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Java API Reference for Oracle Infrastructure Web Services
Release 1 (11.1.1)




Callback - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
Deprecated. use CallbackInterface or ResponseWebService instead The Callback annotation provides the details of the callback interface for the asynchronous service of the annotated class. Its attributes are used to create the wsdl:portType for the callback in the wsdl for the asynchronous service. It also has policy attributes that can be enforced while sending the reply back to the client using client's callback web service.
CallbackAddressingPolicy - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
CallbackAssociate - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations
Deprecated. use CallbackInterface instead This annotation specifies the list of callback interfaces that a class/interface may need to interact with. The annotated class expects the client of that class to provide all these callbacks.
CallbackInterface - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
This annotation allows an interface to be associated with another class.
CallbackManagementPolicy - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
CallbackMethod - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
The CallbackMethod annotation has attributes that are used to create the wsdl:operation in the callback portType of the asynchronus service.
CallbackMtomPolicy - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
CallbackProperties - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
CallbackRef - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
This is a dependency injection (DI) style marker annotation that applies to a member field or setter method of the service endpoint implementation .
CallbackRef - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations
Deprecated. use oracle.webservices.annotations.async.CallbackRef instead This is a dependency injection (DI) style marker annotation that applies to a member field or setter method of the service endpoint implementation . When the system finds this annotation on a service implementation it will inject the appropriate outgoing addressing headers into the annotated field. The values of the outgoing addressing headers is based off of the incoming addressing headers as described in the ws-addressing specification ( in section 3.2 Formulating a Reply Message If the service endpoint implementation is a SEI implementation or JSR-181 annotated endpoint implementation bean class, the callback to be injected could be of the type specified in the CallbackAssociate annotation. For example :
CallbackSecurityPolicy - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations.async
CANNOT_PROCESS_FILTER - Static variable in exception oracle.webservices.enumeration.CannotProcessFilterFault
CANNOT_PROCESS_FILTER_REASON - Static variable in exception oracle.webservices.enumeration.CannotProcessFilterFault
CannotProcessFilterFault - Exception in oracle.webservices.enumeration
This fault is thrown if the data source supports filtering and the requested dialect but cannot process the requested filter content
CannotProcessFilterFault() - Constructor for exception oracle.webservices.enumeration.CannotProcessFilterFault
CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.ClientConstants
This property can be used for Stubs and Calls to get and set the character encoding which will be used to serialize the request soap message.
CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.ClientConstants
This property can be used for Stubs and Calls to get and set the chunk size for SOAP messages sent over HTTP.
CID_NO_ANGLE_BRACKETS - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.soap.UserConstants
Java system property specifying that the CID for the SOAP part should be produced without enclosing angle-brackets (< >).
clear() - Method in interface
Clear the current configuration.
clearAllOutgoingAddressingProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class oracle.webservices.addressing.AddressingHelper
clear out all the previous addressing settings on the outgoing context.
CLIENT_CONFIG - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.ClientConstants
This property can be used for Stubs and Calls to get and set the Web Service Management configuration and other properties.
ClientConstants - Interface in oracle.webservices
A class that holds all the constants used by Calls, Stubs, and ServiceFactory to set and get client side properties.
ClientTransport - Interface in oracle.webservices.transport
ClientTransport marks an opaque token used as a handle to the underlying transport protocol.
ClientTransportFactory - Interface in oracle.webservices.transport
Factory for creating client transport instance.
close() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.attachments.IncomingAttachments
Close the incoming attachments stream.
close() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.mdds.EnvelopeBuilder
close() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.rm.ReliableSession
Terminate the WS-RM sequence and release any associated resources.
closeSession() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.rm.client.RMSessionLifecycle
Terminate the WS-RM sequence.
ComplexNode - Interface in oracle.webservices.mdds.adt
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
ComplexPrototype - Interface in oracle.webservices.mdds
A prototype that corresponds roughly to a complexType schema element.
Component - Interface in oracle.webservices.model
The base interface for all components of the model.
ConfigException - Exception in
Thrown to indicate a configuration error.
