(BRA) Setting Up Country-Specific Functionality for Brazil

This chapter provides an overview of advanced pricing setup for repasse and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Advanced Pricing Setup for Repasse

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing system from Oracle is integrated with the Brazil sales order tax calculator to compute:

The system does not consider interest on installment payments when generating notas fiscais.

To work with advanced pricing for repasse, you must:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Brazil

Setting up Brazil-specific UDCs enables you to use Brazil-specific functionality. You also set up some base software UDCs with Brazil-specific values.

Set up UDCs for:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Supplier Withholding for Brazil

Set up these UDCs before you process supplier withholding for Brazil:

Document Type - All Documents (00/DT)

You set up document types so that you can identify, group, and process similar transactions.

In addition to the hard-coded document types that are used throughout the software, you can set up document types that are based on your specific business needs. For example, you might set up these document types for Brazil:


Description 01


Purchasing Nota Fiscal


Non Stock Nota Fiscal


Nota Fiscal Sales


Ship From Nota Fiscal Return

To process INSS taxes, you must set up special handling codes for the Brazil-specific document types to specify an operation type and to create a cross-reference between the two-character document types that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software uses and the three-character Brazilian document types.

Set up the special handling code with three or four characters. The system uses the first character to determine the operation type of the transaction, and uses characters 2, 3, and 4 to determine the Brazil-specific document type.

For example, you might set up a document type for a nota fiscal with a special handling code of CDUP in which C represents the operation type for an accounts payable voucher or an accounts receivable invoice and the characters DUP represent a document type that exists in the Document Type INSS - Brazil (76B/DT) UDC table. You must assign as characters 2, 3, and 4 a document type that appears in the 76B/DT UDC table.

This example illustrates a possible document type and special handling code:


Description 01

Special Handling


Purchasing Nota Fiscal


Note. When you assign a code for a Nota Promissória, enter NP for characters 2 and 3, and leave character 4 blank.

If you do not set up special handling codes for Brazil-specific document types, the system uses these values when you process records for INSS taxes:

Operation Type

The system assigns these values:

  • C: Accounts payable vouchers and accounts receivable invoices.

  • P: Accounts payable payments.

  • R: Accounts Receivable receipts.

INSS Document Type

The system assigns these values:

  • The second, third, and fourth positions of the Special Handling Code of the Nota Fiscal Document Type (00/DT).

  • If the second, third, and fourth positions of the Special Handling Code are blank, the system assigns the Nota Fiscal Document Type.

Important! The system does not validate the characters that you enter in the Special Handling Code field. To ensure accurate data for INSS tax reporting, you must ensure that the characters are valid and enter the four characters in the correct order.

Purchase Use (76/PU)

You set up purchase use codes for these supplier withholding taxes and contributions:

You set up purchase use codes for INSS contributions in the Purchase Use (76/PU) UDC table to specify whether individuals and cooperatives are subject to INSS aggregation and retention contributions. You might set up different codes for different circumstances under which an individual or cooperative is subject to INSS aggregation and retention contributions. For example, set up different purchase use codes when the INSS contribution rate for one group of individuals differs from another group.

The system uses the values that you specify in the Description 02 field to determine the INSS contribution rate for aggregation and retention. The values that you enter for the Description 02 field must exist in the Tax Code table (F76B0401). You can enter a value for retention, for aggregation, or for both. You must enter a / (slash) after a value for retention and before a value for aggregation, even when you enter only one code.

This table includes examples of values for the Description 02 field:

Tax codes for retention and aggregation

Description 02

Retention = INSR


Aggregation = INSA


Retention = INSR

Aggregation = INSA


When you run the Tax Calculation ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL, and IRPJ program (R76B4310), the system uses the purchase use code that you enter in the Purchase Use Code processing option to determine how to apply INSS contribution rates. The system compares the purchase use code to the values in the F76B0401 table to obtain the contribution rate. If the purchase use code has two values in the Description 02 field, the system accesses the F760401 table twice:

If you do not complete the Purchase Use processing option, the system uses the purchase use code from the Purchase Order Detail Tag File - Brazil table (F76432) or the tax code for the supplier in the Address Book Brazilian Tag Table (F76011).

You also set up purchase use codes for PIS/PASEP, COFINS, and CSLL contributions in the 76/PU UDC table, and then use the Purchase Use Tax Setup program (P76B003) to create associations between the purchase use codes for PIS/PASEP, COFINS, and CSLL and the tax codes that exist in the F76B0401 table.

See Setting Up Purchase Use Codes for PIS/PASEP, COFINS, and CSLL Contributions.

See Setting Up UDCs for Procurement Processing for Brazil.

You also set up purchase use codes for ICMS and IPI taxes. Use the special handling code to specify this tax information:

For ICMS tax:

For IPI tax:

Retired IR-PF (Income Tax) (76B/AP)

Set up codes for income tax deductions for retired persons. Enter the amount of the deduction in the Description 01 field. The system uses the schedule to calculate income taxes for persons who are retired and who have provided a service that is included on a nota fiscal.

Dependence Reduction IR-PF (76B/DP)

Set up codes for the income tax deductions for the dependents of an individual. Enter the amount of the deduction in the Description 01 field. The system uses the codes when it calculates income tax for an individual who has provided a service that is included on a nota fiscal.

Document Type INSS - Brazil (76B/DT)

You use the values in the Document Type INSS - Brazil (76B/DT) UDC table to populate the Document Type INSS field in the INSS/IN89 Mntn 3rd Party Svcs Inbound NF program (P76B200H). The system prints the value in the Observations column for the cover letter that accompanies the text file, which is generated by the Services Third Parties Notas Fiscais Flat File - Header program (R76B300H). These values are hard-coded in the system:


Description 01






Nota Promissória

You must set up these values in the Document Type - All Documents (00/DT) UDC table and assign valid special handling codes to the codes in the 00/DT UDC table.

INSS Code (76B/IN)

Set up codes for the schedule of INSS taxes. The system uses these codes when calculating taxes for services that are on a nota fiscal.

Recieta Code (76B/IR)

The system uses the values in the Recieta Codes (76/IR) UDC table when it calculates the income tax for an individual or corporate entity that has provided a service that is included on a nota fiscal. For individuals, the system uses the DIPAM Table (76/DP) and the Retired IR-PF (Income Tax) (76B/AP) UDCs to reduce the amount of the income tax in this UDC, if applicable.

These values are hard-coded for Brazilian localization:


Description 01




Salaried Individuals


Legal Entity (PJ)

Service Code (76B/IS)

Set up codes that identify the type of service for a city.

Explanation of Installments (76B/OB)

The system prints the codes in the 76B/OB UDC table on vouchers to identify taxes.

The descriptions that you associate with the codes appear on the voucher. Values 00 through 07 are hard-coded in Brazilian localization, but you can change the descriptions to suit your needs.

The Tax Code A/P UDC (76B/TR) uses specific codes for the various taxes. You can set up the codes for the 76B/OB UDC in the same way to make remembering the description that goes with each code easier.

Tax Code A/P (76B/TR)

The system uses the codes in UDC 76B/TR to identify taxes.

These values are hard-coded for this UDC:


Description 01















Maximum Monthly INSS Amount (76B/TX)

You set up the 76B/TX UDC table with the maximum withholding amounts for INSS taxes for each job type. You must set up a percentage and corresponding amount in the 76B/TX UDC table for each INSS retention tax percentage that exists in the Tax Code table (F76B0401). Enter the INSS retention percentage from the F76B0401 table in the Codes field in the UDC table, and enter the maximum withholding amount in the Description 01 field.

Note. Enter the percentage amount as an integer with three decimals. For example, for 10 percent, enter 10.000 instead of .10.

When you run the Tax Calculation ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL, and IRPJ program, the system compares the calculated INSS retention to the values that you specify for the INSS maximum amount to determine the amount of INSS retention.

Cross-Reference - Due Date Tax (76B/VE)

The system uses the Cross-Reference - Due Date Tax code when it calculates the due date for IR taxes. The code comprises four digits. The first two digits are the month, and the second two digits are the year. You should set up codes for each month/year combination for which you have notas fiscais. You enter a payment term for the description of the code.

Doc Types Unaffected Withholding (76B/UW)

Use this UDC to specify the document types for which the system does not calculate taxes. The system ignores the specified document types when you run the Tax Calculation ISS, INSS, FUNRURAL, and IRPJ program (R76B4310) or the Create Payment Groups program (R04570).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Electronic Banking for Brazil

Before using electronic banking, you must set up UDCs that the system uses to process inbound and outbound automatic receipts.

Record Type (00/RD)

Record types identify the components in the flat files that you use to electronically transfer banking data.

For example, you might set up these record types:


Description 01






Header Detail


Trailer Detail



Transaction Type (00/TT)

The two transaction type UDCs that are hard-coded for use with the Brazil electronic banking applications are listed in this table:


Description 01


Electronic Payment Brazil


Electronic Receipts Brazil

Bank Codes (76/BC)

Set up UDCs for the banks with which you do business. The system relates a three-digit code to a bank that you set up. For example, you can set up these codes:


Description 01


Banco do Brasil


Banco Bradesco


Banco Itau

Bank Record Status (76/BS)

Set up UDCs for bank status to track the status of the accounts receivable information that you send to the bank for processing.

For example, you can set up these codes:


Description 01


Not processed


Record received


Record sent

Bank Receive Code (76/RC)

Set up receive transaction status codes to indicate the status of the duplicata that you receive from the bank that is responsible for collecting the accounts receivable invoices. When the bank sends a file to you to confirm the receipt of the transmission, the system processes the files that contain a 1 in the Special Handling field of this UDC. If the system does not find a 1 in the Special Handling field, it does not process the return transaction.

Note. You should establish these codes with the bank.

Bank Send Code (76/SC)

Set up send transaction status codes to indicate the status of the duplicata that you send to the bank that is responsible for collecting the Accounts Receivable invoices. For example, you can set up these document types:


Description 01


Not Sent




Cancel Collection of Payment


Abatement (Correction)


Cancel Abatement (Correction)


Change Due Date




Discontinue Litigation


Suspend Litigation

You should establish these codes with the bank.

Dynamic Formatter Attributes (76B/F1)

You define layout attributes for electronic banking in the Dynamic Formatter Attributes UDC table (76B/F1). Attributes that begin with an S are constants. For example, S0002 is the attribute for zeros; and S0003 is the attribute for blanks. Attributes that begin with a Z are defined by each transaction application. For example, Z0002 is the company tax ID and Z0009 is the company name.

