11 Managing Content Repositories

Oracle WebCenter enables content integration through:

This chapter describes how to configure and manage content repositories used by WebCenter applications. For more information about managing and including content in WebCenter applications, see:


Any content repository configuration changes that you make through Fusion Middleware Control or using WLST are not dynamic; you need to restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed for your changes to take effect. See Section 8.2, "Starting and Stopping Managed Servers for WebCenter Application Deployments".

This chapter contains the following sections:


The content of this chapter is intended for Fusion Middleware administrators (users granted the Admin or Operator role through the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console). See Section 1.8, "Understanding Administrative Operations, Roles, and Tools".

11.1 What You Should Know About Content Repository Connections

WebCenter users need to store, publish, and share files. The Documents service provides content management and storage capabilities for WebCenter applications, including content upload, file and folder creation and management, file check out, versioning, and so on. To do this, the Documents service requires at least one content repository connection (WebCenter applications can support multiple content repository connections) to be made active:

  • WebCenter Spaces - In WebCenter Spaces, every group space and personal space has its own document folder, unique to its parent space. The back-end service providing this functionality is Oracle Content Server. When a content repository is made active (see Section 11.4, "Changing the Active (or Default) Content Repository Connection"), it becomes the default content repository and additional properties become available for configuration. WebCenter Spaces requires the default content repository to be Oracle Content Server. Additionally, administrators may connect WebCenter Spaces to other content repositories that WebCenter Spaces may use.

  • Other WebCenter applications - When a content repository is made active (see Section 11.4, "Changing the Active (or Default) Content Repository Connection"), Documents service task flows use that content repository in instances where no specific connection details are provided. There is no particular requirement on the default content repository used.

When Oracle Content Server is the content repository (required for WebCenter Spaces), the Documents service and Oracle Content Server must be connected to the embedded LDAP identity store.

Just like other service connections, post-deployment content repository connections are registered and managed through Fusion Middleware Control or using the WLST command-line tool. Connection information is stored in configuration files and in the MDS repository. For more information, see Section 1.3.5, "Oracle WebCenter Configuration Considerations."

Always use Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST command-line tool to review and configure back-end services for WebCenter applications. Any changes that you make to WebCenter applications, post-deployment, are stored in the Oracle Metadata Service (MDS) repository as customizations.

Once connection details are defined, WebCenter users can expose the content of the connected content repositories through several ADF Faces components, such as <af:image>, <af:inlineFrame>, and <af:goLink>, and built-in Documents service task flows (Content Presenter, Document Manager, Document List Viewer, and Recent Documents). For more information, see "Working with Page Content" and "Working with the Documents Service" in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

11.1.1 What You Should Know About Microsoft SharePoint Repository Connections

The Oracle WebCenter adapter for Microsoft SharePoint supports the following features:

  • Reading content and metadata from the Microsoft SharePoint repository

  • Writing files and folders to the SharePoint document libraries

  • Running queries on the Microsoft SharePoint system

  • Enabling SharePoint security settings for the accessed content by leveraging native Microsoft SharePoint authentication and authorization

All features are implemented using the native Microsoft SharePoint Web services as the interface to Microsoft SharePoint content and services.

See also: Section, "Microsoft SharePoint - Installation."

11.2 Content Repository Prerequisites

Oracle WebCenter's support of the JCR 1.0 open document standard enables integration with multiple back-end content stores. Oracle WebCenter supports the following content repositories: Oracle Content Server, Oracle Portal, and the file system.


File system connections must not be used in production or enterprise application deployments. This feature is provided for development purposes only

Prerequisites for each content repository are described in the following sections:

11.2.1 Oracle Content Server Prerequisites

This section discusses the prerequisites for an Oracle Content Server content repository in the following subsections: Oracle Content Server - Installation

Oracle Content Server installation is integrated with the Oracle WebCenter installation as part of the Universal Content Management (UCM) media shipped with Oracle WebCenter. You can also choose to install Oracle Content Server separately from the UCM media and then integrate it with Oracle WebCenter, provided certain configuration requirements are satisfied. Before installing Oracle Content Server, ensure that Oracle HTTP Server is installed on the same system.

For information about installing Oracle Content Server, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter. Oracle Content Server - Configuration

After installing Oracle Content Server, you must configure the server to use the same LDAP-based identity store that Oracle WebCenter has been configured to use. You can optionally configure Oracle Content Server to use full-text search and indexing, and configure Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for secure identity propagation. Table 11-1 lists the various configuration tasks and specifies whether these tasks are mandatory or optional.

See Also:

"Administering Content Server" in Getting Started With Content Server at: http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10316_01/cs/cs_doc_10/getting_started/index.htm

Table 11-1 Oracle WebCenter-Specific Postinstallation Configuration Tasks for Oracle Content Server

Task Mandatory/Optional

Configuring the Identity Store


Enabling Full-Text Searching and Indexing


Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)



If you intend to manage Oracle Content Server through a browser or add content on the server through WebDAV, then you must configure Oracle Content Server to work with Oracle HTTP Server. Configuring the Identity Store

Both Oracle Content Server and Oracle WebCenter must be configured to use the same LDAP-based identity store, and this identity store must be supported by the User and Role API. To enable communication between Oracle Content Server and an LDAP-based identity store, you must add a JPS user provider configured for this identity store.

To add a JPS user provider to Oracle Content Server:

  1. Stop Oracle Content Server and the domain Administration Server. For information, see the section "Oracle Content Server - Installation" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

    See Also:

    "Starting and Stopping a Content Server" in Getting Started With Content Server at: http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10316_01/cs/cs_doc_10/getting_started/index.htm
  2. Update the Oracle Content Server's JPS configuration file, jps-config.xml:

    1. Navigate to CONTENT_SERVER_HOME/config.

    2. Open jps-config.xml in an editor and add a serviceInstanceEntry.

      Example 11-1 shows the correct values for OID. Some specific properties like idstore.type will vary from Example 11-1, depending on the type of identity store being configured. For the permissible values for other LDAPs, including the embedded LDAP, see the appendix "OPSS System and Configuration Properties" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide.


      • Ensure that all entries in the service instance match your LDAP server.

      • The security.principal.key and security.principal.alias values (in bold) used in Example 11-1 must match the input you provide when running the script. See Step 3.

