Setting Up Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations

This chapter provides an overview of the setup for advanced variable numerator allocations and discusses how to:

See Also

Processing Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Setup for Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations

Setup programs exist for these types of advanced variable numerator allocations:

The advanced variable numerator method of computing allocations provides the base functionality that is available in the variable numerator method but also supports more complex allocations and enables destination business unit overrides, based on different types of basis ratios. The advanced method computes both direct and indirect allocations and retrieves source and basis amounts for account balance-based allocations from these tables:

To select the source and basis data to use for account balance-based allocations, you create versions of a program and use the data selection to specify the data to retrieve from the F0006, F0901, and F0902 tables. The program that you use to create the versions is called Create Source / Basis Data Selection Versions for Account Balance Based Allocations (R09123B) and is one of the programs that you use to set up advanced variable numerator allocations. The other setup programs are:

The Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Setup program (P09123B) provides a launching point for each of the programs, as shown in this example:

This table describes the setup programs that can be accessed from the Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Setup form:

Program (Program Number)


Create Business Unit Overrides (P09123A)

Use this program to set up overrides for destination business units, based on a specific basis ratio.

Create Source / Basis Data Selection Versions for Account Balance Based Allocations (R09123B)

Use this program to create versions for account balance-based allocations, using the data selection to specify the source and basis. This program retrieves data from these tables:

  • Business Unit Master (F0006)

  • Account Master (F0901)

  • Account Balances (F0902)

Create Source / Basis Data Selection Versions for Burdening Based Allocations (R09123C)

Use this program to create versions for burdening-based allocations, using the data selection to specify the source or basis. This program retrieves data from these tables:

  • Business Unit Master (F0006)

  • Account Master (F0901)

  • Burdening Summarized Ledger (F52G02)

See Setting Up Versions for Burdening-Based Allocations.

Create Source / Basis Pool Grouping Code Data Selection Versions for Burdening Based Allocations (R0948S84)

Use this program to create versions for burdening-based allocations, using the data selection to specify the source or basis. This program retrieves data from the Pool Grouping Code table (F48S84).

See Setting Up Versions for Burdening-Based Allocations.

Create Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Specifications (P09123)

Use this program to set up the specifications for source, basis, destination, and the offset accounts to compute allocations.

The Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Setup form includes navigation to setup programs only, and not the actual programs used to compute advanced variable numerator allocations. Those programs can be accessed from the Advanced Variable Numerator menu (24/G0923).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Burdening-Based Allocations

The advanced variable numerator method of computing burdening-based allocations provides the same functionality that is available in the account balance-based variable numerator method but also supports more complex allocations for labor, cost pools, and burdening. The advanced method computes both direct and indirect allocations and retrieves source and basis amounts for burdening-based allocations from these tables:

To select the source data and the basis data to use for burdening-based allocations, you set up versions of two programs and use the data selection to specify the source and basis accounts to retrieve from the F0006, F0901, and F52G02, tables. The programs that you use to create the versions are:

For burdening-based allocations, you also use these setup programs:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Business Unit Overrides

This section provides an overview of business unit overrides, provides examples, and discusses how to set up business unit overrides.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Business Unit Overrides

With advanced variable numerator allocations, you can compute allocations based on different types of basis ratios, and not just business units. You set up business unit overrides to identify the destination business units that the system uses when it computes allocations for the different types of basis ratios. Setting up business unit overrides allows you to allocate different percentages to different destination business units, based on basis values.

Basis ratios, which are defined in UDC table 09/RT, can be:

These guidelines apply to business unit overrides:

You set up business unit overrides in the Create Business Unit Overrides program (P09123A). Then, in the Advanced Variable Numerator program (P09123), you specify the basis ratio and enter the override name for the destination business unit. When you run the Compute Advanced Variable Numerator program (R09123), the program retrieves the business unit override values from the P09123A program, substitutes those values for the destination business units, and calculates the allocation percentages based on the basis values of the basis ratio.

Note. The R09123 program will end in error if you do not provide a business unit override for each basis value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Business Unit Overrides

Form Name




Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Setup


Advanced Variable Numerator (24/G0923), Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Setup

Navigate to one of the setup programs for the advanced variable numerator allocation.

Work With Business Unit Overrides


On the Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Setup form, click Create Business Unit Overrides.

Review a list of business unit overrides.

Edit Business Unit Overrides


On the Work With Business Unit Overrides form, click Add.