Some of the hard-coded attributes have a value in the Special Handling field. A value of 1 means that information originating in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system is cross-referenced to information that is provided by the bank. A value of 2 means that information originating with the bank is cross-referenced to information in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.

This table describes the predefined attributes:



Description 2



UDV - User Defined Value


A value that completes the places between two attributes with a character that you select. You define this value when you set up the layout details.




A value that completes the places between two attributes with blanks.




A value that completes the places between two attributes with zeros.


Company Person/Corp Code

F0101 - TAXC

The value for the Person/Corporation Code field in the Address Book Master table (F0101) for the address book number that appears in the Company Constants table (F0010). If PO Unique Payment is activated in the company constants, the system uses the Parent Address Number Person/Corporation Code.


Company Tax ID

F0101 - TAX

The value for the Tax ID field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the F0010 table. If PO Unique Payment is activated in the company constants, the system uses the Parent Address Number Tax ID.


Company Bank Agency

F0030 - TNST

The data for the attribute varies, depending on whether you are using the Payment or Receipt process.

  • For the Payment process, the system parses information from the G/L bank account that is defined in the payment group and pulls the value before the separator (/) in the Bank Transit Number field in the Bank Transit Master table (F0030).

  • For the Receipt process, the system parses information from the G/L bank account that is defined in the processing options and pulls the value before the separator (/) in the Bank Transit Number field in the F0030 table.


Company Bank Account Number

F0030 - CBNK

The data for the attribute varies, depending on whether you are using the Payment or Receipt process:

  • For the Payment process, the system parses information from the G/L bank account that is defined in the payment group and pulls the value in the Bank Account Number field in the F0030 table.

  • For the Receipt process, the system parses information from the G/L bank account that is defined in the processing options and pulls the value in the Bank Account Number field in the F0030 table.


Company Bank Agency Digit

F0030 - TNST

The data for the attribute varies, depending on whether you are using the Payment or Receipt process:

  • For the Payment process, the system parses information from the G/L bank account that is defined in the payment group and pulls the value before the separator (-) in the Bank Transit Number field in the F0030 table.

  • For the Receipt process, the system parses information from the G/L bank account that is defined in the processing options and pulls the value before the separator (-) in the Bank Transit Number field in the F0030 table.


Company Bank Account Digit

F0030 - CHKD

The data for the attribute varies, depending on whether you are using the Payment or Receipt process:

  • For the Payment process, the system parses information from the G/L bank account that is defined in the payment group and pulls the value in the Control Digit field in the F0030 table.

  • For the Receipt process, the system parses information from the G/L bank account that is defined in the processing options and pulls the value in the Control Digit field in the F0030 table.


Company Bank Agency Number + Digit

F0030 - TNST

The values for attributes Z0003 and Z0005; they are separated by a dash (-).


Company Bank Account Number + Digit

F0030 - CBNK + CHKD

The values for attributes Z0004 and Z0006; they are separated by a dash (-).


Company Name

F0101 - ALPH

The address book number in the F0010 table. If PO Unique Payment is activated in the company constants, the system uses the parent address number alpha name.


Formatted File Date Created

UBE B9800100 - Get Audit Info

The date from the Get Audit Information field in the UBE.


Formatted File Time Created

UBE B9800100 - Get Audit Info

The time from the Get Audit Information field in the UBE.


Company Bank Number

F0030 - TNST

The system parses information from the G/L bank account that is defined in the payment group and uses the first three digits in the Bank Number field in the F0030 table.


Company Bank Name

F0030 - DL01

The system parses information from the G/L bank account that is defined in the payment group and uses the first three digits in the Bank Account Number field in the F0030 table and the value in the Description field from Bank Codes UDC (76/BC).


Payment Instrument

F0411 - PYIN



Company Street Name

F0101 - ADD1

The value for the Address 1 field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the F0010 table. If PO Unique Payment is activated in company constants, the system uses the parent address number address 1.


Company Street Number




Company Street Complement




Company City

F0101 - CTY1

The value for the City field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the F0010 table. If PO Unique Payment is activated in company constants, the system uses the parent address number city.


Company Postal Code - No Mask

F0101 - ADDZ

The value for the Postal Code field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the F0010 table. If PO Unique Payment is activated in company constants, the system uses the parent address number postal code.

The system uses the value in the Postal Code field without the separator (-).


Company State Code

F0101 - ADDS

The value for the State field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the F0010 table. If PO Unique Payment is activated in company constants, the system uses the parent address number state.


Bank Return Message




Formatted File Line Count

UBE R76B047E Variable

This UBE counts the number of lines that are created inside the flat file.


Payment Group Sequence

UBE R76B047E Variable

The sequence number from the A/P Payment Processing - Summary table (F04572), which is required to identify the payment in the return process in the client use code.


Bank Return Code




Payee Bank Number

F04572 - BNST

The first three digits from the Bank Transit Number field in the F04572 table.


Payee Bank Agency No

F04572 - BNST

The numbers before the separator (/) from the Bank Transit Number field in the F04572 table.


Payee Bank Account Number

F04572 - CBNK

The value for the Bank Account Number field in the A/P Payment Processing - Summary table (F04572).


Payee Bank Agency Digit

F04572 - BNST

The value for the numbers before the separator in the Bank Transit Number field in the A/P Payment Processing - Summary table (F04572).


Payee Bank Account Digit

F04572 - CBNK

The value from the Control Digit field in the F04572 table.


Payee Bank Agency Number + Digit

F04572 - BNST

The values for the Z0026 and Z0028 attributes, separated by a dash (-).


Payee Bank Account Number + Digit

F04572 - CBNK

The values for the Z0027 and Z0029 attributes, separated by a dash (-).


Payee Name

F0101 - ALPH

The data for the attribute varies, depending on whether you are using the Payment or Receipt process:

  • For the Payment process, the value for the Alpha Name field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Payee Number field in the F04572 table.

  • For the Receipt process, the value for the Alpha Name field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Address Number field in the Customer Ledger table (F03B11).


Document Number




Payment Date

F04572 - DGJ

The data for the attribute varies, depending on whether you are using the payment or receipt process:

  • For the payment process, the value for the G/L Date field in the F04572 table.

  • For the receipt process, the value for the Payment Date field in the F04572 table.


Payment Amount

F04572 - PAAP

The value for the Payment Amount field in the F04572 table.


Bank Document Number




Bank Return Payment Date




Bank Return Payment Amount




Bank Return Payment Document




Form File Recs without Header

UBE R76B047E Variable



Total Payment Amount

UBE R76B047E Variable

This UBE sums all of the payments in the file.


Payee Person Corporation Code

F0101 - TAXC

The data for the attribute varies, depending on whether you are using the Payment or Receipt process:

  • For the Payment process, the value for the Person Corporation Code field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Payee Address Number field in the F04572 table. You must create a bank cross-reference.

  • For the Receipt process, the value for the Person Corporation Code field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Address Number field in the F03B11 table.


Payee Tax ID

F0101 - TAX

The data for the attributes varies, depending on whether you are using the Payment or Receipt process:

  • For the Payment process, the value from the Tax ID field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Payee Address Number field in the F04572 table.

  • For the Receipt process, the value for the Tax ID field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Address Number field in the F03B11 table.


Bar Code - Payee Bank Number

R76B0411 - BBRCD

Parses the Bank Code from the Bar Code field in the Voucher Additional Information - Brazil table (F76B04BC) for the first voucher found in the A/P Payment Processing - Detail table (F04573).


Bar Code - Currency Code

R76B0411 - BBRCD

For the first voucher in the F04573 table, pulls the currency code from the Bar Code field in the F76B04BC table.


Bar Code - Control Digit

R76B0411 - BBRCD

Parses the currency code from the Bar Code field in the F76B04BC table for the first voucher found in the F04573 table.


Bar Code - Payment Amount

R76B0411 - BBRCD

Parses the payment amount from the Bar Code field in the F76B04BC table for the first voucher found in the F04573 table.


Bar Code - Bar Code All

R76B0411 - BBRCD

The system identifies the first voucher in the F04573 table. It then locates that voucher in the F76B04BC table and writes the value from the Bar Code field to the layout.


Due Date

F04572 - DGJ

The data for the attribute varies, depending on whether you are using the Payment or Receipt process:

  • For the Payment process, the value from the G/L Date field in the F04572 table.

  • For the Receipt process, the value from the Due Date field in the F03B11 table.


Open Amount

F04572 - PAAP + ADSA

The sum of the values of the Payment Amount and Discount Amount fields in the F04572 table.


Discount Taken

F04572 - ADSA

The data for the attribute varies, depending on whether you are using the Payment or Receipt process:

  • For the Payment process, the value from the Discount Amount field in the F04572 table.

  • For the Receipt process, the value from the Discount Amount field in the F03B11 table.


Abatement Amount




Discount + Rebate Amount

F04572 - ADSA

The value from the Discount Amount field in the F04572 table.


Fee Amount


The fee amount that the system uses is determined by the processing options for the Process Return A/R Bank Tape Diskette - Dynamic Formatter process (R76B03ZR).

Fee Invoice Creation processing option:

  • Blank

    The amount is ignored.

  • 1

    The system creates an RF invoice with the amount of the fee paid.

  • 2

    The system creates an RF invoice with a calculated fee amount that is based on the daily late fee amount in the F76B03B1 table.

  • 3

    The system creates two RF invoices: one for the amount paid to the bank, and the other to the bank with fee amount difference

PO Fee Process Order processing option:

  • Blank

    The system performs a receipt first on original invoice, and then the difference on fee invoice.

  • 1

    The system performs receipt first on fee invoice, and then the difference on the original invoice.


Rebate Amount




Fee + Fee 2 Amount




Company Postal Code with Mask

F0101 - ADDZ

The value for the Postal Code field from the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the F0010 table. If PO Unique Payment is activated in company constants, the system uses the parent address number postal code. The attribute uses the value in the Postal Code field with the separator (-).


Payment Group Next Number

UBE R76B047ES NN 04/06

This UBE generates a unique identifier for the flat file and assigns a next number from 04/06 for each file.


Bank Agency Digit + Account Digit

F0030 - TNST + CNBK



Company Bank Swift Code (Conv.)

F0030 - SWFT

The bank accord/agreement number for the bank that is defined in the Dynamic Formatter G/L Account File Numbers table (F76B477) for the BRPAGEL transaction type and the specified G/L bank account.


Payee Address Book No

F04572 - AN8

For the Payment process, the value from the Payee Address Number field in the F04572 table. This information is required to identify the payment in return process in the client use code.


Payment Sequence

UBE R76B047ES Variable

This UBE identifies the sequence of the number of payments for a payment group in the F04572 table.