      Example 11-1 serviceInstanceEntry in Oracle Content Server's jps-config.xml

      <serviceInstance name="idstore.oid" provider="idstore.ldap.provider">
         <property name="subscriber.name" value="dc=example,dc=com"/>
         <property name="idstore.type" value="OID"/>
         <property name="security.principal.key" value="ldap.credential"/>
         <property name="security.principal.alias" value="JPS"/>
         <property name="ldap.url" value="ldap://ldaphost:389"/>
         <property name="username.attr" value="cn"/>
         <property name="user.login.attr" value="cn"/>
         <property name="groupname.attr" value="cn"/>
    3. Make sure that the <jpsContext> entry in the jps-config.xml file refers to this new serviceInstance. That is, the value for serviceInstanceRef should match the value of the serviceInstance name. For example, for OID it should be set to idstore.oid:

      <jpsContext name="default">
        <serviceInstanceRef ref="idstore.oid"/> 
  3. Run the new script to set up the credentials for idstore.oid or other LDAP in the identity store:

    • Navigate to CONTENT_SERVER_HOME/custom/FusionLibraries/tools.


      Ensure that the script is executable (for example, chmod +x run_credtool.sh).
    • For Windows, run the run_credtool.cmd script. For Linux, run the ./run_credtool.sh script.

      When the script prompts for input, defaults are shown in [].

    • Enter the input on the line following the prompt. The following extracts show you which defaults to take:

      For Windows:

      input] Alias: [JPS]
      [input] Key: [ldap.credential]
      [input] User Name:cn=user name
      [input] Password:password
      [input] JPS Config: [WC_ORACLE_HOME\ucm\custom\FusionLibraries\tools/../../../config/jps-config.xml]

      For Linux:

      [input] Alias: [JPS]
      [input] Key: [ldap.credential]
      [input] User Name:cn=user name
      [input] Password:password
      [input] JPS Config: [WC_ORACLE_HOME/ucm/custom/FusionLibraries/tools/../../../config/jps-config.xml]


      The Alias and Key input must match the values used in the serviceInstance security.principal.alias and security.principal.key respectively.
  4. Restart Oracle Content Server and the domain Administration Server. For more information, see the section "Oracle Content Server - Installation" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

    See Also:

    "Starting and Stopping a Content Server" in Getting Started With Content Server at: http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10316_01/cs/cs_doc_10/getting_started/index.htm
  5. Check that the JpsUserProvider is available in Oracle Content Server:

    1. Start the Oracle Content Server console and log on as an administrator.

    2. From the Administration menu, select Providers.

    3. Ensure that the jpsuser provider is listed on the Providers page and its status is good in the Connection State column.

    4. If an ldapuser provider is enabled, disable it.

      To disable the ldapuser provider, on the Providers page, in the Action column, click the info link next to the provider. In the new page that opens, under the JPS User Provider Information section, click the Disable button. Enabling Full-Text Searching and Indexing

By default, the database used by Oracle Content Server is set up to provide metadata-only searching and indexing capabilities. However, you can modify the default configuration of the database to additionally support full-text searching and indexing. You can use OracleTextSearch on DB2 or SQLServer, if Secure Enterprise Search 11g or additional Oracle Database is setup to support search indexing. Configuring full-text searching and indexing capabilities is optional, but advisable. For full-text search, it is recommended that you use the OracleTextSearch option.

For information about enabling full-text searching and indexing, see the "Setting Up Database Search and Indexing" appendix in the Content Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows or Content Server Installation Guide for UNIX available at:

http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10316_01/owc.htm Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

If Oracle Content Server and the WebCenter application in which you intend to create a repository connection are not on the same system or the same trusted private network, then identity propagation is not secure. To ensure secure identity propagation you must also configure SSL on Oracle Content Server.

Securing Oracle Content Server with SSL involves the following tasks:

You can also refer to "SSL Properties" in Content Integration Suite Administration Guide available at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10316_01/ouc.htm. Perform these procedures if you use self-signed certificates.

In a production environment, it is recommended that you use real certificates. For information about how to configure keystores when using real certificates, see the "Using Security Providers" chapter in the Security Providers Component Administration Guide available at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10316_01/ouc.htm.

For more information about configuration for SSL, see Chapter 27, "Securing WebCenter Applications and Components with SSL."

Configuring a Keystore and Key on the Client Side

To configure a keystore on the WebCenter application (client) side:

  1. In your development environment, go to JDEV_HOME/jdk/bin and open the command prompt.

  2. Generate the client keystore by running the following keytool command:

    keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -validity 5000 -alias Client private key alias -keystore client-keystore.jks 
    -dname "cn=client" -keypass Private key password -storepass KeyStore password
  3. To verify that the keys have been correctly created, you can optionally run the following keytool command:

    keytool -list -keystore client-keystore.jks -storepass KeyStore password
  4. To use the key, sign it by running the following keytool command:

    keytool -selfcert -validity 5000 -alias Client private key alias -keystore client-keystore.jks 
    -keypass Private key password -storepass KeyStore password
  5. Export the client public key by running the following keytool command:

    keytool -export -alias Client private key alias -keystore client-keystore.jks 
    -file client.pubkey -keypass Private key password -storepass KeyStore password

Configuring a Keystore and Key on the Server Side

To configure a keystore on the Oracle Content Server side:

  1. In the same development environment, go to JDEV_HOME/jdk/bin and open the command prompt.

  2. Generate the server keystore by running the following keytool command:

    keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -validity 5000 -alias Server public key alias 
    -keystore server-keystore.jks -dname "cn=server" -keypass Private server key password -storepass KeyStore password
  3. To verify that the key has been correctly created, run the following keytool command:

    keytool -list -keystore server-keystore.jks -keypass Server private key password -storepass KeyStore password
  4. To use the key, sign it by running the following keytool command:

    keytool -selfcert -validity 5000 -alias Server public key alias -keystore server-keystore.jks 
    -keypass Private server key password -storepass KeyStore password
  5. Export the server public key to the server keystore by running the following keytool command:

    keytool -export -alias Server public key alias -keystore server-keystore.jks 
    -file server.pubkey -keypass Server private key password -storepass KeyStore password

Verifying Signatures of Trusted Clients

To verify signatures of trusted clients, import the client public key into the server keystore:

  1. In your development environment, go to JDEV_HOME/jdk/bin and open the command prompt.

  2. To verify the signature of trusted clients, import the client's public key in to the server keystore by running the following keytool command:

    keytool -import -alias Client public key alias -file client.pubkey -keystore 
    server-keystore.jks -keypass Private server key password -storepass KeyStore password
  3. Import the server public key into the client keystore by running the following keytool command:

    keytool -import -alias Server public key alias -file server.pubkey -keystore 
    client-keystore.jks -keypass Private key password -storepass KeyStore password

    When the tool prompts you if the key is self-certified, you must enter Yes. Example 11-2 shows a sample output that is generated after this procedure is completed successfully.

    Example 11-2 Sample Output Generated by the Keytool

    [user@server]$ keytool -import -alias client -file client.pubkey
    -keystore server-keystore.jks -keypass Server private key password -storepass Keystore password
    Owner: CN=client
    Issuer: CN=client
    Serial number: serial number, for example, 123a19cb
    Valid from: Date, Year, and Time until: Date, Year, and Time
    Certificate fingerprints:
    Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
    Certificate was added to keystore.