ConfigException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new ConfigException with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ?
ConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
ConfigException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ConfigurationStore - Interface in
Implementations of this interface provide access to management configuration information.
ConnectionConfig - Interface in oracle.webservices
This interface defines all of the properties that can be set when creating a remote connection for transports including http and https.
ConnectionConfigBean - Class in oracle.webservices
This class contains all of the properties that can be set when creating a remote connection for transports including http and https.
ConnectionConfigBean() - Constructor for class oracle.webservices.ConnectionConfigBean
ContainerWebServicesDescriptor - Interface in oracle.webservices.portability
containsProperty(String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.provider.MessageContext
Determine if the MessageContext contains a property with the specified name.
containsProperty(String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.provider.ProviderConfig
Check whether a particular property was provided.
CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.OracleStub
A property to get and set the Content-Transfer-Encoding for MIME headers on the Stub instance.
CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.portability.WSILPlatformAdapter
Conversational - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations
This annotation is allowed only on a JAX-WS service endpoint implementation bean.
Conversational.AccessMode - Enum in oracle.webservices.annotations
The access mode of a JAX-WS service endpoint implementation bean instance.
Conversational.Scope - Enum in oracle.webservices.annotations
The scope of a JAX-WS service endpoint implementation bean instance.
ConversationalOperation - Annotation Type in oracle.webservices.annotations
This annotation is to be used on the methods of a JAX-WS service endpoint implementation bean that is annotated as Conversational with the "Session" scope.
ConversationalOperation.Phase - Enum in oracle.webservices.annotations
The phase of the conversation.
ConversationSession - Interface in oracle.webservices
COOKIE_MAP - Static variable in interface oracle.webservices.ClientConstants
This property can be used for Stubs and Calls to get and set the Map of cookies used in a session.
copyDispatch(Dispatch<T>) - Static method in class oracle.webservices.OracleService
This method copies all thread safe dispatch properties to a new instance of dispatch.
create(Factory, Component, QName, QName) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Serializer
Creates an new component or extension.
create(URL, QName, Class<T>) - Static method in class oracle.webservices.ServiceClientFactory
create(Class<T>) - Static method in class oracle.webservices.ServiceClientFactory
create(String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.transport.ClientTransportFactory
Factory method for creation of ClientTransport instance
create() - Method in class oracle.webservices.transport.JmsClientTransportFactory
Creates a new client transport capable of sending soap over JMS
create(String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.transport.JmsClientTransportFactory
Creates a new client transport capable of sending soap messages of a particular soap version over JMS
CREATE_ACTION_URI - Static variable in class oracle.webservices.transfer.TransferCreate
CREATE_RESPONSE_ACTION_URI - Static variable in class oracle.webservices.transfer.TransferCreateResponse
createArrayNode(int) - Method in class oracle.webservices.mdds.adt.DataTreeFactory
createAttachment(String, DataHandler) - Method in class oracle.webservices.attachments.AttachmentFactory
Create an Attachment from a DataHandler.
createAttachment(String, String, InputStream) - Method in class oracle.webservices.attachments.AttachmentFactory
Create and Attachment from an InputStream.
createAttachments() - Method in class oracle.webservices.attachments.AttachmentFactory
Create an Attachments object.
createComplexNode() - Method in class oracle.webservices.mdds.adt.DataTreeFactory
createContainerWebServicesDescriptor(WarModuleRuntime) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.DeploymentAdapter
createContainerWebServicesDescriptorAdapter(Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.DeploymentAdapter
createDispatch(Map<String, Object>, Class<T>, Service.Mode) - Static method in class oracle.webservices.OracleService
Create a dispatch object without a wsdl document.
createDispatch(String) - Static method in class oracle.webservices.OracleService
Creates an instance of Dispatch<SOAPMessage> without a wsdl document.