Line Sequence in Segment EP

UBE R76B047ES Variable

For each segment in a line sequence, this UBE resets the counter to zero.


Bar Code - Free Field

R76B0411 - BBRCD

The value from the Bar Code field in the F76B04BC table for the first voucher found in the Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail table (F0414).


File Formatter Line Type

UBE R76B047ER Variable



Bar Code - Date Due Facto

F76B0411 - BBRCD



Bank Duplicata Number

F7603B1 - BBDN

The value for the attribute varies, depending on the processing options:

  • If the processing option is set to Bank (1), the value is 00000000000.

  • If the processing option for Boleto Emitter is set to Company (2), the attribute value is determined like this:

  • If a value exists in the Bank Duplicata Number field in the A/R Additional Information - Brazil table (F7603B1), the attribute value is the value in the field.

  • If the Bank Duplicata Number field is blank, the attribute value is the Bank Duplicata next number for the BRCOBES transaction in the F76B477 table.


Document Number

F7603B1- BBDN

The value in the Invoice Number field in the F03B11 table.


Invoice Date

F03B11 - DIVJ

The value in the Invoice Date field in the F03B11 table.


Client Use Code


The identifier sent during the outbound process and returned during the inbound process.

The Client use code is a concatenation of the Document Company + Document Type + Document Number, Pay Item/suffix, and Address Number fields in the F03B11 table. This process is the first process to find an invoice. If this field is blank, the system uses the Bank Duplicata number.


Bank Send Code

F7603B1 - BSCB

The value for the attribute varies, depending on the processing options for R76B03ZS:

  • If the Bank processing option has a value, that value is used.

  • If the Bank processing option does not have a value, 01 is used.


Boleto Creation



Protest Instructions Code


The value in the Protest Instructions Code field in the F7603B1 table.


Protest Instructions


The value in the Protest Instructions Days field in the F7603B1 table.


Amount Fee by Day


The value in the Daily Late Fee Amount field in the F7603B1 table.


Due Date AR

F03B11 - DDJ

The value in the Discount Due Date field in the F03B11 table.


Payee Address Line 1

F0116 - ADD1

The value for the attribute varies, depending on the processing options:

  • If the Customer Address option is blank, uses the value for the Address 1 field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Address Number field in the F03B11 table.

  • If the Customer Address option is set to 1, uses the value in the Send Invoice To field in the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012).


Customer Postal Code

3 digit

The value for the attribute varies, depending on the processing options:

  • If the Customer Address option is blank, uses the first five digits of the Postal Code field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Address Number field in the F03B11 table.

  • If the Customer Address option is set to 1, uses the value in the Send Invoice To field in the F03012 table.


Customer Postal Code

5 digit

The value for the attribute varies, depending on the processing options:

  • If the Customer Address option is blank, uses the last three digits of the Postal Code field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Address Number field in the F03B11 table.

  • If the Customer Address option is set to 1, uses the value in the Send Invoice To field in the F03012 table.


Message Code


The value in the Message Code field in the F7603B1 table.


Message Description


The value in the message code attachment for the Message Code field in the F7603B1 table.


Discount Available by Day


The value in the Discount Available/30 field in the F03B11 table.


Boleto Creation


The value in the Boleto Emitter option for the R76B03ZS processing options.


Payment Group Control Number

F7603B1 - HDC

The value in the Carteira Number option for the R76B03ZS processing options.


Payee City

F0116 - CYT1



Payee State Code

F0116 - ADDS



Payee Address Line 2

F0016 - ADD2

The value for the attribute varies, depending on the processing options:

  • If the Customer Address option is blank, uses the value for the Address 2 field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Address Number field in the F03B11 table.

  • If the Customer Address option is set to 1, uses the value in the Send Invoice To field in the F03012 table.


Payee Address Line 3

F0016 - ADD3

The value for the attribute varies, depending on the processing options:

  • If the Customer Address option is blank, uses the value for the Address 3 field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Address Number field in the F03B11 table.

  • If the Customer Address option is set to 1, uses the value in the Send Invoice To field in the F03012 table.


Payee Address Line 4

F0016 - ADD4

The value for the attribute varies, depending on the processing options:

  • If the Customer Address option is blank, uses the value for the Address 4 field in the F0101 table for the address book number that appears in the Address Number field in the F03B11 table.

  • If the Customer Address option is set to 1, uses the value in the Send Invoice To field in the F03012 table.


Bank Return Code 2




Bank Return Code 3




Bank Return Code 4




Bank Return Code 5



Decimal Format (H98/DE)

The system uses the Decimal Format UDC to separate a string of numbers when the data type for a field is Math Numeric. You must set up codes to specify the acceptable separators for decimals. For example, you can set up these codes:




Use system value


Comma indicator


Decimal indicator

Date Separator (H98/DS)

The system uses the Date Separator UDC to format a string of numbers that the system will use as a date. You must set up codes to specify the acceptable separators for dates.

For example, you can set up these codes:




System value


Blank separator


Comma date separator


Hyphen date separator


Slash date separator

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Fiscal Books and Electronic GIAs for Brazil

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides several UDCs that are specifically for fiscal books and electronic GIAs (Guia de Informação Apuração de ICMS). You must set up these UDCs for the system to produce accurate fiscal books.

Activity/Status Codes (40/AT)

To advance an order line through the order process, you must create order activity rules to establish a sequence of processing steps.

Note. You must set up code 997 for canceled notas fiscais.

The system processes an order line based on the order activity rules that you set up for the order type and line type combination. For example, you can set up these order activity rules for Brazil:


Description 01

Description 02


Freight, Insurance & Expenses

Brazil Purchasing


Close Nota Fiscal



Generate Nota Fiscal



Freight, Insurance & Expenses

Brazil Sales


Print Nota Fiscal



Generate Tax Lines



Canceled Nota Fiscal



Reversed Nota Fiscal


Documents Using Text Messages (40/OR)

Set up codes to identify programs that use text messages. The system uses these codes when you use the Preference Profiles Inquiry by Customer/Item program (P40300).

Fiscal Book Code (76/FB)

The system uses the Fiscal Book Code UDC to identify types of fiscal books. It also includes a code that you use to identify text for a correction request to a nota fiscal.

These codes are hard-coded:


Description 01


Correction Letter.


Transaction Journal.


ISS (Imposto sobre Serviços) Outbound Registry.


Production and Stock Control.


ICMS (Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços Substituto) Verification.


Inbound Registry.


Inventory Registry.


IPI (Imposto sobre Productos Industrializados) Verification.


Outbound Registry.

Flag - Free Port Zone (76/FR)

Set up free port zone codes to indicate whether a company is located in a free port zone. For example, you can set up these free port zone codes:


Description 01


Non-Free Port


Free Port Zone


Free Commerce Zone

Sales Reverse - Brazil (76/RD)

Set up receive document types for sales reverse to indicate which line types you use to reverse a sale. For example, you can set up document type: VC - Sales Reverse - Brazil

Sales Return - Brazil (76/SR)

Set up return document types for sales return to indicate which line types you use for sales returns. For example, you can set up these document types:


Description 01


Sales Return - Brazil


Purchase Return - Brazil

DIPI Annual Movements Report (76B/DA)

The system uses the DIPI Annual Movements Report UDC table (76B/DA) to determine how to write data to the DIPI Annual Movements report (R76B4011). The DIPI Annual Movements report lists the customers who comprise the top 80 percent of the sales that are generated for a company.

The value in the Codes field in the UDC table is the transaction nature code (data item BRNOP). The values in the Description 01 and the Description 02 fields are the Ficha numbers (section numbers within the DIPI Annual Movements report) to which the system writes the customer information.

The system reads the value in field BRNOP in the F76111B table and compares it to the values in the 76B/DA UDC table. It then determines the Ficha section where data about the customer is included.

This table lists examples of codes:


Description 01

Description 02
















Decendio (76B/DE)

Use these codes to group IPI taxes for a 10-day period. Several fiscal book programs use these codes.

DIPI Inbound Report Line Definitions (76B/DI)

The system uses the DIPI Inbound Report Line Definitions UDC table (76B/DI) to determine how to write data to the FICHA 23 - Entradas e Crédititos report that is produced by the DIPI Resumes and Statements program (R76B4006).

The value in the Codes field in the UDC table is the transaction nature code (data item BRNOP). The value in the Description 01 field is the Ficha (report), and the value in the Description 02 field is the line number of the report.

When you run the DIPI Summaries and Statements program, the system reads the value in the Transaction Nature Code field from the F76111B table and compares it to the values in the 76B/DI UDC table. It then determines the report and line for which to print the data.

This table lists examples of codes:


Description 01

Description 02



















DECLAN Codes (76B/DM)

Use these codes to group tax amounts for the DECLAN Annual Report (R76B4015). In the Codes field, enter a code that is a concatenation of each transaction nature, plus a suffix. You must enter the demonstrative code, by which the tax amounts are summed, in the Description 01 field. To sum the tax amounts by more than one demonstrative code, enter all of the codes in the Description 01 field and separate them with spaces.

This table shows an example of DECLAN codes:


Description 01


001 006


002 008

DIPI Outbound Report Line Definitions (76B/DO)

The system uses the DIPI Outbound Report Line Definitions UDC table (76B/DO) to determine how to write data to the FICHA 24 - Saidas e Débitos report that is produced by the DIPI Summaries and Statements program.

The value in the Codes field in the UDC table is the transaction nature code (data item BRNOP). The value in the Description 01 field is the Ficha (report), and the value in the Description 02 field is the line number of the report.

The system reads the value in the Transaction Nature Code field from the F76111B table and compares it to the values in the 76B/DO UDC table. It then determines the report and line for which to print the data.

This table lists examples of codes:


Description 01

Description 02



















ICMS Recoverable (76B/IM)

Set up the ICMS Recoverable UDC table with the values that exist for ICMS recoverable taxes in the GL/Class Code (76/GL) UDC table. Enter the value from the Description 01 field of the GL/Class Code (76/GL) UDC table in the Codes field of the ICMS Recoverable UDC table. When you run the Inventory Record program (R76B4013), the system uses the values in the ICMS Recoverable UDC table to determine which tax values to include in the ICMS Recoverable column of the Inventory Record report.

This table shows an example of a code for recoverable ICMS:




ICMS Recoverable


Set up the COFINS UDC table with the values that exist for non-accumulative COFINS in the GL/Class Code (76/GL) UDC table. Enter the value from the Description 01 field of the GL/Class Code (76/GL) UDC table in the Codes field of the COFINS UDC table. When you run the Inventory Record program (R76B4013), the system uses the values in the COFINS UDC table to determine which tax values to include in the COFINS Non-Accumulative column of the Inventory Record report.

