
Interface Summary
IPriorityProvider<Type> Interface that provides a priority for an Iterator.

Class Summary
AlwaysFalseFilter IEventFilter that always returns false.
AlwaysTrueFilter IEventFilter that always returns true
AndFilter Event filter that returns true iff two other filters returns true
ArrayIterator<Type> Iterator that iterates over an array.
EmptyIterator<T> Iterator that never returns any elements.
EndTimeComparator Comparator that orders ranges according to their end time.
EqualsToolkit Helper class for implementing Object.hashCode()
EventValueLookup Figures out which event types that is compatible with certain attributes.
FilteredIterator Event iterator that filters outs event from another iterator
OrderByEndTime IPriorityProvider that orders events by their end time.
OrderByStartTime IPriorityProvider that orders events by their start time.
OrFilter Event filter that return true if at least one of two other filters returns true.
PrintStreamProgressMonitor Simple IProgressMonitor that just write progress information to System.err or System.out, by default.
PriorityIterator<Type> interface that takes an array of k iterators and iterates over them in a prioritized order.
SilentProgressMonitor ProgressMonitor that does not out put any message.
StartTimeComparator Comparator that orders ranges according to their start time.
TimeFilter Filters out event in a time range.
TimeRange Class that represents a range.
TimeRangeToolkit Toolkit for manipulating and formatting ITimeRanges

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