Securing Identity Propagation

To secure identity propagation, you must configure SSL on Oracle Content Server.

  1. Log on to Oracle Content Server as an administrator.

  2. From Administration, choose Providers.

  3. On the Create a New Provider page, click Add for sslincoming.

  4. On the Add Incoming Provider page, in Provider Name, enter a name for the provider, for example, sslincomingprovider.

    When the new provider is set up, a directory with the provider name is created as a subdirectory of the CONTENT_SERVER_HOME/data/providers directory.

  5. In Provider Description, briefly describe the provider, for example, SSL Incoming Provider for securing the Content Server.

  6. In Provider Class, enter the class of the sslincoming provider, for example, idc.provider.ssl.SSLSocketIncomingProvider.


    You can add a new SSL keepalive incoming socket provider or a new SSL incoming socket provider. Using a keepalive socket improves the performance of a session and is recommended for most implementations.
  7. In Connection Class, enter the class of the connection, for example, idc.provider.KeepaliveSocketIncomingConnection.

  8. In Server Thread Class, enter the class of the server thread, for example, idc.server.KeepaliveIdcServerThread.

  9. In Server Port, enter an open server port, for example, 5555.

  10. Select the Require Client Authentication checkbox.

  11. In Keystore password, enter the password to access the keystore.

  12. In Alias, enter the alias of the keystore.

  13. In Alias password, enter the password of the alias.

  14. In Truststore password, enter the password of the trust store.

  15. Click Add.

    The new incoming provider is now added.

  16. Go to the new provider directory that was created in step 4.

  17. To specify truststore and keystore, create a file named sslconfig.hda.

  18. Copy the server keystore to the server.

  19. Configure the sslconfig.hda file. Example 11-3 shows how the .hda file should look after you include the truststore and keystore information.

    Example 11-3 Sample sslconfig.hda File

    @Properties LocalData
    @end Oracle Content Server 11g - Installation

You can also use Oracle Content Server 11g as a content repository. (Oracle Content Server 11g is not shipped with Oracle WebCenter.) For information about installing Oracle Content Server 11g, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite. Oracle Content Server 11g - Configuration

After installing Oracle Content Server 11g, perform the configuration tasks listed in Table 11-2.

Table 11-2 Oracle WebCenter-Specific Postinstallation Configuration Tasks for Oracle Content Server

Task Description Documentation

Enable the Folders_g component

This component provides hierarchical folder interface to content in Oracle Content Server.

This task is mandatory.

For information, see the section "Enabling and Disabling a Component" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Universal Content Management.

Enable the WebCenterConfigure component

This component configures an instance of Oracle Content Server for WebCenter applications. It sets configuration settings and adds services among other things.

This task is mandatory.

For information about the tasks this component performs, see Section, "What You Should Know About the WebCenterConfigure Component."

For information, see the section "Enabling and Disabling a Component" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Universal Content Management.

Configure FileStore Provider

This is required to store content files in the database.

This task is optional.

For information, see the section "FileStore Provider Information Page" in the appendix "System Properties and Settings Interface" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Universal Content Management.

Configure Oracle Content Server to use an LDAP-based identity store

Oracle Content Server must be configured to use the same identity store LDAP server as Oracle WebCenter Spaces.

In a production environment, Oracle Content Server must use an external LDAP based identity store.

For information, see Section 24.7, "Configuring the Oracle Content Server to Share the WebCenter Spaces Identity Store LDAP Server."

Configure Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

SSL is required only when the type of Oracle Content Server connection is socketssl.

This task is optional.

For information, see Section, "Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)."

Configure SES Crawler

You can override the default search adapters and use Oracle SES to get unified ranking results for WebCenter resources such as, documents, pages, people, and so on.

This task is optional.

For information, see Section 18.4.3, "Setting Up Oracle Content Server for Oracle SES Search."

Enable OracleTextSearch

By default, the database used by Oracle Content Server is set up to provide metadata-only searching and indexing capabilities. However, you can modify the default configuration of the database to additionally support full-text searching and indexing. Configuring full-text searching and indexing capabilities is optional, but advisable. For full-text search, it is recommended that you use the OracleTextSearch option.

OracleTextSearch index must always be in an Oracle database, regardless of the database type used for the main schema.

This task is optional but recommended.

For information, see the section "Configuring Oracle Text Search for Oracle Content Server" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite and the section "Site Studio Integration" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Administrator's Guide for Content Server. What You Should Know About the WebCenterConfigure Component

Consider the following when working with the WebCenterConfigure component (Table 11-2) of Oracle Content Server:

  • When a WebCenter application starts up, if the active connection is to an Oracle Content Server, or higher, and the WebCenterConfigure component is enabled, the following Workflows are seeded:


    where applicationName is the application name specified in the Document Properties. For example, the following workflows will be seeded for an application named myOCSapp:



    If the application name is longer than 14 characters, it is truncated to 14 characters (losing the characters off the end) before adding to the workflow names. For example if the application name is WebCenterApplicationName, the workflow names will be: WebCenterAppliWCAllApprover, WebCenterAppliWCAllReviewer, and WebCenterAppliWCSingleApprover.
  • Enabling the WebCenterConfigure component performs the following tasks (Table 11-3) in the Oracle Content Server:

    Table 11-3 Tasks Associated with the WebCenterConfigure Component

    Tasks Pointers to Verify the Completion of Tasks

    Enables accounts

    Oracle Content Server > Administration > Admin Server > General Configuration > Enable Accounts checkbox


    FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/ucm_domain/ucm/cs/config/config.cfg file. The setting in this file is UseAccounts=1.

    Allows updates to documents that are yet to be released

    Oracle Content Server > Administration > Admin Server > General Configuration > Additional Configuration Variables



    The setting is AllowUpdateForGenwww=1

    Disables the cache for folders

    CollectionUseCache is set to false by the WebCenterConfigure component each time the server starts up. This setting is visible in Administration > System Audit Information > Configuration Entry Information > Click All Environment Keys > shows all environment settings


    See the FMW_HOME/user_projects/domains/ucm_domain/ucm/cs/config/config.cfg file.The setting is CollectionUseCache=1.

    Adds metadata fields:

    • xWCTags

    • xWCPageId

    • xWCWorkflowAssignment

    • xWCWorkflowApproverUserList

    You can view, edit, and add metadata fields here: Oracle Content Server > Administration > Admin Applets > Configuration Manager > Information Fields tab.

    Sets Folder settings

    • System Default Information Field Configuration: Doc Type = Document

    • Information Field Inherit Configuration:


    Oracle Content Server > Administration > Folder Configuration > System Default Information Field Configuration

    Oracle Content Server > Administration > Folder Configuration > Information Field Inherit Configuration

    Adds the WCWorkflowApproverUserToken workflow token

    Oracle Content Server > Administration > Admin Applets > Workflow Admin > Options > Tokens menu

    This is not used in Oracle WebCenter Patch Set 2 for which this documentation is provided.