This table shows an example of a code for non-accumulative COFINS:




COFINS – non-accumulative

PIS-Pasep (76B/IP)

Set up the PIS-Pasep UDC table with the values that exist for non-accumulative PIS-Pasep in the GL/Class Code (76/GL) UDC table. Enter the value from the Description 01 field of the GL/Class Code (76/GL) UDC table in the Codes field of the PIS-Pasep UDC table. When you run the Inventory Record program, the system uses the values in the PIS-Pasep UDC table to determine which tax values to include in the PIS-Pasep Non-Accumulative column of the Inventory Record report.

This table shows an example of a code for non-accumulative PIS-Pasep:




Pis-Pasep non-accumulative

Invoice Type (76B/IT)

You use the Invoice Type codes to specify whether a transaction was completed as a cash or an installment transaction. The values are hard-coded:




Cash Transactions


Installment Transactions

Related to Energy and Petroil (76B/NS)

The system uses the codes in the Related to Energy and Petroil UDC table to accumulate amounts on notas fiscais that are related to energy and petrol. The Codes field contains a code that is a concatenation of a transaction nature code plus a suffix. The system uses these codes in the Inbound Interstate Operation form (R76B4009) and the Outbound Interstate Operation form (R76B4010) programs.

These values are hard-coded for Brazilian localization:


Description 01


Procurement Transaction


Procurement Transaction


Sales Transaction


Sales Transaction

Resumes and Demonstratives (76B/RD)

Use these codes to group tax amounts for the DIPI - Resumes and Demonstratives program. In the Code field, enter a code that is a concatenation of each transaction nature plus a suffix. You must enter the demonstrative code by which the tax amounts are summed in the Description 1 field. If you need to sum the tax amounts by more than one demonstrative code, enter all of the codes in the Description 1 field and separate them with spaces.

This table shows examples of resumes and demonstratives codes:


Description 01







Demonstration Codes - Verification (76B/TD)

Use demonstration codes to identify debit and credits for the Verification of IPI report (R76B4002) and the Verification of ICMS report (R76B4003). For example, you could set up these codes as indicated in the table:


Description 01


Inbound from national market


Inbound from external market


Outbound to external market

Fiscal Tax Type (76B/TI)

Use this code to specify the type of fiscal book information that the system processes when you add information in the inbound or outbound Nota Fiscal Maintenance program (P76B1001).

Sintegra CFOP Cross-Reference (76B/TN)

Use these codes to associate a transaction nature/suffix combination with a nota fiscal model. The Generating ICMS Magnetic Files - Sintegra (Systema Integrado de Informacoes) program (R76B201) uses the codes that you set up, or the program uses 01 if the transaction nature/suffix combination is not in this UDC table.

The system calculates the ICMS Tax Situation code by displaying a one-digit value from the Item Origin UDC (76/IO) along with a calculated two-digit value that is based on the ICMS tax criterion of the item. The three-digit value is the ICMS Tax Situation code.

The algorithm for calculating the ICMS Tax Situation code uses the special handling code in the Transaction Nature UDC (76/TN) to determine the ICMS Tax Situation code when an item is not taxed or has deferred tax. The algorithm then populates the Tax Situation field (data item BST1) with a three-digit tax situation code.

The system uses the ICMS Tax Situation code for the accounting of deferred ICMS taxes in the fiscal books.

For example, you could set up these codes:


Description 01

Description 02



NF Telecommunication



NF Freight



NF Normal

State & Province Codes (00/S)

You set up the State & Province Codes (00/S) UDC so that the system associates a two-digit code with the state or province. When you use the Print GIA program (R76B131) and the Send GIA program (R76B132) to create the flat file to send for ICMS tax reporting, the State & Province Codes UDC table must also include a special handling code so that the system can provide numeric characters for the state.

For example, you can set up these state and province codes for Brazil:


Description 01

Special Handling Code





Rio de Janeiro



São Paulo


GIA Taxation Rules (76B/G1)

You associate taxation rules with the companies that you include in company profiles that you create for ICMS tax reporting. You set up values in the GIA Taxation Rules UDC (76B/G1) to specify how a company is taxed. For example, you might set up these codes:


Description 01


RPA - Released from Assessment


RES - Assessment by Estimate

GIA Type (76B/G2)

You use the GIA Type UDC (76B/G2) to specify whether a GIA is a substitute submission. For example, you might set up these codes:


Description 01




GIA Substitute

GIA CFOP for Oil & Energy (76B/G3)

Set up this UDC with the transaction nature codes that you use for the oil and energy industries. The system uses the codes that you set up when it processes ICMS Tax Substitution amounts for transactions involving oil and energy. For example, you might set up these codes:


Description 01


In-state purchase

GIA Occurrence Type (76B/G4)

You use the GIA Occurrence Type UDC (76B/G4) to specify whether a transaction is assessed by tax substitution. For example, you might set up these codes:


Description 01


Assessment on own transaction


Assessment by tax substitution

GIA Record Type (76B/G6)

The electronic GIA must be sent in a government-required layout that contains specified record types. The data for each record type is sent to the government in a flat file. The record types for the electronic GIA are:

Record Type



Master Record


Fiscal Document Header


CFOP Detail


Interstate Detail






Ship from State Tax ID


Substitute Tax ID


Substituted Tax ID




Exportation Record

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Tax Processing for Brazil

You set up UDCs to define the taxes that apply to items and services, the rate of the taxes, and other information required by the system.

Person Corporation Code (H00/TA)

These values in H00/TA are valid for Brazil localizations only. These values represent the nature of an address book entity and are hard-coded in UDC table H00/TA.

Adjustment/Preference Name (40/TY)

You must set up the Adjustment/Preference Name (40/TY) UDC table with price adjustment names and a special handling code that corresponds to the price adjustment name that the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing system uses. The tax calculator uses these adjustment names to determine which category codes to use. In this list, the first name is the UDC and the second name is the special handling code.

Note. The special handling code names are identical to names found in UDC table 76/CN, but the system uses them for different purposes.

This table lists and describes the codes:


Description 01

Special Handling


Percentage discount for a customer.



Percentage discount payable due to rules of advanced pricing.



Low season percentage discount.



Percentage discount on ICMS.



Percentage discount on Free Zone or Free Trade.


The names of the pricing adjustments are found in the Adjustment/Preference Name (40/TY) UDC table. You must manually add this special handling code name after setting up a new adjustment. For example, for the tax calculator to find the repasse discount (REPASSE), you must enter PREPAS as a special handling code in the special handling column of UDC 40/TY.

Code - Taxpayer (76/CC)

In Brazil, different tax rules apply to different types of taxpayers. To identify the types of taxpayers in your system, you use the codes in UDC table 76/CC. These codes are hard-coded for Brazil localization:


Description 01






Taxpayer and Consumer

Category Code Name/Code (76/CN)

You can set up address book and item category codes for use in Brazilian tax calculations. Brazilian localization reserves seven category codes in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system and the item tables. To avoid conflicting with the category codes that are already in use, localization dynamically allocates the category codes that it requires.

Brazilian localization requires that seven category codes be set up. In UDC table 76/CN, each category code has a hard-coded name that the program uses to establish a relationship with the category code variable in the tables.

You set up UDCs for:

These category codes in UDC table 76/CN are hard-coded for Brazil localization:

User-Defined Code


MARKUP - AC30 (Address Book)

Address Book ICMS Substitution Markup Level Indicator

Set up to indicate the ICMS Substitution Markup level of a customer or supplier.

N: Do not print markup.

Y: Print free-zone markup.

NATUR - SRP6 (Item/Branch)

Item Nature Indicator

Set up to link the item category code that is selected to represent the item nature in the Brazilian localization.

1: Manufactured product (Brazil)

2: Purchased product (Brazil)

AZONE - SRP8 (Item/Branch)

Free-Zone Discount Indicator

Set up to indicate whether free-zone discounts apply to an item.

*: Default Markup (Brazil)

111: Supermarket (BR)

Tax Code (76/CT)

Set up tax codes to identify the taxes that apply to the specific business needs. For example, you can set up these codes:


Description 01




Pay ICMS and IPI


Pay ICMS, exempt IPI


Exempt ICMS, pay IPI


Exempt ICMS and IPI

These codes should match the codes in the F7617B table.

GL/Class Code Cross-Reference (76/GL)

You must set up UDC table (76/GL) for Brazilian tax accounting. When you set up the GL/Class Code Cross-Reference UDC, complete the Codes field by entering the first three characters of the tax name followed by four characters that represent the GL class of the item or service at the branch/plant level.

This table displays examples of GL cross-reference codes that use GL class code IN30:


Description 01

Description 02



ICMS Differential



ICMS Diff - Default



ICMS Tax Amount



ICMS Recoverable



IPI Tax Amount



IPI Recoverable



ICMS Repasse Discount



ICMS Substitution Recoverable



ICMS Substitution Tax Amount



Trade Discount



Expenses - Default



Freight - Default



Insurance - Default



ICMS Tax - Default



IPI Tax - Default



ICMS Subs Amt - Default



ICMS Recov - Default



IPI Recov - Default



ICMS Repasse - Default



ICMS Subs - Default



Trade Discount - Default









PIS Tax - Default



COFINS Tax - Default

ICMS Code - Fiscal Value (76/II)

The fiscal value codes for ICMS tax indicate whether transactions are taxable, exempt, or eligible for a reduced tax rate. You can also use this code to indicate whether the tax can be recovered for a transaction. ICMS fiscal value codes for taxable transactions have a 1 in the Special Handling Code field.

This table displays the ICMS fiscal value codes that are hard-coded for Brazilian localization:


Description 01

Special Handling Code





Exempt or Not Taxable





Item Origin (76/IO)

The origin flag represents the origin of the item. These values are hard-coded for Brazil:


Description 01


Domestic Goods


Foreign Goods - Imported


Foreign Goods - Local Purchase

IPI Code - Fiscal Value (76/IP)

The fiscal value codes for IPI tax indicate whether transactions are taxable, exempt, or eligible for a reduced tax rate. You can also use this code to indicate whether the tax can be recovered for a transaction. IPI fiscal value codes for taxable transactions have a 1 in the Special Handling field.

This table displays the IPI fiscal value codes that are hard coded for Brazilian localization:


Description 01




Exempt or Not Taxable



States That Add IPI/Imported (76/SI)

Set up this UDC to identify which Brazilian states do not add IPI to the ICMS basis of imported products. The UDC codes consists of a two-character abbreviation of the state in the Code field and the full name of the state in the Description 01 field.

