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Java API Reference for Oracle Infrastructure Web Services
Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use JmsAddress
oracle.webservices.transport This package contains the classes and interfaces to support multiple transport bindings. 


Uses of JmsAddress in oracle.webservices.transport


Methods in oracle.webservices.transport that return JmsAddress
 JmsAddress JmsClientTransportFactory.getDestination()
          Get the jms address of the queue that used to send soap messages to the server
 JmsAddress JmsClientTransportFactory.getReplyTo()
          Get the jms address of the queue that used to send response soap messages back to the client


Methods in oracle.webservices.transport with parameters of type JmsAddress
 void JmsClientTransportFactory.setDestination(JmsAddress destination)
          Set the jms address of the queue that used to send soap messages to the server
 void JmsClientTransportFactory.setReplyTo(JmsAddress replyTo)
          Set the jms address of the queue that used to send response soap messages back to the client


Constructors in oracle.webservices.transport with parameters of type JmsAddress
JmsClientTransportFactory(JmsAddress destination, JmsAddress replyTo)
          Constructs a new configured JMS client transport factory


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