    Adds three DynamicConverter templates

    If the DynamicConverter component is enabled, the DynamicConverter service is called to create the three DynamicConverter templates.

    This is not used in Oracle WebCenter Patch Set 2 for which this documentation is provided.

    Overrides certain behavior of the Site Studio Switch Content wizard to make Site Studio work in the WebCenter environment

    This provides access to the Site Studio Switch Content wizard and the Site Studio Contributor editor from within Content Presenter to allow for adding and editing Site Studio documents from WebCenter.

    • The contentwizard.hcsp and contentwizard.js files are copied from the /WebCenterConfigure.zip/component/WebCenterConfigure/publish/contentwizard/ directory to the OCS_HOME/cs/weblayout/resources/wcm/custom/sitestudio/contentwizard/webcenter/ directory.

    • The wcm.sitestudio.form.js file is copied from the /WebCenterConfigure.zip/component/WebCenterConfigure/publish/contentwizard/directory to the OCS_HOME/cs/weblayout/resources/wcm/custom/sitestudio/ directory.

    This is not used in Oracle WebCenter Patch Set 2 for which this documentation is provided. Oracle Content Server - Security Considerations

To secure identity propagation, you must configure SSL on Oracle Content Server. This is required when Oracle Content Server and your WebCenter application are not on the same system or the same trusted private network. For information, see Section, "Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)." Oracle Content Server - Limitations in WebCenter


11.2.2 Microsoft SharePoint Prerequisites

This section discusses the prerequisites for a connection to Oracle WebCenter adapter for Microsoft SharePoint in the following subsections: Microsoft SharePoint - Installation

Oracle WebCenter supports the following Microsoft SharePoint versions:

  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 SP2

  • Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) version 3 SP2


A Microsoft SharePoint site configured for anonymous access is not supported by the adapter.

The only supported Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Document Library version settings are:

  • Require Check Out : No

  • Content Approval : No

  • Document Version History : No versioning

If any other version settings are configured, the adapter does not function correctly. For example, if RequireCheck Out is set to yes, upload operations fails. Similarly, if document version history or content approval are enabled, new versions or documents have restricted visibility.

Before You Begin:

You must first create a managed server suitable for deployment of custom WebCenter applications as described in Section, "Creating and Provisioning a WebLogic Managed Server Instance" and Section, "Creating and Registering the Metadata Service Repository."

Installing the Microsoft SharePoint Adapter Using WLS Administration Console

The adapter files are located in the Oracle WebCenter Adapters DVD in the ofm_wc_generic_jcr_sharepoint_adapter_11. file. When you extract this ZIP file to a temporary location, you will find the adapter files in the TEMP_LOCATION/WebCenter/services/content/adapters directory.

To install the adapter:

  1. Log in to the WLS Administration Console.

    For information on logging into the WLS Administration Console, see Section 1.12.2, "Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console."

  2. Navigate to the WLS Administration Console's Home page.

  3. From the Domain Structure pane, click Deployments.

  4. In the Summary of Deployments section, under Control, click Install.

  5. In Install Application Assistant, in Note, click the upload your file(s) link in the body of the text.

  6. Click Browse next to the Deployment Archive, select the oracle.webcenter.content.jcr.sharepoint.ear file from the TEMP_LOCATION/WebCenter/services/content/adapters directory. This is the temporary directory in which you extracted the contents of the ofm_wc_generic_jcr_sharepoint_adapter_11. file from the Oracle WebCenter Adapters DVD. Click Next.

  7. After you see the message that the EAR file has been uploaded successfully, as shown in Figure 11-1, click Next.

    Figure 11-1 Install Application Assistant

    Description of Figure 11-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 11-1 Install Application Assistant"

  8. Select Install this deployment as a library, if not already selected, and click Next.

  9. In Select deployment targets, select the managed server to which the custom WebCenter application will be deployed. This must not be an out-of-the-box managed servers. Click Next.

  10. In Optional Settings, accept the defaults and click Finish.

Installing the WLST Scripts for Microsoft SharePoint

  1. Extract the files DocLibSharePointWLST.py and DocLibGenericWLST.py from the ofm_wc_generic_jcr_sharepoint_adapter_11. file located in the Oracle WebCenter Adapters DVD. These files are in the /WebCenter/services/content/adapters directory.

  2. Copy the extracted DocLibSharePointWLST.py and DocLibGenericWLST.py files and paste them in the ORACLE_HOME/common/wlst directory.

  3. To run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands."

For information about managing connections using WLST, see Section 11.10, "Managing Microsoft SharePoint Connections Using WLST." Microsoft SharePoint - Security Considerations

Authentication through identity propagation is not supported on Microsoft SharePoint connections. However, you can use an external application to authenticate users against the Microsoft Sharepoint repository. Microsoft SharePoint - Limitations in WebCenter

WebCenter Spaces does not support Microsoft Sharepoint as the primary document store, and therefore, you must use Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM) instead. However, to show additional documents that are stored in a SharePoint repository, you can configure a SharePoint connection to be used by the Documents service task flows.

11.2.3 Oracle Portal Prerequisites

This section discusses the prerequisites for an Oracle Portal content repository in the following subsections: Oracle Portal - Installation

For information on installing Oracle Portal, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer. Oracle Portal - Configuration

Oracle Portal must be up-to-date with all the latest patches. For additional information about patches, see the product release notes. See also Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Portal. Oracle Portal - Security Considerations

None. Oracle Portal - Limitations in WebCenter

Oracle Portal integration with Oracle WebCenter is read-only. It is not possible to create content in the portal from Oracle WebCenter.

You can expose Oracle Portal pages in WebCenter through the Federated Portal Adapter by publishing them as portlets in Oracle Portal. The following are not returned by the Federated Portal Adapter, and thus are not visible in Oracle WebCenter:

  • Seeded page groups:

    • Oracle Portal repository.

    • Oracle Portal design-time pages.

  • Pages of the following types:

    • Mobile.

    • URL.

    • Navigation pages.

  • Items of the following types:

    • Navigation items.

    • PLSQL items.

    • Portlet.

    • Portlet instance.

    • URL items.

    • Mobile items.

    • Page links.

    • Item links.

  • Items defined as:

    • Expired.

    • Hidden.

11.2.4 File System Prerequisites

This section discusses the prerequisites for a file system content repository in the following subsections: File System - Security Considerations

All operations are executed as the system user under which the JVM is running and therefore inherit its permissions. File System - Limitations in WebCenter

File system connections must not be used in production or enterprise application deployments, and search capabilities are limited and slow due to the absence of an index. This feature is provided for development purposes only.