Set up a business unit override.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExample: Business Unit Overrides for Account Balance-Based Allocations

This example shows business unit overrides that are set up for category code 04:

The category code values selected for the basis ratio appear in the Basis Value column. The destination business unit for category code 410 (Denver Branch) is 3 (Central Branch), the destination business unit for category code 420 (London Branch) is 5 (Western Branch), and so on. When you compute allocations, the system retrieves the basis values and their respective percentages and writes the amounts to the destination business units, identified in the Override Business Unit field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExample: Business Unit Overrides for Burdening-Based Allocations

This example shows business unit overrides that are set up for contract type:

The category code values selected for the basis ratio appear in the Basis Value column. The destination business unit for category code C3 (Cost Plus at LOD “3”) is 9 (Corporate Administration), the destination business unit for category code C4 (Cost Plus at LOD “4”) is 9 (Corporate Administration), and so on. When you compute allocations, the system retrieves the basis values and their respective percentages and writes the amounts to the destination business units, identified in the Override Business Unit field.

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Access the Edit Business Unit Overrides form.

Override Name

Enter up to five characters to identify the override business unit.

Basis Ratio

Enter the allocation ratio type from UDC table 09/RT. The hard-coded values are:

01–50: Category codes 01–50

51: Business unit

52: Related business unit

53: Business unit type

54: Contract type (used for burdening-based allocations)

55: Employee pool grouping code (used for burdening-based allocations)

56: Job pool grouping code (used for burdening-based allocations)

Basis Value

Enter the value associated with the basis ratio that you want to override. Depending on the basis ratio, values are:

Category code from UDC table 00/01–00/50.

Business unit from the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

Related business unit from the F0006 table.

Business unit type from UDC table 00/MC.

Contract type code from UDC table 51/CT.

Business unit reporting code from UDC table 00/12.

For example, if the basis ratio is 04, you would enter a value from UDC table 00/04.

Override Business Unit

Enter the business unit that will override, or replace, the basis value.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Versions for Account Balance-Based Allocations

This section provides an overview of version setup for account balance-based allocations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Version Setup for Account Balance-Based Allocations

You must set up different versions of the Create Source / Basis Data Selection Versions for Account Balance Based Allocations (R09123B) to specify the source and basis data to use for your allocations. The R09123B program exists for data selection purposes only; it does not contain any program logic.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides these two default versions of the R09123B program:

You create versions for the R09123B program and specify the source or basis accounts in the data selection. For each allocation, you identify the source and basis versions to use in the Advanced Numerator Allocations program (P09123). Then, when you run the Compute Advanced Variable Numerator program (R09123), the system retrieves the versions that you specify in P09123 and computes the allocations based on data from these tables:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Versions for Burdening-Based Allocations

This section provides an overview of version setup for burdening-based allocations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Version Setup for Burdening-Based Allocations

You must set up different versions of these programs to specify the source and basis data to use for your allocations:

The R09123C and R0948S84 programs exist for data selection purposes only; they do not contain any program logic. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides the following default versions for these programs:


Source Version

Name / Number

Basis Version

Name / Number


Select F52G02 Source


Select F52G02 Basis



Select Source F48S84 Pool Grouping Code


Select Basis F48S84 Pool Grouping Code


You create versions for each of these programs and specify the source and basis accounts in the data selection. For each allocation, you identify these versions in the Advanced Numerator Allocations program (P09123). Then, when you run the Compute Advanced Variable Numerator program (R09123), the system retrieves the versions that you specify in the P09123 program and computes the allocations based on data from these tables:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Specifications for Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations

This section provides overviews of the specifications for advanced variable numerator allocations and the Work With Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations form and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Specifications for Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations

To compute advanced variable numerator allocations, you must set up specifications for the following:

You use the Advanced Variable Numerator Specifications program (P09123) to set up the specifications. This program stores information in the Advanced Variable Numerator table (F09123).

The Print Advanced Variable Numerator Definitions report (R0123A) provides a list of allocations and their source, basis, and destination specifications. The R0123A report reads information from the F09123 table, as well as the Advanced Variable Numerator Business Unit Override table (F09123A).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Specifications for Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations

Form Name




Work With Advanced Variable Numerator


On the Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Setup form, click Create Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Specifications (P09123).

Review a list of allocations.

Specify Advanced Variable Numerator Computation


On the Specify Advanced Variable Numerator Computation form, click Add.

Set up specifications for advanced variable numerator allocations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work With Advanced Variable Numerator Form

After you set up allocations, you can review them on the Work With Advanced Variable Numerator form and perform various functions from the Row and Report menus.

Allocation Type

To limit the type of allocations that appear on the Work With Advanced Variable Numerator form, specify one of these values in the Allocation Type field:

0: Account balance-based allocations.

1: Burdening-based allocations.

