(BRA) Setting Up Your System to Use Electronic Notas Fiscais

This chapter provides an overview of set up for electronic notas fiscais (NFe) and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Set Up for Electronic Notas Fiscais

You generate electronic notas fiscais to electronically request a verification of taxes from the fiscal authority. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software writes data from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables to the XML Transaction Interface table (F70XMLZ1). A third-party application reads the data in the F70XMLZ1 table and sends the request for verification to the fiscal authority, receives the answer from the fiscal authority, and writes data about the answer to the F70XMLZ1 table. You then use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications to complete the NFe process.

Before you can process electronic nota fiscais, you must:

Order Activity Rules

You must set up order activity rules to use with the NFe process. You use the Order Activity Rules program (P40204) to set up the rules and the statuses used by the rules. Set up rules for each document type and line type combination that you use to process notas fiscais for sales. The statuses that you set up for processing electronic notas fiscais must be sequenced between the status that you set up as the last status for printing the nota fiscal, and the last status that you set up for the sales update.

Unless you set the processing options to prevent a status update, the system updates the nota fiscal status when you:

This table shows an example of order activity rules that you might set up for one order/line type combination:

Order Type

Line Type

Last Status


Next Status




Generate nota fiscal





Print nota fiscal





Generate NFe (outbound)





Capture NFe (inbound)





Sales update







Processing Options for the NFe Process

To use the NFe process, you must set processing options in these programs:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Municipal and Neighborhood Codes in the Supplemental Data Program (P00092)

This section provides an overview of municipal and neighborhood codes and discusses how to associate a neighborhood code with an address book record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Municipal and Neighborhood Codes

You must include municipal and neighborhood codes as part of the legal company information that you submit as part of the XML file. If the municipal and neighborhood codes do not exist in your system, you must add them. You set up municipal codes in the Fiscal Code (76B/FC) UDC table, and set up neighborhood codes in the NFe IBGE Neighborhood Code (76B/NE) UDC table. After you set up these codes, you associate the codes with the companies for which you submit information. This might include the company that issues the NFe or the legal reporting company .

You use the Supplemental Data program (P00092) to associate the municipal and neighborhood codes that exist in the UDC tables with the address book records for which you report information.

Note. The task in this section assumes that a value of AB (address book) exists in the Supplemental Data Setup program (P00091).

See Setting Up Supplemental Data.

See Also

Setting Up the Fiscal City Code

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Associate Neighborhood Codes to Address Book Records

Form Name




Work With Supplemental Data


Database Setup CIF Supplemental Data (G01312), Supplemental Data

Review and select existing records.

General Description Entry


Select a record on the Work With Supplemental Data form and click Select.

Specify the address book record with which you want to associate a municipal or neighborhood code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating a Neighborhood Code with an Address Book Record

Access the General Description Entry form.

To associate a neighborhood code with an address book record:

  1. On the Work With Supplemental Data form, enter the address book number in the Address Number field.

  2. Click Find.

    The system displays the data types that exist for address book records.

  3. Select the record with the data type of $N and click Select.

    The $N data type exists for the neighborhood code.

    Note. If data type $N does not exist in your environment, use the Supplemental Data Setup program to add it.

  4. On the General Description Entry form, enter the effective date, and select the neighborhood code from the 76B/NE UDC table.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for PO Transaction BRNFSP (P76BX001)

To access these processing options, select Brazil Elect Invoice - Process (G76BNF1), Inbound NFe SP - PO.


Next Status Code - From (required)

Enter a value from UDC table 40/AT to specify the beginning of the range of the next status of the notas fiscais that you want to select for processing. The status that you select must be set up in the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type of the notas fiscais that you want to select. The combination of codes that you select for this processing option and the Next Status Code - To processing option in this program must be a valid last status/next status combination in the Order Activity Rules table (F40203).

Next Status Code - To (required)

Enter a value from UDC table 40/AT to specify the end of the range of the next status of the notas fiscais that you want to select for processing. The status that you select must be set up in the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type of the notas fiscais that you want to select. The combination of codes that you select for this processing option and the Next Status Code - From processing option in this program must be a valid last status/next status combination in the F40203 table.


Next Status - Sales Order

Enter a code from the Activity/Status (40/AT) UDC table to specify the code that the system assigns to the sales orders that you process. The status that you select must be set up in the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type of the sales order. The combination of codes that you select for this processing option and the Next Status Code - To processing option in this program must be a valid last status/next status combination in the Order Activity Rules table (F40203).

Next Status – Nota Fiscal

Enter a code from the Activity/Status (40/AT) UDC table to specify the code that the system assigns to the notas fiscais that you process. The status that you select must be set up in the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type of the notas fiscais that you want to select. The combination of codes that you select for this processing option and the Next Status Code - To processing option in this program must be a valid last status/next status combination in the Order Activity Rules table (F40203).

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for PO Transaction BRNFNA (P76BX002)

To access these processing options, select Brazil Elect Invoice - Process (G76BNF1), Inbound NFe National - PO.


Next Status Code - From (required)

Enter a value from UDC table 40/AT to specify the beginning of the range of the next status of the notas fiscais that you want to select for processing. The status that you select must be set up in the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type of the notas fiscais that you want to select. The combination of codes that you select for this processing option and the Next Status Code - To processing option in this program must be a valid last status/next status combination in the Order Activity Rules table (F40203).

Next Status Code - To (required)

Enter a value from UDC table 40/AT to specify the end of the range of the next status of the notas fiscais that you want to select for processing. The status that you select must be set up in the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type of the notas fiscais that you want to select. The combination of codes that you select for this processing option and the Next Status Code - From processing option in this program must be a valid last status/next status combination in the F40203 table.


Next Status - Sales Order

Enter a code from the Activity/Status (40/AT) UDC table to specify the code that the system assigns to the sales orders that you process. The status that you select must be set up in the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type of the sales order. The combination of codes that you select for this processing option and the Next Status Code - To processing option in this program must be a valid last status/next status combination in the Order Activity Rules table (F40203).

Next Status – Nota Fiscal

Enter a code from the Activity/Status (40/AT) UDC table to specify the code that the system assigns to the notas fiscais that you process. The status that you select must be set up in the order activity rules based on the order type and the line type of the notas fiscais that you want to select. The combination of codes that you select for this processing option and the Next Status Code - To processing option in this program must be a valid last status/next status combination in the Order Activity Rules table (F40203).