Uses of Class

Packages that use AttributeDescriptor This package contains interfaces for the prototype notification subsystem. This package contains the proxy interfaces for compatibility with previous versions of JRockit. This package contains everything related to the subscription of values. 

Uses of AttributeDescriptor in

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor
 java.lang.Object FlightRecorderCommunicationHelper.getAttribute(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)

Uses of AttributeDescriptor in

Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor
 AttributeDescriptor INotificationTrigger.getAttributeDescriptor()
          Returns the attribute descriptor for which the trigger was registered.

Uses of AttributeDescriptor in

Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor
 AttributeDescriptor IProxyNames.getAttributeDescriptor(IProxyNames.Key key)
          Returns the AttributeDescriptor corresponding to the key.
 AttributeDescriptor IProxyNames.resolveUnresolvedName(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
          This method will try to resolve a descriptor containing an unresolved proxy name to the actual attribute.

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor
 IProxyNames.Key IProxyNames.getKeyByAttribute(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
          Returns the IProxyNames.Key corresponding to the AttributeDescriptor.
 AttributeDescriptor IProxyNames.resolveUnresolvedName(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
          This method will try to resolve a descriptor containing an unresolved proxy name to the actual attribute.
 boolean IProxyNames.supportsAttribute(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
          Returns whether the AttributeDescriptor is supported by IProxyNames through one of its keys or not.

Uses of AttributeDescriptor in

Methods in that return AttributeDescriptor
static AttributeDescriptor AttributeDescriptor.createFromQualifiedName(java.lang.String qualName)
          Factory method for creating an AttributeDescriptor from a qualified name.
 AttributeDescriptor IAttributeInfo.getAttributeDescriptor()
          Returns the attribute descriptor, specifying the name and ObjectName of the attribute.
 AttributeDescriptor AttributeValueEvent.getSubscriptionAttribute()
          Returns the subscription attribute source.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type AttributeDescriptor
 java.util.Map<AttributeDescriptor,IAttributeInfo> IAttributeInfoService.getAvailableAttributes()
          Returns a map (<AttributeDescriptor, IAttributeInfo>) with all known attributes.
 java.util.Map<AttributeDescriptor,IAttributeInfo> IAttributeInfoService.getAvailableAttributes( mbeanName)
          Returns a map (<AttributeDescriptor, IAttributeInfo>) with all known attributes for given MBean.

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor
 void ISubscriptionService.addAttributeValueListener(AttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor, IAttributeValueListener listener)
          Adds the attribute value listener to the subscription (possible creating it) on given descriptor.
 AttributeValue IMBeanHelperService.getAttribute(AttributeDescriptor attrDescriptor)
          Retrieves the value of an attribute.
 IAttributeInfo IAttributeInfoService.getAttributeInfo(AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
          Returns the basic IAttributeInfo associated with an AttributeDescriptor.
static IAttributeInfo AttributeInfoToolkit.getAttributeInfo(IConnectionHandle handle, AttributeDescriptor descriptor)
          Returns true if the AttributeDescriptor is a composite child.
 IAttributeSubscription ISubscriptionService.getAttributeSubscription(AttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor)
          Returns the subscription associated with the attribute, if such a subscription exists, or null if no such subscription exists.
static java.lang.String AttributeInfoToolkit.getDescription(IConnectionHandle handle, AttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor)
          Returns the description for the specified attribute info.
static java.lang.String AttributeInfoToolkit.getDisplayName(IConnectionHandle handle, AttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor)
          This represents a more user friendly display name for the attribute.
 AttributeValueEvent ISubscriptionService.getLastAttributeValueEvent(AttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor)
          Returns the last value event for the given attribute through its subscription.
 java.lang.Object IAttributeInfoService.getMetaData(AttributeDescriptor descriptor, java.lang.String dataKey)
          Looks up the specified piece of meta-data associated with the specified attribute.
 boolean ISubscriptionService.isAttributeUnavailable(AttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor)
          Returns true if a subscription on the attribute has been attempted, but failed, false if either the attribute has not failed or never been subscribed to.
 void ISubscriptionService.removeAttributeValueListener(AttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor, IAttributeValueListener listener)
          Removes the listener from the subscription of given attribute, possible destroying the subscription if this was the last listener.
 void IMBeanHelperService.setAttribute(AttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor, java.lang.Object data)
          Sets the specified attribute.
 void IAttributeInfoService.setMetaData(AttributeDescriptor descriptor, java.lang.String dataKey, java.lang.Object data)
          Updates the meta-data associated with the attribute.

Constructors in with parameters of type AttributeDescriptor
AttributeValueEvent(AttributeDescriptor source, IConnectionHandle connectionHandle, long timestamp, java.lang.Object value)

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