Row Menu

The following table describes the programs that you can access from the Row menu on the Work With Advanced Variable Numerator form. Alternatively, you can access some of these programs directly from the Advanced Variable Numerator menu (24/G0923).

Row Menu Selection


Specify Allocation

Accesses the Specify Advanced Variable Numerator Computation form. You can also access this form by clicking Select on the Work With Advanced Variable Numerator form.

Print Specifications

Automatically runs the Print Advanced Variable Numerator Definitions report (R0123A) for the selected allocation.

The R0123A report identifies the allocation and shows the source, basis, destination, and offset specifications.

Change Status

Changes the status of the selected allocation from H (hold) to A (approved) or the reverse.

The system creates journal entries and updates accounts only for approved transactions.

Compute Allocation – Proof

Automatically runs the Compute Advanced Variable Numerator program (R09123) to compute allocations in proof mode for the selected allocation.

Compute Allocation – Final

Automatically runs the R09123 program to compute allocations in final mode for the selected allocation.

Report Menu

The following table describes the programs that you can access from the Report menu on the Work With Advanced Variable Numerator form. Alternatively, you can access these programs from the Advanced Variable Numerator menu (24/G0923).

Report Menu Selection


Compute Allocation

Accesses a list of versions for Compute Advanced Variable Numerator (R09123).

Select a version on the Available Versions form to compute allocations in proof or final mode.

Print Specifications

Access a list of versions for Print Advanced Variable Numerator Definitions (R0123A).

Select a version on the Available Versions form. Use the data selection to select a specific allocation; otherwise, the report prints all allocation specifications.

The R0123A report identifies the allocation and shows the source, basis, and destination specifications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Advanced Variable Numerator (P09123)

The system displays the processing options for P09123 only when you select Advanced Variable Numerator from the Advanced Variable Numerator menu (24/G0923). The processing options do not display when you select the same program (called Create Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Specifications) from the Advanced Variable Numerator Allocation Setup form.



Specify the version of Compute Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations (R09123) to run in proof mode. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version XJDE0001.


Specify the version of Compute Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations (R09123) to run in final mode. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version XJDE0002.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Specifications for an Account Balance-Based Allocation

Access the Specify Advanced Variable Numerator Computation form.

The system will display or hide certain fields on the Specify Advanced Variable Numerator Computation form, based on the allocation type that you select.

Allocation Type

Select the type of allocation:

Account Balance Based Alloc. Computes allocations based on the Account Balances table (F0902).

Burdening Based Alloc. Computes allocations based on the Burdening Summarized Ledger table (F52G02).

See Setting Up the Specifications for a Burdening-Based Allocation.

Note. The fields that appear in this section are based on an account balance-based allocation.

Document Number / Type / Company

Enter a unique combination of values in these fields for each allocation.


Select this tab.

G/L Date

Enter the date in which you want destination and offset transactions to be created.

Stop Date

Enter the date in which the allocation becomes inactive. If you leave this field blank, the allocation is active.

If you enter a date in this field and the G/L Date field is less than the date that you enter, the allocation is active.

If you enter a date in this field and the G/L Date field is greater than or equal to the date that you enter, the allocation is inactive.

Recur Frequency (recurring frequency)

Enter a value from UDC table 09/RQ to identify the frequency of the allocation. Values are:

AN: Annual

MO: Monthly

QT: Quarterly

SA: Semi-annually

WK: Weekly

Posting Group

Enter a number in this field to control the group in which the system computes multitiered allocations; otherwise, leave this field blank.

Enter a number if you have several related allocations and the result of one allocation is to be included in subsequent allocations in the same group.

Posting Sequence

Enter a number in this field to control the sequence in which the system computes multitiered allocations; otherwise, leave this field blank.

1: Tier 1–Regional offices. This tier could identify the rates or percentages in which to allocate the bill among regions A, B, and C.

2: Tier 2–Departments in Region A. This tier could identify rates or percentages in which to allocate the bill for region A among departments X, Y, and Z.


Select this check box to automatically create reversing entries for the transactions. When you run the Compute Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations program, you can override this flag if you do not want to reverse the transactions.

When you post the transaction, the system creates reversing entries for the first or last day of the next month, as specified in the General Accounting Constants.


Select an option to identify whether the allocation is approved or on hold. You can change the status of multiple allocations at the same time on the Work With Advanced Variable Numerator form by selecting Change Status from the Row menu.

Source / Basis

Select this tab.

The following fields appear in the Source Specifications area of the form.

Data Selection

Enter the version of the Select F0902 Source/Basis program (R09123B) to use to select source data from the F0006, F0901, and F0902 tables.