ICMS Tax Substitution Markup (76/SM)

Set up this UDC to identify the items to which ICMS Substitution applies. These values are hard-coded in Brazilian localization:


Description 01




Yes, Use List Price


Yes, Use Net Price

Tax Summary (76/ST)

The codes in the Tax Summary UDC (76/ST) represent the type of tax payment that is applied to an item. These values are hard-coded.

This table displays the codes for the Tax Summary UDC:


Description 01


Pay full tax


Pay ICMS and ICMS Sub. Mark Up


Reduced base for tax calculation


Exempt/Not ICMS; pay ICMS substitution




Not taxed






With reduction of base of calculation and ICMS charged previously for substitution tax



Transaction Nature (76/TN)

The algorithm for calculating the ICMS Tax Situation code uses the special handling code in the Transaction Nature UDC (76/TN) to determine the ICMS Tax Situation code when an item is not taxed or has deferred tax. The algorithm then populates the Tax Situation field (data item BST1) with a three-digit tax situation code. You must set up a special handling code of 10 for items that are not taxed, and a code of 01 for items that have deferred tax.

See Setting Up Transaction Nature Codes.

Fiscal Amount Codes - ICMS (76B/CV)

Use these codes to specify how ICMS tax applies to an item. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system provides these codes for this UDC table:


Description 01






Exempt or not taxable




Reduced ICMS (Taxable/Exempt)


Reduced ICMS (Taxable/Exempt)

Fiscal Value Codes - IPI (76B/CW)

Use these codes to specify how IPI tax applies to an item. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system supplies these codes for this UDC table:


Description 01






Not taxable




Reduced IPI (Taxable/Exempt)


Reduced IPI (Taxable/Others)

Services Code (76B/IS)

Set up codes for Imposto sobre Serviços (ISS) taxes. You must set up codes for each type of service for each city of origin for services that appear on a nota fiscal.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Procurement Processing for Brazil

Before you use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system, set up these UDCs.

Average Cost Calculation (40/AV)

Set up this UDC with the programs that the system runs to process taxes during purchase order processing.

This UDC links the base software for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system to the Brazil localization. You must add this code to the UDC table:


Description 01

Description 02


Close nota fiscal


Item Category Code 06 (41/06)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values that the system uses to indicate whether an item is manufactured or purchased. The system uses these values to determine the transaction nature of the item.

G/L Posting Category (41/9)

Set up codes for the general ledger class descriptions for the distribution AAIs. The G/L Posting Category UDC table (41/9) controls which general ledger accounts receive the currency amount of inventory transactions for an item.

Example of codes for Brazil are:


Description 01


ICMS Differential






IPI Tax/IN30


IPI Rec/IN30






ICMS Subs/IN30


Trade Disc/IN30

Category Code Name/Code (76/CN)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC. The system uses the NATUR value in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system.

GL/Class Code Cross-Reference (76/GL)

Set up UDC table 76/GL for Brazilian tax accounting. Brazilian localization uses AAIs 4220 and 4240 in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system, and AAIs 4385 and 4390 in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement system to account for Brazilian taxes, freights, expenses, insurance, and discounts. The system uses these four key fields to associate these AAIs with an account:

When you set up the G/L Code Cross-Reference UDC, complete the fields in the following way

See Understanding the 76/GL UDC Table for PIS/PASEP and COFINS Tax Credits.

Nota Fiscal Source (76/NF)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values that identify different notas fiscais in the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for IN86 and IN89 Tax Reporting

Set up the UDCs described in this section before you process IN86 or IN89 tax reporting.

Document Type - All Documents (00/DT)

You set up document types so that you can identify, group, and process similar transactions.

In addition to the hard-coded document types that are used throughout JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software, you can set up soft-coded document types that are based on the specific business needs. For example, you can set up the document types shown in this table for Brazil:


Description 01


Purchasing nota fiscal


Non Stock nota fiscal


nota fiscal Sales


Ship From nota fiscal Return

You set up special handling codes for the Brazil-specific document types to specify an operation type and to create a cross-reference between the two-character document type that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software uses and the three-character Brazilian document types. The system uses the operation type and the cross-reference when processing records for IN86 and IN89 tax reporting.

You set up the special handling code with three or four characters. The system uses the first character to determine the operation type of the transaction, and uses characters 2, 3, and 4 to determine the Brazil-specific document type. For example, you might set up a document type and special handling codes as shown in this table:


Description 01

Special Handling Code


Purchasing nota fiscal


For IN89 tax processing, you must assign as characters 2, 3, and 4 a document type that appears in the Document Type INSS - Brazil (76B/DT) UDC table.

Note. When you assign a code for a Nota Promissória, you enter NP for characters 2 and 3; leave character 4 blank.

This table describes the values that the system uses when you process records for IN86 or IN89 tax reporting if you do not set up special handling codes for Brazil-specific document types:



Operation Type

The system assigns these values:

  • C for accounts payable vouchers and accounts receivable invoices

  • P for accounts payable payments

  • R for accounts receivable receipts

INSS Document Type

The system assigns these values:

  • The second, third, and fourth positions of the special handling code of the nota fiscal Document Type (00/DT).

  • If the second, third, and fourth positions of the special handling code are blank, the system assigns the nota fiscal document type.

Important! The system does not validate the characters that you enter in the Special Handling Code field. To ensure accurate data for IN86 and IN89 tax reporting, you must ensure that the characters are valid and enter the four characters in the correct order.

Codes - IN68 (76/IN)

Set up the codes that the Codes Table - IN68 (F76B80) uses to validate records in the IN68 work files. When you run any of the IN68 workfile generation programs, the system writes the appropriate code to the Codes Table - IN68 only if the code exists in the 76/IN UDC.

Purchase Use (76/PU)

Set up purchase use codes to identify how the item being purchased will be used, or in some instances, to specify the type of transaction. The purchase use of the item determines the tax recoverability of the item. For example, you can set up codes to identify purchases as:


Description 01

Description 02

Special Handling Code






Fixed Assets




Purchase Internal Consumption




Packaging Products




Individual - Retention and Aggregation




Individual - Retention only




Raw Materials




Purchase for Resale







Note. These codes are user-defined, except for CON and AF. Both CON and AF are hard-coded in the system.

The system uses the first four characters in the Special Handling Code field to determine the tax recoverability of the purchased item. Use position 1 for IPI tax and position 2 for ICMS tax. Position 3 is reserved for future use. For positions 1, 2, and 3, enter 1 for recoverable and 0 (zero) for nonrecoverable taxes.

The system uses position 4 of UDC table 76/PU for items that are purchased for manufacturing or purchased for resale. The fourth position determines the suggested Transaction Nature code for those companies to which ICMS Substitution applies. Enter 1 in position 4 when buying or transferring items for manufacturing purposes. Enter 2 in position 4 when buying or transferring items for resale purposes.

See Setting Up UDCs for Supplier Withholding for Brazil.

Cancel Situation (76B/CS)

You use the Cancel Situation UDC (76B/CS) to specify whether a transaction was canceled. The values shown in this table are hard-coded:




Not canceled



Packing Materials (76B/EM)

Set up codes to identify the packing materials that appear on notas fiscais. For example, you can set up the codes shown in this table:









Freight Mode (76B/FM)

You use the Freight Mode UDC (76B/FM) to specify the method of freight. The values shown in this table are hard-coded:




Cost, Insurance, Freight


Free on Board

Inventory Status (76B/IV)

You use the Inventory Status UDC (76B/IV) to specify the ownership and location of inventory. The values shown in this table are hard-coded:




Company stock held by company


Company stock held by company


Company stock held by others


Other's stock held by company

Fiscal Messages/Observations (76B/M1)

Set up codes for messages that will appear in the fiscal books and on IN68 reports. When you enter the codes in certain processing options for fiscal books or IN68 reports, the system prints the message that is associated with the code on the report or fiscal book.

Nota Fiscal Document Model (76B/MD)

You use the Nota Fiscal Document Model UDC (76B/MD) to specify the model of the nota fiscal that you used for the transaction. For example, you might set up these values:




Normal nota fiscal


Transportation nota fiscal


Freight Note - Road


Freight Note - Water


Freight Note - Air


Freight Note - Rail


Communication Service NF


Telecommunication Service NF

Merchandise Movement (76B/MM)

You use the Merchandise Movement UDC (76B/MM) to specify when merchandise is moved from one location to another. The values shown in this table are hard-coded:







Nature of Document Type - BR (76B/ND)

You use the Nature of Document Type - BR UDC (76B/ND) to specify whether the transaction was completed by using a nota fiscal. The values shown in this table are hard-coded:




Internal Document


Fiscal Document

End Items (76B/PA)

Set up codes to identify the type of end items that you ship. For example, you can set up these codes:







Raw Materials (76B/SC)

Set up codes to represent the types of raw materials that you use. For example, you could set up the codes as shown in this table:


Description 01


Paper Pulp




Copper Sulfate

Storage Control Document Type (76B/SD)

You use the Storage Control Document Type UDC (76B/SD) to specify the type of operation. The values shown in this table are hard-coded:




Nota fiscal


Service order



Merchandise Movement (76B/MM)

You use the Merchandise Movement UDC (76B/MM) to specify when merchandise is moved from one location to another. The values shown in this table are hard-coded:







End Items (76B/PA)

Set up codes to identify the type of end items that you ship. For example, you can set up these codes:







Raw Materials (76B/SC)

Set up codes to represent the types of raw materials that you use. For example, you could set up the codes as shown in this table:


Description 01


Paper Pulp




Copper Sulfate

Storage Control Document Type (76B/SD)

You use the Storage Control Document Type UDC (76B/SD) to specify the type of operation. The values shown in this table are hard-coded:




Nota fiscal


Service order



Volume Type (76B/VT)

You use the Volume Type UDC (76B/VT) to specify the type of container for bulk items. For example, you might set up the values as shown in this table:


Description 01







Business Unit Reporting Code 30 (00/01 - 00/30)

The Generate ICMS Magnetic Files - Sintegra program (R76B201) and the IN86-Filter for Inventory Records program (R76B100B) require that you set up a branch/plant category code with values to store inventory status information. For example, you might set up UDC 00/30 as the Business Unit Reporting Code 30 UDC.

The Branch/Plant (Business Unit) Category Code processing option uses the Business Unit Reporting Code 30 to determine how to process inventory records.

