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Java API Reference for Oracle Infrastructure Web Services
Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Service
oracle.webservices.model This package contains the API for a generic model of a Webservice. 


Uses of Service in oracle.webservices.model


Methods in oracle.webservices.model that return Service
 Service Model.addService(QName name)
          Adds and returns a new service component that has the provided QName.
 Service Model.addService(Service service)
          Adds and returns a new service component which is modeled from the information in a WSDL service.
 Service Port.getService()
          Gets the parent service component for this port.
 Service Model.getService(QName name)
          Returns a service based on the service QName.
 Service[] Model.getServices()
          Returns an array of service components.


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