.xml. See "Creating Custom Templates for Displaying Content Using Content Presenter" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.


18.6.2 Setting Document Manager Task Flow Properties

Table 18-14 describes the properties that are unique to the Document Manager task flow.

Table 18-14 Document Manager Task Flow Properties: Parameters Tab

Property Type Description Default Value

Connection Name


Optional. The name of the content repository connection. If no value is entered, the default connection specified by the administrator is used. For information about configuring content repository connections, see "Registering Content Repositories" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

When you want to change the Connection Name property for a Documents service task flow, the value must be the name of one of the content repository nodes under All Documents.

Example: ${'MyContent'}

The connection selected as default in the Create Content Repository Connection dialog box by the application developer.

Start Folder Path


Optional. The name of the folder to use as the root folder in the current task flow instance.

This property is a content-scoping parameter that assists with determining the source and range of content to display in the task flow instance.

To obtain a folder path, go to the Document Manager task flow, right-click the folder icon of the folder you want to use as the start folder, and select Properties. The full path is the first piece of information at the top of Folder Properties.

Example: /Manuals

The root folder of the content repository configured with the specified connection

18.6.3 Setting Document List Viewer Task Flow Properties

Table 18-15 describes the properties that are unique to the Document List Viewer task flow.

Table 18-15 Document List Viewer Task Flow Properties: Parameters Tab

Property Type Description Default Value

Connection Name


Optional. The name of the content repository connection. If no value is entered, the default connection specified by the administrator is used. For information about configuring content repository connections, see "Registering Content Repositories" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

When you want to change the Connection Name property for a Documents service task flow, the value must be the name of one of the content repository nodes under All Documents.

Example: ${'MyContent'}

The connection selected as default in the Create Content Repository Connection dialog box by the application developer.

Created After


Optional. Limit the display of task flow content to files and folders created after a specified date and time. If no value is entered, then no "after" filtering using the creation date is applied.

The value requires the following format:


For example:


This property is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components".


Created Before


Optional. Limit the display of task flow content to files and folders created before a specified date and time. If no value is supplied, then no "before" filtering using the creation date is applied.

The value requires the following format:


For example:


This property is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components".




Optional. Limit the display of task flow content to files and folders created by a particular user. Enter the user name as specified by the user's login credentials (for example, monty). If no value is entered, then documents created by any user are shown.

This property is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components".

For example: ${'monty'}


Last Modified After


Optional. Limit the display of task flow content to files and folders last modified after a specified date and time.

The value requires the following format:


For example:


This property is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components".


Last Modified Before


Optional. Limit the display of task flow content to files and folders modified before the specified date and time. If no value is entered, then no "before" filtering using the last modification date is applied.

The value requires the following format:


For example:


This property is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components".


Last Modifier


Optional. Limit the display of task flow content to files and folders last modified by the specified user(s). Enter the user name(s) as specified by the user login credentials, separated by a space. If no value is entered, then all modified documents are shown.

For example: monty monica

This property is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components".


Root Folder Path


Optional. The name of the folder to use as the root folder in the current task flow instance.

This property is a content-scoping parameter that assists with determining the source and range of content to display in the task flow instance.

There is no need to set this value for task flows that display the content of the current space's default root folder. But it is useful, for example, when you want the start folder to be other than a group space's default root folder and when you want to display content from another group space.

For example

  • /PersonalSpaces/monty/Public

  • /WebCenterB5/Proj_X/Specs

The root folder of the content repository configured with the specified connection.

Show Folders


Specifies whether to display documents and folders, or documents only:

  • true: folders are shown along with files

  • false (default): folders are hidden and only files appear in the task flow


Task Flow Instance ID


The unique identifier of the selected task flow, used internally to maintain the association of the task flow instance with its customization and personalization settings. Do not edit this value.


18.6.4 Setting Recent Documents Task Flow Properties

Table 18-16 describes the properties that are unique to the Recent Documents task flow.

Table 18-16 Recent Documents Task Flow Properties: Parameters Tab

Property Type Description Default Value

Connection Name


Optional. The name of the content repository connection. If no value is entered, the default connection specified by the administrator is used. For information about configuring content repository connections, see "Registering Content Repositories" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

When you want to change the Connection Name property for a Documents service task flow, the value must be the name of one of the content repository nodes under All Documents.

Example: ${'MyContent'}

The connection selected as default in the Create Content Repository Connection dialog box by the application developer.

Group Space


(used in WebCenter Spaces only) Optional. The name of a group space for which to display the documents recently modified or created.


Last Modified After


Optional. Limit the display of task flow content to files and folders last modified after a specified date and time. If no value is entered, then files and folders modified in the last three months are shown.

The value requires the following format:


For example:


This property is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components".

3 months prior to the current date

Last Modified Before


Optional. Limit the display of task flow content to files and folders modified before the specified date and time. If no value is entered, then no "before" filtering using the last modification date is applied.

The value requires the following format:


For example:


This property is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components".


Last Modifier


Optional. Limit the display of task flow content to files and folders last modified by any of the specified users. Enter the user name(s) as specified by the user login credentials, separated by a space. If no value is entered, then all modified documents are shown.

For example: monty monica

This property is available for contextual wiring. For more information, see Chapter 11, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components".


Maximum Documents


Optional. Limit the number of files displayed to the specified maximum. If no value is entered, then all matching files are shown.

For example: 10


Most Recent First


Optional. The default sort order of files in the task flow:

  • true (default): the most recent documents are listed first.

  • false: the oldest documents are listed first.


18.6.5 Setting Documents Service Properties on the Display Options Tab

The properties on the Display Options tabs control the selections offered on the task flow chrome, and the display elements that surround task flow content and are common to all task flows. For more information, see Section 10.4.4, "Working with Component Display Options." Setting Individual Document Properties

When you add a single document to a page, such as an image or an HTML file, the properties on the Display Options tab are unique to the item added to the page, as described in the following tables:

Table 18-17 Image Item Properties: Display Options

Property Description

Image Map Type

Values for indicating the map type when the selected file is an image map. Choose from:

  • none

  • server

Long Desc URL

URL to a file containing a description of image. For example:


Short Desc

See Table 10-1.


Path to the file relative to the application root. For example:


Show Component

See Table 10-1.

Table 18-18 Link Item Properties: Display Options

Property Description


Display name of the selected file.

Default: file name.


Path to the file relative to the application root. For example:


Open in a new window

Select where the file opens:

  • Checked: open file in new browser tab or window.

  • Cleared: open file in current browser window.

This option is relevant only to files that open in your browser. Some files, such as Microsoft Word files, open in their native applications.

Show Component

See Table 10-1.

Table 18-19 Inline Frame (IFRAME) Item Properties: Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

See Table 10-1.


Path to the file relative to the application root. For example:


Show Component

See Table 10-1.