This table shows the valid values for the Business Unit Reporting Code 30 UDC:




Prod./ownership is Company


Prod./ownership is Company


Prod. at Supp./Company owns


Prod at Co./Supplier owns

After you set up a UDC category code with the Business Unit Reporting Code 30 values, you must associate a value from the UDC to the business units for which you report IN86, IN89, or ICMS data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Electronic Tax Reporting

Before you work with electronic tax reporting for Brazil, you must set up these UDCs:

Type Code (01/W0)

The system uses the values in this UDC for all address book records that you process.

You set up this UDC table for electronic tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006 and Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007.

Item Category Codes (70/C1 – 70/C5)

Set up item category codes 70/C1 – 70/C5 to add information about the items that you must report in register 0200 of block 0 according to Ato Cotepe 11 of 2007.

Set up the category codes as shown in this table:

Category Code

Used For


Item type


Mercosur code


EX code


Item generic code


Service code

Consider changing the name of the category codes to a name that is meaningful and relates to the usage of the category code. For example, consider changing the name of 70/C1 from Item Category Code 70 C1 to Item Type. Then, add the values for item types in the Codes field of the category code.

You set processing options in the Item Master Additional Info program (P704101) to identify the category codes for which the system enables you to select values to associate with items. The system writes the values that you associate with the items to register 0200 of block 0 when you run the Ato Cotepe 11 - Block 0 Items program (R76B0701).

Activity Code (76B/AC)

Set up the Activity Code UDC table with values that the system uses to complete the IND_ATIV field for block 0, register 0000 for tax reporting according to the requirements of Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007. You select a value from this UDC table when you complete the processing options for the Ato Cotepe 11 Constant Setup program (P76B0715).

Examples include:







Process Block Status (76B/BS)

The system provides hard-coded values to indicate the status of the blocks that you process. The system uses these values when you report taxes electronically according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006 and Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007.

Verify that these values exist in your system:




Not selected









Centralized Bookkeeping (76B/CB)

The system uses the values in this UDC table when you generate the block 0 registers to identify whether the reporting company uses centralized bookkeeping. The system uses this UDC table for tax reporting according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006.

Set up these values in the 76B/CB UDC table:




Without centralized bookkeeping


Owner of centralized bookkeeping


With centralized bookkeeping

NFe IBGE Country Code (76B/CD)

Set up values in this UDC table for the country codes that you use when submitting NFe XML files for processing. The system uses the values that you set up in the Legal Company Information section of the XML file. Set up the 2-digit country code in the Codes field, the country name in the Description 01 field, and the 4-digit country code in the Description 02 field.

The system also uses this value in field 4 (COD_PAIS) of register 0150 in block 0 when you report taxes according to the requirements of Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007.

For example, you might set up this value:


Description 01

Description 02





Set up the ATO COTEPE 11 COD SIT Xref UDC table to create a cross-reference between the XML document statuses that the system assigns to processed electronic notas fiscais (NFe) and the numerical codes that the government requires for the Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007 file.

The NFe process uses alphabetical codes, but the Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007 file must include a numerical code to show the status. Therefore, you set up this UDC table with the numerical value in the Special Handling Code field for each of the alphabetical status codes that are used in the NFe process. The system writes the value from the Special Handling Code field to the Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007 file for the associated alphabetical codes that the system stored in the NFe Header table (F76B01TE) when you uploaded the returned NFe.

Examples of codes include:



Special Handling Code











Set up values in the ATO COTEPE 11 COD MOD Xref UDC table to create a cross-reference between the codes that the system uses in the NFe process with the codes that the government requires in the Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007 file.

When you generate electronic notas fiscais, the system uses alphabetic codes for electronic notas fiscais for national or Saõ Paulo transactions, and for notas fiscais for the telephone industry. The system stores these values in the NFe Header table (F76B01TE).

The Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007 file must include numeric values for these types of notas fiscais, so you must set up this UDC to cross-reference the alphabetic code to the required numeric codes. Enter the alphabetic code in the Codes field, and enter the numeric code in the Special Handling Code field. The system writes the value in the Special Handling Code field to the Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007 registers for the associated values that were stored for the notas fiscais in the F76B01TE table.

Examples of codes include:



Special Handling Code


Electronic nota fiscal (national)



Electronic nota fiscal (Saõ Paulo)



Electronic nota fiscal telephone industry


Code of Purpose (76B/CO)

Set up the purpose codes that are supplied by the government to specify the purpose of your tax reporting submittal. The system uses the values in this UDC table when you process taxes according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006 and Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007.

For example, you might set up these codes:




Regular remittance of file


File substitute's remittance


File remittance with additional data to a file previously sent


File remittance requested by specific citation

Canceled Status (76B/CT)

The system uses the values in this UDC table to search for canceled notas fiscais, and uses these values when you generate block A registers. The system uses the values in this UDC table when you process taxes according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006 and Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007.

These values are hard-coded:




Canceled status 996


Canceled status 997

Fiscal Code (76B/FC)

The system uses the values in this UDC table when you associate fiscal city codes with address book records. You associate the city codes with address book records by using the Supplemental Data program (P00092). Add the city codes for every city for every address book record for which you report data.

The system uses the values in this UDC table when you process taxes according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006.

Input Nota Fiscal Source (76B/IF)

The system uses the values in this UDC table to identify the type of inbound nota fiscal when you generate block A registers. The system uses the values in this UDC table when you process taxes according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006.

These values are hard-coded:




Stand-alone nota fiscal


Complementary nota fiscal


2–way match nota fiscal


3–way match nota fiscal

Output Nota Fiscal Source (76B/OF)

The system uses the values in this UDC table to identify the type of outbound nota fiscal when you generate Block A registers for Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006. The system also uses the values in this UDC table when you process electronic notas fiscais.

These values are hard-coded:




Stand-alone nota fiscal - SO


Complementary nota fiscal - SO


Nota fiscal - SO

Payment Type (76B/PT)

Set up payment types for accounts payable and accounts receivable payments. The system uses these values for field 9 in the Z035 register. The system uses the values in this UDC table when you process taxes according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006.

Set up these payment types:




Domestic currency


Foreign currency




Electronic bank transfer


Fixed asset transfer





Transaction Nature Items (76B/TT)

The system uses the values in this UDC table to identify which transaction nature codes you use for inbound and outbound transactions. Set up values for each transaction nature code that you use. The system uses the values in this UDC table when you process taxes according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006 and Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007.

This table lists examples of codes you might use:




Inbound transaction 111


Inbound transaction 112


Outbound transaction 511


Outbound transaction 512

Indicator of Type (76B/TY)

The system uses the values in this UDC table to identify the type of input when you generate the block 0 registers. The system uses the values in this UDC table when you process taxes according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006.

Set up these values in the 76B/TY UDC table:




Data typed


Import text file


Validation text file

Version of Ato Cotepe (76B/VC)

The J.D. Edwards OneWorld and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides a hard-coded value that you use to specify the version of Ato COTEPE that you use for reporting. The value for reporting according to Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007 is 11.

Code of Layout Reg Government (76B/VL)

Set up this UDC table with the codes supplied by the government to specify the regulation for which you submit your tax records. The system uses the values in this UDC table when you process taxes according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006.

For example, you might set up these codes:




Ato Cotepe 35/05


Ato Cotepe 35/05

Code of Layout Version (76B/VO)

Set up this UDC table with the codes that indicate the version of the layout that you use. The system uses the values in this UDC table when you process taxes according to Ato COTEPE 70 of 2006 and Ato COTEPE 11 of 2007.

For example, you might set up these codes:




Ato Cotepe 35/05, republished in total


Manual of Orientation republished in total

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Electronic Notas Fiscais

Before you process electronic notas fiscais (NFe), set up these UDC tables:

XML Error Code (70/EC)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. The system uses these values to specify the error in the XML file when you run the XML Inbound Transaction Process program (R70XMLI1). Examples are:




XML Functions not available


XML Document not available


Failed to re-write XML file

XML Elements Names (70/EN)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides one hard-coded value for this UDC table. The system uses this value in the XML Transaction Review program to prevent an internal error. You do not set up any additional values for this UDC table.

Transaction Group (70/TG)

The system assigns a transaction group of BRNFE to transactions that are processed by the Nota Fiscal Elec. - Outbound program. You can use this assigned transaction group to locate in the F70XMLZ1 table the NFe transactions. You use the transaction group as selection criteria when you purge records from the F70XMLZ1 table.

XML Transaction Version (70/TV)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values in this UDC table. The system uses these values to identify which version of the PO Transaction BRNFSP (P76BX001) or PO Transaction BRNFNA (P76BX002) the system uses to process inbound transactions for São Paulo (P76BX001) and non-São Paulo (P76BX002) transactions.

When the third-party software writes records to the F70XMLZ1 table, it assigns a transaction type of BRNFI-NA (Brazil nota fiscal inbound - national) or BRNFI-SP (Brazil nota fiscal inbound - São Paulo), and assigns a status code of A (accepted), C (cancelled), E (error), R (rejected), or D (denied). The system uses these transaction types and statuses to determine which version of the PO Transaction BRNFSP program or the PO Transaction BRNFNA program to run. The codes in the Codes field cannot be changed, but you can change the version number in the Description 02 field to run different versions of either the PO Transaction BRNFSP program or the PO Transaction BRNFNA program. For example, you might set up one version of the PO Transaction BRNFNA program to process accepted electronic notas fiscais so that the system changes the status of the nota fiscal according to the order activity rules, and set up a different version of the PO Transaction BRNFNA program for electronic notas fiscais with errors so that the system does not update the status using the order activity rules.

Hard-coded values are:


Description 01

Description 02


Inbound Trans. NA Accepted



Inbound Trans. NA Cancelled



Inbound Trans. NA Error



Inbound Trans. NA Rejected



Inbound Trans. SP Accepted



Inbound Trans. SP Cancelled



Inbound Trans. SP Error



Inbound Trans. SP Rejected


Transaction Type (70/TY)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values in this UDC table. The system uses these codes to identify the type of nota fiscal that you enter or retrieve and enables or disables fields for nota fiscais based on the type that you select. The system uses the value in the Special Handling Code field when you automatically process outbound sales transactions.

Values for electronic notas fiscais are:



Special Handling Code


NFe Outbound Transaction



NF Inbound Trans. Classical



NFe Inbound Transaction NA (National)



NFe Inbound Transaction SP (São Paulo)



NF Inbound Trans. Teleph. Ind. (telephone industry)


Nota Fiscal Source (76/NF)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values in this UDC table. These codes are used in the system to identity different types of nota fiscal transactions.