11.3 Registering Content Repositories

This section contains the following subsections:

11.3.1 What You Should Know About Registering Content Repositories for WebCenter Spaces

Consider the following when registering Oracle Content Server repositories for WebCenter Spaces:

  • At the start up, WebCenter Spaces applications create seed data, if it does not already exist.

  • For active connections in WebCenter Spaces, the Spaces Root and Application Name values are used to create the seed data in the WebCenter Spaces repository, to enable storage of the group space data.

  • The Spaces Root value is used as the name for the root folder within the content repository under which all group spaces content is stored.

  • The Application Name value is used when creating the following security settings:

    • The name of the security group

    • The prefix for the role (the name format is applicationNameUser)

    • The prefix for all folder and content item accounts

    • To stripe users permissions on accounts for the particular WebCenter Spaces application

    • To stripe default attributes for the particular WebCenter Spaces application

    For information about security groups and roles, see Managing Security and User Access for Content Server. For information about folders, see Folders and WebDav Administration Guide. These guides are available at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10316_01/owc.htm.

  • Oracle does not recommend changing the Spaces Root and Application Name values. However, if you change the Spaces Root value after configuring and running a WebCenter Spaces application, then you must also change the Application Name value, and vice versa. That is, you must change both values (Spaces Root and Application Name) if the WebCenter Spaces application already contains the seed data.

    When you change these values, the existing seed data is not renamed in the Oracle Content Server repository. Instead, new seed data is created using the new values, when you start the application. Once the application is started, new group space data is created under the new Spaces Root and existing group space data under the old Spaces Root is no longer available. This means that any group space that had the Documents service provisioned prior to changing the Spaces Root will no longer have it provisioned.


    Although the Spaces Root and Application Name values change, the old root content repository folder still appears in search results, like any other root folder in Oracle Content Server.

11.3.2 Registering Content Repositories Using Fusion Middleware Control

To register a content repository:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Spaces or the custom WebCenter application:

  2. Do one of the following:

    • For WebCenter Spaces - From the WebCenter menu, choose Settings > Service Configuration.

    • For custom WebCenter applications - From the Application Deployment menu, choose WebCenter > Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Service Configuration page, select Content Repository.

  4. To connect to a new content repository, click Add (Figure 11-2).

    Figure 11-2 Configuring Content Repository Connections

    Configuring a Content Repository
  5. Enter a unique name for this connection, specify the content repository type, and indicate whether this connection is the active (or default) connection for the application. See Table 11-4.

    Table 11-4 Manage Content Repository Connections

    Field Description

    Connection Name

    Enter a unique name for this content repository connection. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter application.

    Repository Type

    Choose the type of repository you want to connect to. Select one of the following:

    (WebCenter Spaces) If you are setting up the backend content repository for WebCenter Spaces, that is, the repository used by WebCenter Spaces to store group space and personal space documents, you must select Oracle Content Server.

    Active Connection

    Select to make this the default content repository for your WebCenter application.

    You can connect your WebCenter application to multiple content repositories; all connections are used. One connection must be designated the default (or active) connection. Do one of the following:

    • For WebCenter Spaces:

      Select to make this the active connection, that is, the back-end repository that WebCenter Spaces uses to store group space and personal space documents. The active connection must be to an Oracle Content Server.

      If this is the active connection for WebCenter Spaces, some additional configuration is required -- see Table 11-5, "Content Repository Connection - WebCenter Spaces Repository Details".

    • For custom WebCenter applications:

      Select to make this the active connection; that is, the default connection for Documents service task flows (Content Presenter, Document Manager, Document List Viewer, and Recent Documents). When no specific connection details are provided for these task flows, this default (active) connection is used.

    Deselecting this option does not disable the content repository connection. If a content repository is no longer required, you must delete the connection.

  6. (For the active connection in WebCenter Spaces only.) Enter additional details for the WebCenter Spaces repository (see Table 11-5).

    Table 11-5 Content Repository Connection - WebCenter Spaces Repository Details

    Field Description

    Administrator User Name

    Enter the user name of the content repository administrator.

    For example: sysadmin

    Administrative privileges are required for this connection so that operations can be performed on behalf of WebCenter users.

    Spaces Root

    Enter the root folder under which all group spaces content is stored. Specify a content repository folder that does not yet exist and use the format: /foldername.

    For example: /MyWebCenterSpaces

    The spacesRoot cannot be /, the root itself, and it must be unique across applications. The folder specified is created for you when the WebCenter application starts up.

    Invalid entries include: /, /foldername/, /foldername/subfolder

    Application Name

    Enter a unique name for this WebCenter Spaces application within this content repository.

    For example: MyWCS

    The name must begin with an alphabetical character, followed by any combination of alphanumeric characters or the underscore character. The string must be less than or equal to 30 characters.

    This name is used to separate data when multiple WebCenter Spaces applications share the same content repository and should be unique across applications.

  7. Enter connection details for the content repository. For detailed parameter information, see:

    Table 11-6 Oracle Content Server Connection Parameters

    Field Description

    RIDC Socket Type

    Specify whether Oracle Content Server connects on the content server listener port or the Web server filter, and whether the listener port is SSL enabled. Choose from:

    • Socket - Uses an intradoc socket connection to connect to the Oracle Content Server. The client IP address must be added to the list of authorized addresses in the Oracle Content Server. In this case, the client is the machine on which Oracle WebCenter is running.

    • Socket SSL - Uses an intradoc socket connection to connect to the Oracle Content Server that is secured using the SSL protocol. The client's certificates must be imported in the server's trust store for the connection to be allowed. This is the most secure option, and the recommended option whenever identity propagation is required (for example, in WebCenter Spaces).

    • Web - Uses an HTTP(S) connection to connect to the Oracle Content Server.

      For WebCenter Spaces, the Web option is not suitable for a back-end Oracle Content Server repository that is being used to store group space and personal space documents, because it does not allow identity propagation.

    For more information on the configuration parameters required for each RIDC socket type, see the table "Oracle Content Server Connection Parameters for Each RIDC Socket Type" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

    Server Host

    Enter the host name of the machine where the Oracle Content Server is running.

    For example: mycontentserver.mycompany.com

    Server Host is required when the RIDC Socket Type is set to Socket or Socket SSL.

    Server Port

    Enter the port on which the Oracle Content Server listens:

    • Socket - Port specified for the incoming provider in the server.

    • Socket SSL - Port specified for the sslincoming provider in the server.

    For example: 4444

    Server Port is required when the RIDC Type is set to Socket or Socket SSL.

    Connection Timeout (ms)

    Specify the length of time allowed to log in to Oracle Content Server (in milliseconds) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.

    Authentication Method

    Choose from:

    • Identity Propagation - Oracle Content Server and the WebCenter application use the same identity store to authenticate users.

