1.4 About System Administration

Oracle I/PM system administrators are typically responsible for the following tasks:

  • Installing Imaging and Process Management

  • Configuring Oracle I/PM

  • Creating Oracle I/PM applications

  • Configuring BPEL injection

  • Configuring Oracle I/PM repository connections

  • Creating Oracle I/PM searches

  • Creating Oracle I/PM inputs

  • Monitoring and troubleshooting Oracle I/PM issues

1.4.1 Administrative Accounts

The first user to log into Oracle I/PM after installation is given full administrative privileges for the installation. This user can give permissions to access the system to others. If for any reason system security needs to be reset, you can do so following the procedure in the section “Installation Security Initialization" in chapter 2 of the full documentation set.

1.4.2 Administrative Tools

Administration of Oracle I/PM is done using the following administration tools:

  • Oracle I/PM user interface. Administration capabilities are exposed in the interface based on user permissions.

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager can be used for reviewing statistics on deployed resources, statistics of individual domains, details of web services, and other information. For more information, see the documentation that comes with Enterprise Manager..

  • Oracle WebLogic Server can be used for reviewing log files, installed modules, installed Enterprise JavaBeans, configuration parameters, setting configuration MBeans for Oracle I/PM, and more. For more information, see the documentation available with Enterprise Manager.

  • WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) is a command-line interface for navigating, monitoring, and configuring WebLogic Server. It can be used to configure I/PM parameters, review log files, and more. For more information on using WLST, see Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

1.4.3 System Administration Tasks Not Covered in This Guide

Some Oracle I/PM system administration tasks are not covered in this guide. The following table explains what these tasks are and where to find more information.

Table 1-1 System Administration Tasks and Information Not Covered in This Guide

Task Where to Go For More Information

Administering Oracle SOA Suite

Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite

Administering Oracle WebLogic Server

Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide

Administering Universal Content Management

See the following Oracle Universal Content Management guides:

  • Getting Started with Content Server

  • Managing System Settings and Processes

  • Managing Repository Content

  • File Store Provider Installation and Administration Guide

Administering Oracle Document Capture

Oracle® Document Capture Administrator's Guide

Administering Oracle Distributed Document Capture

Oracle® Distributed Document Capture Administrator's Guide