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Oracle® Imaging and Process Management Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class Search

  extended by oracle.imaging.BaseId
      extended by oracle.imaging.Definition
          extended by oracle.imaging.Search

public class Search
extends Definition

The Search class provides the structure for defining the searches of the imaging system repository. It defines the user presentation of the variable parameters of the search, the conditional structure of what to search for and the presentation of the results to the user. Each search is composed of the folowing items:

Each search requires a Properties object and a Formatting object. If no parameters are used in the searchExpression object, then the parameter parameterDefinitions object may be null

Nested Class Summary
static class Search.Ability
          Enumeration of the availible abilities for a search assigned to a user.
static class Search.ApplicationExpression
static class Search.Condition
          The Condition class defines a leaf of a Search$Node.
static class Search.Conjunction
          The SearchConjunction class provides the ability to join 2 search clauses.
static class Search.Node
          The Search.Node class provides the structure for a recursive structuring of the search expression.
static class Search.Operator
          An enumeration of the search operators that are supoported by Imaging Searches.
static class Search.ParameterDefinition
          The ParameterDefinition class defines a parameter that is used to provide dynamic values to the search.
protected static class Search.PossibleOperator
static class Search.Properties
          General Properties for a search.
static class Search.Result
          The Result class provides the ability to list the results found by executing a search.
static class Search.ResultColumn
          The Search.ResultColumn class provides the container that holds the results as part of an ordered column.
static class Search.ResultSet
          The ResultSet class is a container class for the rows of results retrieved from the persistent storage.
static class Search.SectionFlag
          Flags that identify which sections are applicable when using the Search data structure in various SearchService operations.
static class Search.SectionSet
static class Search.SelectedField
          The SelectedField class provides the information defining the source of the data being returned by a search.


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class oracle.imaging.Definition
Definition.DefinitionPk, Definition.Permissions, Definition.SectionPk, Definition.Security, Definition.SequencePk


Field Summary
protected  Definition.Permissions permissions
protected  java.util.List<Definition.Security> security


Fields inherited from class oracle.imaging.Definition
description, id, name, version


Fields inherited from class oracle.imaging.BaseId


Constructor Summary
          The default constructor required to be explicitly declared for JAXB serialization.
  Search(long id)
          The constructor that provides an unique guid for this search.
  Search(long id, java.lang.String name)
          The constructor that provides the unique guid and the unique name for this search.
protected Search(Search searchObject)
  Search(java.lang.String name)
          The constructor that provides the unique name for this search.


Method Summary
 boolean addApplicationExpression(Search.ApplicationExpression applicationExpression)
          Adds an Search.ApplicationExpression item to the list of ApplicationExpressions.
 boolean addParameterDefinition(Search.ParameterDefinition parameterDefinition)
          Adds a parameter definition to the list of parameter parameterDefinitions for this search.
 java.util.List<AuditEvent> getHistory()
          Gets the History section property.
 java.util.List<Search.ParameterDefinition> getParameterDefinitions()
          Gets the list of search parameterDefinitions for this search.
 Definition.Permissions getPermissions()
          Gets the Permissions section property.
 Search.Properties getProperties()
          Get the search properties for this search definition.
 java.util.List<Search.ResultColumn> getResultColumns()
          Gets the list of Search$ResultColumn entries.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getResultColumnTitles()
          Gets the list of Search$ResultColumn titles.
 java.util.List<Search.ApplicationExpression> getSearchExpressions()
          Get the search searchExpressions for this search.
 java.lang.String getSearchInstructions()
          Get the search Instructions for this search.
 java.util.List<Definition.Security> getSecurity()
          Gets the Search.Security section property.
 boolean isResultColumnsEmpty()
          Determnine if any result columns have been set up.
protected  void postLoad()
protected  void prePersist()
 void removeParentReferences()
 void setHistory(java.util.List<AuditEvent> history)
          Sets the History section property.
 void setParameterDefinitions(java.util.List<Search.ParameterDefinition> parameterDefinitions)
          Set the the list of search parameters for this search definition.
 void setPermissions(Definition.Permissions permissions)
          A convenience method for JAXB and Imaging services.
 void setProperties(Search.Properties properties)
          Set the search properties for this search definition.
 void setResultColumns(java.util.List<Search.ResultColumn> resultColumns)
          Sets the list of Search$ResultColumn entries.
 void setSearchExpressions(java.util.List<Search.ApplicationExpression> searchExpressions)
          Set the search searchExpressions for this search definition.
 void setSecurity(java.util.List<Definition.Security> security)
          Sets the security objects that control the access to this search.