createDispatch(QName, QName, String) - Static method in class oracle.webservices.OracleService
Creates an instance of Dispatch<SOAPMessage> thru ServiceDelegateImpl
createDispatch(QName, QName, String, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.webservices.OracleService
Creates an instance of Dispatch<SOAPMessage> thru ServiceDelegateImpl
createDispatch(QName, QName, String, String, Class<T>, Service.Mode) - Static method in class oracle.webservices.OracleService
Creates an instance of Dispatch<SOAPMessage> thru ServiceDelegateImpl
createDispatch() - Method in class oracle.webservices.ServiceClientFactory
createDispatch(QName, Class<T>, Service.Mode) - Method in class oracle.webservices.ServiceClientFactory
createDispatch(QName, Class<T>, Service.Mode, WebServiceFeature...) - Method in class oracle.webservices.ServiceClientFactory
createExtension(QName) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.model.Component
Creates a new instance of the extension of the provided types.
createMessageContext() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.async.Requestor
createMessageNode() - Method in class oracle.webservices.mdds.adt.DataTreeFactory
createModel(QName) - Method in class oracle.webservices.model.Factory
Creates an empty model for a service with the unique name.
createModelFromWSDL(String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.mdds.MddsModelFactory
Given a WSDL url, load the WSDL and its imports, create a webservices model and decorate that model with MDDS annotations.
createModelFromWSDL(Definition) - Method in class oracle.webservices.mdds.MddsModelFactory
Given a WSDL url, load the WSDL and its imports, create a webservices model and decorate that model with MDDS annotations.
createModelFromWSDL(Definition, ConnectionConfig) - Method in class oracle.webservices.mdds.MddsModelFactory
Given a WSDL url, load the WSDL and its imports, create a webservices model and decorate that model with MDDS annotations.
createNoun(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.ManagementAdapter
createNounName(DynamicEndpointNameHelper) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.ManagementAdapter
createObjectName(ExtendedModelMBean) - Method in class oracle.webservices.provider.DynamicEndpointNameHelper
createProviderInterceptorPipeline(PortId, String, URL, ProviderProcessorInfo, Definition, Element, DynamicEndpointNameHelper) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.ProviderPlatformAdapter
Factory method for creating a ProviderInterceptorPipeline instance for a provider-based endpoint.
createReliableSession(Dispatch<SOAPMessage>, WSRMProtocolVersion) - Method in class oracle.webservices.rm.ReliableSessionFactory
Create a new WS-RM session, and bind it to the specified dispatch.
createReliableSession(Stub) - Method in class oracle.webservices.rm.ReliableSessionFactory
Create a new WS-RM session, and bind it to the specified Stub.
createReliableSession(Stub, WSRMProtocolVersion) - Method in class oracle.webservices.rm.ReliableSessionFactory
Create a new WS-RM session, and bind it to the specified Stub.
createReliableSession(Stub, WSRMProtocolVersion, String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.rm.ReliableSessionFactory
Create a new WS-RM session, and bind it to the specified Stub.
createRequestor(EndpointReference, MessageListener) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.async.RequestorFactory
createRequestor(String, MessageListener) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.async.RequestorFactory
createRequestor(EndpointReference) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.async.RequestorFactory
createRequestor(String) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.async.RequestorFactory
createSession() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.SessionManager
createSessionManager(ServletContext) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.ProviderPlatformAdapter
Factory method for creating a SessionManager instance for a provider-based endpoint.
createVersionedDetail(String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.soap.VersionedSOAPFactory
Creates a Detail for the specified version.
createVersionedElement(Name, String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.soap.VersionedSOAPFactory
Creates a SOAPElement for the specified version.
createVersionedElement(String, String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.soap.VersionedSOAPFactory
Creates a SOAPElement for the specified version.
createVersionedElement(String, String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.soap.VersionedSOAPFactory
Creates a SOAPElement for the specified version.
createVersionedMessage(String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.soap.VersionedMessageFactory
Creates a SOAPMessage for the specified version.
createVersionedMessage(MimeHeaders, InputStream, String) - Method in class oracle.webservices.soap.VersionedMessageFactory
Creates a SOAPMessage from the headers and InputStream, for the specified version of SOAP.
createWarModuleAdapter(Object) - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.DeploymentAdapter
createWebServiceAnnotationParser() - Method in interface oracle.webservices.portability.DeploymentAdapter

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