For NFe transactions, the system uses one of these codes, depending on how the nota fiscal for a sales transaction is created:




Stand Alone Nota Fiscal - SO


Complementary Nota Fiscal - SO


Nota Fiscal - SO

NFe IBGE Country Code (76B/CD)

Set up values in this UDC table for the country codes that you use when submitting NFe XML files for processing. The system uses the values that you set up in the Legal Company Information section of the XML file. Set up the 2-digit country code in the Codes field, the country name in the Description 01 field, and the 4-digit country code in the Description 02 field. For example, you might set up this value:


Description 01

Description 02




Fiscal City Code (76B/FC)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values in this UDC table. The system uses the values in this UDC table when you associate fiscal city codes (municipal codes) with address book records. You associate the city codes with address book records by using the Supplemental Data program (P00092). The system uses these values to determine the municipal codes for the addresses reported in the NFe.

Examples of codes are:




Manaus - AM


Recife - PE


Salvador - BA


Rio de Janeiro - RJ

NFe IBGE Neighborhood Code (76B/NE)

The system uses the values in this UDC table when you associate neighborhood codes with address book records. The IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia y Estadistica) is the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. You associate the neighborhood codes with address book records by using the Supplemental Data program (P00092). The system then uses these values to determine the neighborhood codes for the addresses reported in the NFe.

NFe XML Header Elements (76B/HE)

Use this UDC table to set up codes that the system uses to search the XML file in the XML Transaction Review program (P70XMLZ1). You can search the XML file by any of the header elements in the XML file if you set up those elements in this UDC table. When you search the file, you select a value from this UDC table, and then specify the value for the header element.

For example, if you set up the header element CO-MunicipalCode, you could select the element as the element to search and enter the municipal code value for the record that you want to locate. The system would look for the value that you enter within the CO-MunicipalCode element.

Enter the element name in the Description 01 field. You can enter a code in the Codes field and a value in the Description 02 field to make identifying what the element is used for easier.

You can add codes to this UDC table to supplement the hard-coded values provided. Hard-coded values are:


Description 01

Description 02













Input Nota Fiscal Source (76B/IF)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values in this UDC table. The system uses these values when you create a nota fiscal for a purchase transaction. Values are:




Stand-alone Nota Fiscal - PO


Complementary Nota Fiscal - PO


2-Way Match Nota Fiscal - PO


3-Way Match Nota Fiscal - PO

Output Nota Fiscal Source (76B/OF)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values in this UDC table. The system uses these values when you create a nota fiscal for a sales transaction. When you run the Print Nota Fiscal program (R76560B), the system uses these values to determine whether a nota fiscal is for a sales or purchase transaction. Values are:




Stand-alone Nota Fiscal - SO


Complementary Nota Fiscal - SO


Nota Fiscal - SO

NFe Transaction Nature Code (76B/TC)

Set up this UDC table with the transaction nature code for services that you use for inbound and outbound transactions. The system uses the values that you set up here in the service code element for the line number attribute in the XML file. Enter the 3-digit transaction nature code in the Codes field, and enter the 5-digit transaction nature code in the Description 02 field. The system completes the Service Code field in the detail area of the XML file with the value from the Description 02 field.

Transaction Nature Items (76B/TT)

Set up this UDC table with the transaction nature codes for items that you use for inbound and outbound transactions. The system uses the values that you set up here in the product type element for the line number attribute in the XML file. If the system finds the transaction nature code in this UDC table, it assumes that the transaction is for goods. If the transaction nature codes do not exist in this UDC table, then the system assumes that the transaction is for services.

This table shows examples of values that you might set up:




Inbound Item TN 111


Inbound Item TN 112


Outbound Item TN 512


Outbound Item TN 571

NFe IBGE UF Code (76B/UF)

Use this UDC table to associate geographic locations with the Federation Unit (UF) codes established by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia y Estadistica [IBGE]). When you set up this UDC table, enter the geographic location in the Description 01 field, enter the alphabetic characters in the Codes field, and enter the numeric characters provided by the IBGE in the Description 02 field. The system prints the codes that you enter in the Description 02 field in the UF code fields in the detail section of the outbound XML file.

For example, you might set up these UDC values:


Description 01

Description 02


Rio Grande Du Sur



Sao Pablo


Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for Tax Processing for Brazil

Set up these AAIs for Brazilian transactions:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Next Numbers for Brazil

This section provides an overview of next numbers for Brazil and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Next Numbers for Brazil

You must set up next numbers for notas fiscais, electronic GIAs, and fiscal books to correctly process sales information for Brazil.

Next Numbers for Notas Fiscais

You set up temporary next numbers for notas fiscais in the standard software Next Numbers program (P0002). The system uses the temporary next numbers when you run the Generate Nota Fiscal program (R76558B). After you review the temporary numbers for notas fiscais and make any necessary corrections, you run the Print Nota Fiscal program (R76560B) to generate the nota fiscal that accompanies merchandise or services. The Print Nota Fiscal program prints on the nota fiscal a next number from the block of nota fiscal numbers that are assigned to a company by the government. You set up the block of numbers in the Next Numbers - Nota Fiscal program (P7600B).

Note. If you use the electronic nota fiscal process to obtain numbers for notas fiscais, you do not need to set up next numbers in the P7600B program.

See (BRA) Using Electronic Notas Fiscais.

Next Numbers for Electronic GIAs

You set up next numbers for electronic GIAs by completing the tenth next numbering position. The system uses the next number as part of the String Key field data item GISTR) when you run the Extract GIA program (R76B130) or when you manually create a new GIA.

Next Numbers for Fiscal Books

Each type of fiscal book that you generate must be sequentially numbered and can contain no more than 500 pages. You use the Fiscal Books Next Number program (P7602B) to specify the book number, the starting page number, and the maximum number of pages for each book.

Next Numbers for Remessa

Remessa is the remittance process for accounts receivable in which you send customer account information to a bank through an electronic media or the internet for collection purposes. After the bank receives the customer account information, the bank sends the customer a collection document called a boleto. The boleto indicates the amount that is owed to you. The customer uses the boleto to determine the amount that must be remitted to you.

You must set up next numbers in system 76 for remessa so that each transaction that you send to the bank is uniquely identified.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Next Numbers for Brazil

Form Name




Nota Fiscal Next Number Revision


Brazilian Localization Setup (G76B41B), Next Number - Nota Fiscal

On the Work With Nota Fiscal Next Numbers form, click Add.

Set up next numbers for nota fiscal numbers, which are assigned by the government.

Set Up Next Numbers by System


In the Fast Path field, enter nn.

On the Work With Next Numbers form, select system 76B.

Set up next numbers for electronic GIAs.

Fiscal Books Next Number Revision


Brazilian Localization Setup (G76B41B), Next Number - Fiscal Books

Click Add on Work With Fiscal Books Next Number.

Specify the book number, the starting page number, and the maximum number of pages for fiscal books.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Next Numbers for Notas Fiscais

Access the Nota Fiscal Next Number Revision form.

Fiscal Company

Enter the company in which to set up next numbers for notas fiscais.

NF Document Type (nota fiscal document type)

Enter a value from UDC table 00/DT that identifies the origin and purpose of a transaction. The prefix for sales order documents is S.

NF Series (nota fiscal series)

Enter a two-character number that along with the nota fiscal next number identifies a nota fiscal. This field is the second key that the system uses to access a specific nota fiscal.

Nota Fiscal Next Number

Enter a six-character number that identifies a nota fiscal. This number consists of the nota fiscal next number and the nota fiscal series.

Number of Detail Lines per Page

Enter the maximum number of lines that can be printed in the detail section of the nota fiscal.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Next Numbers for Electronic GIAs

Access the Set Up Next Numbers by System form.

Next Number

For the tenth position (GIA Sequence) under the Use column, enter a next number in the corresponding Next Number field.

The system uses this next number as part of the String Key field (data item GISTR) when you create a new GIA manually or by running the Extract GIA program (R76B130).

Check Digit Used

Do not select this check box for electronic GIAs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up Next Numbers for Fiscal Books

Access the Fiscal Books Next Number Revision form.

Report Type

Enter a UDC (76/FB) from the Fiscal Book Code table that identifies the type of fiscal book.

Book Number

Enter the next number that the system uses to automatically assign numbers. Next numbers can be used for many types of documents; they include voucher numbers, invoice numbers, journal entry numbers, employee numbers, address numbers, and so on. You must adhere to the next numbers that have been preestablished unless custom programming is provided.

Next Page Number

Enter the number of the page that follows the opening statement. The system automatically inserts the opening statement beginning on page one.

Maximum Number of Pages

Enter the maximum number of pages in the fiscal book. Brazilian government regulations limit the size of a fiscal book to 500 pages.

Print Date

Review the date that the fiscal book is printed. This value is system-assigned.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Address Book Additional Information - Brazil (P01012BR)

These processing options specify whether the system validates, allows duplicates for, and displays error or warning messages for CGC and CPF numbers. You can also specify whether the system validates the state tax ID in address book records.


1. CGC Error or Warning

Specify whether the system displays a warning or an error message when you enter a duplicate or erroneous CGC (Cadastro Geral de Contribuintes) number. Values are:

Blank: Display a warning message.

1: Display an error message.

2. CPF Error or Warning

Specify whether the system displays a warning or an error message when an erroneous or duplicate CPF number is entered. Values are:

Blank: Display a warning message.

1: Display an error message.

3. Duplicate CGC Number

Specify whether the system allows duplicate CGC numbers. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow duplicate CGC numbers.

1: Allows duplicate CGC numbers.

4. Duplicate CGC Error or Warning

Specify whether the system checks for duplicate or erroneous CGC numbers. If the Duplicate CGC Numbers processing option has a value of blank, the system does not allow duplicate CGC numbers. Values are:

Blank: The system generates an error for duplicate CGC numbers.

1: The system allows duplicate CGC numbers.

5. Duplicate CPF Numbers

Specify whether the system allows duplicate CPF numbers. Values are:

Blank: Allow duplicate CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) numbers.

1: Do not allow duplicate CPF numbers.

6. Duplicate CPF Error or Warning

Specify whether the system checks for duplicate or erroneous CPF numbers. If the Duplicate CPF Numbers processing option has a value of blank, the system does not allow duplicate CPF numbers. Values are:

Blank: The system generates an error for duplicate CPF numbers.


The system does not allow duplicate CPF numbers.

7. Duplicate State Tax ID Numbers

Specify whether the system allows duplicate state tax ID numbers. Values are:

Blank: The system does not allow duplicate state tax ID numbers.

1: The system does allow duplicate state tax ID numbers.

8. Duplicate State Tax ID Error or Warning

Specify whether the system displays an error or warning message when you enter a duplicate state tax ID. Values are:

Blank: The system displays an error message when a duplicate state tax ID is entered.

