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Java API Reference for Oracle Infrastructure Web Services
Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Component
oracle.webservices.model This package contains the API for a generic model of a Webservice. 


Uses of Component in oracle.webservices.model


Subinterfaces of Component in oracle.webservices.model
 interface Message
          Implementations of this interface will represent messages in the model.
 interface Model
          This is the root component of a model.
 interface Operation
          Instances of this interface represent webservice operations in the model.
 interface Port
          Instances of this interface represent webservice ports in the model.
 interface Service
          Implementations of this interface represent WSDL services within the model.


Methods in oracle.webservices.model that return Component
 Component Component.getComponent(QName componentType, QName componentName)
          The child component (if any) with the provided type and name.
 Component Component.getParent()
          The parent of this component in the model.


Methods in oracle.webservices.model that return types with arguments of type Component
 Collection<Component> Component.getComponents(QName type)
          A collection of the child components of this component, that are of the specified type


Methods in oracle.webservices.model with parameters of type Component
 void Component.addComponent(Component component)
          Adds a new child component to this parent component.
 Object Serializer.create(Factory factory, Component parentComponent, QName extensionType, QName extensionName)
          Creates an new component or extension.
 Element Serializer.marshal(Factory factory, Component parentComponent, QName type, Object extension, Document document)
          Marshals a component or extension into a DOM tree.
 Object Serializer.unmarshal(Factory factory, Component parentComponent, Element extensionElement)
          Unmarshalls a component or extension from the provided DOM element.


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