Methods inherited from class oracle.imaging.Definition
getDescription, getId, getName, setDescription, setId, setName


Methods inherited from class oracle.imaging.BaseId
equals, hashCode, nameTrimOrNull, toNameId, toString


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected Definition.Permissions permissions


protected java.util.List<Definition.Security> security

Constructor Detail


public Search()
The default constructor required to be explicitly declared for JAXB serialization.


public Search(long id)
The constructor that provides an unique guid for this search. The guid must be the guid that is used to track the search within the Imaging Repository.
id - The unique guid that is used to track the search.


public Search(java.lang.String name)
The constructor that provides the unique name for this search. The name must be unique within the Imaging Repository.
name - The unique name of the search


public Search(long id,
              java.lang.String name)
The constructor that provides the unique guid and the unique name for this search. The guid must be the guid that is used to track the search within the Imaging Repository and the name must be unique.
id - The unique guid that is used to track the search.
name - The unique name of the search


protected Search(Search searchObject)

Method Detail


protected void prePersist()


public void removeParentReferences()


protected void postLoad()


public Search.Properties getProperties()
Get the search properties for this search definition.
the Properties for this search definition.


public void setProperties(Search.Properties properties)
Set the search properties for this search definition.
properties - the Properties object.


public boolean addParameterDefinition(Search.ParameterDefinition parameterDefinition)
Adds a parameter definition to the list of parameter parameterDefinitions for this search.
parameterDefinition - a ParameterDefinition
true if the add was successful.


public boolean addApplicationExpression(Search.ApplicationExpression applicationExpression)
Adds an Search.ApplicationExpression item to the list of ApplicationExpressions.
applicationExpression -
True if the ApplicationExpression was successfully added to the list.


public java.util.List<Search.ParameterDefinition> getParameterDefinitions()
Gets the list of search parameterDefinitions for this search.
a list of ParameterDefinition objects


public void setParameterDefinitions(java.util.List<Search.ParameterDefinition> parameterDefinitions)
Set the the list of search parameters for this search definition.
parameterDefinitions - the list of Search.ParameterDefinition objects.


public java.util.List<Search.ApplicationExpression> getSearchExpressions()
Get the search searchExpressions for this search.
the SearchExpression for this search.


public java.lang.String getSearchInstructions()
Get the search Instructions for this search.
the Instructions for this search.


public void setSearchExpressions(java.util.List<Search.ApplicationExpression> searchExpressions)
Set the search searchExpressions for this search definition.
searchExpressions - the SearchExpression object.


public Definition.Permissions getPermissions()
Gets the Permissions section property.
Specified by:
getPermissions in class Definition
The permissions section property value


public void setPermissions(Definition.Permissions permissions)
A convenience method for JAXB and Imaging services. Calling this method to set permissions will have no affect. Instead, use the SearchService#createSearch or SearchService#modifySearch services, using the Search.SectionFlag#SECURITY section to change the security member permissions to a search.
Specified by:
setPermissions in class Definition
permissions - the permissions set by JAXB or Imaging services


public java.util.List<Definition.Security> getSecurity()
Gets the Search.Security section property.
Specified by:
getSecurity in class Definition
The list of Security values


public void setSecurity(java.util.List<Definition.Security> security)
Sets the security objects that control the access to this search.
Specified by:
setSecurity in class Definition
security - a list of Search.Security objects


public java.util.List<AuditEvent> getHistory()
Gets the History section property.
Specified by:
getHistory in class Definition
The History section property value


public void setHistory(java.util.List<AuditEvent> history)
Sets the History section property.
Specified by:
setHistory in class Definition
history - A new History section property value


public java.util.List<Search.ResultColumn> getResultColumns()
Gets the list of Search$ResultColumn entries.
the list of display columns.


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getResultColumnTitles()
Gets the list of Search$ResultColumn titles.
the list of display column titles.


public void setResultColumns(java.util.List<Search.ResultColumn> resultColumns)
Sets the list of Search$ResultColumn entries.
resultColumns - the list of display columns.


public boolean isResultColumnsEmpty()
Determnine if any result columns have been set up.
true if resultColumns is null or resultColumns size is 0.

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Oracle® Imaging and Process Management Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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