      (WebCenter Spaces) Identity propagation is required on the active connection for WebCenter Spaces, that is, for the content repository being used to store group space and personal space documents.

    • External Application - An external application authenticates users against the Oracle Content Server. Select this option if you want to use public, shared, or mapped credentials.

    If an external application is used for authentication, use the Associated External Application drop down list to identify the application. If the application you want is not listed, select Create New to define the external application now.

    Web URL

    Enter the Web server URL for the Oracle Content Server.

    Use the format: http://<hostname>:<port>/<web_root>/<plugin_root>

    For example: http://mycontentserver/cms/idcplg

    Web URL is applicable when the RIDC Type is set to Web.

    Associated External Application

    Select the external application used to authenticate users against the Oracle Content Server.

    Associated External Application is applicable when CIS Type is set to Web.

    Key Store Location

    Specify the location of key store that contains the private key used to sign the security assertions. The key store location must be an absolute path.

    For example: D:\keys\keystore.xyz

    Key Store Location is required when the RIDC Type is set to Socket SSL.

    Key Store Password

    Enter the password required to access the keystore.

    For example: T0PS3CR3T

    Key Store Password is required when the RIDC Type is set to Socket SSL.

    Private Key Alias

    Enter the client private key alias in the keystore. The key is used to sign messages to the server. The public key corresponding to this private key must be imported in the server keystore.

    Ensure that the alias does not contain special characters or white space. For example: enigma

    Private Key Alias is required when the RIDC Type is set to Socket SSL.

    Private Key Password

    Enter the password to be used with the private key alias in the key store.

    For example: c0d3bR3ak3R

    Private Key Password is required when the RIDC Socket Type is set to Socket SSL.

    Table 11-7 Connection Details - Oracle Content Server - Cache Details

    Element Description

    Cache Invalidation Interval (minutes)

    Specify the polling interval (in minutes) used by the Oracle Content Server service provider interface (SPI) to check for cache invalidations.

    The default is 0 which means that cache invalidation is disabled.

    The minimum interval is 2 minutes.

    Maximum Cached Document Size (bytes)

    Enter the maximum size (in bytes) for documents that are cached in the virtual content repository (VCR) binary cache.

    The default is 1024 bytes (1K).

    Tune this value based on your machine's memory configuration and the types of binary documents that you expect to cache.

    Administrator User Name

    Enter a user name with administrative rights for this Oracle Content Server instance.

    Administrator Password

    Enter the password for the Oracle Content Server administrator.

    Table 11-8 Oracle Portal Connection Parameters

    Field Description

    Data Source Name

    Enter the JNDI DataSource location used to connect to the portal.

    For example: jdbc/MyPortalDS

    The datasource must be on the server where the WebCenter application is deployed.

    Connection Timeout (ms)

    Specify the length of time allowed to log in to Oracle Portal (in milliseconds) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.

    Authentication Method

    Specify how to authenticate users against Oracle Portal. Choose from:

    • Identity Propagation - Select this option when the WebCenter application and Oracle Portal both use the same user identity store.

    • External Application - Use an external application to authenticate users against Oracle Portal. Select this option if you want to use public, shared, or mapped credentials.

    If an external application is used for authentication, use the Associated External Application dropdown list to identify the application.

    Associated External Application

    Associate Oracle Portal with an external application. External application credential information is used to authenticate Oracle Portal users.You can select an existing external application from the dropdown list, or click Create New to configure a new external application now.

    Table 11-9 File System Connection Parameters

    Field Description

    Base Path

    Enter the full path to a folder on a local file system in which your content is placed. For example: C:\MyContent

    Caution: File system content must not be used in production or enterprise application deployments. This feature is provided for development purposes only.

  8. Click OK to save this connection.

  9. To start using the new (active) connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed.

The registered connections are now available to Documents service task flows, which you can add to pages in WebCenter Spaces or custom WebCenter applications. See also, "Working with the Documents Service" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

11.3.3 Registering Content Repositories Using WLST

Use the following WLST commands to register new content repository connections:

For command syntax and examples, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

To configure a particular connection as the default connection, set isPrimary='true'. See Section 11.4, "Changing the Active (or Default) Content Repository Connection".

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands".


To start using the new (active) connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. See "Starting and Stopping WebLogic Managed Servers Using the Command Line" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

11.4 Changing the Active (or Default) Content Repository Connection

WebCenter applications support multiple content repository connections but only one content repository connection can be designated the active (or default) connection.

In WebCenter Spaces, the active connection becomes the default back-end repository for group space and personal space documents and the repository must be an Oracle Content Server.

For other WebCenter applications, the active connection becomes the default connection for Documents service task flows (Content Presenter, Document Manager, Document List Viewer, and Recent Documents). When no specific connection details are provided for these task flows, the default (active) connection is used.

This section contains the following subsections:

11.4.1 Changing the Active (or Default) Content Repository Connection Using Fusion Middleware Control

To change the active (or default) content repository connection:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Spaces or the custom WebCenter application:

  2. Do one of the following:

    • For WebCenter Spaces - From the WebCenter menu, choose Settings > Service Configuration.

    • For custom WebCenter applications - From the Application Deployment menu, choose WebCenter > Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Services Configuration page, select Content Repository.

    The Manage Content Repository Connections table indicates the current active connection (if any).

  4. Select the connection you want to become the active (or default) connection, and then click Edit.

  5. Select the Active Connection checkbox.

  6. Click OK to update the connection.

  7. To start using the updated active connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed.

11.4.2 Changing the Active (or Default) Content Repository Connection Using WLST

Use the following WLST commands with Primary='true' to designate an existing content repository connection as the default connection:

For command syntax and examples, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

To subsequently disable a default content repository connection, run the same WLST command with isPrimary='false'. Connection details are retained but the connection is no longer named as the primary connection in adf-config.xml.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands".


To start using the new (active) connection you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. See, "Starting and Stopping WebLogic Managed Servers Using the Command Line" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

11.5 Modifying Content Repository Connection Details

This section contains the following subsections:

11.5.1 Modifying Content Repository Connection Details Using Fusion Middleware Control

To update content repository connection details:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Spaces or the custom WebCenter application:

  2. Do one of the following:

    • For WebCenter Spaces - From the WebCenter menu, choose Settings > Service Configuration.

    • For custom WebCenter applications - From the Application Deployment menu, choose WebCenter > Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Services Configuration page, choose Content Repository.

  4. Select the connection name, and click Edit.

  5. Edit connection details, as required. For detailed parameter information, see:

  6. Click OK to save your changes.

  7. To start using the updated (active) connection details, you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed.

11.5.2 Modifying Content Repository Connection Details Using WLST

Use the following WLST commands to edit content repository connections:

For command syntax and examples, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

To configure a particular connection as the active (or default) connection, set isPrimary='true'. See Section 11.4, "Changing the Active (or Default) Content Repository Connection".