Rate Factor

Enter a number that identifies the index or rate for calculations. The system multiplies the source amounts by this factor to calculate the amounts to distribute. You can specify a positive or negative number and a maximum of eight decimal positions. If you specify more than eight decimal positions, the system rounds to eight positions.

If you specify a large whole number and a large number of decimal positions, the system might not be able to display the entire number. Even though all decimal positions might not be displayed, the system stores up to eight positions correctly in the table.

Note. For annual budgets, you can enter 0 (zero) to remove all balances and start over.

Ledger Type

Enter a valid ledger type for the source records. If you leave this field blank, the system uses AA.

Include Unit Ledger and Unit of Measure

Select the Include Unit Ledger check box to calculate units for the destination and offset journal entries. If you select this check box, you must enter a value from UDC table 00/UM in the Unit of Measure field.

Period Basis

Select the date on which the allocation is based. Values for account balance-based allocations are:

Inception-to-date: The basis is the cumulative balance through the end of the month that you specify in the Special Period field. Inception-to-date allocations include prior month corrections and all postings from prior years.

Month-to-date: The basis is the net posting balance for the current month (fiscal period). Month-to-date allocations do not include prior month corrections in the allocation base.

Month-to-date – Different FY: The basis is the net posting balance for the current month (fiscal period) but the companies can be in different fiscal years, as long as the current fiscal year of the companies is one less, one more, or the same as the current fiscal year of the allocation company.

User specified date: The basis is the cumulative balance between and inclusive of the from and through dates as specified by the user. User-specified date includes the balances of months greater than or equal to the from date and less than or equal to the thru date specified in the processing options of the Compute Advanced Variable Numerator program (R09123).

Year-to-date: The basis is the period-end balance. For profit and loss accounts, this is the sum of all net postings for the year through the end of the month that you specify. For balance sheet accounts, this is the cumulative balance through the end of the month that you specify in the Special Period field. Year-to-date allocations include prior month corrections in the allocation base.

Special Period/Year

The Special Period/Year fields appear only if the period basis is inception-to-date, month-to-date, or year-to-date.

Enter numbers to identify the general ledger period and year to use for based-on amounts. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the current period of the allocation company.

The Special Period/Year fields are hidden if the period basis is:

Month to Date – Different FY. The system uses the current period and current fiscal year of the selected companies. The current fiscal year of the selected companies should be the same, a year less, or a year more than the current fiscal year of the allocation company.

User Specified Date. The system uses the periods and years specified in the processing options for the Compute Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations program (R09123).

The following fields appear in the Basis Specifications area of the form.

Data Selection

Enter the version of the Select F0902 Source/Basis program (R09123B) to use to select basis data and amounts from the F0006, F0901, and F0902 tables.


Enter the code from UDC table 09/RT that specifies the basis ratio to use for calculating the allocation. Values are:

00–50: Category codes 01–50

51: Business Unit

52: Related Business Unit

53: Business Unit Type

Codes 5456: Burdening Transactions.

See Setting Up the Specifications for a Burdening-Based Allocation.

Ledger Type

Enter a valid ledger type for the source records.

Period Basis

Specify the date on which the allocation is based. Values are:

Inception-to-date: The basis is the cumulative balance through the end of the month that you specify in the Special Period field. Inception-to-date allocations include prior month corrections and all postings from prior years.

Month-to-date: The basis is the net posting balance for the month (fiscal period). Month-to-date allocations do not include prior month corrections in the allocation base.

Month-to-date – Different FY: The basis is the net posting balance for the current month (fiscal period) but the companies can be in different fiscal years, as long as the current fiscal year of the companies is one less, one more, or the same as the current fiscal year of the allocation company.

User specified date: The basis is the cumulative balance between and inclusive of the from and thru dates as specified by the user. User specified date includes the balances of months greater or equal to the from date and less than or equal to the thru date specified in the processing options of the Compute Advanced Variable Numerator program (R09123).

Year-to-date: The basis is the period-end balance. For profit and loss accounts, this is the sum of all net postings for the year through the end of the month that you specify. For balance sheet accounts, this is the cumulative balance through the end of the month that you specify in the Special Period field. Year-to-date allocations include prior month corrections in the allocation base.

Special Period/Year

Enter numbers to identify the general ledger period and year to use for based-on amounts. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the current period of the company that you specified.


Select this tab.

The following fields appear in the Destination Accounts area of the form.

Business Unit

The value that appears in the Business Unit field is based on the basis ratio specified on the Source / Basis tab. This field identifies the origin of the destination business unit.

If the basis ratio is business unit, select a value (Basis, Override, Related Business Unit, Source, Specify) from the drop-down list and, if applicable, enter a value in the unlabeled field.