1: The system displays a warning message when you enter a duplicate state tax ID. This processing option applies when you leave the Duplicate State Tax ID Numbers processing option blank.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Corresponding Versions of Programs for Brazil

Some country-specific functionality requires that you create versions of the same name for a country-specific program and a base software program. For example, to have the system access the processing options for a country-specific voucher program, you might need to set up a version named XYZ for the country-specific voucher program, and a version named XYZ of the Standard Voucher Entry program (P0411).

Set up corresponding versions for these programs:

Brazilian Program

Base Software Program

Sales/Purchase Returns - Brazil (P76B805)

Sales Order Entry (P4210) and Sales Ledger Inquiry (P42025).

Note. Versions ZJDE7003 and ZJDE7004 of the Sales Order Entry program exist in the base software to process sales and purchase returns. Set up versions ZJDE7003 and ZJDE7004 of the Sales Ledger Inquiry and Sales/Purchase Returns – Brazil programs.

See Understanding Sales Order Returns, Reverses, and Cancellations.

P.O. Brazilian Additional Information - Brazil (P4310BR)

Note. If the versions are not the same, P.O. Brazilian Additional Information - Brazil uses version ZJDE0001.

Enter Purchase Orders (P4310)

Sales Order Brazilian Additional Information - Brazil (P4210BR)

Note. If the versions are not the same, Sales Order Brazilian Additional Information - Brazil uses version ZJDE0001.

Sales Order Entry (P4210)

Stand Alone Nota Fiscal (P7611B) and Generate Nota Fiscal (R76558B)


Address Book Additional Information - Brazil (P01012BR)

Address Book Revisions (P01012)

Brazilian Payment Process - PO (P76B470)

Create Payment Control Groups (R04570)

Nota Fiscal Receipts - Brazil (P4312BR)

PO Receipts (P4312)

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Opening and Closing Terms for Fiscal Books for Brazil

This section provides and overview of opening and closing terms and discusses how to add opening or closing terms for fiscal books.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Opening and Closing Terms

Before writing any fiscal book, you must include the opening term and the closing term for the book on the first and last pages of the book, respectively.

The opening term of the book should include this information:

These examples of an opening term and a closing term were taken from Departmento Fiscal Modelo (Ribeiro, Wanderlei Ban, São Paulo: Informações Objetivas Publicações Jurídicas Ltda., 1994, pp.1-2 in the section titled IV-Dos Livros Fiscais). This model is an opening term:

Termo de Abertura

Este livro que servirá como Diário Geral, n° 3, contém 200 folhas, numeradas tipograficamente, da São José Ltda., sita na Rua São Joaquim, 33, na Cidade de Cruz Torta-SP, registrada na Junta Comercial sob o n° 456378957, na seção de 23.12.66, inscrita no Cadastro Geral de Contribuintes sob o n° 56.678.978/0001-90 e na Fazenda Estadual sob o n° 122.345.234.111.

The closing term contains the:

This model is a closing term:

Termo de Encerramento

O presente livro serviu como Diário Geral, n° 3, com 200 folhas, numeradas tipograficamente, da São José Ltda.

Both the opening and closing terms should contain the date and signature of the business owner and the business accountant.

Use these variables if you want the system to enter default values into the opening or closing terms:

You enter the opening and closing terms in the Media Object form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Set Up Opening and Closing Terms

Form Name




Fiscal Books - Work With Fiscal Books Next Number


Brazilian Localization Setup (G76B41B), Next Number - Fiscal Books

Select a record, click either Opening Statement or Closing Statement, and then select Opening Statement or Closing Statement from the Row menu.

Add an opening or closing statement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding an Opening or Closing Statement

Access the Fiscal Books - Work With Fiscal Books Next Number form.

  1. Click Find to view available records, and then select a record.

  2. To add an opening or closing statement to the fiscal book, select Opening Statement or Closing Statement from the Row menu.

  3. On Fiscal Books - Opening Statement or Fiscal Books - Closing Statement, click OK.

  4. On Media Object Viewer, click Text, enter the opening or closing statement, and then click Save.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Cross-Reference for Transaction Nature Codes for Brazil

This section provides an overview of cross-references for transaction nature codes and discusses how to set up a cross-reference.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cross-References for Transaction Nature Codes

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne uses 3 digits for transaction nature codes. Some states in Brazil require a 5-digit code. You can use the Setup Transaction Nature Cross Reference program (P76B2001) to create a cross-reference between the standard 3-digit codes in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software the 5-digit codes that are required for Brazil. You set up the cross-references by company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up a Cross-Reference

Form Name




CFOP Cross Reference - [Work With CFOP Cross References]


Fiscal Reports - Brazil (G76B111), Setup Transaction Nature Cross Reference

Access forms to set up cross-references.

CFOP Cross Reference - [CFOP Cross References]


Click Add on Work With CFOP Cross References.

Add a cross-reference between a 3-digit and a 5-digit transaction nature code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Cross-Reference for Transaction Nature Codes

Access the CFOP Cross References form.


Enter a 3-character code that for tax purposes, identifies a type of transaction. To enter values for the transaction nature code, use this convention: X.YY where X defines the origin of the transaction (inbound or outbound), and YY defines the transaction as a whole, such as a sales transaction. Values for X are:

1: Inbound, inside the state.

2: Inbound, other states.

3: Inbound, import.

5: Outbound, inside state.

6: Outbound, other states.

7: Outbound, export.

Examples of transaction nature codes:

511: In-state sale.

611: Out-of-state sale.


Complete this 2-character field in conjunction with the transaction nature code to identify the complementary implications of a type of transaction. For example, the suffix might indicate that a certain type of transaction represents an inventory change, or that a transaction is eligible for a certain type of tax.

Values might include:

01: Bonus

02: Demo

03: Sample

04: Return merchandise

05: Back order

06: Donation

Examples of transaction nature codes with suffixes are:

511 01: In-state sale, bonus.

511 05: In-state sale, back order.


Use this 3-character code to indicate different types of transactions for tax purposes. To enter values for the transaction nature code, use the convention: X.YY where X defines the origin of the transaction (inbound or outbound) and YY defines the transaction as a whole, such as a sales transaction.

Values for X are:

1: Inbound, inside the state.

2: Inbound, other states.

3: Inbound, import.

5: Outbound, inside state.

6: Outbound, other states.

7: Outbound, export.

Examples of transaction nature codes (values for YY) include:

511: In state sale.

611: Out of state sale.

Effective Date

Enter the date on which you confirm that a specific order line was shipped.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Company and Branch/Plant Cross-References for Brazil

This section provides an overview of company and branch/plant cross-references for Brazil and discusses how to set them up.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Company and Branch/Plant Cross-References for Brazil

In Brazil, the government requires every business unit (branch/plant) that belongs to a fiscal company to have a separate tax identification number. For reporting purposes, the government requires companies to verify that every business unit is assigned to only one fiscal company.

To associate business units with a fiscal company and prevent assigning the same business unit to more than one fiscal company, you set up fiscal company and branch/plant cross-references. You must set up a cross-reference for each branch/plant. You might need to complete the steps several times if you have more than one cross-reference.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Set Up Company and Branch/Plant Cross-References

Form Name




Fiscal Company/Branch Plant Revision


Brazilian Localization Setup (G76B41B), Fiscal Company/Branch Plant

On the Work with Fiscal Company/Branch Plant form, click Add.

Set up company and branch/plant cross-references for Brazil.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Company and Branch/Plant Cross-References for Brazil

Access the Fiscal Company/Branch Plant Revision form.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Payment Formats for Brazil

This section provides an overview of payment formats for Brazil and discusses how to set up processing options for:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payment Formats for Brazil

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides these payment formats for Brazil:




Print Automatic Payments - Check & Bordero - Brazil


Print Automatic Payments - Bordero Money Transfer


Print Automatic Payments - Check - Brazil


Print Automatic Payments - Bordero with Boleto - Brazil

Additionally, you can set up payment formats in the Dynamic Formatter program (P76B474).

See (BRA) Setting Up Electronic Banking.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Print Automatic Payments - Check & Bordero - Brazil (R04572CB1)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Translation Program

Enter 1 to use the standard program to translate payment amounts from numbers to words. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the X76500BR translation program. All checks are printed in Portuguese.



Specify the opening terms message.

First Line Size

Specify the size of the first line of the print format. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the maximum value of 98.

Second Line Size

Specify the size of the second line of the print format. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the maximum value of 98.

Convert Decimals

Enter 1 to suppress the conversion of the value after the decimal into words.

Check Number

Enter 1 to print the check number.


Specify the company whose description you want to print on the bordero.


Enter 1 to print the GL date on the check. Leave this processing option blank to print the system date on the check.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Print Automatic Payments - Bordero Money Transfer - Brazil (R04572DB)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Translation Program

Enter 1 to use the standard program to translate payment amounts from numbers to words. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the X76500BR translation program. All checks are printed in Portuguese.



Specify the opening terms message.

First Line Size

Specify the size of the first line of the print format. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the maximum value of 98.

Second Line Size

Specify the size of the second line of the print format. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the maximum value of 98.

Convert Decimals

Enter 1 to suppress the conversion of the value after the decimal into words.

Check Number

Enter 1 to print the check number.


Specify the company whose description is to print on the bordero.


Enter 1 to print the GL date on the check. Leave this processing option blank to print the system date on the check.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Print Automatic Payments - Check - Brazil (R04572DB1)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Address Format (Future)

This processing option is not used.


Translation Program

Enter 1 to use the standard program to translate payment amounts from numbers to words. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the X76500BR translation program. All checks are printed in Portuguese.


First Line Size and Second Line Size

Enter the size of the first line or the second line of the print format. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the maximum value of 98.

Convert Decimals

Enter 1 to suppress the conversion of the value after the decimal into words.


Company Name

Specify the company whose description is to print on the payment.

Payee Name and Payee Address

Enter 1 to print the payee name or the payee address on the check.

Purchase Order

Enter 1 to print the purchase order number on the stub instead of the supplier invoice number.


Check Type

Enter 1 to print a standard check. Enter 2 to print the check without a stub or attachment.

Check Number

Enter 1 to print the check number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Print Automatic Payments - Bordero with Boleto - Brazil (R04572RB)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Translation Program

Enter 1 to use the standard program to translate payment amounts from numbers to words. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the X76500BR translation program. All checks are printed in Portuguese.



Specify the opening terms message.

First Line Size and Second Line Size

Specify the size of the first line or the second line of the print format. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the maximum value of 98.

Convert Decimals

Enter 1 to suppress the conversion of the value after the decimal into words.


Specify the company whose description is to print on the bordero.


Enter 1 to print the GL date on the check. Leave this processing option blank to print the system date on the check.