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands".


To start using the updated (active) connection details, you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. See "Starting and Stopping WebLogic Managed Servers Using the Command Line" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

11.5.3 Modifying Cache Settings of Virtual Content Repository (VCR)

For each content connection, caches are created automatically at runtime. However, you can configure or modify Universal Content Management (UCM) repository caches in two ways: in the EAR project file META-INF/p13n-cache-config.xml or in the Portal Administration Console (under Configuration & Monitoring > Service Administration). Cache settings configured in the Portal Administration Console take precedence over the file-based settings. You can also flush the caches from the Portal Administration Console.


If you already have a p13n-cache-config.xml file configured for another repository, you can add the UCM repository cache settings to this file.

Table 11-10 and Table 11-11 describe the default cache settings in the p13n-cache-config.xml file. Table 11-10 describes the VCR caches, which are caches used by the VCR component. These caches are repository-specific and can exist for any repository. Table 11-11 describes the SPI caches, which are specific to the UCM SPI adapter component.

The pattern for the cache entry names is <elementName>.<repositoryName>, where <repositoryName> is the name of the UCM repository as specified in the META-INF/content-config.xml file. For example, nodeCache.StellentRepository. Note that some <time-to-live> values are specified in milliseconds.

Table 11-10 VCR-Level Cache Entry Descriptions

Cache Entry Name Description


Caches node Id of repository's node instance. Defaults: enabled = true; time-to-live = 60000, max-entries = 50.


Caches node path to repository's node Id.

Default values: enabled = true; time-to-live = 2 minutes (2*60*1000), max-entries = 200.


Caches type Id of repository's type instance.

Default values: enabled = true; time-to-live = 300000, max-entries = 200.


Caches type name for repository's type Id.

Default values: enabled = true; time-to-live = 10 minutes (10*60*1000), max-entries = 200.


Default values: enabled = true; time-to-live = 5 minutes (5*60*1000), max-entries = 50.

The maximum binary entry size is specified as the repository property binaryCacheMaxEntrySize which has a default value of 102400 bytes (100 kb).


Caches search results for a repository.

Default values: enabled = true; time-to-live = 300000, max-entries = 500.


Authorization cache for a repository when using native security.

Default values: enabled = true; time-to-live = 5000, max-entries = 5000.

Table 11-11 SPI-Level Cache Entry Descriptions

Cache Entry Name Description


Caches UCM server type metadata by type name.

Default values: enabled = true; time-to-live = 1800000 (30 minutes), max-entries = 5000


Caches UCM server node Ids by node path.

Default values: enabled = true; time-to-live = 1800000 (30 minutes), max-entries = 5000


Caches UCM server node metadata by node Id.

Default values: enabled = true; time-to-live = 1800000 (30 minutes), max-entries = 5000


Caches UCM server node security information. Default values: enabled = true; time-to-live = 1800000 (30 minutes), max-entries = 5000


Caches the relationship between the UCM user names and UCM server user Ids (user security information.)

Default value: 10 minutes (10*60*1000), time-to-live =user authentication decision is valid, max-entries=5000


Caches the list of UCM type names.

Default values: enabled=true, time-to-live=1800000 (30 minutes), max-entries=5000


Caches information about which UCM fields are indexed.

Default values: enabled=true, time-to-live=1800000 (30 minutes), max-entries=5000

11.6 Deleting Content Repository Connections

This section contains the following subsections:


Delete a content repository connection only if it is not in use. If a connection is marked as active, it should first be removed from the active list, and then deleted.

11.6.1 Deleting Content Repository Connections Using Fusion Middleware Control

To delete a content repository connection:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Spaces or the custom WebCenter application:

  2. Do one of the following:

    • For WebCenter Spaces - From the WebCenter menu, choose Settings > Service Configuration.

    • For custom WebCenter applications - From the Application Deployment menu, choose WebCenter > Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Services Configuration page, choose Content Repository.

  4. Select the connection name, and click Delete.

  5. To effect this change you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed.

11.6.2 Deleting Content Repository Connections Using WLST

Use the WLST command deleteConnection to remove a content repository connection. For command syntax and examples, see "deleteConnection" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands".


To effect this change you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. See, "Starting and Stopping WebLogic Managed Servers Using the Command Line" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

11.7 Setting Connection Properties for the WebCenter Spaces Content Repository

You can view, modify, and delete connection properties for the back-end Oracle Content Server repository that is being used by WebCenter Spaces to store group space and personal space documents. Specifically, you can define the root folder under which group space content is stored, the name of the content repository administrator, and a unique application identifier for separating application data on the Oracle Content Server.

This section contains the following subsections:

11.7.1 Setting Connection Properties for the WebCenter Spaces Content Repository Using Fusion Middleware Control

To set content repository connection properties:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Spaces or the custom WebCenter application. See Section 6.2, "Navigating to the Home Page for WebCenter Spaces".

  2. From the WebCenter menu, choose Settings > Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Services Configuration page, choose Content Repository.

  4. Select the connection name, and click Edit.

  5. (For the active connection in WebCenter Spaces only.) Set connection properties for the WebCenter Spaces repository (see Table 11-12).

    Table 11-12 Content Repository Connection - WebCenter Spaces Repository Details

    Field Description

    Administrator User Name

    Enter the user name of the content repository administrator.

    For example: sysadmin

    Administrative privileges are required for this connection so that operations can be performed on behalf of WebCenter users.

    Spaces Root

    Enter the root folder under which group space content is stored. Specify a folder that does not yet exist and is unique across applications. Use the format: /foldername. This name cannot be the same as the Application Name.

    For example: /MyWebCenterSpaces

    If it does not already exist, the folder specified is automatically created when the WebCenter application starts.

    Invalid entries include: /, /foldername/, /foldername/subfolder

    Application Name

    Enter a unique name for this WebCenter Spaces application within this content repository.

    For example: MyWCS

    The name must begin with an alphabetical character, followed by any combination of alphanumeric characters or the underscore character. The string must be less than or equal to 30 characters.

  6. Click OK to save your changes.

  7. To start using the updated (active) connection properties, you must restart the managed server on which the WebCenter application is deployed.

11.7.2 Setting Connection Properties for the WebCenter Spaces Content Repository Using WLST

The following commands are valid only for the WebCenter Spaces application to view, set, and delete properties for the Oracle Content Server repository that is being used by WebCenter Spaces to store group space and personal space documents:

For command syntax and detailed examples, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Section, "Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands".

11.8 Testing Content Repository Connections

After setting up content repository connections, you can test them to make sure that you can access the content repository, as described in the following sections:

11.8.1 Testing Oracle Content Server Connections

To verify a connection of the socket type web, log in to the Web interface of Oracle Content Server as administrator. You can obtain the URL of a socket type connection through Fusion Middleware Control as follows:

  1. In Fusion Middleware Control, from the WebCenter menu, choose Settings and select Service Configuration (Figure 11-3).