If the basis ratio is business unit type, Override appears in this field and you must enter an override name in the unlabeled field.

If the basis ratio is category code 01–50, Override appears in this field and you must enter an override name in the unlabeled field.

If the basis ratio is related business unit, Related Business Unit appears in this field; no further action is required.

Object Account, Subsidiary, and Type/Subledger

For these fields, select one these options to identify the origin of the destination accounts:

Source: Use the object account, subsidiary, or type/subledger of the source.

Basis: Use the object account, subsidiary, or type/subledger of the basis.

Specify: Use the object account, subsidiary, or type/subledger that you specify in the unlabeled field.

Ledger Type

Specify the ledger type in which to write destination and offset account amounts.

The following fields appear in the Offset Accounts area of the form.

Business Unit, Object Account, Subsidiary, and Type/Subledger

For these fields, select one these options to identify the origin of the offset accounts:

Source. Use the business unit, object account, subsidiary, or type/subledger of the source.

Specify. Use the object account, subsidiary, or type/subledger that you specify in the unlabeled field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Specifications for a Burdening-Based Allocation

This section shows the Specify Advanced Variable Numerator Computation form and describes the fields that are applicable to burdening-based allocations.

The system displays or hides certain fields on the Specify Advanced Variable Numerator Computation form, based on the allocation type that you select.

Allocation Type

Select Burdening Based Alloc to compute allocations based on the Burdening Summarized Ledger table (F52G02).

Source / Basis Tab

Select this tab.

Fields for Burdening-Based Allocations

The following fields appear in both the Source Specifications and Basis Specifications areas.

Data Selection

Enter the source or basis version of the R09123C program to use to select source or basis data from the F0006, F0901, and F52G02 tables.

Period Basis

Select the date on which the allocation is based. Values for burdening-based allocations are:

Month-to-date: The basis is the net posting balance for the current month (fiscal period). Month-to-date allocations do not include prior month corrections in the allocation base.

Month-to-date – Different FY: The basis is the net posting balance for the current month (fiscal period) but the companies can be in different fiscal years, as long as the current fiscal year of the companies is one less, one more, or the same as the current fiscal year of the allocation company.

User specified date: The basis is the cumulative balance between and inclusive of the from and thru dates as specified by the user. User-specified date includes the balances of months later than or equal to the from date and before or equal to the thru date specified in the processing options of the Compute Advanced Variable Numerator program (R09123).

Year-to-date: The basis is the period-end balance. For profit and loss accounts, this is the sum of all net postings for the year through the end of the month that you specify. For balance sheet accounts, this is the cumulative balance through the end of the month that you specify in the Special Period field. Year-to-date allocations include prior month corrections in the allocation base.

Amount Type

Select one of these values:


Alternate Cost.

Pool Grouping Source

Select one of these values:

Employee Pool Grouping Code

Job Pool Grouping Code

If you enter a value in this field, you must also enter a version in the Pool Id / Burden Category Version field.

Pool Id / Burden Category Version

Enter the source or basis version of the R0948S84 program to select source or basis pool grouping codes from the Pool Grouping Code table (F48S84).

If you enter a value in this field, you must also select a value for the Pool Grouping Source field.

Destination Tab

Select this tab.

Fields for Burdening-Based Allocations

The following field appears in the Destination Accounts area.

Business Unit

The value that appears in the Business Unit field is based on the basis ratio specified on the Source / Basis tab. This field identifies the origin of the destination business unit.

If the basis ratio is employee pool, job pool, or contract type, Override appears in this field and you must enter an override name in the unlabeled field.

If the basis ratio is business unit, select a value (Basis, Override, Related Business Unit, Source, Specify) from the drop-down list and, if applicable, enter a value in the unlabeled field.

If the basis ratio is business unit type, Override appears in this field and you must enter an override name in the unlabeled field.

If the basis ratio is category code 01–50, Override appears in this field and you must enter an override name in the unlabeled field.

If the basis ratio is related business unit, Related Business Unit appears in this field; no further action is required.

The following fields appear in the Burdening area.

Alternate Home BU (alternate home business unit)

Enter the number of the business unit in which the employees generally reside. The system retrieves the employee pool grouping code from the Category Code 12 field of the business unit that you enter in this field.

Job Type

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 06/G to identify the job within the organization. You can associate pay and benefit information with a job type and apply the information to employees with that job type.

Job Step

Enter a code from UDC table 06/GS to identify a specific level within the job type.

Job Pool Grouping Code Flag

Select this check box for the system to retrieve the job pool grouping code from the Category Code 12 field of the destination or offset business unit.