
Interface Summary
IEvent Interface for an event.
IEventFilter Interface for filtering out events.
IEventType Interface for an event type.
IFeatures Interface for an features.
IFeatureSet Interface that allows events to grouped together by their characteristics.
IField Interface for describing and accessing an event value.
IProducer Interface for an event producer.
IProgressMonitor Interface for reporting progress when accessing the flight recorder.
IRepository Interface that gives access to an event storage.
ITimeRange Interface for a time range.
ITrack A time-line where events could be place up on.
ITrackGroup A container that holds tracks.
IValues Interface for accessing values belong to the events in a view.
IView Interface that specifies parameters that can be used to filter out events.

Class Summary
FileProvider Abstract base class for providers that can create an IRepository from a File
Provider Abstract base class for providers.
StreamProvider Abstract base class for providers that can create an IRepository from a InputStream

Enum Summary
EventOrder Enumeration that specifies how events should be extracted.
Expansion Enumeration that describes how values should be picked from an iterator.
FieldType Enumeration that describes what kind of data the field carries.
Severity Enumeration that described the severity of a logged message from an IProgressMonitor
TrackType Enumeration that determines how the data in a ITrack looks like.

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