    Figure 11-3 Fusion Middleware Control WebCenter Menu

    Fusion Middleware Control WebCenter Menu
  2. On the Manage Content Repository Connections page, select the connection and click Edit (Figure 11-4).

    Figure 11-4 Manage Content Repository Connections Page

    Manage Content Repository Connections Page
  3. On the Edit Content Repository Connection page, copy the Web URL (Figure 11-5).


    Remove the /idcplg/ suffix from the URL before using it.

    The URL format is: http://host_name/web_root/ For example: http://mycontentserver/cms/

    Figure 11-5 Edit Content Repository Connection Page

    Edit Content Repository Connection Page

11.8.2 Testing Oracle Portal Connections

To verify the full state of an Oracle Portal connection:

  1. In the Oracle WebLogic Administration Console, under Domain Structure, expand Services > JDBC, then double-click Data Sources (Figure 11-6).

    Figure 11-6 Oracle WebLogic Administration Console

    Oracle WebLogic Administration Console
  2. On the Summary of JDBC Data Sources page, select the data source you intend to test (Figure 11-7).

    Figure 11-7 Summary of JDBC Data Sources Page

    Sumary of JDBC Data Sources Page
  3. In the Settings for datasource_name section, select the tabs Monitoring, then Testing. Select the data source target server, then click Test Data Source to test the connection (Figure 11-8).

    Figure 11-8 Data Source Settings Section

    Data Source Settings Section

11.9 Changing the Maximum File Upload Size

By default, the maximum upload size for files is:

  • 2 MB for custom WebCenter applications. This default is imposed by Apache MyFaces Trinidad, which handles uploading files from a browser to the application server.

  • 2 GB for WebCenter Spaces applications.

The WebCenter application developer can customize the default file upload size at design time by setting the UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY, UPLOAD_MAX_DISK_SPACE, and UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR parameters in the web.xml file. For information about manually editing web.xml, see Section A.1.2, "web.xml".

For more information, see "Setting Parameters to Upload Files to Content Repositories" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

11.10 Managing Microsoft SharePoint Connections Using WLST

Use the commands listed in Table 11-13 to manage connections to SharePoint content repositories.

Configuration changes made using these WebCenter WLST commands are only effective after your restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter application is deployed. For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

Table 11-13 SharePoint Content Repository WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Create a Microsoft SharePoint 2007 repository connection.



Edit a Microsoft SharePoint 2007 repository connection.



List all Microsoft SharePoint 2007 connections that are configured for a WebCenter application.


For information about how to install WLST scripts for Microsoft SharePoint, see Installing the WLST Scripts for Microsoft SharePoint.

11.10.1 createJCRSharePointConnection

Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online Description

Creates a connection to a Microsoft SharePoint 2007 repository. Syntax

createJCRSharePointConnection(appName, name, url, [extAppId, timeout, isPrimary, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition
Name of the WebCenter application in which to perform this operation.
Connection name. The name must be unique (across all connection types) within the WebCenter application.
Web address of the SharePoint site to which you want to connect.

For example, if the SharePoint site address is http://mysharepoint.mycompany.com, enter this value for the url argument.

Optional. External application used to authenticate WebCenter users against the SharePoint repository. This value should match the name of an existing external application connection. See also listExtAppConnections.

If extAppId is not set, the SharePoint repository connection will not work.

extAppId can be set or changed at any time using the setJCRSharePointConnection command.

Optional. Length of time allowed to log in to the SharePoint repository (in ms) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.
Optional. Valid values are true and false. true specifies that this connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service. The argument defaults to false. If this parameter is omitted, the primary connection used by the Documents service does not change.

In WebCenter Spaces, the primary connection must be an Oracle Content Server connection.

Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.

Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter application is deployed. Example

The following example creates a connection to a Microsoft SharePoint site.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> createJCRSharePointConnection(appName='webcenter', name='MySPConnection', url='http://mysharepoint.mycompany.com', extAppId='myExtApp')

11.10.2 setJCRSharePointConnection

Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online

Edits an existing Microsoft SharePoint 2007 repository connection. This command requires that you specify values for appName and name, plus at least one additional argument. Syntax

setJCRSharePointConnection(appName, name, [url, extAppId, timeout, isPrimary, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition
Name of the WebCenter application in which to perform this operation.
Name of an existing SharePoint connection.
Optional. Web address of the SharePoint site to which you want to connect.

For example, if the SharePoint site address is http://mysharepoint.mycompany.com, enter this value for the url argument.

Optional. External application used to authenticate WebCenter users against the SharePoint repository. This value should match the name of an existing external application connection. See also listExtAppConnections. If extAppId is not set, no change is made to the current external application ID.

If no external application is set, the SharePoint connection will not work.

Optional. Length of time allowed to log in to the SharePoint repository (in ms) before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.
Optional. Valid values are true and false. true specifies that this connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service. When set to false, and the specified connection is the primary connection used by the Documents service, the primary connection is reset. If this parameter is not set, the primary connection used by the Documents service does not change. This argument has no default.

In WebCenter Spaces, the primary connection must be an Oracle Content Server connection.

Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.

Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter application is deployed.

The following example edits SharePoint repository connection details.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> setJCRSharePointConnection(appName='webcenter', name='MySPConnection', url='http://mysharepoint.mycompany.com', extAppId='myExtApp')

11.10.3 listJCRSharePointConnections

Module: Oracle WebCenter

Use with WLST: Online

Without any arguments, this command lists all of the SharePoint connections that are configured for a named WebCenter application. Syntax

listJCRSharePointConnections(appName, [verbose, name, server, applicationVersion])
Argument Definition
Name of the WebCenter application in which to perform this operation.
Optional. Displays SharePoint connection details in verbose mode. Valid options are true and false. When set to true, listJCRSharePointConnections lists all SharePoint connections that are configured for a WebCenter application, along with their details. When set to false, only connection names are listed. This argument defaults to false.
Optional. Name of an existing SharePoint connection. When specified you can view connection details for a specific SharePoint connection. If you supply a value for name, you must supply a value for verbose.
Optional. Name of the managed server where the WebCenter application is deployed. For example, WC_Spaces.

Required when applications with the same name are deployed to different servers and also when you have a cluster.

Optional. Version number of the deployed application. Required if more than one version of the WebCenter application is deployed.

The following example lists the names of all the SharePoint connections that are configured for an application named webcenter.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listJCRSharePointConnections(appName='webcenter')

The following example lists connection details for all of the SharePoint connections that are configured.

wls:/weblogic/serverConfig> listJCRSharePointConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=true)