(GBR) Setting Up CIS

This chapter provides an overview of setup for Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) processing and discusses how to:

Note. After you install the programs for the construction industry scheme that is in effect beginning April 2007, your system will display two menu structures; one for the new scheme and one for the scheme that you use for transactions prior to April 2007. To access the programs for the new scheme, use the G74U04xx menus. Use the G74U02xx menus to access programs for the previous scheme.

See Also

Understanding the CIS

Setting Up UDCs for CIS

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Setup for CIS Processing

To set up the system for CIS processing, you must:

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Before completing the tasks in this chapter, verify that the Localization Country Code field in the User Profile Revisions program (P0092) is set to UK (United Kingdom).

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Address Book Information for Subcontractors

This section provides an overview of the information required for subcontractors and discusses how to enter address book information for subcontractors.

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In addition to the standard information that you enter for suppliers, when you set up address book information for subcontractors:

Legal Subcontractors and Trade Subcontractors

You might need to set up more than one supplier as a single subcontractor. When you need to generate purchase orders, vouchers, and payments to more than one supplier for a single subcontractor, you can associate a trade subcontractor to a legal subcontractor. The legal subcontractor is registered with the HMRC; the trade subcontractor is not registered.

For example, suppose ABC Subcontracting Company is registered with the HMRC. A UTR, company registration number, and National Insurance Number (NINO) exists for ABC Subcontracting. Suppose further that ABC Subcontracting has a branch office (ABC North) that supplies some of the labor for projects. In this scenario, you would:

System Validations

The system validates the following information in the Address Book Additional Information program:

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Form Name




Address Book Revisions


Daily Processing (G0110), Address Book Revisions

Click Add on the Work With Addresses form.

Complete address book information for the subcontractor.

Subcontractor Information


Click OK on the Address Book Revisions form.

Complete the required CIS information for the subcontractor, including the Unique Tax Reference number, the National Insurance Number, and the Company Registration Number.

You also use this form to specify whether the subcontractor is a legal subcontractor (registered with the HMRC) or a trade subcontractor.

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Access the Subcontractor Information form.

Legal SC (legal subcontractor)

When creating a record for a trade subcontractor, enter the address book number of the company that is the legal subcontractor for the trade subcontractor. When you complete this field, the system disables the remaining fields on the Subcontractor Information form.

Unique Tax Reference

Enter the 10-character tax reference number.

National Insurance Number

Enter the subcontractor’s national insurance number in the format of AANNNNNNA, where A is an alpha character and N is a numeric character. The first alpha character must other than D, F, I, Q, U, or V. The second alpha character must be other than D, F I, O, Q, U, or V. The last character must be A, B, C, D, or blank.

Company Registration Number

Enter the 8-digit company registration number. The number you enter must include at least one numeric character.

SC Business Type (subcontractor business type)

Enter a value from the 74U/SB UDC table to specify the business type of the subcontractor. Values are:

  • Sole trader

  • Partnership

  • Trust

  • Company

Acting For

Enter the name of the employee who acts for the subcontracting company, such as an accountant who receives payment on behalf of the company.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up CIS System Constants for Great Britain

This section provides an overview of CIS system constants, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to set up CIS constants.

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CIS system constants provide the basic framework for how the CIS operates for your business needs. These parameters enable you to:

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Set up these category codes:

See Also

Entering Supplier Master Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Set Up CIS System Constants

Form Name




Construction Industry Scheme Constants


System Setup (G74U0440), CIS System Constants

Set up CIS constants.

Activate the Construction Industry Scheme.

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Access the Construction Industry Scheme Constants form.

CIS System Constants

Activate Construction Industry Scheme

Select this check box to activate the scheme.

CIS Default Pay Status

Enter a code from the Payment Status Code (00/PS) UDC. The system uses the code that you enter as the default pay status for CIS subcontractor vouchers that are entered through Voucher Entry (P0411), Speed Voucher Entry (P0411SV), or Voucher Match (P4311).

Address Book Category Code

A/B Category Code (address book category code)

Select one of the address book category codes to identify CIS subcontractors. This option is used in conjunction with the Designated Flag A/B field.

Designated Flag A/B (designated flag address book)

Specify the value that exists in the category code you selected in the A/B Category Code field that indicates that a subcontractor is subject to CIS.

Object Account Category Code

O/A Category Code (object account category code)

Select one of the object account category codes to identify taxable GL accounts that are used to pay CIS subcontractors' labor. This field is used in conjunction with the value in the Designated Flag O/A field.

Designated Flag O/A (designated flag object account)

Specify the value that exists in the category code that you selected in the O/A Category Code field that identifies the taxable G/L accounts that are used to pay CIS subcontractors' labor.

CIS Update

Effective Date From

Enter the date of the scheme that takes effect in 2007 to use the processing logic that applies to that scheme. To use the scheme that is in effect prior to the new, 2007 scheme, do not enter a date for this constant.

CIS End Period Day

Enter the day on which the reporting period ends. For example, if the reporting period ends on the 5th day of the month, enter 5.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up CIS Company Constants

This section provides an overview of the CIS company constants, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to set up CIS company constants.

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Use CIS Company Constants (P74U0101 ) program to enter this information about the contractor:

The UTR consists of a check digit followed by 9 numeric digits. The system validates the first character of the UTR.

The AORef that you enter must be in this format:

The system validates the requirements for the characters entered for the AORef.

The system saves data about the CIS company constants to the CIS Company Constants (F74U0101) table and the CIS Company Constants 2007 Update (F74U0111) table.

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Before you complete the tasks in this section:

See Also

Entering Address Book Records

Setting Up Companies

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Form Name




Work with CIS Company Constants


System Setup (G74U0440), CIS Company Constants

Review and select existing records.

CIS Company Constants Revisions


Click Add on the Work with CIS Company Constants form.

Enter reference numbers for the contractor.

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Access the CIS Company Constants Revisions form.

Contractor Tax Reference

Enter the contractor's unique 13-character CIS tax reference.

Unique Tax Reference

Enter the 10-character tax reference number.

Tax Office Number

Enter the 3-character tax office number.

Tax Office Reference

Enter the tax office reference.